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01x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 09/03/23 10:16
by bunniefuu
-[engine revving]
-[Tyson] Whoo!

Oh, shit! Oh, shit!

Life isn't always gonna be
sunshine and rainbows, like Rocky said.

There's shit in the way.
You've got to keep moving forward.

[engine revving]

I've got a new car.

I've organized a meet and greet world tour

and I've just signed a contract
to appear at a WWE wrestling event.

Get on!

What more can anybody want?

So that's a bad-ass life!
[shouts] Come on!

[Tyson] Give us a kiss, quick!


Love you. Put your stuff inside,
we're gonna wash the dog.

[Cash whining]

[Tyson] Make him smell real good.
Like his pap.

Prince, after you've done that,
release the hound.

I'm enjoying being a hands-on father.
Best job in the world.

Come on then, release the hound. Let's go!

[Prince] Cash is our new guard dog
that me dad bought.

Here, Cash.

Well, guard dog my ass,
but he couldn't protect nothing.

He couldn't hurt a fly.

[Tyson] Come here, me baby.

Come here, me boy.

I could do more damage than the dog.

Good boy.

Who needs a dog when you've got
a psycho Gypsy King in your house?


-Looking forward to coming here today?

-It'll be good fun, won't it?

-Me and you. The team.
-[chuckling] What?

The lone rangers.

The ladies.

Get off me.

Now that Tyson's started
a new part of his life,

it's enabled me to do different things.

I've been asked to do a talk show

and I've accepted it
because I've got more time

'cause he's with the kids.

This could be a new chapter for me.

[Paris] We're here.

Is there gonna be
one of them laugh/applause signs, like...

Yeah, for when I tell a joke,
they'll put a sign up saying "laugh."

[Paris grunts]

-[Venezuela] Hi.
-[woman] How are you?

[Venezuela] I've been in the car
for five hours.

[Paris] I think it was four.

Venezuela came out of school
when she turned

because in Traveller tradition
that is what children do.

They come out of school
and learn their parents' skills.

-[woman] Okay, right. Lovely.
-Thank you very much.

Venezuela is home-schooled,
but she's coming with me today

because I'd like her to see
if something inspires her,

something she'd like to do in the future.

Could use a comb, couldn't you?

-[Paris] No, I'm all right.
-You've got it. There.

[Paris] Let it go.

-Turn around. It looks nice.
-All right.

-Hold on. There you go.
-I'll be back in a minute. See you.

-Bye. Love you.
-Make sure you're quiet.

-You look nice.
-Thank you.

[Venezuela] When me mam was younger,

she had a lot more ambition
than I do at the moment,

but I do look up to her a lot.

I think she is amazing.

-[presenter] So Tyson retired.

Tell us about that?

When he said, "I'm gonna stop,"
I thought, "You've achieved a lot."

"You've done great
and don't need to box anymore

and we're secure, so that's wonderful."

But I knew he'd be restless.

[presenter ] It's good
for his mental health.

[presenter ]
It's a thing with sportspeople,

especially those open about their issues

like Tyson brilliantly has.

But there's a massive void in their lives
when they've had such a structured life...

-[Paris] And then it's just gone.

[birds squawking]

[Tyson] Come on. We're soaping him up.

Rub it in all over him.

It's good that me dad retired.
He's home more. He's very fun.

And there's no more getting scared
that he's going to get knocked out.

-I'm just squirting the water.
-Come on, kids.

Get involved.

-I'm doing it so the soap goes.
-Don't, he doesn't like it.


[Tyson] Cashy-bamba.

Yes, good lad.

Yeah, I think that's enough anyway.

Dad, he's gonna fall!

[Tyson] Hold on, hold on.

-Got ya, it's okay. Let go.
-[Tutty] Get me down.


-Dad, get me!
-It's okay.

I don't know how I keep meself
so patient around the chaos.

Do you wanna do it
while I'm holding you again? Okay.

You get used to it,
after years of being screamed at

and chucked shit on and whatever else.

