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Army of Thieves (2021)

Posted: 09/05/23 19:26
by bunniefuu
Uh, yeah.

For this video today,
I will be switching into English

for my international friends and fans.

The story I will be telling you today
is one of my absolute favorites,

and, um, I hope you too
will get great enjoyment out of it,

like I do.

Once upon a time,
in a faraway land called Munich…

Far away, that is,
if you're one of my international friends.

There was an old brick building
on the edge of the city.

The building was the factory
of a respectable locksmith

named Hans Wagner.

He was once a hard-working family man,
a pillar of the community,

until his wife and son died tragically.

In his waning years,
his greatest work truly began.

A series of four safes, one for each opera
of Richard Wagner's legendary Ring cycle,

comprised of four epic operas
with roots in Norse mythology.

The four safes being…

Das Rheingold,

Die Walküre or The Valkyrie,

the Siegfried…

And finally the Götterdämmerung,

also known as the Twilight of the Gods.

To Hans Wagner,
a lock, a safe, were puzzles.

Puzzles that could only be solved

by those truly worthy
of the secrets they guarded.

Legend has it, if you attempt
to crack the locks by force,

the contents will be incinerated

and they will lock forever.

But Hans' work did not end
with the Ring cycle.

He had one more safe to build.

The safe his whole life
had been leading to,

capable of containing
all his anguish and misery,

locking it away for good.

People tried to liberate Wagner
from the tomb he had built for himself,

but his work was pure enough
that they could not.

The safe that Wagner died in
was never opened.

It served as his tomb and was dropped
into the ocean with his body still inside.

The Rheingold,

the Valkyrie, and the Siegfried

are all rumored
to still be in circulation.

Their locations remain one of the greatest
mysteries of the safecracking world.

As for the Götterdämmerung,
no one knows what became of it.

Okay. Yes, this has been my video.
Thank you for the viewing.

And as always, I've been
your, uh, Sebastian Schlencht-Wöhnert,

your super safecracker. Please like

and, um, hit the button
with the word "subscribe" on it.

That's it.

Thank you and goodbye.

Perfect. That was perfect.

And upload.


Okay, and…

Time to start another boring day.

Thank you.

Here you go.


A very good morning. How can I be of help?

Now listen up, young man!

In the old days
everything was better, far better…


I'm taking my lunch break.


Oh, my God.


"Want to put your skills to the test?"

"The house at the end
of Leipziger Str. Berlin."

"Password: Götterdämmerung."

Hello, I'm…

I'm not sure if this is the right address,

but I'm here for a very
secret issue.

Do you understand?

You understand? English?


I'm here
for, um, a very secret thing.

I was told to say



Who's ready
for the main event?

Ladies and gentlemen,
please welcome our final competitor.

Give him a big hand.

Sebastian Schlencht…

I don't know how the f*ck
you pronounce that last name.

Me? Is it me she's talking about?

Of course. Go to work.

- What?
- Take your place.

- Ladies and gentlemen…
- Hello, uh, sir.

- …place your final bets.
- My name is Sebastian.

May I ask what the hell is going on here?

- The clock is set.
- Thank you.

Ready, and crack!

And remember, only four
competitors advance to the next stage.

And contestant number one is finished.

Three more slots still to be won.

Oh, wait. Oh, and now it's two.

Time's running.


One more slot.

That's it.

If your safe remains locked,
please leave the floor.

Four contestants left for the semifinals.




and Mr. Nervous Guy.

Quiet please.

The clock is set.


and crack!

Neo's on to the second dial.

And so is Mr. Nervous Guy.


A second place finish
from Mr. Nervous Guy.

Could we be looking at a new champion?

Your bets please.
Place your bets.

The clock is set for three minutes.

If neither competitor finishes,
we default to a tie.



and crack!


That's a difficult one.

Wow. Oh, no, only one minute left,

but I haven't even started
to crack my safe yet.

Yeah, probably because you don't know how.

So this is bad news for me, isn't it?

- I just want to clarify once more...
- Zip it!

Okay. If you say so.

Ladies and gentlemen,
there's a new kid in town!

I love you, Nervous Guy!

It's just training and a lot of practice.

I'm gonna k*ll you!

I'm gonna k*ll you! I'll k*ll you!
I'll k*ll you, you little shit!

Thank you.

Thank you.

That was when I first saw her.

The woman I would come to know
as Gwendoline.

The woman who would change my life.

Eventually, I would come
to learn so many things about her.

For instance, that she was six years old
when she stole her first wristwatch.

That she was 16
when she first got her heart broken.

And when she stole her first car.

I would learn that she had a red notice
from Interpol since she was 17.

But at that moment, in that basement,
I didn't know any of that.

All I knew was
of all the people in that basement,

she was the one smiling at me.

Thank you!

I have absolutely zero idea
what's going on, but thank you.


Thank you.

Thank you.


Hello, Sebastian.

Damn it!

Hold on, I know you.

You were at the strange house last night.

Sebastian, I am the reason
you were there last night.

Oh, my God.

You were my one view on YouTube,
weren't you?

That's right.

And may I say what a shame that is.

Your videos are damn fine, Sebastian.

Thank you. I know.

But, permit me to ask then,

who are you?

I am the woman who is going
to change your life.



Did you just say "gulp"?

Yes, I, uh… I said it and I did it. Yes.

You wish to know who I am.

You wish to know how I knew
you were going to be in this cafe

at this time on this morning.

I would like to know
all of those things, yes.

I know those things
because I've been watching you.

I know you stop here
between 8:43 and 8:47 every morning,

get a banana nut muffin
and a coffee and eat it alone.

And then you go to work and go home alone.

As for who I am,

I have been in this coffee shop
for no more than seven minutes.

Do you see that woman over my shoulder?

- I see her.
- This is her wedding ring.

And that man three tables to my right…

…this is his watch.

And the dude in the back corner…

- Are you crazy?
- This is the concealed handgun

he had strapped to his inner thigh.

You want to know who I am, Sebastian.

Well, there is no way to say this
that will make it sound not insane.

And so I'm simply just going to say it.

