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Sitting in Bars with Cake (2023)

Posted: 09/14/23 08:25
by bunniefuu
Corinne, Corinne, Corinne, Corinne,

Corinne, Corinne, Corinne, Corinne,

Corinne, Corinne.

Yeah, that's right.

Congratulations, Thompson.

- You win.

- Mm-hmm.

You guys, you guys remember Jane.

- I work in the mail room.

- Works in the mail room.

My best friend since

we were, like, seven. -Yeah.

- Yeah.

- Wait, didn't you make

those blueberry biscuits

for the company picnic?

- Yes. Yes.

- That... Yeah.

They were technically popovers,

but, yeah, that was me.

Girl, I need that recipe.

I'd be so happy to give it to you,


I mean, honestly, the biggest takeaway

is that you can use a muffin pan,

that's what I use, but...

if you're really serious

in the popover game,

then the popover pan

can really do some damage.

It helps the batter climb better.

- Brap! Brap! Green tea sh*ts!

- Yeah.

- Thank you.

- Let's go.

- Yeah, you know what?

- Come on.

- Thank you so much, but no, thanks.

- Cheers.

I don't want to take your alcohol

'cause I'm gonna go.

- Antioxidants. It's green tea.

- What? Why?

- Where are you going?

- Come on, I put my time in.

- I'm going home.

- But you haven't even talked to Owen yet,

- and he's standing right behind you.

- Yeah, sure, I haven't.

He's right there.

He's literally waiting for you

to come over to him.

- I know, I know, I know, but...

- Why do you always do this?

- Come on, I really should study.

- Why?

- Boo!

- Jesus. Stop.

I'll take this beautiful girl home.

- Hi, baby.

- Oh, my God.

- Hi, Dave.

- You guys are gross.

- I'll see you guys at home. Bye.

- Later.

- Bye, I guess. Bye.

- Bye.

- Oh.

- Hey, no.

I won that fair and square.

This is Fresh Air.

I'm Terry Gross.

It seems like just about everyone can

remember a time in their life,

or many times,

when they wrestled with anxiety.

My guest struggled with it for years.

Antianxiety medication was helpful,

but he still felt like anxiety

was holding him back.

Study break.

- Let's get into it.

- Found a way of channeling his anxiety

into punk rock and political activism.

All right, so, uh, let's get to this,

um, hot milk cake.

Hot milk cake.

Um, I don't really love

it just being vanilla,

so we're gonna kind of break the rules...

Summertime under the neon lights

Buy me a six string,

a burger and fries

Cruisin' around in your drop-top ride

Call it city living

Wintertime under the harvest moon

Newborn baby and my skin's so smooth

I haven't seen you and I don't care to

Rehabilitation is

So sugary sweet

So hard to beat

Getting back up on my feet

Sweet as candy

It's hard to believe that we've been

together for so long

Holding my breath till the color

in my skin was gone

Convince me, baby,

we will never find a love this strong...

That song's giving me a headache.

- Hi.

- Hey.

I thought you were studying for the LSAT.

Oh, I was.

It's just, I finished my seventh

logic game, so now I'm done.

Come on.


Please, sir.

I just... You can have that tiny taste,

but I don't want you to get E. coli

before your birthday.

Jane, no one gets E. coli.

That's what they'd like you to think,

but I was listening to

this Terry Gross interview

with the guy from Americares,

and they're saying it's exactly

that dangerous thinking

- is why there's an E. coli spike.

- Oh, my God. Jane.

Sometimes I hear Terry's voice

and I think it's our other roommate.

She'd be a wonderful roommate.

One that pays rent on time.

Babe, I found, I found the guy

with the pet lizard on TikTok.

Excuse me? I pay my rent on time.

At 11:59.

And Dave is our third roommate.

That is on time.

- It was really good, by the way.

- Thanks.


- Cock-a-doodle-do, Dave.

- Good morning.

Good morning.

Davey. My head hurts.

Can you bring me some crunchies?

Pretty good.


Quality feedback.

What's up, Jane?

Sunshine. Happy birthday.

- Another day in music industry paradise.

- Uh-huh.

Hey, um, you and I both know

how this is gonna go down, right?

You're gonna give all your golden ideas

to Benita,

and then you'll find them in the garbage

covered in keto dressing and contempt.

Oh, I really don't think so.

I think that she will be doing

one of my tour collabs one day,

and you will see that I am going

to get promoted to junior agent first.

Mm, yeah, and my grandma is gonna be

on the cover of Sports Illustrated.

There she is. Speak of the devil.

Have a nice day.

- Bye-bye, sunshine. Jinx.

- Bye-bye, sunshine. Jinx.

Good morning, Ms. Bergstein.

I'm sorry. Who are you again?

- I'm Tessa. I'm temping for Jo.

- Oh.

- She's having a nervous breakdown.

- Mm.

Oh, these things came up for you.

Hi. I...

I thought you had...

I thought you had breakfast with Ariana.

We did spin class at 5:00 a.m. instead.

My God, my glutes are going to be on fire

for the rest of the week.

Which reminds me.

Have someone assemble that-that,

that rowing machine the label sent over.

- Okay.

- Maybe the kid with the small hands.

Okay, um...

Um, the partners confirmed for 10:00 a.m.,

and then you also have lunch

with Capitol's publicity department,

and Bad Bunny's team is coming at 3:00.

They want to discuss concert season.

I read that-that deal memo you sent

for Cardi B.

The one about the-the CBD bubble bath

they want her to promote.

- Yeah.

- Ah, so, Thompson, what do you think?

- I think it feels pretty on-brand.

- Ah.


different than cosmetics,

but it still falls into

that luxury sector.

You know, maybe she could drop it

with an album.

I think it's the perfect opportunity.

For people to associate her

with yeast infections,

animal testing and maybe dry rash?

Come on, Thompson, use your head.

Or maybe your nose.

Can't you smell it? It stinks.

You tell Tad that if he sends one more

pitch like that for any of my clients,

he's going to find himself

at the bottom of my koi pond.

When did you get a, a koi pond?


Hi there.

Oh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh.

Ooh, hi.

You must be the mail fairy.

Sorry, what?

I've always wondered

who delivers the mail.

But it's like you're actually waiting

for me to leave before doing it.

Oh. Uh, that's... not what's happening.

Okay. Well, I'll see you around, I guess.

All right. Have a good weekend.

It's Tuesday.

Yeah, I know. I know.

I know.

Okay, so you don't have to sing.

Oh, come on. I'll sing with you.

Come on, I'll sing with you.

You think they'll give me a free drink

for my birthday?

March 7, baby.

Hey, Janie, did you make this cake?

Yeah. Yeah, no, I baked it last night.

Come on, Jane, you'll do great.

It's her birthday.

- It's my birthday.

- Have a nice night.

March 7, everyone. It's my birthday.

How's auditioning going?

- What?

- How's auditioning going?

Oh, my God, so well.

It's like, like insane.

I feel so inspired right now.

Like I could just, like, go out

for a series regular role or something.

- Wait, I know those people.

- Love me forever, never stop

- I'll be right back. Yo!

- Near and far

And always and everywhere and every

Say you'll love, love me forever,

never stop...


Could I have a gin and tonic?

What kind of gin you want?

I would do St-Germain gin.

That's not gin. Like, not even close.

Dealer's choice. I do St-Germain...

I do a little vodka.

- A little whiskey.

- Jitterbug

You could even pour all three in.

I don't know if you guys do that.

- I got ya.

- I just want some alcohol.


You put the boom-boom into my heart

You send my soul sky-high

when your lovin' starts

Jitterbug into my brain

Goes a bang-bang-bang

till my feet do the same...

What's that you got there?

Oh, uh, a birthday cake.

- Your birthday?

- No, my friend's.

My best friend told me

what you did last night...

Did you make it?


- You made that?

- Sure did.

Can we see what's underneath?

- Wake me up

- Yeah.

Before you go-go,

don't leave me hanging...

Oh, wow.

That's awesome.

- Wow.

- Corinne... that's Corinne.

Fun fact:

I actually substituted sour cream

and pudding mix

to make the cake more moist.

You can put sour cream in a cake?

Isn't that crazy?

Yeah, what the heck?

- Go-go

- JANE: It's baffling, right?

Not just for tacos.

So weird.

What's that stuff around the sides?

That's Cocoa Krispies cereal.

- Oh, that looks so awesome.

- Hit that high...

That wasn't even in the recipe.

I just freestyled that.

Are you one of those celebrity chefs?

Oh, no, I'm from Phoenix.

I deliver mail.

You're a mailman?

- Jane.

- Yeah?

Cut the cake.

No. Oh, my...

No, that's for your birthday dinner.

Oh, my God, are you kidding me?

I don't care.

- Cut it. Cut it, cut it, cut it.

- What are we going to eat at dessert time?

All right, let's cut the cake.

Do you want some?

I-I could cut the cake.

I'm good at knives.

No, that's okay. We got it.

- Do you have a knife?

- Yeah.

- Are you sure or just...

- Yes.

My hands are clean, so don't worry.

