High Risk (1981)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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High Risk (1981)

Post by bunniefuu »

- [Reporter] The big news

in Los Angeles this
morning is the weather.

An inch and a half of rain fell
on the Southland last night

in what appears
to be the tail end

of California's rainy season.

Blue skies are expected
before noon today.

The temperature in Downtown
L.A. is 56 degrees.

News time now is 6:38.

Two more automobile
manufacturing plants
are threatening

to close their doors.

This could cause a substantial
number of auto workers

to join the already swollen
ranks of the unemployed.

The fight against
inflation seems

to be still losing ground.

Washington sources believe

that the administration's
tax breaks to big businesses

and programs will have
little or no effect

on the economy for
at least two years.

g*ng v*olence is
in the news again

and for today's special report--

(funky rock music)

(horn honks)

- Great weather
we're havin', huh?

- We still going?

- [Stone] Damn
right, we're goin'.

Go ahead, get in.

- C'mon, I'm gettin' wet.
- You forgot your rod.

- I don't know what I'd
do without you, baby.


- You two take care.
- Okay.

- Get this thing in here.
- Would you watch it

with that thing?
- Will you just get

into the truck?

Come on.

- Bye bye.
- See you later, Stone.

- [Stone] Bye bye.

- [Rockney] Leaving, ha!

- [Tony] Did you get everything?

- [Stone] Yeah,
I got everything.

- [Rockney] I haven't
been up this early

since I got on unemployment.

Come on, woo!

(funky rock music)

- You know, what if he calls?

What do I do?

- Uh, tell him the
check's in the mail.

(horn honking)

- Have a good time, okay.

Call if you're near a phone.

- I won't.

- [Wife] Bye!

- You got enough stuff?

- Yeah, let's just go.

(funky rock music)

- What the hell's
the cooler for?

- [Dan] Looks good,
now let's just go.

(funky rock music)

(engine revs)

- Come on, it's just
you and me, baby.

- Hey, here we go!

- Okay, everybody take
their last malaria pill?

- [Dan] Hey, why do you got
to take that for six weeks?

Did you know that?

- [Rockney] Hey, how do you say

where's the bathroom in Spanish?

- [Tony] There's no
bathrooms where we're going.

- [Dan] All I want to
know is what do we say

if we get caught?

(speaks in foreign language)

- [Stone] We're not
gonna get caught.

- [Rockney] We
won't hurt anyone.

(funky rock music)

(birds twittering)

(Rockney sighs)

- You sure this is
the right place?

- Yeah.

(birds twittering)

- Hey, what time is it?

- It's 10.

- I wonder what
Charlene is doing?

- She's probably with her
old boyfriend George by now.

(Tony laughs)

- [Rockney] You're real
funny, you know that?

Real funny.
- Goin' out

with the plumber, I guess.

(Dan laughs)

Just like last time.

- Both of you are real
funny, you know that?

(all laughing)

- [Stone] This
looks like him now.

(engine rumbles)

Stay here, okay?

(dog barking)
- There is no substitute

for love but more love.

There is no substitute
for forgiveness

but more forgiveness--
- How ya doing?

(dog growls)

- [Evangelist] There's
no substitute for Jesus.

- Hi.

- Ya got the money?

- Brothers and sisters--
- Yeah.

- [Evangelist] I want you
now to bow your heads.

(Stone grunts)

- Well, we'd like to
see the stuff first.

- Friendly lookin' people, huh?

(Dan grunts)

- [Tony] Let's go.

- [Evangelist] Pray for
the souls of those children

for m*rder, no matter
how accidental.

- Nice lookin' dogs.

- I can trust 'em.

Just the four of ya?

- [Stone] Yeah.

- [Evangelist] That
w*apon with no heart.

- [Clint] Looks like
ya got a mixed bunch.

- This is, uh, Clint.

- Hey, how ya doin'?
- Hi.

- Hey, you boys aren't
gonna doin' anything

to hurt any animals now, are ya?

- No.
- Oh no, sir.

(doors squeak)

(Rockney whistles)

- [Rockney] Jesus Christ.

- Well, seein' as how
ya didn't know exactly

what you'd be needin',
I got ya somethin'

for every occasion.

Here's a couple of
357s for close-up work.

There ya go.

Here's a M16 a*t*matic for
anything up to 400 yards.

(g*n clicks)

Easy to work.

The Israeli machine g*n.

- Wait a minute.

Hey, what is this?

- Yeah, what's it look like?

- You said we were
gonna need a couple

of pistols for snakes.

- [Rockney] Yeah,
this wasn't the deal.

- Hey, we're gonna be
carrying a lot of stuff.

What if we run into some
bandits or something?

- Bandits?
- Yeah.

- There's bandits?
- Bandits?

There's enough stuff
here for a w*r.

- You can count me out.

- Me too.

- Hey, wait a minute,
wait a minute.

Have you got a second, Clint?

- Sure, go ahead.
- Excuse us for a second.

- [Dan] Now look, you didn't
say anything about this.

And what's this
shit about bandits?

- I just asked him to
get us what we needed.

So he went overboard a little.

- You said no v*olence!

- It's just protection.

It's not v*olence.

- Protection?

That's bullshit,
and you know it.

- What's bullshit?

I sold everything I own
for this, everything,

my house, even the
g*dd*mn dishes.

And you call it bullshit.

What did you sell?

What do want, just somebody

to hand you a
million bucks, huh?

- I'd take it.

- Hey, look, if we don't
go ahead with this,

you forget the dreams.

We're gonna be bustin' our
butts for the rest of our lives

for a pension that won't
even pay the bills.

- It's a hell of a lot
better than being dead.

- Hey, nobody's gonna get hurt.

If you don't like what you see

when you get down
there, you can back out.

- Oh yeah?
- Yeah.

You want to be
poor all our life?

- [Dan] It'd be a
hell of a weekend.

- Got a lot to gain.

- (laughs) Jesus Christ!

(g*ns firing)

- Hold it, hold it, hold it,

hold it, ho, hold it!

Look, boys, it's not how
many b*ll*ts you sh**t.

