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Office Race (2023)

Posted: 09/14/23 08:06
by bunniefuu
I got the big beat

My name's Pat

Cassidy. I'm a runner.

I used to be normal.

Now I own a neon vest.

My toenails are dead,

dying or just plain gone.

And sometimes I

grease my nipples.

Tomorrow, I'm running

my first marathon.


Nice outfit, jerkoff!

26.2 miles. Ugh,

how did I get here?

And can you see my

junk in these shorts?

All good questions.

- Oh!

- Wake the f*ck up.

Good morning.

The farting goat!

It's a farting goat!

Oh, my God.

- Later, Pat.

- I love you.

Love you.

- Mwah.

- Mwah.

Party people in

the place to be

It's about that time

Yeah, uh-huh

Yeah, what you know about...


I covered you at the client

dinner last night, Pat.

We signed them.

Oh, right. Thanks.

Totally spaced.

No worries. I actually...

I was able to reschedule

- my ultrasound, so...

- Perfect.

Yeah. Can you send over the

deal memo, though, like asap?

- On it.

- Thank you.

"Farting... goat...

long version..."

Hey, Pat.

Hi, Olivia.

- How was date night?

- Uh, Pat had to work late.

- You Pat or girlfriend Pat?

- Girlfriend Pat.

I never refer to myself in

the third person or work late.

You should know that about me.

Work-life balance

is so important.

What do you want, Olivia?

Okay, so you know how sad it is

that some dogs don't have homes?

- You hate animals.

- Okay, yeah, but that's why

I'm raising money to get those

stinky mongrels off the street

by running a half marathon

in gay Paris, baby.

Gimme money, gimme money.

So you want me to pay

for your vacation?

Oui, oui. If I raise enough

cash the charity will pay for

my hotel, aka Chez Nasty,

'cause you know those fit freaks

are gonna be all hopped up on

endorphins and lookin' to bone.

Sure, yeah. I'll help pay for

Chez Nasty. Send me the link.

But only because I

love that money dance.

Gimme money,

mm Gimme money

- That's good.

- Hola, amigos!

Hey, Spencer.

- Tight outfit.

- Thanks very much.

I mean, it's a little

embarrassing because, uh,

well, the rainbow

motto was last weekend,

and it's just a barefoot

10K through swampland,

climbing ropes and

solving puzzles,

but I'm doing the

zero waste thing,

so I haven't washed these

puppies. I smell good.

I bet you do.

Yeah, There's definitely

a smell. 10K? Damn.

- What is that? Like, 2 miles?

- Closer to 6.2 exactly.

But I double back for

teammates, so who really knows?

Yeah, no way to

keep track of that.

Well, the chalk really

brings out the definition

- in your quads, so...

- Thank you, Olivia.

I mean, what about you?

What do you do, like,

100 burpees before breakfast?

Who's your trainer?


Don't think you're allowed

to say that in an office.

- He can.

- Later, Olive Oyl.


All right. Well, this was

awesome. Thanks for stopping by.

You gotta recycle your

knick-knacks, paddywhack.

We've only got one Mother Earth.

And where I come from,

every day is Mother's Day.

We good?

Oh... Yeah.

- We good.

- Boom.

Jesus. Dude.

Yo, Dave!

What's up, baby?

Oh, you know, just living my

life a quarter mile at a time.

Ha ha, my man! Speaking of,

there's a Tokyo Drift matinee

Sunday at the Avalon. You in?

Perfect. Pat's

working this weekend.

- I'll grab us seats.

- Great.

Get a real job, meter maid!

Why don't you get a real

car, Uncle Phil? Huh?

How you fit Carlton, Ashley

and Will in this m*therf*cker?

Who you flexin' at, huh?

Yeah, take your

ticket and go on.

Pay more attention to the signs

in your community, jackass!

Hey, Pataroni Pizza!

Liz wants to see

us in her office.

Great. One sec. Gotta

run. Boss wants to chat,

but thanks for grabbing tickets.

Set for Sunday, friendo.

Hey, I don't have friends.

- I got family!

- I got family!

First off, TGIF.

TGIF! TGIF! Yeah! Yeah, yeah!

- To you as well.

- I'm gonna get right to it.

I spoke to corporate today and

they are relocating me to NYC

to be the new SVP

of national HQ.

- Congratulations! All right!

- I'm very happy for you.

Thank you. But now I need

to name a replacement

for head of sales.

And I'm stuck between two

rock stars and a hard place.

But I thought long

and hard about it.


Spencer's getting the promotion.

- What?

- Oh, Pat!

Don't forget, you two have

client drinks tonight.

Big ad buy on the table.

I know I can count

on you, Spence.

Uh, I'm sorry. Why

am I even here?

Spencer, do you mind

giving us a second?

No. Sure thing, Boss.

I'm good. Thanks.

Pat, I understand how

this could be difficult

seeing how Spencer

used to report to you.

But I want you to know

that you are a valuable...

Uh, screw it. Uh, I cannot

stand working with you.

- Oh.

- Whoo, that felt so good

to get off my chest.

Yeah, Pat, I mean, gah,

you are a mediocre

employee at best.

You're generally going nowhere.

And your career

path is like this.

Do you understand what this is?

Yeah. No, I get it. I think

I understand. Thank you.

Yeah. No heart. No

commitment. All f*ck-up.

Hmm, I feel like you don't

need to tell me that.

I wanted to fire you

today. I really did.

But then I got promoted.

And now you're

Spencer's problem. Ha!

Look, Pat, if you want to keep

this job, here's some advice

from a woman who

could not care less.

Land this deal

tonight. Capiche?

I capiche.

Hmm. Oh, yeah. Get

it, yeah. Get it.

Yeah, get it. Hmm. Oh, yeah.


Hey, Patio Furniture. I

just wanna let you know

that my promotion

doesn't change anything.

You're still my brother, bro.

Actually, it directly changes

everything between us.

- You're my boss now.

- No, we're family.

And every day is Thanksgiving.

I love you, Squanto.

I'm not comfortable

with that nickname.

Knew it was bad when

it left my lips.

Let's just go in there

and lock this deal down.

That's my guy. And it won't take

long because I just matched with

the girl who wants

to meet at midnight.

So don't wanna turn into a

pumpkin, Patajowea. Ah, ah.

Thought I stumbled on to one.

All right, let's go sling some

- ads like the old days, okay?

- Yeah.

Remember, absolutely

nothing has changed.

Hi! Spencer Duley, senior

manager of sales at Aardvark.

Hey, Rita Green.

Green Built Energy.

And this is my second in

command. Oh, hey, Pat Cassidy.

There you are, buddy.

Hi... Whoa. We got

ourselves a wet noodle here.

No, thank you.

- Sorry, sorry. I'm Pat.

- Hi.

- Let's sit!

- Yeah, great.

I'm not sorry that I am Pat. I'm

just sorry about the handshake.

So that is Aardvark. It is a

peer-to-peer money lending app,

but the money in your

account earns interest.

And that's a whole

lot of cheddar.

Child of the 90s.

I'm just trying.

I'm just having fun.

See all this prime ad

space? This could all say

Green Built Energy.

So are you ready to unleash

your money with Aardvark?

Look, I like it, but I try

to focus our advertising on

platforms that I have a personal

connection with, you know?

Oh, Hondo P. Yeah, it's all

about personal connections.

I mean, just the other

day I was with my squad

doing a training run for

the Sweet Peach Marathon.

What? I'm running

the Sweet Peach.