Here, you know what...

- There you go.

- Yum.


That's for you.

Thank you.

- Oh, wow.

- Mmm!

This is like if a chocolate pudding man

and an English toffee lady

were making love inside my mouth.

- Thank you.

- It's so good.

I love this cake,

I love this girl and I love sour cream.

Guys want cake?!

Cake! Cake! Cake!

Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake!

Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake!

I will convince Benita to order the Wagyu.

What are those things with, like

the cream cheese? What are those called?

Wait, actually, what about some egg rolls?

No, I can't do concert tickets to Rihanna

for spicy crab.

Wait-wait-wait. Could you throw in

a couple edamame, no salt?

- I'm watching my sodium.

- Um...

If an extra Wagyu seems to fall into

the bag, I can do seats to Beck.


Which one of you sent my niece

a blood diamond for her bat mitzvah?

- Are you crazy?

- Hiroshi, I'm gonna have to call you back.

Didn't you see the movie? I...

I took out the gardenias.

I just worked really hard

on that tour idea, you know?

- Yeah.

- But there's no way.

It was a great pitch you put together.

Sorry that Benita didn't say anything

about your deck. That's why...

Oh, it's fine.

Have you talked to Owen again?

No, but maybe it is for the best, though.

- Eh.

- 'Cause he could secretly be a jerk,

like, not do carbs.

That'd be such a deal-breaker for me.

- Not be into carbs?

- Yeah.

No, thank you.

Oh, speaking of carbs, that reminds me.

- I've thought about this cake thing...

- Yeah.

And you're gonna start doing it.

- Um...

- On the regular.

Bringing cakes into bars?


I've actually been thinking about it

a lot, and it's a really good idea.

Yeah, 'cause that won't be weird,

sitting in bars with cake.

- Jane?

- Huh?

It's Los Angeles, okay?

Everyone here is weird.

Sure, but...

sounds like you want me to bait guys

with sugar. -Mm-hmm.

Yeah. It's an aphrodisiac.

- Do you hear yourself?

- What?

That sounds like a great way

to get featured on

the To Catch a Predator reboot.

Does not sound like a great way

to boost my law school extracurriculars.

And I get that, I do,

but don't you want to go to grad school

feeling super confident?

Do you not remember how good you felt

the other night?

All those guys laughing at your jokes

about convection ovens?

See, I don't even,

I don't even know what that is.

I don't think that they knew

what that was.

What are you talking about?

They were laughing because

it was a good joke.

I was talking about how convection ovens

distribute heat differently...

Oh! That's really funny.

That is really funny.

You do this, you will meet all sorts

of guys, all over the city, okay?

Think about it as your on-ramp to...

testing out different flavors

and figuring out what you like

and what you don't like.

- Are you being serious?

- Mm-hmm.

You're doing it.

If you do it with me.

Yes, I'm doing it with you.


Do I ever turn down baked goods?

- You do love you some baked goods.

- Mm-hmm.

God, I have a headache. Geez.

Well, aspirin is in the medicine cabinet,

- behind the Q-tips.

- All right.

- Bottom right.

- Thank you.

I really don't think I could exist

without you.

I'm glad we're on the same page

about that. -Mm-hmm.

Thank God you moved to L.A. with me.

We gonna get out the house

Like so, like that

All right, L.A.

Better get ready.

Let's get this bag

If you're with me, then shout

Let's get it movin' right now...

- Here?

- Yes.

- Okay, actors.

- Of course. Yes.

Paramount Studios.

Independently wealthy artists.

- Downtown.

- Yes.

Dudes with start-ups.

Thank you.

Hipster nerds. Okay, I have a sense

hipster nerds would be...

- Here. Silver Lake.

- Okay.

- Surfers.

- Yeah.

What we're really looking for

is bars with a lot of seating,

preferably low on bouge.

Okay, we have to go to Tiki Tuesday's.

- Yes.

- Ooh, Vibrato Grill Jazz.

- Oh, the Frolic Room.

- That's a must.

Guys, we also got to go

to Clifton's Cafeteria.

The place with the dioramas.

- Ooh, the Gaslite.

- Okay, then we gotta go...

Oh, my God, Mucha Lucha.

Mucha Lucha.

The one with the Mexican wrestling masks.

Yes, yes.

I have not been there in so long.

I love that place so much.

What about the Fox and Hounds?

Wait, wait, wait,

the Golden Gopher. Golden Gopher. Yes.

Hang on, hang on,

can we just real quick...

- Um, guys, guys.

- Yeah. -What?

Listen, can we just make some space

to acknowledge the fact

that at the center of Jane's project

is a woman-positive message

about self-empowerment?

Oh, my God.

Okay, Gloria Steinem.

- There we go.

- Boom.


We've never had a handshake.

- Na, na, na

- Get up.

There's something about your going-out

clothes that says church to me.

It's not churchy. It's understated.


Wait, is...

Is this my mom's?

She was gonna give it away.







Ooh, what? That is a slip that goes under

my scratchy sweater dresses.

This would look so good on you

with those boots

and, like, a black jack...

- My black jacket.

- I'm just...

The fluffy one.

You know exactly the one

I'm talking about.

You're wearing it.

Corinne, I'm not a slip girl.

My general rule of thumb:

if it works for Mister Rogers,

it works for me.

That's a terrible rule of thumb.

Some guys put, put those things

in the back of their shoes.

They do. So that they can look taller.

When it feels this good...

All right, cake number one, people.

All right. Whoo-hoo.

Let's spread out and find some dudes

with loud shirts and ironic facial hair.

All right, break.

No. Cake.

Yes! Cake.

Makes you wanna go

na, na, na-na-na-na-na


Na, na, na-na-na


Put your hands together now

Shh, shh, don't talk.

- Everybody now

- Hi.

- Hi.

- Hey.

We were wondering if you wanted

to come back to the...

Happy birthday.

Happy birthday, bro.

When it feels this good...

Mm, mm, mm.

Can we please go home

and just try again next weekend?

- No.

- No. Absolutely not.

No, we have a whole cake.

I'm sure a million guys in L.A.

want to eat this damn thing.

Okay, sure, but where are they?

Let's do this.

- Uh, they're right there.

- Whoa.

That is a bus full of boys.

Oh, my God.

They're yelling. Oh, my God.

Okay, go. Take it to the dudes.

Hi, guys. Hi, everybody.

I was just wondering

if anyone wants some cake.

What the hell is happening?!

I could get rebraids more often.

I-I wonder if I've had it before.

It's been working.


- How are you?

- Hi.

Um, mm...

I'd like to order

pork dumplings and

shrimp rice noodle rolls.

Cantonese, hon. Not Mandarin.

Oh! My apologies.

Steamed shrimp dumplings


Sticky rice wrap.

Let's go crazy!


I'll have the kung pao chicken, please.

And I'll do the same, please. Thank you.

So, how's the conference going?

It's been so fantastic

to connect with other lawyers

pushing the human rights agenda.

Oh, the food here leaves Phoenix

in the dust.

Your dad was a big deal this year.

He was a keynote speaker yesterday.

- What?

- Talking about immigration reform

and how to fix the visa process.

Oh, my God, that's amazing.

Well, thank you, thank you.

Well, yeah, Tasha and I,

we're trying to do our part.

Just like Jane will.

Although she's so meticulous,

she will probably end up in property law.

Okay, here we go again

with the property law.

Oh, that... Is that a joke?

That's a joke.

When do you take the LSAT, honey?

I want to sit down in August

for a full practice test,

and then study a little longer,

take it twice.

That reminds me.

I called the dean at UC Irvine,

- just to mention you might be applying.

- Thank you.

They have a wonderful program.

Yeah, I feel like I'll be applying

to all the UCs.

Huh. I didn't realize

you were so into hot sauce.

Hey, you want some? You want some cake?



Single lady.

She's single, she's a baker. She made it.

She's a National Merit Scholar.


The eye patch guy is looking at you.

Eye patch guy?

- Yeah, the eye patch guy.

- Eye patch guy?

- No.

- Oh.

The eye patch guy.

Oh, the eye patch guy.

Go, go, you have a mission.



Oh, hey.

This is a spiced rum spice cake...

that I made.

Okay, Betty Crocker, let's see.


Mmm! Mmm.

Okay, you do this as a cupcake,

throw some chopped pecans on top,

you got a perfect dessert.

You're speaking my language.

You know, I really don't make cupcakes.

- Oh, you don't?

- No.

- I just did some with buttercream.

- Yeah?

Yeah. You got to pipe it

with just the right tip.

How do I know if I have the right one?

- I'll take a picture when I get home.

- Yeah?

Yeah, uh, what's your number?

- Oh, I'll-I'll give it to you.

- Yeah, just put it in here.

- Okay.

- National Merit Scholar?

- Yeah.

- Tell me about that SAT score.

So, if we make one cake a week

for a year, count that as 50 cakes

just knowing that we'll probably take

a break for Thanksgiving

and Christmas.

- You have to...

- Ooh.

Add a column for results.

- Results?

- Yeah, results.