It's what you hit that counts.

Now let me have that thing.

Now look, quit
squintin' your eyes

and just point the damn
thing and squeeze, you see.

Like this.

(g*n firing)

(glass clatters)

Make sense?


Now let's put that
thing on a*t*matic.


(g*n fires)

- Should I pull this out, too?
- Go ahead.

(r*fle clicks)

(r*fle firing)

- Hey!

(Rockney laughs)
- Woo!

- What it is?

Hey, mister.
- No need to grin, man,

no need to grin.

If there'd had been
a man out there,

he'd have blown your head off.

(machine g*n firing)

- Hey, look at that.
- Woo!

- It does the same
thing to a human skull.

- [Rockney] Oh, hey, you
mind takin' a picture of us?

- Sure.

Yeah, good.

- [Rockney] Hit that
little button right there.

- Okay.

Uh, let's not get by
the truck, fellas.

Let's get over there.

(r*fle clicks)

Press this thing here?

- [Rockney] Just push it in.

- Just slide it!
- Just push this in?

- I don't know.
- Push that bottom in.

- Okay.

You boys got a name?

- No.

- You got a cause?

- Yeah.


- (laughs) The times
must be changin'.

Last 10 years been
nothin' but causes.

You're just a bunch of
gringos headin' south, huh?

- Yeah.

(camera clicks)

(engine whirring)

- [Dan] What lens
did he use here?

- 1000.

- [Dan] I can't figure out why
he didn't rip 'em off himself

if he had the combination.

- [Stone] No balls.

They k*lled his
brother down there.

- So how much we
getting up front?

(rock music)

- Three full tanks of gas.

♪ Can't you see I'm playin'

- And a bottle of tequila.

- We didn't get any money?

- No.

We're gonna get the money
when they get the money.

- How did they find
out about this?

- The big guy's a cameraman.

He did a documentary
on cocaine dealers.

- Bunch of amateurs, man.

How you guys doing?

- I thought you said
it'd be gettin' cooler?

- It's cool.

It's cool.

- Hey, how can we be sure
that they're gonna come back?

- We're givin' them 200 grand.

(dog whines)

Let's go over this
one more time.

The hacienda is situated here
on the east local mountain.

Only access is from
the sea, up this road.

Now we jump and land
right in the mountains,

hit 'em from behind.

We go back over the mountains
and into the Amazon.

The plane'll pick us up
right here, at the old mines.

If any one of us
gets separated, what?

- Uh, follow any of the rivers

till they get to the falls.

Take us right to the falls.
- Okay.

- Did you see any snakes
while you were down there?

- Nothing over 10 feet.

- What the hell are you doin'?

- I'm taping up my pant legs.

I don't want anything
crawlin' up 'em.

Want some tape?

- [Tony] No, that's okay.

- [Dan] Gonna need tape.

- We'll be up over target
in about 20 minutes.

Anybody want any
body stimulants?

Oh, it's strictly organic.

- No, we'll just, uh, start
getting ready, thanks.

- You guys have a good one.

- Body stimulants?

(engine whirs)

- [Bradley] In
about five minutes.

- I can't jump with
all this stuff.

I can't even stand up.

- Who gets the dog?

- I'll take him.

Where'd you get
this dog, anyway?

- A little old lady in the park.

All right, everybody understand
how the safety chute works?

- John, now listen, these
chutes are different

than the ones you showed us.

- Danny, they work the same.
- Yeah, right, well--

- What have you got there?

- [Dan] Is this, is
this the pull string?

- Safety chute is
situated in front

of the parachute.
- Okay.

- In case of emergency,
pull the strap.

You better keep that.

- We're comin' in on target.

Looks like a nice
open area to the left.

It's a lovely
temperature outside.

We hope that you've enjoyed
flying on Eos Airlines.

Hope that we can further fulfill
you future traveling needs.


- [Stone] Looks good.

- Remember, jump close together.

The chutes'll open automatically
if there is a foul up.

- Can he get a little lower?

- No way.

Okay, get ready.


- Three days!
- 200,000!

(Stone yells)

- [Rockney] Oh shit!

(playful music)

(Dan yells)

(playful music)

Jesus Christ!

I'd call it the right faith.

(upbeat music)

How is it?

- [Stone] Hard.

(body thumps)

- [Rockney] Oh goddammit.

- What happened?

(liquid patters)

- The dog peed on me.

- [Dan] Here we go.

Bend the knees, bend the knees!

Bend the--

(body thumps)
(g*n fires)

- What's goin' on?

- I'm okay.

- What happened?

- Went off.

- [Stone] What have I told
you about using your safety?

- Uh, semi, fire,
safe, oh, over here.

(safety clicks)

- [Rockney] He
remembers to come back.

- He will.

Spare the chutes and get movin'.

(solemn music)

- You know what this
stuff looks like?

- Yeah.

It's a bush.

(solemn music)

(dog barks)
(solemn music)

- [Tony] That's it, huh?

- [Stone] That's it.

In about 40 minutes, the
people will settle in

for their siesta.

We wait about an hour
and then move on down.

- Now why don't we
wait until it's dark?

- Less security now.

(solemn music)

- This is really
goddamned stupid.

Do you know that?

- You know what?
(horse whinnies)

You say that going to
work, every morning.

- [Rockney] You realize
nobody knows we're down here?

If anything happens
to us, that's it.

You got any of them
vitamins with you?

- [Dan] Yeah, you want one?

- [Tony] How the hell can you
guys eat at a time like this?

- [Rockney] I always
eat when I get nervous.

(horse neighs)

(Rockney grunts)

- [Tony] You think you could
k*ll someone if you had to?

- [Rockney] Hm, I never
even thought of it.

- You?

- (chuckles) I've never
even seen a dead person.

(g*n clicks)

(rooster crows)
- Hey, let's talk

about something else, huh?

- Looks all clear,
let's get it over with.

Come on.

(g*ns clicking)

Let's go.

(solemn music)

(dog barking)
(solemn music)

(suspenseful music)

(dog groans)

- Go on.

Go on, go on, go on, baby.