What? Ah!

What? Ah!

- Pat, do you run?

- Nah, it's kind of boring.

Yeah. You know, Pat's

more of an indoor cat.

He's the perfect sidekick.

The number one number

two of all time.

I mean, if I have to do a

quick tempo run at lunch...

I get it.

I know that Pat is gonna

be holding down his desk

going nowhere.

Pat, you're going nowhere.

- Yeah, I'm running the marathon.

- What?

-Well, I thought... Sorry, didn't

you just say you don't run?

I did say I don't run

previously, but I do run now

because I just signed up for

the Sweet Peach Marathon.

Well, that's amazing. Open

registration closed months ago.

So you must be

running for charity!

- Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I am.

- Yeah.

What charity?

- Cancer.

- Cancer? Awesome!

Which organization? Susan

G. Komen, Mediviver,

- Breastfeet Forward?

- Breastfeet Forward.

What? No way! Me

too! Look! Look!

- Yeah, that's the one.

- Oh, I love breast cancer!

I'm doing the prostate.

All good causes!

- Yes!

- Yeah!

Hell yeah! Oh!

Pat, you gotta come on our

next team run. They are so fun.

- Nah, I'm good.

- Oh, you gotta go!

You gotta.

- Yeah. I gotta go.

- Sick. Tomorrow morning.

Forsythe Park, 6:00 AM.

Gotta beat the heat.

k*ll me, k*ll me, k*ll me...

- Hey, there he is.

- Hey.


Wow, nice outfit.

Very fluorescent.

Thank you.

You'll get there.

Okay, come on.

Let's go meet the

rest of the team.


Whoa! She really

loves running.

Hey, Kiki. This is Pat.

Oh, my gosh. New friend? It's

so nice to meet you, Pat.

You're serving me gym

class chic right now.

Oh, thanks. I was starting to

feel like maybe I dressed wrong.

- Hey!

- Whoa. Hey.

Harry Hays, man,

good to meet you.

Yeah, you too.

Yeah. Welcome. Whoa.

- What is happening?

- So they are a couple.

It's best to just give

them a little space.

Anyway, I wanted to ask you,

how did you get into this great

- sport of running, huh?

- Oh, you know...

Oh! Running is a sport

together. Really.

Running is for children and

people who can't hold their pee.

You want a real sport?

Try race walking. That's

a real sport right there.

Heel, toe. Heel, toe, heel, toe.

Your feet never

leave the ground.

That's a real thrill!

All right, baby?

Save it, Harry. No one

cares about your fake sport.

Why should I learn

how to run slow?

I already know how to run slow.

I want to learn how to run fast.

Don is gonna be leading a blind

runner through the marathon.

The proper nomenclature

is differently abled.

Actually, I think blind is

okay. Or visually impaired.

How would you know? You

sighted son of a bitch.

I think it's just...

Babe, you forget your password

again? It's all fives.

No, I know my password. It's

just this Breastfeet Forward app

is driving me crazy. My sister's

been trying to make a donation

for the last hour. And

it keeps crashing on her.

You know what? Maybe it's

time to unleash your Aardvark.

What the f*ck did you say to me?

- No. Sorry.

- You wanna see my d*ck?

What? No, I don't

know. It's Aardvark.

It's the money transfer app

I work for. I could set up

an account for our donations,

and since it earns interest,

it's just a way to put all

our fundraising on autopilot.

And that's a whole lot

of... It's more money.

- d*ck?

- No, it's just more money.

Well, I love using

tech to get an edge.

Pat, I proudly

appoint you treasurer

of Team Breastfeet Forward.

Okay, let's get a move on.

- More responsibility.

- See you in a minute.

- Congrats.

- Thank you.

Baby, this dude

tried to see my aardvark.

Hey, hold up. Hold,

hold. Let's move.

- Coming through, meatball.

- Oh. Ouch.


And away we go.

Where am I?

We're in the hospital.

You hit me with your car.

And then you fainted.


- Hello, Mr. Cassidy?

- Yeah, right here.

I'm Mr. Cassidy.

Uh, you...

He probably has a concussion

or he's senile. We'll see.

- Anyway, hi, Pat.

- Hi.

- Hey, Rita.

- Hi, Julie. Sorry, Dr. Hall.

We missed you on the

run this morning.

We missed you on the

run this morning.

- Julie's on our team, too.

- It's true. I was bummed when

I had to cover this shift,

but now I feel like

I didn't miss much.

Glad I could help. Am I dying?


Wait. Really?

No, you're fine.

No, you're fine. You're fine.

She got you so good!

Your testosterone is low.

Abdominal fat is high.

Why'd they test for that?

But no broken bones or internal

bleeding, so you can go.

- Great.

- Well, no, I'm sorry.

I got hit by a car. It hurts.

Oh, I bet it hurts.

Cars are made of metal.

- Right.

- Maybe next time you're running,

try listening to your

headphones at a moderate level.

- That's a real rookie move.

- Yeah.

Oh, God. So it's my fault?

Um, well, okay. I'm sorry.

Could I just... Could

I get some dr*gs maybe?

Oh, I've got just the thing.

We're going to go with one

pair of real running shoes.

- That's not what I meant.

- Multiple athletic shirts.

That's not pills.

- And modern shorts.

- You're confused.

See you two at

the next team run.

Okay. I'll just

leave with nothing.

Dude, running sucks. I

ran one time. It sucked.

Yeah, you're not wrong. At

least it's for a good cause.

- What's the cause?

- Keeping my job.

I meant what cancer?

Isn't there only

one kind of cancer?

And it just shows up in

different parts of your body?

That sounds entirely

wrong. I'm not a scientist,

but I'm sure the scientists

are just sharing notes.

Yeah, like peer reviews and

shit, and it's all on one

big health database. I

mean, it's gotta be illegal

to not share cancer

notes, right?

Mm-hmm. And if they

don't share it,

they violating the hippo laws.


So this is all just

to impress a client?

Yep. And I gotta practice

almost every morning.

- It's nice knowing you.

- What are you talking about?

You still down for Tokyo

Drift in the morning?

Shit! Stop it. You know I

don't even like running, man.

I'm just doing it to

win this stupid account,

and get Spencer off my ass.

And then we'll be right back

to breakfast burritos

and B-movie matinees.

- B movies?

- Oh, no, I...

Look, I didn't mean

it like that, man.

Patrick, have you been watching

Fast and Furious ironically?

No, man. I mean, like, I think

they're good, but not like...


I don't even know who

you are anymore, dawg.

I think you should

probably leave.

Dave, come on, man.

I don't have friends.

Right now, I don't either.

- You wanna watch Fast Five?

- Yay! And eat pizza bagels?

He said he was

fine when I left,

but I've just never seen

Dave so upset, you know?

Yeah, I know.

I wish I never joined

this stupid running team

- in the first place.

- Totally.

Maybe I should just quit

the team, quit my job

- and do what I love.

- Hmm. I know.

Like, you know, doing bath salts

just to see what all

the fuss is about.

Follow your bliss.

- Pat.

- Huh?

I'm trying to sort

some stuff out here.

And I feel like you're

being completely distant.

I mean, come on.

I need your help.

What should I do?

Well, I mean, it's not

like you have any hobbies

or anything you're

really interested in,

so I guess I'm just wondering,

like, what would you do?

I have hobbies. I drive.

- That's not a hobby.

- What does that even mean?

We're adults. What

are your hobbies?

Book club, yoga, trading crypto.

