House of Games (1987)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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House of Games (1987)

Post by bunniefuu »

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Are you Dr. Margaret Ford?


Could I ask you...
Would you sign my book?

Yes, of course.

I recognized you
from your picture.


I hope I'm not
inconveniencing you.

No, not at all.

It's for a friend.

It's the second one
I've bought.

Then I'm doubly pleased.
Thank you for buying it.

You've helped me
very much.

I'm very glad I have.
Thank you.


And I saw
the face of an animal.

And I said that we all try
to run from experience.

From experience.
Do you understand me?

But that
it will seek us out.

You think that you're exempt?

I'm talking to you. Do you
think that you're exempt?

Do think that I'm exempt?

That I'm exempt from what?



I don't think
that I'm exempt.

Well, you better
be assured you're not.

What is the animal?

The animal.

You said in your dream
you saw the face of an animal.

I don't know how to say it.
It was...


It was a... I...

I want to say...
I don't know how to say it.

I'm so sorry I'm late.

That's okay.

You've eaten. Good.

Now, how are you
today, Maggie?

I'm fine.
Listen to this.

In her dream,
she saw a foreign animal.

What is the animal?
She cannot think of the name.

The animal is saying,
"I am only trying to do good."

I say, "What name comes up

when you think
of this animal?"

She says...


"It is a lurg.
It is called a lurg."

And so, if we invert lurg,
a lurg is a girl.

And so she is the animal,

and she is saying,
"I am just trying to do good."

And now someone
has heard her.

Good, Maggie.
Good for you. Good work.

And now what are you
going to eat?

I don't have time.

It's so beautiful.
It's old and it's heavy.

It looks like
someone gave it to you.

Sometimes I think the only
pressures in my life...

The only what?

I'm sorry?

You said,
"The only pressures."

Pleasures. I said pleasures.

No. What you said was

and this is
what I'm telling you.

Many things that should be

be pleasures are not.

Your book is a bestseller.
Your income jumps up.

People think of you
differently, perhaps.

This is confusing.

Listen to me. Slow down.
Try to enjoy your success.

Give yourself all the rewards
you would like to have.

You see a beautiful
gold lighter,

buy one
for yourself.

Your friend
asks you to lunch,

go and eat lunch
with her.

Do you forgive me?



Go work.

A sort of a...

A what?

I don't know.
A feeling of nothingness.

And what does that
make you think of?

Will you leave me alone,
for Christ's sake.

What does it matter?
What does it mean?

You understand it's in my head or not,
it doesn't make a difference.


Are you going to tell me
I'm entitled to my feelings?

What the hell
does it matter?

It matters if you're
going to cure yourself.

If I'm going to
cure myself.

And what do I do now?

What do you do now?

No, no,
what do I do today?

What do I do tomorrow?

Today and tomorrow
you say this.

"I am a compulsive gambler.

"The reasons for this
are in the past."

Oh, man, I don't know.

What am I doing here?
What am I doing here?

You're here to take
control of your life.

You want to know something?
What the hell do you care, man?

You're rich.
You're comfortable.

You got your g*dd*mn book
you wrote.

All the time you want to help me.
You don't do d*ck, man.

You don't do nothing,
you and your g*dd*mn book.

It's talk.
And it's just talk.

The whole thing
is a con game.

You do nothing.
This doesn't help me.

You want to help me?

You want to help me?
Help me with this.

Help me
with this if you can.

Because if not,
I gotta use it.

To use it for what?

Aren't you gonna ask me,
"Is it loaded?"

To use it for what?

To use it to k*ll myself or,
you know, to... I don't know.

Why would you want
to k*ll yourself?

What do you think this is?
Some dream?

Man, you're living
in the dream.

Your questions,
'cause there is a real world.

And what happened to you
in that world?

What happened to you?

What difference
does it make?

You say you want to help.

You can't help because, babe,
you don't know what trouble is.

Give me the g*n
and I will help you.



I swear to you.

You give me the g*n
and I will help you.

I just lost $25,000

that I do not have.

And if I do not pay it by tomorrow,
they are going to k*ll me.


what kind of help is
your damn promise now?

Can I help you?

Yeah, I need a match.

You looking for a partner
to play something?

I'm looking for Mike.

Who's Mike?

Would you
get him for me?

I don't think
Mike is here.

Why don't you
go take a look?

What the f*ck is it?

I'm looking for Mike.

Mike isn't here.
What do you want?

A friend of mine...

Hey, cut to the chase.

I'm very busy.
What do you want with Mike?

I'm telling you
and you're Mike.

And I want you to listen to this because
you threatened to k*ll a friend of mine.

Is that what I did?

Yes, that's exactly
what you did, Mike.

And that behavior
doesn't go.

Whether you mean it or not
is irrelevant to me

because you aren't going
to do it.

Now, this is a sick kid.

He's a compulsive gambler,

Wait. Wait. Wait.
What is this?

What are you going to do to me?
What are you fronting off about?

If I'm this bad dude,

why don't I just take out some g*n
and blow you to a billion parts?

I'll tell you why.
Because I think you're just a bully.

Just a bully?

What, you're not gonna
let me carry your books?

Aren't you a caution.

Let's talk turkey, pal.

One, you threatened
to k*ll my friend.

You aren't going to do that. Because
if you do, you're going away for life.

Two is the money.

He hasn't got it but...
Who is this friend?

