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01x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 09/03/23 10:16
by bunniefuu
I'm Tyson Fury.

Unbeaten heavyweight champion
of the world.

For the last years,

boxing is the only thing
that's given me purpose.

But the time's come for me to retire.

What that looks like, I have no idea.

Oh, come on, not again.

Excuse me, have you got a carrier bag?

He does more sh1tting than a newborn baby.
Come on, shitter.

I've gone from topping
the bill at Wembley, , ,

to picking up dog shit on a run.

So I'm back in my hometown
of Morecambe Bay.

-To start a new life without boxing.

I need to buy a private jet.


-[Paris] Tyson!
-[Tyson] There'll be ups...

Get up there!


...and there'll be downs.

I'd rather get punched the f*ck out of me

than stay at home for a week
and do these jobs, it's hard work.

Tyson has got ADHD, bipolar, depression.

When he last stopped boxing, we had
a bad two or three years of our lives.

I've had a lot of dark moments
thinking, "You're gonna end up

in a padded room
and you've lost your mind."

See? I've still got it.
Bang, bang, bang, bang.

[Tyson] But with the Fury family
by my side, I can do anything.

There's my amazing wife, Paris.

Why're you married to a fat man, Paris?

'Cause he's rich.


[Tyson] My dad, John.

[John] Easy, lad.



[Tyson] My brother, Tommy,
and his girlfriend, Molly-Mae.

I'm going to be right there
and I'm going to cut the placenta?

No, you're not,
you're gonna cut the umbilical cord.

-[Tyson] And my six adorable kids.

Strict parents raise sneaky kids.

[Paris] Valencia, don't do that!

Say "smile."

[Tyson] Welcome to the family.

Three, two, one...

-[kids exclaiming]

Come on, then, Adonis, time for school.

Come on, Adonis, get up.

-[Paris] You getting up?
-Come on, me girl.

[Paris] This is what you get.
He ain't getting up.

Come on. We'll get the other two up.
I'll come back in and get him up. Prince.


[Tyson] Valencia. Are we all
getting up now for school?

[Paris] Get up, boys.

Morning in the Fury household,
very, very hectic on a day-to-day basis.

Get up. We're gonna be late for school.

Six children running wild,
one who's becoming a teenager.

[Paris] Venezuela, are you in there?

Just doing me hair now, two minutes.

All right. Come on.

The other four are like babies.
They are all young and very hard work.

-Are you getting up, Adonis?

[Tyson] Adonis, let's go.
We're gonna be late. Quick.

[Adonis screams] No!

I'll take you for some sweets.

[Adonis screams] No!

What's it like living in a busy household?

Uh, fantastic. I wouldn't have it
any other way.

Three girls, three boys.
All f*cking crazy.

Just like me. Even the dog.


[Tyson] Prince,
what you having for breakfast?

-A yogurt?

Not good enough. You'll have toast
with peanut butter and jam on it.

-I don't want toast!
-Toast with chocolate spread.

-So what do you want then?
-I'm not hungry.

[Paris] It's great that Tyson's retired,

but it'll be hard for Tyson
to adjust to be at home all the time.

-Do you want Nutella?
-[Valencia] No!

I want peanut butter.

[Tyson] Peanut butter?

Um, where's the peanut butter?

I think he'll struggle to just be
the normal person. The normal dad.

[Tyson] Prince, want a slice
of toast with peanut butter?

[Prince] No, I don't want toast.
I've told ya.

There you go.

Served right up.

To be at home constantly,
I think it'll drive him up the wall.

[Paris] Tys,
you're gonna be late. Get gone.

Come on, Tutty. Prince,
whatever your name is, Tyson.

-Get in the middle, Tut. Put your belt on.
-[Tutty] Mama.

You ready?
Gonna have a good day at school today?

[Paris] Wait a minute
while I get a PE kit.

-We're gonna be late, so hurry up.
-I know, wait a minute.

Can I have a good morning kiss from you?
Can I have a snuggle?


Where's Adonis gone?

Next time, don't leave your backpack.

You have to look after your own stuff.

-Get told every night to put your bag in.
-Green one?

-Right, go and get Adonis.
-Where is he?

