$ (Dollars / The Heist)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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$ (Dollars / The Heist)

Post by bunniefuu »

In London, the deaIers set
the morning price of goId

at $ . an ounce.

Up cents from Monday's officiaI price.

In the foreign exchange markets,
the doIIar was strong...

Attention, emergency caII for PETER
and PETER .

GIockengiesserwaII. United WorId Bank.
, Ieading vehicIe.

Attention. Emergency caII for and .

GIockengiesserwaII. United WorId Bank.

Emergency caII.
The normaI round is canceIIed.

GIockengiesserwaII United WorId Bank.

Emergency caII.
NormaI round is canceIIed...

, you and the Ieading vehicIe. Come in.

Very good. Less than three minutes.
And that's through heavy traffic.

Captain, congratulations.

You gentlemen know in the United States,
in just years

while house robberies have gone up %
and street robberies % ,

bank robberies have gone up % .

As a matter of fact, there's an embezzlement,
larceny, or bank robbery

every minutes, five days a week,
weeks out of the year.

But the problem for you gentlemen
is the thing seems to be moving this way.

And very soon that shocking condition
may prevail soon right here in Hamburg.

But it's not gonna happen in this bank.

Mr. Kessel, how long has it taken me
to install this system?

Almost a year.

l am proud to say we have now the
same protection as our American branches.

Bulletproof glass. Same as before.

Television, closed circuit, hours a day.

Checks can be cashed only at this window.

Would you bounce a check
while you're being photographed?

lf someone is foolish enough to stage
a hold-up, give them the money.

Mr. Kessel.

No heroes.

Nobody has to risk his life,
or even the customer's.

The alarm rings automatically.


Armed guards. Young.
They hit what they sh**t at.

Professional crooks always case a bank,

learn the layout, the routine,
what happens hour by hour.

The only routine in this bank
is that there's ''no routine.''

Now, these vaults have time locks,
three clocks working in unison.

This type of lock
has never been cracked yet.

This door, eight inches of tempered steel,
$ , each.

Now, here are some of the tools
that have made your insurance rates go up.

Power drill, nitroglycerine, burning bar.
That bar costs $ .

lt'll burn through that door in one minute
or that wall in two minutes,

but it won't happen for two reasons.

That camera and this new sonic alarm.
Mr. Kessel.

Now, with million safety deposit boxes
in the United States,

why are Americans
coming here to rent them?

Because, in America, the police can open
any box with a court order.

But here in Hamburg, as in Hong Kong,
Tangiers, Switzerland, among others,

the banking laws
keep these boxes absolutely private.

lf you gentlemen want their business,

you've got to give these people
maximum security.

And this thing never sleeps.

Day and night,
it makes sure all these secrets are safe.

Even from the bank itself.

Good morning.

FIight to BerIin. Waiting room B Gate.


-I'm here.

-Yeah, so...
-Yeah, I just got in.

-How are you?
-I'm fine. Are you aII right?

-You free this afternoon?

-I'II caII you Iater.

Great. What time?

-When I'm finished.
-Right-O. Bye.

When they asked Willie Sutton,

America's famous bank robber,

''Why do you keep robbing banks
when you keep getting caught?''

His answer was,

'''Cause the banks are where the money is.''

Mr. Collins.

-lt's me. Ready?

The Army was just here and left.

Las Vegas just got into town.

Thank you.

-To the perfect bank.
-To bank robbers.

lf we didn't have thieves,
we wouldn't need banks.

Two hundred and eighty carton Hershey bar.

Two hundred and eighty carton Hershey bar.


-Three hundred paratrooper boot.

-Six hundred field jacket.

-Five thousand one hundred Zippo lighter.

-Cigarette, , carton.

-Two hundred and eighty slot machine.

-Fifty-two juke box.

-Forty two thousand frozen turkey.

Next time, bring dollars, okay?

See you.

You're late.

-Won't that keep till later?

l've been in and out of trains all night.

You're breaking my heart.

Come on, Sarge,
we've got all day to get to the bank.

There's nothing here from that outfit,

the one that sends them
lousy-looking hookers.

She said no more kickbacks.

-Just like that?
-That's what she said.

And what'd you say?

Stupid brass chicken-shit!

You just tell that little bitch we book no
more of her acts in any of our service clubs.

Not Frankfurt. Not Vietnam. No place.

No pay, no play. You just tell her that.

Good morning.

Good morning, Mr. North.

Take that burning bar out of there, please.

I'd Iike to caII Las Vegas.

Yeah. CoIIect.


That's right.
Same party and number we called last week.

Hello? Yeah.

