Green Ice (1981)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Green Ice (1981)

Post by bunniefuu »

(dramatic music)

(speaking foreign language)
(dramatic music)

(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

(speaking foreign language)




(dramatic chord)


(water splashing)

(dramatic chord)



(gas splashing)

(fire roars)

(g*ns clicking)

(g*ns firing)


(g*n firing)


(upbeat music)

- Export metal.

(upbeat music)


In Mexico it never rains.

(upbeat music)

- What's the trouble?

- If I knew that I'd be flying.


- [Woman] You headed
to the coast?

- Yeah.

- Can you drop me at Las Hadas?

- Of course.

- Great.

- Why don't you give a tweak
to your barasteic micro switch

but watch your TOT.

(engine rumbling)

(upbeat music)

I'm Joe Wiley.

- Great.

- What do they call you?

- Holbrook.

- [Joe] That's it?

- [Holbrook] That's it.

(engine rumbling)

- I thought it was the
igniter circuit.

- How'd you know that?

- I'm an electronics engineer.

I mean that's what I do
for a living,

actually I think of myself
more of an ideas man,

one good gimmick set for life.

- I thought most of the good
gimmicks have been taken?

- Oh no I've had at
least 100 of them.

Everything from suntan
bells to mung beans.

- What are mung beans?

- Bean sprouts.

Unfortunately rats ate
my first harvest

before I could sell 'em, that
put me back about three grand.

I got an exwife who
wants more alimony,

they've upped the rent
on my apartment,

and oh yeah, I just lost my job.

- So that's your story huh?

- That's it.

What's yours?

- I'm from Philadelphia,
I live in Mexico City

that's my helicopter

and I'm on my way to Las
Hadas for a quiet weekend.

Make a right up ahead.

- You got it.

(upbeat music)

- [Holbrook] So what
made you choose Mexico?

- Well actually I missed
the plane to Hawaii.

And Mexico seemed
affordable and nice.

- Have you ever heard
of La Mordida?

- No, what's that.

- That Wiley is the
bite (snaps),

the Spanish word for inflation.

Maybe you should give
Las Hadas a try.

- What's there?

- There are a lot of
wealthy women there.

It's a gold mine for any
man with a little charm

and initiative.

- I really impressed you huh?

- There's only one problem.

- What's that?

- Women are going for
younger men these days.

- Well nothing beats experience.

- Except stamina.

(upbeat music)

- I think I'm wearing
the wrong car.

- Don't sell yourself
short Wiley.

You'll do alright.

You got a good body.

(horn beeping)

- [Porter] What a surprise
madam, welcome to Las Hadas.

Let me help you.

- [Man] Senora Holbrook.

- Hello Carlos.

- So delighted to see you.

We didn't think you were coming.

Senor Argenti will be so happy.

- The man in the blue
shirt, do the impossible,

find him a room for the night.

- Of course.

(gentle music)

- Do you know how much
this room costs?

- $284 Senor.

- A day!

- Si Senor (speaking
foreign language).

(engine rumbling)

- Hello.

What the hell?

- I thought this was my suite?

- Si Senor, this apartment
is for Senor Prentis.

You see?

(speaking foreign language)

- Well I'm, I'm sure
you can find

Mr. Prentis a better suite.

(speaking foreign language)

- Sorry about the mix up.

- Oh that's perfectly alright.

Come on, I've wasted
enough time.

- You suspicious bastard.

(phone ringing)


- [Man] Mr. Prentis.

The samples have been delivered.

- What?

- [Man] In the drawer
beside your bed.


- [Joe] I'm looking at them now.

- [Man] You're familiar
with our operation.

We propose the following,
6,000 carats at 500 a carat.

The quality of course equal
to those you now have.

- That sounds reasonable.

- [Man] We will show you
further samples in the morning.

- Where?

- Playa Soledad at nine o'clock.

(gentle music)

- 6,000 at 500.

(gentle music)

- Liliana, you look divine.

(gentle music)

- Hi.

Are you here alone?

- Yeah my wife couldn't make it.

- Oh that's too bad,
may I ask why?

- She just divorced me.

- Oh, did she take you
for everything?

- No I got to keep the goldfish.

- Looks good to me.

- Oh lunch tomorrow?

- I can't.

- Would it make any
difference if I were rich?

- But you aren't, are you Wiley?

- Isn't she a little
out of your price range?

- Not for long.

I believe you have a Mr.
Prentis registered here?

- Yes.

- Would you make sure
that he gets this?

- For you Senor it would
be a pleasure.

- Mr. Prentis?

- [Prentis] Yes thank you.

- Oh I'm glad you liked them.

As the first step let
me propose 6,000 carats,

at $600 a carat the quality
the same as the samples.

