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19x06 - Snow Place Like Home

Posted: 09/15/23 11:12
by bunniefuu
[whistle toots]

[upbeat pop music]

[children] ♪ They'’re two, they'’re four ♪

♪ They'’re six, they'’re eight ♪

♪ Shunting trucks and hauling freight ♪

♪ Red and green and brown and blue ♪

♪ They'’re the really useful crew ♪

♪ All with different roles to play ♪

♪ Round Tidmouth Sheds or far away ♪

♪ Down the hills and round the bends ♪

♪ Thomas and his friends ♪

[whistle toots]

[male narrator] "Snow Place Like Home."

[train engine chugging]

[narrator] It had been snowing very heavily on the island of Sodor.

Many lines were blocked,

and the engines were finding it hard to do their work.

This snow is making it very hard to deliver my mail.

[whistles toot]

[Henry] Slow and steady does it, Percy.

Whoa! I don'’t like these slippery tracks.

If this snow keeps falling, Henry,

Sir Topham Hatt might have to close down the whole railway.


[narrator] But although the snow

was causing problems for some of the engines,

there was somebody who loved it.

Oh, this is brilliant!

All those snowflakes!

A thousand!

A million!

A... a... infinity!

Oh... plus one!


[Victor] Kevin? Kevin?

Where are you?

Over here, boss.

[Victor] Get back inside, right now.


Oh, boss, it looks so beautiful out there.

It may look beautiful, but snow'’s a big nuisance.

It makes the tracks slippery and dangerous.

-Really? -Really.

Where I come from, it'’s warm all year round,

and there'’s no snow.

That'’s a shame.

I thought that snow was supposed to be fun.


Try telling that to poor Emily.

He'’s right, you know.

I'’ve been waiting three days

for my new piston rods to arrive.

And do you know where those new piston rods are, Kevin?

-Um... -I'’ll tell you where they are.

On a car that'’s stuck at the depot.

It'’s stuck in the snow. Abandoned!

Left in a siding.

Why don'’t you just go to the depot and pick it up?

Me? Go out in the snow?

No, no, no!

I'’m not setting a wheel out there

until every bit of snow has melted.

I hate snow!

Well, I wish somebody would go.

I'’m fed up with hanging about up here.

I'’ll go, boss!


Nobody should be out in this weather,

especially not a little crane like you.

Humph! I'’m not that little.

And besides, I like the snow.

It'’s fun!

[narrator] Kevin didn'’t do as Victor said

and went outside into the snow anyway.

He was having a lovely time playing in the snow.



I didn'’t know snow could be this much fun.

[narrator] But then there was trouble.

Oh, no!

Uh-oh! Whoa!


Oh, dear!

[engine revving]

I'’m stuck.


Oh, no!


Now I'’m really stuck.

[wind whistling]

Oh, dear.

Oh, Thomas, this snow is causing all sorts of problems.

I have tracks that have locked, cars that are stuck,

and Emily'’s still out of action at the steam works.

Anything I can do to help, sir?


You can go to the depot and rescue that car

with Emily'’s new piston rods on it

and take it to the steam works.

No problem, sir. I can do that.

Thank you, Thomas.

[whistle toots]

Go carefully. [chuckles]

[train engine chugging]


[narrator] The weather was getting worse,

and poor Thomas struggled through the swirling snow.

[Victor] Kevin?

Kevin, where are you?

Emily, have you seen Kevin?

[Emily] I can'’t see him from up here.

Maybe he'’s gone to the depot to collect my new piston rods.

What? You think he'’s gone out in the snow?

He did seem very keen.

Oh, Kevin.

My brave little buddy.

He won'’t stand a chance in this blizzard.

I have to go and find him.

[Emily] But Victor, you hate the snow.


I do hate the snow, Emily.

But poor Kevin is out there, and he may need my help.

[whistle toots]

Hang in there, Emily.

I'’ll be right back.


My friend, I'’m coming to save you!

[whistle toots]

[train engine chugging]

Victor, is that you?

I'’m over here!


Oh, no. Now they'’ll never find me.

[narrator] Thomas picked up Emily'’s new piston rods at the depot

just as Victor was coming the other way.

Hang on, little friend!

I'’m on my way.


At last.

Now, to get these spare parts to the steam works.

[train engine chugging]


Where are you?

[wind whistling]

[train engine chugging]

Hello? Who'’s that?

Yoo-hoo! Over here!


[Thomas] Hello?


I have a delivery for you.

Victor? Kevin?

[Emily] Hi, Thomas.

Oh, Emily.

You'’re up there.

But where'’s Victor?

He went off in the snow to find Kevin.

He did what?

The snow'’s getting worse out there.

Kevin and Victor could be anywhere.

[engine revving]

Oh, nobody can see me.

And they can'’t hear me either.

Kevin, you have to do something.

[engine revving]


I did it!

I did it! Did it!



Maybe we should...


[Emily] What'’s that?

Kevin, is that you?

Over here!

Wait there! I'’m coming!


[Thomas] It was lucky that I found you

before it started to get dark, Kevin.

Thanks, Thomas.

You saved me.

But where'’s Victor?

He went off in the snow to rescue you.


But Victor hates snow.

[narrator] Thomas raced through the snow in search of Victor.

[Victor] Kevin!

Oh, dear.

It'’s even worse now, and still no sign of my little--

[Thomas] Victor!

[whistle toots]

Victor! Stop! Come back!

No, Thomas, I cannot do that.

I have to find Kevin.

Kevin'’s safe, Victor.

He'’s back at the steam works.


You found Kevin?

He was there all along, stuck in the snow.

[narrator] Thomas, Victor, and Kevin

were pleased to be back in the nice warm steam works.

I can'’t believe you went out there

in that horrible blizzard just for me, boss.

That'’s what friends are for, Kevin.

And you are my best friend.

I am? Wow!

[Emily] Ahem, excuse me?

- [all] Huh? - Any chance of getting

my new piston rods now?

I'’d really like to be useful again.

I'’ll go, boss.

[all] No!

[all laughing]

[whistle toots]

[upbeat pop music]

[children singing]

[whistle toots]

[whistle blows]

[children singing]

[whistle toots]

[upbeat pop music]