[Tyson] Don't know.

-[Paris] Adonis!
-[Adonis yelling playfully]

-All good? That's good.
-She's given me swimming shorts.

-For a PE day.
-That's pretty good, to be fair.

-I'm gonna get rubbed to f*ck.

-You'll be all right.
-No, I will not!

-You ever run in swimming shorts?
-Plenty of times.

-Does it rub?
-Not really.

-Do you get a rash?



-Are you ready for nursery?

I'm not going to school!

You like school, school's good.

[whimpering] No, I don't!

[Tyson] You gonna have
a good day at school?

-Probably not.

Because mam's packed me
f*cking swimming shorts for PE.

So, I do physical exercise
every single day.

-Yeah, I know.
-Mostly in me pants.

Yeah, I know. I don't want to wear that.

-Right, wear your pants then, be like me.


[Paris] All right, I'll take you
to Jump Rush after school, okay?

-[Adonis] No!
-No? Whose is this lunch bag?

See you later, guys. Go straight in.

[Prince] f*cking swimming shorts!

[Tyson] This is beautiful, this is.
Look at that.

Go anywhere in the world,
you're not getting this view.

Don't care where you go.

-Didn't you drive here in the truck once?
-Yeah, I drove down there and got stuck.

Do you think we will be able
to keep doing this regularly like?

-Of course.
-We spend all this time together now.

-Without k*lling one another?

-We're all right. We're over that.
-I'm not sure.

Ain't it nice to have time together?

'Cause normally you're in strict training
or you're in a training camp.

Got the belts, I'm undefeated,
all the money, all the fame,

all the good looks
and still got me brains intact.

Nothing else to prove.

-Would you like me to fight again?
-I don't want you to fight no more.

I think you've done
all the fighting you need to do.

Now's the time to sit back,
relax and enjoy the ride.

You know what? I think you'll get bored.

I think you might get bored
not doing nothing.

Well, there's always
plenty of stuff to do.

[Paris] When Tyson said
he was retired I was over the moon,

but I think the things I worry about
is Tyson's mental health dips dramatically

when he doesn't have
a routine or a schedule.

I'm happy with what I'm doing.

Buzzing around Morecambe.

Minding me own business.

Doing what I've gotta do
in life and that's it.

Go to the coffee shop,
do a run, go to the gym.

Walk the dog, pick the kids up,
drop 'em off, do some tip runs.

Go on holiday.
Come back and do the same thing

for the next, hopefully, , year.

-You're only gonna live till you're ?
-Or whatever. However long I live.

Now it's time to just sit back
and pop me slippers on.

Enjoy what I've done,
enjoy the spoils of w*r.

Yeah, but I just hope you do.

I hope you actually sit happy and healthy.

Not go off the rails
and start thinking daftness.

I can honestly sit here and say today,
I do not want to fight anymore.

But after doing something all my life
and only having that one focus and drive,

to not do that, that's...

It's kind of scary.

When he last stopped boxing,
Tyson had an alcohol addiction.

He had a drug addiction.

He suffers from a few
different mental health problems.

Um, he's got ADHD, bipolar, depression,

and it all spiraled
out of control completely

and we had a really bad
two or three years of our life.

Go get it. Go get it.

So there's no point in sitting here
and saying, "Oh, that won't happen again,"

when that is always a worry,

like a little elephant
in the room that I think about.

I don't know. We'll see,
only time will tell the story, won't it?

There was a moment in where I thought
I had the antidote to the depression,

and the anxiety
was getting drunk before bed,

and it turns out that it's only a release,
the dr*gs and the alcohol,

for a small amount of time.

It's not a long-term fix,

it's a short-term break from the problem.

-Go get the ball.
-He forgot all about the ball.

He's just gonna dirty all my jeans.
Good boy. He's gonna piss on me!

Right, go and get his ball.

Do you think I'm highly trained?

[Tyson] Come on, Henry,
your turn to get up as well.

We're all up together,
all us three up together.

Beautiful day for being a Gypsy.
That's what I say.


[John] I'm a travelling man
'cause I was born in a caravan.

Give me me caravan. Give me me dog.

Give me me family, and let me get in
the middle of that field where I belong.