(engine rumbling)

(waves splashing)


- We thought you might have
gone to the wrong beach.

They all look so much alike.

You know Mr. Prentis?

(crying out)

(g*n firing)

- [Prentis] Drive him
into the sea!

(waves crashing)
(g*ns firing)

(cries out)

(waves crashing)
(g*ns firing)

(dramatic music)
(engine rumbling)

- Welcome aboard.



Here eat this, it'll help
you get your strength back.

Pull your pants down.

- Wait, what?

- Well unless you wanna
wait until it gets infected.

- Alright, I can do it.

- Here hold this.


- Ow, how does it look?

- You'll survive as long
as you don't look down.

So you're really an
electronics engineer?

- [Joe] Yeah and I'm
a pretty good one too.

- Hmm, it's hard to picture.

You're lucky it's only
a flesh wound.

- Yeah well it's my flesh.

- It is also your fault.

- Well I'm sorry if I
lost you some business.

- What's that supposed to mean?

- There's only one difference
between you and me,

you just happen to be in a
higher price range that's all.

(cries out)

(upbeat music)

Hey okay, I'm sorry.

How'd you know I'd be out there?

- I accidentally overheard
some people taking bets.

- What, on whether I could
swim to Hawaii?

- On whether you were
a crook or just a fool.

- And which way did you bet?

- I put a little on both.

(upbeat music)

(horn beeping)

(speaking foreign language)

- This is Mr. Wiley he'll be
staying with us for a few days.

(speaking foreign language)

(dramatic music)

- Welcome to my house.

I'm sure you'd like to rest up.

Josephina will show you
to your room.

(dramatic music)

- What's the matter?

- Talk to me Wiley.

- About what?

- Anything.

Tell me about one of
your gimmicks.

- What'd that priest say?

You know what your trouble is?

You talk to much.

- It's my sister.

A few weeks ago she went
up into the mountains

with a group of students.

- Where?

- Columbia.

She's been reported missing.

That's all I know.

- Why South America?

- Because as the younger
sister she was always trying

to go one step further than me

and I had already gotten
as far as Mexico.

- And your parents?

- Mother had the money,
dad the pedigree.

The perfect match til they
drank a hole in the marriage.

I came a long as a sort of
penalty for a mad moment

in a parking lot after
a party in Scarsdale.

- And your sister?

- Kerry?

She was an act of despair
eight years later.

Mother left the bulk of
her estate to me

with a provision for Kerry

and enough money for dad
to keep his wallet working.

- Does your father
know about Kerry?

- He wouldn't be interested.

- What's he do?

- When he's not drinking?

He's connected with the
diamond business.

- Then he's not hurting.

- Oh if you think that money
is the answer to everything.

- I never had enough to know.

- If you did, would
your life be different?

- Well I could be with a
woman like you

and not feel insecure.

- Do you feel insecure now?

- In one way.

But in another I feel
good enough.

- Which way is that?

- This way.

(water splashing)


- Meno.

- As I was on my way
back to Columbia

I decided to surprise you.

I hope I'm not intruding.

- Of course not.

I'll just tell Josephina
to prepare your room.

- Yes just for one night,
thank you.

- Well I must change.

Wiley you'll find dry
clothes in your room.

- Mr. Wiley.

I don't believe we've met.

How do you know Holbrook?

- Oh we met while I
was drowning.

- You do seem to have
a fondness for water.

How long do you plan
to stay here.

- Why?

- I like to know better the
man I find in the early hours

of the morning with my fiancee.

- You didn't tell me
you were engaged.

Are you?

- Not only do you ask to
many questions

but you always ask
the wrong ones.

- Well who is that guy anyway?

- He's a very important
man in Bogata.

- Are you gonna go
away with him?

- He can help me find my sister.

Can you?

(g*n firing)

(g*n firing)

- You're a very good
spectator Mr. Wiley.

You do not interfere too much.

- No more games tonight Meno.

Excuse me.

I must speak with Josephina.

- I understand that you're
an electronics engineer.

- That's right.

- In Columbia I have
electronics for surveillance.

The best experts in the
world build my installation.

You should come and see
it and maybe work for me.

- What makes you think
I'm good enough?

- I'm incredibly intuitive
when it comes to judging a man,

I'm seldom wrong.

Come, see everything, perhaps
you can improve on it.

I pay handsomely and you
could even steal a little.

Think about it.


- Never sneak up on a man
with a g*n in his hand.

- Meno said to say goodnight.

(g*n firing)

- You, you let him win, why?

- He needs to win and I
need to let him.

- And what if your sisters
dead and he responsible?

- Then I'll k*ll him.

Let's go to bed Wiley.


