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03x07 - Hope Kills

Posted: 07/10/13 09:05
by bunniefuu
Previously on AMC's The k*lling...

I don't pry into their lives...

Beacon is a safe space.

Just let me help you.


They only coming if you call them.


I got a code 6. Request med assist.

Why are you sitting there? You should be out there looking for her.

I know you didn't k*ll your wife.

It's not just any girl. It's the lost ones.

He's the shepherd.

What these kids go through on a day to day basis is bad enough without this -- this madman out there.

And what are they calling him? The Pied Piper?

It's ridiculous.

Angie Gower came here once.

Are you sure she didn't come back again?

Well, you're welcome to search the place.

Check our logs. She's not here.

It's mostly girls, Pastor.

Not a lot of boys up there. Why is that?

Girls like getting their picture taken.

They're just kids in so many ways.


They're more vulnerable than the boys.

But that's probably obvious.

Do you have any photos of the girls who passed through here 3, 3 1/2 years ago?

Uh, I might. I can look.

You know, any way I can help, I want to, of course.

What's the attraction?

Excuse me?

To working with kids, I mean.

Nobody misses them... or goes looking for them.

They're the throwaways of the world.

That's what the k*ller's thinking, too -- easy prey, fallen angels, looking to be saved.

I don't think that man out there is looking to save anyone.

If you have those photos...


I'm sorry I can't offer more help about Angie.

You know, this house is a sanctuary for kids like her.

If she does come by, I'll let you know.

I'm sure we'll be in touch.



Where you been?


We were just, um --

Whatever. I mean, uh, I don't want to know.

Twitch, come on, please.

Don't make such a big deal out of it.

Huh? You need a piece, fine.

You think I don't got ass all over the city?

I just got done scamming some rich bitch.

I'm talking old, like 40.

Giving it to her all day in her fancy condo, getting fed steak and wine, said she would take me shopping and get whatever I want.

Yeah, whatever.

You just been on your knees like everybody else.

Nah, you're the q*eer.

Eat me.

Hell, no. I got standards.

Why are you always such a jerk?!

Hey, hey. I hate you!

Get off me, you bitch!

And this is my place! I hate you!

And I don't want to live with you!


Come on, Lyric. Let's go.

Ugly-ass b*tches, you get out of here!

There's nothing on ViCAP or CODIS for Pastor Mike Sheehan.

He's never even gotten a parking ticket.

Just 'cause he didn't get caught doesn't mean he ain't a pervert.

Everyone's out looking for Angie -- must be why this place is tomb.

80% of our dead girls passed through Beacon Home.

He's looking at these girls, day in, day out.

It's just too much for him.

So he creates this world around his hunger.

Beacon Home's a perfect setup.

He gets to look at his victims all day.

It's lot of work for access to kids that aren't hard to get access to.

It's not about access.

It's about him trying to save them.

Man of God?

It's a lie.

It's a coward's refuge.

Opiate of the masses.

I thought you liked opiate of the masses.

Not everyone needs that N.A./A.A. blah, blah.

You know I been clean for almost two years now?

Good for you. That's great.

Not everyone finds their salvation in some stank-ass basement with a bunch of old booze hounds.

I'm gonna get some sleep.

You should, too.

See you in few hours.



What are you doing here?

I was waiting for you.

How else was I supposed to see you?

You don't answer your calls. I want to talk, Sarah.

I'm really sorry, but I can't get into it right now, okay?

Let's talk tomorrow.

You haven't been home in three nights. Where have you been?

Have you been sitting outside my house?

Why does everything get to be on your terms? Huh?

You just decide something out of the blue, and that's it?

All right, you need to go home.

Is this how you were in that other life of yours?

Is this the way you treated people?

It's no wonder you don't have anyone in your life.

You need to understand something, because it's the best answer you're going to get.

I was pretending to be something that I wasn't with you.

And now it's over.

Let go of me, because you really don't want me to tell you a third time how things are.

Damn, those pearly whites I just seen?

Didn't even know you had teeth.

I thought fangs, maybe.

Ha, ha, ha. You funny, Bugs.

Where's your Kmart suit?