Billy Hahn.

He lost how much to me?

Come on. Come on.

$25,000 Billy Hahn
has lost to me.

Excuse me one moment,
will you?

You say Billy Hahn
lost 25 large to me.

I'm showing you this
because I like you, okay?

Because you got blond hair.

You're looking
at Billy Hahn's IOU.

Okay? Billy Hahn
owes me 800 bucks.

In or out?

Deal past me.


How come
you made me so quick?

How did you size me up
so quick that I'm not...

I'm not some hard guy who was
gonna rough you up or something?

I don't know.
In my work...

What work is that?

Well, it's none
of your business.

In or out?


Oh, it's none of my business.
Okay, then I stand corrected.

Here's the thing.

I want something from you.

What do you want?
I want you to do me a favor.

Why should I
do you a favor?

Because if you do,
I'll forget the 800 your friend owes me.

What do you want?

Let's talk for a minute.

What is it?

Do you know
what a "tell" is?

A tell?

Here. Do this.

You have to choose a hand.

You do it to me. Do it.

Bingo. Do it again.

Okay, now I can do that
all day.

How? You got a tell.

You're telling me the
hand that has the coin.

I am? How?

It's not important.

Ah, okay, you're doing it with your nose.
You point your nose slightly

at the hand that
has the coin, okay?

That's a tell.
Now, look back over my shoulder.

A guy in a beard,
in a cowboy shirt.

You see him?

He's from Las Vegas.
He's been beating me all night.

He's got a tell, okay?

When he's bluffing, okay,
he plays with his little gold ring.

And I caught him doing it.
And he knows I did, so he stopped.

He's conscious of himself.

I want you to
do me this favor.

What's that?

I want you to be my girlfriend for a while,
come in the game.

You stand behind me,
watch me play.

We get in a big hand.
I go to go pee.

You watch this guy
and tell me,

does he play with his gold ring?
Then I know he's bluffing,

I win the big hand.

And I forget
the 800 your friend owes.

If you're such a good gambler,
how did you fall into this bind?

Who told you
I'm a good gambler?

I'm not a gambler.
You're not a gambler?

Well, what are you then?

Look, I made you a deal.

I'll tear up your friend's
marker if you help me out.

Will you do that?

All right.



One card.

The man takes one.

takes three.

I bet 100.



Up 200.

Here we go.

Your three.

And five more.



The guy's got a full house.
You got two pair.

It puts you in a philosophically
indefensible position.

Well, it's good that I can joke about it,
isn't it?

I'm out.
You drove me out.

A man with style is
a man who can smile.

How are you?

Can't get a hand
to save my soul.

You having a good time?

Never better.

Glad to hear it.

I'm out.

Damn cards
are as cold as ice.

Full house.

New hand.

What did you do,
win again?

That's right.

If you want to win the hand,
you gotta stay in till the end.

Thank you.

What do you gotta
do around here to win a pot?

You're gonna help me
out here.


You keep looking
for the tell.

If he plays with his ring,
I'm gonna gut that son of a bitch.

Can we deal?

say the losers.

Well, the man says you've got
to give action to get action.

Yeah, I've heard that, too.

I bet the flush,
the flush don't come.

I slow play chips,
and nobody calls.

A new hand and a winner.

Budge over, will you?

Ante up.
Everybody stays.

Everybody pays.
Here they come.

I bet 50.

I call.

And 50 back.


One hundred
and 200 more.

I call.

Two hundred.
I call it.

Cards to the players.
Three good players.


One card.


One moment.

I'll take three.

One card.

I pass.

What's the pot?
Two, four, five, $800.

That's my bet.

I call it.

You call?

You only call?

Well, let's go
visit Mr. More.

Your 800,

and I raise
2,500 bucks.

I can't stand it.

I'm going south.

South Street Seaport,
the man says.

He can't stand the heat.
He can't stand it.

You want to play cards?

The bet is
two and a half thou.

The bet?

I'll tell you
what the bet is.

Your 25

and I raise you $6,000.

You son of a bitch!

You've been steamrolling
over me all night!

What are you trying to tell me?
One card, you caught a flush, a boat?


I think you're bluffing, pal.
I think you're trying to buy it.

Then you're going to have to give me
some respect or give me some money.

The bet is $6,000.

I know what
the g*dd*mn bet is!

I'm going to pee.

Watch my cards.

I thought you were
gonna bring me luck.

Make your own luck.

Taking change.


And I think I might
have to go to the well again.

Yes, yes, yes.

Some people
say one thing,

some people
say something else.

If the man can't play,
he should stay away.

His money is
as good as yours is.

His money is.
Now we're gonna see about his cards.

That's right, miss,
isn't it?

Now we're gonna
see his hand.

How you doing, miss?
You bringing him good fortune?

Excuse me?

Who do you like
in this hand, him or me?

Leave the woman alone.

Just making conversation.

Who do you like
in this showdown here,

your friend or me?

Well, I've seen his hand,
but I haven't seen yours.

That's right.

That's absolutely right.

Okay, let's play
some cards.

Now, the bet is what?

You're raised
$6,000, Mike.

Mike, how you feeling?
You ready to take this guy's money?

Give me a light.

He's bluffing.
You saw him?

He did exactly what you said.
He played with his ring.

He did?
Well, he better be

'cause my problem is I don't have the six,
and if I lose...

You aren't going to.