I am an internationally-wanted
jewelry thief,

and I belong to a crew
that executes international bank heists.

And I want to recruit you.

Oh, and don't worry about these.

I will, uh,
return them to their proper owners.

Oh, well, maybe not the g*n.

Shouldn't have brought that
into a family establishment.

Am I being spunked?

"Spunked"? What do you mean?

You know what I mean. Spunked.

Do you mean "punked"?

No, you're not being punked
or spunked. This is real.

But why me? I am no criminal.

Because the next job we intend to take on,
you are the only one who can pull it off.

Nobody knows more than you do
about Hans Wagner.

And now that I know
you've got the skills to match,

I think you're the man for the job.

- Gulp.
- Please stop saying "gulp."

- I'm nervous.
- It's okay if you do it.

But saying it is incredibly stupid.

Okay, so… Um…

What kind of criminating question
am I supposed to ask?

Should I say something like, um…

What is the mark?

A reasonable question.

- It couldn't possibly be…
- It is.

- The Ring cycle?
- The f*cking Ring cycle.

- No.
- Yes.

It's the Ring cycle.

- Holy shit!
- Yes.

Uh, wha… Which one?
The Rheingold? The Valkyrie?

- Yes.
- Both?

Yes. And the Siegfried.

The outbreak in America, you're familiar?

Yes, I heard something about it.

In 96 hours, the owner of the Wagner safes
will be transferring them

to a vault in Geneva
where they will be decommissioned.

The puzzle that Wagner spent
his life developing will be destroyed.

This is our last chance to solve it.

So you're saying, in a span of four days,
we execute a series of not one,

not two, but three international heists,
and we drive off into the setting sun?

That is exactly what I'm saying.

You realize what you're asking of me?

Even if I wanted to help,

the Siegfried is
a seven-turn tumbler system

with over one trillion
possible combinations.

Yes, trillion with the letter "T."
Trillion, yeah?

Listen to me, Sebastian. Look around.

The world's f*cked.

This window of opportunity
isn't just our only chance, it's yours.

My only chance…

For what?

A life less ordinary.

Sleep on it. You'll find me here.

We could have fun together, you and I.

In Nevada, a virus outbreak
of unknown origin continues to spread,

causing a rabies-like response
in those who contract it.

This has led to the public deeming
the outbreak "the zombie apocalypse."

Amidst the epidemic, groups of civilians
are stepping up to do their part

in helping to rescue survivors
stuck in the infected zone.

Let's check in
with one of our correspondents,

Gil Pedretti, on the ground in Las Vegas.

Gil, can you hear me?

Dear viewers,

I can't tell you
exactly what's going on right now,

but as you just saw, this is reality.

This was really happening.

As we get more information,

we will certainly
give you an immediate update.

Look around.
The world's f*cked.

This is our perfect moment, Sebastian.

Join us.

Well, hi.

Hi, um…

I'm sorry. I did not know
the secret knock to let you know...

There is no secret knock.

It's just a door. You knock on it.

Oh. Of course. I… I just thought
because we're criminals now,

there might be some
sort of special code that I didn't know.

No need to whisper.

Just get in here.

Oh, wow.
That's a lot of kitties.

We needed the most
inconspicuous place possible

to stage our planning operations.

Somewhere they wouldn't suspect,
couldn't track us.

Korina found a flyer on a telephone pole
for an old lady

who will pay us in cash
to cat-sit for a week.

We're off-the-grid.

But we're on the cat grid.

Um, who's this Korina you're speaking of?

Sebastian, I'd like you to meet
Korina Dominguez.

She's in charge of logistics
and is a master hacker.

That movie
looks f*cking awesome.

Would you like to see it?

It's not out yet.

When she was ten,
using only her laptop,

she bypassed the security systems
for a major motion picture studio

and stole an early copy
of Pirates of the Caribbean 2.

Holy shit. I remember
when that was leaked. That was her?

Yes, that was me.

She's done cooler things.

I just figured that would
interest you the most, seeing as you're...

- Well...
- Nerd.

Not really a way to make friends.

I meant it as a compliment
from a nerd to another nerd.

No need to cry.

My tears are because I have a cat allergy.

Cat allergy. But thank you
for the compliment, Miss Dominguez.

And this is our getaway driver.

The best drifter you'll ever meet.

- Sir, there's your ticket.
- Don't park it. I'll be back in 15.

Your wish is my command.

Save me one of those laptops.

Hey, there you go, sir.

No tips? No problem.

See ya.

Getaway driver to the stars.

The fastest there is.
Nobody… When I say nobody,

I mean nobody knows their way
around an engine better than me.

I'm gone in 50 seconds. Mr. Nicolas Cage,
eat your heart out, baby.

You understand what I say
when I say what I'm saying?

The name is Rolph.

Pleased to meet you.

Thank you, um…

Your name is Rolph?

Yes, my name is Rolph. What's your name?

My name is Sebastian.

Oh, Sebastian, yeah?

- That's a shit name.
- Rolph.

Who's this dickhead?

And last but not least,
our very own real life action hero.

Mr. Brad Cage.


I'm Brad. Leader of this,
uh, little band of misfits.

Leader… Or so he fancies himself.

Well, if you were me,
you'd fancy yourself too.

Pleasure to meet you.

Pleasure to meet you too.

One word of advice.

Don't f*ck this up.

I don't know why Gwen trusts you,
but if she trusts you, we trust you.


Yes, sir.

Okay. Don't f*ck this up.

- Now I'm nervous.
- That's good.


Of course, you and I already acquainted.

Sebastian, meet the team.

Um, what? This is the whole
international heisting crew?

It's four people?

Five now, isn't it?

The size of our crew
is precisely why we don't get caught.

Ah, so is it like in a movie film,

where each one of us
has a different skill set,

and it's only working together that we can
pull off that which needs the pulling off?

Yes, it's exactly like that.

Everyone, meet Sebastian…
Unpronounceable last name.

Safecracker extraordinaire.
Has a lifetime of theoretical expertise.

But he has never applied
his skills in real life.

Until now, that is.

It's so nice to be meeting you
and joining the team.


Okay, ladies and gentlemen.