Me son's the greatest boxer
that ever lived, and I'm a proud dad.

He's proved he's the best of his era.

And at the end of the day,
everybody knows the name Tyson Fury.

He's a legacy. He'll go down in history.

It'll be a long time before one comes
along again like Tyson.

He's unbeaten,
he's fought the best in the world,

most dangerous men in the world,
but he said to me, "I'm retiring."

I thought, "Yes.
That'll do for me. I'm happy."

"Health is your wealth."

And I say straight, "Leave it."
He's made millions of pounds.

He's won every professional title
he has to win. He's got everything.

Lovely kids,
everything in the world to go for.

Park it up.

Last time Tyson retired,

he wasn't in a good place.

Could he slip back down that road?

It'd be a bigger problem
now than back then.

Because then he had a dream.

He had a goal of regaining
the heavyweight championship of the world.

Doing this, that.
But he's done all that now.

He's ran out of goals.

So what goal does he look for
if he backslides?

Put it on the top. Put a little bit
of water in it and turn it to six.

Kettle water?

No, just water,
and then we'll put the kettle on it.

Do you want dinner
before you go to the gym?

[Tyson] No.

[Paris] Call the priest
about Athena's christening?

-Yes. Yes.
-Did you get through to him?

What did he say?

What he said was all of the dates
that I suggested are free.

Oh, yeah.

I said, "I'll call you back when Paris
is back, we'll confirm a date."

-Call him back and confirm it now.
-All right.

Then I'll contact the hotel
and try and book the venue.

We're getting Athena christened
like the other kids.

I think religion
is good for any household.

That's me and Tyson's belief
and I think it's good to affirm it

with the kids and have christenings.

It's just a confirmation
that you'll bring them up in the church.

And yeah, it's just nice.

I think it's just a nice way to introduce
the family to the new baby,

and it's a good reason to get together.

[answering machine]
Leave your message after the tone.

Hello, Father, it's Tyson Fury.
I'm here with Paris.

We'd be able to do rd July.

That's a Saturday.

Can I confirm again, rd July, Saturday?

Thank you very much, Father,
all the best, God bless you.

-There we go, booked in. Boom.

Right. I am out of this shit hole.
I'm going to the gym.

I was actually thinking that this week,

I'm gonna pass
the cat-related jobs over to you

because cleaning poo
out of the litter tray

five times a day and feeding
is not fun, I don't wanna do it.

[Tommy] I'm not gonna be scraping up shit
from the box to be honest.

I will clean up piss all day long,

not the shit,
I won't eat peanut butter ever again.

Me and Molly met on
a reality TV show called Love Island.

Never expected to meet anybody on there.
Expected to go on there, mess around.

But I went on there
and I was swept off me feet

within the first week of being in there.

And I've never looked back.

-What's your plan this week with training?
-Going to see Tyson.

That'll be good.

Having Tyson as a brother
and being a boxer myself

in the same job that he's in,
it's absolutely amazing.

Having the guy there
who is the number one in the world

at your fingertips to ask anything,

to train with any time,

it really is a privilege.

I'm gonna do a training session with him.
And just ticking over, really.

I can train whenever
'cause I'm not in camp-camp.

I know there's a fight being talked about.

I have very mixed feelings
about Tommy being a boxer.

Often I say, "I wish more than anything
that you worked in an office."

But I know it's what lights his eyes up.

He's literally got it running
through his veins, his passion for it,

so I think I'm happy
that it makes him happy.

So what's your thoughts on Tyson retiring?
Do we think it's actually legit?

My thoughts on Tyson retiring

is probably like
the weather changing every single day.

One minute he's here,
one minute he's retired.

-I don't think he'll stay out the ring.

He can't live without boxing.

The fact he's retired now,
I think we're all enjoying it.

Because boxing
is just a total ball of anxiety.

So you know when you go up
and train with Tyson,

what's the situation like?
Is Paris there with the kids by herself,

holding down the fort
whilst he goes training?

Paris has a hard job...
I think they've got seven...

-Six kids.

They're your nieces and nephews,
you should know that.

There's a lot, they can forgive me.

I don't know how she does it.