Are you sure you saw him?

He played with his ring.
Call the bet.

The bet is $6,000.

Six thousand dollars.

I think you're bluffing.

What are you, Joe Hep?
I didn't ask what you think.

Raise, call or fold.

I should raise your ass,
but I'm just gonna call.

My marker's
good for a moment.

What is this marker?
Where are you from?

Where am I from?

I'm from the United States
of Kiss My Ass.

My marker's good.

f*ck you! And get the g*dd*mn
money up or fold the g*dd*mn hand!

Listen, mister, this man
is a man of his word.

He's a regular player...

Where I come from,
the rule is,

you can't call the bet,
you're out of the hand.

Call the bet.

I'll call the bet.
I'll back it up.

With what?

I said
I'll back it up.

If he loses,
I'll write you a check.

Who is this broad?

She's a friend of Mike's.
She's all right.

Your bet is called.

Trip aces.
Beat 'em, my friend.

Club flush. You owe me $6,000.
Thank you very much.

Next case.

Tough beat, Mike.

It happens to the best.
It happens to the rest.

I'm going home.

I'm out, too.


Good night.


I thought you had him, Mike.

I, uh...


He didn't do the
thing with his ring.

No, he did it.

He did? What the f*ck
is he doing with a flush?

What the f*ck
are you doing with a flush?

That beat trips
where you come from?

Give me the g*dd*mn money.

We lost.

I have gathered that.

I, uh...

And if you think I'm leaving
here without that check,

you're out of your
m*therf*cking mind.

Hey, look...

I'll look later.
Now give me the money!

Okay, okay, okay.
Give me a moment, will you?

Because I won that money
from you, baby.

I'll give it to you
when I get to it.

Now don't get pushy!

Pushy, Jim? Pushy?

You don't know what
pushy is.

Now, give me my $6,000.

They put me in a...

An embarrassing position,

but I'm gonna have
to ask you for that money.

That's right.

I can't tell you
how sorry I am.

No, no, no, please.
Let's just complete this transaction and...

I think that
that's probably wise.

And this check had better be like gold,
you understand?

Or I'm coming back here
because I won this money.

Okay, okay, okay.

Are you all right?
Cool it, man.

Just cool it. Please.
You're gonna get your money.

You know what?

I don't think
I'm going to pay you.

Don't get the guy mad.
For heaven's sake, don't get the guy mad.

Pay the man.

You crazy bitch.
Pay me what you owe.

No, I don't
think I will.

And you know why?

'Cause you can't thr*aten
someone with a squirt g*n.

You slut! I can thr*aten you
with anything I g*dd*mn want.

Shut up.


I think it's
olley olley in free.

No, I'm doing fine.

No, George,
you blew the gaff.

I have?

I told you a squirt
g*n wouldn't work.

A squirt g*n would have worked.
You didn't have to fill it.

What? Am I'm gonna thr*aten
someone with an empty g*n?

No, George,
you're right, of course.

You guys are fantastic.
What, do you do this for a living?

Ask her.
Is she mad?

You're not miffed at us, are you?
I mean, nothing personal.

You guys were going
to con me out of my money.

It was only business.

"It was only business," huh?

It's the American way.

I don't know about you folks,
but I'm starved.

Anybody care
for a snack?

Told you the damn
squirt g*n wouldn't work.

Aces and jacks, man with the axe.
su1c1de kings.

Well, there you have it.

A sucker born
every minute, huh?

And two to take him.

Play past it.


Here's a souvenir of your
escape from the con men.

You run a candy store.
This is the candy store.

Now, I come
into your candy store

and I give you
$20 in singles

and I say,

"Excuse me, miss,
could you please give me a $20 bill?

"I have to send a registered
letter to my mother."

Your aunt.

It's more pathetic.
Send it to your aunt.

To my aunt.

And it's addressed
and there's a stamp on it.

You give me a $20 bill.
Give me the 20.

And I seal it.

And you watch me seal it
in the envelope.

Now, I gave you what appeared
to be $20 in singles,

but when you count it,
there's only 19.

And you say,
"I've only got 19."

"I've only got 19."

Here, let me count it.

And there are only 19.

"God, I'm sorry. Let me get another
dollar from my wife in the car.

"Here, hold this
a minute."

And I give you the envelope
with the $20 in it.

And I take the $19
and I go home.


And that's a little larceny
called the Flue.

I don't get it.

You don't get it?

You gave me the 20,
I gave you the 19.


I just won a dollar.

Open the envelope.

That's right.

But I saw you put
the $20 bill in there.

No, that's what
you thought you saw.

How did you steal the bill?

Secrets of the pyramids.

It's okay, Joe.
Show her.

I think we owe her one.

All right.
The Flue revealed.

Let's do it again.

I come into your store,
and I hand you $20 in singles.

And I say, "Excuse me, miss,
could you please give me a $20 bill?

"I have to send a registered
letter to my aunt."

And you give me the bill,
and I seal it.

And you watch me seal it
in the envelope.

A little page in the
history of the short con.

It's been
very nice talking to you.

Here's your cab.

Thank you.

Good night.

May I talk to you
for a moment?

My friend square with you
on the $800?

Well, I thought
you'd probably say that.

We struck a bargain.

You said watch for the tell
and you'd cancel his debt.

Are you
a man of your word?

All right,
he's square.

May I have the IOU?

Hey, you're right.

