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01x07 - The Man in Number 9

Posted: 05/02/13 19:56
by bunniefuu
This is the girl. The girl I told you about.

The girl from the cop's basement.

This is not the man, right?

He is the man.

He's a bad guy, and we will get him.

We just have to do it the right way.

I had to see you.

I know, I know, I know we're not supposed to.

This is a bad idea--

No, it's perfect.

This is all your fault.

I loved your mother, and I would have taken care of her.


911, what's your emergency?

Somebody's trying to k*ll us.


[Sirens blare]

We'd better talk.

That's the whole story.

So you know everything now.

I have nothing more to tell you.

That's the entire truth.

Everything that happened with Keith Summers, with Deputy Shelby.

Uh... you know it all.

All right, here's what the story's gonna be.

I began suspecting Shelby of being corrupt a while back.

This coincided with a violent confrontation between Shelby and Keith Summers, in which Shelby k*lled Keith, and then he threw his body in the bay.

Shelby had one of the girls in possession.

He was hiding her on Keith's boat and I was starting to close in on him at this point.

Without him knowing, of course.

I mean, I was picking up on little things.


Shh! Dylan.

Shelby tried to move the girl.

That led to a showdown right here on the property.

I k*ll Zack Shelby with this g*n.

Oh, yeah?

Uh, well, then what's this?

You got in the way.

Shelby said he shot Jiao. In the woods.

All of that happened before I got here and k*lled him.


Everyone understand?

All right then.

That's it.


That's it?

I risked my life to save all your asses and take that guy down, and that's it?

I got in the way of his showdown?

That's it.

That's it.

[Both chuckle]

What if your mom hears us?

She's downstairs.

She's never gonna hear us.

Trust me.

[Door opens]

What are you doing?

Just waking up.

Seven days, Norman.

Seven days to take care of everything before we open.

Listen to the birds.

I love the birds here.


Yeah, the birds are great.

You know, seven days--you can do a lot in seven days.

So don't freak out.

I'm not freaking out.

I'm taking care of our business.

Which is gonna start operating soon.

I want us to be ready.

You don't even have any reservations yet.

We haven't been open yet.

They're gonna start coming in.

Any day.

Yeah, of course.

I mean, it's just, you know, hard to believe that all that other stuff, that it's all over.

You know, it just doesn't seem possible.


I know it's hard to believe that all that stuff is behind us, but it is.

We have to trust Sheriff Romero.

We have to live our lives and be happy again.

And all that stuff is behind us, right?

Yeah, I know.

I know.



Okay, I got you some breakfast downstairs.

Could you fix the lattice under the porch before you go to school?

It should only take a few minutes.


[Dog barks]

It's okay.

It's okay.

Come here.

Come here, girl.

I won't hurt you.

[Dog barks]

Good morning, Dylan.

Uh, hey.

You need to eat.

Get your arm healed.

Why'd you make me breakfast?

Because I really appreciate what you did for me and Norman.

You know, what you took on.

You got shot, for God's sake.



I'm just happy things are gonna be good now.

You know I'm still moving out, right?

You are?


Even after everything I told you about your brother?


Look, I-I don't know how I can help you.

Fine. Okay.

I didn't really expect you to--

I'm still gonna be here, okay, until my arm's healed. I can help you until then.

Let me get that.

No, don't worry about it.

No, I'll take it out.

I got it.

Just let me get it.

It's fine. Fine!

Take out the trash. Thanks so much!

Can I help you with something?

Could you tell me what happened to the Seafairer Motel?

New owners.

It's the Bates Motel now.

You need a room?

We're not quite open yet.

You know where I can find Keith Summers?

Um... he's actually dead.

I see.

Thank you.

How are you?

I'm good.




Hey, Norman.

You're back at school.

Can't hide behind death forever.

Hey, I did your book report for you, Bradley.

It's The Odyssey, so...

Thank you.

Thank you, that's really sweet.

[Bell rings]

Well, you've been through enough already.

You do not need to go through The Odyssey.

But we are gonna be late.


Will I see you later?

Is the manager here?

I'll get her.

Thank you.

Liz Morgan. Can I help you?