(suspenseful music)

Go on, go on, baby.

Go on, go on!

(suspenseful music)

Hey, hey, go on.

(small dog barks)

(guard dogs growling)

(dogs barking)

- [Dan] How's she doing?

- Okay, let's go.

(dogs barking)

(Rockney grunts)

- Let's go.

(parrot squawks)

(speaking in foreign language)

- I thought you said
everyone was sleeping.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Rockney] Jesus Christ.

- Danny, watch the window.

- People all around this place.

- [Tony] This is
goddamned stupid.

(wood rattling)

- She's just swimmin', but
there's a guard out there now.

(lock rattling)

- What's the matter?
- I don't know.

- Aw, man.

- They've changed
the combination.

- Jesus Christ.

- What happened?

- He changed the combination.

Hey, we're gettin' outta here.

- I'm not leaving here
without the goddamned money.

- Are you crazy?
- Look, look, John, John,

now let's just regroup, and
we'll think of somethin' else.

- We're gettin' out of here.

- [Stone] I'll make him talk.

- Wait a minute, wait a minute.

He's right.

I'll just do a
little number on him.

- What number?

- Oh fine!

Look, we're goin' home.

- You know what to do?

- Just get him down here.

(Danny chuckles)

- Come on, let's just
get it over with, Tony.

- It'll be okay.

- Great.

- What the hell are
you talkin' about?

(solemn music)

(door clicks)
(people chattering)

- [Serrano] You acted
wisely, General.

- [General] Can I expect you
in my place next Thursday?

- 9:30?

- Wonderful.

I will open some
chardonnay at the bar.

(speaks in foreign language)

- Beautiful, beautiful.

- (laughs) Oh will you please
say goodbye to Anna for me?

- Of course, General.

- Goodbye, amigo.

- Safe journey, General.

(tense music)

(lighter clicks)

(tense music)

(g*n clicks)

(solemn music)

(knuckles rapping)

- [Serrano] Enter, Manuel.

- Yes?

- Where is Jean Trevejo?

What about Guttiere?

- [Manuel] He's come into power.

If the people get word,
they can take him down.

(suspenseful music)

- [Serrano] Where've
you got him?

- [Manuel] He's staying at--

(tense music)

- [Serrano] I'm going down
to Miami, next Wednesday.

(tense music)

(sings in a foreign language)

- Please, lady, please.

(dramatic music)

- Manuel.

- Yes?

- Did the bulls arrive?

- Oh, of course.

(speaks in foreign language)

(Serrano laughs)

- We'll play later.

(car door thuds)
(engine revs)

(solemn music)

(g*n clicks)

What can I do for you, sir?

- We're going downstairs.
- Downstairs?

(tense music)

- Uh-uh.

I will blow your head off.

(solemn music)

Let's go.

(solemn music)

- Good dope-pushin'
son of a bitch,

I'm gonna k*ll you.

- Wait a minute, wait a minute!

Let me try talkin'
to him, first.

- Cut his f*gg*t ear off.

- Give him a chance.

Just let me talk to him.

Okay, look, just tell us
the combination to the safe.

- Yes, and I'll open it
for you, if you want me to.

- Oh, well, go ahead.

- Uh-uh, uh-uh.

Just give me the numbers.

- Right, one.

Left, two.


(lock clicks)

- Holy shit!
- Give me a pack.

Give me a pack.
- How much is in there?

- How much?

- Five million in cash,
maybe a little more.

But you're not gonna
get five miles.

- Tie him up and gag
him, both of 'em.

- Sit down, please.

(speaks in foreign language)

- [Stone] We got to get
rid of all this stuff.

We need room for the money.

What the hell is this?

- Oh, I got to keep

my toilet paper.
- Wine.

- Put some of this in that pack.

- No, no, no.
- Huh?

- [Stone] Just the money.

(speaks in foreign language)

- We're gonna need a
truck to carry all this.

We gonna need a goddamned truck!

Take it, take it,
I ain't got time.

There's some that
fell down over there.

- Put some in your pockets, too.

But I don't think we're
gonna have enough room.

- [Rockney] Charlene's gonna
die when she sees all this.

She is gonna die.

- Tears right off.

- [Tony] Here, fill this up.

Gimme some more.

- This is beautiful,
beautiful, man, beautiful.

I'm gonna buy me a new
Eldorado or somethin'.

Fill it up, fill it up.

- [Stone] Don't
breathe too deep.

I just broke open his stash.

- There's little bit
more room in here.

- Don't forget the side ones.

Okay, that's it.

Let's go, let's go.

- [Danny] Oh!

(speaks in foreign language)

- Shh, shh, shh.

- What are we gonna do with him?

- [Stone] Knock him out.

- [Dan] Oh come on, will ya?

- What are you gonna
do, take him with you?

- We'll tape him up.

- Shh, shh!

(g*n thuds)
(guard yells)

Just hit him again.

Hit him!
(g*n thuds)

(g*n fires)

(parrot squawks)
- Oh they're sh**ting!

Let's go!

(dramatic music)
(g*ns firing)

- [Rockney] Goddammit, Stone!

(g*ns firing)
(tense music)

I knew this would happen.

I knew it!

(dramatic music)

- sh**t!

- [Rockney] What if you miss?

- Don't sh**t, just run!

- [Rockney] Good idea!

(solemn music)


(g*n fires)
(dramatic music)

- Now they're really pissed.

- Let's just keep going.
- I think I'm hit.

- Let me see, let me see.


Oh, that's just a scratch.

- [Tony] I don't believe this.

- Well, I don't
know how it feels.

- [Tony] Shh!

(solemn music)

- Let's go, let's go, move!

(engines rev)
(dramatic music)


Give 'em some money.

Get down, get down.

How do you say get down?

(speaks in foreign language)

Tony, get yourself a horse.

(dramatic music)

(speaks in foreign language)

- Guys, they're coming back!

- Come on, man, get on.
- They're comin'.

- Hey, Tony!

- [Rockney] Come on, let's go!

(g*n fires)

- [Stone] Come on!

- Hey, you guys, hey,
wait for me, wait for me!