I think maximum me and you
would be able to handle

would probably be, potentially, three.

You need to change your ways.

I know you wanna have ten.
My dream was always to have two.

We're gonna have to try and meet
in the middle. I think three is a...

-Something that I can consider.
-You know why you can never have three?

If we go on a rollercoaster.
It's me, you, it's the two children,

then one sat by their self.



Get on there.

I've worked out with me dad
since I was a kid.

He's an absolute beast
for a year old man.

[John] What is this? Tellytubby weights?


Full stack.

Get on!

Running and training, to me, is a part
of my life 'cause I've always done it.

And when you're a mental health sufferer,
the best thing in life is exercise.


Come on.

Easy work. Easy, lad. Oh!

[Tyson laughing]

What the f*ck is that?

Right, boys, let's enjoy ourselves.

We'll have a jolly boys' outing
in Morecambe Bay.

I've often tampered
with the idea of living abroad

and living in Monaco and America,

but there's always something
keeping me here in Morecambe Bay.

And I believe it's probably
the sea air calling to me.

"Don't go. Stay."

Smells like holiday, don't it here?

Shall we sit there
and watch the sea come in?

Every time I jog down the front, I look
at the bay, the view, I think, "Wow."

No matter where I go in the world,
I will never get that anywhere else.

[birds squawking]

[Paris] Venezuela,
step out here and let me look at it.


Come here. I don't know
what you're doing with the waistband.

-Don't know what else to do with it.
-Not that.

Done that to do the zip. Didn't work.

No it ties in a bow at the back.
That's to be a bow.

For Athena's christening,
I want the kids and me to look smart,

present ourselves the best way we can.

So you will find, with most Travellers

and Gypsy people,
that they dress to impress.

You dress up, put make-up on,
make an occasion of it.

It's the same with the kids,
they'll be photographed together.

It'll be a memory
to look at in years to come.

What do you want doing with this?
Do you like it?

Not really,
but if you want me to wear it...

No, I didn't order this.

You've got an Internet,
the world is your oyster,

and next day delivery.

So if you don't like it,
I strongly suggest

you get on the Internet
and choose an outfit.

Come here.

I'm looking in the mirror.
You're not a mirror.

Come here.

I think me and Venezuela is the typical
mother/teen daughter relationship.

She is going on .
Getting all her own opinions.

We can get on like a house on fire,
but then, in the next breath,

she hates me, she hates life
and she hates her outfit.

I think that's just the teenage dramas
that you get with kids.

Go and take it off and go
and put on, don't do...

Go away. As a matter of fact,
pack that washing away.

[Venezuela] Right!


-[bell dinging]
-[birds squawking]

-Do you like them new shoes, Tutty?

Let me see if they fit,
put your foot up here.

No, they're too small, Dad. It don't even...
You can't even fit my pinky there.

-All right. Not bad.
-They're all right. But they're...

What do you want for £ . ?

Can I go in the water?


[camera shutter clicks]

When me dad's back, it's really good,
but when we go somewhere,

it really annoys me that people
just ask for a photo with me dad.

-Thank you so much.
-Cheers, Jack. Cheers, love.

Lovely little dog.

They won't notice
that he's with his family,

or they just don't care.

-Can I make a selfie?
-Hello. Take a selfie. Sit down.

People ask for photos and sign paper.

And they take pictures of him.

[Tyson] Lovely. All the best.

I think they're wasting my dad's time.

[man] Tyson, nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

[man] Still think Joshua would
beat you now.

-Still think Joshua would beat you now.

I think anybody
on this beach could beat you.

Cheeky bastard.

When was the last time
you seen Tommy and Molly?

-I don't know, Paris.
-Be nice to see 'em.

Yeah, lovely. They can know what it's like
to have six screaming kids.

-Give 'em a taste of life.
-Give 'em a taste of reality.

Put them off kids
for the next years. [laughs]

[exclaims loudly]

Valencia, not red lipstick.
You're too little for red lipstick.

-[Paris] We need to get going.
-[Tyson] Come on, Tut.

[kids shouting]

[Paris] Chaos is a way
of life for the Fury family.

I don't think you could try
and impose serious order.

[Tyson] Put your belts on.

