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01x07 - Episode 7

Posted: 09/03/23 10:19
by bunniefuu
[indistinct chatter]

[host] Derek's busting in
on the interview here.

Do you want a fight?
I will pay your wages.

No problem.

I'll fight you bare knuckle,
you talk shit.

I will fight you bare knuckle if you want.
Any time, any place, anywhere.

[Tyson] If I had my way, I'd marry you
every year till the day we die.

[Paris] Looking like James Bond here.

[Tyson] Yeah.

-I feel like James Bond's granddad.

[Paris continues laughing]

Considering we got engaged

for the third time,
what are you thinking for the wedding?

Technically, that was
the first time you've asked me.

Because even when we renewed our vows,
it wasn't asked, was it?

No. You was told.

Here's a question for you.

Did you consider saying no last night
or did you just want the diamond?

For a split second.

I thought, "Is it silly to even think
about remarrying you?"

Then thought, "Who am I impressing?
If I want to do it, why not?"

Why are you married to a fat man, Paris?

Because he's rich.

[both laughing]

Because, I didn't marry a fat man, did I?
I married a young, good-looking,

tall, dark and handsome curly-headed boy.

Who was always fat.

I never looked at you as fat,
not even now.

I think you're well built at the moment.

You was fat when you was stone.

Okay. I'll let you off.
You're getting it tonight.

What a team.

Oh, don't leave me hanging.

[Tyson] I'm gonna tell you
a secret here now.

When someone gets married,
they become one flesh.

So I am her and she is me.

Two people become one.
You can't get closer than that.

[Paris] Why don't we do what he's doing?

We'll go on it together.

I'd rather stay on the boat and watch you

-pretend to be young.
-Look how much fun it is.

I would like to have a go.

But not by meself. There's no way.

-I'll fall off.
-Call Brendan.

No, that looks weird.
Like I'm knocking off the bodyguard.

Come on. I want to put my arms
around you on there.

-[Tyson] No. I'm fully dressed.
-Leave your clothes on.

It's not up for discussion. Sorry.

It is up for discussion.
You're just being a tit.

I don't think Tyson
really likes to admit when he's scared.

He's not a great fan of deep water.

And he's also not a great fan
of not being in control,

so if I was driving that Jet Ski,
he doesn't know where it will go.

There you go. How easy is that?

I don't want to go in the water, for one.

I'm not a big fan of the water,
that's one thing.

Two, can't be bothered getting wet.

Years ago when we was all little kids,
my mother went to see a fortune teller.

This fortune teller
told her a lot of things.

So the only thing
that didn't come true in the family

was she said one of your offspring's
gonna die in water.

Even till today,
every holiday that I go on,

me dad, me mum or someone
will phone me and say,

"Watch them children, watch the water.
Remember what the fortune teller said."

Everything else came true.

[Paris] Why are you being a boring git?

He's on a business deal again
instead of going out on the Jet Ski.

-Enjoying his holiday.
-That's the writer, not me.

[Paris] See, that's the writer.
That's the deal.

Holidaying on your own

whilst Tyson takes business calls.

We'll be going home soon,
and he'll be back in camp

and be back into fight mode.

You wanna say,
"Just give it in for a moment."

"Just embrace where we are,
and enjoy the moment,"

but he doesn't, he doesn't switch off.

-Why are you on a phone call on holiday?

-You were on the phone for half an hour.

No, I haven't. That's a lie.

It was minutes.

Seventeen minutes.

I'm sure you can deal with minutes.
You've had longer sun beds.

You could've joined me on the Jet Ski
instead of taking a call.

Seventeen minutes
and I'm getting paid millions of dollars.

I had to correct some manuscripts.
Deal with it.

-Hi, Roxanne.
-Rosé or classical?

Rosé, please.

[speaks in French]

I don't know what that means, darling.

That means,
"Would you like to have food with me?"


-Clever boy.

It's Venezuela's birthday
when we get back. In a couple of days.

-She's, um, .
-I know.