- Good morning.

- Good morning.

- Where's Mussolini
this morning?

- He's gone, he thanks
me, he sends me his heart

and says goodbye to you.

He hopes you'll come to
Columbia with me.

- All my gear is down
at Las Hadas.

- As far as Las Hadas
is concerned

you were never registered.

- Oh that's terrific.

I'm out 2,000 bucks.

- Well look at the bright
side you get to go to Bogata.

How much do you know about
emeralds Wiley?

- [Joe] Well they have a
way of causing me trouble.

- [Liliana] 95% of the
world's finest stones

come from Columbia,

the government gave up trying
to control them years ago,

they gave it over to a
private concession.

- [Joe] And Argenti?

- [Holbrook] He is
the concession.

- [Joe] Oh, and he's the
ticket to finding your sister.

- [Liliana] Precisely.

- [Joe] And I'm invited.

- [Liliana] There are no
gimmicks down their Wiley.

- [Joe] Just emeralds.

- [Liliana] Yes, just emeralds.

$25,000 a carat for finding
little green chip in the mud,

makes k*lling easy.

(dramatic music)

(bells ringing)

Tell Miguel I'm here.

(eerie music)

- You are now in the very
heart of my concession.

We are in the center of a city

but one word from me and
the perimeter is closed

and up here I'm in my
own fortress.

Every two days the emeralds are
brought here from the mines.

60 out of every 100 are
good, 30 are very good

and 10 are the finest
in the world.

This is my friend Jaap, a
diamond cutter, the best.

He was called a supremo when
he worked for me in Milano,

we left together.

How long ago was it, 10 years?

- 11.

- 11?

I left a world behind
and started a new life.

The only thing that remains
from the old world is Jaap.

He has stayed by my side
through it all.

He never complains but he
misses the diamonds, like me.

- Meno, Meno forget diamonds.

We don't even mention the word.

- You're right weight for
weight and quality for quality

the emerald is better hmm?

- No.

- Here we keep all our data,

who is interested in emeralds
and what they wish to buy.

We trade mostly outside the
country to avoid unnecessary

government inconveniences.

We've even done business
at certain resorts.

It's nice to combine
business with pleasure

don't you agree Mr. Wiley?

Since Holbrook seems
to trust you

and I in turn trust
her judgment,

I will now show you
something very few people

are privileged to see.

Other than that elevator
there's no way in.

- No fire escape?

- Nor stairs.

We are completely isolated
from above and below.

- What is above?

- The sky.

- I'm impressed.

- Is it not ingenious to
have my fortress in the sky

instead of the usual hole
in the ground?

Now I will show you how
I Menos Abastiano Agenti

am the most fortunate of men.

Follow me please.

(dramatic music)

You may touch if you wish.

(dramatic music)

60 or 70 millions dollars worth

and tomorrow there'll be more.

(dramatic music)

This is Jochim Kellerman,
chief of my control section.

Mr. Wiley shall we continue?

(dramatic music)

This vault is cadmium
based steel,

there isn't a torch in existence

hot enough to cut through it.

- How do the stones get here?


- All delivery from the
mines come here

directly by helicopter.

A plane one mile up in the
sky can set off the alarm

and if anyone landed
on this roof,

how would they get down?

You're an expert.

Can it be improved upon?

- Not by me.

- Mr. Wiley we have not
met, I'm am General Botaro,

the Senora told me you are
very interested

in our ancient excavations.

- Is that a fact?

- General Botaro has
given us a jeep.

- Oh terrific.

- Thought you'd like the idea.

- But the mountains,
the bandidos,

I will send an armed escort
with you, it will be safer.

- General Botaro Wiley is a
crack shot, aren't you Wiley?

- Yeah my aims getting
better all the time.


(engine rumbling)

This is worse than third avenue.

(engine rumbling)

(gentle music)

- I'm sorry for your
grief Senora

but I've stood by many graves,
my sadness has dried up.

The army k*lled your sister.

Their army, the emeralds
and a man's greed.

(gentle music)

- Would you like some water?

Hey, you know it's not against
the rules to cry in here.

(gentle music)

(engine rumbling)

- Hey, Holbrook!


- Miguel.

- I'm sorry about your sister.

She was a friend and
a compatriot.

- Is there anything I can do?

Is there anything you need?

- We're on our way back
into the hills,

with a jeep we might
stand a better chance.

- It's yours.

- It's good to have you with us.

Philippe (speaking
foreign language).

- You're not really serious
about joining up with these guys

are you?

- Why not?

- Well isn't one death enough?

- But you don't
understand Wiley,

she believed in their cause.

- Yeah but you don't.

You're just taking her place.

- I'm going up there.