-Good lads, belts on.
-[kids shouting]

[Tyson] Shut up. Shut up.

Molly is a really nice girl.

I think to join the Fury family
is slightly intimidating.

You've got ' " giants
walking around like it's totally normal.

But I also found that everybody
in the family was really welcoming

when I first met Tyson
way back when I was ,

and I think if you come into the family
and then just embrace it and roll with it,

then you'll get along fine.

[Molly] Last time we went out for a meal,
all of us, Paris and Tyson had to leave.

-Yeah, I know.
-Because the kids wouldn't sit down.


-[Paris] Where is your jumper?
-[Adonis shouting]

[shouts] Where's your jumper?

It was just there.

[Paris] What is going on?

In the Fury family,
I am the only non-Traveller "wife"

at the minute, so to speak.

But I've never, ever felt out of place.

They've been so amazing, so lovely to me,

and made me feel like
part of the family straight away.

-[Tommy] Hello.

-[Molly] Hello.

-[Tommy] All right.
-How are you? Hi.

-You okay?
-Yeah, good.

-What's going on?
-[Tyson] Hi, guys!

-[Molly] Hello, Tyson.
-Nice to see you. It's been a long time.

-You okay?
-Yeah, I'm good, thank you.

Very smart.

Thank you very much,
I thought I'd make an effort.

Tommy and Molly seem really happy together
and they make a lovely couple.

I was shocked
when they came out of Love Island together

that they continued, it growed,
it's turned into something what it has.

It is a genuine, good relationship.

I'm fighting in seven weeks.

-Are you?

-Who are you fighting?
-An American in Dubai.

-Brilliant. Very good.

-Well, fingers crossed.

Until he gets in the ring,
I don't believe it's gonna happen.

I was like that at one stage
when Tyson was going 'round the circles.


-[Tommy] So, yeah, should be good.
-[Paris] That and...

[Tommy] Yes. Okay. All right, yeah.

-Here we go.
-What are you doing?

So basically we've got
an announcement to make.

Okay, what?

So, basically me and Molly,

we're having a baby.

-[shouts] What?
-[Paris exclaims loudly]

Come on, guys!

-[Paris and Molly laughing]
-[Tommy] Oh!

-Are you really or are you joking?
-Yeah. No, we're having a baby.

Champagne, Molly!

-I'm six months.
-We need to pop it.

[Paris exclaims]

-Really? Do you know what it is?

[high-pitched] Oh, no!

-I'm getting very high-pitched, I'm sorry.

I get very excited about pregnancy.
You know what it is?

-I never thought he had the minerals.
-We know what it is.

-At least we know it works.

[Molly] Right?

But the shock thing is...

I told her, I'm nearly six months already.

-Are you?

Let's see the tummy.

-There's not really a tummy.
-There's not a tummy there.

-[Molly] It's there.
-That's a girl.

-Correct, well done.
-There you go.

-Are you getting a girl?

[all cheering]

[Paris] Oh, my God.

-[kids chattering]
-[Molly] All I want is...

-Please don't have his nose.
-I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that.

What did you think when you
first find out, was it a shock or...

I come in from the gym, she had a parcel,
I thought it was a designer T-shirt.

I thought, "That's nice."

Sat down, and I was opening it up
and it was a little baby grow.

And I thought, "No."
I looked at her and I went...

I said, "No." And it was and then...

That was it from there.
It was a shock, weren't it?

I think Molly's gonna be
a very special mother.

She's got the aura
because she is such a nice girl.

I think I'm gonna be
a very firm, but fair dad.

I'm not gonna ask everything
or anything of her.

Other than, "Have your morals,
and be kind and considerate."

Just have your manners and that's it.

Here's a toast to my newest niece.

-[Molly laughing]
-[Paris] My goodness.

May she come here healthy and happy,
and I just wanna congratulate you both.

Thank you.

Very happy for youse and I hope
you have... This is the first of many.

-Thank you very much.

[Tyson and Tommy cheering]

[Molly laughing]

Tommy wants ten. So here's to ten.

Yeah, we wanted ten.

Here's to ten. She'll do it.

-Here's to my poor vag*na.
-[Paris laughs]

-[Paris] Good luck with that.