Don't do that, Tutty, to him. Go on.

What are you doing?

There you go.

I love my daddy. He has a bald head!


In the ring's easy, because it's work.

[Prince] Dad!

But at home,
this is like a madhouse hours a day.

Cash, sit!

And I come from a madhouse meself.

-Me dad's mad.
-Wanna go high, Dad?

Me mother, and all me brothers are mad.

Dad! Do you wanna go high?

I suppose it runs in the family.
Push me high, please.

But I do love it that way.

[cheering and applause]

Thank you.

[TV host]
Give it up once again for Paris Fury!

[cheering and applause]

[TV host] Captain of the ship, Jane Moore.

I'm freezing. Come on.

What did you think?

It was all right.

We're in the posh bit.

Yeah. We'd suit down here, wouldn't we?


It'd be lovely to go home
and the kids all be in their pajamas,

and just all settle down, watch a movie.

Chill out. Have a bit of tea,
me and Tyson together.

That'd be the best.

Just hope he hasn't had any daft ideas.

Got high expectations, ain't you?

[Tyson] Right, Prince,
I've had a brainstorm.

Let's get the trailer ready
and let's go camping tonight.

-Come on, baby!



I'm going camping 'round the corner.

-Taking the trailer?

Thought of it two minutes ago.

I won't tell Paris
because she'll try and talk me out of it

and make an excuse why I shouldn't do it.

She'll find out when she comes back
and we aren't here.

I'm definitely the fun parent.

Let's go. Right!

-Is that enough?
-[Jimmy] That'll do you.

If I've got the power
to put a smile on my kids' faces,

I'll do it. What's wrong with that?

Boom, boom, boom. Let's go.

It feels like you've swallowed an animal
and the animal's wriggling inside you.

Only way I can explain it.

And then soon you'll be able
to start seeing limbs poking through.

I feel so excited about becoming a mum,

it's gonna be a whole journey
and I am a little bit nervous.

He does try and hide that he's nervous,

but I can read it all over his face
that he's terrified.

Do you feel ready to become a dad?

-I feel like it was a next step for us.

Do you feel you would've been
a little happier, if it had been a boy?

Obviously, it would have been ideal to...


...have a son to take to the boxing gym,
hold the pads.

He can hit me hands, but...

What's not ideal about a girl?

There's nothing not ideal about a girl.

Although, I wouldn't push her into boxing
'cause getting punched in the face...

It's not that fun.

Not a smart way to make a living.

No. There's other ways.

There's other ways
which we are going to teach him.

-I want him to...
-It's a girl.

-We're gonna teach her.
-Yeah, right.

Different sorts of jobs and what not.

My God.

I think Tommy's learning, day by day,

more of what's gonna be
required of him as a father.

I think he's a little bit naive

as to what things are gonna be like
and how much life's going to change.

But I know he's gonna be
the most incredible dad

and he's gonna be everything
we need him to be and more.

So I'm just really excited
to see that new side of him.

How do you think you're gonna find it
watching me push her out?

Are you gonna look down there
when the head is exiting...

Me being me... I mean,
Shane told me not to look.

I understand where he's coming from.

-Me being me, I'm gonna look.
-You will.

I'm gonna be right there
and I'm gonna cut the placenta.

Not the placenta,
you'll cut the umbilical cord.

I'll cut the umbilical cord
and I'll put a sachet of it in my wallet.

-Okay. [laughs]
-Because I wanna keep it.

It's not ketchup.

But I'm gonna cut a snippet off
and put in my wallet.

-Not a sachet.
-I'm looking forward to it.

Growing up the way I have,

I've got my morals.
I live my life a certain way.

And I feel like
when our little girl comes along,

she'll most definitely be brought up

the way I've been brought up,
the old-fashioned way, the right way.

Our baby's actually gonna only have

one quarter Traveller blood
running through her veins.

But I want our daughter to be raised
around other children, you know?


Because I feel like family's number one.

-It's important she knows that.