Yes, everything okay this end.

Hold it. Counselor.


Well, l can be in Monte Carlo tonight.

If the proposition is suitabIe.

There's enough cash right here to cover it.

l can't hear a word.


Excuse me.

So much to eat for such a little girl.

-l've got no will-power.

So, twice a week, first shopping,
and then business with my private box.

l would give anything
to see your private box.

Mr. Kessel, all boxes are the same.
You know that.

Only some boxes are big
and some are small.

-Miss Divine, your key.
-Thank you.

Hey, what you doing here?

Robbing the bank.

You were supposed to be following him.

-Does he know you work here?

Yes, I wiII caII again.

You gave him the money?

No trouble?

Last week, you made
a connection in Marseilles.


You brought back six kilos.

How did you get it through customs?


No excitement.

Can you get this into Copenhagen?

-What is it?

From one ounce

they will make , capsules of LSD.

lf you put this in the water supply,

all of Hamburg takes a trip.

Deliver to him.

Two bottles.

$ , . Cash.

Bring it here. To me. Tomorrow.

What's my end?


-My boy will go with you to Copenhagen.
-l don't go with boys.

l'll take her.

She doesn't go with boys either.

Can l help you?

He wants me to go to Copenhagen. Tonight.

TeII him you can't go.

l need the money.

$ .

I'II give you $ . TeII him you got a friend.

And she'II meet him at the airport.

-What time?
- : .

What's her name?

This is the
American Forces Network, Europe.

You are Iistening to AFM Frankfurt.

AppIication for the Boston University
Master's Degree Program in...


What the hell was that?

l'm busy. Business.

-No. How can you eat now?
-l'm hungry.

l mean, l am a nervous wreck.
l mean, l'm on fire. Remember? Fire.



Four-alarm fire! Break out the nets!

Save me. Put me out.

Burn, baby, burn.

Put me out.

For that he pays you $ , huh?

$ .

lt takes all kinds.

One old gentleman gets very young

when l wear a black garter belt
and yellow stockings.

Don't you ever take
your clothes off to do it?

You're so square.

You are a victim of the Establishment.

-You're not?
-Don't be silly.

l am the Establishment.

l'm for smoking and drinking,

and infidelity and money and l go to church.

These guys are the Establishment,
hidden money, big money.

That's the Establishment. Right there.

You're not one of them, you work for them.

Everybody. Judges, lawyers, politicians,
even the banks, they work for them.

All of us, we're all working for them.

-My God.
-Him, l don't know about yet.

But l can tell you one thing...

your fire chief friend there
is about to empty his cash box.

And that means we can't wait.
So, him, you gotta find out about tonight.

You think one night
in Copenhagen is gonna...

Maybe there's nothing to find out about him.

With him or without him, we go tomorrow.

Terrific. Rob one, rob them all!

Rob the bank. Rob all the banks.

-Hello. Wait a minute.
-Right on. Revolution. Woodstock.

-You finished?
-Ho Chi Minh and a bottle of gin.

Oops. Power to the people.

-You finished?

Look, just one time,
if you could, please, just get it straight.

l love it straight.

We're not robbing the bank. Right?
We're not robbing the bank.

We're just gonna take what's in here.

Mr. Las Vegas' box,
that's skimmed money to cheat on taxes.

Mr. Army box's here, that's kickbacks
and bribes and black market money,

and then we're gonna put it into here.
That's your box right there.

And also Mr. Sunglasses,
but only if he's crooked, right?


Because you may not always be right,
but you're never wrong.

-We can't steal any honest money. Right?

-But why?

-lf he's breaking the law...
-He's a crook.

-And crooks can't holler cop.


Passengers of the deIayed Lufthansa
FIight to DusseIdorf

are requested to contact Gate number
inside of Waiting Room D.

The departure of Lufthansa FIight

to Copenhagen, Waiting Room A, Gate .

Miss Divine, Dawn Divine, teIephone, pIease.

Hello? This is Miss Divine.

l hope you like champagne.

We wouId Iike to draw your attention
to a speciaI technicaI feature.

In case of Ioss of pressure,

the cabin oxygen mask
wiII drop out of the box above your seat.

That woman. She pimp for you?

She introduces me to nice gentlemen.
Like you.

Why did she send you?

Don't you like me?

What's your name?


Good. l like Johns.

l know a lot of Johns.

Only not one of them is really named John.

-Something to drink?

We brought our own.

Later, at the hotel.

-You will enjoy it more later.


The great frigging American pastime.

A big league ball weighs five ounces.

lnside that thing,
you can pack four ounces of Big Daddy.

