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01x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 09/03/23 10:18
by bunniefuu
Hey, Tyson Fury here, AKA, the Gypsy King.

Anthony Joshua, I'd like to give you
an opportunity to fight me

for the WBC Heavyweight
Championship of the World.

Let me know if you're interested.
If not, I will select another opponent.

Thank you very much and good night. Boom.

So, the AJ history
is a pretty brief history.

While I was retired
and fat as f*ck, basically,

AJ was giving it the biggun.

I thought if there was ever a moment where
he'd probably fight me, was this time now,

'cause it's a big fight in this country,

I thought I'd give him the first option
to do it, the Gypsy King.

But the question is,
will the bodybuilder bite?

Today Tyson shouted at me, said,
"Paris come here and video this."

I've walked in the front room,
picked up the camera

and he made this big video to Anthony.

I'm not sure what his thought pattern was,

why he took that on himself to do that.

In boxing, you can have a fight date
without an opponent.

Your opponent
you can choose pretty quick after.

It's whoever says yes at the time.

If I could've picked my happy space,
I would've said, "Leave it."

"Great, you're retired.
Let's do what we're doing."

But it's not what he wants to do.
He wants to fight.

I think he's most happiest
when he is fighting

and when he's in the ring.

There's been some bad fights
when he's fought Wilder.

He's been knocked down,
that's the frightening part,

the bits you don't wanna see,
there's always that threat and worry.

There's nothing much I can do.

I can't change his opinion.
I'd prefer him to stay retired.

I don't think he's got nothing
to prove in boxing.

Oh, I just k*lled the steak.

I think I just made one salty steak.
We'll just rub it in.

Tyson takes in my feelings to some level,

I don't think he understands
the pressure it puts on me and the kids

to watch him fight,
to see him get cut or hurt.

It's never got any easier.
It's just getting worse.

Joshua would be the Battle of Britain.

Though he's lost a few,
it's still a big fight.

He's coming off a -round fight.
He's fit, he's injury-free.

He should be ready to go
in ten weeks, no problem.

I've offered him the fight openly.
"If you want the fight, let's do it."

If they decide not to,
then I'll get somebody else and that's it.

But I will be fighting this year.

It's on my terms 'cause I rule boxing.

He's like called you out
a few times, hasn't he?

He's said, "I wanna fight Fury."

-Then he's never fighted you.

Talk is cheap.

[man] Would you like
to see your dad fight Joshua?

I wouldn't like
to see me dad fight at all.

-It's not a nice thing to see.
-What do you think I should do?

I don't know. Whatever you want.

I've never seen me dad box ever.
I've only seen him on the telly.

It's frightening to think
he's going back in the ring,

I don't want him to get hurt.

Hi, guys. Quick one.
I'm being bombarded with messages

on how much am I gonna pay AJ.

The actual answer is,
I've offered him - .

% of this amazing fight,
because I want this fight to happen.

He doesn't have any excuses
now not to take it.

I don't think he'll fight you.

Cleverly, he should, shouldn't he, really?

You would think so, Paris, wouldn't you?

It's a great opportunity for him
to earn multi-millions of pounds.

Anyone sensibly thinking,
and a clever business person,

would accept this... Wham!

Take me arm off, take the lamb with it.
I'll take that, thank you.

I'm not going to start camp until the end
of September. For God's sake.

I only need a few weeks' training.

Not like you're going into space,
you need to prepare for f*cking ten years.

I'm eating cookies and stuff.

I've made a fantastic offer
and he can't get this type of offer

from anywhere else
in the world at the moment.

Five weeks is all I need.

Five weeks, that's it.

If you're a fighting man,
you're a fighting man.

Men, back in the day, would've been
drinking brandy in between rounds.

You've got these idiots today
with all the sports science

and computers stuck to 'em. Please.

Let me tell you, I'm gonna do five weeks'
training and knock a m*therf*cker out!

I don't need ten years. I'm ready.
Look at that. I'm ready.

I'm ready to rock and roll today.

