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01x08 - Episode 8

Posted: 09/03/23 10:19
by bunniefuu
Tyson was meant to be fighting AJ.
Who does he now fight?

It might be Derek Chisora.

[Tyson] We have rd December booked.

This fight will be a trilogy
with Derek Chisora.

We go back a long way to .
We had two great fights before.

It'll be a special night
for British boxing.

Derek, you asked for the boss,
so they sent me, dawg.

Feels fantastic to be back.
Cannot wait for the fight.

, people at Tottenham.

Come on!

[Tyson] So this is the final day
before I go to camp.

I'm not on holiday.

I'm here to make a living,
pay me bills and do me job.

I'm interested in jabbing
a man in the face, slipping and bang!

Knocking him the f*ck out.

That's what I'm interested in

and that's what I train to do
for the next eight weeks.

Inflict serious damage
on another human being, legally,

while getting paid
millions of dollars to do it.

Not a bad job, is it?

Camp is one beautiful place.

Have you ever heard of a health spa?

That's what camp is.

So you can take a man who's unfit

and overweight
and not living clean and healthy...

Like a priory.

And you can get him all nice and clean
and fit, healthy and well

in six or seven weeks in a camp.

Massages, weight training, boxing.
I've got a sunbed in there.

We take sunbeds three times a week.
Get a nice tan on me.

Rub some baby oil on.
Look a million dollars.


I'll go and get my hair cut. Shaved.
Keeping in high spirits.

Because when you're training twice a day,
six days a week,

it's easy to dip into a low mode.

In camp, I'll be joined
by Tommy and me dad.

He has a fight coming up in Dubai
with this guy called Bamba.

Training in Morecambe Bay.

Not the Las Vegas glitz and glamor
that everybody might expect.

Right. Shower time.
Who's coming in with me?

Camp involves blood, sweat and tears.

I'm fighting a guy called Paul Bamba.

He's American.

It is a big fight.
I'm chief support to Floyd Mayweather.

The most high-profile fight
I've had so far,

so it brings a great challenge to me.

And if it wasn't such an important
and serious thing,

you wouldn't have to prepare
for two months, alone.

I miss Molly even when I'm not in camp.

When she runs to the shop.
I'm at home by myself.

I'm not really an alone type of person.

Like, if I'm not training, you know,
I like to be in company.

So yeah, I miss Molly all the time
and she's a huge part of my success.

If you've got the right woman
at your side,

you can do a lot of things
and go wherever you want to.

There's never any stage of camp
that's enjoyable.

At first, you've got eight weeks left.
It's a long road.

Then towards the end, the fight's looming.

So there's never at any point
of the fight process

that's enjoyable for me.

But this one's a bit harder
because I am pregnant.

And we've got a little baby growing
and there's things that he is gonna miss.

If I wasn't a boxer,
I don't know what I'd do,

-because nothing else gets me out of bed.

I couldn't get out of bed
for anything else.

The thought of me getting ready
to fight another man

in front of a massive crowd,

in front of millions of people
on pay-per-view,

it gets me out of bed.
Now, if that wasn't in my life,

I'd be looking for jobs
to do around the house.

-You'd be bored out of your mind. Yeah.
-That's it, so I'm hoping...

It's a long way yet for retirement.

God willing, I can go on as long as Tyson.

What is the average age of a boxer...

There is no average age.

George Foreman came back at ,
and won a world title.

Well, there we go.

Wladimir Klitschko, years old.
Tyson, now he's .

-You can go on as long as you want to.
-Your body will allow you to.

If it was up to me,
I wanna win a world title belt

like I said when I was eight years old,
when I first started boxing.

I wanna win that and no matter what age,
even if I won it at ,

-I'd be out of boxing.

I think there's a huge weight
on Tommy's shoulders

with his surname being Fury.

There's already a massive expectation
for him in the boxing world,

that he has to be this world champion,

amazing, incredible boxer
just because his brother is that way.

Tommy's on his own path.
He has his own journey and road to follow.

