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02x04 - The Right Horse

Posted: 09/04/23 14:49
by bunniefuu
- MATT: The Run for a Million is the greatest event

in our horse world, hands down.

- TOM: The top guys in the country

will compete for a purse of a million dollars.

- TAYLOR: So many riders qualified

for the Run for a Million.

Brian Bell, Casey Deary, Andrea Fappani.

He is at his peak.

- ANDREA: I don't think people can beat me.

- TAYLOR: Shawn Flarida, Tom McCutcheon, Greg Schmersal.

- We got in by the skin of our teeth.

- TAYLOR: Gina Schumaker.

- GINGER: This next generation is incredible.

- CADE: Kole, he's one of the younger guys.

He's gotten pretty good pretty fast.

- TAYLOR: Cade, who's the golden child.

He's a million-dollar rider and he can't even buy beer.

Little shit .

- BRIAN: You don't wanna get beat by the youngest guy.

- MATT: We're so close to the Run for a Million

that people are test-driving their horses at the NRBC.

Things are heating up.

- [audience cheering]

- ♪

- TAYLOR: There's really only two places left

to go figure out what horse you're gonna take

to the Run for a Million.

That's the NRBC and the Derby,

'cause after that, it's August and it's showtime.

- ABBY: The NRBC is short for

the National Reining Breeders Classic.

It's one of my favorite shows because the atmosphere

is different than any other horse show.

Everybody's cooking out, kind of like that, you know,

tailgating kind of feel.

It just feels more homey.

- MANDY: NRBC is a horse show that my parents

and Tom and a lot of people run and manage.

Next year will be years of it.

And this event started in Tom and I's guest bedroom

with our secretary and little manilla folders.

Tom and my dad, they both made phone calls

and said, "Look, we need an event that makes

our sport grow."

And all the stallion owners got on board with it

and it took off from there.

Oh ay ay.

This was the most stressful week of my life

- CADE: It's not over yet.

- MANDY: Cade, what needs to be done around here?

Go clean a stall.

- Looks like they're all done to me.

- MANDY: Cade is lucky because he was successful

right out of the gate, so he has people in his corner

that want to support him and be there for him.

- CADE: I had a pretty incredible year in .

I'm already the youngest million-dollar rider.

But most of the time I forget that I'm so much younger

than all of my competitors, actually.

I feel like the first year I had to earn everybody's respect,

now I feel like I'm one of the guys, one of the top guys.

I think leave him unwrapped until I ride him tonight.

Super Marioo is my top horse.

I just want to show the world how great he is

and I want to make sure everybody can see that.

- ♪

- [audience cheering]

- So there's two types of riders at the NRBC.

Those that are actually testing their horses

for the Run for a Million and those that are very confident

with the ones that they've left at home to rest.

- TAYLOR: They can bring as many horses as they want

to the Run for a Million. They can only show one.

- ANDREA: That's what makes the Run for the Million

really hard. 'Cause all our other

competitions we can show . So if you're not sure which

one feels the best that day, you can take or and hope

that, you know, the one rises to the top.

- GINGER: The next horse that Craig's about to show

could potentially be a contender if he shows well.

- MALE ANNOUNCER: This is Craig Schmersal

with Setting Off to Town.

- GINGER: Yeah, woo!

- CRAIG: Setting Off to Town is super young,

it's his first NRBC trip.

He loses concentration.

- GINGER: A good run for a four-year-old.

A really good run.

- ANNOUNCER: Craig and Setting Off to Town

score a in the run here tonight.

- CRAIG: He didn't mark a lot tonight

but you can't be mad at that little guy for that.

I'll take two, three horses to Las Vegas

for the Run for the Million and I'm gonna pick the one

that schools the best at that horse show.

- There's a whole new crop coming in

and everyone saw 'em for years at the horse shows.

And then all of a sudden they started whipping

everybody's ass.

- [audience cheering]

- TAYLOR: And Kole's one of 'em.

I do it as a movie director, I see something

I'm impressed with, I steal it

from that director and I use it.

And I can promise you, Kole's doing the same.