I don't even know
how to ride a horse.

(g*ns firing)
(dramatic music)

(sheep bleating)

- You see anything?

- No, I think we lost them.

- Can we go home now?

- Yeah, we're going home now.

- Hey, senor, you want
to be poor all your life?

- Little ass on top
of big ass (laughs).

Five million bucks,
you know what I mean?

I can't, I can't believe it.

(both grunt)

- Hey, assh*le, how's it
feel being a millionaire?

- You're still a crazy son

of a bitch.
- Woo, woo-hoo!

You better get down.
(Tony giggling)

(solemn music)

- [Tony] My ass is
killin' me from that mule.

- A real nice house
cost these days?

- About 150.

200,000 if you want
a pool and stuff.

- [Stone] That could
leave about a million

to play around with, you know.

- [Rockney] Hell, wow,
that's gonna be real nice.

- Hey, is this
water safe to drink?

- Too late now.

- What are you gonna do
with your money, Danny?

- I don't know.

Rent a new wife?

- Hmm, I got dibs
on the old one.

- You always did.

(Danny laughs mockingly)

- You know I'm worried.
- About what?

- Inflation.
- What?

- What'd you know
about inflation?

- We've got to go back,
spread this money around

and get the old US of A
back on its feet again.

- [Tony] I'd give five grand
for a cheeseburger right now.

(g*n clicks)
(horse whinnies)

- Wait a minute,
somebody's coming.

It's just the damn dog.

(dog groans)

- Baby, oh, pooch!

Baby, come here!
(dog barking)

You poochie, you (laughs)!

- [Tony] I hope
nobody followed her.

- Baby, you missed
me, didn't ya?

(dog barking)
Oh yeah, mm,

it's good to see ya.

Oh baby, we got to
clean you up, sugar.

- I think he's got somethin'
goin' with that dog.

- [Rockney] You didn't like
them Latin lovers, did ya?

(Rockney laughs)

- Anybody feel like a hot dog?

- (laughs) Hot dog,
man, give him a kiss.

Give the Latin a
kiss, babe (laughs).

It's so good to see ya.

We gonna clean you up,

straighten your
little ribbon out

and get all this mess
out of your hair.

(solemn music)

(horse neighs)

(dog barks)

Come on, baby, now
let me sleep, huh?

(horse whinnies)

(ominous music)

You guys, wake up, wake up.

Look over there.

(ominous music)

Looks like a whole damn army.

- Jesus, how many are there?

- [Rockney] What are
they doing down here?

- [Tony] I'll give
ya two guesses.

(solemn music)

- Let's go, let's go.

(dramatic music)

- Over there!

Open fire!

(g*ns firing)

- Give me your pack.

(g*ns firing)

(dog barking)

Come on, let's go!

- Come on, come on, come on!

(g*ns firing)
(solemn music)

(Tony grunts)

- [Rockney] I knew
this would happen.

I knew it.
- Go that way.

Go that way!

(solemn music)

- Over there!

Come on!

Hey, come on.

Over there.

Come here, come here.

(dramatic music)

- We shoulda stopped, dammit!

We shoulda just stopped!

- What good is that gonna do?

We get out of here alive.

Then we can buy 'em back.

- Well, who would
want to buy them back

if they're dead?

(g*ns firing)

Go, go, go!

(g*ns firing)
(dramatic music)

(horse neighs)
(g*ns firing)

- [Stone] Assholes!

- [Dan] Don't hit anybody!

- What?
- We may end up

being their prisoners.

- You want to quit ?

They shot my horse.

- Let me just--
(g*n fires)

It wasn't even your horse!

(g*n fires)

- Go!

(g*n fires)

(speaks in foreign language)

(bull grunting)

(speaks in foreign language)

(Serrano laughs)

(speaks in foreign language)

(bull grunting)

(speaks in foreign language)

(solemn music)

(Serrano laughing)

(crowd applauding)

(speaks in foreign language)

(bull snorts)
(solemn music)

(horse nickers)

- Did you enjoy the contest?

You got here just in time.

You know, sometimes the
horse makes a mistake.

And at that moment,
he knows that,

he knows his insides
are gonna be scattered

all over the arena.

But these are very special
horses, the Andalusians.

They're willing to risk
everything for that moment.

Are you, huh?

Where's my money?

- I don't know.

- You don't know?

(Rockney grunts)
(dramatic music)

(fist thuds)
(Rockney grunts)

In a minute, his
spleen will be ruptured

and the lining of his stomach.

He'll start to bleed from
the nose and from the mouth,

like that bull.

(solemn music)

(Rockney grunting)

- Tell 'em to stop.

- You remembered?

(solemn music)

- [Stone] What do you think?

- [Dan] I think we'd
better negotiate with 'em.

(g*n firing)

Ah shit!

Shit, oh damn.

(g*n fires)

(suspenseful music)

Stop shakin' it!

(suspenseful music)

(speaks in foreign language)

Move it, will ya?

(suspenseful music)

(g*n fires)

(speaks in foreign language)

We give up!

Shit, shit, shit,
shit, shit, shit, shit.

- [Stone] Goddamned assholes!

(g*n fires)

Steady, steady, goddammit!

(suspenseful music)

(g*n fires)

(Danny and Stone yell)

(soldiers laugh)

Where are ya?

- [Dan] Where the hell do
you think I am, goddammit!

- [Stone] Let go,
you'll make it.

- Let go?

- [Stone] Let go, Dan,
goddammit, let go.

- Climb up, climb up!
- Let go!

Let go!

- Right now?

(Danny yells)

How did you know
we could make it?

- I didn't.

I figured if you'd
make it, I'd be okay.

(speaks in foreign language)

- [Rockney] Next time I
see that son of a bitch,

I'm gonna k*ll him.

- Here, put some ice on it.

- Hey, hey.

What's that?

- It's a Coke.

You want some?

- Oh man.

- Hey.

They were gonna k*ll you.

- So you told them, huh?

- I told him where
I buried the money.

- What, what money?

- Listen, they only
found your money.

They didn't know Stone
was carryin' mine.