I wish people would sometimes just
let him follow that road at his own pace.

Boxing's a bad sport.
I've seen Tyson go through it all.

I've come up at the back of him
and I see what I've got to endure.

-It will be a hard road.
-It's not a nice world.

So whenever I lift that world title belt,

I don't think I'll be in boxing
much longer,

-if I'm being honest.
-You'll be off.

Get ready for a fat husband.

-That's what's coming after I finish.
-I've already got one.


At least the cat doesn't think I'm fat.

Dada's gotta go now.


-Yes, I've got to go.

I don't want you to go.

Going into camp,
the goodbyes never get any easier.

I miss Paris' cuddles. I miss getting
the kids up for school in the morning.

Leaving your kids and family
and going away is difficult.

Every time I come in your bed to see you
and you're gone.

I heard you say
you're going to a new place

-and I want to come with you.
-[Tyson] Aw.

Why do you always leave us?

Because I've gotta go back to work.
I have to keep going.

[Valencia] No.

[Tyson] Gotta go to work.

Earn a few quid.

No, you're not. You're not.

You're being with me.

I gotta earn some pennies for Christmas.

[Tyson] The kids, I think they have
a leaving anxiety sort of thing.

They have this like fear of me
leaving them for long periods of time

and the little ones like Valencia,
and Adonis, and even my Tutty are like,

"Are you leaving again for six weeks?"
And it's difficult.

-Dad! I...
-[Tyson] See you later guys, bye.

-I want to go with you.
-[Valencia] Mum...

When Tyson's going into camp,
especially when it's gonna be a long time,

maybe six weeks, eight weeks,
it's not nice.

I got used to him being home again.

It doesn't sound a long time,
but it is to me and the kids.

Right, Paris,
remember what you've gotta do.

What do you do at night?

Keep the kids alive.

-Keep us alive.
-[Tyson] Keep us alive.

[Paris] Yep.

Bye, Dad.

The kids after no time
start crying for their dad.

They want to see him.

The little ones especially
don't understand why he's gone.


-Kiss, Valencia.
-[Paris] Bye.

-[Adonis] I love you.
-I love you.

-[Valencia] Let me hug you.
-Come on.

-[Adonis] Come back, I miss Dad.
-Give me a kiss.

[Adonis] I want Dad come back, Mum.

[Valencia] Bye, Dad!


[indistinct chatter]

[Adonis] Dad! Come back!

[Valencia cries]

[sighs] Come on, guys.
Let's get you lot up to bed then.

Let's go to bed.

[Adonis] I don't want to go to bed.

[Tyson] We finally made it.

Away from all the kids.
Away from all the distractions.

Now it's just down to brass tacks.

Can't wait.

It's quite upsetting leaving
your family for a long time.

Everybody has to go to work
and do their job, this is my job.

But camp is a totally different mindset.

You gotta get in that Spartan mentality
and stay in it for as long as you can.

In camp, it will be me, Tommy, me dad.

When they arrive, I have set ground rules,
I live a certain way.

I have certain rules that I live by

and if people can't keep up
with them rules,

then they've got no rights
in being in here.

[John laughing]

f*cking startled me then.

I never look forward to camp
because it's a regime

where it can get on your nerves.

I need you and Tommy
in the front room for a conference.

f*cking hell.

What in the hell is this?

Rule number one.
No shoes beyond the porch.

In a training camp with Tyson is probably
the funniest thing you could imagine.

He set up a whole list of rules
while explaining to me in a bowler hat.

[John] What have you got on your head?

I thought The Undertaker
was in front of me,

explaining how to live.

In this house, we live by one rule.


-[Tyson] Cleanliness is next to godliness.

I've got OCD. We all know this.
And it makes me a clean freak.

So when you've got
these full-grown children

that I have to be their parents,

they are very on edge.

If I get up off the seat now,
I won't just abandon that.

It looks a state.

What I'll have to do is like that. Plank!

There you go. Happy days.

Oh, dear. The next eight weeks of this!


Oh, mate.