He's looking at what Flarida's doing,

he's looking at what Andrea's doing,

he's looking what Craig's doing.

And now he's forming his own style.

- KOLE: I'll be showing Gunna Stop.

Gunna Stop I've had for two years.

And I think everybody caught a little glimpse

of what's there, but I don't think they really know %

what's all in the t*nk yet. And I don't think I do either.

I don't have a large group of derby horses

like some of these people, so I really need to make sure

that he's the horse.

- ANNOUNCER: It'll be Kole Price, Gunna Stop.

- KOLE: Going into it, Gunna Stop was mentally prepared

but anything can go wrong.

- [audience cheering]

- KOLE: He's a crowd favorite.

- [audience cheering]

- KOLE: He's reliable.

- ANNOUNCER: , is the result for Gunna Stop.

- KOLE: He's for sure one of my horses

for Run for the Million.

- You did a great job.

- ♪

- TAYLOR: Just like Tiger Woods was playing golf

when he was eight, you gotta start this young.

And Brian started it young, he's been running around

in this game since he was a child.

And he's an odd mix of that dramatic aggression

of Andrea, but that cool precision of Craig.

He hit the stride a while back.

But as far as just starting to hammer at these events,

he's got a string of horses right now

that's gonna be really, really tough to beat.

- BRIAN: I've got two horses in the finals, See Mr. Stop

and Mr. Royal Hollywood, and they are my dad's.

- Yeah!

- BRIAN: His goal is to become a million-dollar owner.

Used to, when I was younger, we had, you know,

one good one, now he has a lot of horses that are

the real deal.

- ANNOUNCER: Next it's Brian Bell

riding the George and Carol Bell entry, Mr. Royal Hollywood.

- CAROL: Come on, Royal.

- [audience cheering]

- BRIAN: My dad's also a breeder.

He thinks all day about breeding horses.

He loves 'em to death.

He spends all day looking at his babies,

talking about his babies, and he loves 'em.

And that's his thing that he tries to do all day every day.

- [audience cheering]

- [cheering]

- ANNOUNCER: Brian Bell and Mr. Royal Hollywood

wrap up the run with a score of and one half,

and one half.

- GEORGE: We raised the horse, we raised the boy.

He was a little skinny kid growing up.

And he won a non-profy derby and I cried like a baby.

That to me, it means everything to me.

It's so much fun like that, so exciting.

- BRIAN: ., I think that's hitting third right now.

We'll probably get a check for , just for that horse

tonight, so it's a good week's work.

- [laughing]

- Oh lord.

- WOMAN: Can I get a good photo of you guys?

- BRIAN: Considering how Mr. Royal Hollywood did here

tonight at the NRBC, I should be taking him

for the Run for the Million, but I have another horse

in mind, Gunna Be Big Time, owned by another customer.

- ANNOUNCER: Brian Bell riding for Tami Nelson

with the stallion Gunna Be Big Time.

- BRIAN: He's a horse that the judges like, I really like,

he's one of the best three-year-olds in the world.

But it's not my dad's.

My dad, the Run for the Million is everything

he thinks about. - That's the big time, Brian.

- BRIAN: You know, in the long run,

I wanna pick the right horse for me

but not hurt anybody's feelings in the process of it.

- ♪

- [audience cheering]

- ABBY: I'm only showing the one horse here.

Her name's Josie, that's her barn name.

When I was on my own, first year,

I did not have one single three-year-old.

And then halfway through the year, my Canadian clients

sent me her kind of as a project.

I didn't have her long and she really made

leaps and bounds improvements.

In the future, I'd love to have, three horses in the finals.

I feel like that's one of the toughest things in this sport.

You know, it doesn't matter necessarily how good you are,

if you don't have the horse power, you don't get to go

to the shows. There's so many things

that have to line up for it to work.

You gotta have the right owner, you gotta have the right horse.

If you're missing any of those things

it's almost impossible.

- ABBY: You know, at the start of a run

the horse and the rider are one at that point.

- ANNOUNCER: Draw is back number

Abby Lengel for seventy plus performance horses,

Maken Diamonds.