With Tommy obviously being Traveller,

he has had conversations with me
about our child not going to school,

which is non-optional.

I've been raised differently to that.

It would never be a question
that our children would not go to school.

But hopefully
it won't cause too many rifts.

God, we're in charge of another life.

-That is terrifying.
-It is.

-We can't even look after ourselves.
-Do you know what's more terrifying?

That this baby
will be half of you and half of me.

I can't comprehend it.

Don't know what it'll come out like...

As long as the baby
doesn't have your nose, no problems.

I've not got a great nose,
but it's better.

I'm not gonna lie. Sorry.

We've landed at the site.
We're in Disneyland!

Get off!

Let's have a look.

I could live in that trailer
all year round.

You've got to have a simple outlook
and there's a lot to be said for doing it.

Less stress. Less pressure.

This is perfect, isn't it?

[Prince] Fly to the moon!

We're in! Come on!

Get yourself in here.

This is the kitchen, dining room, my room.

That's where the magic happens down there.

Down there.
That's where all the magic happens.

[Paris] I am absolutely shattered.

Where's the kids?

[shouts] Tyson?

[Paris sighs]

[line ringing]

[Tyson] Hello?

[Paris] Where you at?
I've just got back to the house.

I am literally 'round the corner
on the trailer site in the caravan.

Ah, please. Camping.

Are you camping out with us tonight?

Don't know.
The baby's got a burning temperature.

-Gotta see what I'm gonna do with her.

I'll get some strippers 'round then.

-All right.

[line disconnects]


I've got a giant ' " child and it's like...


What has happened?
I've been gone for ten hours.

I don't see the sense.
Kids have school tomorrow.

That's the problem with living with him
'cause he's so up and down.

That's it. That's the definition
of the bipolar, that he's all or nothing.

Like instead of just being set
in the routine of,

"It's school, this is normal."

Then he'll wake up, bam.
"We're doing something else."

[kids chattering]

Oh, Paris is here. Hi, babe!

What have you done?

She's used to me doing stuff like this.
This is not a rare thing.

Hi, guys.

Don't mind us, campers.

[Paris] Whatever are you doing, Tyson?

-[Tyson] We're camping out.
-Who is? Me?

-Yeah. The full fam.

The full fam-diddly-pam-pam.

-No way.

[Tyson] I've been and got us some tea.

[Paris] Have you got ham?

You didn't get chips,
so you brought sandwiches?

I try to just go along
with his mood swings

and his ups and downs
and his ideas that he has,

but these sorts of things
are a definite interference in life.

-[Paris] Do you want a sandwich, my boy?
-[Tyson] Yeah.

-Are you my boy?
-Yeah, I think so.

This is my boy, here.

[Tyson] This is heaven, innit?
This is as good as life gets really.

[Paris] I would never do it.

Pure pleasure. I do it
'cause I'm spontaneous and don't care.

You do this
'cause you're not well in the head.

-You pulled us a mile down the road.

Where instead of going to a new city...

This has got toilets, showers, grass.

So has my house.

[Tyson] Listen, your dream
is the big house, the Ferraris...

[Adonis] I don't want one, Mum.

My dream is to live in a caravan

on a green field
with the kids laying all over me.

-[kids chattering]
-I'm living out my dream right now.

Money ain't the be-all
and end-all of everything,

but with Paris, it's probably harder
to go from lemonade to champagne

back to lemonade again,

rather than just having lemonade,
never having champagne.

Right, we're ready.
We're rocking and rolling.


[Paris] This to me is just obscenity,

but I will humor my husband into thinking,

"Okay, this is normality,"

when really, this is madness.

Absolute madness.

Run down there. Run, run, run!

But if I don't let him
have his little moments...

[Athena screaming]

...he gets a bit depressed
and he gets upset,

so we've got to roll with it.

I do three miles every day.

I do a -mile maybe twice a month.

It's enough for anybody.

Especially a man of my age.

When you're a mental health sufferer,
the best thing in life is exercise

'cause I know without that,

I can't function or think straight,
I can't do nothing.