That's a scary f*cking hat, I tell you.

[line ringing]

-[woman] Hello.
-Hello. What you doing?

Having a late lunch
before I pick the kids up.

-What about you?
-Just signing some books.

I was gonna say, Montana,

do you think I should take
the big kids to the fight?

It's getting close.

I don't know what I think, whether
they're old enough or if not to bother.

[Montana] Are they wanting to go?

Yeah, they both wanna go. Um...

And I was just thinking,
last time when he said he had retired,

the kids said,
"Well, we never got to go to his fights."

Let me just try this.

-[Athena cooing]
-Shh! Shush, I'm talking.

Obviously, they're old enough to be there,

but I was a bit apprehensive
about the security side of it.

Also, I'll be watching him,
I'll be worried to death about him

and then I've gotta think about the kids.

[Montana] The fear is bigger
than what the actual thing is.

[Paris] It's hard to decide
if the kids should come to the fight.

I always chose not to let them.

But now they're older and they keep
asking to come, but ultimately,

I don't know in my heart
if I want them there to see all that

and see all the dangers in a fight.


[man] That's one. Do the other one.

One, two. There you go.



Before camp, I usually go up
for a Gypsy King makeover

which is the old hair shaved,
beard shaved, lined up,

nose waxed, the full job. Um...

Even some threading now and again,
but it hurts so I don't do that too often.


How many?

[Tyson screaming]

-Two. Keep that core tight.
-No, I got it.

-[groaning] Three.

-One more.

-[whistle blows]
-Four. Easy.

Easy with the left.
Struggling with the right.

When I was a little kid,

I always said I was left-handed
and my mother said, "Right."

She gave me everything in the right hand

'cause she didn't want me
to be left-handed.

She said that back in the day,
it was harder for a left-hander.

Left-handed scissors,
left-handed everything.

She converted me to a right-hander.

So that's why I can knock people out
as a left-handed fighter.

[John grunting]

Or a right-handed fighter.

So we'll do minutes on here,
warm up, do a couple of sprints.

I might do a couple of bags
and a couple of pads and that's it.

Stretch out, well enough then,
get on with it.

[Tommy] Preparing for fights
alongside Tyson, it's amazing.

We'll go in the gym, smash a session out.
It'll be one of the hardest sessions ever.

You wanna be with and around him
in a training camp.

You get through much easier.

I know there's only one Tyson.

There's no duplicating what he's done.

What he's done,
people don't do in thousands of years.

I'm not trying to step in Tyson's boots.

I'm trying to step in me own boots,
the best boots that I can.

[John] Flashy boots them, aren't they?

[Tommy] My babies.

You do always feel quicker though,
in white.

When I wear black gloves,
I feel like I'm stuck in the mud,

but when I'm wearing all white,
I feel pretty quick.

-Don't know why.

[John] Makes you feel good, doesn't it?

So yeah, it's nearly upon us now.

All systems go.

The fight's in Dubai. Um, one of
my favorite holiday destinations.

And I'm pretty excited
to box over there, to be honest.

[Tommy grunting]

[John] Do both sides.

The Fury name has always been a big name.
Something to live up to.


I'm trying to be the best boxer
that I can be. That's all I can say.

One, two, three,
four, five, six, seven, eight...

Oh, fantastic.
We have a double heavyweight header.

When have you seen two heavyweight
champions on a same bill before?

Looking good, my friend.

We're going to the press conference today.
Me versus Chisora III.

So the idea of a press conference
is build-up on the fight.

It's the first announcement of the fight.
"Official, it's on."

Lets everybody know.
The buildup's important to these events.

Back to big-time boxing.
I forgot what it was like.

It's been that long ago. April.

First press conference with Derek Chisora

is in Tottenham Hotspur football ground.

Amazing to be there.

The world will know
what's happening straight away.

We've got a Halloween edition suit.

It's Fright Night, a Halloween special.

Here we go.

How's that looking?

[Nav] Looking like a million dollars.


Beast is back alive.

Give me a bit of a psycho face.