- ABBY: Every movement you make with your body,

with your hand... I swear I don't even make a movement,

I think something and then they're thinking it too.

That horse is so in tune with you.

It's just an incredible feeling. And when you can make it

all come together at the right time,

everything works perfectly.

That horse and you are perfectly in sync.

Like, there's no better feeling in the entire world

and it makes everything we do worth it.

- [audience cheering]

- ANNOUNCER: The score is coming out here

for Abby Lengel and Maken Diamonds,

it'll be a and one half.

- Jesus!

- ABBY: Josie, it went very well.

I was hoping to do a little better,

which is totally my fault.

I made a few small changes when I got to the horse show

thinking that I was only gonna improve my run

and it hurt me a little bit.

The mare was there though the whole time for me.

Josie's just consistent.

I mean, I'm leaving there with a lot of confidence

that I have a lot of horse and I'm ready

for the Run for a Million qualifier.

- ♪

- ANDREA: For me, this year, I don't have a set horse

that I'm holding back for the Run for the Million.

I'm lucky enough, I mean, I've got really nice horses.

You know, I don't know if I've got the best horse out there

but I've got a really solid group of horses

so I'm just gonna play it by ear.

I'm gonna keep showing them and see which one

rises to the top at the end.

- ANNOUNCER: It's Andrea Fappani All Bettss Are Off.

- ANDREA: I'm kind of a winning streaks right now.

The last couple years, I've been doing really well.

So I feel lucky. And I've got strong horses.

So for me it's to just keep that streak going.

- [audience cheering]

- ANDREA: I wanna show that the program is consistent

and that we're top players all the time.

- [audience clapping]

- ANNOUNCER: They ended up with a , again

will be their result.

- ANDREA: Definitely not what I wanted.

But you learn to concentrate not on the score

but what the experience was with the horse, you know.

That comes with age, it's part of learning.

I mean, I was the same way, I was always disappointed

if I didn't win or mark really high.

But after a few years in this business

it teaches you-- [laughs]

The highs are not that high,

the high score only lasts until the next show anyway.

- ♪

- TOM: I unfortunately did not make the finals this year.

I'm always bummed out to not be in the finals.

I'm the sorriest loser you ever saw in your life

and I'm not proud of it.

But Cade's got in the finals, so I can step back

and support.

- ANNOUNCER: Cade riding the five-year-old stallion

Super Marioo.

- [audience cheering]

- CADE: I always feel pressure, especially

when I have Super Marioo in my string.

I feel like everybody's watching.

He's one of the top five horses on this place.

- [audience cheering] - [whistling]

- ♪

- ANNOUNCER: Cade and Super Marioo wrap up their run

and the score will be a , will be the result there

for Super Marioo.

- He's running so fast, he stepped out of lead.

Some people could say that he could have backed off

just a little bit right there, but that's never been

Cade's style.

- CADE: When I don't win, I get pretty upset.

Especially when I have a horse like that

that I've won some stuff on.

I did as much as I could.

The best thing for me to do is just get away

'cause I'm pissed off and I'm gonna say something stupid

and I'm gonna throw something or break something.

And I wanna be great, I don't want to be another guy,

I want to be the best guy. Or what's the point?

- TOM: He for sure thought Super Marioo was his best shot

at being the winner coming in here.

Doesn't bother me one bit to see him come out

and be frustrated and mad and walk away

because if you don't want it that bad,

you're not gonna get it.

- ♪

- MATT: The Run for a Million is % on my mind

because, you know, I'm not gonna lie,

I got a bad taste in my mouth from the first one.

The last season was really stressful

'cause about this time, I didn't have a horse

for the Run for a Million.

I had a problem with my horse being asthmatic.

So I was looking around.

I was curious if we could get that palomino mare?

- MAN: Wish you'd have called me a couple days

earlier. - I'll be damned.

This time I've got two or three horses in mind,

which is a whole lot better situation

than the last Run for a Million. I'm just trying to take my time

and really make sure I'm prepared for this.