So I've got to train
so I don't get there like Tyson.

I've had it all me life.

Me father had it.

Me grandfather had it.


When I was younger,
I didn't know anything about it

and we thought
a kick up the backside sorted it out,

but we've learned from that it doesn't.

Tyson can't live without running.


He does more training out
than he does when he's in camp.

I think in Tyson's case

you can have everything going for you,

all the fame and fortune,
all the glitter the world's got to offer.

When mental health kicks in
you've got nothing.

Even with all that around you,

you can still slip a hundred miles an hour

to a dark place.

But that's his family's job, my job,
to make sure he don't go there.


[Athena crying]

-[Paris] What?

You don't have to stay here tonight.

-You go home to your place...
-[Athena cries]

...and leave me and the boys here.

You chose a bad day.

Don't know why you chose today
'cause tomorrow's school.

Is it?

[Athena continues crying]

[Paris] Mum's going home because...

Paris can't hack it.

It's not because of that.

Some people are not cut out for the road.

I wouldn't have
allowed you to do this today.

Grab your baby
and I'll pick the crisps up.

She's not well.

-It's totally fine.
-That's it.

I didn't really want you
to come here anyway.

-Oh, thanks. Thanks.
-[Athena crying]

It's not working.

Athena don't wanna play camping.

Neither does Mum. Come on then. All right.

[Tyson] Right, boys.
Unfortunately, it's bedtime.


Ooh, I've got him. [chuckles]

-Boys, get into bed.
-[Adonis] There's a cushion.

And I'll tell you stories,
good night stories.

Right, once upon a time,

there was three boys
and a dad sleeping in a trailer...

In the middle of the night,
they heard a noise.


[in grouchy voice]
"Let me in, Tyson Fury, let me in!"

[normal voice] I said,
"No! I won't let you in. Who is it?"

And he said, "If you don't let me in,

I'll huff and I'll puff
and I'll blow your trailer over."

And I said, "Just you try!"

And he huffed and he puffed...

[blowing air forcefully]

But the trailer didn't move
because it was too big.

So I just went outside,

hit him with a double jab,
right hand, left hook,

and it knocked him out.

And then I cut his belly open.
[mimics knife slashing]

And I found Valencia, Athena,
Mam, and Venezuela in his belly.

And they all hopped out,

came and slept on
my bottom bunk down there.

That's shit.

[Tyson howling]

[Tyson] Happy birthday to Tutty!

[Paris] Happy birthday, Tyson!

Give me a big
happy birthday cuddle, quick! Jump!

-Happy birthday, me boy.

Hey, Tutty!

How are you feeling
about Tutty's birthday?

[Paris] It's nice to have Tyson around now

because he gets to see
the kids' birthdays.

In the past, when he's been away
in training camps and missed it,

the kids are like, "Where's my dad?"

It's kind of upsetting,
it's nice for him to be here.

-Shall we see if he's got a present?

[Tyson] Oh...

-[Adonis laughs]
-[Paris gasps]

What is it all?

What is it, Tyson?

[Adonis] ♪ Spider-Man... ♪

-Controllers, for what?

That's a PlayStation.

-Is that what you wanted?

Baby Tyson gets the nickname Tutty
because when Baby Tyson was little,

it seemed so crazy to keep calling
this tiny little baby Tyson.

Obviously, looking at his dad.

So we somehow came to the name of Tutty

and it just seemed to stick.

Have a look at your things then, quick.

Right, have a look 'round.
I'm gonna be back in a minute.

Gotta get packed for the Isle of Man.

I've been doing meet-and-greet
all over the country.

I can't find the case.
Here's one I made earlier.

It gives me a chance to get out
and get away from the house

and go on tour for a bit. Fantastic.

-[Paris] What is it?
-LEGO Minecraft.

[Paris] Oh, wow.



What are you doing?

I'm getting packed.

-You've got all day to do that.
-No, I haven't. I literally don't.