Over the last three years,
we've assembled from various sources

the locations of the three safes,

as well as more information
about their construction.

Yeah. We already know this.

Can we go play Mario Kart
while you fill in Mr. Scrawny over here?

Hey, show some respect, dude.

- Lady's talking.
- All right, man.

Thank you, Brad. Korina, please continue.

The Rheingold,
in a small bank in Paris, France.

Four hundred thirteen
million combinations.

The least complex of the three,
which means it's the least guarded.

It also contains
the least amount of money.

Frankly, I'm not sure why we're bothering.

Because it's not just
about the money, Brad.

It's about the quest.

- Ah, right. Yeah, the quest.
- The quest, yeah.

- The quest.
- Next.

The Valkyrie, in a high security bank
in Prague, Czech Republic.

About 235 billion combinations.

Estimated to contain
the equivalent of $40 million.

That's American g*dd*mn dollars.

- We're getting in.
- Yeah, Brad, let's get that money.

And the Siegfried,
in a casino in St. Moritz, Switzerland.

Seventy-two trillion combinations.

Said to contain as much as $100 million.

All of the Wagner safes
are under the ownership

of infamous billionaire, Bly Tanaka.

A man whose money we most certainly
do not wish to be caught stealing.

Any questions?

- No.
- Yes, many. Hundreds.

We'll have to answer them on the way then.

We've no time to waste.

This is gonna be a breeze.

Old Joe's looking extra old this morning.

Yeah, and very lazy.

And old.

g*ns. We have g*ns?

- Yeah, only as a last resort.
- Pow!

Didn't tell me we have g*ns.

Don't worry, I don't actually
let him load it anymore.

He thinks
it makes him look cool.

- What are you two whispering about?
- I'm trying to comfort the poor man,

so please put the g*n away.
He's in a panic.

- It's away.
- Thanks.

What's wrong with him?
Why's he freaking?

Perhaps because we're about to do
the robbing of a bank.

It's not a bank, it's a credit union.

What's the difference?

It's a bank for children.

Why would there be a bank
specifically for kids?

she means it's child's play.

Remember we said we are carrying out
the heist in order of difficulty.

- Yeah, you're right.
- Okay.

So they get more dangerous and more
exciting with each subsequent one. f*ck.

No, it's so that if we get caught
in the next ones,

we already have some money stashed away
for when we get out of the joint.

What? Oh, no.

Oh, God. Oh, shit.
I'm getting dizzy.

- Oh, no.
- We're good. The cameras are looping.

- What if we get caught?
- We won't get caught.

This one will be almost comically easy.

- Comically?
- Comically.

You know how sometimes in a heist movie,

they show flash-forward
of how the heist should work?

And it never goes according to plan,

and everything gets messed up in some way.

Yes, I do know this.

Well, this one is actually
gonna go that smoothly.

Shall we go over it once more?


All right, you'll go in first.

And remember,
you will no doubt be sweating profusely.

So be sure to wipe it off of your face.

Once you're inside,

don't look around too much.
Head straight to the bathroom.

We have
scoped out the location

and found people
go into the bank all the time

exclusively to, uh, take shits.

My God.

I'll follow,
lifting the keys off the security guard,

which may be
the easiest part of all of this…

Excuse me, sir.
Could you hold these, please?

- My pleasure.
- Very kind.

…as he is effectively

the human equivalent
of a dummy in a cop car.

I have an appointment
for the deposit room.

Ah, yes, please wait.

I'll ask
to see a safety deposit box…

That way, please.

…that we have
set up under a fake name.

- I'll leave you to it.
- Merci.

Korina will enter…

And I will ensure
that the teller leaves the hallway.

You speak English?
A little bit?


- Non?
- Just a moment.

You speak English? A little bit?

Of course.

Um, how can I say, uh…
I'm in, uh, trouble?

Uh, I lost all my credit cards
and my husband…

So sorry.

At which point I will slip out.

Then I'll pick you up…

And we'll descend into the vault.

Holy mother of shit.

She's beautiful.


The hell you doing?

Um, I'm warming up my instruments.

Oh. All right.

You know the story of,
uh, Wagner's Ring cycle?

Yes, I'm familiar with it.

But I admit I don't know the intimate
details, which is why we have you.

- Of course.
- If you could just please...

Um, ironically enough, it concerns the
corrupting influence of money and power.

The dwarf Alberich stole gold
from the depths of the Rhine

and crafted it into a ring so powerful,

all the gods under the sun
wanted it for themselves.

Sort of like a more Norse
Lord of the Rings.

- Hmm, yeah. Fascinating. If you could...
- As Alberich tricked the Rhine maidens

for their gold,

I too shall plunge your depths, my love.

These three locks,
I think they represent the Rhine maidens.

Yes, Sebastian. But as old
as all the people upstairs are,

we don't have all the time in the world.

So show me why I found you.

I shall begin.

Could you please stop pacing?

Thank you.

- You did it.
- I've done it.

Sebastian, you did it.

I did it. I cracked a Wagner!

I'm invincible!

- I'm invincible!
- Okay, Mr. Invincible.

Let's get on with it, shall we?

There's no way it will fit.

It's not about getting all of it,
it's about where we're getting it from.

Don't you see?

This is Everest.

This is sh**ting Bigfoot.

This is about becoming legends.


Nothing, it's just all very exciting!
It's, uh…

Focus on the 500s.

Once you've done that, I'll provide
the final part of the distraction…

…while Rolph waits in the van,

ready at a moment's notice
to make our getaway.

Bonjour, monsieur.

Then I'll take you
back to the restroom.

You walk out…

…and I follow.

And that's that.

And that's that?

- That's that.
- It cannot be that easy.

Sebastian, it's already done.

We did it!

Whoo-hoo! Madness! Whoo!

f*ck me.



- Sir?
- Yes.

I think I speak for all of us

when I ask
why does this concern us right now?

Uh, I only mean… Don't get me wrong,
but lest we forget,

there's a zombie apocalypse
happening in the world right now.

So why are we spending time
on this and not on…

Well, you know,
matters related to the zombie...

Screw the zombies.