I brought the mare named Apache Wallas Chic Diana

to NRBC. She's another horse that I'm considering

for the Run for a Million.

She is not afraid to step up and run.

- ANNOUNCER: Back number , Matt Mills

and Wallas Chic Diana.

- [audience cheering]

- KAREN: This is gonna be a good test run for this horse.

He's got some others that he's thinking about

but we're thinking this is the Run for the Million horse.

- ANNOUNCER: Scores coming in there for Matt Mills

and Wallas Chic Diana, that'll be a and one half,

and one half.

- MATT: Right before I went in, the crowd started cheering

and clapping and she literally, she like jumped in the air

like three feet. Like, just startled her.

It's even louder at the Run for a Million.

I'm glad I came here to the NRBC.

You get to see what you've gotta work on.

I need to be looking and see if there's another option

out there that's a little more solid.

- [audience cheering]

- TAYLOR: Casey's a cowboy.

Look, the guy broke his back in and then got

two or three horses back to the finals running around

in this frigging neck and back brace.

And his horses are dynamic, it's aggressive, energetic.

He has really harnessed those high motors.

And when he is on, he is almost impossible to beat.

- ♪

- [audience cheering]

- ANNOUNCER: for America's Next Top g*n,

is the score.

- CASEY: Maverick's what we call him,

America's Next Top g*n, he is definitely a contender

for me to use in Vegas for the Run for a Million.

- Daddy!

- CASEY: I'll have a couple other horses

that are gonna go also, but I won't make the decision

of who I'm gonna show until right before we go.

Man, oh man.

- [audience cheering]

- ANNOUNCER: It is a two-way top spot for the win.

Jason Vanlandingham and Dany Tremblay are tied

for the victory here.

- TOM: Top contenders for the Run for a Million now

would be Jason Vanlandingham

and Dany Tremblay.

Those guys are in a little groove right now.

- ABBY: If I had to give you my opinion

on who's gonna win the Run for a Million,

I'm gonna have to go with Andrea Fappani

just because he is unstoppable

and his horsepower is phenomenal.

- KOLE: He's the one I study the most,

want my horses to look like.

- ABBY: He's the best there is.

- I wanna dethrone Andrea.

Even though he didn't win the NRBC, it really doesn't matter.

He's got unbelievable horsepower.

So I would say that he's the guy to get around

to being the number-one rider at the end of the year.

- TOM: It's hard here. That's a tough one.

- I just gotta figure something out for the Run for a Million.

- TOM: You will.

You got time to get it put together and it's one trip.

Moving forward, the run for the Million is gonna be

what we're thinking about.

And I'm sure Super Marioo is gonna be his horse.

- CADE: If he doesn't step out of the lead

I'm gonna be in the top five at least.

- For sure.

It is what it is. Bad luck.

- I was disappointed, just 'cause I hate failing

and I felt like I failed myself a little bit

and I failed my horse.

But it's just more to get ready for the next one.

I feel good about going back to the Run for a Million.

At this point, the only horse I have is Super Marioo.

It would really cap off his career to go win

the Run for a Million.

That's what I'm gonna try and do.

- ♪

- Does that feel good?

I think that's the spot.

He's been super super sound since day one.

I've never had even the slightest issue with him.

But sometime at the NRBC, he must have whacked his leg.

Something just was bothering him a little bit.

It was something that was just very small.

So when we got home, we looked into it a little harder

and it ended up we had to do an MRI.

And now it turned into a big deal--after we did

the MRI, he's got a bone bruise.

This is the first time I've had to deal with a bone bruise.

The vet said it's days, so three months.

That would put us right after the Run for a Million actually.

So we're hoping that in two months, he's ready to go.

We'll get the MRI a month out.

It takes about three weeks to get him back

to peak performance, and it's gotta be %.

He means too much to me to try and rush through

an event like that.

So if he's not ready, then I'm not gonna take him.

It's just not worth it to me.

Marioo was really my only horse for the Run for a Million.

So without him, I'm kind of stuck.

- ♪

- KOLE: I think I'm one of the youngest ones

in the group of fellow competitors showing

at the Run for a Million this year.