Before the fight, I'll have a couple
of pints the night before, like always.

All the way up to the fight,

in the fight week,
I'll have a couple of pints.

Get in there and do what I do best.

Right, Paris, this is how much
I value training camps,

I'll take you away on holiday
for a few days, if you want.

I'm gonna take you to Cannes,
south of France, like we did before.

Yacht day, couple of days on the yacht.
Nice plane going there.

Do a bit of restauranting,
wining and dining.

Oh, yeah! Frenching it up, baby.

-Are we taking the kids?

I'm gonna take me wife,
enjoy it, wine and dine.

Champagne and caviar.

Walk around the boat stark bollock naked.

Read a book with me nuts out on deck.

That's nice, innit? Classy.

Venezuela's at that age, where she is
not really interested in much.

She's not wanting
to participate in family activities.

She just doesn't want to do
what she don't want to do.

So I've booked polo and I'm hoping

it's something good
that me and her could do together.

Ever had any experience of polo?

I don't like horses.

[Paris] I've always wanted
to go riding the horses.

[Venezuela] I'm allergic to them.

Mine and Tyson's upbringing
was very different to my childrens'.

We try and keep it more normal
at our home, but it's obviously not.

So I wanna give Venezuela the opportunity
to try things that I never could.

If we're no good at it,
look at it this way,

we can have a nice bit of food.
It's a day off, no kids.

It's just me and you enjoying a moment.

Hi, how you doin'?

-[Paris] Hi, nice to meet you.
-Lovely to meet you.

You've been given two
very novices at this,

that's never rode a horse in their lives.

Swing your right leg over the top.

Lovely. You happy there?

-Happy enough?

Pop your left foot in.
Swing yourself on over.

We could do it like that, fine.

Give him a squeeze
with your heels, a kick.

-It's moving. Please don't make it move.
-Okay? Nice and relaxed.

-On the course.

-Why is it moving?
-Let's try going left.

[Venezuela] Which way's left?

[Paris] I feel like a cowboy!

The more relaxed you are,
the more relaxed the horse will be.

Ahhh! It's gonna bite me.

[Paris] Stop. Five minutes.
You're being dramatic.

-[Venezuela] It's going faster.
-We've got a mallet for you each.

-Right, it's getting upset.
-[James] Forehand.

And backhand, like so.

Nice high swing.
That's it. Strike through.

Show me how to get off of this...

-If it's gonna bite me...
-[Paris] Yay!

[Paris] I think
I'm the next polo champion.

Just please get me off of it.
It's growling at me.

Horses don't growl. [giggles]

-Please, get off. Please, get me off.

-Do you want to get off?

Right. If she don't like it,
I ain't gonna force her.

Now you can say you've rode a horse,
you can ride a horse.

[Venezuela] No, I can't.

[horse snorts]

[line ringing]

-Hi, Jack.
-[Jack] How are you doing?

All right, good mate.
I'm just calling you,

I just need a few ideas on things
about something really special for Paris.

So we're off to Cannes for a holiday
before I go into training camp.

It's always been a special place.
Our happy place.

But what she doesn't know is,

I have a massive surprise for her
when we get over there.

I'm looking for another engagement ring.

Gonna get married again
for the third time...

-You going to pop it again?
-I'm gonna pop it again.

Go on, what do you need?

I'm looking for a fancy,
intense yellow diamond.

-Like the one you have?
-Yeah, like the one I have, to match mine

with maybe some white stones in the side
with a nice design.

It's the third time, years,
so it's gotta be something special.

I'll get some sent across to you.

-Thanks, mate. Bye.
-Thanks, mate. Ta.

There we are, boys. Third time lucky.

I'm asking Paris
to marry me for the third time,

but in hindsight,
it's only the first time.

The first time we got married,
I told her that we'll get married.

The second time,
it wasn't, "Will you marry me?",

it was more like renewing our vows.

And this time, it's gonna be a proper
"Will you marry me?" moment.

I'm gonna pop the question

after I've wined and dined her
for a day or so.