Like, "Cake was eaten,"

"Cake wasn't eaten"?


No, like, um, like results.

Like kissing...

- Oh.

- Flirting,

- touching, getting handsy in cars.

- Oh.

Like the real results.

- The ones that we're looking for.

- Oh, it's eye patch guy.

- What? He texted you?

- Yeah, he texted me.

Oh, my God, what did he say?

What did he say? Open it.

It's invisible ink.

You have to go like that.


It's a d*ck pic.

It's your first result.

Do you think the recipe is under there?

I don't think the recipe's...

He told me he'd send just the right tip...

Oh, I hear it.

I hear it.

That's on me.

"Just the right tip."

Here we go

One, two, whatcha gonna do?

Three, four, give me some more

Five, six, just for kicks...

- Hi.

- Hey.

- Hi. -Hi.

- Hello.

Do you guys just make cakes

and bring them to bars, or what?

Who would do that?

My God.

Can you feel that rhythm

underneath your shoes?

- It's all about style

- Mmm!

And the way you move

Got the vibe on lock

and we're ready to roll

Come on, show us what you got

'cause we're good to go

Do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do

Do-do-do-do, we're good to go

Do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do

We're good to go...

Well, you're supposed to be passing out

the cake.

- I was.

- Oh, look at her go.

Does anyone want some free cake?

- It's free...

- Right here.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah,

and we do it so naturally, hey

Can you feel that rhythm

underneath your shoes?

It's all about style

and the way you move

Got the vibe on lock

and we're ready to roll

Come on, show us what you got

'cause we're good to go

Right, left, on to the next

Front, back, yeah, we do it like that

Right side up and upside down

Everybody's body's rocking

to beat right now, yeah

Ooh, ooh, ooh

Yeah, we're like nothing

that you've ever seen

Ooh, and we do it so naturally

Can you feel that rhythm

underneath your shoes?

It's all about style

and the way you move

Got the vibe on lock

and we're ready to roll

Come on, show us what you got

'cause we're good to go

Do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do

Yeah, we're good to go

- Do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do

- Come on

Good to go

Do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do

Yeah, we're good to go

Good to go

Yeah, we're good to go

Show us what you got, good to...

When you're done channeling

the Hadid sisters,

get to my office, Thompson.

Carry this.

- So...

- You need a...

- Um...

- Thompson, you're driving me nuts,

but I'm bumping you up to junior agent.


Shut up. Are you serious?

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Please, please don't get

all snively on me.

Oh, my God, I'm s...

I'm gonna give you

a lot of responsibility,

and plus you'll be making twice as much

as Mr. I Went To Yale out there,

so don't make me regret this, Thompson.

No, no, no.

Absolutely not.

No, you will not regret this.

Give me all the work.

Anything, anything you want me to do,

I'll do it, I love it, I need it.

- Can I hug you?

- No.


No, it was always 7:00.

Okay, well, are you sure, 'cause I...

- Yeah.

- Really, I-I...

- You suck, Dave!

- Jesus! Brock.

- Good night. -Bye.

- What? See ya.

What the hell was that?

Yeah, it was Brock from the office.

Well, at least he showed up

to celebrate my promotion.

You know how important this is to me.

Yeah, I mean, it's like I told him 7:00

so many times.

- Like, he, he always does this to me.

- Mm-hmm.

It's like, get with the program, dude,

you're an adult.

Yeah, but as long as we've known Dave,

he is always late.

It's kind of his thing.

I don't... I don't like

that it's his thing.

It's rude. It's so rude.

It is.


Do we have anything stronger than aspirin?

It's like it's not even working anymore.

Ibuprofen and naproxen also work for this,

so I could run to the store and grab that.

Oh, along with your MiraLAX

for your bathroom issues.

I know I'm old enough

to get over saying "poop."

For your poop issues.

I'll go to the store and be like,

"Hey, you got any poop juice?"

to really challenge myself.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. Corinne.


Okay, I really feel like

we should call your parents.

No, dude, I'm probably just dehydrated.

Okay, Corinne, you don't have a seizure

because you're just dehydrated,

so I'm gonna give them a call.

Hey, Miss Thompson.

Your CT scan is showing a large amount

of inflammation on the frontal lobe.

You've been having headaches?

Yes, she has.

And you haven't talked to a doctor

about them, right?

No, I just thought they were headaches.

Okay, you'll have to stop driving.

No more bathing or swimming alone,

'cause you could have another seizure.

I'm gonna give you a referral

to neurology.

And, fortunately, we have a very strong

oncology department.

Wait, what? Whoa, whoa.

Wh-What, I'm sorry.

- What?

- What's happening?

Get real.

That doesn't make any sense.

I deal with deductibles for a living,

so you're gonna need to transfer me

to somebody

- who knows what they're talking about.

- Honey, do you happen to have my fly tool?

My daughter's brain is getting biopsied

as we speak.

No, I will not hold.

Oh. Okay.

I'll hold.

Your incision is looking great.

Inflammation has gone down.


You are going to heal in no time.


Thank you.

You can see the mass here.

Based on its location

and the biopsy report,

we would treat this cancer with

a combination of chemo and radiation.

Since Corinne is young

and otherwise very healthy,

we expect her to do quite well.

- Is it too late for Make-A-Wish?

- Hey.

- Should I start working on a bucket list?

- Corinne.

Our goal is to stop the tumor

from growing,

or even better, shrink.

We maintain things from there.

So more battle scars.

It depends on a number of factors.

Let's focus on the now.




- Um...

- Dad, it's fine.

No, it's not fine.

- But it is fine.

- It's not fine.

- Okay.

- Anybody need gum?

We're, we're about to eat food.

I'll take a piece.

Thank you.

Okay, um,

do you want to go halfsies with me?

I'll get the, um, chicken tenders,

you want the fettuccine Alfredo?

- Yeah.

- Yeah?

I'm gonna get my own onion rings,

though, 'cause I'm trying for a carb coma.

- Uh, wings are back at the hot bar.

- Yeah.


You want to get hot wings instead?

- Oh, um...

- I'll do a hot wing.

It's Ray, with the Jeep.

He wants to know if we can squeeze him in

for a dent this week.

He says you're the only one

he wants touching it.

All right, well, I think we should

take Corinne back with us.

- What?

- Fred, we just sat down.

Let them at least get some wings in.

You don't think we're gonna just

leave you here, do you?

Well, yeah, because I'm-I'm 24 years old.

I'm not, I'm not 12.

We have very good hospitals

in Phoenix, okay?

We've got a Mayo Clinic,

and I'm sure we can get you set up there.

Dad, this is where celebrities come

to get chemo.


Sheryl Crow, Melissa Etheridge,

Sharon Osbourne.

- Sharon Osbourne?

- Mm-hmm.

The doctor that we met with,

she's a really big deal.

I'm sure she's perfectly qualified, but

if you're at home... -She is perfectly...

then your mother and I

can help you stay on top of this.

She'd have to quit her job.

Thank you.

- I thought her job was the pits.

- It is the pits,

but it's about to finally get good.

I just got promoted.

- Congratulations.

- Did you know that?

You know I've always wanted this.


Look, we just want to do what's best here.

- Yeah.

- Okay?

If we leave you on your own, we can't...

- But she won't be on her own.

- Yeah.

Anything that she needs, I can handle it.

I can make sure that she gets

to all of her appointments

and takes the right pills

and gets rest and all of those things.

Jane, that's really sweet,

but this is going to be a lot.

No, Jane is, Jane is actually meant

- for this exact kind of situation.

- Yeah.

You guys would be leaving me

with a soccer mom.

A carpool-driving, lunch-making,


PTA president,

homeowners' association soccer mom.

- I love KCRW.

- She's crazy. Yeah.

How about we stay until you get situated?


So that we know you're situated.

No, I think that's... that's okay.

- I insist.

- No, I...

It's a small apartment.

- It'll be fine.

- No, it-it won't be fine.

You're gonna be trying to fix the wall

at, like, 3:00 in the morning,

and interrupt my getting betterness.

What's wrong with the wall?

I thought the landlord was gonna

repaint these walls.

I'll, uh, hit Benjamin Moore tomorrow,

grab a swatch book.

Did you move my wire cutters?

No, but if you find them,

could you please cut your toenails?

How long were you gonna

let them get, Fred?

I don't know.

Let's give it another week and see.

I'm just afraid you're gonna

velociraptor me in your sleep.

What does that mean?

- I don't want to know.

- Girls.

Did one of you move my wire cutters?

- Oh.

- Oh.

Oh, never mind. I got 'em.

Oh, my God.

We've become a sitcom.


Are you doing okay?

It's such a weird question, I guess.

As okay as possible?


I don't know.

This is all really weird.


Yeah, it really is.

- Hey, if I don't make it...

- Hmm?

Will you make sure...

that Lady Gaga starts an orphanage

in my name?

Like... the House for Little Monsters?


I'll look into it.

I knew I could count on you.



Uh, for that machine, it's kind of funny.

You actually have to press down

on the top really hard

and the thing that looks like a handle

actually has to close all the way.