Being pressed by Versace since he fabricated it.

Something just stunk up the air.

Do you smell it?

It smells like pork.

That ain't a smell, wee one.

That's salary and purpose.


Watch yourself.

Come on, let's get out of here.

Oh, these pigs! How do you do?


Come on.

Let's go. He's -- he's a cop.

That's just Bugs. Got him under my thumb.

Hurry up.

Ooh, "Hurry up."

b*llet's got herself a little love bunny.

What's her name?

Delilah? Jezebel?

Oh, shut up, asswipe.

It's Lyric.


What are you doing trolling my crib this time of night for, anyway?

The guy who runs the Beacon Home, Pastor Mike -- what's up with him?

Man, don't even. It's not him.

Not him, what?

What do you mean, what? He's not the k*ller.

He's like the only guy in Seattle who's not a pedophile.

Man, you pulled off some wizardry.

Your little mama's full-on magnetized to your skinny ass.

You know, I had me a whole stable when I was a young one.

So if you need any tips or tricks...

...I'm your man.

You're saying you leave your lady fulfilled at the end of the night?

Believe that.

You sure I shouldn't be teaching you how to holla at the shorties, punk?


I mean, you can be as smooth as Velveeta, but at the end of the day, you got to take care of your girl.

Protect her, you know? Keep her safe.

This ain't no kind of crib.

You be safe, b*llet.

Like the music?

You know what that is, Ray?

You still got a job?

Why wouldn't I?

You let the kid die on your shift.

Wasn't my fault.

How many times you got to tell yourself that before you believe it?

Just the once.

Running out on your shift.

I'd have to guess family.

Wife and kid doing okay, Frankie?

Everybody healthy?

Yeah? Problems with the old lady?


Really? The wife?


She stepping out on you?

That's hard, buddy.

Um, so, when you left your shift and you left the kid to die, had you just heard about it, or did you walk in on your wife banging some other guy?

You sure you want to die like this, Ray... dangling from a rope?

Oh, you don't know what that sound is?

They're building a gallows just for you, buddy.

You know that if the weight's off, Ray, the length of the rope is off even an inch, it makes the difference between strangling to death slowly and snapping your neck quick.

Either way, you shit yourself.

Got to die wearing a diaper, Ray.

Ain't that hell of a way to check out?

Ray. Ray.

It's still up to you, you know, in how you go out.

You decide how to exit this world.

Stop telling me to calm down!

Look, my daughter is in there!

I came in here calm.

I came in here calm, and that didn't work, and you're, like --
Excuse me. Excuse me.

My daughter is in there. I found these in her things.

Look, I'm sorry, you cannot be in --
Look, bed lottery tickets.

You can't -- listen, you cannot --
This is -- Kallie! Do not -- Get off of me!

Get off of me. You cannot be in here. Listen.

Kallie! I-I know Kallie, okay?

She is not here, I promise you.

Would you mind?

Just have a seat.

Look, I'm sorry, I --

It's just she's missing, and I'm trying to find her, and I'm trying to figure out who she was.

I didn't even know she read, let alone science fiction.

But w-why would she have to stay here?

Couldn't she go someplace else?

Uh, well, uh, these kids don't have a lot of options.

Uh, they sleep under bridges, in abandoned buildings, and some of them walk the streets all night.

Kallie took classes here, too, sometimes.

Cosmetology was her favorite.


And hairstyling.

I do hair.

I have this chair at our house, and she used to play around on it when she was little.

Yeah, well, I guess that's why.

She's still out there.

Yeah? God tell you that?

Kallie is a tough girl.

A survivor.

Yeah. She is.

Everyone knows. Is that it?

That kid died.

We should have had eyes on him.

You should have.

You got no idea what I was dealing with.


My son called me, said his mother was missing, and she'd been gone for hours.

She was at a bar with some guy -- not the first time.

And my boy's looking at me like I'm some chump.

Everybody knows.

Everybody knows, even the damn cons.

I got to get to post.

We scoured every scabies-ridden motel, S.R.O., and warehouse in the city.

No luck finding Joe Mills or nine-fingered Angie.