You gotta hand it to the guy.

Baseballs filled with pure heroin.

-Pure genius.

The pushers in New York
will cut the shit seven times.

One baseball is worth $ , .

The Candy Man has , ready to be shipped,

worth , beautiful bucks.

-Who's the Stateside Domino?
-His job.

-How does the stuff get to New York?
-Our job.

Equal partners?

We can buy in for , .

Batter up.

Play ball, baby.

The high, hard one. Cut the heart of it, kid.

Very unusual.

l never made or even heard
about a stopwatch for seconds.


Thank you very much.

-Miss Divine?

Come with me, please.


Please remove your garments.

-lf this is some kind of joke...
-Smuggling is no joke.

Now, Miss, you may undress here,
or you may do it in jail.

Why me?

All l brought in was champagne.

A tip from Hamburg says no.

When did they pass a law against these?

And the panties, please.

Now, what could l hide in there?

Do you know about these?

Never use them.

Women hide them, you know,
inside themselves.

They fill them
with heroin, marijuana, cocaine, pills.

Now, bend over, and spread your legs.


Oh, my God!

HeIIo. Is that you?

WeII, it better damn weII be you,
because I'm reaIIy bugged.

I was standing in this Iine in Copenhagen...

...they take me in to this dark room...

And then this d*ke that smeIIs Iike...

Oh, that's terrible.

You can't beIieve the humiIiation
that I've gone through.

Yeah, look, just forget about him.
There's an : plane back here...

Be on it, huh? All right.

-He could've k*lled me, too, you know.
-That's right.

-l hate him.
-Waste of time.

l don't care. l could k*ll him.

Stealing is a business, not a crusade.

What time do you phone the bank?

You know that junkie
even stole my champagne.

-What time?
-Five minutes before the bank closes.

At : . Not before and not after.
Who do you ask for?

-l might be ignorant, but l'm not stupid.
-Did l say you were stupid?

-l'm not even sure you're ignorant.
-l am.

You ask for Mr. Kessel.

-And only Mr. Kessel.
-And nobody else.

But l'm not stupid.

He's not gonna try to be a hero.

He's gonna do
exactly what you tell him to do.

-And what about the way you talk?
-l whisper.

Right, because nobody
can recognize a whisper.

Until this is over, no booze.

No grass, no pills, and no men.

You know,

every big crime is supposed to prove
something about the times we live in.

-What are we proving?

Has anything like this
ever been done before?


You know, there's a thousand ways
to rob a place.

And the company l work for, they know
every one of them. Every one of them!

They got statistics on burglars, embezzlers,
car thieves, shoplifters, pickpockets.

They got it all broken down
by race, religion, age, sex, politics.

They know about stealing by day, by night.

They know about the convicts
and the ex-convicts.

They know about stealing
by doctors and nurses and janitors

and patients stealing blankets and sheets
and pillow cases and bandages.

They know about working men
and businessmen and professional men.

All the respectable people,

the first ones who're gonna
scream law and order.

They pad their expense accounts
and they cheat on their taxes,

and they bribe the cops once in a while
and they steal...

They got statistics...
But do you know something?

On all the statistics
on all the banks ever robbed,

there's not one case on record
of a heist like this one.

And that's never.

You know, don't you?

We're never gonna get away with this.

On account of me.

You'll be fine.

-When the time comes...
-l'll freeze and choke and crap out.

You can do it. ln Vegas, you were a natural.

Big deal.
Me and seven other dumb show girls.

A feather here, feather there.

-But l thought it was terrific.

-l got you a test in the movies.

Movie big shot comes in.
He loses $ , at the crap table.

So my fire chief says to him,

''Cash, screen test, or a broken leg.
Take your choice.''

Boy, was l excited.

l really was.
l rehearsed for two weeks straight.

And l was constipated all the time.

And then D-day.

Lights. Camera. Roll them.

''Test. Dawn Divine. Take One. Action.''

And l froze.

l forgot what to do, forgot what to say.

Take two, nothing.

Take three, tears.

Take four, l forgot my own name.

And l made it up myself.

Take five, hiccups.

And the director yells out, ''Cut! Cut!''

He says, ''You go ahead.
You break my leg, you break both of them.

''But the one thing that does not belong
in this girl's mouth is words.''

So get somebody else.

l'm a born loser.

Look, l want you.

But l'm not lucky.

Sometimes, when people
are unlucky by themselves,

they're lucky together.

l know the line's busy, stupid.

Find out is she talking
or is the phone out of order?


Why the hell don't they learn English?

Ticket to Frankfurt.
The , for Captain Cooper.


No, later.