Crazy, time,
how it goes quick, doesn't it?

Are you coming to her party,
since you won't be in camp?


The last thing she needs
at her th birthday is her dad.

-Dad bod and all-out dancing with her.

-Do you think she'd like it?
-No. I don't.

I think over here
is me favorite place in the world.

We are silly, we should stay here,
live on the yacht

for the rest of our days.

"Only bother me when you've got a fight."

Then we travel to the fight,
knock a m*therf*cker out,

then straight back to the boat again.

I always enjoy coming on holiday
and having these times of peace and quiet,

because once I get home,
it's back into the madness.

Eyelash stuck to your face.

Okay, this was nice,
but it's time to go home now.

Back to reality.

Forty-eight hours in paradise
and then back to the bay.

[Paris] Have you missed your mam?

Did you miss your mam?

-Is that Adonis back?
-[Lynda] ...dropped him off.

[Paris] Valencia!

-[Lynda] Here he is.

-[Paris] Adonis!
-[Tyson] Come here, little Spider-man.

Oh, my goodness,
what happened to all your hair?

I dunno.

Oh, me boy. Where did all your hair go?

Still very nice, but you shouldn't
cut your hair. That's bad.

Tutty, get down.

Get down. You're gonna fall.

Adonis, where are you going?


What's your hair like?

My dad.

[Tyson] It's like his dad.


Bald. Like his dad.

AJ, where are you, mush?

Time is ticking.
Tick, tick, tick, tock, tock, tock.

I'm just here with Donald Trump.

What do you think
about this fight with AJ?

[as Donald Trump] Gotta sign
the contract - , it's very fair.

It's extremely fair. Sign the contract.

-Joe, what should he do?
-[as Joe Pesci] What you waiting for?

I think you should sign
the f*cking contract, come on.

It's what the people want.
You keep saying it, everybody says it.

Sign the f*cking contract, Anthony.

Dad. What do you think of this fight?

[as John] Tell you what.
What he has to do is sign the contract.

The biggest fight in British history,
you've gotta sign it. Come on, AJ.

Let's give the fans the fight they want.
Let's get it done, you big dosser.

I hid Venezuela's presents under here,
because we don't use this room a lot.

Hard to get kids presents
as they get older.

When they're young, all year long
they talk about what they want.

But her dad has ordered bangles.

And I swear,
they're gonna be too small for her

because I actually think
he's called up and said,

"Can I have a little girl set of bangles?"

And he doesn't realize his little girl
is like ' " and the weight of me.

She's not really a wanter.
None of my kids are.

None of the kids
are really like the type to say,

"I want this or that."
It makes it hard to buy for them.

Not to sound big-headed
or anything, or clever,

but obviously, if I wanted to go tomorrow

and shop out Selfridges floor,

I could, but whatever am I
going to teach the kids doing that?

To go and buy her

five designer handbags

and ten pairs of shoes,

and diamonds and pearls,

what's she got to look forward to in life?

There's no aspiration, is there?
There's no drive to get anywhere.

I don't want the kids to grow up spoiled

and not knowing the value of something.

That big bodybuilder, Joshua,
that's a proper shithouse that is.

That's had the contract for I don't know
how long and ain't signing it.

You little sausage.

I will be fighting on December rd

if this sausage
does not sign this contract,

which I don't think he is

'cause I don't think he's got
the bollocks to, 'cause he's a shit bag.

[woman] Tyson! Tyson!

Come on, me boys!

I'm here in Manchester.
Joseph Parker fight's today.

Joseph Parker is a heavyweight boxer
from New Zealand

whom I've given some brilliant advice
on what he should do with his career.

Now he's in this big fight
with Joseph Joyce.

[man] It's the Gypsy King.

-[Tyson] Come on!
-[crowd cheers]

All the boys are here.
All the fans are here.

It's gonna be an epic night
of a fight. Cannot wait.

[crowd] ♪ There's only one Tyson Fury ♪

♪ There's only one Tyson Fury ♪

[man] You rat bastard!

Get on!