If they're holed up somewhere, they got to come up for air, cash.

Get eyes on all these cab routes Mills drove and shake down the teen shelters again.

Just do it again -- that's all we can do.

Hey. Hi, um, I found this outside that place the kids stay at, the, um, Beacon Home.

Where, exactly?

Uh, I found it on my car, what, right after I talked to the priest.

Pastor Mike? Yeah.

You think it's got something to do with Kallie, like maybe he's lying and he knows where she's at?

Did you see anyone in the vicinity of your car, or maybe somebody watching you in the home or on the street?

It's okay. This is gonna help us.

You'll let me know, right, like, if you find something out, like, right away?

Yeah, I will. I promise.

Okay, thank you. Yeah.

Whoever left that note wants to be found.

True, but they're not gonna get caught out in the open talking to us about her, not about their beloved pastor.

You hungry? No, we're not here to eat.

Suit yourself. I'm hungry.

How can I help you?

Uh, give me a Hawaii with no ham, extra pineapple -- cold pineapple.

Don't be stingy on it, man.



I remember you.

You were looking for b*llet. Did you ever find her?

I saw b*llet last night.

Guess she and Lyric hooked up, huh?

Yeah, the Lyric drama.

Were you at Beacon Home today?

You left this note?

We want to help. It sounds like you do, too.

What's Pastor Mike lying about?

I had bed at Beacon.

I went out on the roof to smoke.

It was like 4:00 A.M.

And I seen her in the alley -- that girl that got away from that k*ller, lying there like she was dead.

But she was just out of it, all cut up and bleeding.

I called him, told him.

Said he was nearby, in his car.

He was in his car at 4:00 in the morning?

He got there right away.

And as soon as he pulled up, that girl -- she started screaming and ran off.

What did Pastor Mike do then?

He got back in his car and chased after her.

He came back to Beacon an hour later.

He was alone, and... he... he had blood all over his shirt.

I got to go.

I'm gonna have this view from my house one day, with all glass ceilings so you can see the sky.

Pastor Mike told me about these apartments the government runs.

Just give them 200 bucks, and they help you with the rent.

You just got to fill out the paperwork and get a job and stuff.

What are you thinking?

That you're beautiful.

I've been totally in love with you.


It's gonna come down tonight, the rain.

We can't walk the night out again.

Come on.

I'll find us a place.

Yeah, I know.

I have faith.

According to our witness, he had contact with Angie Gower.

The pastor? Yeah.

Why isn't he just the guy that took her to the vet?

Then what's he lying about it for?

'Cause he's definitely running us around.

Look, he att*cks her in the park, she gets away, he catches up with her, tries to finish the job.

He was already in his car at 4:00 in the morning and just minutes away from her.

We have to at least vet him.

He had contact with a lot of our dead girls.

All right.

Let's get a full background --

DMV records, birth certificate, credit history.

But be discreet.

And a search warrant for his car?

We don't have enough yet.

He att*cks them in the car.

That's gonna be our best chance for evidence.

I'm not gonna smear a minister's name over some street kid's say-so.

So work it if you want that search warrant.

And get eyes on his car.

I don't want it disappearing in thin air like Joe Mills.

And what the hell are you wearing, Holder?

Come on, just for one night.

We'll sleep on the floor.

It's for Lyric, not me.

Okay, you know how the lottery works.

We're full up for the next two nights.

How about those government apartments you told me about?

You think we can get one of those?

Maybe, but it takes time... and a deposit.

And it's Sunday, and the offices are closed.

But if you're serious, then --
Look, look, look.

It's her psycho stepdad, okay?

He figured out where she is, and he's like, crazy, full on, screaming he's got a g*n.

Let me think of something.

Give me some skin, P.M. you the man.

I told them cops to lay off.

I mean, they're totally on the wrong track.

What do you mean?

I mean, they think that girl came here, and she didn't.


Yeah. That's right.


I got to jam.

Get on.

You got to be weighed.

We need it to measure the counterweight.

Counterweight -- that's a nice word.

Looking forward to it, Evan?

I'm not on the execution team.

Why not? Hmm?

Don't like a good show?


I don't have time for this.