My reputation is the new up-and-comer

who works really hard.

I'm very, very focused on getting better.

Most people probably think I'm a little arrogant.

I mean, you could say arrogant or confident or focused.

I mean, I always try to show like I have a little chip

on my shoulder. I mean, I'm trying to become the best.

And I think if you're not gonna act like the best,

you're never gonna get there.

I kind of found out about reining when I was .

I grew up in a small town, Wynatt, Illinois.

Town of about , people.

My grandpa, he was a union dirt worker by trade

but I think horses were his hobby.

- KELSEY: Kole comes from an amazing family.

There's only two people that have left their hometown

and one is Kole.

So he didn't necessarily come from a reining background.

I would say that he got a lot later start.

- KOLE: The first time I ever seen reining was on,

actually, YouTube.

That was kind of how I started to get into it.

I mean, it was like an adrenaline rush.

Seeing a rider be that in control of the horse's mind

and body and it doing everything you wanted it to.

And I knew that from the first time I seen that run,

that's what I wanted to do the rest of my life.

- We bought Price Ranch about a year ago.

I love it, it's such a blessing to us.

It's amazing to be able to walk out your backyard,

have your horses here.

- KOLE: You notice, like, this barn is extremely quiet.

And I love to hear that sound of silence and horses eating.

There's always something we're doing,

from painting to building to cleaning to landscaping.

It's very rewarding to be young

and have my own ranch.

- KELSEY: The Run for a Million is an amazing opportunity.

This sport is very expensive, the lifestyle is very expensive.

We need to go for this kind of money.

- This is Pablo, Gunna Stop.

He's for sure one of my horses for Run for the Million.

Right now he's kind of on some down time.

We'll start tuning him up here in a little bit.

I know he'll be there for me.

He's so spoiled.

- ♪

- GEORGE: Oh, shit!



- WOMAN: [laughing]

- You're gonna k*ll us, you dumbass.

Oh God!

Good God.

I'm getting too old for this.

- WOMAN: Everybody's alive?

- BRIAN: My dad is super competitive.

We're kind of similar.

I think I'm a little bit more relaxed than what my dad is.

My dad is kind of a little bit wound up and ready to go

all the time.

- GEORGE: About when he was , we had this horse

born on St Patrick's day.

They named it Irish Potato.


Brian said, "Let's break old Irish Potato to ride."

And I said "Fine, go ahead."

He jumped on that horse.

I'm telling you, this horse was running miles per hour,

it was bucking just as hard as it could buck.

- [giggling]

- GEORGE: Hauling ass over that hill.

And I looked out the window and I said, "My God,

it's gonna k*ll him for sure."

Little while later, here comes old Irish Potato back

with no Brian.

I said, "We'll find him laying out there somewhere."

But he was okay.

- BRIAN: You remember that tough and dumb

are the same thing.

- Tough and dumb are the same thing.

So he got him to ride.

He was riding pretty good.

He got him doing sliding stops a little bit.

And I said, "My God, this boy's got talent."

From that day on, he rode his heart out.

- BRIAN: I think anybody that is in the horse industry

has that kind of connection with most of the horses.

I mean, it's not a thing you can do and not love horses.

It takes you away from so many other things.

- The other kids would come by and say,

"Alright, let's go, we're gonna meet the girls,

we're going out on a date."

He said, "No, I have to finish riding my horses.

I'll meet, I'll catch up with you, you go ahead."

- Until the volleyball team showed up and wanted to...

- [laughing]

- I think you need your own talk show.

- I know, I would be good with my own talk show.

- We just need to find an audience

that would sit and listen to you.

- Nobody listen, that's the problem. [laughing]

We need whiskey is what we need.

- BRIAN: [laughing]

- ♪

- TOM: So what did Shannon say about Marioo?

- It's, it's, it's a tricky situation,

but if Marioo's not ready, I'm kind of in big trouble.

We just gotta do another MRI to see if there's even

a chance of him being good enough by a month before.

- You can't do nothing until then and then be stuck

with nothing, you know?

You gotta get your ducks in a row.