So I told them I buried it.

- Oh yeah, that's great.

That's real terrific.

- Listen, tomorrow, when they
take us down there to find it,

it's gonna be a hell
of a lot easier trying

to escape out there
than it is in here.

- You think they're gonna
let you walk out there?

Man, they're gonna
have you handcuffed,

and when they find that
there's no money buried there,

they're gonna sh**t both of us.

(brick clatters)

- Hi.

- Hi.

- Oh, you're Americans.

Where you from?

- California.


- Why not?

What'd you do to your ear?

- He cut it.

- How much were you carryin'?

- We weren't carrying anything.

- You got a lawyer?
- No, why?

- Do not trust Roberto Reyes.

Got any money?

- No.

- Well, whatever you got,
they're gonna get it.

And whatever your family's got,

they're gonna get that too.

And then, just maybe
then, if they get tired

of feedin' ya, or if they
get bored with your company,

which I don't think should
take them too long to do that,

then just maybe
they'll let you go.

- How long you been in for?

- Five months, three
weeks and two days.

Two Italian guys
on the other side,

they've been in here
for three years.

Of course, they've gotten

to know each other
pretty well by now.

Oh, you, you, you
guys got any grass?

- No.

- Oh, you want to buy some?

- Who the hell is she?

Put the brick back.

- We'll talk to you later.

- Some neighbors you gonna be.

Couple of goddamned bores.

Listen, you better
develop a sense of humor.

You're not gonna
make it if you don't.

(rooster crows)

- You okay?

- Yeah.

(Rockney sighs)

And I was gonna get
married next month.

♪ I'm a rambler

♪ I'm a gambler

♪ I'm a long way from home

♪ And if ya don't like me

♪ Then leave me alone


- No, nothing.

How's it going?

- Okay.

It's about dry.

Gonna be lighter now.

All we got to do is pick it up.

We'll get 'em back.

Look, we got $4 million.

We could put Donald
Duck in the White House.

Hey, uh, you, uh, you
got two 50s for a 100?

- Use a leaf.

Get out of here.

(g*n clicks)

- [Dan] Hey, John.

- Right here.

- [Dan] You know something?

- What's that?

- [Dan] I'm glad we did this.

I mean, I wanted to do
this more than anybody.

- Dumb shit.

- [Dan] Hell, it's
not just the money.

It would be nice to bring
the bacon home, for a change,

get Dale something.

It's not the money.

I mean, all my life, I
wanted to do just one thing

where I had to put it
on the line, you know?

(g*n clip clicking)

Fight the dragon.

(g*n clicks)
(Dan chuckles)

Jeez, I mean, shit, I've
been scared all my life,

might as well be something
worth being scared about, right?

(solemn music)

Just wasn't smart enough to know

that it was gonna be so hard.

But I'll tell ya, if
we get out of this,

first thing I'm
gonna do is move away

from that g*dd*mn airport.

I mean, every time
a 747 comes over,

I think I'm gonna lose my--

- Gringo.

You want some paper?

Here's a piece.

Come on, I think you need it.

(solemn music)

(speaks in foreign language)

(bandits laughing)

Yes, right.

(people chattering)

(rooster crows)

(speaks in foreign language)

- Give me the watch.

- What's happening?
- Give me the watch!

- What's happening?
- Just shut up.

(speaks in foreign language)

- [Rockney] What the
hell is going on?

- [Tony] He's gonna give us
the chain off the truck, relax.

- [Rockney] Oh man.

That little dude is gonna
take my watch and split.

- [Tony] You see that,
what'd I tell ya?

- [Rockney] Jesus Christ.

- [Tony] You can trust
the kids down here.

(speaks in foreign language)

- What's he saying?
- He wants something else.

- Well, give him your ring.

- What do you mean,
give him my ring?

No way.

(speaks in foreign language)

- What's going on?

- He wants our
shirts and our boots.

- He can have my shirt
but not my boots.

- What do you mean?

You're a hell of a lot of help.

Listen, little person, let me

tell you something.
- Don't make him mad.

- [Tony] What do you
mean, don't make him mad?

- [Rockney] He's our
only hope, now, come on.

- [Tony] No, sir, I'm
not gonna even do that.

(speaks in foreign language)

- Don't start that
antagonist shit.

We in the wrong neighborhood.

Now take it off.
- I bought--

- Take the shirt off,
take it off right now!

- I'm gonna k*ll
that little bastard

- I don't care what
you're gonna do.

You can do it later.
- I'm gonna k*ll that little

son of a bitch.
- Just take the shirt off!

(speaks in foreign language)

- [Rockney] What's that?

- [Tony] Hot, it's hot.

(rooster crows)

(speaks in foreign language)

(Tony chuckles)
- What'd he say?

What'd he say, what'd he say?

- He wants to know what
you did with the clothes.

(speaks in foreign language)

- Man, I told you
this wouldn't work.

I bet you that truck doesn't
even have a goddamned engine.

(engine sputtering)

(speaks in foreign language)

(engine revving)

- [Tony] Go, go,
go, shit, go, go!

Go, go, move, go!

- Go where?

(upbeat music)

- Let's go!

(speaks in foreign language)
(g*ns firing)

Come on, Gino,
let's go, let's go.

(g*ns firing)

Let's go, Gino, let's go!

You always promised me
you'd take me to Italy.

Let's go!
- Nice to meet you.

Bye, Alice.

It's every man for
himself, at this point.

Find him and catch him.

(upbeat music)

(g*n firing)

- [Tony] He missed.

Who's sh**ting at us?

(upbeat music)

Come on, come on!
(g*ns firing)

(upbeat music)

(horn honks)

(g*ns firing)

(speaks in foreign language)

(playful music)

(speaks in foreign language)

(playful music)

(speaks in foreign language)

- Whoa.

(woman laughs)

- [Man] (speaks in
foreign language), no, no.

(speaks in foreign language)

- [Rockney] Come
on, lady, let me go.

Let's talk this out.

- Stop, I don't
want to hurt you.

- [Rockney] Come
on, be reasonable.

Get off my back!