Yep. Yeah.

Is this frou-frou coffee all you have?

'Cause usually I drink the instant stuff.

Right. You know what?

I actually think we kept your jar

from last time.

Just hold on.

- Hey, there she is.

- Yeah.

- Yeah. Thank you.

- Yeah.

Oh, I, uh, I noticed that, uh,

there's a scratch on your passenger door.

I'll pull the paint code,

get some sandpaper,

we'll get that taken care of tomorrow.

Oh, my God, Fred, that is so nice,

but I really don't want you to have

to worry about all that

- 'cause I can run...

- Oh, no, no. Janie, Janie, Janie.

Some crook out here is gonna charge you

an arm and a leg for it

and do a half-assed job...

There's my receptacle tester.

Wh-What is this?

I've been baking a lot of cakes.



And taking them to bars.


Kind of as a way to meet guys.

But it's not like that, I promise.

"Redwood, spiced rum, d*ck pic."


Ruthie, do you have plumber's tape?

No, that's the... That'll work.

When I'm done with this,

I'm taking this thing home

and I'm hanging it up like my trophy.

Only you would want to keep

your radiation mask.

What? Are you kidding me?

Who wouldn't want to keep

their cancer mask?

Oh, Friday night,

I really want to do, like,

a pia colada coconut cake,

like a giant coconut.

Can you make that?

Yeah, I could, but do you really think

that we should be in bars until 3:00 a.m.

- and eating frosting for dinner?

- Uh!

- Excuse me.

- No, I'm being serious.

Are you trying to crush my soul?

If the Lady Gaga thing didn't happen,

it wouldn't k*ll me, but this would.

You want... Do you want me to die?

That's so inappropriate.

Do you want me to die?

- Shh, shh, Corinne.

- My God.

I just think your-your treatment

should take priority.

Girl, if I don't have a distraction,

I will literally lose my mind.

I feel like there are just other ways

that you could be distracted.

There are so many card games

that we have at home.

- Jane...

- I really want to take up...

Jane, you said anything I need.

I need this.


Thank you.

And I thought of a name.

- Yeah?

- Mm-hmm.


- Creative.

- Thank you.

Let's have a luau, a luau, a luau

Let's have a luau...

Thank you so much, Nora,

for printing out the hard copies.

So, if you look at the schedule,

I divided it up

so that one of us can be with Corinne

at every appointment.

There's also an alternate listed...

Thank you...

And there are alternates

to the alternates,

- just in case.

- Yeah.

Uh, what do we do if you have a seizure?

Do we just call 911?

- Uh, Liz.

- I'm asking.

It actually depends on how long

the seizure lasts.

- Right?

- Yeah. Mm-hmm.

I notice that this is super

Western medicine heavy,

and I just feel like it's worth discussing

other modalities of-of healing,

like Reiki, chakra cleansing,

meridian realignment.

Redirect: Look at this cake.

Let's not forget why we're here,

ladies, okay?

We're here to scout.

Um, I don't want to freak you all out,

but, um,

some old guy keeps staring at us.

Hmm? Where?

Yeah, nine o'clock. Sad eyes.

You'll love a luau, a luau, a luau...

That's-that's my dad.

The party

Of the year.

Well, it has been really great

having you guys here...

Yeah, this is getting out of hand.

It's just more so that we feel like

we're ready to be on our own.


No, no.

I-I haven't even fixed the shower yet

'cause Lowe's didn't have

the right color grout.

I gotta do the-the dryer vent.

That's a fire waiting to hap...

I got a whole list.

I think you're losing it.

I'm losing it?

I'm not the one up at 4:00 a.m. making

spaghetti sauce and doing the Wordle.

You know if I miss a day,

my streak goes back to zero.

Not at 4:00 a.m. it doesn't.

It doesn't reset till midnight.

You got the whole g*dd*mn day.

We can't stay here forever.

Okay, fine, go back.

You can tend to the shop,

and I'll-I'll stay here

and take care of things.

I can't fix the cars, Fred.

Besides, what more can you do here,

besides personally supervise

her radiation treatment?

We know everyone at the hospital,

we figured out the insurance,

and I've filled their freezer

with more lasagna

than they're ever gonna want to eat.

Not possible. I love your lasagna.

Thanks, Jane, but get real.

You girls are gonna need more than dinner.

You guys taught me how to take care

of my business, okay?

This is me doing that.

Let me be an adult.

Yeah, we'll be okay.

I promise. And you guys can drive

from Phoenix whenever you want.

My room will always be available to you.

I'm just not ready to leave you, Corky.

Yeah, I know, but...

for the sake of our relationship,

I can't, I can't see

your bare feet anymore.

Okay, um, pasta salad's in the fridge.

The pharmacy's supposed to call Monday

about Corinne's Temodal.

Got it, got it. Thank you, Ruth.

And I will follow up with you

when I hear from them.

- Okay, thanks, Janie.

- Mm-hmm.

Do you have WD-40?

- Yeah, we're good.

- Yes, we're good.

We have enough for the whole building.

-Um, for your headaches.

- What?


Just be careful. It's seven parts THC.

Oh, my God.

Love you, hon.

- I love you.

- Thank you for everything.

- Thank you.

- Thanks, Jane.

Thank you.

Let go. My God.

For you.

Fred, your trail mix and Mountain Dew's

in the back seat.

Thanks for getting us situated.


Don't toss my coffee, Janie.

I won't touch it.

Move along.

Thanks for the weed!

Love you.

- Bye.

- Oh, and I'll keep you guys updated

- in our group chat.

- Go!

See you in the fall.



Oh, my God. Sorry.

Oh, God. Sorry.

I just cannot believe that your

parents went to a dispensary for you.

Dude, this is... this is cherry flavored.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, I have such a good idea.

Summer is not over yet.

You don't want any more?

I don't think I should have any more.

I'm so high.

Mm, hey, you want some cake?

Full disclosure, it has THC and CBD in it.

Some of us are having

a stronger reaction than the others.

Maybe after my shift.

Just so you know, the frosting,

it tastes like a cherry Icee, or, um...

oh, it tastes like baby toothpaste.

No, no, no, without the fluoride.

You know.

It's getting late.

I'm gonna call us a car, yeah?

What? Where are you going?

- I'm gonna call us a car. It's late.

- No.

And look, look at her.

- I'll be back.

- Okay.

- Okay, we got to go.

- I've never been so relaxed in my life.

I just, I feel like I'm in a bathtub

and it smells like rain.

I have to go to the bathroom.

- Goodbye. Goodbye.

- Wait, wait, Dave's getting a car.

- Hey.

- Oh, my God.


Hi. My friend's going to the bathroom.

I'm gonna...

Yeah, you have really beautiful eyes.

Oh. Thank you.

Can I, um, can I buy you a drink?

No, thank you.

Come on, just like one drink, huh?

- Oh, no, thank you.

- Come on, for me, for me, for me?

No, thank you.

- You're playing hard to get, huh?

- No, I'm really high,

- and I don't want a drink.

- Okay, yeah.

- Just no, thank you.

- But...

- I just said it, like, five times.

- Okay, okay. Okay, I get it.

Okay, you don't have to be

a bitch about it.

- Okay?

- I'm...

What'd you just say to my friend?

I said she doesn't have to be such a...


That's enough from you.

Say that, say, "That's enough from me."

That's enough from me.



You know, actually, this is really good.

I know.

But y'all are assholes.

What the hell?

- Corinne.

- Yeah.

You're not a bitch.

I know I'm not a bitch.

Good, good.

Don't let me have any more cake.

Jane, this cake is so good.

- Can I have seconds?

- No.

Did you use yogurt in this?

Yes, I did.

This really works.

Oh, Sam.

This is my brother.

He's here to give me a ride

- after I finish my shift.

- Hi.


You've gotta try some of this cake, Sam.

It's so good.

You know what, I could actually cut you

your own slice.

You got a minute, right?


Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Oh, my God!

- Oh, my God.

- Oh, my God.

That was so weird.

I have never done that before.

- You just made out in public.

- I know.

You just made out in public!

- Look at me in the face.

- Oh, my God.

- Who is she?

- Who am I? Who am I?

You just kissed a boy.

This is not the most sanitary place

to be doing this.

Jane, those are literally toxic.

I don't think it really matters.


You're adding all the grocery receipts

to the list that we split?


- The monthly bill that we split.

- What monthly bill?


The grocery receipts, the gas receipts.

For taking me to my appointments

and work and everywhere?

Don't be ridiculous.

Don't be rid... I'm not being ridiculous.

You have to learn to charge people

for your services.

If you're going to be a lawyer,

you gotta invoice.

You're not gonna pay me for gas.

You're so annoying.

You should be Judge Judy for Halloween.

Girl, are we supposed to be running

a 5K for you?


I'm just supposed to attend.


And maybe give some high fives to people,

hand out some juice.

Yeah, all right, when did this happen?

Um, let's see.

Benita filed the paperwork with the city

this morning.

- I'm sorry, are you serious?

- Mm-hmm.

I can't really do anything about it, Jane.