Hopefully she'll say, "Yeah."

And I cannot wait to put on
a Christmas winter wonderland wedding.

All I've gotta do now
is get meself a bride.

[Paris] Did you like that in any way?
Are you proud you've done it?

-Are you not?

If it was the middle of summer
and I was in a lovely flowery dress,

yes, it would be lovely.

I could have a Pretty Woman moment, but...

As long as the horse don't come near you?

[Venezuela] Yeah.

Your dad'll be going to camp soon,
just before your birthday.

I was gonna ask you to go.
Maybe not even the fight,

a few press conferences or something,
just to say I've been there.

-Not the fight, too much.

Watching me dad get punched in the face.

It's not nice, I agree with you.
It ain't nice at all.

It's why I've never took youse
when you was young.

Venezuela's at that stage
where nothing's important.

Only thing that matters
is her friends. That side of life.

For her to understand it's dangerous,
I'm pleased she has that feeling,

that she has compassion to think that way.

It'd be good to come 'cause it might be...

You never know
when it'll be your dad's last fight.


I know it's not nice to be there,
but I've went through it times before.

Thirty odd times before.

It's nothing different
to go through it all again.


I think Venezuela's old enough
now to understand

everything that Tyson puts into his work
and everything he does for his family.

So for her to come to the fight
and actually see all the victory of it,

all the glory of it, and also
the hard work he does in the ring,

I think it'll be good.

Your birthday's not long.
We need to send the invites.

-Looking forward to your birthday party?
-Yeah. Very.

I can't believe you're .

I wasn't allowed to dances
and things till I was older, .

I don't wanna go to dances.

I just wanna be normal and go places.

I know, but you gotta consider
that you're the oldest child,

so your dad will be more strict with you
than the rest of them.

It is harder for Venezuela, being
the daughter of the heavyweight champ.

All her friends can go under the radar,
do whatever they please.

Whereas Venezuela has to understand
that she's under the limelight,

she's gonna be scrutinized for all her
little teenage tantrums, teenage issues.

She's just gonna have to live and learn.

Can I just change my identity
and move to Scotland?


No, you're our kid.

[Paris] When she's older, I'd like her
to find a lovely partner in life.

I'd like her to settle down
and have a family.

I think that was always
important on my list.

-You can be a woman all your life.
-I don't wanna be a woman.

-I wanna go places with the girls.
-Being in these places,

running up and down the country
is for young women.

And young women
have got all their life to be women.

Whether you want a man,
a job, to sit at home...

Why does your life revolve around a man?

There's only two or three things
that people will ever do.

They will either work or have a family.

I don't want a husband yet
and I don't know what job I'll do.

I wanna be young,
I don't want to think about the future.

At the moment, me family is the most
important thing to me right now.

Then, probably how I look.

And then the girls.

[Venezuela] Hi.

How are you? Give us a kiss.

That's for my Valencia, a Belle hairbrush.

And this is to Tyson.

Oh! Tyson, now you've got
your own boxing gloves

to go to the gym with your dad.

[Paris] My mum's gonna watch the kids
while we go away.

Mum always comes
if I'm leaving for a few days.

Every time she comes,
she's got a special treat,

they just love her,
literally like a second mum to them.

This was the very first time
that he's seen Paris.


And this is how he looked.

[Venezuela] Let me see.

[Lynda giggles]

[Paris] Would you not be attracted
to that looking at you?

[Lynda laughing]

I went...

"She's only ." He said, "I'm only ."

I went, "Yeah, in your dreams,"

'cause he didn't look . [laughs]

With his beard and dark curly hair
and the height he was.

And I've nudged her,

but she kind of smiled,
and I thought, "I'm k*lling her."


That was her. She was struck.

The Tyson that I met physically was
so different to anyone I'd ever seen.

So, he was tall, he was older looking.
He was, like, attractive.

Tyson also had this kind of shy side
that I really liked. He had a kind heart.

He'd always hold your hand
and cuddle you in.