(elbow thuds)
(Tony grunts)

What's the matter
with you, woman?

(gentle music)

(Rockney and Tony grunting)

- Come on, come on!
- Will you stop?

(speaks in foreign language)

Please, what happened?

- She bit my ear.

- [Tony] Lady, please!

(speaks in foreign language)

Shut up, or I'll give
you a shot, okay.

(speaks in foreign language)

What the hell?

(woman grunts)

Jesus Christ.

- Okay, let's get out of here.

Come on, come on, we got to go.

Let's get out of here.

Come on, let's go.

(speaks in foreign language)

- Let me tie him up.
- Okay, hurry up.

- Oh knock it off.

Put your hands in the back.

(speaks in foreign language)

- Please, just go away, please.

I don't want it.

(speaks in foreign language)

(bell ringing)

Oh God, aren't there any
men left in the world?

- [Tony] You know
a way out of here?

(whistle shrills)

- I'm goin' this way.

I don't know about you.

- [Tony] We got a play
meeting us in the Amazon.

You want to come with us?

- [Oli] No, thanks,
I got business

in the opposite direction.

- [Tony] What's that?

- [Oli] I'm gonna get
the son of a bitch

that set me up.

- [Rockney] Would you
get my zipper, please?

Please get my zipper.

(birds twittering)
(people chattering)

(speaks in foreign language)

- Hey, gringos.

You did good to get the money.

Not even Mariano, I,
would try such a thing.

(speaks in foreign language)

He says (laughs), he
says you got the eggs.

(speaks in foreign language)

That is the best medicine

for the sadness.

- Take it.

Come on.

- Hey, that's pretty good stuff.

Anymore can k*ll him.

- No.

- If you don't take it,

he's gonna k*ll you.

- That is the (speaks in
foreign language) way of life.

- Por favor, take it.

- Today, you're rich.

Tomorrow, nothing.

(speaks in foreign language)

(sings in a foreign language)


You're not fooling me.

I know you are with the CIA.

- We're not from the CIA.

- Oh, you are with the FBI?

- For Christ's sake,
we're on welfare.

- Tie his hands.

Quiet, you come here to steal.

You come all the way

from the (speaks in foreign
language) United States,

just to steal from
this poor country.

- [Stone] That's right.

- You lie.

I call the (speaks in
foreign language) CIA.

You lie,

just like a the (speaks in
foreign language) United States.

Now, now the soldiers are
gonna come to the mountains.

They're gonna make, make
problem for everybody.

(speaks in foreign language)

I got a good mind
to k*ll you both.


- Si, Mariano.

(speaks in foreign language)

- Ready.

(g*ns click)



(Hueso flatulates)

(bandits laughing)

(speaks in foreign language)

(horse neighs)
(speaks in foreign language)

- What are you people, anyway?

- We used to be (speaks
in foreign language).

Now we're just bandits.

- Hey, help us get out of here.

- [Obediente] For what, money?

Mariano has all the money now.

(speaks in foreign language)

- Obediente!

What, are you having
a nice conversation?

- Nada.

(speaks in foreign language)

- You boys like sports?

The Indians beat the Yankees,

seven to three.

(bandits laughing)

- How'd the Angels do?

- They lost.

(bandits laughing)

(birds twittering)

(dog barks)

- First man I see, I'm
gonna rip off his clothes.

- You'll have to beat me to him.

- Hey, there's a
bus now, come on.

- Hey!

- Hey, wait up!
(Rockney whistles)

- All right, relax.

(baby crying)
(engine revs)

(speaks in foreign language)

- Yeah.

- [Conductor] 180 pesos.

- Terrific.

You got any money?

- Where would I get money?

What are you doing?

If you want, I got booze.

If you want rings, I
got plenty of jewelry.

- You don't need
anything anymore, anyway.


- 180 pesos, gracias.

- Sure.

- Be right back.

What's happening, brother?


(pig squealing)

(speaks in foreign language)

(dog whimpers)

(pig squealing)

(horse neighs)

- Get out of here.

(r*fle fires)
(dog whimpers)

(speaks in foreign language)

- Oh, you like the animals, huh?

Well, rich people, they
always like the animals.

They treat 'em
better them people.

Only poor people
really like the people.

- They're gonna
k*ll us, you know.

- Well, senores, we thank
you very much for the money.

We'll think about
you when we spend it.

(speaks in foreign language)

And don't feel bad, my friends.

You know, the sadness

of one man is the
happiness of the other.

That is the way of the (speaks
in foreign language) life.

(dramatic music)

- Back off or I'll k*ll him.

- Wait a minute!

Well, I thought you
were his friend.

(speaks in foreign language)

(Mariano laughs)

Now I know you are a (speaks
in foreign language) CIA man.

(dramatic music)

What, you think you can,
you can scare Mariano?

- I'll k*ll him.
- He'll do it.

- Hueso!

(speaks in foreign language)


(g*n clicks)
(Obediente grunting)

(speaks in foreign language)


(g*n fires)

(woman screams)

(Hueso laughs)

(speaks in foreign language)

He's dead.

You were supposed to fart.

- [Hueso] You didn't give
me the wink, Don Mariano.

(speaks in foreign language)

(g*ns firing)
(dramatic music)

- You okay?

Here, let me see
that, for a second.

Oh Jesus Christ, you got a
handkerchief or something?

(Stone grunts)

- Son of a bitch.

What are you doing?

- [Dan] Shut up, hold that.

Hold that on there.

(Dan panting)

- That son of a bitch.

- [Dan] Hold that.

Okay, what now?

What are we gonna do now?

- We'll follow 'em.

- What, are you crazy?

- Maybe, what else
do you want to do?

- We'll, we'll get the plane.

We'll catch the g*dd*mn plane.

- Ow, ow.

Well, what about the other guys?

- Well, how is following
them gonna help?

- Well, if we get the
money back, it will.

- Well, how are we gonna
get the money back?

They got 30 guys with g*ns.

They just shot that kid.
- Dude, they'd never expect us

to follow 'em, you know?

They'd never expect
us to follow 'em.

Let's go.