I've just accepted that this is how

things go when you have cancer.

People feel bad for you,

and then they get you stuff,

and then you kind of have

to just graciously accept,

which makes them feel a whole lot better.

Okay, you're all set up for acupuncture

at 5:00.

And Jake's bringing

a kind of a therapy dog

that you may or may not want to...

- Yeah, I love dogs.

- Okay. All right.

Thank you.

- Hi.

- Hi.

You work in legal, right?

Yeah. It's a very...

exciting department.

Okay. You're probably really busy,

but if I were to buy you a drink,

I'm wondering if you could

walk me through copyright IP.

Just 'cause I'm applying to law school,

really curious.

Yeah, yeah.

Uh, I track international licenses,

so maybe we can just start there.

Yeah, I'm riveted

by international licenses.

Uh, you going down?

- Please, I've only just met you.

- Oh.

- That was a really dumb joke.

- Okay.

I'm just going to go report myself

to HR, actually.

- Yeah, okay. See you.

- Um, I'll...

Okay, um, just so you know,

there is an exclusivity clause

in this one,

but I didn't see it in that one,

which may be worth mentioning.

Oh, you are terrifyingly good at this.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

I feel like you're trying to take my job.

Ooh, definitely not.

All due respect to the legal department.

Definitely not. I understand.

Wait, wait, I thought you said

you were applying to law school.

Well, yeah, I-I will be applying.

Um, I want to stay in L.A., though,

so hopefully like a UCLA or a USC

- or somewhere like that.

- Sweet.

What about you, though?

You have any plans after this?

Plan after this? I don't know.

- I mean, I'm in the trainee program.

- Oh.

- This is the plan.

- So legal department is the plan

for the next five-ish years, yeah.

- But I like the pace of things.

- Mm-hmm.

- And I like my boss.

- Mm-hmm.

And I like the break room snacks.

I did have one of your dreamsicle

cake slices the other day.

Oh, you did?

Those orangey shavings in the frosting...


Well, have you ever zested an orange?

It's just like, pure,

I don't know, knuckle terror.

So, just to clarify, there was no blood?

- Okay?

- I can guarantee there is no blood...

in that cake.

But I'm glad, I'm glad you liked it.

Yeah, I loved it.

Um, do you still want to hear about

intellectual property law?

- To be honest...

- Mm-hmm.

Not really.

Honestly, I'm glad you said no.

But you promised me a drink,

and all I've got so far

is bubbly sparkling water.

All right. Thank you again

for a fun night of contracts.

- Great night of contracts.

- Yeah.

You're very welcome.

You know,

I've actually learned more tonight

than I would in, like,

the first semester of law school.

Really? I'm flattered.

- Tell my boss that.

- Oh, I will.

Good. I'm glad.

Wait, um...

I actually had a great time tonight.

Me, too.

How's your nausea level?

Um, fine.

- Are you sleeping okay?

- Yes.

How would you say your mood is?

I'd say fantastic.


- Mm-hmm.

- Really?

Jane just smooched it up last night

with this guy

- that she liked forever and ever, so...

- Corinne.

I'd say it's a pretty good boost

for morale.

Corinne, your parents are on the phone.

- Sorry, please disregard.

- What?

They don't care.

Good for you, Jane.

Just be safe, okay? Use a condom.



Okay. So when do I get to go wig shopping?

I'm allergic to hair dye,

I've always wanted pink hair,

- so this is my chance.

- You probably won't need a wig.

Most people don't lose all their hair

with this course of treatment,

but you may experience some thinning

as your treatment progresses.

- But I want a wig.

- I already ordered some for us to try.

- You did?

- Yeah.

If they're not pink, I don't want it.

Girl, it's pink.

How's your balance been?

Um, um...

I've gotten a little dizzy sometimes

but nothing major.

You haven't told me

you've been getting dizzy.

I'm thinking I may reduce

your seizure medication.

Is that something

we should be worried about?

Just a precaution

to help with the dizziness.

No need to be concerned.

Thank you. Bye.

You know that Liz saw Adam Lambert

at the 99 Cent Store on Pico?


He was buying Q-tips.

- Is that Owen?

- Yes.

Do you have another date

and you didn't tell me about it?

I don't know yet. I don't know yet.

- He's supposed to call later.

- Whoa, wait.

Oh, my God.

We should get you some underwear.

Look at this.

This is nice.

I am good on that. No, thanks.

Jane, I have seen

your underwear drawer, okay?

It's like the chastity collection

from the von Trapp Family Singers.

- All right?

- Where did that come from?

Three for 25. That's it.

Are you kidding me?

- This is a steal.

- What a steal.

Yeah, it's a steal.

This'll look really good on you.

- Oh, my God.

- Hey, ooh.

- Look, your tatas would fit perfectly.

- You know...

- Oh, my God.

- Actually, not right now.

Owen will lose his shit.

Ooh. You got to get this one.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Don't you think this would look

really good on her?

- Corinne, can you please stop?

- Look good on my girl, right?

- What?

- Hey, Corinne, I'm being so serious.

I'm your panty godmother.

I'm here to save you from a life

of polka dots and stripes, baby.

Can you not... Can you please

not touch me with all this...

Your undercarriage is dying to break free.

Can you not do...

Can you not do this right now?

- What?

- Can you not...

I'm just m... I'm just messing with you.

- Oh, my God.

- What is wrong?

- Why are you being so weird?

- Are you kidding?

Because I don't need your help

to have sex.

- This is not a sex talk.

- You are.

This is a shopping for intimates

that I think would look good on you talk.

That I would never wear.

So if you would like to buy them

for your stupid large underwear collection

that I get to wash on delicates,

then go ahead.

You don't have to wash them on delicate.

Yes, you do. But why would you know that?

Because you can't even take the lint

out of the dryer.

- I take... Yes, I do.

- No. No, you don't.

- Yes, I do. Yes.

- I do. No, you don't.

It's me.

I do it because you get to be reckless

and I get to clean up after you.

- Whoa, what the...

- And why are we sitting here

talking about underwear

like you're not dizzy?

But you didn't tell me you were dizzy.

Because I don't want to

talk about being dizzy, okay?

Because I don't want to think about

being dizzy because it's gross

and it's boring, and I hate it.

Sorry, everyone!

I just want to have fun,

and I want you to have fun.

- Okay?

- I wish it could be about...

I wish it could be about that.

I wish it could be about fun,

but this is about...

it's about my best friend surviving,

and as your caregiver, it's...

Oh, perfect.

Thank you so much, Nurse Caregiver.

Thank you since I am not having fun.

So thank you for making sure

that everything sucks all the time.


I'm sorry, I'm not...

- I'm sorry, too.

- It just sucks.


I'm still going to buy this.

And I'm-I'm going to buy this, too.

You're going to wear it.

I'm not going to wear it.

I think DJ Grandma

is just a really winning costume.

I'll accept the compliment,

but come on,

I'm Terry Gross from Fresh Air.

- What? That's what she looks like?

- Yeah.

Everyone's been saying that, but yeah.

Matter of fact,

I think she interviewed you.


- Gloria Steinem you.

- Yes, me.

You guys, g*ns N' Roses.

g*ns N' Roses.


Pleasure to meet you, gentlemen.

They want some cake.


- Sounds good.

- What is it again?

It's a carrot cardamom cake

with maple frosting.

Could you open that?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

What are you doing?

No, no, no.

You have to wait at least three hours

to respond.

Let him sweat.

Hey, y'all think I look more like Bono

or MC Hammer?

- Wow.

- Happy Halloween!

This is the moment

you've been waiting for.

Please welcome to the floor

the unforgettable Sherry Vine

and the Twin Flames!

Well, I saw the thing

a-comin' out of the sky

It had one long horn and one big eye

I commenced to shakin'

and I said "Ooh-wee"

It looks like

a purple people eater to me

It was a one-eyed, one-horned,

flyin' purple people eater

One-eyed, one-horned...

All right, queens!

Let's get spooky!

- I do have a hot take.

- Yeah?

The huevos rancheros

are a little overhyped.

They're a little overhyped,

but I'm not complaining.

No, no, sounds like a complaint, okay?

Some of us basically drink salsa

for breakfast... -Mm-hmm.

And don't complain about

the egg ranchero ratio.

Can't you see that I'm busting

my ass at the restaurant

and being here doing whatever I can

for you, and you think I don't care?

Yeah, Dave,

because it kind of pisses me off

when you say you have to network

and you're out smoking weed

with the line cooks.

- What, are you my mom now?

- Jesus Christ!

I seriously cannot deal with this

right now.

- Then don't.

- Then leave!

- Hey.

- Hey.

I should really check on Corinne.

Yeah, definitely.

- It's probably best I get going as well.

- Okay.

Let me know if you need anything.

- All right. Thanks for today.

- Of course.

- I'll see you later.

- Mm-hmm.

Hi. It's me.


You all right?

Yeah, I think we're gonna take a break

for a little while.

I'm sorry.

It's fine.

It's all good.

He brought some artichoke soup,

if you want.