When did you join a book club?

No one reads Infinite

Jest for fun, Pat.

Pat, why am I being yelled at?

I'm the one who

got hit by a car.

You got hit by a car?

He's expected

to recover fully

and should be able to help

police with information.

And which healthy habit

might be k*lling you?

Tonight at 11:00.

You worked all day

Not a comfortable life

Nine-to-five job

with no end in sight

Hit the ground running

and don't back down

Make a commitment

Turn it around

You're the best

You're the b*mb

You're awesome Yeah, yeah

Rita, I gotta say, I think

you're going to just love the

Aardvark interface. The

ads are finna to pop off.

Thank you, Pat. But, you

know, I get pitched all week,

so I kind of use these

runs to disconnect.

- But I love the hustle, though.

- You got it.

Get your run on. You go, girl.

- How you holdin' up, rook?

- I've been better.

My feet are really achy. I'm

chafing pretty bad all over.

My feet are really achy. I'm

chafing pretty bad all over.

- And my uh...

- Nipples hurt?

Yes. Oh, my God. Yes. Why?

- Oh!

- Doing all right, hun?

I'm gonna need to hit

the toilet up ahead.

Alas, the park

bathroom is closed.


Drifters were

cranking it in there.

Okay, I guess it's

the woods for me then.

Wipe with a sock, okay? Dry

leaves are not your friend.

No, these socks, they're

state of the art.

- Good luck.

- Oh God...

Hey, you're gettin' it.

Yeah, kid. That's it.

Now, you're race walking.

Huh? Heel, toe, heel, toe.

Okay. I'm done.

I tell you, this thing

gets so deep in the hip,

you want to at least

propose to it. You know?

How was the rest of your

run, rook? How're feelin'?

Everything hurts.

- Oh!

- Oh, my God!

- What?

- What? The high beam?

Those are some

angry, angry nipples.

Is that normal?

All the blood went to

your nipples. It's crazy.

I can't stop looking.

They really hurt. I

can't keep my shirt on.

Ah, the wind kind of

hurts, too. Ah, yeah. Oh.

Will you look at this

Navy SEAL shit right here.

Oh, f*ck me.

Rita, Pat in the Hat!

What are the chances?

You seal the deal yet, buddy?

Just kidding. Ha, ha, ha, ha.

What are you doing

here? You animal!

Just training for the marathon

the only way we know how...

By doing a triathlon.

Whoa! Is

that Nitro Venom?

Didn't some Olympians

get banned for that?

Nah. Well, yeah,

but, you know,

the FDA says they're gonna

approve the new recipe.

Oh, my God! Patmandu,

are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks, Spencer.

Enjoy your run, bike, swim.

Hey, I was just thinking during

my 2.4 miles in the water,

we should put a friendly

wager on the marathon.

Loser pays $100 to

the winner's charity.

No, I'm good. I think I

know who'd win that bet.

Oh, come on, Pat.

It's all for charity.

Sure. A hundred

bucks? Why not?

I'd probably blow that money

on student loans anyway.

Terrific. Oh, you were

touching that. You know what?

Let's do a verbal handshake.

Those jelly donuts could use

some ointment glaze A-S-A-Pat.

- To the bikes!

- Later!

Okay, so who was that monster?

That's my boss.

He used the word "ointment"

like it's no big deal.

I don't even write the word

when it's medically necessary.

I-I hate him.

- Thank you.

- Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah, and he's

ugly, too, right?

He's got the body of,

like, a weasel or a mink.

All right, lobster

nips, my old track coach

owns a running store. Time

to get you some proper gear.

Great. He's gonna

help me with these?

Uh, wait, running

gear? I've got...

I'm gonna come. I'm coming.

Oh, hey, Google.

Put two-ply running socks

on my shopping list.

Fresh rubber? Oh, heaven.

Whoa. It smells

like shit in here.

Coach B!

Julie Hall. My goodness.

It's been a lifetime.

Bring it in. Bring

it in. Bring it in.

- Ah, ah, there we go!

- Watch it, watch it!

- Bring it!

- Tying it up!

And he's still got it!

- Are you still running?

- I'm still running.

Yeah! I got the Sweet

Peach coming up.

How about you? How's the knee?

Oh, I'm chugging along. I

got this one replaced in July

like you was after me to do.

And then this one in June.

- And both hips as well.

- No kidding?

Yeah, running's a

hell of a sport.

Jesus Christ.

And who is this blaspheming

little hush puppy?

This is my teammate, Pat.

And he's in need of, well...

- Everything.

- Except metal in my body.

Sorry. No offense.

I love your legs.

No offense taken. Come on,

Pat. Let's get you on the rack.

Come on.

These feel good? I don't know.

What are they

supposed to feel like?

The running part still sucks.

You obviously pronate, buddy.

And that is a neutral shoe.

You are begging

for shin splints.

Aiden was the finest high

school athlete in the lower 48.

The LeBron James of

distance running.

Til the damn hip pointer

derailed his career,

but he's healed up now. He's

gonna reclaim his throne.

Aiden, fetch me the A6 gel

kind in a six and a half.

I'm a 10.

Sorry. Lost all my

rods and cones running.

You got potential.

Yeah. You gotta stop

rear foot running

and waving your arms around

like a flipping orangutan.

Listen, land on your midsole

and hinge your body forward

like you're a private dancer.

Like you're a private dancer.

Dancer for money.

Do what I want you to do

It's getting a little intimate.

Try not to hurt yourself

out there, El Garooge.

All right. You don't

need to be such a d*ck.

I'm just trying to buy a pair

of running shoes from you.

Whoa! $180?

Better to hurt your

bankroll than your body.

I once saw a man

break both his ankles

'cause he was wearing the wrong

trainers. That man was me.

1986, Boston Marathon, mile one.

I still finished.

Oh, I love those shoes.

I wish I pronated.

Coach, do you sell pocket saws

in case I fall down a crevasse

and have to, you know, like...

Aisle six.

No, still sore.

- Hi, friend! Happy Monday.

- Yeah.

- How'd it go this morning?

- Oh, good. I've been loving it.

It's been going really

good. I love running.

Baloney. I talked to Rita

and she mentioned you

weren't on the team run.

What's up with that?

Look, Spencer, I'm

sorry, man. It's a lot.

Every morning running, like,

I don't know if it's really...

Pat, the Green Built

deal is a major deal

and you're an

ambassador for Aardvark,

so when you blow off Rita,

you blow off the deal.

And then you blow

me off by proxy.

And I don't get blown off.

- I do the blowing.

- Basement flooded.

And when I blow,

things get messy.

Well, this deal's

my top priority

and I'll be there bright

and early tomorrow.

No, there's a special

run this evening.

Another run today? Great.

Okay, fine. I'll be there.

All right. That's my guy.

Remember, it's all about

personal connections,

Pat Thai with chicken.

- Okay. Get in here.

- Oh, no!

- Get in here!

- Oh, no.

- Excuse me.

- Ho!

How was that? Did you love it?

- Tell me everything.

- I can't talk about it.

Oh, look who decided to

finally dress the part.

Hey, lookin' good, Pat!

Yeah, thanks. I feel

like these things

don't really do that much.

- It's a lot of thigh.

- Yeah. Thank you.

Look, I'm so sorry about

missing practice this morning.

I don't know what

happened. I just...

Relax, rook. We just

figured you took an off day.

Yeah, it's no biggie.

I mean, we're all here

because we wanna be here. And

if you want to be here too,

- that's great.