- Terrific, terrific.

(solemn music)

- God, could I do with a
shower and a good meal.

- I know.

Maybe there's a Holiday
Inn around here.

- [Tony] Now the driver
said we can clean up

and get something to
eat here, come on.

- [Rockney] Sure hope
the other guys make it.

- [Tony] They'll make it.

♪ You've got to
rock and roll now ♪

♪ Got to rock and roll

♪ You've got to
rock and roll now ♪

♪ You've got to rock and roll

♪ You've got to
rock and roll now ♪

♪ Got to rock and roll

- Everything is okay, senorita?

- [Oli] Everything is fine.

Thank you, waiter.

- You enjoy it.

You, I come back.

- You got it, you little crook.

You got the rings on all
the wrong fingers, you.

(speaks in foreign language)

- Let me think about it, okay?

- What's the brother want?

- He wants to buy her.

- [Rockney] Yeah?

- What?

- How much?

- [Tony] I think we
could get a good price.

- That's real cute.

(speaks in foreign language)

- [Rockney] All right.

- Will you tell him please
stuff his teeth back

in his mouth and get lost?

♪ I will be that special man

(speaks in foreign language)

- Mm-hmm, hmm.

♪ They really got great
emotion, rock and roll ♪

(Tony laughs)

♪ Spreadin' it and then
you got great compulsion ♪

- You crazy?
- Hmm?

- Hey, girl, you smokin'
that around here.

- Good stuff never gets
back to the States anymore.

♪ Sold my Caddy and I
bought this Chevy so I can ♪

- Here, try one of these.
- Mm-mm.

- Come on, it's
good for the heart.

- Yeah, but it's bad
for the you know what.

(Rockney coughs)

I told you.

(Rockney coughs)

(Tony laughs)

♪ Stand up and
rock and roll now ♪

(owl hoots)

- You okay?

- You sure you want to
go through with this?

- Yeah.

- Well, I just want to
let you know up front

that I'm against it.

- Yeah.

Let's go.

(horse nickers)

(horse whinnies)

(guard grunts)

- Is he breathing?

- [Stone] He's okay.

Cover me.

(bottle clinks)

(man snoring)

(g*n thuds)

(tense music)

(speaks in foreign language)
(g*n fires)

(dramatic music)

(g*ns firing)

(speaks in foreign language)

- Here, take it.

(dramatic music)

Come on!

(dramatic music)

- [Dan] Thank you.

(Dan gagging)

- You okay?

(Dan gasping)


They'd have shot us
if they had a chance.

- That makes a difference?

- Yeah.

Goddamned right it does.

Yeah, let's go.

(quirky music)

- I presume that's not it.

- No, but it may be
from the same company.

- [Tony] I wonder why the
hell they didn't tell us

about this before.

- Do you know what time
the A flight's coming in?

- [Tony] They said about noon.

I hope he's learning
from his mistakes.

- Let's go down by the river
for a little swim, huh?

(cat growls)

(solemn music)

- Fine, no water again.

g*dd*mn son of a bitch!

What, what?

Tell me!

- Just back off.

- Oh well, forgive me.

I'm sorry.

I just can't k*ll people and
not be bothered about it.

- You think I'm enjoying myself?

- You know, I don't
think you give a damn.

I think this whole thing
is so important to you,

you don't give a damn
what happens to anybody.

- No shit.
- Who gets k*lled or what.

- No shit!

- Yeah, no shit.

All right, you know
what your problem is?

You're so bored
with your own life

that you don't give a
damn what happens to you.

You don't care what happens
to anybody around you.

You just back on through.

You're head is so full

of goddamned Soldier
of Fortune magazines--

- Hey, you don't
know what I think,

because you've spent
your whole life

with your head in the ground.

When you get back to the
States with your million bucks,

you're gonna thank my ass
I got you through this.

- You got me through this?

You got me through this!

That is the biggest laugh I had

in this whole damn trip.

(dramatic music)

(horse nickers)

(solemn music)



(Dan whistles)

(gentle music)

- Hey, big man!

How's it shakin'?


(gentle music)

(Dan laughs)

(dramatic music)

- You made it!
- Yeah (laughs)!

- How the hell did you get here?

- We came by bus.

- Bus?
- Uh-huh.

- Bus!

(gentle music)

(Tony laughs)

- Hey, hey, hey, give
me a hand up there.

All right.

- Looks like the Juan
Valdez Country Club.

- Hey, what happened?

- Oh, we got in a
little sh**t.

- They got the money.

They got the money!
- Yeah!


We got it!

- Hi, I'm Oli.

- Oh.

- What happened?

- We k*lled some people.

- Oh!
- Hi!

(Dan groans)

- Is he okay?

- No.

(horse nickers)

(speaks in foreign language)

(horse whinnies)

(Mariano grunts)

- Gracias.

(speaks in foreign language)

(Mariano grunts)

(speaks in foreign
language) $4 million!

- [Woman] At least
you have your life.

- I'd rather have
the four million.

- We'll get them back.

(speaks in foreign language)

(suspenseful music)

(g*n fires)

(dramatic music)

(g*ns firing)

- Help!

- [Stone] Cover me!

(g*ns firing)
(dramatic music)

(speaks in foreign language)

(g*ns firing)
(speaks in foreign language)

(dramatic music)
(g*ns firing)

(speaks in foreign language)

(g*ns firing)
(speaks in foreign language)

It's just the leg.
- Stay down, stay down!

- [Rockney] Watch
out for the rock.

- How is he?
- Take it easy.

He's gonna be okay.

(dramatic music)

(speaks in foreign language)

(g*n firing)

- Senores!

- Who the hell is that?

- The guy we had
the sh**t with.

- [Rockney] Oh we
should have brought

some bandages.
- Let me help you.

Let me help you, all right.
- Leave him alone.

He's okay.

- Muchachos!

Gringos, do you hear me?

- We hear ya!

(g*ns click)

- Hey, why do we have
to sh**t at each other?

Come on.

Here, you can k*ll
me if you want.

- Look, give me a g*n.
- Stay back.

- Let me get the son of a bitch.