- Um, he forgot I don't like artichokes.

- Artichokes. Yeah.

I know you do, so enjoy.

Thompson, where's that report?

It was supposed to be in...

Oh, my God, I completely forgot.

Um, hold on, I...

If you just give me a second to look

through this stuff, I know I got it.

I know I had it. I printed it out.

Just bring it in when you find it.

I'm sorry, Benita.

I'm not afraid of living

On a fault line

'Cause nothing ever shakes me...

How long until I can take another?

You still have an hour.


Want to try that cloth again?

In the ocean, I'm drowning

I'm not afraid of living on

a fault line...

Here, can I try it, see if it helps?

Can I put my hands here?

Thank you.

Sometimes I wish I was you.


Even before all this cancer bullshit.

You carry around

this thoughtfulness and...

I'm just loud and messy.

I can't focus.

You, like...

you absorb things and internalize them.

I don't do that at all. I'm just...

I should be learning some major

life lesson right now, but I'm just...

just annoyed and ready for this

to be over.


Will you... you sing me a song

or something?

Can you tell me something...

- I'm not gonna...

- funny or a secret?

I'm not going to subject you

to my singing,

and you know all my secrets.

You couldn't think of a new one?




Last month, I ate your, uh,

last slice of pizza,

the one from Jon & Vinny's,

and you thought it was Dave.

- Wow. That's low.

- Yeah.

Yeah. I even put the box

under the, um, couch like he does.

It's messed up.

I'm really a monster for that.

Yeah, you are.

You started a really big fight.

Tell me another one.

I don't want to go to law school.

Jane, everyone knows that.

Except for your parents.


Sometimes I wish I was you.

You know, you're so brave.

I'm not brave. I'm just a show-off.

I can't.


Let's try the cloth again, maybe.

Is that okay?

Make sure you take your meds

as soon as you can.

Try and take deep breaths.

I know it's hard.

I can't believe

you actually ordered these.

What do you think?

Should it be like a... a deeper pink?

Uh, that depends.

Are you going for vintage Gwen Stefani

or mixtape Nicki Minaj?

- Huh.

- You know, when she's like...

- My mom texted me.

- Yeah?

Yeah. She said that they're going to be,

like, an hour and a half late for dinner.

What time do your parents land again?


What I want to know is how we're going

to get out of playing Monopoly

with the four of them tonight.

We have a schedule to stick to.

Yeah, and what I want to know is:

What is happening with these sleeves?

Like, my arms look so long.

What do you mean?

They're three quarter sleeves.

What do you mean, what do I mean?

Look at me in this. I look ridiculous.

Who would choose this?


It's supposed to look like that.

You should wear it cakebarring.

It actually looks really good on you.

Speaking of which, can we talk about

pausing cakebarring for a second?


Why, 'cause of Owen?

Eh, not really.

I just feel like you should be

getting more rest.

- Are you serious?

- Yes.

Jane, I'm fine.

Mm, you weren't fine last night.

Come on, dude.

I can get through

taking a cake to a bar once a week.

Yeah, I know,

some days you feel totally fine,

but the places are loud

and people are vaping in your face.

- Jane, I'm fine.

- None of that can be good for treatment.

I'm fine.

This is supposed to be a fun project.

Can we just shelve it

just until you're 100%?


This is way more than just a fun project.

This is some place.

May I propose a toast?

First time we are all together in,

what, three years?

And Corinne is doing so well

with her treatment.

- Cheers. -Cheers.

- Salute.

- Cheers.

- Cheers.

Corinne, I know everyone must say this,

but you look great.

Pink suits you.

Really? Thank you.

- Give you that for later on.

- No, no, Fred.

- No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

- Fred, don't do that.

- Do not listen to this man.

- Fred, please don't.

- It's his birthday.

- No.

It's not my birthday.

Please give him his card, please.


No, where, where are you...? Fred...

Jane has done an amazing job

taking care of Corinne, and we insist.

Thank you.

You shouldn't have done that.

- It's done. -ISAAC: Thank you.

- You shouldn't have done that.

How's everything going

with your cakes, Jane?


Yeah, it's fine. It's been good, actually.

I've been baking a lot

during my study breaks.

I know you've been studying

for a long time.

You pick out a law school yet?

No, not yet.

I am still in the application process,

so we'll see if I get in anywhere first.


We can look over everything

while we are here, if it would help.

You know, UC Davis has that program

in water justice.

Water justice. Yeah, thanks, Mom.

You know, I don't think that Jane

wants to go to law school

or be a lawyer, really, you know.

But what do I know?

Honey, what is she talking about?

I don't know.

- Uh...

- Oh.

If I'm being honest, I'm really behind...

Well, there's still time to catch up.

Everything happening.

Yep, there is.

La donna mobile

Here is your breado



I'm sorry, does anybody want bread?

Corinne, I have to tell you,

I don't get it.

What are you trying to do?

Dude, I thought that you were at the point

where you could finally do this.

Do what, though?

This is so frustrating for me,

and I'm literally just trying to help you.

I can't go out there

and blindside my parents

and tell them I don't want to go

to law school anymore.

Really? Because I just ran

the idea by them and no one died.

Oh, my God.

Did she just not wash her hands?

- She didn't wash her hands.

- That's what I thought.

Okay, so you want me to go out there

and say,

"Hey, Mom and Dad, you know what?

I don't have a plan,

"and I don't want to make the world

a better place like you two,

but I do want to make frosting."

Even though, you know the only reason they

let me move here was for in-state tuition.

It's like I thought that this whole

cake thing had worked

and you'd finally grown a pair,

but clearly it hasn't,

since you still can't even say

what you want or care about.

This has always been the plan, Corinne.

So you're just gonna let yourself

get pushed into this?

I could think of worse things

to get pushed into.


It's your life, Janie. You do you.

Well, that was nice.

The singing was a little much, wasn't it?

Ah, I liked when they did show tunes

at the end.

I love the one from Wicked.

Corinne seemed tired tonight.

Was it funny what she said about you

and law school?

Yeah, that was a misunderstanding.

I think she's just going through a lot,


Honey, it's wonderful

that you are there for her.

Last few months must have

been very difficult.

We are proud of you.

All right, next auction item.

Who's out there who has a teenager at home

who hasn't looked at you since Christmas?

Well, I have a little package that's going

to perk them up, and this is what it is.

Thank you.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Are you here to donate blood?

I'm afraid not. I'm anemic.

But I did want to show my support,

so I'm handing out water

during the afternoon shift.

That is really sw... Whoa.


Oh. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

I want what he's drinking.


Speaking of which,

do you want to hang out tonight?

- We could get a drink.

- Yeah.

I just have to drive Corinne back

when she's ready to leave.

- Just give me a call.

- Yeah.

- All right. See you in a bit.

- See you.


What are you wearing?

Your face.

- Did you make this yourself?

- Yeah.

Can I hear it, can I hear it?

7,500. We start at 7,500.

Do I hear 7,500? Great.

No one is leaving

until we hit 20 grand, okay?

And if you think I'm kidding,

those blockades are here for a reason.

Okay, do I hear nine?

Hey, runners, remember to grab

a goodie bag on the way out

and drive safely.

A lot of people rolled through today.

That was really sweet.

I liked the, uh, Foo Fighters

cover band that played.


Yeah. You, uh, mess with their look

a little bit,

replace the bass player,

they could be the next Kings of Leon.

I guess. Sorry it's such a trek.

Car's right up here.

Oh, hey.

Are you good?

I hate those flowers.

Those are ugly flowers.

Hey, you know what? Let's take a seat.

Will you sit down?

Talk to me.

I hated it today.

I hated it so f*cking much.

Just all those people I don't even know

just taking pictures with me,

posting about my stupid brain tumor.


You know, I don't feel like a sick person.

And today just reminded me, I...

I'm a sick person

for people to feel bad for.

And I just...

You have cancer right now,

but you're not a sick person.

You're a person that happens to be sick.

This is just one thing

you're going through.

And I feel like we're going

to look back on all this

as that really weird year

we spent in hospitals and bars.

Really hope so.

I'm sorry about the other night.

I-I didn't mean to ambush you like that.

I just...

No, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I overreacted.

I just want to...

I just want to make sure

that you're going to be,

you know, okay by yourself...

if, um,

- if I don't get better.

- Don't say that.

Don't say that.

- Uh...

- No.

- Yeah.

- You're going to be okay,

and when you're the next

Benita big shot agent,

everyone's going to be like, "Oh, my God,

did you know that Corinne had cancer?

She's such a rock star,

you can't even tell."

"I heard she was in Cancun with The Weeknd

after she finished her chemo."

"Well, you know, I heard that Mick Jagger

named an essential oils line after her

in spite of it being

an already saturated market."

That was a good one, by the way.

I love Mick Jagger.

I know you do.

You never let me forget

how much you love Mick Jagger.

- You know that's my boy.

- That's your boy.

Hi. Okay, what's going on?

Okay, lie down, lie down.

Something's wrong.

What month is it?

It's November.

What day is it?

It's the fifth. It's a Sunday.