This is why.

Excuse me, who's the old guy?

Did nobody read
the f*cking briefing packets?

I'm not going to spare you
the trouble of reading your packets.

For the sake of time,

I will indulge you
in the abridged version of the story.

This man, decades ago,

built a series of four safes
that are now subject of legend.

This morning,
the first of those four safes was robbed.

And I think I know who did it

and where they're going next.

This is the last confirmed
photograph of Gwendoline Starr,

before she dropped off-the-grid.

And this is the last known photograph
of Alexis Broschini.

Although, we have reason to believe
he now goes by the name of Brad Cage.

They've pulled off five bank robberies
in the last four years.

We almost had them once.

Managed to catch a member of the team.
The safecracker.

Would have gotten them all
if Brad f*cking Cage hadn't shot me.

- He shot him?
- In the ass.

And that brings us to yesterday,

when this van
was captured by traffic cameras

leaving the scene of the Paris heist.

And the maker of the safe?
One Hans Wagner.

So they must have recruited
a new safecracker.

That's right. They are going for
Hans Wagner's magnum opus.

And as you pointed out,
they have chosen now,

when the world is completely distracted

by your f*cking zombie plague to do it.

They don't think anyone is watching them,
but they're f*cking wrong.

If they're truly going for the Ring cycle,

that means…

That means we have two chances left
to catch them.

And g*dd*mn it,

I'm gonna do it.

I'm gonna do it.

Yeah, he means, uh, we are going to do it.

Uh, me and him
leading the investigation together.

So he's right.

Uh, read your packets and I'm going to
make sure he's not having a heart attack.

Come on.

…about two more tries.

- Okay.
- Lucky shot.

In your face.

- Easy. You ready for this?
- Yes.


- Yes!
- Whoo! That's game over.

Huh, huh?

Don't worry.
We'll get them next time. Go on.

May I ask, are we
doing the bonding right now?

Yeah, if you like.

You know how I like to do my bonding?

Over some sandwiches. Let's go. Come on.

- Losers.
- Whoo!

- Yeah, yeah.
- I love sandwiches.

Yeah? How do you say sandwiches in German?

- Sandwiches.
- Sandwiches.

- How do you say salad?
- Salat.


He did it.


He did it.

Yeah, he did.

Big day tomorrow.

Protein in the meat
absorbs the alcohol in your body.

You need that one plate of meat
for every five beers that you drink.

But you're gonna wake up
feeling fresher than ever.

My grandma taught me that.

Scientifically proven.

What did he just say?

I don't know, I never understand him.

Having fun?

Yes, I'm having so much fun.

This is the first real party
I've been to in many moons.

I don't judge.

The music is very, very cool.

Who is the maker?

You're looking at her.
I only DJ my own music.

Oh, wow, that's very cool.

So you want to make out or whatever?


Uh… Do I wish to, uh…

Oh, my God. Um…


Good luck with that.


I've worked with Gwen for quite a while
and I like her a lot.

But how much did she tell you
about who she is?

Not the most.

Not to go crying out
somebody else's sob story, yeah.

But she's had a tough go.

Her parents were rich as shit.

But she ditched them when she was 17,

then joined a g*ng
of other rich shithead kids.

Brad was one of those kids.

- Ah, now I understand. Okay.
- Mm-hmm.

Yes. Um…




Oh. Hi.

Are you all right?
I, uh… I brought you some water.

Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just
going over the plans for tomorrow.

Fun time tonight?

Yes. Uh, very much fun.

I think me and Rolph
are becoming very good bros. Yeah.

And in fact, my heart
is still racing from, you know…

You know, uh…

Today was incredible.

How are you?

Uh, I'm… I'm all right.

Well, I had a little tiff with Alexis.

Who's Alexis?

Of course.
You know him as Brad, don't you?


His real name is not Brad Cage?

Nobody's real name is Brad Cage.

Why did he change it?

I don't know. Alexis grew up
watching American action movies.

He idolized the heroes.

You know, he said he wanted
the most badass possible American name.

Like, I quote,
"If, uh, Brad Pitt and Nic Cage

f*cked and had an even hotter baby."

And it's…

It's really how he sees himself.

It's sad that he could not learn
to love the name he was born with.

Yeah, but we can't
all be called Sebastian Schlencht-Wöhnert.

What's wrong with my name?

- Nothing.
- No. What's wrong with my name?

Well, it's a… You know,
it's a bit of a mouthful, that's all.

You've never considered
something simpler, ever?


Do you want to hear a secret?

- Yes.
- Okay.


When I was, like, a little kid…

My God, this sounds so stupid. Um…

You know, I never really
fit into this world.

While others were doing stuff
that kids do…


…I retreated
into my own world and improved my skills.

I did it. Yes!

I'm a master!

And to document my passion,
I used to write my own comic book.

It was about a master safecracker
and explorer named

Ludwig Dieter.

Ludwig Dieter. Yeah.

I thought it was, like,
the coolest name ever.

Now I realize it's pretty much
as dorky as my actual name.

Sure, but… Ludwig Dieter.

Yeah, well, it's easier to pronounce.

- Um, can I ask you a question?
- Yes.

Why do you do what you do?


Well, you could say it runs in the family.

My father was a rich assh*le,

one who got richer
from the collapse of the housing market.

I mean, he stole from people
who had next to nothing.

Look at me,

old Sebastian talking to the most
interesting girl in the world.

Can you believe my luck?

This was the greatest evening
of my life thus far.

She would tell me many things that night.
A great many things.

Some of them happy,

some of them decidedly less so.

That she never felt
that she fit in with her parents.

And longed for a more exciting life

than the one
they had chosen for themselves.

How stealing made her feel alive.

How she met Alexis when she was 19,

and thought she saw kindness in him
and the rest of the crew.

The kindredness of spirit.

Kindredness. Is that a word?

I've done
a lot of stupid shit.

But I always felt like if I could do
just one really great thing in my life,

something people would remember,

whatever happened before or after,

it wouldn't matter.

The Ring cycle.

The Ring cycle.

- That little assh*le.
- Hmm.