What's right is right.

Thank you.

What's your name,
by the way?

Thank you
for a lovely evening.

You're a lovely woman.

Good night.

Come back anytime you'd
enjoy some more excitement.

Let's go.

He said,
"I can make any woman a whore in 15 minutes."

And what
did you say to that?

I said he couldn't make
anybody a whore

that was not a whore
to start out with.

He said, "I've been
reading your mail,

"and you are that whore."

Then, 'cause he didn't
realize what he had done...

And what had he done?

You know,
I know there are people who are normal.

Are there?

Yes, there are.

But what?

But I don't know
what those people do.

It's all right, darling.
It's all right.

No, it's not all right.

It never was all right.

How can you live
when you've done something...

therapist to room 316.

Inhalation therapist,
room 316.

I have to talk to you.

Uh, you excuse me?

Thank you.

Why do we listen to their
troubles when we can't help them?

You have been talking
to your murderess.

I know why she is in the hospital.
She's sick.

The question is,
what am I doing in there?

It's a sham.
It's a con game.

Nothing that I say
will help her.

And there's nothing
I can learn from her

to help others
avoid her mistakes.

That poor girl.

All her life, my father tells her
she's a whore, so all her life...

Your father?

I'm sorry?

You said your father
says that she's a whore.

I said "my father"?


You remember what your
friend told you yesterday?

Don't work so hard.

Do something that
gives you satisfaction,

something that
you always enjoy.

Now, what do you
really enjoy?

What do I enjoy?

I enjoyed writing my book.

Well, then
write another book.

And in the short term,
you come to my house

for dinner tonight.
Will you do that?

I'm sorry,
I can't come tonight.

Now, tonight you...
Forgive me for asking.

You have something to do
that gives you enjoyment?

Yes, I think so.

Now, that's good.

You need joy.

You come back
to play some pool?

I'm looking for Mike.

Mike ain't here.

Try down
at Charlie's.

Thank you.

* Inside I'm crying

* 'Cause this true love
stopped for you

Help you?

* But not for me


Scotch and water.

* Alone at home

* I sit and stare

* Afraid to leave

* 'Cause you'll be there

* When you walk by

* I stop and cry

* I turn away

* So you won't see

* The true love ends

* You say we're friends

Scotch and water?
Thank you.

You pay now.
How much is it?

Well, like most things,
it's negotiable.

Oldest trick in the book.
Never fails.

Not good for much of anything,
but still of great historical interest.


It's good to see you.

Did I ever tell you my name?
My name is Mike.

Glad to meet you.

Well, I'm glad
to meet you, too.

I have a proposition
for you.

And what's your name?

Listen to this.

How would you feel if someone
were to do a study of...

A study of
the confidence game?

And someone were to talk to
you and learn your views

and watch how you operate?

A study of?

For what?
For my own reasons.

What are you,
a journalist?

I'm a writer.
I'm a sort of writer.

You're a sort of writer,
and that's why you came back here?

To write?

How would you
feel about that?

What did you
come back here for?

I came back here to write.
I came back here...

I would like to see
how you operate.

Is that the idea?

You want to see how a true
bad man plies his trade?


All right.

You'll call me
when it comes in?

Yes, sir.

Thank you.

The basic idea is this.

It's called
a confidence game. Why?

Because you give me
your confidence? No.

Because I give you mine.

How do you get money
when you have no money?

Watch closely.
This is called short con.

Would you please check again, please?
Howard. Martin Howard.

Money order for $300.

It hasn't come in yet.
As I told you, sir...

It was supposed to
arrive this afternoon.

The moment it arrives...

All right, all right.
Thank you.

I'm expecting some money.
Sergeant John Moran.

One moment. Moran?

Yes, sir.

No, I'm sorry.
It hasn't come in yet.

They told me
definitely by 9:00.

If you'll have a seat,
I'll let you know the moment it arrives.

Thank you.

Can you beat that?

Can you beat this?
I've been waiting here since, honey,

since 3:00
this afternoon.


3:00 this afternoon.

I got my car stolen,
my wallet.

The kid's in the hotel room,
hasn't eaten since noon.

They told me I'd have
my money by 9:00.

I swear to God.

I've got to
pick up a bus ticket.

When does the bus leave?

Not till 6:00.
But I gotta pick up the ticket.

Where are you going?
Back to Pendleton.

You're in the Corps?

Joe, I was
in the Corps.

When were you in?

'68, '70.

Yeah, I was there.

Marty Howard.
John Moran.


Okay, look,
what do you need for the bus?


When my money comes in,
I'll give you the 40.

Go back to the base.

No, I couldn't
take that.

What the hell?
What are you gonna do, miss your formation?

I'll lend you the 40.

When you get back to
the base, send it back.

No, you get on that bus.

Thank you.

Nothing to it.
You'd do the same for me.

If my money comes in first,
you take...

No, we'll be
all right.

No, if my money
comes in first...

No, I couldn't
do that.


Can I see
some ID, please?

Thank you.

Now that man is going to give
his money to a total stranger.

you've got to take some money from me.

I want you to take it.
What do you need?

No, we'll get by.

No, wait.

You tell me. What do you need?
I've got it right here.

Save your money, Joe.
Semper fi.

What's more fun
than human nature?

Well, you learn something
new every day.

Ain't it the truth?

You were impressed?

So you can't
cheat an honest man.