- I missed your birthday?

- No.

No, uh, we went to the reservoir

and you made us a picnic.

I'll-I'll be right back.

Hi. Um, excuse me.

My friend was supposed to be seen

hours ago.

Sorry. It's a crazy night.

No, I know, but she's being treated

in this hospital for a brain tumor.

Her name is Corinne Thompson.

We're doing the best we can.

Okay, um...

Her oncologist is-is Dr. Mitchell.

Could you just check to see who's on call?

If it's a fellow, a resident,

anybody in her primary care team.

She's acting like she has amnesia.

She's never done this before.

I'll see what I can do.


Okay, okay.

Hi. I'm sorry, sorry about that.

I just had to check on something.

Is there anything I could get you?

I could rustle up some really stale chips

from the vending machine.

What happened?

I don't know.

It could be a reaction

from your new chemo pills.

Chemo pills?


What month is it?

It's November.

No, what day is it?

It's the fifth. It's a Sunday.

I missed your birthday.

You never miss my birthday.

We spent it together.

We had a really good day.

Why are we at the hospital?

You okay?

I'm okay.

I'm okay.

- Good morning.

- Good morning.

- Good morning.

- Hi.

I like seeing you guys all together.


How are you doing, Corinne?

How'd you sleep?

I'm fine.

Uh, the...

these sheets are so loud, though.

You don't love these waterproof sheets?

They're not...?

- No.

- No?

I'm not going to piss myself, I swear.

So, I... I got the results

of Corinne's MRI.



Hey, come on.

It's not what we were hoping for.

The tumor has appeared

in a new location as a glioblastoma.

Glioblastomas are very aggressive.

More treatments for brain cancer

are coming out all the time, but...

there is no cure for this

particular tumor right now.

Okay, I'm, um...

I'm sorry. What do we do next?

Because of the location,

surgery is still not a viable option.

- Okay.

- But...

Corinne could be eligible

for a clinical trial.

I have a list of hospitals

that are currently accepting patients.


Are you saying that we're-we're...

we're done here?

We're not done.

She said, she said there's a list.

- We're not done.

- We...

We can make some calls first.

You know what? We'll make the calls.

Just give us the list.

Why are we just now hearing about a list?

Why are we not already on the list?

I'm so sorry, Mr. Thompson.

Cancer is never a straight line.

There are so many ups and downs.

Yeah, no, I don't need

a straight line. I need a straight answer.

Now, where was this list three months ago

when we first met you?

I wish I had a better answer for you.

She could still get into Houston.

Dallas could take her next week

if her samples are a match.

This isn't us giving up.

We should have brought her home, Ruth.

We should have done the Mayo Clinic.

We could have gone

to all the appointments.

We could have managed her care.

We could have been there for all of it,

not just emailing her articles

about electrolytes.

We don't know that she'd be better.

She could still be just as sick,

but she would hate us

for making her leave.

Well, we won't know.

You convinced me that she'd be fine.

She isn't going to be fine, Ruth.

It wasn't our decision to make.

I have to pick up her Keppra

before the pharmacy closes.

- Hi.

- Hi.

- Can I come in?

- Mm-hmm.


I need to sleep with you.

Are you okay with that?

I was not expecting that. Yeah, yeah.

- Can I get you a drink?

- Couch or bed?

- Oh, you mean now?

- Yeah.

- Uh...

- Bed?

- Bed?

- I like bed.



You okay?

Not really.

Life's a little weird,

but if you're asking

whether I'm a sober

and consenting adult, absolutely.

- You?

- Yeah.

Okay, good.

Oh, for crying out loud.



thought you could use this instant

like you like.

- Thanks, Janie.

- Yeah.

I know you're upset

Corinne didn't come to Phoenix with you.

And I'm so sorry.

I really never thought

we'd get to this point.

I really thought I could handle it.

No, no, no, no, no, no. No.

Of course you didn't.

None of us, none of us wanted

to think that.

Hell, I-I thought the biggest problem

would be the carpet.

Or the mold in your shower pan

or the faulty GFI.

I can fix those.

But, uh...

Oh, this cancer business is not...

not something you or I

can do anything about, is it?


And I-I just needed something

to be mad at.

I'm not mad at you.



Yeah. I think you're overdue

for a change of scenery.

Well, I don't know.

My car keys are all the way upstairs.

I have mine.


Fred, you're really good at this.

You know, I'm an auto body guy.

Glaze coat's a glaze coat.

Any suggestions

on how to take this corner?

I mean, you can round it off

or commit to that point.

I was thinking of rounding it,

but might as well commit to the point.

Committing to the point.

- Ugh.

- Hmm?

The art in here is so ugly.

Yeah, it is pretty bad.

- It's... it's Wednesday, right?

- Yeah.

How long have I,

how long have I been here again?


Three days.

- Hey, Dad.

- Hey.

- Jane? Jane?

- Yeah?

Oh, my... Okay, what's wrong?

What's wrong?

Let's go get fries.

Oh, okay.

- Come on.

- Yeah, let's get fries.

So there's this super famous

French fry stand

in, um, Rio de Janeiro.

It's apparently like the best French fries

in the world.

So I was thinking...

that we could put in for a vacation

at the same time

and maybe go next summer.

- I'm down.

- Right?

- Just have to renew our passports.

- Oh, yeah.

Can't get by with those photos.

I just don't want to roll in

with a picture of me at 12,

- like, "Let me in, please."

- Yeah. No, thank you.

Did you know that Russell and I

had our first date here?

Russell, the tennis coach?

- My tennis coach.

- Yeah.

- With the... Mm-hmm.

- The tiny shorts.

Oh, my God.

- His shorts were so small.

- I know.

I saw he just had a baby.

It's probably pretty easy

with those shorts.

Slide 'em to the side.

Time out. Time out.


Oh. Thanks, Jane.

Of course.

They said it could have been worse.

They're going to readmit her

and keep her for longer.

What if she gets into one of those trials,

could she leave?

Um, the Houston one called today

and she's not a match.

And then, uh, the other ones,

we were either too late applying

or her tumor is too far advanced.

Um, so Houston was our last hope.

Do you remember when she wanted

to get that tattoo?

The one that had the record player?

Yeah. You said that if she waited

until she was 20 that you'd get her a car.

And then I just took her to get it anyway.

Yeah, you totally caved.

To be honest,

I think it looks really good.

You know, she's really lucky

to have you as her mom.

I don't know.

I'm really lucky she came along.

I never thought I'd have so much fun.

Me, either.

I wish you were in my kitchen with me.

It's so delicious.

Now, if you have your folks coming in,

you got the...


Let's get to it.

Good, you are awake.

I can't sleep.

These sheets are still so loud.

It's a pumpkin pie cake.


How are you doing?

- Me?

- Mm-hmm.

I'm, uh...

doing pretty good, you know.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

Definitely having an existential crisis

right now.

Sounds about right.

You in any pain, though?

- Anything I can get you?

- No.

- You promise?

- Yeah.

Okay, give me an update.

We have 17 cakes left.

I know that.

So you also know that I'm going to finish

cakebarring for us.

Hell yeah.

I said 50 cakes,

so I'm gonna do 50 cakes.


Wish I could go with you.

Oh, you are.

'Cause I'm going to bring it all to you.

Worth it, worth it, worth it, worth it


Worth all of the time

I'm 'bout to give you, baby

So I hope you're gonna make it all

Worth it, worth it, worth it...

Okay. I see your standard icing,

and I'm gonna raise you one.

Ooh, when I see the sun rising

You make it that much better

So I hope you're gonna make it all

Worth it, worth it, worth it,

worth it, ooh...

Oh. Hi.

- Hi, Janie.

- Hi.

Okay, everyone,

I brought more cakebarring souvenirs.

Worth it, worth it, ooh

I love it. -I got this flag

from Pride Night at the Abbey.

- Love the Abbey.

- Oh, I have more.

This is what I got from the Edison.

Girl, you stole a menu from the Edison?

Okay, that's a safety hazard, guys.

That's a safety hazard.

Okay. Okay, no more sage. No more sage.

As I hope you'll make it worth it


When I see the sun rising,

you make it that much better

So I hope you're gonna make it all

worth it, worth it, worth it, worth it

Rams bobblehead from Sunday's game,

which I traded

for a molten chocolate beer cake.

Tiny pencils from Los Globos,

'cause Alex forced me to go

to trivia night with her.

- Let me guess, she won.

- Won by landslide.

And then... Right.

A photo strip from Liz's office's

Christmas party

where everyone was gluten free.

Which means I have an entire eggnog cake

with your name on it

in the fridge when we get home.

Okay, that should do it.

You ready to go home?

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

Let's ride.

After weeks in the hospital,

you must be ready for my lasagna.

Goodbye, room.

That is some ugly-ass art on the wall.

That's exactly what I said.

You see what I mean about the primer?


I like to put it on, like, more here,

matte, so it doesn't crease,

'cause I don't, I don't like

when it creases.

Okay, how do I do that?

The fluffy brush.

Got you.

Got you. Got to matte it.