He's an extraordinary character,
he's a gift to sport.

I think he'll fight three
or four more years, hopefully.

Youse two are my security here today,
so act like it and look hard.

We're hard.

We're coming for him.

[Tyson] It's lights, cameras, action.
All the media are there to see the event.

Everybody's here,
we're here to put on a show.

-[woman] Ready to roll. Let's go.
-Let's go, Tys.

The champ is here. [shouts] Get up!

It wasn't so long ago
when I was stood up here on me own,

that little old boy from Manchester
and you two versus me.

And now how the tables have turned.

Now look!

The big man has hit the stage. Get up!

What do you see when you look at that man?

-A handsome rogue.
-He shrunk a little bit.

-A handsome rogue.
-Do you think you can knock him out?

I have to knock him out.

The end goal,

I have to take what's his and make mine.

I will knock him out.

Derek's behavior in press conferences
can be erratic sometimes.

He doesn't listen or concentrate.

Yet again, I must take over
the press conference and entertain.

I know you're nervous. Calm down.

Me? Get the f*ck out of here, bro.
I'm not nervous.

Are you scared of me, Chisora?

-More scared of your suit, son.

-All right. We're done?

Right this way. Thank you.

Five seconds.


Time. It's done. Sit.

-You feel okay after that?
-Yeah, feel good. Another one in the bag.

[John] When Tommy's in training camp,
work has to be done.

Molly on the way with the baby.

All things are gonna change
as soon as she gives birth.

He's gotta distance himself from it
for the time being

because mind elsewhere can cost you dear.

You know, and there's plenty of time

for him to be with the baby
after the fight.

You know, because it's a big occasion,

and his whole life depends
on the right result, you know.

How does it feel to be a dad to be?
I know 'cause I've got kids.

Yeah, it feels good. It feels like
you become a bit more of a man.

Like, it's what it's all about, isn't it?
Having a family of your own.

Do what you gotta do.
It's not about me anymore.

My vision of what I'm fighting for
has changed now.

Before, I was fighting for me.

I was fighting to get somewhere,
fighting to earn some money,

fighting for a bit of respect,
a bit of pride.

Now all that goes out the window.
I'm not interested in it.

All I'm interested in is fighting
for my daughter, for my kids.

How many I'll have, I don't know.
And securing a future for them.

It's a special feeling.

Ready for your tea, Thomas?

-Thought you'd never ask.
-Let's go, eh?

All the hard work's done now for Tommy.

It's been a great camp.

We're heading out to Dubai
very shortly, you know,

to get Paul Bamba dealt with.

The feeling after camp is complete,
you done your last session, that's it.

You're about to fly off
in the next two days to Dubai.

It's a feeling like no other.

We're all quite relaxed and calm,
but deep down inside,

we know that come Saturday,
it's all on the line.

Hi, guys.

Empire tape. Best in the game.

Pah, pah, pah, bang!

-Is this an informercial?

[Tyson] SugarHill's just arrived.
He is my boxing trainer.

He has been for the last three years.

And when he comes to camp,
everything changes.

Serious hat goes on.
Down to work. Work only.

Uh, excuse me.

Just in camp, it goes very fast.

Time evaporates in camp.

It goes from the start of the week
to Friday in a quick flash.

-Am I ready? Will I ever be ready? No.
-Losing your f*cking marbles.

Excuse me. I'm talking to you.

The plan today
is just to work on his footwork,

work on his balance,
keep everything neutral.

[Tyson grunting]

You can boom where they came. Bang.



Perfect. Perfect, perfect.

Harder. You're supposed to hit it.

Pah, pah, pah.

One more,
'cause I know you're tired. Gassed out.

[Tyson] All the men get in position.


-[Paris] You want a wrap and some pasta?
-I'm gonna fall.

So big Tyson's in camp. Um...

The house is quite quiet.

He's popped in a couple of times.
Every time he does,

he literally walks through the door
and walks back out.

I can see a few demons coming out on him.