And I think I fell in love with him
pretty quickly, really.

Imagine if that was looking at you.
I'd walk the other way.

-Don't be bad.
-Your dad was nice looking. He looked...

Listen, whatever he looked,
she was hooked.

[Tyson] No, just sell them.

Sell them at , - - -
or whatever it is. That'll do. Deal, sell.

Yeah, a little bit of currency trading.

[shouts] Come on!

Go put some trousers on.

-You know why you're in a good mood?

You're boxing again,
signing deals, making contracts.

I'm not in a good mood because of that.

I just made a good deal currency trading.

That's not bad
for an uneducated savage, is it?

[Athena cooing]

So that'll be a new handbag
for you, Paris.

-The pretty wife gets a handbag!

-Yes, my trophy wife, now get out the way.
-Kick you in the teeth.

[Tyson] I would never discuss
my personal business with Paris.

Paris don't know how much
we've got in our accounts.

She don't know what properties we own,
what assets we own.

She knows about Chanel handbags.

She knows about looking nice.

Look at our wardrobe,
what she's organized yesterday.

This is what she knows.

She cooked me last night,
a full roast dinner on a Tuesday. Yeah?

Then I come upstairs, open the wardrobe,
and I'm like, what the f*ck?

Come on! I love me wife!

-You are taking the piss.
-Why would I take the piss?

-You're stood taking the piss.

You're proud of your wife for cleaning.
She knows nothing about your business.

-That's taking the piss.

That's not taking the piss.

I am a protector and a provider.
That's my job.

Ooh, bit of sexism.

How has the negotiations gone
between you and Anthony Joshua?

-Signed up? He said anything yet?
-Nothing signed.

Why has it not been signed?
What's going on?

-That's only a term sheet.

That ain't the official contract, is it?

-So that means absolutely naff all.

Terms have been agreed verbally.

Then they make their demands,
what they want, don't want.

So until you're actually in the ring
with an opponent,

in my opinion, it's never on.

AJ started camp already.

-Has he?


It's only three months out.


-How is that? Smart?
-It'll have to do.

Yeah, nice.

[Tyson] Here we go.

Come on!

What are you
most looking forward to going over here?

A lay in in the morning.


I don't get woke up
by : a.m. every morning.

What are you looking forward
to going over for?

All the fun, sexy fun, we can have,

without the kids bursting
through the door after seconds.


Do you wanna join the half a mile club up?

Excuse me?

Do you want to join the half a mile club
At . thousand feet? ♪

-Fans over here, ain't as bad as home.
-I don't mind.

When I've not got the kids, happy days.
Game on, attack me if you want.

Jump all over me.
Kiss me. Squeeze me balls.

The lot, whatever you want.
Let me bite you. I'm excited!

Okay... [giggles] Tyson...

As soon as I get off this plane,
I'm having a French beer. Come on!


[Paris] Whoo!

Morning, Frank.
Just landed in the south of France.

Business again.

How are we getting on?
They signed the contract?

I'm supposed to be on holiday,
promised Paris I wouldn't do any business.

However, I've gotten calls from the lawyer
and from Frank Warren

about the fight with Joshua.

I've never ever known Eddie or Joshua
to be very straightforward or simple.

Never once, have they ever agreed
to anything we've ever said.

They want this, they want that.

I said, "Give 'em everything
they want, make the fight happen."

"And by the way, I'm on holiday.
So leave me alone."

We've been off the plane,
what, three minutes,

and he's already on a business call.

[Tyson] All right. Sounds good.

See you in a bit, mate, bye.

Try and leave the daft calls alone,
the phone, the business.

Chill out. Leave the phone alone.

I like Cannes so much because
me and Paris had some really happy times

in and ' there
in training camp with the four kids.

Had an apartment out there
and really enjoyed it.

So it's always been a happy place to us.

Ah! Look at the view.

-Oh, thanks, I've been working out.

Yes, you look glorious there, darling.

[Tyson] Have we got a chef here?

'Cause I'm quite hungry.