I'll get him.

- [Stone] No, no, we
all get him together.

- [Dan] Just get out of here.

Let me be the one to get him.

- How many are there?

- There can't be too many,

or they wouldn't be negotiating.

- [Rockney] Can you
make it under the falls?

- Just, just give me a
g*n and get out of here!

- Hey.

What, what, what, what
do you say, gringos?

- [Rockney] Get him, come on.

- I'll get him out of here.

- [Dan] Why do you always
have to be the hero?

- [Oli] Come on, get up.

- I'll catch up.
- Go on!

- [Dan] John!


- Come on.
- I'm right behind you.

- We need the money

to live a good life.

We need the (speaks in
foreign language) money

to feed the poor people.

Come on, don't be like that.

Give us some.

Hey, come on, what, what
do you say, gringos?

We've already paid
a lot of people.

And my head still hurts.

I think you owe me
something, don't you?

- How much do you want?

(speaking in foreign language)

- I tell you what,


Come on.

You got a good deal, amigo.

- What if I agree?

- We share a Mass for
you to San Luis de la Paz

for making it happen, huh?

- And then what?

- And then we, we
take the money.

We give it to the poor people.

And you can spend your
money anyway you like, yeah.

- I'll give you 25%.

(speaks in foreign language)

- No, no, man.

Make it 50-50.

I mean, we're many,
and you are just a few.

Don't be greedy, amigo, 50-50.

- How do I know I can trust ya?

- Me?


Mariano gives you his word.

(bandits laugh)

Oh why would I cheat you?

You and me, we're partners.

(r*fle clicks)

(speaks in foreign language)


No more sh**ting.

You know, it is my philosophy

that the devil loads the g*ns.

And only assholes sh**t them.

(g*n fires)

(dramatic music)

(speaks in foreign language)

(g*ns firing)
(dramatic music)

- [Tony] Get to the plane.

I'm going back.

- Tony, come on!
- No, where are you going?

- Go back, go on.

(g*ns firing)
(dramatic music)

- Tony!

(dramatic music)

(g*ns firing)
(dramatic music)

(solemn music)

(speaks in foreign language)

(dramatic music)

- Wait!

Hey, hey, wait, wait, wait!

- Where's Tony?

- He's gone.
- He's gone?

- He's dead.
- No, he's not dead!

Where is he?
- Come on.

- You left him!

Where is he, g*dd*mn you?

- [Stone] Come on, let's go.

- [Oli] He's your best friend.

My God, don't you feel anything?

(g*n fires)

- Get down!

(tense music)

Always tellin' me how I feel.

Don't tell me how I feel.

(dramatic music)

(g*ns firing)

- Oh shit, come on,
let's get outta here.

- Here, get up!

Come on, come on!

(dramatic music)
(g*ns firing)

Come on, come on!

(speaks in foreign language)

Hold him, hold him there.

(g*ns firing)

(speaks in foreign language)

(g*ns firing)

(solemn music)

- Gringos!

This is your last
chance, absolutely.

I'm telling you.

You better give us the money.

If you don't, we are going
to k*ll you, absolutely.

- Give it to 'em.

- Screw 'em.

- It's not worth it!

(speaks in foreign language)

(suspenseful music)

- [Rockney] Get 'em,
get 'em, get 'em!

My g*n's jammed!
(g*ns firing)

(speaks in foreign language)
(g*ns firing)

- Get down.
- What?

(g*ns firing)

(speaks in foreign language)

- [Stone] Hold it, hold it!

(machine g*n firing)

- Who's that?

- More trouble.

(g*ns firing)

- Just stay down.

(g*ns firing)

(g*ns firing)

Listen, listen!

(engine whirring)

(switch clicks)

- Here we come!

(Mike hoots)

(expl*si*n roars)
(g*ns firing)

- It's gonna land,
let's get out of here.

Come on, come on!

(Mike hooting)
(g*n firing)

(Bradley cheers)

♪ I can't get no satisfaction

- [Oli] Come on!

♪ And I try, and I try,
and I try, and I try ♪

♪ I can't get no

♪ I can't get no

(speaks in foreign language)

♪ When I'm driving in my car

♪ And the man comes
on the radio ♪

♪ He's telling more and more

- [Mike] Hurry up!

(g*ns firing)

♪ I can't get no,
oh, no, no, no ♪

(g*ns firing)

♪ Hey, hey, hey

♪ That's what I say

♪ I can't get no

- Take it!
- Let's go, let's go!

- [Mike] I'm trying.

- Get toward the front.

- [Rockney] Get on, get moving!

(speaks in foreign language)

♪ And I try, and I try, and
I try, and I try, and I try ♪

♪ I can't get no

♪ I can't get no

- Shit.

We got a man on the runway.

- Let go of me.
- Where the hell

are they going?
- Hold it, hold it!

- [Oli] Tony!

(g*n firing)

♪ Oh, no, no, no

- Not gonna let
you die over here.

- Come on, come on.

You're gonna be the
best man at my wedding.

- [Mike] Okay,
let's go, let's go.

Hey, let's get the
hell out of here!

- [Stone] It's gonna be okay.

- [Rockney] Stop the plane!

Stop the plane!

Stop it!

(dog barking)
Come on, baby.

Come on, baby!

Come on now.

I gotcha!

♪ And I try, and
I try, and I try ♪

♪ I can't get no

♪ I can't get no

♪ When I'm ridin'
around the world ♪

♪ And I'm doin' this
and I'm signin' that ♪

♪ And I'm tryin' to make
some girl, who tells me ♪

(all cheering)

- Hey, gringos!

You want to be
poor all your life?

(all cheering)

- [Tony] Hey, Rockney, we can
get out of the neighborhood.

(all cheering)

(speaks in foreign language)

- All those millions, I had 'em.

And now they've got 'em.

They don't even need 'em.

They've got everything.

They've got houses,
cars, airplanes

and women, beautiful,
blonde women.

(speaks in foreign language)

You know what
bothers me the most?

I'm a general.

They're not even professionals.

(engine whirring)

(metal clattering)

(dramatic music)
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