You've made me do this at :
so you can sit in your bedroom.

Hold on, I'm coming now.

Yeah, it's too late now.


[Adonis] Look! Wow! Look!

[Prince] Yeah, I got it, yeah.

[Paris] Yeah, you got him something.

Tut! Oh, you've opened
your presents without me?

[Prince] You took too long.

[Tyson] I'm going now.

When he goes,
the kids literally, they t*rture me

and cry for like weeks on end,

until they get used to the fact
Dad's not coming back.

-He's gonna come back soon.
-What's the matter?

-I want to go with you.
-You want to go with me?

[Adonis crying]

When my dad's not around, I miss him.

-[continues crying]
-See you, me boy.

Oh, you're all right. Stop crying.

Come on.

[Tyson] Right, guys.

We're going on tour to the Isle of Man.

Let you know if it's white, sandy beaches
and all the things I dreamt it'd be.

When I'm away,
I do miss Paris and the kids.

Believe it or not, when they're not there
for one day, I feel a little bit lonely.

[lively music playing]

[all] ♪ Let's all do the conga!

♪ La-la, la, la. Hey! ♪

[Tyson] One Heineken Zero, Big Chris?

[John] This is how you start.
They went with that.

[all laughing]

[Tyson] It's nice to have
me dad on tour with us.

Everyone's having drinks and having fun.

Two-time! Ho!

I can have a drink with them,
but I choose not to

'cause from what I've learned
and seen over the years,

I'd rather just not get involved.

That way, there can be no problems.

Can't get enough of these tours, me.

It's absolutely...

It's a good job
'cause we've got another to go.

Well, I'm ready for 'em.

Like the heat, turn it up.

Like everything else,
turn it up 'cause I can handle it.

Love it.

[announcer] Passengers,
on this crossing today,

we have the two-time
world heavyweight champion,

-Gypsy King Tyson Fury...
-Come on!

...coming to the island
for a show this evening.

-[John] Let's go!

The boys are on tour!

Stop us if you can! Get up there!

Come on!

[people shouting excitedly]

-Are you ready?
-You're big, aren't you?

-Ooh, aye.
-[woman laughs]

-Girls, look at me.
-He's a big boy. [laughs]

-Thank you.

-All right, sound.
-Good luck.

Thank you.
I'm like an absolute babe magnet.

I'll have steak pie, mushy peas and gravy.

This looks good.

-Thank you very much.

Right, where are we... We're sitting...

[John] So then...

What are you gonna do then?

About retirement.
A lot of people are asking,

every time we're on stage,
that's the main topic of conversation.

I'm definitely retired.

If that's where it's at,
do what you gotta do.

You've done your best and given your all.

You gave your life to it.

It's now your time, innit?

To enjoy and give back to the public
what's put you there.

And that's what you're doing now.

Doing all these tours 'cause
you don't have to be in the Isle of Man,

you could've been anywhere.

-Could have been in Barbados

drinking piña coladas.

But what you're doing?
Giving back to the fans.

[Paris] Right. We want one of those
and a couple of those.

Shut the fridge.

-Wanna see how to make diet chicken?


Because I don't want to.

-Do you not wanna learn how to cook?

I can make Pot Noodle and burnt toast.


I think it's good for Venezuela
to know how to cook

and to prepare food and to be able
to look after a home and everything

'cause one day she'll be a mother
and might have to do that.

Right. Cut the end completely off.

That's how I was brought up,
in the traditional families we come from.

You've got to get used to
vegetables and meat.

What if I don't want to?

You've got to learn how to cook.


It's touching me foot.

Ew! [giggles]

You're making this look difficult.

Don't you want to follow Gypsy tradition,
be a wifey and cook?

I don't want to cook, be a wifey,
clean and sl*ve all day, no.

So what are you gonna do?

Sit at home.

No, you can't sit at home all day.
How are you going to keep yourself?


I understand most kids at
don't have any idea

what they want to do in life,

but I'd like her to sort of choose
something that she wants to do in life,

and make a few choices now.