Hi, I'm Norma Bates.

I own the Bates Motel.

You know, where the Seafairer was.

I am proposing to select local businesses that we do some networking.

You know, I'd put brochures for your restaurant in the motel lobby, and you could put some for our motel in here, you know?

We've been upgrading. The place looks so great.

Yeah, we really don't do that kind of thing so much.

Can I just ask why not?

I'm selective about the businesses I promote in my restaurant.

Is there something wrong with my business?

Is this the first place you've asked at?


It's Norma, right?


Everybody knows, Norma.

Knows what?

What's been going on there.

The Keith Summers/Deputy Shelby scandal.

That you were involved with Zack Shelby.

That he was shot on the property.

I didn't know anything about that.

I-I was totally innocent. I was.

I'm sure you were, I'm sure you were.

But people talk, and especially in a small town.

It's just kind of tainted the place.

[Rain falling]



Can I help you?

Can I help you?

I didn't mean to scare you.

I, uh--I was trying to figure out what happened to my standing room reservation at this motel every other month.

Room nine. My key is not working.

I'm the new owner, Norma Bates.

Jake Abernathy.

We've been doing some updating.

I'm--I had all the locks changed.

We're not quite open yet.

But, uh, if--if you don't mind putting up with the renovating around you, I--I'd be happy to get you a new key.

To number nine.

Yeah, yeah, it's fine.

Yeah, it's in the office.

I-I'll get it.

Here you go. Number nine.

Well, you should have everything that you need in there, uh, except the new privacy signs haven't arrived yet.

But no one's gonna bother you.

Thank you.

Okay, well... have a nice night.

Someone in the motel?

Yeah. This man, he had a standing reservation at the Seafairer every two months for a week.

I couldn't turn him away.

I saw him here this morning.

Yeah, he was-- his car was parked and he was just sitting in it, staring at the motel.

I talked to him for a minute. He was weird.

I don't think he was weird.

You got all his info and everything already?


I'll get it in the morning.

It was late, I wasn't prepared for a customer.

It just happened so fast that--

I'll go take care of it.

No, no, no, it's late.

No, it's fine. I'll handle it.

Okay. Well, be polite.


Um, it looks like we forgot to get your information.



You know, registering?

My information was already in the system.

The Seafairer system?

Because this is a new system, so we're gonna need to redo it.

I just need to see a driver's license and a credit card.


So, you're, uh--been coming here every two months?

What kind of work do you do?



What kind of sales, Mr. Abernathy?

Different kinds.

All right.

I'll need to see a credit card.

That ought to be enough for the next few nights, won't it?



[Door locks]

He paid in cash.

Barely let me see his driver's license.

What exactly are you cleaning out here?


When Shelby fell, he bled all over the steps.

Stone's porous.

You can't scrub blood out of it.

It'll wear off in time.

No one's gonna know that's what this is anyways.

I'm gonna know.

Every time I walk out the door, it's gonna be, "Oh, what a beautiful day.

Hey, that's where Deputy Shelby bled to death."

It's over, Norma, okay?

Just--just let it go.

Yeah, I would like to, but apparently, everybody in town is talking about what happened here.

I think you might be overreacting.

I'm not overreacting! It will affect things!

If we don't do a bang-up business, then we're gonna be marked as failures.

You know, if we have a great opening weekend, then everybody will forget about it, but I don't have a single reservation.

So I'm gonna be the laughing stock of white pine.

That's not what I moved here for.

You can't get blood out of stone, Norma.

So, uh, I wanted to tell you.

I'm gonna be moving out in a few weeks when my arm gets better.

I can't go with you. I'm sorry.

I mean, I can't leave mom.

Not the way she is, you know?

Yeah, it's okay.



Thanks, girls.

No problem.


Do you know her?

Yeah, it's Bradley.

Hey, Norman.

Hi, Bradley.


I'm Dylan, Norman's brother.


I'm just picking up some takeout.

My mom's out of town for a few days.

Oh, you're all by yourself there?

Yeah, it's okay.

You work for Gil, right?

My dad used to work with him.

His name is Jerry Martin.

Oh, shit.