(wind whistling)

- My father was loco.

He was born here like me
(speaking foreign language).

So he sees this Coca Cola
billboard, the good life

and he goes to New York
as an illegal

and spends his whole
life hiding.

I learned to hide before
I learned to walk.

But sooner or later you
get fed up with hiding.

The day I was 17, I walked
into the Draft Board,

put a b*mb in a fire
room and boom,

5,000 kids don't go to
Vietnam because of me.

That was the day I
started to run.

And her little sister
helped me come home.

I get back, I find the
land is rotting,

it's belly fat while the
people starve.

12 year old kids
crawling in the mines

for a lousy seven pesos a day.

But now, we fight.

- How do you plan to
finance this operation?

- Come on I'll show you.

- Where are we going?

- This guy's digging up
emeralds all over his farm.

So we made a little trade,
we pick his coffee beans,

he gives us the emeralds.

- A great deal for the old guy.

- We pick three or four
days for emeralds,

in a month we come back
to pick his coffee.

And all we gotta do is
get 'em down the mountain.

- Yeah without getting
our throats cut.

- Hey Lucho.

- Hey Miguel.

- Come meet some tourists
from New York.

They think coffee grows in cups.

La Senorita Holbrook
and Senor Wiley, Lucho.

- Please sir me casa is
su casa amigos.

- Tomorrow we dig for green ice.


(speaking foreign language)

(dramatic music)

- How much?

- Oh not the best 300 a
carat maybe, say 200 carats.

- 300 a carat?

- $60,000 and the old
man still wants

to grow his coffee beans.



You're my brother right?

- Yeah.

- You look sick.

You're not well.

(speaking foreign language)

You see, he got the
disease of the fat bellies!

Stealing from his brothers.

(g*n firing)

We must stop the sickness
now before it spreads

and kills all of us.


(speaking foreign language)

- This is for you.

- Oh no senor.

You are in my house no.

- It is the custom
of my country,

the taller guy
brings the bottle.

(speaking foreign language)

- It's so peaceful

and I can hear the...

- (speaking foreign language)

And cannot you hear the
(speaking foreign language)

in New York Senor?

- In New York you hear sirens.

Well here's to emeralds.

- No Senor, I cannot
drink to them.

They are a curse on my land.

- Why?

- If the government knew they
would come, take away my land,

they send me away.

It is my father's land,
he grew coffee.

- But with the money
you could buy more land,

grow more coffee.

- More, more, more is
the devil Senor.

I do not know in your country,
in this country the devil is

green (speaking
foreign language).

It is not true in your
country Senor.

- It is true in my country
the devil is green too.

(speaking foreign language)

- What's that?

(speaking foreign language)

- What do I do with it?

- Feel good?

- But I wanna ask you
about your coffee.

- Si?

- How many beans do you
get off a tree?

- 2,000.

- And how many coffee
beans to a pound?

- 2,000 Senor.

- So you get one pound
of coffee for every tree?

- Si, si.

- And where do you sell 'em?

- I sell in the town.

- You know in New York
coffee is very expensive.

You could get double
if you exported direct.

- Si?

But I have no friend in
New York Senor.

- You do now.

(speaking foreign language)

- To my friend in New York.

(cups clinking)
(speaking foreign language)

(fire roars)


- Hey we thought you'd
run out on us.

- No such luck.

- Another five minutes
you'd have missed your ride.

- And all the fun that
goes with it.

(engine rumbling)

(speaking foreign language)

(engine rumbling)

- I'll stop around the next
curve then you take over.

(engine rumbling)

(speaking foreign language)

- No.

- (speaking foreign language)


What are you doing on this road?

- We got lost.

- Coming from where?

- We were sight seeing in Lahva.

- What is your destination?

- Back to the capital.

(g*ns firing)

- There's enough money here
for a General, it's filth.

Go and remember you've
got the emeralds.

Just get past the next
village and you're okay.

- Let's go Wiley.

(engine rumbling)

There's the Bogata road.

(engine rumbling)

(tires squealing)


- Welcome to Barbosa Senor.

- Where's Holbrook?

Where's Holbrook?

Ah you bastards!

(speaking foreign language)
(crying out)

- Mothers!

Where's Holbrook?

(speaking foreign language)
(crying out)


- Shit!

(speaking foreign language)

(crying out)
(speaking foreign language)

- No! No!

No! No!


(crying out)

(pigs squealing)
(speaking foreign language)

(pigs squealing)

(dramatic music)

(speaking foreign language)

(engine rumbling)

- Barbossa is a
terrible prison no?

You were fortunate I
came when I did.

When you go home you'll have
a good story to tell huh?

- I want you to know that I'm
sorry about what's happened.