We're talking about trying to find a horse

that will be in the top horses in the entire world.

And our breeding barn, at this point,

we don't have any horses that are a fit for that.

It's so hard to find that elite elite level horse.

I mean, they're freaks of nature and they're rare.

They're hall of famers.

You can't just in and buy a great horse now.

You gotta be a little bit lucky to come across one.

- We have to start right now.

- CADE: A lot of the A-stringers go to Andrea

and Casey and those guys.

And that's fine, I get it, that's how it works.

But when I have to go show against them

in a million-dollar competition when there's only horses

that go there, it gets tricky.

You can't show the B string, or you might as well not go.

- TOM: Yeah, sure.

- CADE: Right now, Andrea's the best.

A lot of people give him all the good horses

because he wins everything.

I'm just as good as him and I wanna be first place.

I just need to find a special horse and win

the Run for a Million.

I don't know if I have enough time

but I'm gonna do everything I can to figure something out.

- ♪

- Beautiful horse.

- MATT: I just love how strong he's built.

Yeah. - [unintelligible]

- And that's what we want, you know, we want that

built to last.

Finding a horse for the Run for a Million is so tough.

So you know, you gotta kind of have your eyes open

for the right place, right time.

Not only do I think he's the horse

for the Run for a Million, but I think he's a horse

that we could breed some mares down the road too.

- Perfect. Yeah, I like that. - So fingers crossed he

rides good.

I had a friend of mine, Lorenzo Pacarella,

and he told me about him. And he said, "Hey Matt,

I think you really gotta look at this horse."

I remember the horse from a few years ago

'cause Fappani showed him. He said, "I really think this

horse is ready for this right now."

I'm glad Lorenzo said something,

'cause he wasn't on my radar at all.

For what he was gonna cost, I thought, "You know,

I gotta have a period of time to ride him and make sure."

So they were gracious enough to let me have three weeks

to bring him home and test him out and try him.

That's how confident they were that the horse was good

anyway. They're definitely proud of him

with the price tag.

I told ya, you know, but that's--

- Well that's, you know...

This type of a horse is so rare,

that can compete at that level.

They're expensive. - Yeah.

Money Carlo's gonna cost so much that,

I mean, you could buy most houses

with the price tag on him.

The only way I'm gonna get this done

is if I put two of my owners together.

So I've got Dickson and Ruckman that already have

a great relationship, they own the ranch together.

They agreed to take a look.

And now I just gotta prove it and show 'em

that he's worth it. - Now, are you gonna ride him

like he's in a show or are you just...

% or ?

- I'm gonna show you everything he can do.

- MARK: Okay. - Yeah.

- MARK: Alright.

- MATT: Money Carlo, I think he's got the ability

to do everything that we need to do to throw down

a top score that could win this thing.

- ♪

- NICOLE: You've been talking with Cade about horse options,

tell me, fill me in a little bit what's going on with his horse

Super Marioo.

- CASEY: He just called me up and told me

that Marioo was hurt, didn't think he was gonna be back

in time for the Million.

And he said, "I know it's a long shot

"and I'm sure you're gonna say no

"but would you be interested in letting me show

your second choice?"

So the conversation that Cade and I have had

has been, he's gonna take whichever horse

I don't choose for the Run for the Million.

So it will be America's Next Top g*n

or America's Supermodel.

I probably won't make that decision until

the night before the competition.

You know, it's obviously not industry norm

to give somebody else one of your best horses

but it's putting two of those horses

on that kind of stage for those honors.

I mean, I just think it's a win-win all the way around.

There's the chance that Cade could win the whole deal

and then from the outside looking in,

it looks like I've made the wrong choice

as far as what horse I've picked.

But he could take my kid's tick horse in there

and win it, he's that good.

Hi friend, how you doing?

- TOM: I do withhold my opinion about things.

Cade's a big boy now and I let him make his own decisions.

But I did kind of push Cade to go ahead and call him.

- And your shirt's untucked?

- At least I put on a collared shirt.

Going to look at Casey Deary's horse,

America's Supermodel.

It's not ideal, it's not plan A, but it's a pretty good plan B.