That's probably true,

but what we've just seen
is the operation

of a slightly different
philosophic principle.

Which is?

Don't trust nobody.

Were you
in the Marines?

You see, everybody gets something
out of every transaction.

I give that guy my confidence.
I ask him for help.

And what he gets is he
feels like he's a good man.

Now... What do you get
out of this transaction?

I told you.
Did you?

Yes, I said
that I wanted...

You want to know a tell?

I'll show you another one.

Give me your hand.

Think of a finger.
Think of one.

You're thinking of one?


Okay. I'm gonna tell you which
finger you're thinking of.

Do you think
I can do that?

This one.

Yes. How did you know?

How did I know?
Because you were thinking of it.

Do you want to
make love with me?

Excuse me?

Because you're blushing.
That's a tell.

The things we think,
the things we want,

we can do them or not do them,
but we can't hide them.

What is it
you think I want?

I'll tell you.

Somebody to come along,
somebody to possess you.

To take you
into a new thing.

Would you like that?

Do you want that?


What is it?


That's good.

Good evening.
May I help you, sir?

A room.

Your name, please.

Richard White.

Mr. White.

Do you have
a reservation?

No, I don't.

I'm sorry, Mr. White,
but the entire hotel is booked up

with the apparel show.

Good night.
Good night, Mr. Dean.

You have nothing?

No, I'm sorry,
we don't.

Who's that man?
Is that the manager?

No, sir. The manager is away
from the desk at the moment,

but I assure you
that the hotel...

That's all right.
Thank you.

I'm sorry.
If you could just check back...

That's perfectly
all right.

What if the...

What if the man
comes back?

He had on a tuxedo. We would believe
he is going out for the evening.

What if he does?

I don't think so.

And if he does,
we deal with that thing then.

In or out?

We should be leaving.

You said
he wasn't coming back.

Probably not,

but why should
we wait for him?

Some people would say that
you're an interesting man.

I'm a con man.

That's what I am.
I'm a criminal.

You don't have
to delude yourself.

You can call things
what they are.

You can call yourself
what you are.

What am I?

Listen to me.

Because there are a lot
of things in the world.

There are many sides
to each of us.

Good blood, bad blood.

Somehow all those parts
have got to speak.

You know what
I'm talking about.

The burden of responsibility
has become too great.

It's true, isn't it?

Yes, it is.

I know that it is.

I read a book once
which said this,

"If you're fired from your job,
when you're going home, take something.

"A pencil, something
to assert yourself.

"Take a memento.
Take something from life."

I think what draws you
to me is this.

I'm not afraid
to examine the rules

and to assert myself.

And I think
you aren't, either.

Do you
really think so?

Yes, that's exactly
what I think.

I'm gonna wash up and then let's
get out of this guy's room.

Let's get
out of here.

Taxi this evening, sir?

No, thank you.

I want to
see you again.

Well, I hope so.
We'll do that soon.

I have to go.

Can I go with you where you're going?
Where do you have to be?

I've actually
got to be right here.

Christ, what time is it?

What is it?

Look, look,
you remember Joey from last night?

Your friend?

The guy
in the bow tie.

Slowly, slowly look
over my left shoulder

and tell me
if you see him.

Yes, he's just
crossing the street.

Oh, Christ.

What is it?

There's a bit that
I'm supposed to do here.

Okay, okay,
I'm gonna call you, soon.

Let me do this
with you.

No. Babe, goodbye.

You're getting
into the frame-up.

Let me
do this with you.

No, this not a game.

We're about to
sting this guy.

I'll do it with you,

Let me do it with you.
Just tell me what to do.

Oh, babe, you're
mucking up my timing.

Come on.

You're my wife.
You follow my cue.

Whatever I do,
don't volunteer anything.


However strange things seem,
keep your mouth shut.

And the only one
you know is me.

The airport and hurry.

Going to the
conference tomorrow?

Wouldn't miss it.

Wait for the light.
They'll ticket you for jaywalking.

Fellow left
his briefcase.


Fellow left
his briefcase.

Well, he probably
came from the hotel.

Let's, uh,
take it back and...

Holy Christ!

Oh, my God.

I'd better get this...

I suppose I'd better
get this back to the hotel.

Let's, uh...

Let's just talk
about this for one moment.

I'm with you.

Now, look, look, look.

This has got to be
stolen money.

I understand,
but how do we know that?

What, are you nuts?
There's $80,000 in the g*dd*mn bag.

Who's gonna be carrying...
That's right.

Carrying that kind of money in a
bag in the middle of the night?

That's absolutely right.

And there's
no g*dd*mn way

I'm giving that money
to the police.

Why should we?
So some cops can split it?

That's absolutely right.

I'm not gonna do it and I'm
not gonna let you do it.

All right,
now let's just stop pussyfooting around here.

This is the
central proposition.

This money fell
into our laps.

There is no way
we're gonna give it back.

So we all know
what we're gonna do,

so let's just face
the g*dd*mn facts

'cause we know we're gonna split the money,
so let's just do it.

I, uh...

I work in a bank.

We don't want to hear
about your personal problems.

Will you just
shut up for a second.

Listen to what
I'm gonna tell you.

I work in a bank.

If this money's clean,

if it's clean,
if it's not counterfeit, I say this,

I say we split it up.

And we split it up down the
middle and we walk away,

and this never happened.

That's what I say.