First, l gotta get me a fly boy
to fly the baseballs.

-What's the world coming to?
-Not much, Mr. Kessel.

lngrid, l have a...

Thank you, sir.

Not for a day or two.

You have made our lives
very full and very rich.


-May l?
-Oh, naturIich.

lt's personal.

Open up! Out of the sack, bum!

This is the g*dd*mn United States Army.

-l've been trying to get you.
-Oh, yeah?

-Your line's been busy all morning.
-l'm disconnected.

-What's matter with you?
-l'm sick.

First place, it ain't your time to be sick.
ln the second place, it don't matter.

Shut up, you fink.

-You're coming with me to Frankfurt.

-Just for one day.

lt'll do you good.

Got no time, so move it.


-She's sick.
-Yankee, go home!

That's the trouble with
you American broads. No damn gratitude.

She's not only sick,

she's sick, sick, sick.

HeIIo? Yeah.

Herr Kessel wants you. At once.

A safe deposit box
in the name of Mr. North from Las Vegas.

-Box number?
- .

They are closing their account,
removing their property.

They will need an escort.

l'm afraid that...

lt's a little late
to arrange for an armored truck.

No truck.

Everything goes in one suitcase.
Get a couple of guards to Monte Carlo.

-That would be no trouble, l'm sure.

lf you could wait until after the bank closes,
by that time...


Not today.

lt won't be ready till tomorrow.

ln that case, sir, it's no trouble at all.

None at all.

-Thank you.

Mr. Kessel, do exactly as l say.

First, you will...

First, you will...




l'm having a nervous breakdown.

l forgot how to whisper.

What are you talking about?
You're whispering now.

That is a fantastic whisper.

Yeah, but l can't go through with this.

l can't.

-Maybe tomorrow.
-Look, it's got to be today.

Just reIax. There's nothing to worry about.
You just...


Make that telephone call in one hour.

Now, set your clock.
The bank time is exactly : .

: .

: , : .

: . l mean, : .


Oh, God.

l am having a nervous breakdown.

Excuse me, excuse me, Mr. Kessel.

l wouldn't do that.

-Do what?
-Go see that girl.

l know she's waiting, but so is that man
across the street. And l don't like it.

A detective? You're positive?

-This time he's got a photographer with him.
-This time?

-Terrible, terrible.
-Not serious.

lf they had proof, they wouldn't be back.

Just forgive me, Mr. Kessel.

A friendly word of advice.
Today, don't leave your desk.

And, tonight,
take some flowers home to Mrs. Kessel.

Yeah, thank you.

Servco Export lmport.

-It's me.

-Got your key to the box?

Okay. Draw , .
Get in touch with the Candy Man.

Tell him we got a ball game.

You better hustIe before the bank cIoses.

-Anybody in the booths?

How about in there?

Keep everybody out of here till closing time.
That's everybody.

l spotted a man in the lobby.

He's got bushy eyebrows, a scar.
He's carrying a flight bag.

He came in and he went out.
ln and out, twice.

-He's just hanging around. Just waiting.

lt's probably nothing, but you never know.

You stay here.

PIease. Change.


Mr. Kessel?

-Your wife.

I am sorry, Mrs. KesseI,
I cannot disturb him.


Mr. Kessel, please.


Who is there, pIease?

One moment, pIease.

Herr KesseI.

-It is for you.
-Who is it?

I do not know, the Iady speaks EngIish.

Kessel speaking.

There's a b*mb in your bank.

Speak up, pIease. Who is this?

A b*mb.

A b*mb, goes boom, boom.

A b*mb?

Enough dynamite
to blow your bank to pieces.

Now, don't hang up.

Don't touch the alarm.

Do exactly what l say. No more, no less.

Don't move.

You're being watched.

Open the bottom drawer of your desk.

Left side.

-Do you see the flight bag?
-Yes, l see it.

Put it on the desk.

And the key to the gold bar, get it.

Put the gold bar inside the flight bag.

Just a moment, please.

Now, listen.

One false move and the b*mb explodes.

The guard at the front desk, send him away.
Any place.

A man with a scar
will take the bag and leave.

Do what they say.

Well, go.

Dear God,
l promise l'll always be a good girl.

-The man with a scar.
-Do just what they say, Mr. Kessel.

Go to the vault.

In the vauIt.

But the electric eye...

Lock the vault.

The b*mb. Hello?

Where did you hide the b*mb?

Mr. CoIIins?

Clear everybody out of the bank.

Before the bank is cIosing?

Before the b*mb is expIoding.

Everybody, pIease Ieave the bank.

PIease Ieave the bank quickIy and orderIy.