- Bueno.

Oh, great. Awesome.

- What's with the beers?

- Lane one coming through!

Whoa! Jesus.

It's beer mile, baby.


Uh, okay. What's beer mile?

Oh, it's a team tradition. Not

really helpful for training,

and you'll probably throw

up, but it's really fun.

Oh, great. Well, that

shouldn't be a problem.

My gag reflex was

legendary in college.

I was really good at the...

Oh, what's that thing called?

You know, you take two hands,

and it's a big tube, and

you put it in your mouth

when you're like.

You know, you make that

noise just like,.

It's the oh, beer bong.

- Oh.

- No, I've never done that.

It looks more like a d*ck to me.

Um, so anyway, how do you play?

Well, you drink a beer,

then you run a lap.

And you do that four

times. Beer mile.

But if you puke or if

you spill your beer,

- you gotta take a penalty lap.

- Mm-hmm. And Rita will puke.

Oh, one hundred percent, but

I freakin' love this night!

- Huh? Whoo!

- Let's go!

Hey, so word to the

wise, just pace yourself.

Look, I may be a novice runner,

but I'm a veteran drinker.

Oh, nice, bruh.

Harry, let's do this.

All right, milers.

Take your marks.

Get set, and while you

beer heathens are running,

I'm gonna have myself a nice

smoky glass of white zinfandel

from the Meadowlands

of New Jersey.

Start the damn race, Harry!



Get 'em, baby!

This is the worst thing

I've ever done in my life.

Fifty-six seconds!

Damn, Donny!


it feeling, rook?

Ugh, awful.

I think there's

beer in my lungs.

Mm, it'll get worse.

Body Check!

Take on me

Take on me

Take me on

I love this team!

Jesus, Kiki.

- Running's a contact sport.

- No, it's not

Sweet Jesus Donny, you wanna

pay somebody for a beer mile?


Are you okay?

Worry about yourself, noob.

Go, Donny! Go, Donny! 4:24!

You set the world record!

Yeah, I did. But keep

it off social media.

I wanna be known for my poetry.

Take on me

Penalty lap! Penalty lap!

He spilled some beer!

Tell him he has to do a

penalty lap, I saw it!

Oh, come on!

Those are the rules.

There was like

none left in there.

Catch me if you can, Tom Petty!


Go Kiki, push!

Go Kik... Yeah!!!


Really a good race. Pat,

way to push through.

Penalty lap, penalty beer.

Go. You got this. Oh.

Pat, Pat, Pat, Pat, Pat!

Whoa. Uh-oh.

Keep it down, big

boy. Man up, baby.

That's not good.

That's not good.

Um, you're good.

No penalty lap.

Yeah, you're good.

Man up. Man up.

Okay. Okay.

Pat, Pat, Pat.

Hey, thanks again for the ride.

Well, that's the upside

of puking immediately.

I'm sober enough to

drive my friends home.

What up?

Yeah, outside of

all the vomiting.

I had a lot of fun tonight.

Yeah, runners are masochists.

Welcome to the club.

Thanks. Um, see y'all tomorrow?

- Hell, yeah.

- Absolutely.

- Awesome. Goodnight.

- Goodnight!

- Bye, Pat!

- Later!

Drive safe.


Oh, Rita!

I'm sorry. It's the stickers.

I swear I'm not drunk.

Sorry! I just have

to get them home.



Hey, babe. What you makin'?



You two know each other?

- He's my boss.

- He's my best friend.


Wait. Were you going

down on her from behind?

- Look, I know she's your sister.

- Sister?

- She's my girlfriend!

- Girlfriend?

But you guys look so much alike.

- What?

- And you have the same name.

Why would parents give

their kids the same name?

- My sister's name is Spencer.

- Wait, your sister's name is...

How long has this been going on?

I don't know. Since

I joined book club.

Oh, just like five minutes.

I knew book club was bullshit.

Wait, five minutes in and you're

already going down on her butt?

- Well, she ate my butt first.

- Oh, my God. Don't tell me that!

You know, I should go.

Yeah. I think

that's a good idea.

To the little boys room.

Okay, man.

Yeah, I can't risk

getting another UTI.

Right? Once you get one of those

you keep getting them

over and over, so uh,

where is it?

Where is it?

- Down the hall to the right.

- I see it.

Pat, I was gonna tell you.

I didn't know he was your boss!

No, no, no! It's my leg!

- Oh my God, what is that?

- I don't know!


are you hitting me?

I don't know! I'm

trying to k*ll it!

It is me!

Pat, don't do it! Don't

do it! Don't do it!

Don't resort to v*olence, man!

Get off me. It's my leg.

Muscle spasm.

You're dehydrated.

Sister Pat, water!

Not his sister!

Okay. Here we go.

Okay. I'm gonna stretch

you out a little bit.


This could hurt a bit.

Why does your d*ck

look like that?

Deep breath in. Ready?

- Are you okay?

- I don't wanna talk about it.

All right. Let me just

say this one thing.

I-I should have just

broken up with you

and not put you

through all that.

- I'm so, so sorry, Pat.

- Pat.

Pat, let me finish. I think that

at some point you just stopped

working at our relationship.

And I did, too.

So what, are you, like, in a

relationship with Spencer now?

No. No, honestly, I don't

wanna date anyone right now.

And I had no idea

he was your boss.

I mean, the way you spoke about

him, I always pictured him

much less defined, physically.

Please stop. That's

fine. That's enough.

Look, you don't

have to move out.

Of course not. I mean, you're

not even on the lease, so...

- Right?

- Right.

But you can take as much time

as you need to find a new place.


And that's fine.

You can have the...

Bedroom? Yeah, it's my

bedroom. So.. But thank you.

- Yeah. So you can have it.

- Yeah.

- And I'll take this couch.

- Right. Couch.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you?

What are you still doing here?

Ubers are surge

pricing right now.


Go on and take it

off Take it off

You gotta shake it

off, baby for me

Take it off Take it off

Take it off, baby, for me

Hey! Mornin' Doc.

- Whoa, someone's feeling great.

- Actually, I feel terrible.

Walked in on my boss

going Cookie Monster

- on my girlfriend's privates.

- Jesus, that's vivid.

I know. I was there.

It was insane.

And then he teabagged me in

my kitchen against my will.

- I don't need any more details.

- Sorry. I'm a little loopy.

Couldn't sleep last night,

but for some reason felt

compelled to run...

which sounds strange

coming out of my mouth,

- but it's been...

- Surprisingly cathartic?

- Yeah.

- Mm-hmm.

I just had to get

out of that house.


And now he's going to

beat me in this race

- I have no business being in.

- Is he, though?

Yeah. You've seen him, right?

He's like a prototype athlete.

He looks like a fitness model.

He does novelty runs with mud

and chalk and glitter bombs.

That's not real running.

Have you seen a

pro-distance runner?

- I don't think so.

- Yeah. They're repulsive.

Like meth addicts

in booty shorts.

Okay. Okay. What

are you saying then?

I'm saying I've seen guys like

Spencer show up thinking they're

the cock of the walk, only to

truffle shuffle across the line

six hours later. I'm

saying you can beat him.

Whoo! Y'all gonna

make me lose my mind

Up in here Up in here

Y'all gonna make

me go all out

Up in here Up in here

Y'all gonna make

me act a fool

Up in here Up in here

Y'all gonna make

me lose my cool

Up in here Up in here

One, two Meet me outside

Get me outside

Get me outside

Rough Riders

Meet me outside

Oh, hey Pat Burger,

I am so sorry.