I think he's got a bit of depression.
Something. He looks like he's feeling it.

But I think he'll cheer up in a few weeks

once he starts seeing the results
of his diet and training going well,

I think he'll feel better in himself,
but to me he looks a bit out of it.

Bit out of sorts.

Can you ask Sugar
if he'd make me a nice coffee?

[Presley] For sure.

Sugar. Tyson wants you to make him
a coffee, if you would, please.


He loves your coffee.

[woman] Good session today?

No, not really.


Pretty pathetic to be honest.

Am I ready? No.

Nowhere near.

I don't know if I've got enough time
to get ready now.

I've got about a stone and a half to lose.

What is "being ready"?

Are we ever ready for anything?

Look it, here.

Life is very short
and as I've had a few tragedies of late,

I start to wonder even more and even more
and more how much time we have.

Why are we here? What's our purpose?

Being content is not good enough.

[Tyson] In camp,
I was feeling a little bit low.

I've got a lot of weight to lose

and I've got a lot of other shit
to figure out.

But I have probably
to mood changes a day

and bipolar disorder.

So it's just a part of who I am
and a part of me,

and I've had to own on to that
and be who I am.

[John] This is the gateway to the stars.

A good job, Sunday night.

[John] We just arrived in Dubai,
me and Tommy.

He's looking strong
and, you know, we've done our work.

So we know we can fight easy
'cause we're trained hard.

[Tommy] So Molly's arriving later tonight.

She's got my kit, she's got my robe.
They're all glistening, sparkling.

Big robe for me all the way down
to the ankles. Proper things.

Has it got the Arabic feel to it
and all that? Or not?

We're in Dubai. It's glitz and glamor...

Glitz and glamor. There you go. it definitely does.

[John] Where are we actually at
on the scales now?

Four pounds to lose.

-Four pounds?

So if you come in under stone,
you've done it?

-So you can weight ' or not?
- ' .

- ' .

The days before weigh-in, for me normally,
I've gotta lose,

on the week of the fight,
probably six pounds.

I'm not nervous. I know I got it.
I've done it before.

Done it eight times before.

We're very professional, me and my dad.
We believe in doing things right.

If you're not doing it right,
don't do it all.

Same with losing weight.

People who can't make weight
look like they haven't done a proper job.

You've never missed weight.
It's important to look good on the scales.

Tomorrow's the weigh-in.
They've got it early doors.

It's eight o'clock in the morning.

We've got work to do there,
but I'm sure he can do it.

He'll come in bang on weight.
That's the only issue now.

If you don't make ' ,
you're not fighting.

-[Tommy] How was the flight?
-It was very good.

And it's much hotter here than I expected

so I've got an absolute sweat
on right now.

Having Molly with me
on the week of the fight.

We've been to Tyson's fights.

She's been there,
sees how it is on fight week.

There's no talk about anything else.
No worrying about anything.

She understands that,
and it's a privilege to have her there.

How are you feeling?
How's the baby? Is she kicking much?

No, not kicking that much at the minute.
She's just chilling.

She's just very comfy in there
and just sleeping all the time.

She's ready to make an entrance
onto the scene.

I was just thinking on the way here
that would be my last flight.

Well, the last flight we take will be
the one on the way home.


And that's the last flight
we will have before we are parents.

How you feeling about the fight
and watching it?

I feel surprisingly okay.

I know on the day,
when I wake up in the morning,

I'll feel really sick.

But I keep focusing
on the fact that afterwards,

when it's all said and done,
we can actually be a couple again.

God willing, I get a good win.
We can do all that.


[Adonis talking indistinctly]

Isn't that cute?

[Paris] Come in, Sugar.

It's a crazy house.

[Adonis] Dad! Give it all to me!

[Tyson] What did I promise?

Give it! Give it to me!

So while I'm in camp,
I will pop in probably once a week

to see the family quickly.

I don't like to keep flipping mindsets
from being a boxer to being a dad.

-Did you miss your dad?

You have to be in fight mode
to be a fighter,

and to be a parent,
it's a total different mode and attitude.