Get on the scale.

Get on.

Just give me a second.

Look, they get your weight right, your neck will break like it's supposed to.

You won't feel any pain.

Seward, look at me.

Get on, or I will put you on.

Yeah, we've got eyes on him.

We'll let you know if he moves.

If you light it, it's gonna start raining again.

It's true.

Jack still knows I smoke.

Yeah, well, you ain't exactly Houdini with them smokes, Linden.

He wants me to move to Chicago.

Chicago PD's a storied institution.

It's good police.

Cold as hell.

What's holding you back?

It ain't that boyfriend of yours.

I'm just a hire-back.

Temporary police.

You dodged that.

So what's going on with Mr. Boatman Cody?

What? He hurt your feelings?

I'll beat his ass. Just say the word.

No, he got, uh, too attached, I guess.

I didn't mean for that to happen, but I don't know.

He's just a kid.

Don't even go there.

I guess I wanted to be that person, you know, like, living on an island, working 9:00 to 5:00, not smoking.

But I...

Sometimes what you get isn't really what you want.

Where are those smokes?

Detective Holder.


Yeah! Yeah! Whoo!


Report came back on the pastor.

Mike Sheehan died four years ago.

He's using a fake ID.


You know what Gary Gilmore's last meal was, Ray?

Steak and potatoes.

Limit's 15 bucks nowadays, so you'll probably get Salisbury steak.

Come on, boss. You got to pick one.

How long has it been since your last dessert?

I want my lawyer. Get him on the phone right now.

What, you change your mind?

You want the needle now, Ray?

You guys are like clockwork, busting balls when you get in here --

I want my lawyer!

Deadline's passed, Ray.

You can't change the execution method now.

I'm sorry.

Salisbury steak it is.

Here you go, buddy.


What are you doing?

What the hell?

There's no way to get blood out of seats like that.

Hey. It's a rental.

Let's get out of here.

Can I help you?

We just have a few more questions for you about Angie Gower.

Why you got a rental, Mike?

Excuse me?

Busted up your ride, racing around town like you got a Mad Tyte JDM?

I have no idea what you just said.

Where's your car?

It's in the shop.

Oh, yeah? Which shop?

I'm not sure why that's any concern of yours.

Angie Gower was seen in the vicinity of Beacon Home a few nights ago.

Then she never stepped inside Beacon, like I told you.

Now, if that's it --

"In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins --"

Ephesians 1:7.

You know your New Testament.

What kind of forgiveness you looking for, Pastor?

Same kind you are, all of us are.

Forgiveness is only part of the verse -- hope of heaven, and grace to guide us through trials and tribulations.

Maybe instead of looking for grace to guide you, you should own up to the truth.

Thank you for your time, Pastor.

We'll get out of your hair now.

You shouldn't have done that, Holder.

Last thing we need is him on the run, too.

Yeah, I need you to run a tat for me --

Bible verse, Ephesians 1:7.

Yeah, call me back as soon as you get a hit.

Just as good as a print.

Only if he's been processed before.

Yeah, you keep on staring, Mikey.

Pastor Mike?

Find everything okay?

Yeah. Thanks for letting us stay here.

Um, b*llet had to meet with her P.O.

She'll be a while, but I swear, swear, swear, we won't get in your way.

It's no problem.

Just got a hit on your Bible verse.

Your pastor's been through the system.

Real name is Mark Elwood.

He did time?

Well, close to it.

Turns out Mark Elwood, A.K.A. Pastor Mike, was charged with kidnapping a 16-year-old girl in Tempe, Arizona, six years ago.

The girl got away, but she O.D.'d before the trial, so the prosecution dropped all charges.

Elwood lost his ministry.

He lost all funding for the kids' shelter he was running in Arizona.

So Pastor Mark becomes Pastor Mike, cruises up the I-5, finds a new hunting ground, gets a new alias and a new bunch of kids -- no problem.

Let's pick him up.

Sorry. I a little hungry.

It's okay. Have as much as you like.

Can I ask you something?

What would you have done if you weren't able to stay here tonight?

I know your stepfather's not after you.

That was b*llet's sales pitch.