Yeah, you're sorry

about your ugly d*ck

that's covered in freckles

that I saw in my house.

Pat, are you drunk?

You don't smell drunk.

But maybe it's one of those ass

vodka tampons. Those are fun.

Pat, maybe we should

talk in private?

You know, I had a pretty

good run this morning.

So I got to thinkin'.

Why don't we up the stakes

of our marathon bet?

If you win, your charity

gets the money I raised.

And if I win, my charity

gets the money you raised.

It's all going to a

good cause, right?

Well, if that good cause

is called prostate cancer

because I mean, there's

no way you can beat me.

It's not really even a bet.

It's just a future fact.

Well, here's another fact.

You're not my friend.

You're saved in my phone

as "Spencer hyphen work".

Okay. If we're not friends,

then we're enemies.

I'll take that bet.

Aardvark the money

over to Olivia,

and she'll hold it in escrow

until the winner

crosses the finish line.


Oh, I don't... I don't

really wanna... no.

- Sent.

- Holy shit! $100,000!

You raised $100,000?

Yeah. My LinkedIn

network runs deep.

So what do you say,

my young Patawan?

We can take off some of the heat

if you can't hang

in this kitchen.

You can beat him.

There's a butler's pantry.

It's just salads, cold soups,


No, I can hang in this kitchen

because I also raised

that much money, too.

Besides it's all going

to defeat cancer,

so what's the difference?

- Sent.

- Got it.

$200,000 in my possession.

It just feel right.

May the best runner win.

May the best cancer win.

I think we can both agree that

cancer needs to lose here.

You're my cancer now, Pat,

and I'm gonna radiate you.

So my advice, beat him in

the race, show him who's boss.

And if you lose, it's

what? Like a hundred bucks?

Shit. Oh, God.

At first I thought you just

came by to pitch me again,

but if you're looking

for a running coach,

you came to the right place.

Yeah, 'cause I just love to run.

Yes! So first thing you're gonna

need, hyperbaric oxygen chamber.


So when do we get

to the coaching?

Running is the greatest

metaphor for life.

Because you get out of

it what you put into it.



- Winfrey.

- Yeah, no.


Well, that's rude.

Marvel at his gait.


- Okay. Here you go.

- No!


My hip. Oh, no!

He's not a hand/eye athlete.

You wanna carbo load. That

means pizza, pasta, bagels.

You want your gluten

as high as possible.

The more gluten, the better.

As far as smoking,

in moderation.

I recommend some dip

to protect the lungs.

Hang on, Harry.

I'm on the phone.

Pat, is everything okay? Did

you get hit by another car?

What? No. Everything's fine.

I just wanted to see if you

would coach me for the marathon.

Whatever, sure. Next time,

text. No one calls. Ever.

Got it. So how's work?

Wow, hemorrhaging.

Nurse, get me a clamp.

That leg's gonna go.

Ooh! Not good.

- So let's talk goals.

- Yeah.

- Do you have one?

- Yes, I think a good goal for me

would be to run a two

and a half hour marathon.

Nice. What's your actual goal?

Why not? I mean, that's just

under a six-minute pace.

You're nowhere near that.

Well, when we started, I was

averaging 10-minute miles,

and after a month, I'm

running eight-minute miles.

So, you know, with the

marathon two months away,

I figured I'd knock off

another two minutes at least.

Okay. By your math,

in three months,

you'd be the marathon

world record holder.

I do seem to take to it

naturally. Yeah, I guess.

See, that's not how this works.

The difference between averaging

six minutes and averaging eight

minutes is like the difference

between being Gordon Ramsay

and being Chef Boyardee.

Between being Gordon Ramsay

and being Chef Boyardee.

- I like Chef Boyardee.

- Of course you do.

Let's aim for an

eight-minute pace.

That's a three-thirty marathon.

If you ran a three-thirty

marathon, it'd be the most

impressive thing you've done in

your life by a lot, like, ever.

Like, so, so much...

What are you doing?

Uh, whoa. I'm stopping

'cause we ran the first hill.

No, we're not

doing hill repeats.

We just started on a hill.

You're screwed. Come on.

Why do we start on a

hill? Are you insane?

- Hi, y'all.

- I think I'm gonna pass out.

- Hey, catch.

- Huh?

Vive la France!

Hey, Julie, what are we doing?

We're doing rinse/repeat, baby!

Yeah! And Pat, how much have we

raised for breast cancer? Huh?

Let's just say I wouldn't want

to be breast cancer right now.


So hit us up on Aardvark and

keep those donations coming!


Pat! Pat!

Hey, man. I gotta keep pace,

but we'll hang soon, okay?

Hey, Pat, look! I'm ticketing a

guy's Charger like Vin Diesel!

Yo, I'm still in the car!

Yo, the car's still double

parked! Take your ticket, okay?

He's getting faster.

Put your baby mama at the

crib and blow her back out

Friends! Tonight's open

bar raised over $800

for breast cancer research!

More money, less cancer. That's

my little twist on a celebrating

Christopher Wallace beat poem.

Oh, I'd love to

hear it sometime.

- Sorry, we're late.

- Oh, no, Kiki. What happened?

Oh, just a stress fracture.

The doctor just confirmed it.

Kiki, I'm so sorry.

Oh, you sweet boy.

Bless your heart.

You should see if you can

defer entry to next year.

Defer? Defer to next year?

Say defer again, Curly Sue!

Say it!

Have you seen the vodka

man, the vodka man...

Do you wanna go chat

about her in the bathroom?

I think so.

Well, it's a damn shame.

She was running so well.

Hey, she told me you've been

running pretty well yourself.

We'll see. I mean, 26 miles

still sounds really daunting.

How about Harry gives

you a little tip?

Get you over the top

for big race day.

Yeah, okay. What it is?

Remember the first

world championship?


I had an affair with an

Iranian race walking champion.

She told me to infuse my

water with ghost peppers.


Which simultaneously

cools you off

and jump starts

the nervous system.


I wouldn't have got there

without these little devils.

Oh. Thanks for thinking of

me, but no, yeah, I'm good.

But you could be great.

Yeah, don't want that.

- Oh, that's a bad batch.

- Don't want that.

Never mind. Hey, wanted

to check in with you

and see how the fundraising

numbers are going?

Oh, well, interest rates

are high, so, yeah,

it's really good.

There's a chance that we

could double our money.

- That's insane!

- Yeah. Right?

You know what, Pat? I just... I

really appreciate how you have

gone all in on running, so

I am gonna go all in on you.

Let's go forward with

this Aardvark deal, huh?

- Great. That's amazing. Really?

- Yeah.

Wow! I can't wait to

tell Spencer the news.

Oh, I love it! Hey, you're

gonna come to the team dinner

tomorrow night, right?

I wouldn't miss

it for the world.


one is the milk?

Okay, we're at 60 if you

wanna head back to the lot.

- I'm gonna add on.

- Actually, I'll come with you.

I don't mind being a

little late to work

and I think I'm

getting a second wind.

This could be your

first runner's high.

No, I don't think so.

Being high is awesome.

Right now, I just

feel not terrible?

Yep. That's a runner's

high. Very overrated.

- Great branding, though.

- Definitely false advertising.


Oh, you can run, but you

can't hide, Pataquiddick.

He doesn't need to

hide though, does he?

No, all he has to do is run.

And all you have to

do is run faster.