He thinks he can spend the whole night
talking to my girlfriend?

I mean, is my company
not good enough for her, huh?

I'm f*cking delightful.

Maybe they're just starting
to form a meaningful friendship.

Sebastian is a likable dude.

I know we're an odd bunch,
but we've just stuck together for so long.

A little family.

But I'd be lying if I said
I didn't sometimes think about

striking out on my own.

Okay, where…
where would you go?

America. Nevada specifically.

Where the zombies are? Are you crazy? Why?

There's a rumor that's where it is.

The Götterdämmerung.

Could you imagine…

…if we got here and cracked the safe?

Ladies and gentlemen,
if you look to your left,

that's the bank
we're about to heist the shit out of.

Holy moly, this looks bigger
than the last one.

Why would it be smaller, hmm?

What were you expecting, huh?

- Anything?
- Nope, nothing.

Okay, stay sharp. It has to happen today.

Or they have no time to pull off the third
job before the safes are transferred.

Unless they're pulling off
the third job now while we're here.

No. They'll do them in sequence.

Sorry. I know they will.

- If you say so.
- Yes, I say so.

"Junior branch coordinator."


Prestigious position, Madam Secretary.

- Why am I a secretary?
- Blame her, she made them. Move.

- Sorry, Gwen.
- How's it looking, Korina?

As good as can be expected.

Excuse me, a question.

- This sounds less good than super great.
- Hey.

All right, this isn't
a credit union anymore.

This is the real deal.

The real deal?

They have a million extremely
complex security protocols in place

to detect exactly
what we're trying to do here.

- Literally a million?
- Yeah, literally a million.

I've been reconning their systems
for months to test their capabilities.

Reconning? What does this mean, reconning?

You know, reconning. f*cking reconning.
I've been reconning them.

Now get out of my assh*le,
Mr. I Don't Want To Make Out.

Ah, okay. Got it. Okay, reconning.

I can only be in their system
for 16 seconds at a time

without them detecting me.

Then I have to drop out,
do the whole thing over again,

repeat until I can get your asses
into the vault, so…

Um, okay, uh,
not to be all Johnny New Guy…

Not an expression.

But this sounds much riskier than Paris.
Are we sure it will work?

It will theoretically work, yes.

- Theoretically?
- Theoretically.

According to theory rather than
experience or practical application.

Realistically, I give you about
a 5% chance of survival, so good luck.

Not helping.

It will work. We're ready.

- You good, bro?
- Good, brother.

Hey. Hey, talk to me.

What's going on? How are you feeling?

About the going to the bank?

Very, very scared.

About the safe breaking itself,

"Hey, I feel great. I cracked a Wagner."

Nothing can stop me now.

I'm in.

- Two seconds.
- And I'm out.

Did he get through?

Holy shit, it worked.

- What were you expecting?
- You're a f*cking genius.

Yes, I know.

Sebastian, in front of you
are two doors. Take the left.

I'm going to lead you
through a series of evasive steps, okay?

In case anyone is watching.

Go to the elevator at the end of the hall.


- Shit?
- Gwen's elevator is busy.

I got to go, bye.

Wait. Korina, what elevator?

Gwen, go up to level four.

Cross the office
and I'll send the other elevator.

First door on your left.


Pavel, for the last time,
you can't drink in here.

- Did you see that?
- Where did he go?

He disappears.


Still negatory.

Sebastian, the vault elevator
behind the locked door ahead of you.

Go up, pretend to unlock it,
and I'll open it, okay?

Just pretend.

Pretend to unlock.

- Thank you.
- Bye.

Come on, let's go.

You all right?

May I ask, you didn't tell me
about you and Mr. Brad.


The two of you are together
in the romantic sense.

I, of course, understand.

- He's amongst the handsome...
- Is this really the time…

I never said one way or another
whether I had a boyfriend or not,

and frankly,
I don't know what it is to you.

I only ask why did you hide this from me?

- Okay.
- I was...

Hold this, please.

Show me your ID.

Oh, f*ck.

Gwen! Gwen!


- What the f*ck was that?
- What?

You karate'd two men.

You did not say that was part of the plan.

It wasn't. I improvised.

Always be prepared.

Always be prepared.

Did you know that Richard Wagner
spent 31 years writing the Ring cycle?

Much longer than even Hans spent
building the corresponding safes.

Yes, actually, I did know that.

Wagner's work had many themes
of great importance to him,

but all of them touched upon love.

For instance, the story of the safe
that has brought us here today.

The Valkyrie.

The first act of the story
takes place on Earth

as the children of Odin or Wotan,

the siblings, Siegmund and Sieglinde
happen to cross one another

and fall in love.


No, it's okay.

They did not know at the time
they were brother and sister.

The second act of the story
takes place far above Earth,

in a kingdom meant to represent Valhalla.

It's the gods' plan, a course of action,

and Wotan sends his daughter Brünnhilde
to k*ll Siegmund.

But moved by his love for Sieglinde,

she does not and helps her instead.

This angers Odin,
who decrees the most dire of punishment,

stripping Brünnhilde of her immortality

and casting her out of her Valhalla.

I believe the locks are to be solved
in the order of the story

and then the cycle begins anew.

The themes of these stories
were the model, still relevant,

such as deception
and double cross in love.

Great. Yeah.

Let's get on with it now, shall we?




Why… Oh, okay.

- Anything?
- Still negatory.

- Something's not right here.
- Yes, I'm inclined to agree.

I'm not missing our shot.
If they're inside…

We're going to catch them.

Let's go.

We're moving in.

Got him. Camera 52.

What the f*ck.

Someone's in our system.

- Oh, f*ck.
- What is it?

They triggered their silent alert. Locks
the elevators until they investigate.

So, what? They're onto us?

They're on the path to being onto us.


All right, time for plan B.

- Plan B now?
- Yes. Plan B, Rolph.

Yo, come on, man.

Mr. Delacroix,

there is really something
that you should know.

Open the gate.

You ready?

- Yeah.
- Okay. Go.

What the f*ck?

This is not a Wagner.

We're in the wrong bank.

You traded your safe.


What the f*ck?

Listen. Listen.