- I got off lucky
compared to my sister.

- I should have stopped
you from doing it.

- You couldn't have stopped me.

No one could have stopped me.

I knew what the risks were.

Anyway we failed.

We have got to come up
with something better.

- Like what?

- I don't know maybe we could
hit the mines before they

take the shipment to
the concession.

- After yesterday they're
gonna be ready and waiting.

- If we could only get our
hands on that helicopter

after it leaves the mine.

- Why are we settling
for one little shipment?

Why don't you just break
into Argenti's sky vault

and take it all?

- Oh if we only could.

- Yeah we could.

We could if we were a
pair of lunatics

but there's only one crazy
person here, it's not me.

I quit.

You're so wound up
you're about to pop.

- You've quit a lot of things

in your life haven't you Wiley?

- Yeah and I started a
lot of 'em too.

You took my money didn't you?

- I thought you'd stay longer.

- I was here, I would
have stayed.

I don't do everything for
money you know.

- Alright I was wrong, I had
no right to take your money

I just wanted you here.

- Why?

Because you think I'll
do anything you want?

- No!

Because I think I love you.

- But you'd love me a lot
more if I could figure out

a way to break into
that concession.

- No, but I'd be
forever grateful.


- Alright, let's hear it.

- We've got a plan to rob
the concession.

- The concession?

You're crazy we wouldn't
get past the lobby.

- We don't have to.

My plan starts on the top floor.

- What's he talking about?

- What if I told you that
Wiley can put us on the roof?

- Does he know how to fly?

- No but I got a
friend who does.

(engine rumbling)

- Senor Claude?

- I am Claude you
must be Thomas.

- Yes, can I take your bag?

- Oh no, no, no I always
carry my own bag

but you can get uncle Wiley's.

- Gracias Senor.

- Took the words right
out of my mouth old buddy.

- I have kept it hidden
for eight years.

Even you didn't know.

- I don't want to know.

They let you live, you
are a king here.

- A king in exile.

Barred from my native country.

You will make a ring for me,
with emeralds

but with the diamond at
the core, a wedding ring.

It will be the last piece
you will make for me

in this God forsaken land.

- You really believe the diamond
concession will forgive you

when you are married to her?

- Her father will make
sure that they do.

- Meno you underestimate them.

They do not forget so easily.

- We will see.

(helicopter chopping)

- What do you think?

- It looks a whole lot
better than the bean sprouts.

- It better be, they got
pigs here instead of rats.

Can you get us up there?

- Sure.

- How sure?

- 80 20.

I can get us up there if you
can take care of the pigs.

- All but one.

And he's yours all you gotta
do is get him to say his name.

- You like it.

- I love it.

(gentle music)

- Very nice.

How much do I owe you?

- Only 2,000, it was a
very short game.

- But a sweet experience.

How would you like it?

- Cash will do nicely.

- Cash you shall have,
for shopping.

I want you to look exceptionally
elegant this evening

for a reception.

- This evening?

- To introduce my future wife.

You don't look happy.

- No, I was just a little
surprised that's all.

On second thought I would
rather have a check.

- Why?

- Well so I can say
it was written

by the hand of Meno S. Agenti.

What does the S stand for?


- Sebastiano.

- Menos Sebastian Agenti.

- Meno Sebastiano Agenti.

(ominous music)

- Am I going somewhere?



What the hell is going on?

- I would have
thought it obvious.

The holiday's over.

You're on a direct flight
to New York this evening.

- And what if I'm not
ready to go?

- Then Hotada would be
happy to help you.

You will find in your
suitcase a substantial sum

for what you did.

- [Joe] How much?

- More than you're
worth Mr. Wiley, $1,000.

- Yeah well I think I'm
worth $10,000.

- 10,000, for what?

- For finding the flaw
in your system.

- A flaw?


- See for yourself.

- What's all this?

- There's a miscalculation
in your electronic system,

whoever made out that equation
should go back to school.

I could break into your
building blindfolded.

- Prove it.

- How much time have I got?

- 24 hours Mr. Wiley.

(dramatic music)


- Now remember left hand,
warm her up, up you go,

right hand down you come,

left hand up, right hand down.

You got it?

- Yeah.

- Good.

You nervous?

- No, scared shitless.

- Just hold onto this.

- Alright.


- Alright now, did you
get that, warm her up,

down you go.

- Yeah, did you take
out insurance?


- I got a feeling you
don't like heights.

- I can't swim to good
either cowboy,

what else is new?

- I'll tell you what?

You just hand on to your butt

and Claude's cloud
hoppers will get you there

sitting down all the way.


Let's fly!

(gentle music)

- [Miguel] Jesus I'm
already going the wrong way.