Becoming a parent's
a very special and precious thing.

You tiny baby.

No matter what you achieve in your life,

when that's all gone,
you've only got your family left.

That's why my biggest achievement
is my wife and me kids. That's it.

The rest of it, here today, gone tomorrow.

-It's her special day.

-She just wants eyelashes. Dark shadows.
-Aw. Bubba...

-Red lipstick.
-[woman] Hello.

-Are you going running now, Tyson?
-[Tyson] Yep.

[Paris] Valencia,
come and get your hair done. Quick.

-You looking forward to the christening?

[Paris laughs]

Very much so, can't wait.

This christening is Paris'
Instagram-perfect christening.

I wouldn't have done that. I'd have done
a good old-fashioned shindig,

few sandwiches, couple of sausage rolls.

That sort of stuff and a few pints
of beer and a song maybe.

However, I learnt a long, long time ago,

if you want a happy life,
relationship, a marriage,

just agree with the missus.

And if you don't,
you want a tortured one, don't agree.

[Paris shouts] Adonis!

-[shouts] Adonis!
-Is he up there?


[Paris] So it's just went
from zero to very fast.

Big Tyson has gone running,

and then he will waltz in
like nothing's going on.


Get himself dressed and done,
but, yeah, just as long as he returns.


Then, hopefully, help me with the kids.

Boys, come and eat your breakfast now!
Now! It's gonna be too late.

[woman] What are we wanting on the eyes?
Are you wanting what...

Nothing, not too heavy for her.

-No problem. Yeah.
-Right, just more natural.

-Even a little bit more natural than me.

Do you want the same lashes that I've got?

[woman] She'd go heavier, would she?

She would go like full pelt.
She'd have the biggest lashes.

[laughs] Right, we'll do...

And then, her dad'd come along and go,
"Come here." Two eyelashes removed.

What's going in in here?
Is this like a salon, is it?

[Athena shouting]

[Paris] Yeah.

Have youse made me house into a salon?

With a viewing gallery?

-[Paris] It's a beauty parlor.
-[Athena shouting]

I get on with my dad quite well.
He's just very strict.

He just doesn't like me
wearing make-up and looking nice.

[interviewer] Has he ever gotten mad
about what you wear or your make-up?

Um, only once and I was wear...
I'll actually show you the dress now.

It wasn't bad. Me mam being the fool
that she is, sent him a photo,

"Me and Venezuela's off to a party."
A photo of me and her.

He went, "She looks like this,
she looks like that."

"She can't wear that
when you come home you're..."

And he went mental over that.

Strict parents raise sneaky kids.

[camera shutter clicks]

All right, Dave?

Come a bit closer,
you won't be able to hear it.

There's two rows up here.

-[kids shouting]
-[indistinct chatter]

Right, where's all my kids?

-Venezuela's there. Yeah?

-I don't want these cameras.
-They'll leave once the ceremony begins.

-We're starting now.
-All right.

Right, everybody here?

Yeah, everyone's here.

[Tyson] Right, all of you lot out now,
religious ceremony, you can't film it.

Oh, this looks amazing! Wowee!

Get the music going. Get the mic on.

Athena! Athena!


I love to have a party.

I love to invite all the family up,
everybody get together.

It's a great excuse to get dressed up
and be together and have a good time.

Gypsies just do that. I think they do.
If they do something, it's usually big.

[kids chattering]

[Tim] Tys, what's retirement like now?

It's good. I'm enjoying meself.

I'm not even having a beer.
I'm enjoying meself.

-I can be spending time with the family.

I don't need to get punched do I, Tim?
You know that.

Too clever for that. f*ck the boxing.

I'm so bored of talking about retirement.

Move on, I don't wanna hear it again.

[speaking indistinctly]

[Paris] Aw, you look good, my boy.
Yeah, don't wipe it on your shirt.

[lively music playing]

[Paris] Venezuela thinks
she's a big, grown-up woman.

And she is at the age now

where she wants to go with her friends
and have her own little life.

Gypsy girls.


Um, which me and her dad
are both totally struggling with.

[girls cheering and laughing]

Come down. Come down, fools.