- Jane.

- Huh?

Give me that.


What am I missing?

This is for blush.

Okay, sure,

but it was the fluffiest one here.

Got the whole job done, right?

You saw how fast I did that.

Fluffiest eye brush.

Okay, since we're getting technical.

Fluffy brush.

Once we get good at this,

then Owen will be so focused on your eyes,

he'll forget about

your terrible underwear.

You are such an underwear bully.

Please just take mine.


I don't want them to just be thrown away.

You can even have this one.

My favorite.

Are you wearing underwire right now?

Stretch lace.


Extremely comfortable.

What's happening with you and Owen?

We're at that point where it's like,

are we going on dates or are we dating?

What do you want?

Yeah, he's a good guy

and we have...

we have a good time together,

but I just think that when I met him,

I really, really wanted him to like me.

But more so as a way to...

to prove that I could be liked, er, um,

so I could like myself.

Oh, my God, is that so dumb?

No, it's part of evolving

and learning who you are.

Makes me happy to see you going out

and doing what you want.


You know, finding what makes you happy.

Now I just have to figure out what I want.

Are you sure that eyeshadow's

what you want?

I don't know if burnt orange is my color.

It's not.



I can't.

Oh, one more thing, honey.

We wanted to fill you in

on our summer plans.

We are thinking we will do

some, uh, consulting

in Nay Pyi Taw for two weeks,

and then, uh, we go to Vang Vieng

for a week at the end.

Oh, that sounds great.

You should come with us, sweetie.

Get a change of scenery

before you go off to school.

You know, actually, there's...

Actually, there's something

that we should talk about.

And I'm so sorry because

I should have said this sooner, but...

I'm not going to law school.



I mean, I mean, you are not going now

or you are not going ever?

It's just not something I'd be good at

because it's not something I'd enjoy.

And for the longest time, I thought

it was the only thing that I could do,

and I wanted to make you guys happy.

Oh, Jane.

Please don't say

you want to be an actress.

God, no.

Whoo, not an actress.

But I do feel like I can do what I want

and still make a difference.

With a law degree,

you can do whatever you want.

Jane, look at your mom...

Come on, come on, turn the radio on

It's Friday night,

and it won't be long

Gotta do my hair, put my make-up on

It's Friday night,

and it won't be long

Till I hit the dance floor

Hit the dance floor

I got all I need

- No, I ain't got cash

- I ain't got cash

But I got you, baby

Baby, I don't need dollar bills

to have fun tonight

I love cheap thrills

Baby, I don't need dollar bills

to have fun tonight

I love cheap thrills

I don't need no money

- Hey.

- Hey.


As long as I can feel the beat...

I have a question, though.

Are you gonna get up there and sing?

Oh, God, no.

- No?

- No.

I will spare everyone the misery.

Oh, I also can't sing,

so I'm not making my debut.

- Hey, yo, Janie.

- Yes.

When are we going cakebarring, huh?

- Cakebarring?

- Yeah.

- What is that?

- Oh.

Oh, it's kind of in the name.

I basically just bring my cakes to a bar

as a way to meet people.

So all the cake I've been eating

is just leftovers

that you've been handing out

to, like, strangers?


That is exactly what it is.

That's so random.

It's kind of weird.

It's actually been pretty perfect.


So good.

I have a s... I have a song.


- My turn.

- All right.

Hot tamale.

Hot tamale coming through.

Uh, try get you the mic here?

Oh, oh, I got you, I got you,

I got you, I got you.

Okay, okay. All right, ready?

- Yeah, just lift with your legs.

- One, two...

Got her?

- It can't be that hard. Come on.

- Okay.

Ooh, precious... oh... cargo.

All right, leave me alone. Thank you.


Merry Christmas.

You take the gray skies outta my way

You make the sun shine brighter

than Doris Day

Bright spark into a flame

My beats per minute

never been the same

'Cause you're my lady

and I'm your fool

It makes me crazy

when you act so cruel

Come on, baby, let's not fight

We'll go dancing

Everything will be all right

Wake me up before you go-go

Don't leave me hanging on like a yo-yo

Wake me up before you go-go

I don't wanna miss it

when you hit that high

Wake me up before you go-go

'Cause I'm not planning on going solo

Wake me up before you go-go

Take me dancing tonight

I wanna hit that high.

That was horrible.

- So rude. So rude.

- That was so bad.

You're terrible singers.

Out of here already?

Yeah, that's it.

It's my last day as a mail room employee.

Wow, the break room is going to be

a lot less exciting.


Ooh, do you want to do something

this weekend?

I was thinking margaritas

at Casita del Campo,

but, you know,

I understand if you're too busy.

Yeah, uh...

Owen, you're really great.

And I really like you.

It's just this isn't the right thing

for me right now.

I'm just figuring some things out.


Well, okay, uh...

I'm really sorry if what I said

the other night

about your cake thing was, uh...

I guess I'm not as comfortable

putting myself out there.

Okay, did you just call me outgoing?


'Cause that is the first time

in human history

that anyone has ever referred to me

as outgoing.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Okay. Well, I'm glad to be your first.

Thank you.


I had a lot of fun.

I'll see you.

- What?

- Ladies.

Okay, what happened?


You know, I thought of another secret.

I never wanted to move to L.A.

All I knew is that I'd follow you

wherever you went.

Even if you chose the saddest,

darkest, coldest town...

I'd be there.

'Cause you just see the spark

in everything.

And you make it magic.

You're the most amazing person

I've ever known.


I love you.

Wherever you are in the universe,

I'll love you.

I'll always be in your orbit.

Can't wait to haunt you.

I know you're going to haunt me.

So you know I'm gonna live a life

worth haunting.

With, uh, fries in Rio.

And Stones concerts.

Piano karaoke.

I'm gonna live it all for both of us,

I promise.

If you want to rest now, that's okay.

I love you.

Love you.

I know.

Is she...?

Oh, my God.

It's really stretchy.

It's really stretchy.

Pulling the thread

and I'm tearing the seams

I'm ready to go

Singing the songs...

Who's ready to slap the bag?

Hey, Brock, that's wine.

I ordered, uh, a case, so here we go.


Khoresh Gheymeh.

It's a Persian stew,

typically served at memorials.

- Make sure you have some rice with it.

- Okay.

No wonder I'm ready


To go

- Mm

- RUTH: Isaac. Tasha.

- Hey.

- Hi.

Thank you so much for coming all this way.

You're so kind.


I was in Sedona for a cleanse.


I'm kidding.

Yeah, right, right.


We're going ahead

with that, uh, tour idea she had.

The two Billies: Joel and Eilish.

- Really?

- Yes.

Starts in June.


Wow, she would have loved that.


And you, you're going to be a baker?

Yeah. How'd you know that?

Oh, my job.

I recognize talent, and then I exploit it.

Got it.

And I have a Rolodex full of contacts

if you ever need help.

Not that you do.

Thank you.

Frequently, pretend to sleep

Pulling the thread

and I'm tearing the seams

I'm ready to go

- Singing the song...

- Okay.

Let's get you in.

No wonder I'm ready to go

Like wheat canes and pretty things

I'll never know what tomorrow brings

But I'm ready

No wonder I'm ready

No wonder, no wonder

-No wonder

- No wonder

- No wonder

- No wonder

No wonder

- No wonder I'm ready...

- Hi.

Special occasion?

- I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready

- No wonder

Pulling the thread

and I'm tearing the seams

I'm ready to go

Singing the songs

that you've given to me

No wonder I'm ready to go

Like wheat canes...

I did it, Corinne.

I finished.

I'm ready

50 cakes.

No wonder I'm ready.

Thanks for the adventure.

Hey, this is for you.


Ooh, cake is coming through.

Beautiful Miss Jane.

Did you save me any cake?

Always. Got a slice for your mom.

You're the best.

You're looking good. Good to see you.

I pictured a rainbow

You held it in your hands

I had flashes

Ooh, but you saw the plan...

Enjoy, and see you next week?


I wandered out in the world for years

While you just stayed in your room

What can I get you?

I saw the crescent

- Ooh

- You want a refill?

- Yeah

- Ooh, it's your birthday?

- You saw the whole of the moon

- Happy birthday.

Ooh, the whole of the moon


You were there in the turnstiles

With the wind at your heels

You stretched for the stars

and you know how it feels

- To reach too high

- Too high

- Too far

- Too far

- Too soon

- Too soon

You saw the whole of the moon

Yeah, ooh

You saw, you saw

I spoke about wings


And you just flew

I wondered and I guessed and I tried


But you just knew

Ooh, I sighed


Ooh, yeah

But you swooned


I saw the crescent, ooh

You saw the whole of the moon


The whole of the moon


With a torch in your pocket

And the wind on your heels

You climbed on a ladder

And you know how it feels

- Too high

- Too high

- Too far

- Too far

- Too soon

- Too soon

You saw the whole of the moon


The whole of the moon

You saw the whole of the moon

Ooh, yeah

The whole of the moon

You saw, you saw

The whole of the moon

Ooh, you saw the whole of the moon.