Given its impenetrable nature,

they decided
its purpose would be better served

at one of our more prestigious locations.

Where? Where did you send it?

Everyone get on the ground!

You, pass me that bag!

Move, move, move.

Thank you very much.

What was that?

Oh, uh, don't worry about it.

It's just a little distraction
to buy some more time.

I'm sure.

But we should hurry it up.


All right.

You'll see. This will be easy.

What's going on?

- It just...
- It just what?

It just detected my presence.

Okay. What do we have here?

Tell me. What do you want me to do?

Nothing to worry about.

Uh… Okay, what does that mean?

That if I f*ck up again, it locks forever.

That's all.

That kind of sounds
like something to worry about,

Mr. Warming Up My Instruments.

- You just said this would be easy.
- I realize what I just said, okay?

This fit's slightly more complicated
than I've expected.

I don't understand
why you are so stressed.

I'm not stressed.

- You're stressed.
- You're stressed!

Do you know what? Do your job.

Stop, stop, stop!

Get out of the car. Get out of the car!

Okay! Let's go!

Come on!

What? Shit!

What the f*ck was that?

Come on, move.
How are we getting on?

All of you,
get in the middle of this floor.

Let's move. Let's move.

Let's move!

f*cking Christ!

Come on.

Let's go. Come on.

Let's move! Let's move!

Damn it.


They triggered the alarm.


Fill the bag. Come on!

Faster. Faster. Faster.



What is it?

Is this a good freeze or a bad freeze?

Oh, my God!

You did it! You did it!

- I did it!
- You did it!

Oh, you strange, beautiful strange man!

Strange twice. I'll take it.

Guys, status?

We got it. We're on our way out.

- Brad, get out. We got it.
- All right. Let's zip the bag.

Zip it!

Okay, Rolph, let's go.


Hands up!


Where are you?

Come on!

What happened?

- You good?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

He's shot in the shoulder.

- This way.
- Slow down, Rolph.

Gwen's coming.

Come on! Run!

- Come on!
- Come on!


- Come on. Run!
- The bags.

Gwen, grab my hand.

Go, go, go!

Grab my f*cking hand, now!

Move, Rolph. Drive.

f*cking assh*le.

What are you doing?



I need the bicycle!

- Sorry.
- That's my bike!

- I'm sorry.
- f*ck you, assh*le!


Whoa, whoa.

Going to Old Town.

Make way!

I'm sorry.

Watch out!

We lost him.

Out of the way!

Make way!

Excuse me.

Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God!



I'm so sorry.


Make way! Make way!


- Sir.
- What? Oh, yeah. f*ck.

Interpol. Anyone hurt?

Uh, no one. They used tranquilizer darts.

Looks like they wiped
the cameras on the way out.

It's pretty cool actually.
Almost feels like we're in a spy movie.

Oh, cool. "Like a spy movie.
It's so cool, man."

Shut up!

Shut the f*ck up.

I need space to think.


Crazy! How did I do that?

- Korina?
- Nothing.

If they caught Sebastian,
they haven't announced it yet.

All right, so be it. We ditch the van,

trade it for something less conspicuous
and get the hell out of here.

All right?




f*ck. What is wrong with you?

Are you upset about
the scrawny safecracker?

Don't pretend that
you didn't know the plan.

That wasn't the plan.

The plan was to finish the job
before we cut him loose,

not throw him into the street
like a sacrificial lamb!

Just for the record,
I was startin' to like the little man.

- But business is business, so...
- Shut the f*ck up, Rolph, and drive.

We were always gonna have
to lose him eventually, all right?

They almost had us.
Somebody had to go down.

We could've all made it.

He's not one of us. He never was.

How are we gonna do
the Siegfried without him?

Who gives a shit about the Siegfried?

We got cleared. That is all that matters.

Do you know how f*cking rich
we are right now, huh?

f*ck you, Alexis.

What did you just call me?

You heard me.


Who's Alexis?

- Stop the van.
- Huh?

I said, stop the van! I'm getting out.

Don't stop this van, Rolph!

Do not stop. Nobody's getting out.



I love you.

I don't give a shit.

I'm done.

I'm done!

Oh, you're done? You're done?

- Goodbye, Alexis.
- What?

Oh, f*ck this shit.

- Rolph, drive the car.
- Get off me!

Get your hands off me.

You wanna go?

You wanna go, then go.


Where are you goin'?

- I'm talkin' to you.
- Jesus.

I'm coming too.



I put a lot of work
into planning the third heist,

and Alexis is an assh*le.

- So let's be legends.
- Come on.

Yeah? Good luck.

You too! Rolph, drive!

So what do we do now?

Probably should've waited
till we were near a town, huh?

Yeah, probably.

Let's go.

Come on.

Do we say something?


Too much time has gone by. It's weird now.

Should we just leave and then knock?

Or how about when he comes back in,
we yell "surprise"?

That seems like a terrible, terrible idea.

- Surprise!
- Surprise!

Shit, shit, shit!

All the hairs on my chest
burned off.

You sure they were there to begin with?

They're blonde, so you cannot see them,

but they were there
and they were glorious.

What the f*ck are you guys doing here?


I'm sorry.

That's it?

I'm so sorry, Sebastian.

It wasn't about the myth
of the quest for Brad and Rolph.

Not like it is for us.

For them, it was about finding a mark
and making a buck.

Right, Gwen?

I can't forgive myself
for being a part of it.

And I wouldn't expect you to either.

Well, thank you,

but who gives a shit, right?

Whether I forgive you
for almost getting me sent to prison

or whether I don't, you're going to leave.

I'm going to go back to my stupid job,
and that's that, right?

Thank you for coming here,

but I must ask you now to leave.

- Sebastian, no.
- It's not over!

How is it not over? Huh?

Unless you've cracked the Siegfried
and didn't tell us about it,

- it's not over.
- It's not over.

No, I have not yet cracked the Siegfried.

I do not even know if I can.

Of course you can.

Did you see what happened
with the Valkyrie? I f*cked up!

And then you succeeded.

There is more adventure waiting for us.