I'm--I'm really sorry.



Your food's gonna get cold.

I--you're right.

I'll see you guys.

Is that the girl that texted you the other night?

The one I told you to sleep with?


Have you seen her again?

Oh, not yet.

You know, her dad died.

She's got stuff going on.


[Distant clang]



[Door squeaks and slams]

[Door clattering]

[Door clattering]

[Wind whistling]

[Knocks on door]

Oh, hello, Mrs. Bates.


Did you get a dog?

Not that I know of.

Oh, well, um, i-is Norman home?

Yeah, come on in, Emma.

I'll go get him.

Thank you.


Emma's downstairs to see you.

Mom, I just don't feel like going down.

Tell her I'm sick or something.

You know that sweet girl likes you, right?

Maybe it's nicer not to lead someone on.

Did you leave dog food out?

Oh, yeah, I saw this stray dog--

Don't do that, Norman.

You'll have every animal in the woods on our front porch.

Norman's not feeling very well today, Emma.

I'm sorry.


Okay. No problem.



I have allergies today.

Hey, you know what?

I have to pick up some window sheers for the units today.

Um, it's Jamie's interiors on elm.

You know where that is?

Yeah, I can give you directions.

You do. Ah.

How about you come with me and show me?

I'll buy you lunch.

Yeah, okay.



Emma, don't worry about Norman if he seems distracted lately.

He's just going through something.

Yeah, he seems kinda distant.

Yeah, a little.

Yeah, I noticed it too.

Have you?


You wouldn't happen to know what he's so preoccupied with lately, would you?

I have an idea.

Maybe, but, you know, I don't want to be talking out of school.

Oh, no, no, no, no. Of course.

Absolutely. I get--I understand that.

Whatever it is, he'll get over it.

Between us, I go to school with "it," and I don't know how fast he's gonna get over her.

Is he sleeping with this girl?

I-I don't know.

I don't know. I don't know.

I-I don't know.

What is she like?

She's only the prettiest girl in school.

And the most popular.

And she's nice, so you can't even hate her.


She's like a locomotive of sexual energy.

She's only a high school girl.

She can't be that big a deal.

I can show her to you after we go get the window sheers.

She takes a yoga class by our shop.

Uh, but, uh, that's crazy, right?

It's right up here.


Yeah, on the right.

I was in high school once.

You have to remember, teenage boys are not deep.

You know, he might be into her this week, but it doesn't mean anything.

You know, she's just a high school kid.

She can't be all that.

That's her.

Blonde, perfect.


I know this girl.

Bradley Martin. You know her?

She showed up on my doorstep one day after we moved in, asking for Norman.


Are you all right?

Let's go.

[Dog barks]

[Dog growls]

You hungry?

You look hungry. You want some?

[Dog sniffing]

You want some?

You have to come and get this one, Juno.

[Dog whines]

[Footsteps approaching]

[Dog barks, growls]

You don't know anything about that dog.

You don't know where she's been or what's she's been doing.

Stay away from her.

Mother, the dog's totally safe.

Just scared and obviously lost.

Norman, we can't take on a dog right now.

She's lost. She has no home.

She's lonely.

I always wanted a dog.

You know all families have a dog.

You know, it's what you're supposed to do.

It's normal.

Well, I'm not taking care of her.

You don't have to. I will.

Norman, can I-- can I talk to you about something more important?

Of course, mother.

Sex is a serious thing, Norman.

Yeah, okay.

Weren't we talking about dogs?

Don't make jokes.

What I want you to know is you have to be careful.

Yeah, okay, I will be.

What I want to tell you is that you don't know that girl well enough to be screwing her.

She's a nice girl, mother.

Well, that remains to be seen.

Personally, I don't think "nice girls" come to your doorstep looking for a guy one day after he moves in.

Or sleep with someone they barely know.

At the age of 17, no less.

Wait, how do you know who she is?

Bradley Martin. I know, okay?

Norman, did you know that having sex with a woman literally affects her physical being?

There are chemicals that are released in a woman's body during and after sex that actually alter her.

It's like a science experiment.

It affects her mind, okay?

That's dangerous stuff.