(gentle music)

Hey somebody move that tree!

(gentle music)


(gentle music)

- Whoa.

(gentle music)

♪ Take a trip tonight

♪ To Jupiter or Mars

♪ Take a dream flight

♪ To the star light

♪ Just imagination

♪ Only having fun

♪ Look to the stars

♪ And I'll be floating on
a cloud above ♪

♪ Floating

♪ Floating on a cloud above

♪ Floating on a cloud above

♪ Floating

- Wow man this is
better than walking!

- Don't waste gas otherwise
you will be walking!

(gentle music)

- Where is everybody?

- The guests haven't
arrived yet.

You might say that we're
a little early.

I invited them all for tomorrow.

Tonight is just for you.

- Meno don't play games.

What is tonight really about?

- I merely wanted to show
you what would be yours

when you marry me.

- I haven't said I'd marry you.

- But you must.

- Why Meno?

Why must I?

- Have you seen one of
these before?

- Yes of course.

- Your father wears it.

It's the insignia of
a very exclusive club,

the international
diamond concession.

I'm forbidden to wear it now.

- Why?

- There was a theft of some
10 million dollars worth

of diamonds, oh I
didn't steal them,

I was an honest, trusted dealer.

But I bought them secretly

and then little by
little I sold them.

Inevitably I was caught
by the diamond concession.

The penalty is usually death,

fortunately I was
well connected.

They offered me a rather
firm exchange,

my life for a one way
passage to South America.

I could continue to live
as long as I never set foot

outside this continent.

- But how would they ever know?

- Have you ever had the
impression that

you were being watched?

It's something I've
learned to live with

ever since I came here.

Perhaps I'm mistaken,

unfortunately there's only
one way to know for sure.

Therefore I'm offering,

a marriage.

A union of diamonds
and emeralds.

- And with my
father's connections

you would be allowed to leave.

- Not simply to leave, but
to return home.

- I understand.

- You see I could
have lied to you.

Of course you could live
your life without too much

interference from me, we
could have our playthings,

like Mr. Wiley for instance.

But for the concession we
would be husband and wife.

- do you know that your soldiers
have k*lled many people?

Have you ever seen the dead
lying in the mountains?

- Just rebels and thieves.

- And my sister?

- She consorted with scum.

- And that was reason
to k*ll her?

- She k*lled herself.

If it wasn't here and now
it would have been tomorrow

in some other country for
some other ridiculous cause.

Don't you see Liliana?

You can not allow her
irresponsible actions

to destroy the life that
we could have together.

I must have your answer.


- In the morning Meno.


(dramatic music)

(gentle music)

♪ Floating on a cloud above

♪ Floating

♪ Floating on a cloud above

♪ Take a trip tonight

♪ To the milky way

♪ Take a dream flight

♪ To the star light

♪ And if you never see
my face again ♪

♪ You know you had a friend

♪ Look to the stars

♪ And I'll be floating on
a cloud above ♪

♪ Floating

♪ Floating on a cloud above

♪ Floating on a cloud above

♪ Floating

♪ Floating on a cloud above

- Park around in back.

(dramatic music)

(gentle music)

♪ Floating on a cloud above

♪ Floating

- Ease up hombres we don't
wanna interrupt the late show.


♪ Floating on a cloud above

♪ Floating

Dead on target.

♪ Floating on a cloud above

♪ Floating

♪ Floating on a cloud above

♪ Floating on a cloud above

♪ Floating

♪ Floating on a cloud above




♪ Floating on a cloud above

♪ Floating

♪ Floating on a cloud above

♪ Floating

(dramatic music)

(speaking foreign language)
(dramatic music)

- Good luck amigo.


- See you in Hawaii old buddy.


No butterfingers.

(dramatic music)




Hold the case up to
your shoulder.

Okay Miguel a little forward,

a little more,

a little more,

that's it, hold it there.


- Hey who invited him?

Meathead, how do you
like it in there?

Can you talk?

- He will.


I hope.

- Menos Sebastiano Agenti.

Menos Sebastiano Agenti.


- Now wait a minute, we came in,

I went to the window, he
stood here, about there.

Come forward, forward, forward,
hold it.

Hold it right there.


- Menos Sebastiano Agenti.


(dramatic music)


(dramatic music)

(speaking foreign language)

(dramatic music)

- It's magic.

(dramatic music)

We just h*jacked an empire.

(dramatic music)

- Okay enough.

- How much we got?

- 50 million but more like 100.

- Hey I like you, you come
through for us.

- I wanna buy you guys
a few mobile homes huh?

Let's go.

- Mobile homes nothing
that's peace corp talk.

(dramatic music)

- Where the hell are your guys?

- Relax, the ball games over,
we won.