Move, move, move!

Hey, hey. How are

you? Yeah, I'm good.

I'm really good.

Hey, Spence.

- Uh, hey, Spence!

- Oh, hey, Pol Pat.

I was just lost in the

executive email chain.

Yeah, totally. Just

wanted to let you know

the Green Built deal

is squared away.

Oh, yippee.

There's cookies in the vending

machine if you wanna celebrate.

Opened or closed, brother?

Oh, I don't know. Surprise me.


"Brother"? Yeah, maybe

if I had sucked up

all the nutrients in the womb.

How the hell did

you raise $100,000?

Your friends are poor.

You can tell from

their dental work.

Oh, oh, oh. You've been

a naughty boy, Peter Pat!

Patter Pan, Paptain Pook?

Jesus. What are you doing?

You're losing your g*dd*mn mind.

What the hell?

I'm gonna need to

see some ID, sir.

Dave, what are you doing?

I said I need some

identification, sir.


Do parking enforcement have

the authority to ask for that?

Hmm, it's funny. It

says "Patrick Cassidy".

I know a Patrick Cassidy.

Or at least I used to.

Did you rehearse this?


- Well, you can stop.

- You can stop!

Why don't you start, okay?

When's the last

time you hit me up?

I'm always the one

reaching out to hang, man.

You don't text me.

You don't call.

You haven't even

sent me a picture

of a weird dump you took.

Look, man. I've just been super

busy. I can't do this right now.

I'm late for a team dinner.

Besides, ever since I upped

my fiber game, my BMs

have been super smooth.

It's not photo worthy.

Enjoy your precious

running club.

First, take the

club off your car.

Okay? That club protects

your precious car,

but who protects me?

What about the

club for my heart?

Look, man. We can talk

about this later, all right?

Once this marathon's over, I...

Good-bye forever,

Patrick Quintin Cassidy!

Keep living your life a

quarter mile at a time.

That's how you get

out of a ticket.


- Go for Spencer.

- What the f*ck, Spencer?

Oh, what the f*ck me?

What the f*ck you.

You gambled other people's

money, which in the legal world

is known as illegal.

Which means I am firing

you right now, Patato Chip.

- Shit.

- Oh, yeah.

I'm gonna miss you

around the offices,

but I am very much looking

forward to race day,

when I exterminate you, my

little Duck-billed Patypus.

Okay, well, if I'm fired,

then the bet's off.

Tell Olivia to return

the money to my account.

Oh, hell, no. No,

no, no, no, no.

A bet is a bet. And I

told Olivia, my underling,

that if any money is

returned before one of us

crosses the finish line,

then her job is in

the Porta Patty!

Oh, I improvised that

one, shimone! Yeah!

Oh, I improvised that

one, shimone! Yeah!

What about the Green Built deal?

Oh, when Rita

hears what you did,

oh, that deal is dead in

the water, Patiliwood.


I knew... I knew it!

Oh, and on the plus side,

with your team's money,

oh, this year, I'm gonna be

the top boner on the prostate

donor list. Thank you!

Come on, man. You

can't do this.

I can do anything I

want. I am all powerful!

The destroyer of worlds!

King Kong and Godzilla, me!

There can be only one!

Uh, Pat, Pat, Pat,

Pat, Pat. Pat, um...

Uh, smells. Pat smells.

- You're a real d*ck, Spencer.

- Oh, pleasure working with you.

Don't be afraid to

use me as a reference.

Come on, man.

Sorry, Timothy.

Thank you for that moment

of silence. Don and Julie,

your mothers and their brave

fights against breast cancer

remain inspirational

to all of us.

And we race for them.

And we race for survivors

like Kiki and myself.

Shout out to our very

special guest, my oncologist,

Dr. Parsons. With her

help, we will find a cure.

And with the money we've

raised, we can reach that goal!

So, Pat, our trusted treasurer,

how much have we raised so far?

I gambled all the team's money.


I, uh, I bet it all

against my boss that

I'd beat him in the marathon.

Why would you do that?

You suck at running.

Wait, so all the

money is just gone?

I didn't lose it yet. I

mean, there's a chance

I could still get

it back, but...

Yeah, it's basically gone.

- You slimy m*therf*cker!

- Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.

Wow, man. I thought

better of you, really.

The Germans have a

word for scum like you,

but you're not

worthy of hearing it.

So you're clearly

kicked off the team, Pat.

And this obviously

kills our business deal.

Hey, look, I don't care how

you do it, but that money

needs to be back in our

account by race day.

Wow, you're a real

piece of shit.

Uh, I...

I just can't believe

you would do this. Why?

It was Spencer. I mean, he

got to me and I snapped.

And I wanted to get him

back, so I upped the bet.

I thought I could beat

him in the race. And...

But it was that morning that

you told me I could beat him

and show him who's

boss in the marathon.

I didn't tell you to steal from

a g*dd*mn cancer charity, Pat.

Well, I didn't... I

didn't steal anything.

- You didn't steal anything?

- No, no.

I didn't steal anything.

Whether I lost or not,

that money was always going

towards defeating cancer.

I mean, isn't there just one

type of cancer that shows up in

- different parts of your body?

- No!

What? Our teammates in there

worked so hard to raise that

money because they had their

lives turned upside down

by breast cancer,

not prostate cancer.

But I'm sure all the

scientists are sharing notes.

- All the scientists?

- Like on a medical database?

Pat, there isn't just

one big cancer lab!

We're done here.

Stealing from a cancer charity.

You bombaclaat m*therf*cker.

I'm gonna put cancer in your

d*ck, let it go malignant.

Then biopsy it. No anesthetic.

It's nice meeting you!

See how you like

that, you punk bitch.

Yeah. Yeah, that's fair...

At the tone, please

record your message.

Hey, again, Dave.

It's me, again.

It's Pat. Hey. Look, um,

I'm sorry I've been acting

like an assh*le these

past few months.

You know, to paraphrase

Ja Rule in Fast I,

"It ain't how you

stand by your car,

it's how you race your car."

And, you know, in this metaphor,

you're my car, and I

wanna race you around.

So maybe I could pick you up

in my actual car and I could

race us around and we could

have fun like we always did.

And, I don't know, call

me and we could just...

The mailbox is full

and cannot accept any messages

at this time. Good-bye.

You gotta try

To live your life

Oh my gosh, a new friend!

I already know

how to run slow.

I want to learn how to run fast.

Running's for children

and people who can't

hold their pee!

I love this team!


from a cancer charity.

I'm saying

you can beat him.

You're gonna fall with

the grace of a cannon ball

You're gonna rise back

the tide above it all

You've gotta find,

find the spark

That lights up the dark

Sometimes you fail

before you begin

Sometimes you lose

before you win


If it starts to hurt,

you need to stop.

Stop? That's a good one, Doc.

Where'd you go to medical

school? Chuckles University?

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

I'm in race mode, okay?

Got it.

Oh, recommended dose

is two, but never mind.

Kiki feel no pain!

Hi, who's ready to race?

We're ready!!!!!

Let's get it! How do you feel?

Let's get it! How do you feel?

Got room for one more?

Oh, this bitch.

What kind of response were

you expecting to that?

Oh yeah, come on back, Pat.

We miss you. No, we hate you.

Race mode!

You're no longer a

part of this team, Pat.

What are you doing here?

Let me just say one thing.

I'm not an emotional guy.

I tend to put up a lot of

walls to hide how I truly feel.

But being a part of this team

has meant so much to me.