[Paris] Ah, this looks nice.

[Tyson] That's Antibes
and that's Vue de Mer.

That means a view
with the sea in the background.

I can speak French also.


Could you whip us up
a couple of cheeseburgers?

Oh, shit, it fits.

It is a nice day.

That shirt would match my dress
I'll wear tonight.

[in French accent] That is a nice shirt.

[in normal voice] This is the supreme

athletic body

of the world of sports.

The most famous sports star in the world.

-Or up there with them.

And Ronaldo ain't got shit on me, has he?

Ronaldo has got abs. I've got flabs.

Look at the love handles on him.

[man] Tyson, where's the ring?

[whispering] The ring's in the bag.

The ring's in the bag, safe.

Safe, ready to rock and roll.
I hope it is.

Yep. The ring's in there.

I think the most important thing
is that she says, "Yeah."

And if she doesn't,
then who knows how I'll feel.

[Paris screams]

[Tyson] What? What is it?

Look what your son has done?


That's me boy.

Get up there, my Adonis!

He's got my buzzer
off the ledge upstairs. [laughs]

He's given himself a full wood.

Just grew his hair back,
he'll have no hair, a skinned head.

I've got a bald head. Father, like son.

[Paris] That's horrendous.

That is absolutely terrible.

Can't believe what that little boy's done.

He looks in such a state.

I don't know what to do with this.

Then I've had to phone Paris,
to say, "What should I do?"

Then Tyson said, uh,

"Shave it right off
because you can't do nothing else."

Hold still, will you?

[kids giggling]

Look at this boy's head now.

This is the problem
with watching six kids.

I think you need eyes
in the back of your head,

eyes in the side of your head,

and I think you need them
on top of your head.

I shaved all of the middle off.

Because I wanted to be like my dad.


Go there, I'll take a picture.
You look like a Victoria's Secret model.

Shall I suck my ribs in?

[Tyson whistles]

Tally-ho! We're your neighbors
from across the valley.


So when do you think
you'll be going to camp?

Uh, first week in October.
First Monday in October, yeah.

This is the last bit of chance together?

Yeah, this is our last chance
together, so...

Let's make it count.


You said you'd never box again
'cause you don't wanna do this no more.

I know I can't do anything else.
I've gotta do this until I die.

When Tyson says, he's not going
to stop fighting till he's dead...

One, it's stupidity.
Two, it's not a nice thing to say.

It's not nice to ever hear somebody say
I want to do it till I'm dead.

I've tried umpteen times
to walk away from this bullshit,

but it's not possible.

Here we are,
back on the f*cking ship again.

And back sailing. Get up.

Happiest when I'm doing this.

More controlled, more stable,

everything's smoother while I'm fighting,
while I'm actively a pro.

When I'm not a pro,
I retired for five months,

head was up me ass,
suicidal thoughts and that's it.

Can't fight forever.

It hasn't always been easy
being married to the Gypsy King.

The good thing that we've got
is we can sit down, sort it out, move on.

The answer to every problem
is confronting it.

So far, so good.

Whatever problems happened in our lives,
we've been able to overcome them, move on.

-How am I looking? Hench?
-Yeah, you look lovely.

-Do you want to get an ice cream?

♪ I scream, you scream
We all scream for ice cream ♪

-[woman] Bonjour.
-[Paris] Bonjour.

Could I have a pistachio,
please, in a tub? Thank you.

Yes, can I get
one of these cones with pecan?

[woman] Thank you very much.
Have a good day.

-Thank you.
-Put that in your box.

-Thank you very much.
-Thank you, bye.

-Do you wanna try this?
-Wanna try mine?


Try this.

[Paris] We've got two bodyguards
and I think once people see them,

it stops people from coming over.

But I am aware that people
are still aware Tyson is here.

-[Tyson] Hello.

[Tyson] What about
when we was under the tree,

I told you that I was gonna do
everything that I was gonna do.

-I know, but...
-Do you remember, recall?

-I know, but...
-Paris, over there.