- The hell we have.

We just emptied a man's bank.

You think he's gonna lay
around and chalk it up

to one for the cause?

- He's finished man, it's
only a matter of time

before he goes down and bang
we get our country back.

All my life I've fought
for this change

and now I'm gonna see it
with my own eyes.

- I hate to
disappoint you Miguel

but there are a
hundred Agenti's out

there just waiting their turn.

Just because you knock over
one doesn't mean another one's

not gonna pop up tomorrow.

- A hundred Miguel's
can pop up tomorrow too.

Hey you don't get it do you
(speaking foreign language).

There's a network out there

full of people like me and
my brother's and sisters

starting fires all over
the world, it's global man

and me and you go down
as Robin Hood's.

- Robin Hood he stole
from the rich,

he didn't blow up airports,
he didn't k*ll hostages.

- Say man, today's a
whole different strategy.

Sometimes you gotta do things
you don't like for the cause.

- Just remember Miguel
we got different causes.

Here comes the Cavalry.

You wanna jump first.

- I don't wanna jump at all.

- Alright, keep the line taut.

And pray, hard.

(cries out)

(ominous music)

(speaking foreign language)

- Go! Go!

(speaking foreign language)
(ominous music)

(engine rumbling)

(wind whistling)

(engine rumbling)

- Where's Miguel.

- He didn't make it.

- We're going back for him.

- He said go now come on
let's get the hell outta here

or we'll all end up back
in that pig farm.

Let's go!

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

- It's too late, it's over!

You've been living off
the people for too long

and tonight it ended, it's
finished for your kind.

- What is he talking about?

- Go look in your vault.

We took back what you stole.

- Get him up.

(dramatic music)

- I regret, but me you
will not take to Barbossa.



- It was the girl.

- No it was you, you
let them rob me.

- It was the girl, I have proof.

- You're mad, you know nothing.

- All the time you
spent with the girl

she was working to destroy you.

Face the truth, where
she is concerned.


(dramatic music)

- You sure this is
the right place?

- Miguel said this is
where they'd find us.

(dramatic music)

- Trouble.

(speaking foreign language)

- Canadians actually.

- Where are you going?

- Fishing.

Look out those are fish hooks,

you could stick yourself.

- We are with Miguel.

He is dead.

You come with me.

I'm going to give you
the best boat we've got

but you'd better take it now

before the yankees who own it
get back from sight seeing.

- Don't you think we oughta
turn the emeralds over to them?

- No you hand them stones you
hand them their death warrant.

(upbeat music)

- Well feeling any richer?

- They're not ours Wiley.

- Well what are we going to do?

- We're going to deliver
them the way Miguel wanted.

- What in care of
the revolution?

What's their address?

Maybe we should just mail one

to every family in the country.

- If there's
something on your mind

why don't you just say it?

- Why should anything
be on my mind?

I mean I just risked my life
for something that doesn't

belong to me and now I'm
riding in a stolen boat

with someone who hasn't
even got the curtesy

to tell me where we're going.

- My family has a beach
house in the Keys.

(ominous chord)

- They know we're coming?

- [Liliana] There's
seldom anyone there.

- Well that's good, then
they won't mind if we don't

show for dinner.

Here come the marines.

(ominous music)

(siren bleating)

I'll see you on the pig farm.

- Mae West stop your engines.

We are coming aboard.

Mr. and Mrs. Goldenheimer
you're American.

- That's right.

- You're registered
out of Miami.

- Right.

- You're going back to Miami?

- We're trying.

- It's a long way.

- It's home.

(speaking foreign language)

- Forgive me Senora
you have to be patient.

We have much trouble with the
(speaking foreign language)

running marijuana into
your country.

- A beer lieutenant?

- No (speaking
foreign language).

(speaking foreign language)

- Why do you bring g*ns
on a pleasure cruise?

- Well these are dangerous
waters lieutenant.

- Perhaps.

- Would you bring your
wife out here unarmed?

- No, I wouldn't.

What is this?

- That's a bait well.

- This is bait for
commercial fishing.

Do you have a license?

- Well it all came
with the boat.

- It is illegal.

For you it is sport,
for a fisherman

it is their living.

There is a heavy fine.

(gentle music)

This time I'll let you off
with a warning.

Senor, Senora.

(dramatic music)

(speaking foreign language)
(engine rumbling)

(dramatic music)

- Ah I don't believe it.

- Unfortunately no one
else will either.

- All for nothing.

(dramatic music)


- It smells a bit musty.

- Open the windows.

- Anything you say princess.

- Nobody uses the place
much anymore.

Oh this house brings
back memories.

- Happy ones?

- Well it's the only
time we ever acted

very much like a family.