Before I met you guys, I

never really had any real

sense of commitment.

Not to my friends, or

work, or my girlfriend.

He has a girlfriend?

But with running, if you don't

show up and put in the work,

you don't stand a chance.

And I realized just how

much I wasn't showing up

for every other part of my life.

- And most especially...

- Most especially?

That's terrible grammar.

I've never been

part of a community

that looks out for

each other like family.

And I never realized how

important it was to me

until I lost it all.

I feel like Nemo.

I-I lost my family.

Ew, he's a Disney adult.

Being a part of this

brotherhood and sisterhood

has changed my life.

And I'm so sorry I

gambled the team's money.

And I know now that there's

more than one type of cancer.

And the scientists, they're

not all sharing notes.

Okay, okay.

Holy shit. This is a pretty

healthy donation, Pat.

I sold my Corolla.

It's not like I'm commuting

anywhere right now.

No, no. This is actually

more than I figured a Corolla

would be worth.

Toyotas have excellent

resale value.

Plus, I, uh, liquidated my

savings account and my 401K.

It's all the money we

raised plus interest.

The money's all back.

Please, take me back.

Wow, that was very

generous of you, Pat.

I-I'm sorry. Did

I miss something?

That car was a piece of shit.

Did you even like that thing?

I always clubbed it.

Baby, it's the

thought that counts.

I mean, the money's

all back in there.

Thank you for making

good on this, Pat.

We'd love for you

to run with us.

Bring it in, bring

it in, bring it in.


Ow, ow, ow.


Just hold still because

I've gotta just...

- Don't!

- I'm just kidding.

Look. You're fine. I'm joking.

It's good for you.

Look it. There you go.

Well, well, well, if

it isn't Saint Patrick

and his band of slippery snakes.

Cool jig, Spencer. You

don't look so good.

- You doing okay?

- Never been better.

Been consuming nothing but

Nitro Venom for the last...

500 hours or so.

Ready to make you my bitch.

Hey, man, that's uncalled for.

Oh, what are you gonna

do about it, Diarita?

Cha, cha, cha.

Well, guess what, Spence, I

already paid my charity back.

So after I beat you,

my charity gets the

hundred grand you raised and

the rest goes straight to me.

I don't understand your

math, but you beat me?

Oh, how you amuse

me, Pat-thetic!

Have a great race.

Good luck out there, man.

Be care... Hey!

Don't do that...

That's... Hey, leave

that guy alone!

Is that supposed

to intimidate us?

I can still see you.

Uh, he looks like the

g*dd*mn Crypt Keeper.

His hair was missing, right?

Full chunks were missing.

Yeah, he seemed haunted.


Listen, kid, I've raced up and

down through the Soviet Bloc.

Had more than my share

of genetically engineered

assholes like that.

I know how to beat

'em at their own game.

Ooh, ghost pepper water.

All right, take this.

When the moment is right,

you drink this shit.

- I don't wanna drink this shit.

- No, you drink this shit!

- Okay. Fine, okay.

- When the moment is right.

You'll know when it's

right. You drink the shit!

Okay, I'll take it. I'll take

it. I'll take it. I'll take it.

Look, I gotta go to the

start. Drink that shit.

Okay, fine. Jesus, man.

Oh, white breasted nuthatch,

you don't see those everyday.

Oh, white breasted nuthatch,

you don't see those everyday.

Oh, oh, oh!

I'm sorry. I didn't

see you there.

I can't see!

Oh, oh! Are you

with the guide dogs?

Yes, yes! Are you the

differently abled person

- I'll be running with today?

- Yes.

I have a tether that we can

hold on to during the race.


It's time to twalk, baby.

All y'all gonna walk.

Have to talk and walk.

Don't mind my smoke

coming from my hips.

Let's go!

It's hammer time, baby!

It's time to move!

And there go the race walkers

in the Sweet Peach Marathon.

I'm Tabitha Fox and

joining me today

are Olympian and

distance running icon

Jeff Galloway

and legendary running

back Reggie Bush.

Great to be here, Tabitha.

Thanks for having me, but

I'm a football player.

I've never ran more than

a hundred yards at a time.

I think there's been a mistake.

Yeah, well, we need

you for the ratings.

Now, Jeff, tell us,

what are these competitors

thinking right now?

It's important to pace yourself

and not go out too hard.

How can they go out too

hard? They're walking.

Well, the prize money

for the first-place race walker

is $50,000. No

laughing at that.


That's more than you're

paying me for this.

I'll be right back.

Reggie, Reggie,

Reggie, Reggie, Reggie?

Um, well, there

goes Reggie Bush,

but I think Mr. Bush, who was

a football player, mind you,

is gonna have a little trouble

catching up to

these race walkers.

Wow, looks like somebody's

got his Heisman back.

Well, the runners are

up in just one hour,

so stick around with us

for all your race coverage.

- Hey, Rita.

- Yeah.

Are you sure you wanna

carry all that for 26 miles?

Oh, absolutely. Going for

a PR. Feeling confident.


Nite, nite.

Racers, on your mark.

You got this.

Get set.


And they're off. The Sweet Peach

Marathon is officially underway.

- Grab a cup.

- I got the belt.

No, save that for when

you're in no man's land.

- Here.

- Got it.

Hey, hey, relax.

We're on pace.

It's not a sprint. It's

literally a marathon.

That's why we have the phrase.

Soon, Spencer. Soon.

You're doing amazing,

Don. I can hardly keep up.

Swiftly, Kirk. Pothole!

Don, how did you do that? I...

Thou art a magnificent creature.

Oh, I blush.

Are you a man or a mouse?

Come on! Man or mouse? Man

or mouse? Man or mouse?

Man or mouse? Man or

mouse? Man or mouse?

Man or mouse? Man or mouse?

Well, Spencer's lost it.

His veins are too veiny.

And you know I'm a vein girl.

Oh, my God, here

comes Pat! Go, Pat!

Okay, we did it.

Let's go brunch.

Tabitha, this is amazing.

Look how they're

trading off the lead.

Uh-huh, yeah, great. We're

actually gonna cut away

from the leaders right now

and check in with Nancy Ryan,

who's at the back of

the pack with a runner

in pretty wacky attire.

- Get a load of this.

- Let's see this bullshit.

Jeff, we can still hear you.

Take it away, Nancy.

Thanks, Tabitha. I'm here

at mile five with a runner

that's got the

crowd going cuckoo.

How are you feeling,

Chicken Man?

Like a million clucks, Nance.

Honestly, I'm just happy

the fans stuck around

for us slowpokes because

I don't run at all.


Yeah, I'm just here because

I lost my fantasy league.

- What's up, Chicken Man?

- Hello. Boom! Chicken Man!

Gotta love the people.

This is eggcellent.


That must've been refreshing.

Are you worried about becoming

a fried chicken in that suit?

I mean, we're going

so slow that it's...

Shut the f*ck up, Chicken Man!

I will pluck every f*cking

feather from your f*cking body!

Why don't we lose

this fowl mouth, huh?

That's good. I'm Nancy

Ryan. Back to you.

I don't understand.

I don't understand.

I don't understand.

Ma'am, are you okay?


But I will be.


Well, if I'm an

assh*le, you're shit.

I pushed you out of me

like soft serve ice cream.

Oh, I really hate him.

- How are you feeling?

- I'm feeling good.

- How are you feeling?

- I'm feeling good.

Okay, look. You

can finish this.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Are you leaving me?