So we'll just have to see what happens.

- CASEY: Alright, so we got Supe saddled already.

This is the only test ride that you get.

- Okay.

- CASEY: Unless you wanna ride one of the girls.

One of the minis? - [laughing]

- MANDY: Really since Casey got into

the reining horse business, we've known him since then.

It's been a relationship that's built up over the last

to years, I would say.

- The girls are already getting that one ready

for you, Cade. - MANDY: Which one do

you want Cade to ride? - GIRL: Snowball.

- MANDY: Snowball?

- Alright. - CADE: That's a walk.

- Mr. Incredible. - See if I know how to do this.

- That's why they're on the stirrups.

- CADE: Waiting for me to do it?

- CASEY: I wasn't sure you would know how

those actually went on.

- CADE: I really hope I get along with her well

in case Marioo's not ready.

If it doesn't work with America's Supermodel,

I'm in big trouble, basically.

- ♪

- ♪

- DAVE: East of the Rocky Mountains people say chaps,

and probably that's the correct way.

But out in the west everybody calls 'em shaps.

Not that big a difference, but to us there is.

This machine was patented during the Civil w*r.

Once you start doing something like this,

if you really enjoy it, like horses or anything,

no matter how bad you're hurt in the morning

or how tired you are in the afternoon,

when that phone rings and them people ask you

when their shaps are gonna be done,

you got an answer for 'em.

- ♪

- ♪

- Where to? - Let's go outside.

- TOM: If Cade gets along and decides

that Casey's horse is a fit, it's gonna have to be

on the first ride.

- CASEY: You're doing great so far, Cade.

- TOM: Because it's not a situation where

they're gonna send the horse to Cade.

So he's gonna get one or two trips on him

and then one or two at the horse show

and then he's gonna have to go drop the hammer.

- CASEY: Hey Cado, just say "woah"

about a third of the arena and make sure

she's hooked up to you.

You know what a third is, right?

That's a great miss.

She's trying to figure you out.

- CADE: I missed, she saved it.

- Casey's always been really good to Cade

and somebody that I feel like looks out for Cade.

- I really should have programmed an eject button

in there.

Now you got it.

- I think it looks good.

- Casey's got her really broke.

- CASEY: She's a great mare.

If I could go back--

- TOM: I would agree with that, more than the other part.

- [laughing]

- You do realize I will have access to your lunch today,

right? - [laughing]

Don't let him touch my lunch.

- ♪

- BRIAN: This year we bought this new ranch,

it is a state-of-the-art facility, stalls,

all the stalls are concrete, insulated.

I mean, it's really coming together good.

- ♪

- CAROL: Hey!

- BRIAN: My dad and Carol, we bought this ranch together.

We wouldn't have been able to do this

without being partners with those guys.

- You sleep good? - It's raining. [laughing]

Hey Bentley.

- BRIAN: People in other parts of the world borrow sugar,

some people from Texas borrow a wheelbarrow.

To finally be able to have a ranch of this caliber

is a dream come true, I think for all of us.

- This is so exciting.

- CAROL: Can't wait to see a horse roll in that, huh?

- BRIAN: You know, I think most great horse people

you find, they have a dad behind them

or a mom behind them that, you know,

kind of pushes them along and motivates them.

- Go have some fun.

- BRIAN: Growing up, I kind of had a little bit of issues

dealing with people, trouble fighting at school.

I had some arguments with my dad.

The horses were kind of a way for me to not have to deal

with people or my dad.

But the horses have actually brought us closer

than what I ever thought we would be.

He breeds the horses and I show 'em,

we kind of need each other to do what we do.

You get it? - Yeah, by accident.

- BRIAN: My dad is crazy about the Run for the Million.

He says, "I don't care if you show at the NRBC,

"I don't care if you do any of that stuff,

"I want to go for the Run for a Million."

- GEORGE: I'm gonna drain this water, Bri.

- BRIAN: My dad, last year, he said,

"You know," he goes,

"I'd like to be a million-dollar owner before I die."

And uh...