If she chooses to be a career woman,

a businesswoman, a model,
a doctor, a lawyer.

If she chooses any of them,
then that's fine.

If she wants to be a housewife,
she needs to be good at that.

By the time I was or ,

your granny was showing me
everything about home life

and once a week, I used to go to a center

where we used to do, like,
Gypsy Traveller meetings.

I'm being deadly serious now.

No plan. Don't wanna do anything,
from the bottom of my heart.

No plan. Don't want to do anything,
what do you thinks gonna happen?

-You'll live off your dad?

You're gonna sponge.

You're not a proper person then.

You are not a proper person at all.

Because a proper person
wouldn't live off their family.

I always thought how to better meself.

You are obviously
just a privileged, little brat.

If a normal girl said that,
it wouldn't matter,

they'd think, "Let her do it,"

but because it's me
and me dad's who he is,

everyone's gonna think that I'm spoiled.

No, a normal little girl...

Traveller girls don't want to do anything.

-No, but you don't want to get married.
-My dad's...

-No, I don't.
-And they all do.

If you wanna break the mold.

I didn't aim to get married.
My aim wasn't to get married.

My aim in life was to have a business.

If I met someone on the way,
that's what I would do.

So you have to pick a path.

You can't just free willy-nilly
all through life.


The main thing with these tours,

he enjoys those people
who come to see him.

He loves them.

[camera shutter clicking]

To have that intense closeness
to people who love you,

that's priceless, that's why he does it.

Hiya, love, you all right?

I was wondering how big you'd be?

I've got the best fans in the world.
It runs deeper than a sports fan.

These people are like
hardcore Tyson Fury devoted followers.

I love it!

Nice to meet you, my friend.

I love every single one of 'em.

[cell phone ringing]

-[Paris] Hello.
-Hi, babe, you all right?

Hello, Dad.

Hello, me baby girl.

Dad, I love ya.

I love you the most.

-I love you the most.
-No, I love you the most.

I love you a hundred pounds.

And I love you two hundred pounds.

[Paris] Look who's here.

Look who's here.

Hello, me baby girl. Little mouse girl!

[Paris] Say "Hiya."

Say "Hiya" to her, Tyson.

-Let go, Valencia.

[Paris] Athena.

I'm going. Catch youse in a bit.

Adiós, amigos.
Goodbye, goodnight, Vienna. Au revoir.

See you in a bit, bye.

Mum, I don't want to go to bed.

I don't care if you don't want to,
you're going to bed.

[audience cheering]

[presenter] WBC heavyweight champion
of the world!

[audience cheering]

The heavyweight champion of the universe!

Tyson, are you really retired?

-Yes, really retired.
-[audience booing]

I've been on the road for years
this year as a professional,

I've been away from me wife and kids
for most of that time.

I've been in America, all over the place,
travelling, boxing, whatever.

And it's about time I came home
and manned up to my responsibilities

of being a husband, a father and a son.

[audience cheering]

The feeling I get when I'm stood
in front of me fans, it's like no other.

[Tyson] You have been fantastic tonight.

-[shouts indistinctly]
-[cheering continues]

It's an amazing buzz that you get from it.

It can't be competed with.

And this is why, over the years,
all these sportspeople make returns

and some of them feel lost

and they never can get back
that enjoyment they once had.

Last night's show was a success,
but I'm feeling f*cked.

All it does is it drains
all the energy out of me

and afterwards, I'm left like
a big heap of dirty washing

at the bottom of the stairs.

That's how I feel.

You'd be bored not doing it.

Not bored. I'd be happy.

You wouldn't want to do well.
You'd be off your head.

But it's not nothing.
I've got to look after six kids.

With Tyson, where there's an high,
there's also an even bigger low.

You gotta come from being high
to where normality kicks in.

The mundane life
can be a downer from where you've been.

I want to be left alone in Morecambe Bay.

Just leave me the f*ck alone.

End of. 'Nuff said. Boom. Do one.