All over the cameras,
you've been told all your life

not to wander in a hotel.
Get down. Fool. Fool at , -year-old.

Don't say nowhere.
You'll be grounded tonight.

-You're acting like a fool.

[indistinct chatter]

Venezuela, if you and the big girls

all wanna get on that table up there
and youse can all sit down, all the girls.

Boys, boys, sit there, near Cinderella.

Sit down. Now where's Adonis?


-He's not in here.
-[Tyson] What's that?

-Adonis! Your son ain't here.
-Where is he then?

Your son isn't here. Get up and find him.

Well, that's what happens. Adonis is gone.

[Paris] Adonis? Adonis ain't here. Adonis.

[Tyson] Is Adonis in here?

[Paris] Adonis!

Oh, there he is.
Where have you been, me boy?

[Adonis laughs]

Have you been hiding?


Do you wanna try one of these sweeties?

Don't ever do that to me again.

Shall we turn the music off
and sit for ten minutes?

You can do what you want.

What are you doing now?

I've had enough. I'm done with it.

Why are you leaving early?

I'm going home to take the dog for a walk.

-I would rather you stay.

I think it's a bit funny,
you're leaving to walk the dog.

Well, who's gonna walk him if I don't?

-He could be walked later on, couldn't he?
-Couldn't, no.

[Paris] Awesome.


Tyson's moods
are on a regular up and down.

I really do think
that comes down to his... He's bipolar.

Yeah, he's going home.

What? I'm not going yet.

Got the van outside. Not going right now.

It is hard to deal
with on a day-to-day life

when he's feeling in a bad mood

or when he's all go and then nothing.

We can get in the car, he'll turn around.

With that, I do sometimes look
and think, "You're worse than the kids."

[kids chattering]


[engine revving]

It does get on your nerves,
and it is hard to deal with,

but I love him and I'm gonna help him
and support him.

And that's that.

If you wouldn't mind f*cking off.
I'm going home.

It's one of them things in life
I've had to learn to deal with.

[Tyson] Go on, son.

[Paris] It went really well yesterday.

Bit disappointed
in the fact that Tyson left early.

Um, kind of put a damper
on the last couple of hours,

but as is Tyson,
he will only do what he wants to do.

He does not conform to normality.

-Morning, guys.
-[woman] Morning, all right?

-[man] Lovely day.
-Yeah, beautiful.

I've had a lot of dark moments
thinking you're gonna end up

in a padded room,
you've lost your mind and you're crazy.

And as low as like not wanting

to live anymore
even though you've got a family and kids

and you've got everything to live for.

What helps me with my mental health
is set short-term goals.

Exercise for me is the key.

The moment I stop exercising

is the moment I go straight back
to the Hotel California.

"You can check out any time you want,
but you can never leave."

That's mental health

because it's not
if you get unwell again, it's when.

I think his bipolar sort of sets in

and he can't really take
the moment that he's in.

So he just walks away from it.

So, uh, one minute, he could be
enjoying it, dancing, laughing, and happy,

and then the next second,
his anxiety sort of kicks in,

and he thinks,
"Oh, I'm getting out of here, I'm going."

Good boy, Cash, come on.

Paris is amazing.

We've been together years.

She's put up with everything.

All the good and bad times
and the highs and the lows.

I wouldn't be here without her.

Where would I be? Dead probably.

It's annoying and it's just part
of the life of living with someone

who has mental health issues
'cause I really do blame it on that.

You could say he's just being an arse,
but it isn't.

If he doesn't like a situation,

his first reaction
is to walk away from it.

He has come from being the world's
most famous person at that time.

, people in an arena
screaming his name,

and now, just to being
up and down Morecambe

doing a few little jobs.

So I'm sure that
has got to be a sharp kick to reality,

but that is what he wanted.

[Tyson panting]

I'm gonna do some weeding.

More jobs.

-'Round the front, boys. Prince, come on.
-[kids chattering]

Help your brother pick these little weeds
out right round on t'road.

It's an adult's job.

No! No!

Give me them. Thank you. Help Prince.

It just looks a mess because
the farmer's cut the bushes,

and it's all blew in my driveway.

I can't have things
all messed up or dirty.