Don't worry, I'm not angry.

We'd just...find somewhere in the park, I guess, under one of the bridges.

I know what it's like to be alone.

I've had nowhere to go before, nowhere to turn.

That's no way to live.

Sometimes you can't even really remember how you got there -- it just happens.

You don't even look like yourself after a while.

You wonder if people notice.

And then you realize people only see what they want to see, anyway.

b*llet just called.

She'll be here, like, any minute now.

Seattle PD! Move! Move! Spread out, spread out!

All right, let's go!


Clear! Clear!

Downstairs dining room -- clear!



All clear.

We didn't pull the trigger fast enough.

Tipped him off. He's gone.

He's not at Beacon Home, either.

The team just finished the raid. Must've just missed him.

How'd you figure that one out, genius? I was just saying.

Shut your stupid little face, huh? Hey! Hey, okay!

Everybody out.

Please, everybody.


He's a coward.

He's preying on the weakest, wearing that tattoo.

I know who this guy is.

Yeah? What are you gonna do about it?

Hold it together.

Yeah, you're one to talk about holding things together.

Okay, you're right, so maybe you should shut up and learn something.

You go down this road, you lose things.

That's how it works.

That's what you've got to look forward to.

That your girl?

Uh, yeah. I'm just waiting to talk to a detective.

Me too.

She missing?

So's my daughter.

Seven years now.

We're from Eugene, but when I heard these girls showed up in the woods, I figured she might have made her way north.

I thought maybe one of the ones they still haven't identified yet could be a match.

Yeah, Kallie's not -- she's not dead.

She's out there, somewhere, maybe hurt or something.

She always liked to wander.

She just -- just picked up some bad habits from me, I guess.

Looks like you got more school photos than me.

Some are age composites we had done few years ago, medical files, dental records.

It's just easier to keep them than keep shuffling them from police station to police station -- whoever might have a Jane Doe.

And when they turn up inconclusive or negative, you think maybe, just maybe, she's still out there.

The maybes are the hardest thing.

Ms. Conrad? We're ready to see you now.

Straight ahead.

Open it up!

You were wrong about me having control over anything.

It's too late to change the method.

I didn't say you had control over anything. You don't.

I said that it was up to you how you exited this world.

I was talking about a choice to forgive yourself, Ray.


Salvation is a place for everybody, and there's peace there.

But -- but it's a choice to go there.

They're done.

Till now, I've just done lethal injection.

Different than spiking some convict's vein, I'll tell you that much.

Now, the bigger the inmate, the shorter the drop.

A skinny guy needs more distance to fall, make sure his neck snaps.

For this one, 165 pounds gets him six feet, four inches.

Do you pull the lever, dad?

Yeah, well, they got a whole procedure rigged up.

I noose him -- put the rope around his neck.

You know, I'm breaking the rules getting you in here, but, uh, this doesn't come around that often.

Right and wrong, Frankie -- it's a choice.


There's nothing at the pastor's house.

There's no matching w*apon, no trophies.

If the pastor is good for these murders --

That still doesn't make him for Trisha Seward.

Only because we haven't found the connect yet.

Well, we got the timeline from the M.E.

All our victims were k*lled between June and November 2009.

Uh, Trisha Seward was k*lled December 26th.

That's a full month later.

So what?

We know she's different. Maybe there's a reason.

Like what?

I don't know.

But we have an obligation, we have a duty, to stop this execution if there's reasonable doubt, and you know it.

Listen, no judge is gonna issue a stay based on a maybe, you know?

He didn't do it.

I believe you.



They found the pastor's car.

Thank you. Thank you.

We're sweeping the train station now, sir.

How many trains left in the last hour?

All right, chase them down.

I want officers at the first stop for each train.

Okay. This way, sir.


We had him, Linden.

Ashley, Kallie, all of them.

We had him.

I'm going back to headquarters.

I'll get warrants for the train station's surveillance cams.

He's got to be on one of them.

I'm sorry. We can't make a statement just yet.

Get out of the way. Let me in! My girlfriend's in there!

Watch it! Lyric!

Hey. Easy. Settle down. Lyric!