That's what I've been saying
for the last three hours.

I'll take the money
to the bank and tomorrow...

Excuse me. Are you nuts?
Do you think we're insane?

Listen to
what I'm gonna say.

We keep
this money intact.

We don't touch it.
I check it out.

If it's hot,
we sit on it for six months, a year.

And you keep the
money all this time?

Listen to what
I'm gonna tell you.

I can go to my bank tomorrow morning,
here in town

and I can get...
I can get 10, $20,000 clean money, my money.

I'll give you a bank check.
I keep the briefcase, you keep my money.

We keep your money?

Wait a second.
Wait a second.

Back up, back up.
I'll go to my bank.

I'll go to my bank,
all right?

I'll get $30,000 and I'll
get the thing checked out.

I'll give you my money

and I'll take the briefcase,
you son of a bitch.

Who's he think he's dealing with here,
for Christ's sake?

I'm gonna wash up.
I'm going to change my shirt and we'll go.

Keep an eye on the...

Go on. Don't worry.

You awake?

How you doing?


You got a little bit more
than you bargained for, huh?

What's happened?


I don't understand
how this works.

Okay, I'm gonna tell you.

The mark gets dressed.
We take him to the bank.

Don't include
the broad in it, Mike.

Are you nuts?
You had to drag her along?

Leave it be,
she doesn't have to know how we do this.

Be cool, Joey. It's almost over.
It's going good.

Don't mouth it.
It's going how it's going.

You were a fool to have
brought the broad.

Be that as it may,
we make a deal with the mark.

He gets to ship the
briefcase to himself in...

Where's he from?

Now, why do we let him do that?

Because before he does,
he goes to a bank here

and gives us $30,000
as collateral,

so that we trust him.

Just before we send
him the briefcase,

we switch it on him,
and we've got his $30,000.

If it's phony money
in the case,

why do you
have to switch it?

Who said
it was phony money?

It's real.

That's the beauty
of the thing.

We're showing the guy
80,000 real dollars.

We borrowed the money from
the hard guys for one night.

Tonight we give it back.
How's he doing?

He's changing his shirt.
We got a couple of minutes.

I hope you enjoyed
your evening.

You have seen sights
that few have seen.

You were a g*dd*mn fool
to bring her along.

It's over, Joe.
It's all right.

You did real good.

it's time to go.

Let's take it
to the bank.

Better get your jacket.

Coming out
in about five minutes.

We'll be coming out
in five minutes.

As far as I can determine,

none of them are armed.

We'll act as if they are,
in any case.


When you come in,

have the female officer
go for the woman.

Get her down on the ground
and frisk her good.

I don't know who she is
and I don't trust her.

I'll take the young guy,
you take the old.

I got it.

The signal is
I clear my throat.

Say again?

That's at the bank?

Yes, at the bank.

He's a cop.


He's a cop. I heard him
on the walkie-talkie.

Oh, my God. We got
to get her out of here.

You bloody
better well believe it.

Hold it. Briefcase.

Got it.

What did we forget?

Good. Come on.

Where are you going?

Well, it's just my wife.
She's got to call...

No, no, no,
hold on.

We're gonna
stay with you.

Nobody goes anywhere.
She's very ill.

Police. Don't move.

I told you,
my wife is ill.

You move back in, get on the floor,
sit on your hands.

You're under arrest.
It's all over for today.

You move,

and I'll blow your
g*dd*mn head off.

I've got to
get out of here.

How is he?

Yeah, he's dead.

I can't be here.

Why did you have to k*ll him?
Are you out of your mind?

We've got about seconds
to get out of here.

Straight bitch
and she panicked.

Shut up.
Go check the door.

Come on.


They're out there.

She's k*lled us, man.

The bitch has
k*lled us dead.

Steal the car.

I can't do that.

Do you want to spend the
rest of your life in jail

or do you want to
drive us out of here?

We need you
to steal the car.

All my life, Mike,
all my life

I never had
a moment's v*olence.

Never saw
a moment's v*olence.

Forget it. Wipe it down
and let's get out of here.

I swear to God.

And you had to bring your
square john broad into it.

You had to bring
your trick into the game.

Okay, okay.

It's happened.
It's something that happened.

It was an accident.
An accident?

g*dd*mn you,
you broke the first rule.

I should have
turned around

the first moment
you brought the broad.

I brought the broad?

Who brought
the g*dd*mn cop?

Where did you
get the cop?

I found him
at the apparel show.

He looked
like a businessman.

Okay, okay, shut up.
He looked...

I said shut up!

We're gonna get
the car wiped down.

In a couple minutes,
we'll be out of here and we're home clean.

None of this
ever happened.

You go home, nobody even knows your name,
and it's all over.

We'll give the mob
back their money...

Where's the briefcase?

You had it.

You had it
at the garage.

You had the briefcase.

I thought
we put it in the car.

Where is it, Joe?

It isn't there.

What does this mean?

I'm sorry, Mike.
I swear when we were in the garage...

Shut up, let me
think for a second.

What does it mean?

I'm sorry, Mike.
I was scared.

You were scared?
You son of a bitch, you've k*lled us!

What does it mean?

It means
we've lost $80,000

we borrowed
from the mob.

If we don't pay it
back tonight,

they will turn us over
for that cop we k*lled.

I can give you
the money.

You got senile, old man!

I can give you
the money.

I need $80,000
by this evening.