I don't like all that.

It's gotta be clean
or else f*ck off, basically.

My idea of retirement
may have been drinking a beer every day,

playing golf,
doing exactly what I wanted to do,

but I seem to be a lot busier,
now I'm retired than when I wasn't.

This is rubble from work
I'm having done on the roof.

They've left it here for me
to f*ck around with it.

Like I ain't got anything better to do.


But all it does is put more jobs on me,
you know what I mean?

Could've done without this.

Don't wanna do this,
but Paris will never do it,

so if I don't do it, who's gonna do it?

Ugh. Flipping heck.

[Adonis] There's fire, mam.

-Yeah, that is fire so don't touch it.
-Red one and blue one.

Yeah, 'cause the red ones are hot
and the blue ones are cold.

That's what it means.

Can I press the fire one?

No, don't press anything.

No, leave that closed. Get off.

-[Tyson groans]

Oh, Lordy,
sounds like he's done something.

[Tyson] You m*therf*cker.

[Tyson] I think he's just took
the top off the roof.

Once he gets triggered into a bad mood,
he can't seem to come out of it.

So once he's in that mood, it takes a lot
for him to swing back 'round.

-Are you going back in there, Dad?

Watch out me way
because I'm trying to move these vehicles.

Don't get in me way.

When Tyson gets stressed,
it causes a lot of anxiety for him,

and he gets really wound up.

And he becomes aggravated easy,

and it causes the same
sort of effects on me and the family

because we're all living
that same situation.

-Who wants a cheeseburger?
-I'll have a cheese burger.

Me, me, me.

Do you want some beans?
Do you want some baked potato?

Baked potato and beans, yeah.

-I want beans and...
-[Tyson groans]

Do you want your steak?

Do you want a full steak
or you want me to take the fillet off?

-Do you want that full steak?

I don't want a full steak,
give me a little bit.

-Right, okay.
-I'm absolutely stressed to f*ck.

I swear to God, that is
heart attack material what I've just done.

-[Paris] What have you done all day?
-I've never stopped.

What did you do today?

I have not stopped since I got up,
opened me eyes until now.

Yeah, but I'm the same.

[Tyson] The busiest retired man
in the world.

I would've probably had an easier life
when I was active.

A lot less stress and hassle.

All this is not interesting to him.
Just getting flustered with it.

[Tyson] When I left the ring
for the last time,

I truly believed a normal life
would be enough for me.

But boxing, it's really the only thing
that gives me a purpose.

And without it I just feel like
another number on a screen.

It's like that... That spark's gone.

The purpose in life has gone for me.

-I don't know if I can do all this.
-[Paris] I thought you was retired.

[Tyson] This is what I'm saying.

Retiring would've been playing golf
and having f*ck all to do all day.

It's easier getting set about
by heavyweight champions

than staying at home for a f*cking day.

Tyson tells me that deep down in his heart
that he is ready to be at home.

Yet, I see something in him
that says the opposite way.

Honestly, I'd rather get punched
the f*ck out of me by ten world champions

than stay at home for a week and have
to do all these jobs, it's hard work.

In his heart, he believes he's retired.

But none of us do.

The boys are on tour!
Stop us if you can. Come on.

This is Hollywood, baby.

[excitedly] Get up, bam, bam, bam.

I am the great Gypsy King
from Morecambe Bay.

"Will you marry me..."
Are you f*cking mental?

[both laughing]

It's gonna be a whole journey,
and I literally can't watch.

It's just the worst feeling in the world.

Tell him to get in here.
Get in this ring now! I'm not a bitch.

Just leave me the f*ck alone.

I can see him
slipping back into depression.

Come on, let's go. Ay!

I feel like you're insulting me.


-At that point, I wanted to leave.
-Kiss me balls.

-He's lost without boxing.
-[Tyson grunting]

I'll fight them both in the same night.

-No, you're retired.
-Why am I boxing?

We're back, baby.

It's the only thing I have in my life.

One punch from being crippled or dead.

[Tyson] I'm gonna continue
till I can't fight anymore.

[shouting indistinctly]

[presenter] You're the heavyweight
champion of the universe.

[crowd chanting] Tyson Fury!