Take it when I get back
we're not getting tea and biscuits?

You're not getting f*ck all.
You can f*ck off.

"The motorway's that way!"

[all laughing]

Even when I go on them shows
and I go back down to reality,

it takes me a bit
to get my head around it.

I'm thinking to myself, "Do I need this?"

If that's doing it to me,
what's it doing to him?

I only got a Switch.

I'm just making a trifle,
it's one of Tyson's favorite desserts, so...

I thought I'd make him one.

Your dad's back. I just heard him.
He don't sound like he's far away.

Hello, darling.

Hey, Paris. Hold that.
I'm gonna go see me dog.

[Paris] Yeah, go on then. Kiss my ass.

You can...
I'm not in the mood for Tyson today.

Cashy boy! I've missed him.

Missed him.

Come on, come on, come on.

Venezuela, watch your sister.

Too tired for that shit.

[Athena] Hiya.


[Tyson] Hiya.

[Tyson] Hiya.



-[cell phone dings]
-Hiya, Dada.

[Paris] I've made this dessert
just for him

and he comes back and the first thing
he does is see the dog.

To be honest, I feel like
putting the trifle over his head.

[Athena cooing]

I don't feel like talking to him
and he don't feel like talking to me,

so if he wants to be immature, so can I.

When I'm feeling low,
Paris will get the blunt end of it.

She's the one there, isn't she?

Direct line, firing range.

I don't feel good about it.

Paris is a good woman, a good wife,

but when you're in a low mood or down,
it is what it is, can't do much about it.

[Paris] Me and Tyson can argue,
but we'll have daft arguments.

But we won't say sorry.

We just ignore each other
for a few days and then back together.

-[kids shouting]
-Yeah, let's go in the pool.

[Valencia] Yay!

[Tyson] Let me get my pants on.

[Valencia] Dad!

We're in Cardiff. We're in a nice villa
that's got a heated pool outside.

We're here for a couple of days
'cause Tyson's doing, um, WrestleMania

so we've tagged along
'cause the boys like wrestling.

Do you want to get mouse girl in?

[Tyson] Come on, me little tiny mouse.

[Paris] Oh, she looks scared, Dad.

It's lovely to see them enjoying it,
a bit of time with their dad.

Very special that all the family are away.

Rarely happens for a work event.

It's a mouse girl! It's a mouse!

I think Tyson's just enjoying having
a bit of family time.

That was half the reason
he didn't want to box.

He didn't wanna keep leaving.

I think it's just make the most of it,
make these moments count.

[Tyson] This is my official
WWE merch shirt for this evening.

-[man] Happy with it?
-Damn good too.

Not bad for a one-night-only gig.

Anyone would think
I'm famous, wouldn't they?

I've worked with the WWE before.
Very excited to be back here.

Tonight I'm doing a cameo.

The Gypsy King back in action. Can't wait!

[audience chattering]

We're back, baby. We're back.

[audience cheering]

The King is back.

Are youse ready, g*ng?

[cheering continues]

What's up?

Tyson is a born showman
and he loves the attention

and when he steps into a stadium
he is then the Gypsy King,

and at that point, you just
sit back and enjoy the show.

[audience cheering]

[Paris] Oh, my God!



[female announcer] B-Team.

[presenter] Austin Theory.
Who can cash in a contract?


[Paris] Look, look, look.

Whoa, whoa.

[audience cheering]

[presenter] Tyson Fury just knocked
the hell out of Theory.

What the hell did he do that for?

[Paris] What's he doing?

I am happy being Tyson Fury,
the family man,

but I do miss the boxing
because I've been doing it all me life.

[audience cheering]

[audience chanting]
Tyson Fury! Tyson Fury!

I do miss the roar of the crowd
like the Colosseum in Rome,

like the gladiators.

[audience cheering]

You never know what's gonna happen.

[audience chanting]
Tyson Fury! Tyson Fury!

Tomorrow is a mystery,
that's why it's so exciting.