I'll get it.
I'll give it to you.

You have
that kind of money?

I can get it.

Then for God's sakes,
get it.

Funny how things
happen sometimes.

I'm sorry, Mike.

Get in.

I'll tell them...
They know what happened.

You don't have to
tell them a g*dd*mn thing.

Start for the airport.

What happens now?

What's gonna happen
is this.

Joey gives the money back to
the mob and then he goes away.

I'm gonna go away.

You're gonna stay here
'cause you have a life here.

Nobody knows who you are
and they can't trace you.

If you don't tell them,
then they don't know.

Listen to me.

You're gonna get
a strong urge to confess

to thievery, to m*rder.

You're gonna want to confess.
Don't do it.

What happened
was an accident.

The fact that you were there
was an accident.

You did nothing wrong.

So you go and forget it.


I just wish...

Stop the cab.

Inversion, projection,


Excuse me.

...for transposition,

projection, inversion,

and elaboration

are the bases for


in the...



What is it?
What is it, darling?

Come inside.

No. No, I...

I have to...

I have to talk to you.

What? Anything.
What is it?

You know, you know the dream where
you've done something terrible.

Some... Some...
And you're going to die and you say,

you say,
"I wish this was a dream."

Maggie, darling, come inside,
sit down and tell me.

No, listen to me. No.

And if you reveal yourself,
you betray someone else and...

When you have done
something unforgivable?


When you have done
something unforgivable,

I'll tell you
exactly what to do.

You forgive yourself.

It isn't as if
you'd k*lled somebody.

Dr. Littauer.
Excuse me, I'm sorry...

Dr. Ford, do I have
the wrong day?

I'm very sorry.
I'm very sorry.

I'm quite ill.
I have to cancel.

Are you all right?
Didn't I just tell you?

What did I just say?

No calls through
under any circumstances.

Call my appointments for today
and cancel them.

Dr. Ford?

Dr. Ford?

Dr. Ford,
it's Billy Hahn.

What do you want?

I tried to call.

I had to cancel
my appointment tomorrow.

They said you weren't
taking any calls.

I have to go away
for several days.

Yes, I think it's best if we
suspended treatment for a while.

I stopped by to tell you
that I would be gone

and couldn't
come tomorrow.

Yes. Thank you.

Are you all right?


May I speak
to Bill, please?

Right, I'll hold.

Bill? Yeah, how's it going?


Excuse me.

I just won $5,000
on the baseball game.

How about
giving me a taste?

Oh, man. I would
give you a taste

if you'd make
a bet sometime.

You're so f*cking cheap.

How come I always gotta
play the straight man?

Hey, man,
think about it.

Think about what?
Sit down.

Who filled
the g*dd*mn water p*stol?

I did.

You're turning into
Sarah Bernhardt, man.

That water p*stol made a
puddle big enough to swim in.

That's the point,
isn't it?

A taste
for the theatrical.

You don't know
the half of it.

He threw his arm out
batting that bitch around.

He hit her?
Oh, yeah.

the breezoid.

Yeah, you put
the slambang on my forehead.

Look at this f*cking
bruise you gave me.

You get what you
pay for, it's realism.

So, is she
gonna stand up?

Well, like you said,
she's on tilt.

But I don't think she's
gonna beef to the cops.

So do you want me
to send him back

to have him check
on her again?

No, I think she'll stand up.
Pay the kid off.

Keep him
a little scared.

Oh, yeah.

how did you know she was gonna go for it?

Go for it? Hey,
the broad's an addict.

Oh, this is great.

This is fantastic.
Listen to this.

The bitch, when
we're dressing the room...

When you were
dressing my hotel room?

We're spreading some
personal junk on the bureau.

We put some personal
stuff up on the bureau.


So it'll look like somebody's in the room.

Get this.
Listen to this.

I leave some stuff.
I leave 40, 50 bucks up on the desk.

Now, the broad
steals my pocketknife.

No. The broad,
my hand to God,

she boosts
my lucky pocketknife.

Can you beat that?

The bitch is a booster.

The bitch
is a born thief, man.

So you had
her made from the jump.

I'm telling you. A ton of f*cking bricks.
Show me some real con men.

We showed her
some con men.

We showed her some
dinosaur con men.

Some old-style.
Yes, sir.

Years from now you're gonna
have to go to a museum

to see a frame like this.

That's right.

Took her money
and screwed her, too.

A small price to pay.

We took out for the hotel,
two hotel rooms.

Speaking of which,
$300 for your hotel room?

Always show
a little front.

You taught me that
yourself, Mike.

Oh, you're such
a flatterer.

Hey, I spent
300 to make 80,000?

Mike, you are
the ring-tailed rounder.

You are King Kong.

One riot, one ranger.

You put that
bitch in the panic bag.

Hey, baby,
this is my road game.

What's next?

For me, a vacation.

I'm going to Vegas
tonight on the 10:00.

You want to come?

Quitting winners
this time.

Miss you.
What did I say?

We got
the two hotel rooms,

52.90 for two
policemen's uniforms.

$25 we gave the parking lot
attendant and 500 to the kid.

Give me
a running total.


Mike, what are you...

Why are you here?

We can't be here.
What are you doing here?

Listen. Listen,
they're following me.

They're following me.

They are?
Yes, I tried to...

Wait a second.

Look, we can't
be seen together.

No, don't leave me.
I'm so glad you're here.