If you think having those two assholes
f*ck us over means we are done,

you are sorely mistaken.

We could still do it.

And not just the Siegfried.
We could earn our place in history.

We could go together,
the three of us, a team,

to search for the Götterdämmerung.

But we can't do it without you.

You may not believe in yourself anymore,

but I believe in you.

- So you're saying...
- We need you.

You need me that the three of us alone
can rob a Bly casino?

That's right.

- Gulp.
- Did he just say "gulp"?

Yes, and I did it.

What's with you, Korina? Hmm?

You feel the same way?

That you need me?

You know, I mean, look, statistically,

it's very difficult
to heist a casino, so I...

Yes, I need you, Sebastian.

All right, fine.

I'm not saying that I trust you
because very much, no…

I get it.

- And it's not about the money either.
- I know.

I just really want to get my f*cking hands
on that f*cking safe.

Okay, so, what's the plan, ladies?


Hello, my dear friends.
It's me again, your great safecracker.

I hope you don't mind,
but the video today…

I know him.

I know this guy.

Oh, f*ck! This is the same guy.

Beatrix! Beatrix!

Damn it!

Come to my office, please.

Yes. Now.

I found you.


So I hope this is super important news
because I...

That's him.

The guy who opens safes,
the safecracker, that's him.

This guy's been living alone in Germany
making shitty YouTube videos.

He's not a criminal.

He's an outsider.

And how does he know them?

They found him like this,

through YouTube.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

Maybe he's a patsy.

Look at the poor guy.
They dumped him on the road.

He's scared shitless like Bambi.

I almost feel bad for him.

And that's all?

- Huh?
- Hmm?

- What? Yes, that's all.
- That's all?

Yes, that's all.


Super important information.

You could have told me over the phone.

Nice to meet you, Sebastian.

Hey, it's okay, it's just me.

I dreamt of them again.

Of zombies.

Maybe they're prophecies,
not dreams.

Maybe you saw your own death.

What's that now?

Or maybe simply
your psyche's manifestations

of your own self-doubt
and feelings of inadequacy.

You know, you should be that big,
tough man. Be able to fight them.

And yet again and again,

they just destroy you.

Or maybe you just had
a nightmare about zombies

because zombies are scary.

But they're just dreams, Sebastian.

Or prophecies.



- Nothing.
- Southwest corner?

No sign.

Northwest corner.


Okay, report back every two minutes.

T-minus eight hours
until the safe is moved.


Did you really just say, "T-minus"?

Yes. I did.

And you're sure we have the right casino?

Sorry. Sorry.

Clearly a sore spot.

I'm not missing my shot.

At least if we cooperated
with the casino...

No. We are not cooperating
with the casino.

If we tell the casino, they might
move up the time of transfer.

If they move up the time of transfer,
we miss our shot.

I'm gonna catch them.

- And end it...
- Whoa!

Listen to this.

I'm ready.

My fingers are suitably warmed up
and ready for the cracking of the safe.

We wait
for the shift change at 5:00.

That's our best shot. Copy?

Yes, I copy your copies.

- Just say copy.
- Is this what I think it is?

- It seems it is.
- On an open channel?

Not open,
just not encrypted enough to stop me.

Okay, guys, 5:00 a.m., we move in then.

Don't you think
it's just a little too good to be true?

As I was saying,
keep watch on the perimeters.

I don't want to miss
any tricks, understand?

Okay. Go, go, go!

Interpol. We're here about
a possible security risk to your vault.

Yes, yes, we know. We are
informed about the risk.

- What do you mean?
- Please follow me.

- Who told you about the risk?
- You.

And when you contacted us,
we took action immediately.

What do you mean when we contacted you?

You did. And as agreed,
we brought transport time forward.

The safe left an hour and a half ago.

- You brought the transport time forward?
- Yes.

Last night,
when you informed us of the risk.

But the transport is already underway.

Hmm. See, I told you
it was too good to be true.


It was planned for 5:00.

Hello. This is Interpol.

Are you aware that the safe
scheduled for transfer tomorrow morning

is the third in a sequence of safes,

two of which
have been robbed in the last 72 hours?

One moment, please.

Call the bank.

See if they'll authorize us
moving the vault sooner than planned.

Of course.

Call me if there's a problem.
You're welcome.

Can't believe you drink that.


Being American makes it trash.

What about Zac Efron?
American actor, very good.

Too bad he's a zombie now, isn't it?


The zombies got Zac Efron?

You bastard.

You should've seen
the look on your face.

What the...

But what about
the security inside the casino?

We'll be gone
before they even know we're here.

Whoa! Listen to this.

Fresh air feels so good.

Ma'am, you cannot be up here.
You have to go back inside.

I'm just here for a smoke.

Ma'am, please.

I'll tell you what,

we can share.
And I'll be gone in a second, huh?

Now listen...

- Southwest corner?
- All clear.


So you're sure you can crack it
while we drive?

I shall attempt to do so,

but please keep it as steady as you can.


I'll make my way to the pier.
I'll get us as close as we can.

Siegfried. Hello, Siegfried.

Do you know what happens
in Wagner's Siegfried?

No, no. I don't know.

Please tell me.

In it, the hero Siegfried
faces his darkest of trials

in order to understand
what it means to truly be afraid.

He slays the dragon Fafnir

and then he slays
the dwarf who raised him,

when confronted with his betrayal.

Then he finds Brünnhilde
and the two of them fall in love.

After all the pain and fear,

there's a happy ending.


But what about the next opera?

The Götterdämmerung?

Siegfried dies and Brünnhilde
throws herself on his funeral pyre.



Calm down. Calm down.

What do we have here?

What do we have, Siegfried?

Five o'clock!

I swear to God,
if they find them before we do…

The f*cking balls
to double-cross their own team.

To be fair,
we did also do a double cross on them.

This is not the time, Rolph.

They must have
an accomplice right here in town.

Search the town, every hotel,
come on, every van, everywhere.

- Where are they going?
- Do we follow them?


I don't know.

I don't know. I don't know.

First of seven.

Okay, good.

Listen, not to be an assh*le,
but you did check the GPS, yeah?