That's not something you want to be dabbling around in for fun.

I wasn't dabbling around. It's not like that.

I like her.

I actually really like her.



You know, I, um, I hired Emma to-- to come work at the motel several afternoons a week, so you'll be seeing her around.

Oh, so you were with Emma today.


Why'd you hire her?

Because I need help, Norman.

I can't do everything myself.

Oh, really?

It wouldn't be 'cause you're trying to put me together with her for some reason, you know?

'Cause you think Bradley's too much for me or something?

Of course not.

I just think that Emma is a nice, smart girl, that's all.

So you're just gonna pick out my girlfriends?

It's not like Bradley's your girlfriend.

Why not?

You don't go out or anything.

It's because her dad died, okay?

It's not exactly the right time.



Norman, where are you going?

Come back inside.

I'm almost 18 years old, mom.

I don't need to tell you.

Norman, get back here.

[Screams] Norman!


[Door slams]



[Doorbell rings]

Norman. Hi.

What's up?

Well, I thought we should talk.

Look, I have a lot of homework I have to do tonight.

Bradley, we need to talk.


You've been through a lot.

You know, I understand this. I lost my father too.

I know it can be... confusing.

But I also know that what happened between us was real.


Just let me finish.

There's no point hiding from it anymore.

I know how we feel about each other.

I know we're both just scared and confused.

I know we have a connection.

You know, 'cause I can feel it.

Every--every time I see you, it's there.

And that night we spent together was, uh... and I know it was the same for you 'cause you were there with me, right?

So I don't know what's holding you back.

I mean, you haven't answered my texts.

Maybe--maybe you haven't broken up with Richard yet or something, but you should.

'Cause you and I-- we, uh-- we're together, right?

Norman, I don't feel that way about you.

What happened was just something that happened.

I'm really sorry.

I shouldn't have done it with someone... like you.

Someone like me?





Personally, I don't think "nice girls" come to your doorstep looking for a guy one day after he moves in.

Or sleep with someone they barely know.

At the age of 17, no less.

I mean, really, what kind of girl does that?

Invites you over to have sex with them after their dad dies?


Are you okay?

I don't think you're a nice girl.

I'm really sorry.

I'm really sorry. I wish it was different.

I have to go.

[Door creaks]

I didn't mean to startle you.


It's so quiet here.

When do you open exactly?

In a few days.

Well, I like the place a lot better than when Keith Summers ran it.

I like the progress.

Thank you, yeah.

I'm trying.

Are you booking a lot of reservations?

Um... not as many as I'd hoped.

Ah, it's so hard to get good word of mouth started, isn't it?

But that's what makes or breaks a business like this.

I do business with a lot of different people in this general area.

I could, uh, put out the good word.

Oh, that would be great.

That w--thank you. That would be great.

My pleasure.

I would love to have the same business arrangement that I had with Keith, if that's possible.

You mean staying here every other month in room nine?

Actually, it's a little more than room nine.

I'd need the entire block of rooms for the first week of every other month.

All the rooms? That's great.

That's wonderful. Yeah.

What is it for?

Is it for the other people that you work with?

Yeah, actually. Yes.

Uh-huh. What kind of work?



I would pay you at the beginning of each week for all the rooms in cash.

And we like our privacy, so there's no need to clean the rooms or do anything for us during that week.

But it's not anything illegal, right?

No, it's nothing illegal.


Okay, then you're booked.


Thank you.

You're welcome.

[Dog barks]

[Dog whines]

Hey, Juno.

Come here, girl.

[Dog whimpers]


[Dog yips]


[Tires screech]


Oh, my God. I didn't see her.

She ran right in front of the car.


I k*lled my dog.


Norman, get out of the street.

What are you doing?

I'm taking her to Emma's dad. He can fix dead things.

Can I help you?

Is--is he all right?

Yes, he's all right.

She's dead, Norman. No one can fix her--

I'm not gonna leave her in the street!

I'm taking her to Emma's!

This is crazy.

It's not crazy!


Then I will drive you, okay?

I'll drive you. Just stay here.

I was wrong, mother.

About everything.

I'm so sorry, honey.

Okay, the car, mother.