One, two. One, two. One, two.

Spending time with family is great,

but it's very important
to keep focus, for sure,

because I have a giant man
trying to knock me brains out.

Oh! Left hook.

If you lose focus
or take your eye off the ball,

then you'll more than likely get chinned.

You can fight.


-I like it.
-Get away from me.

I'm three weeks celibate.
Get away. Get away from me.

-Give me a kiss.

-Give me a kiss.

-Give me a kiss.

Cash, down.

[Adonis screaming]

[Tyson] What about going to the fight?

I want to go.

Why? Do you want to see your dad
get his brains knocked out?

Yeah, it'd be fun.

Or cut to pieces and dropped
and knocked into next week?

-Is that what you're after seeing?
-Yeah, that'd be funny.

Me dad's fighting Derek Chisora next.

I really want to go to one of his fights,
and I really want to go to this next one.

But if anyone asks, he just says,

"If they would have been there
for when I got knocked out by Wilder,

I can imagine what they'd have thought."

And now, he doesn't want us
to watch him fight,

'cause at any moment,

anyone can land a shot
and it could put him out.

Put him out of boxing forever so, yeah.

-[Paris] Prince is now.
-Kids ain't going. Final.

-Are you not letting them go?

I don't like the kids
to go to the boxing fights.

I don't think that the kids should see
their father get punched up and down.

You just don't want your kids around that.

Let's get the hell out of here.

[Paris] You're not getting us the tickets?

-No. There's no point.
-Why Tyson?

They've never been to a fight.
Don't try and take liberties.

-See you.
-What are you on about? "Liberties"?

Look at this house I've got you.
Look at this car that I've got you.

-Look at your new jeep.
-Are you being an ass?

No. What thanks do I get for it? None.

-You get a middle finger for being a d*ck.
-[Tyson] See?

I can totally understand
why Tyson doesn't want the kids there.

But on the other hand,
I know that the children want to go,

and I also think they're not gonna get
a lot of opportunities always...

Have a few of them chips, my lamb. go to one of their dad's fights
because, obviously, at the last fight,

Tyson said he was retired
and never fighting again.

So I do think it's a shame for them
to not ever see their dad in action.

We'll wait and see.


-[Tommy] There we go.
-Kit is in here. Yes.

[John] Let's hope you forgot nothing.

-I think it's all there.
-We'll see. It's Molly's fault if it did.

Great. I'm under strict instructions.

Let's just blame Molly.

[Molly] Fabulous.

[John] She's got enough problems.

Molly's just arrived.
I can see a twinkle in Tommy's eye.

She's really good for him

'cause he knows now
why he's doing all this.

It's for her and his future child.

One more grandchild. The more the merrier.

It's about creation, isn't it?
I think the Furys are good at that.


-What do you think?
-Unbelievable, isn't it?

That's the robe.

-Then the shorts.
-Let's have a look, Tom. Pull it out.

All I got given was a color theme,
silver and white,

and I could do the rest, so...

-Snazzy job.
-I think they're unreal.

-Yep. And the shorts.
-Got them nice and short.

I always have a little involvement

in the design process
of the shorts and robe,

give my say on how I think it should look,

and the colors and the patterns.

I've never messed up on it so far.

Tommy's always loved
what I've come up with.

Do us a catwalk show.

I don't know about catwalk, but...

Fit for a king, that attire.
But the thing is,

Tyson's the king
so we'll just call you the prince.

[Tommy] I'll take it.

-Young prince.
-Fit for a prince.

[John] I hope this looks right.

Tell me, how have you been coping at home?

It's been fine.
I've been holding down the fort.

It's been lonely for you, hasn't it?

Yeah, it's been two months now
me by myself,

but I've just been just chilling,
but I've got the cats and it's all good.

-I try, John.

this is a boxer's wife,
and it's a boxer's wife, isn't it?

Yeah, exactly.
Not a wife just yet. One day.

If you're not now,
in the condition you're in,

you're never gonna be, are you? [laughs]

[chuckles] Well, yeah.