The fans are out in force, supporting.

It's a brilliant experience
to be mobbed like this.

It felt like Elvis has left Manchester.

Elvis is in the building!

[crowd] ♪ There's only one Tyson Fury ♪

Come on, me boys, get up!

♪ There's only one Tyson Fury ♪

Come on, you boys, get up!

[indistinct shouting]

[Tyson] That was hectic.

I'm sweating.

I wanted to get a sandwich or something,
but clearly that's not happening, is it?

Unbelievable, the support from the fans.
That's what I just love.

Being me.

Being Tyson Fury kicks ass.

[Paris] I am just getting ready.

'Cause I've arranged to meet
Molly-Mae down at Manchester.

This is the first time I've seen her

since she announced
that she was having a baby

when she came up with Tommy.

With her being expecting now,

I think it'll be nice
to spend a bit more time together.

[Molly-Mae] I'm excited
for a girly afternoon.

I feel like I'm either with Tommy
at the weekends

or I'm by myself in the week.

With Paris, she's the only person

that could really relate
to everything that I feel.

Nobody else I know
or have in my life can really do that.

Yeah, I get so excited
when I get to see her

and chat to her and just vent,
rant and the rest of it,

get everything off my chest.

-[Paris] Hi.

Oh, how are you?

-Good, thank you.
-You look stunning.

-You're still hiding it.
-Not really.

You've got a proper bump now.

-You are hiding it.
-I have. Look.

-Wow, yeah, proper bump.
-She's popped out.

-You look well.
-Do you think?

-Thank you.

You've stayed slim.

Honestly, I still literally don't feel
like anything has changed.

-I'm gonna give you some advice.
-Go on.

-Lay it on thick.
-Thick. I know.

Even if you're feeling good,
start pretending you're not.

Is Tommy at home still?

He's back home this week.
He's got sparring.

What did you think
when you first met the family?

The first time I met John,
it was honestly so embarrassing.

I went up to him and gave him a hug.

-He's not a hug kind of person, is he?
-You can say that again.

John and I got along well at first.
I feel like he accepted me immediately.

And Tommy gets so embarrassed
when I talk to John in my Traveller lingo,

because Tommy doesn't like John
to know that he teaches me the lingo.

But, yeah, I know them all.
Like a "skreev" is a car.

A "numper" is a coin.

A "byor" is a woman, a "gyuck" is a man.

I'm basically fluent at this point.

How have you found it,
them being Travellers and Gypsies?

-For me, at , to be having a baby...

I told him, "People will think
we're too young."

He was like, "Well, where I've come from,
that's actually a little bit later."

Some people had them a lot younger.

-It was lucky that we were both ready.
-Yeah, you found each other.

Yeah, but we were speaking
about schooling,

I think he probably
wouldn't have her going to school.

He literally thinks
that the minute she's born,

he's gonna put her in his bag

and he's just gonna take her
'round everywhere with him.

But yeah, I think we need
to work out a way that I'm happy,

he's happy, the families are happy,
and the baby's happy, essentially.

But, like, with school and stuff, I said

I would prefer her to go to school

-'cause that's the way I was raised.

With children in the Traveller community,

obviously they do tend
to leave school a lot earlier,

whether that to be to go work
with their dad

or the girls stay at home with their mum,

help with cleaning, cooking,
and raising the other children.

That's a great tradition,
it's what they're used to,

but it's not something
I've ever seen before.

It's not something I disagree with,

it's just it's very different
to what I know.

I think it'll be fine.

I think we need
to have adult conversations

which we're not so good at
'cause we're kids ourselves.

Me and Tyson are -odd year old,

we can't have adult conversations.

But I think that's the Fury men,
not all men.

-They have these strong opinions. Yes.
-We've been blessed with them.

Now we're all alone
in a private situation.

What's the script? Who are you fighting?

-When do you start?
-[Tyson] Anybody who's got a pulse.

-Being retired for five months...
-It's k*lled you, ain't it?

...has given me the drive to come back
and smash someone's face in.