But even then,
you knew you'd be world champion,

but you didn't think
you'd be world famous.

But I didn't think I was just
gonna be some random person.

We was about and ,
and we was having a picnic under a tree.

It was sort of breaking springtime.

We'd been going out since the Christmas
and we was talking about the future

and Tyson said, I'm gonna be a boxer,
and I'm gonna become world champion,

and then marry you, and then I'll take on
the world's contenders.

It was just this list,
and I just heard it in the middle,

like, "You're gonna marry me?"

Um, I think that was my proposal.
That was as close to one as I'd get.

My jaw hit the floor,
I remember I kept smiling,

so I must've wanted to say yes,
even though I never got asked.

You think people, when we're by ourselves,

if they don't know who we are, they think,
"Look at them, she's a money grabber."

Why does it always have to be
the woman who's a gold digger?

-No, there is male gold diggers.
-You could be a EuroMillions winner.

Excuse me. I could be a brain surgeon

who invested all her money
in property in the ' s.

-In Bitcoin.
-In Bitcoin and is now a trillionaire.

[Tyson] "La Petite Maison."
Can I have a smooch?

[Tyson groans]

This is a little cozy romantic table
for two, isn't it?

It is.

They don't have a tomato soup,
babe, or a prawn cocktail.

-They will have a prawn cocktail.
-They don't.

I'm having the fillet steak, f*ck it.
It's the only thing I know.

This is romantic, to come out
and have a bit of food together.

There's a little bit of flirting.

Foot under the table, have a rub.

You could put your full body
under the table

I'd be like, "Go on, get up from there."

"Someone's gonna see you down there."
It wouldn't be romantic or sexy. [laughs]

Our relationship is built on more than,
"My wife looks hot today."

Our relationship
is built on loyalty and respect.

Which a lot of people don't have today.

Lack of.

You could be married to someone years
and meet somebody the next day...

That's it, done for. In the real world.
But not in my world.

[Paris] Thank you very much.

Do you think we're unshakeable?
Like Bonnie and Clyde?

They were unshakeable.

Don't know. We've been together through
pretty thick and thin, haven't we?


Two minutes.

Paris has been a fantastic wife.
I can't give her enough credit.

There's been the retirements
and the balloon up in weight,

and I've had to travel all over the world.

Why we fell in love
was because we connected.

I'm in love with the soul.

[woman] Quickly,
tell me how you're feeling.

She'll probably say no, with my luck.

There's always a bit of doubt in my mind,

whether Paris will wanna
marry me again for the third time.

I wouldn't say I'm scared,
but I am a bit nervous.

Happy birthday... ♪

-It's not my birthday, you crank.

Thank you. You've got a heart.

Why've you... "Will you marry me..."

Are you f*cking mental? [laughs]

Are you serious? What are you doing?

-I'm very serious.
-What are you on about?

Why have you written that?

[Tyson] Voilà.

After years,

-will you marry me for the third time?
-What are you doing?

Please tell me nobody's looking behind me.

Yeah, everyone's looking,
it's kind of happening.

Or am I gonna lock this away,
pretend this never happened?

Why do you want to marry me a third time?

I dunno. I must be a sucker.

Tyson is always surprising me
in every day of life.

He surprises me
with something new, constantly.

But big surprises like this,
I don't usually get such big shocks.

Let me see. Is it pretty?

It matches.

Go on then. All right. Are you serious?

-You got me a ring.

Happy new year!

[all clapping]

She took her time there, didn't she?

We've had a beautiful walk,
a beautiful meal

and also got a lovely diamond ring.

I think the fact that
that man wants to marry me again

after all these years
must say something for our relationship.

There we go,
married for the third time again.

I think we're there for each other.
Thick and thin. Good and bad.

And, even the the bad sides,
the hard times,

he's always been a real gentle giant.

I know that there wouldn't be
somebody out there

suited better for me than Tyson.

Right, babe. I'm quite tired now.

It's quarter past : , I'm ready for bed.