Tommy, how long does it take
to put on shorts?

I've got to do me boots and that.

Right, the full effect.

It takes him seconds
to put the shorts on

and ten minutes to look at 'em.

[Molly] Yeah. He'll be looking
at himself in the mirror.

Do we need a drum roll or something? Ohhh!

-[John] Terrible. Take 'em off.
-[wolf whistles]

-Like 'em? Did I do a good job?

-Very good job.

-Nice, Tom.
-Looks good, doesn't it?

[Molly] Look at the top bit, John.

[John] Yeah, "Baby girl."

-[Molly] Cute, isn't it?

[Molly] So on the waistband
of Tommy's shorts for this fight,

we did decide
to put "Baby Girl" on the shorts.

It's a reminder of what's to come,
so she can be with him through this fight

whilst he's in the ring
which is really cute.

-Best I've seen you in.
-[Tommy] I'll try the robe on.

-[John] There you go.

[John] Yeah. Listen, well done. Very nice.

A proud moment.

-[Molly] And you got a good luck charm.
-[Tommy] I know.

[Molly] Your elephant. Stunning.
Looks really nice.

I've done a good job.
I might go into robe designing.

-I look good?
-[John] You look a million dollars.

-And the back, yeah?
-[John] Yeah, perfect.

Well, now you've just gotta
get the job done.

Let's get out of the sun
as quick as possible.

It's weigh-in day now and we're here.

Let's see if the weight's right.
I'm sure it will be.

Looking at Bamba, he's up for it.
Tommy's up for it. It's getting closer.

Let's get them on the scale.
See what they are.

So going into this fight, having gone
through a very hard training camp,

I wanna show my dad
that the training paid off.

I wanna put on a great show.

Welcome to the weigh-ins here
for Floyd vs. Deji

going down tomorrow night
at the Coca-Cola Arena.

This is big-time boxing, all right.
Enjoy every minute of this.

First, from the USA, Paul Bamba.

[crowd cheering]

[John] He looks one sore fella, don't he?

[announcer] Official weight,
. kilograms for Paul Bamba.

Let's welcome his opponent
from the United Kingdom, Tommy Fury.

[crowd clapping]

[John] Knock out coming!

This man is getting knocked square out.

Get on there.

Get up.

[crowd cheers]

[announcer] Official weight,

. kg for Tommy Fury.

It should be a knockout
when you don't make weight.

-You're seven pounds overweight...
-Looks like I didn't make weight?

There's been a bit of a kick-off
from Paul Bamba and his team about weight.

TNT looking for you tomorrow.
Don't worry about that, bruv.

-This is gonna be a heated one.
-[Paul] I don't wanna fight.

I don't wanna fight.
I don't want to start that shit right now.

My opponent's going,
"I'm not fighting him."

[Paul] I don't wanna fight.

Everyone says I've missed weight

and I've not made the weight
and I'm not professional

when I've carried that professional brand
with me my whole life.

We wanna fight. He knows that.
He'll put up a good fight.

Our contract's saying one thing.
His is saying another.

It's not good at the minute.

The man's making every excuse.
He don't want to fight.

My opponent weighed in
at the weight in his contract.

I weighed in at the weight
it was in my contract.

Now you're telling me I can't fight.
Everything's up in the air.

[crowd cheering]

I just start thinking, "The fight's soon."
There's a horrible dread in my stomach.

Me and Chisora's gonna stand
in the middle of the ring

and batter each other.

I thought, "You're not firing proper."
I was worried, to be honest.

We are anxious and nervous.
Anything can happen.

[Tyson] The boys are here,
all the fans are here.

Come on, Tyson!

It is life or death in there and
I have to watch my husband risk his life.

[SugarHill] We pray, Lord,
you will shield Tyson.

This is why I'm back.
This is what makes me tick.

Go on, Tyson!

God put me here
to be heavyweight champion of the world.

It's my destiny to be victorious.

You're next, you little bitch.
You getting it, little sucker?