Who would you say, Ben?

-Who should he fight next?
-If he can't get Joshua.

Derek. I would fight Derek.

[Tyson] Derek?

Derek got offered two million pounds...

-Doesn't want it, does he?
-...and he said it wasn't enough.

[Tyson] So Derek Chisora is a British
boxer, who I've had two fights with,

and both times I've been victorious.

If we could get a trilogy on,
it would be fantastic.

Who else is there?

I'm looking for someone
who's got popularity,

some sex appeal, and someone
who can talk a bit to sell a show.

That's Derek.

In other words, a good dance partner.

It's a show. Entertainment.

It's like these two guys fighting tonight,
they want a show as well as a fight.

What are you like
when you take the kids out

and people come over asking for pictures?

Do you get protective over...

-No holding the kids.
-...looking in the pram.

Somebody done it to me the other day.
They was getting close to Athena.

-I was thinking, "Please, stop."

They feel like they know you,
they know this kid,

but there's a clip you use,
saying, "Don't touch me."

-I really mean it.

Getting advice off Paris about babies
and having a baby in the public eye,

that's golden advice for me.

-Tommy's fight's in two weeks.
-I know. Are you going over?

-I'm meant to be, yeah, but...

To be honest, I could really do,
I don't want to go, but I just know...

I've not missed one of his fights yet,
and I feel like, because he's a softy,

he does need that woman support from me,
so I wouldn't wanna not be there.

I think it's nice.

They don't like to admit they need you,
but at the last point, they do.

But, yeah, it's gonna be
my first fight, pregnant ringside.

How many have you done?


I know one of the early ones
I was eight or nine months.

-Yeah. Shouldn't have been there.

Probably not. No.

One of the family members looked at me

I'm stood and I'm bouncing
and I'm screaming

and he went, "Sit down.
You're gonna have the child."

That will be me.

I feel like I'll forget that
I'm with child and I'm going to be...

I don't think anybody else can connect,
unless you are the partner of a boxer.

If they're boxing,

and you're sitting ringside,
it's pretty horrible to watch.

For Molly,
I think she's just stepping into it

and you never really understand the risks,
until you are the parent of a child

and you've got
to worry about the future of your life.

Tommy's gonna go for this fight.
You don't wanna be there.

-You don't wanna...
-God, no.

-But you be there to support him?
-It has to be done, doesn't it?

It's just painful 'cause the stress...

I've said that so many times,
when Tyson's fought,

and especially when he fought
and has been hurt or cut or damaged.

You look at them that night,
at their face...

-No one else there.
-I remember in Vegas, his eye was,

well, the muscle was literally
pouring out of his eyebrow.

And then you think,
"This is not worth it."

Not worth it.

-"Don't do it." But their passion's there.
-When you've got kids.

-You need them in your life to help you...

...but they're putting themselves in a place
where they could get seriously hurt.

I find it hard enough being
the support system for Tommy,

whereas Paris
is the support system for Tyson

as well as being the mother
to six incredible children,

it's nice to sit with her

and talk about things
we both understand and relate to,

because not many people
can understand that life.

[announcer] Ladies and gentlemen,

this is our main event of the evening.

Fight night, the atmosphere is epic,
when you've got two giant heavyweights.

I'm happy to be here as a fan
and supporting one of my brothers.

[Joseph] Gonna go out there
and enjoy myself.

I've already done the hard work,
got to do it, have fun.

My parents are here, brother, cousin.

Uh, Tyson and his family.
John, the brothers. The brotherhood.

[Tyson] Joe's gonna do what he's gonna do.

He's gonna do the business.
I've got confidence in him.

He's trained hard in the gym.

He's sold - tickets,
just from Morecambe.

He's an adopted Morecambe lad now.

[announcer] Ladies and gentlemen,
please welcome Joseph Parker.

-[crowd cheering]
-And his opponent,

Joe "the Juggernaut" Joyce.

[bell dinging]

[commentator] So there goes the bell,

and these two fighters emerge
from their respective corners.