I don't know why that jacked me up. [crying]

[clearing throat]

- WOMAN: Take your time.


But um, if I could get him in the top five

of the Run for a Million that would definitely put him

over the million-dollar mark.

He has some pretty incredible horses

and uh...

I think I can get him to that point.

- ♪

- CADE: What'd you think about America's Supermodel?

- TOM: I mean, I think you can make it work.

Probably the best-case scenario for me

is if Marioo gets the green light.

They're both superstars and one's a super star

that you know.

- CADE: I agree with that. But I also think for a plan B

it couldn't really be much better because that's

as good as I've ever felt a horse run and stop.

She's special running and stopping.

- I'm glad you feel that way 'cause it didn't look that way.

It took you-- - CADE: It took me a few tries.

- A few tries. - CADE: But the one that I hit,

when I figured out how to get her there,

was a great feeling.

But if Casey decides he wants to show Supermodel

I don't have another plan right now.

- MANDY: Super Marioo's in rehab here at our place,

doing the aqua tred and getting lasered

and doing everything we can to try and get him back

to the Run for a Million.

We're gonna do our best to still get him there.

- ♪

- MARK: He's really, he looks really--

- JANICE: Real, real calm. - MARK: Yeah, relaxed, calm.

- Yeah, it's almost like, he doesn't even look like

you have to warm him up. - Yeah, yeah.

- MATT: What I'm looking for is a horse that I don't have

to ask a % of what he can do to score high.

And that's what I felt with this horse immediately,

with every maneuver.

- MARK: That's fast. That's really fast.


- JANICE: That was awesome. - He's pretty fast.

- Yeah, that was light speed. Yes.

- MATT: The fun thing is, he can do it better.

It just felt like him and I were speaking

the same language right out of the gate

and I could ask him for not a lot and he was giving me

more than what a lot of my other horses were doing

when I asked him for full speed.

- JANICE: Wow.

- Okay, let's take him.


- MATT: It just felt like, man, this is like my horse.

Like he's just really picking up what I'm trying to cue.

Everything's making sense to him.

- MARK: We got a winner there. A really nice horse.

- MATT: I think we definitely got one to contend with.

I mean, no risk it, no biscuit, right?

I'm gonna feel some pressure,

spending this much money to buy this horse,

but I couldn't feel more confident.

- MARK: It's a deal. - Yeah.

- MATT: My focus right now is % on Money Carlo,

making sure that he's right where he needs to be.

It's just about fine-tuning, you know, it's about

small adjustments, how I'm sitting, how I hold my hand,

how much time I take in between spins.

Things like that are gonna make the difference.

I can't be more excited about preparing this guy for Vegas.

I mean, the power of the Run for a Million,

it's dang sure for real.

Nobody wants to win more than I do.

- CADE: I don't care who it is, if they have a better horse

or not, I wanna be better than them.

When we get to the Run for a Million, I'll be ready.

And I'll be able to go get first place.

You wanna get to the top and stay at the top.

- KOLE: Me and Cade right now are by far

the youngest ones in the Run for the Million.

People know we're chasing them. We're young and hungry.

Really, we just wanna win.

- BRIAN: I think it's funny there's a lot of horse trainers

that think that they're great horse trainers,

but great horses make great horse trainers.

At the Run for the Million, you're gonna have to be able

to show the horse that shows up that night.

- CADE: I hope everybody shows their very best horse

'cause I wanna go beat 'em.

- ♪

- Big show we're all going for is the NRHA Derby.

- The derby's really important.

It's the last big show before the Run for a Million.

This mare's never even been here before.

So this is a lot of new things for her, a lot to cope with.

- KOLE: It's very nerve wracking.

You got all these great competitors with great horses

coming after you.

- NICOLE: To win, it does change a lot of lives.

To carry that load on your back is, it's heavy.

- GEORGE: Alright, Brian!

I've always given him all my best horses.

It means everything to me.

- CADE: It's super frustrating not to win.

And I haven't won anything for a while.

- ABBY: I still feel like the underdog.

But I'm gonna keep working until I'm not the underdog


- ♪

- ♪