Yes, but only because I wanna

run much faster than this.

So follow me up to Spencer,

run with him, stay relaxed.

And try not to shit yourself

when you hit the wall.

How very inspiring,

but is hitting the wall

like a runner's high where

it's nowhere near as intense

- as is sounds?

- No.

Hitting the wall actually

feels like hitting a wall.

When it happens, remember

there are paramedics nearby

- and you won't die, probably.

- Wait, what? Really? Seriously?

And here we are. You got this.

Oh, what is going

on with your body?

- Stop it.

- Stop what?

- Stop hitting my arm.

- It's not illegal.

Where'd he go?

Race official. Race official.

- What are you gonna do?

- He's hitting me. Stop it.

Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.

Well, as the lead runners

close in on the finish line,

we're honored to be joined

by our first finisher,

your Sweet Peach

race walking champion

and new world record

holder, Reggie Bush.

- Reggie, how do you feel?

- I feel fine.

I was walking.

Where's that check?

I want my money.

Well, I agree with that.

Tabitha, get him his money.

Hey. This is it.

Oh, this is what

people are waiting for.

The main event.

You got

this, Aunt Janet!

This is where you meet

the wall. 20 miles down,

6.2 long miles to go.

How are you holding up?

I'm good.

Ooh, that's not what

you're body's saying.

I can see the salt building

up on your rims, Patarita.


Mm, I didn't know

you were kosher.

Oh, keep that head

up, Tupat Shakur.

Look around you, brother!

It hurts like fire!

How you feelin', General Patton?

- I'm fine.

- Oh, good.

Then this surge should

be no problem, soldier.

Move out, move out! Weapons

hot! Here we go! Move out!

Hey, hun, how about

a push?

Kiki... What? No.

I'm not helping you

with whatever this is.

What? My legs gave out,

but my will is strong.

And so are my triceps.

I'm out.

I will finish!

Mark my words! Let's go.

Just quit.

Forget about the bet.

You're gonna lose anyway.

That's right, Pat.

Miracles just aren't

your skill set.

We both know you're

going nowhere.


listen. Keep going.

Oh, yeah, yeah!

Oh! Oh, sorry, Pat.

I wanted a real man, not a boy.

- Oh, mm.

- Oh!

He's the best lover

in the lower 48.

No, it can't be.

Come on, Pat! Live your life

a quarter mile at a time!


You're almost there! Let's go!

- Dave.

- Yeah, buddy!

I'm working security

for the race.

Also, I didn't expect to

see you this soon, man.

You're crushin' it.

Here. I got you

some of this shit.

- Goo!

- I guess.

- Thanks, buddy. I miss you.

- Aw, don't mention it, man.

You already filled up

my voicemail inbox.

It really warmed my heart.

Also, I am dying, okay?

Your boss is right up

there. You got this!

Save your breath, okay?

Also, don't litter in front

of me, okay? I'm security.

Now, go get that douche!

Go get him!


Well, nearing the finish

line is former race walking

world champion, Harry Hayes.

The whole

world does this crap?

Yes, Reggie. Race

walking is a real Olympic sport.

Jeff, they're devaluing

your Olympian status.

I know. I-I know.

On your left! Move!

Go around! We have

the right of way!

Eat my ass! I'm

coming through!


No! f*ck me!

Oh, no! We have a

runaway wheelchair athlete

headed downhill at pace.

Oh, shit!

- Get out of the way, Harry!

- Kiki!

Run, Harry, run!

I will never run! Never!

For the love of God, just run!

Race walking ancestors,

give me strength!


It's all yours.

That dude shit himself!

Well, marathons are hard.

Emmy-winning analysis, Tabitha.

Jeff, you come into my house...

Heel, toe, heel, toe,

heel, toe, heel, toe.

I didn't run. I didn't run.

I know. I know.

- Hold on, baby.

- Hold on, Kiki.

Kiki, stop it. I'm

trying to help you.

Here we go.

We know each other.

Oh, oh.

Oh, oh.

Piece of shit.

Muscle spasm!

Ow, ow, ow! Punch

it! Punch it! Ow, ow!

Hey, hey, Steve Pat Fontaine.

Steve Pat Fontaine, hi.

What is it, Spencer?

I just want to congratulate

you on a race well run.

I mean, all that money going

towards fighting feet cancer.

- Breast cancer.

- Breast cancer.

You must feel like King Tit.

I don't know how I'm gonna break

the news to the sad, little boys

in the prostate land, but...

Keep your share.

That money should go to

fighting prostate cancer.

Oh, thank you, 'cause my family

history does not bode well.

And this Nitro Venom is wreaking

havoc on my internal organs.

I mean, I look like a nut sack.

I don't why I'm talking

like this, Patty-Cakes,

but I've just got one question.

On the finish line,

did I poop a little?

No, you're good.

Oh, good 'cause that

would be embarrassing.

- Spencer.

- Yeah?

I beat you.

Yeah, but Patty Longlegs...

All right, all right...

And that's how I got

here... in a pretty normal way.

I just ran almost every day.

Because being in the race

is a hell of a lot better than

watching from the sidelines.

Right now, lick it

good Suck this uh,

Just like you should

My neck, my back

Lick my medal

and my cast, uh

I don't get it.

You know, 'cause I had

plenty left in the t*nk,


Well, you know, Olympic race

walking is four miles longer

than a marathon.

Oh my God, that's it.

You're gonna be a race walker.

No, ew. God no.

No. Ultra marathon.

Of course, I would

need all new gear.

Hey Google, take a note,

head lamp, racing snorkle,

closed-loop filtration in case

I have to drink my own urine.

Blow darts for predators.

Oh, look, they

have arugula salad.

- Wait, you're not seeing?

- No, I'm not seeing anyone.

I'm not seeing anyone either.

- So what was your final time?

- Two fifty-six.

Wait. Two fifty-six?

Is that a world record?

- Yeah, yeah.

- No, but it's good.

It's good. It's good.

What about you? Think

you'll run another one?

Uh, let's see, I'm

unemployed now,

so I have plenty

of time to train

and I think I love running.

- Hmm.

- Yeah.

It's good to know what I

want finally and go after it.

On that note, you

should get your tab

and we should get out of here.

Oh, uh, wow.

What makes you think I

wanna go on a date with you?

Not a date, not a date. Um...

more of a post-marathon

thing? I don't know.

Something... Something's

different about you.

And, um, my endorphins

are raging and...

Oh, uh, I would love to

probably more than

anything, but, um,

can I take a rain check?

I, uh, have to go

see about a guy.


Hey, man, you're

three hours late!

I'm sorry! I was

having sex with Julie.

I tried to postpone it,

but she wasn't having it.

Apparently, it's a post-marathon

thing, so I had to do it,

but I wanted to do it.

Do you know what I mean?

I was really lucky to be having

sex with somebody like her,

so that's where I was.


Yeah, yeah, it was.

Dude, you just ran a marathon

and had sex for three hours.

- How are you not asleep?

- I don't know.

But I feel great.

Also, who is Julie?

Is she coming? 'Cause I could

put some more pizza bagels in.

- Does she have a friend?

- No.

- She has family!

- She has family!

I hope it's a freaky stepmom!

Those are some of

my favorite videos.

You're awesome

What you will achieve

You're awesome

You just gotta believe

You're awesome

Every doubt, every mile

You're awesome

Gotta get what's your goal

You're the best

You're the b*mb

You're awesome

Yeah, yeah

You're awesome.