Come on, Joe!

I'm on the front row.

It's nice to have somebody,
from my experience,

shouting some good information.
Sometimes you can use it.

[commentator] Parker looking to try
and land something.

He's in big trouble here though,
Joseph Parker.

But Joyce shrugs him off.
Lands a right hand then another.

Get your f*cking hands up.

Left hand there lands from Joyce...

[crowd cheering]

-[referee] Four, five, six, seven...
-And the referee is counting.

-[man] Get up, Joe! Just get up, Joe!
-He gets to nine.

[commentator] He waves it over
and it was sheer exhaustion.

Well done, mate.

[Tyson] So, unfortunately,
Joe Parker lost.

In sports it's a "you're gonna lose,
you're gonna win" type of thing,

unless you're Tyson Fury,
so no hard feelings.

It's a sport. I always say
the best man won on the night.

Fair play, Joe.

Well done, Joe Joyce.
Best man in the sport.

[reporter] I am with the Gypsy King.

Do you fancy
a little fight with Joe Joyce?

-[Derek] Manchester! I'm in Manchester.
-Yeah, no problem.

-It's Derek.
-What's happening, big dog?

-I'm in Manchester.
-What about it?

You said, "Come down to Manchester,
I'll fight you bare knuckle,"

you talk shit and I told you, I'm here.

I will fight you bare knuckle if you want.

-He said...
-No problem.

Any time, place, anywhere.

Do you want a fight?
I will pay your wages.

-If your man don't fight...

...I will definitely fight you next.

-He won't fight 'cause he's a shithouse.
-AJ will fight.

-Send him a good contract.

So Derek has just come over to me

and got in me face a little bit
and is chatting some shite.

Got pretty heated, but no blows
were exchanged, thankfully.

Me and Chisora have quite a bit of history

and if AJ doesn't sign the contract,
then he's a frontrunner for an opponent.

[Paris] Venezuela's cronies is here,
all her mates.

[Tyson] All right. Hi, guys.

You coming in the front room
while she opens her presents?

Go on, I'll watch you open the presents.

-And then I've gotta get showered.

I'm absolutely stinking.

I can't believe Venezuela's a teenager.
This has come 'round very quick.

Only seems like yesterday she was
a little two-year-old, like Athena.

-[Tyson] Open my present.
-[Paris] Hold on.

I'd like to take a picture of her.

Now she's a beautiful,

springing young butterfly
and I will support her,

whatever she wants to do in her life.

Stand up straight.

-There we go.

Do you want to open my present first?

-There you go.
-[Paris giggles]

Oh, my God. Yay. They're here.

I don't think these will fit.

[Paris] If they don't fit you,
we'll get a bigger size.

-See if they go on.
-[Tyson] Try squeezing 'em on.

No, she's too big, Paris.

-Look what's gonna go on her.
-You ordered them.

This is what happens
when surprises happen.

To be fair, they was pretty, weren't they?

It's the thought that counts.
Next presents.

Go on.

You don't need me.
I've gotta get a shower. Stinking.

Oh, my God, it's the shoes!

-I like these.
-[Paris] Try 'em on.

They was an oversized shoe.
I think they look massive.

[Adonis] I'm the better.

To a good day, Venezuela.

Nice bit of bonding time,
me and you before camp.

I've organized a daddy-daughter spa day
up in the Lake District.

Where should we start? Steam room?

-Go on.

I usually take Prince
or the boys somewhere, or the little kids.

This will be fantastic bonding time
to have half a day together.

Nice bit of stretching done.


Pretty damn hot.

[Tyson screams]

-Your turn.
-Yeah, no thanks.

That was pretty cold, to be fair.

I sounded like AJ with a contract
in front of him then. [laughs]

Yeah, it's pretty warm.

This is what
a high performance body looks like.

The most
high performance athlete in the world.

And there's not a f*cking damn thing
anybody can do about it.

-[woman] Is this your daughter?
-Yeah, she's .

-She's gorgeous.
-She takes after her dad.