You checked the GPS
to see if her phone's still on?

- You think I'm an idiot?
- I never said that.

Of course I checked the GPS.

You mind if I see?

You see?

Is that them?

- Why did this just show up?
- That must be them!

Come on, let's go!


No, no, no.


Get her phone!

Get her phone!

Get the phone!


Oh, f*ck.

Damn it.

Sebastian, Korina says they're coming.

Where are we?

I need to go faster.

Lock four of seven.

Okay, is there any way we could possibly
speed up the process?

Hey, I go as fast as I f*cking can!

Sorry, yes.

Keep going.

- Where are they?
- Where are who?

I don't know what you're talking about.

I'm just a girl on the street,
taking a walk.

So you're not Korina Dominguez?

Known associate of Gwendoline Starr
and Alexis Broschini?

- Tell me you're not that girl.
- Vincent!

- Let her…
- Where the hell are they?

Let her go! Stop it!

Where are they?
Don't f*ck with me.

Never heard of them. Never.

Allow me to apologize for him.

But, come on, woman to woman,

do you really want all of this
pinned on you alone?

Just tell us how they were gonna escape.

Wait a moment.

Just one piece of information,

then I promise I'll do
everything in my power

to make sure your little brother
is looked after.

We're f*cking getting them.

You're just gonna scare them, right?

Okay. Come on, guys.

We know where they're going.

Let's go.

Good luck, team.

Six of seven.

Oh, no.

Shit. Left turn!

Okay, sorry, right turn!

I'm fine! I'm fine. Okay.


You good?

There is a happy ending.

I… I did it.

Gwen, I did it.

- You did it?
- I did it.

- Whoo!
- I cracked the Siegfried!

I did it. I f*cking did it!


I'm a master. I did it!

One thought that I've not been able
to cast out of my mind is…

How sad it is that this great man,

he devoted his life to this work.

Nobody ever really appreciated it,

or even understood his genius.

Because in order to understand a work,
you must engage with it.

And until now with Wagner's Ring cycle,
nobody could.

What are you saying, Sebastian?

I'm saying…

I finally understand.


It's over, Gwen.

You made your choice.

What are you going to do? sh**t me?

Yeah, maybe.

Will you take me back?

Are you serious?

Does that seem like something
an action hero would do?

Point a g*n in a girl's face
and tell her to come back to him

or he'll blow her brains out?

Fair point.

Well, maybe hero time's over.

Maybe I'm the villain after all.

Not a villain. You're just a d*ck.

Oh, Gwen! Oh, God!

No, no, no.

I took the firing pin out!

You what?

Okay. I really think
you could have told me this.

I did tell you, but guess what?

This g*n works.

I disabled yours
when you shot that Interpol agent…


…because I was afraid
that you would actually k*ll somebody.

It's them or us. It was always them or us.

It was just about you playing action hero,
compromising the team.

- You're nothing without me.
- And me having to clean up...

Oh, you f*cking p*ssy.

This guy?

Get to the truck now.

- Is it too late for me to change sides?
- Get to the f*cking truck!

f*ck me.

This isn't over! You hear me?

I will find you, Gwen!

You'll see. I'll find you both!


That's for sh**ting me in the ass.

I'd do it again, Mr. Delay-croix.

Delacroix, assh*le.

Whoo! Take them in.

Uh, Gwen, um…


I really like you a lot.

And I just wanted
to take this opportunity to say it.

You know you always choose
the worst time to…

I'm, uh… I'm sorry.

You know, I really like you a lot too.


Hands in the air.

Turn around.

Turn around.

Lower the g*n or I sh**t.

Gwen, what are you doing?
He'll sh**t you.

One more step and I sh**t.

Even if you make it to the boat,
you'll never make it out of the lake.

It's over.

Put your g*n on the ground.

We could work something out.

We have three backpacks of cash.
You could take one of them.

I don't want your money.

You have no idea
how long I've been chasing you.

So get on the ground now.

he's right. We won't make it.

- What?
- But you can.

There's no reason
he has to get both of us.

- What are you saying? No, Gwen.
- We can't make it.

Stay back!

I'll come with you, but he goes.

He's not going anywhere.

You said it yourself.

It's me you want. Me and Alexis.

He has no part in this.
He's not a criminal.

He's nobody.

So if you want to take me in, he goes,

or I'll sh**t you
in your other f*cking leg.

Get the f*ck out of here.


Get the f*ck out of here! Go!



I didn't see you.

Sebastian, get out of here.


No, I can't.

Sebastian, get out of here.

I can't.

When I get out, I'll find you.

And we'll find it together.

If not, you find it for me, okay?
You find the Götterdämmerung.

- No, Gwen, no, I can't.
- Go!


Seeing that she had
not just gotten me a passport,

but a plane ticket
to the same place she was going,

it broke my heart.

"Ludwig Dieter."

It broke my heart thinking of
all the adventures we could have had,

the things we could have shared,

because in that moment, I knew
that of all the people in the world,

there was only one I wanted to be with.

And it was her.

But that was okay.

I would wait for her.

And we would one day be reunited
in the vault of the Götterdämmerung.

- What are we doing here?
- You told me you needed a safecracker.

Might be our missing piece.

You the locksmith?

Can you make sense of this?

Hey, the guy in the front...

You saw the old man in the front
and he sent you back here?


You must really have a problem.

How would you like to make 250 grand
for one day's work?

Oh, my God.

Can you crack it?

- Can I crack it?
- Yeah.

Can I crack it?

This is like showing me a picture
of Botticelli's Madonna of the Magnificat,

and asking me if I want to f*ck her.

Okay, the man who designed
this wonderful work of art,

Hans Wagner, he named it
the Götterdämmerung

for the final chapter in his namesake,

Richard Wagner's epic opera
The Ring of the Nibelung.

Can it be opened, and by me?

- I don't know. I honestly don't.
- Okay.

Watch your fingers, Mr. Big Hand.

But of the world's living locksmiths,

do I represent
your greatest chance of opening it?

I can, with humility, say yes.

You're in?

It's a doorway
to another realm, my friends.

And providence has brought you to me.

We go through it together.