(phone clicking)

- Oh the phone's dead.

- You expecting a call?

There's not much to eat.

- I'm not hungry.

Who's that?

- [Liliana] The postman
checking the mailbox.

- [Joe] Of an empty house?

- Stop being paranoid.

- Does Argenti know
about this place?

- What do you think?

- That's what I thought.

How far away is the
nearest neighbor?

- The local store is
about a half a mile away.

- Yeah well you got a bull horn

in case we gotta yell for help?

What are you doing?

- I thought I'd play some music.

- Oh well that's just
what we need.

We oughta give a party

and tell everybody
we're back in town.

Mussolini and his men could
be here any minute you know.

- Relax.

- I don't wanna
stand around here

and wait for these
people to get here.

- Well you're the ideas man,
you come up with something.

In the meantime I'm
gonna go get some food.

You need anything?

- Yeah, I'd like a
Philips head screwdriver,

some double sided tape
and a soldering iron.

(door bangs)

- What are you doing?

- Oh, I think I've
figured out a way

to protect this place

and maybe ourselves.

- I miss you.

- Really?

- I'm getting used to
having you around.

- Well that's gonna be a
problem if your friend Argenti

has anything to say about it.

Front door, back door, upstairs.

- Let's just forget
him shall we?

- Oh I'd love to...

What was that?

- Wiley, come on.

- Oh I think one of us
oughta stay awake.

- Well I have a better idea.

Why don't we both stay
awake together?

- I don't think that,
that that's practical.

- No, but it could be enjoyable.

(gentle music)

- How can you think of
that at a time like this?

- It could be our last
night together.

(gentle music)

(waves crashing)


(electronic beeping)

(marching music blaring)

(record scratching)

(alarm blaring)

- CJ, find the fuse box.

(alarm blaring)

(crying out)

(crying out)

- [Joe Voiceover] Holbrook
we've gotta get

the hell out of here,
this is madness.

(waves crashing)

- Wiley.

- What?

- In case we don't make it--

- Oh don't even mention it.

- I just want you to know,
what happened last night--

- This is not the time.

- Was incredible.

- Come on.

- [Joe Voiceover] Let's call
a taxi and head for Miami.

(g*n firing)

Get the first plane to New York.

(g*n firing)

- I'm gonna head for the beach

and try and draw their fire.

You, find some cover
for yourself.


(dramatic music)

- [Meno] Kellerman have
you found them?

- Everything is
proceeding as planned.

- [Meno] Don't harm the girl.

- She is still alive.

- [Meno] I'm coming ashore.

- That is not wise.

- [Meno] Even the diamond
concession would understand.

Kellerman, wait for me.

(dramatic music)

(g*ns firing)
(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

(crying out)

(g*ns firing)
(dramatic music)

- Dear God.

(waves crashing)

(door thuds)

(couch bangs)

(dramatic music)

- Hello Wiley.

(cries out)

- Oh what?

(crying out)

- A dart.

Argenti wanted me alive.

- Can we get out of this
fantasy land now

and get back to reality please?

(door creaks)

(dramatic music)

- Not quite yet Mr. Wiley.

Not until you return
every single stone.

- Well we're gonna need
a little deep sea diving

equipment for that.

- Liliana you know me well.

Impress upon Mr. Wiley
that in times like this

it is best not...


The concession?

After all these years, you
were the one I trusted.

(g*n firing)

(g*n clatters)

- I warned you Mino,
so many times.

(upbeat music)

- Wiley what exactly
are we doing

down on the Brooklyn docks?

- I got a little business
to take care of.

It shouldn't take me
more than a few minutes.

- It's not another gimmick?

(whistle blows)

- This is just a
sample consignment.

I should be receiving monthly
shipments from now on.

- Well be sure to check
with me next time.

Ask for Linda alright?


(dramatic music)

- What were you doing,
counting beans?

You'll never learn
will you Wiley?

- No I guess I'll never learn.

(dramatic music)

♪ Tenderness is just a
way of giving ♪

♪ Tenderness will help the
phase you're going through ♪

♪ And when you need
something to dream on ♪

♪ There's me to lean upon

♪ Don't pass me by

♪ Just remember I'll be there

♪ To take your hand

♪ Oh darling I'll be there

♪ To help you try to
understand ♪

♪ Tenderness can take
away your sadness ♪

♪ Tenderness can brush
away the tears for you ♪

♪ And when the hurt is
gone forever ♪

♪ Please remember

♪ You could be so tender to me

♪ Tenderness will see
us through ♪

♪ Cause I'm falling in
love with you ♪

♪ Reach out for me
take my hand ♪

♪ Cause I'm falling
falling in love with you ♪
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