[laughs] I think she looks like her mum.

Does she, heck, look like her mum.
She does not.

She's got my hair,
look at all the lovely hair.

Put your hands up like that.
Look at the size of the mitts on her.

Do you come here a lot then?

I came here from South Africa
about six years ago.

[Tyson] All right, yeah.

I'm now classified as a Northerner.

People up north are a lot more straighter
and straight to the point,

people down south go around a bit,

which is what I'm actually experiencing
right now with a fighter.

This little soft guy,
called Anthony Joshua.


He's pretending to go around the houses
while I like to go straight for the k*ll.

If he doesn't sign the contract
he's bitched out, he's wimped out.

[woman] That's some...

[Adonis whining]


[Paris] Shall we put you in your Doona?
You're due a nap. Shh!

Right, you go in there.

Not that youse need to film it,
but I need to put it in another bag.

This is a week's worth of ironing
in the Fury house.

I wash it. I dry it.

If it doesn't need ironed,
I fold it, pack it away.

If it needs ironed, it goes to the ironer.

I don't like putting things
in the cupboard then needing to iron it.

So, they say money can't buy happiness,
but it can f*cking buy an ironing woman.

There we go.

That saves four hours
that I don't have anymore.

Right, I'm gonna put some tea on.
Feed the children.

-[Tyson] Where do you start then usually?
-[Venezuela] Sandwiches.

Maybe the hot stuff.
Or they'll go cold on you.

Try one of these.

-I hope you enjoy it.
-[Venezuela] Thank you.


-You've got your big party, Venezuela.

What's gonna happen there?

Just a women and girls party.

-What are you going to do?


-That's about it.

Who's going? Your mum said
there's people going.

The girls from the town,

and a few of the girls
from, like, up and down.

And then their mums.

It's like a social gathering.

And you're gonna go promenading,
and showing yourself off.

Me dad can be embarrassing sometimes,

but it's just his nature.

He'll be off to camp soon,

so it's really nice to spend the time
with him and just see him for a bit.

I remember when I retired
for the first time in ,

-remember when I gave all the belts up?

You was a little girl and you was crying.

And you was like, "No one cares about
me dad giving his belts up."

-Do you remember that?

I thought about that recently
and it made me cry.

It did. It made me cry,
I had a little tear thinking about it.

-Don't know really.

It was just like my little baby
who's grown up,

used to be concerned about dad,
what I was doing, at six years old.

I don't really get to spend
that much time with Venezuela.

She used to be sporty, now she's girly.

She used to be
a daddy's girl, now she's not.

The only thing
I can do now is enjoy the now.

And lap it all up while I can.

That's it.

Any of your friends at school
or anything or your friends outside,

have they ever said like,

-"Oh, your dad's Tyson Fury."

-They didn't know me dad was you.
-They must have.

They didn't know you was me dad.

What's it like being
the Gypsy King's daughter?

-Heavyweight champion of the world.
-It's all right.

No, but do people ask you questions
or treat you differently or anything?

-Not really, no.
-No, never?

-Good. That's pretty good then, innit?

Just a big bodybuilding p*ssy.
[shouts] Get up!

[Tyson on phone] Today is D-day!

[shouts] D-day!

Today's D-day for the little sucker!

f*cking D-day!

You've had the contract
ten days now, bitch.

Still ain't signed it.

If you're not done by five o'clock today,
GK's moving on.

He fancies himself as a bit of a G hussy,

but really he's just
a big bodybuilding p*ssy.

Get up!

[Paris] Tyson, has something happened?

No, nothing's happened,

-I'm getting a bit erratic in the bedroom.
-[Tyson on phone] f*cking D-day!

[Paris] I thought you meant
the man had signed the contract.

[indistinct chatter]

So, today it's all about the girls.

Venezuela's party tonight.

[woman ] We know.

[woman ] Lovely. That's nice.

[Paris] I've got the cake.
The woman's bringing the desserts.

The party planner's organized
everything else.

Morning's gone quite smooth.
Feel like I'm forgetting something.