You're in no danger.

I told you, they're waiting for me.
There were men.

There were policemen
following me.

What are you doing here?
I thought you'd gone...

I couldn't get
on the right flight.

Now, look, if they
haven't followed you here,

then you have some time,

but we have to split up.
No, I can't.

No, don't leave me.

This is a godsend
that you're here.

I'm gonna tell you
where I'm going.

We'll meet there.
We'll take separate flights.

No, no, no, no, no,
I'm so frightened.

And, Mike... Mike, I...

I took all my money.

I took all my money out of the bank.

And you'll help us disappear.
We'll disappear together.

Mike, I've got a quarter
of a million dollars.

We can live.
We can...

I can't believe
I'm seeing you.

Do you think you were
followed to the airport?

I don't know.
I'm frightened all the time.

I saw them when
I went to the bank.

Yes, I see.

Then I waited
to throw them off

before I went
to the airport.


I bought my ticket
in another name.

I think that's wise.

My real name
is Margaret.

Margaret, we'll get
out of this, I promise you.

Yes. I'll get us
out of the country.

We need a plan.

I've got you.

It was fate
I found you.

Yes, it was.

Because together...
Yes, we can.

And when I saw them,
when I saw that they came after me...

It's all right now.
You're safe.

No, I knew that I
was being punished.

No, it was an accident.

No, I knew
that I was bad.

You know why?
You know when I knew?

Because I took your knife.
That's when I knew.

What knife?

Your knife
from the hotel room.

And I said
that's why it happened.

Yes, because I'm bad.

Because I stole.

What is it?

Mike, what is it?

Oh, you're a bad pony and
I'm not gonna bet on you.


You see, the thing of it is
you just said "my knife."

I don't understand.

"My knife."

You said you took "my knife"
from the hotel room.

You see, in my trade,
this is called, what you did,

you cracked out of turn.

You see?
You crumbed the play.

"My knife."

What do you want?

What do you f*cking
want from me?

You want your 80 grand back?
I can't give it back.

I split it up.

What do you want?

I gave you my trust.

Of course you gave me
your trust.

That's what
I do for a living.

You asked me
what I did for a living.

This is it.

Look, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I hurt you.

You're a good kid.

Now, whatever it is you
feel that you have to do...

Sit down, please.

I'd love to, but...

I said to sit down.

What are you gonna do,
go to the cops?

I may.
And tell them what?

What are you
gonna tell them, stud?

That the author
of the best-selling Driven,

a guide to
compulsive behavior,

gave her fortune away
to some conman?

You see my point?

But we've had fun,
you must say that.

I said to sit down.

If you walk out that door,
I'm going to k*ll you.

I don't believe you.

What is life
without adventure?


What do you
want me to do?

You took my money.

How naughty of me.
You r*ped me.

Is that what I did?

You took me
under false pretenses.

Golly, Margaret, well,
that's just what happened then, isn't it?

Okay, look,
you got stung and you're hurt.

I can understand that.
You're stuck in your steamer.

I want to know how you could
do what you did to me.

It wasn't personal, okay?

And, funny as that sounds,
I'm sorry that it happened,

but it did.

And we've all got to live
in an imperfect world.

You used me.

I used you. I did.
I'm sorry.

And you learned some things about
yourself that you'd rather not know.

I'm sorry for that, too.

You say
I acted atrociously.

Yes, I did.

I do it for a living.

You sit down!

You can't bluff someone
who's not paying attention.

Are you nuts?
What, are you nuts?

I want you to beg me.

f*ck you. I'm not gonna
beg you for a g*dd*mn thing.

Beg me!

It's a g*dd*mn bluff.

You're all bluff.

What, are you gonna k*ll me
and then go to jail?

Give up all that
good shit that you have?

Your best-seller,
that doctor stuff?

All that stuff you're
trying so hard to protect?

You're gonna give that up?

It's not my p*stol.
I was never here.

Beg for your life
or I'm going to k*ll you.

Hey, no.

I can't help it.
I'm out of control.

Hey, no, I...

Beg me for your life.

Hey, f*ck you!

This is what you always wanted,
you crooked bitch!

You thief!

You always need
to get caught

'cause you know
you're bad.

I never hurt anybody.
I never shot anybody.

You sought this out.

This is what
you always wanted.

I knew it the first time
you came in.

You're worthless,
you know it!

You're a whore!

You came back like
a dog to its own vomit!

You sick bitch!

I'm not gonna
give you shit!

Thank you, sir.
May I have another?

Are you
Dr. Margaret Ford?

Yes, I am.

Would you sign my book?

I'd be delighted.

Maggie! Darling!

I missed you.

How are you?

I'm fine, really fine.

Are you?

Yes, I absolutely am.


I'm so happy you are back.

Now, we'll sit down,
and then you tell me everything.

Do you know

how frightened I was for
you before your trip?

It was just the strain.
I had my book coming out...

No, no, I know.

But something, there was
something on your mind.

You were...
That's right.

And you said,
"When you've done something unforgivable,

"you must
forgive yourself."

And that's what I've done
and it's done.

Good. Good.

Oh, now,
what are we going to eat?

What did you eat
down there?

Dr. Littauer,
you're wanted on the phone.

Oh. Sorry, darling.

order for me.

Excuse me.


Could you tell me what
that is on the buffet?

A Waldorf salad.

Thank you.
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