-Too good to be true.
-[Paris] Yeah.

I've lost count
of how many people are coming.

Me auntie's already come, my two cousins,
there's a few more coming.

So I think the house
is going to get very full of females.

I think Tyson's tried to run away.

This is a Granny secret.

We don't tell Dad because Dad will go mad.

He'll chase Granny up that road
and say, "No more!"

"Not putting make-up on my girls."

[Tyson] Hey!

Big swing.

That was hard.

That's probably beat AJ's score.


-Prince, , from a ten-year-old.
-[Adonis screaming]

Son of the heavyweight king.

-[Adonis screaming]
-[Prince] Have you got ?

By the time I'm finished in this gym,

if that phone doesn't ring
with a signed contract, it's off.

[Adonis] Ow, my fingers.

[cell phone ringing]

I thought it was Frank Warren.
It's Matthew James and the countdown.


I'm in the gym, let me call you back,
when I get out and I'll confirm.

-All right, mate.
-[whistle blows]

I thought that was it.
I was gonna jump for joy then.

Thirty minutes, guys.

Thirty minutes, until D-day!

[indistinct chatter]

Let me see your dress. Walk it down.
That looks smart, pretty as well.

That was good.

Keep your knees together
when you're walking, you look cheap.

No, that's how you don't walk.
That's how street walkers walk.

Here we go.


Make sure my phone's working.
Yeah. I got full signal.

It's not on do not disturb or flight mode.

Still on.

[line ringing]

[Robert] Hello.

Robert, we've less than
three minutes to go,

have we heard anything
on the contract signed?

[Robert] What George asked for,
leave it till close of play tonight.

-Before midnight... That's what I said.

Five o'clock's cut-off.

That's in two minutes.

Well, it's not happening,
but don't say anything, just keep quiet.

No, I wanna absolutely rip him
to pieces in two minutes.

I'd just leave it for now.

George is working hard
to try and pull it all together.

He said "Just give me
until close of play tonight." Bye.

There we are.

That's my side saying, "Leave it
till tonight till close of business."

[shouts] D-day!

No signature!

Five o'clock.

So the deadline's passed.

I've called AJ out,
I've offered him a shitload of cash.

He's not taken it on.

The fight's not gonna happen.

We're moving on.
We're fighting somebody else.

[Paris] Girls, all out, and Venezuela,

this is your moment
to stand sensible and tall.

Don't walk like a dink and don't be silly.

[woman] No, I'm holding
your daughter's dress.


Organizing this party has been stressful,

finding the venue, choosing the guestlist,

going through what Venezuela
actually wants here,

but I think if you're gonna do it,
you should do it right.


Whoa, dude. This looks fancy.

Hey, hey.

Ready girls. Don't pull that face.
That's the awkward face. [laughs]

-[Venezuela] Hey.
-[Paris] See youse in a minute, girls.

-You look handsome, Tammy.

[Paris] Turn around.

-Well, you look unbelievable.
-Who, me?

Yeah, you've only got
a couple of weeks left.

-Go on. See you in a minute.
-[man] Good turnout.

Plenty's come.
I think they're all still landing.

I think there'll be a few more turning up
for the next hour or so.

Venezuela's gonna enjoy privacy
in that room for the next hour.

But then about : ,
we're going to share the dance floor.

I let Venezuela have the first few hours
with the doors closed for her own party.

I think they really enjoyed it,
and then we opened the doors,

mums came in and I was a bit wary
if she was going to feel

like we was invading,
but I think she embraced it

and all the girls
had a great night, and the mums.

[announcer] Get them singing
"Happy Birthday" to Venezuela.

One, two, three!

[all] ♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy Birthday to Venezuela ♪

♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪

-[announcer] Ladies, make some noise!
-[all cheering]

Well, guys, it's official.

D-day has come and gone.

No contract has been signed.

It's officially over for Joshua.

Always knew he didn't have
the minerals to fight the Gypsy King.

Good luck with your career
and your life, peace out.