Attention for the units and .

PIease keep quiet!


b*mb squad on the way?


That was a brave thing to do, Joe.

Not really, Mr. Kessel.

But the bank is insured.

For any loss over $ , .
The bank would be responsible for this.

$ , .

l, Kessel, will personally recommend him
for courage beyond...

What's that?


The b*mb.

Joe, the b*mb.

It's in there. With you.

I can hear it.

lt's my watch. lt's only my watch.

Come out of there, quick.

-The key.

-Don't you have the time-Iock key?
-No key.

FrauIein Schmidt!

-Yes, sir?
-The keys!

The keys!

Don't worry, sir. l have them.

The key only opens the lock
from inside the vault.

God damn it.

lf you have to stay there
till the time-lock opens in the morning,

maybe, maybe there's not enough air.

But don't worry. And don't breathe fast.

And don't panic!

You, don't let him get excited.

PIease Ieave the premises immediateIy.
There is an expIosion hazard.

This is the poIice.
PIease Ieave the premises immediateIy.

There is an expIosion hazard.
This is the poIice.

This is the poIice.

KesseI here. Is that someone
from the technicaI works agency? Yes?

Burning bar and compressor, we have all.

But quick...

How do you know it wasn't just a hoax,
a practical joke?


-Who put this in my desk?

What of the man
with the scar and bushy eyebrows,

in and out of the bank?

This is the Armed Forces Network
from Munich and Hamburg.

-Were you in the bank just now?

Have you seen
how the goId bars were stoIen?

WouId you have been afraid?

Have you been in the bank?

No, no, l was on my way in there. No, no.

WouId you go in again?

No, under no circumstances.

You wouIdn't. WouId you go in again?

You wouId not.
Have you been in the bank just now?


He takes the goId bars and I remain here,

compIeteIy unsuspecting
what is happening.

He takes the bars with him,

and in a second the poIice wiII sh**t me...

and I shouId have discovered...

Good boy.

Mr. Collins?

That noise, like a zither.

You mean this noise?

Yes, sir.

That's a file.

-Who is fiIing?
-l am.

What are you filing, Mr. Collins?

My penknife. The blade needs sharpening.


lt's not sharp.


-l have good news, Joe.
-You found the b*mb?

Not yet.

They think maybe it was a false alarm.

As long as the cash
and this gold bar are secure,

and they are.
As long as the vaults are locked,

the only person that would
explode a b*mb in here

would be a lunatic or an amateur,

and this is a job of a professional.

And suppose there's not enough air

till the time-lock opens in the morning?

I have it right here.

Look, a man my size,
working under heavy stress,

I wouId use about , Iiters of air
in an hour.

That would give me more than enough air
for about hours.

Joe, I'm a man who never forgets.

Friends to the end.

So, we are getting you out now. Any minute.

lt won't be necessary, you know.

But the burning bar, you remember?
The burgIar's tooI.

You can... Wait a minute.

Georg, that door cost $ , .

What is money compared to humanity?

You think a bank has no feelings?

So, we will burn a hole through the wall

and then we push through the time-Iock key.

Thanks, Georg, you're a good friend,
you're really a good friend.

That's just terrific,

but you're gonna ruin that wall
for no reason.

l think what you got to do
is take a few minutes, sit down, relax,

and just give this thing some thought.

Just take your time, Georg, take your time.

There is no time to take our time.
You are on television, Joe.

Everybody in Hamburg is watching.

And to think how that boy risked his life.
And for what?

Getting cIose in there for you, Mr. CoIIins?

Yeah, well, it's close enough.

How long has the man
been down there, Mr. Kessel?

Please. Just one more thing. Just one thing.

What about the gold bar?

Yes, I cannot.

The man does not have any.
I cannot teII you more.

I do not know either.

Yes, come in.

Yes, I have. I do not have time anymore.

Please, just one thing.

One more thing.

Please, just don't disturb me now.

This wall here.

Any minute now, Mr. Collins.

Mr. Kessel, please, this is very important.

Through this wall. This hole.

Hamburg. Yes, l'm at the United World Bank.

That American kid

locked himself inside the vault.
A -hour time-lock.

That's right.
He's trying to save a $ , gold bar.

...State of Nebraska.

Joe CoIIins won the heart of Germany today

with an unseIfish act of bravery.

AII of Hamburg is rooting for Joe CoIIins,

and so is everybody here
at Armed Forces Radio.

Stick with it, Joe. Stick with it.

Joe, can you hear, Joe?

The key is coming.

Joe, can you see the key?

Take the key, Joe.

What's he doing?

l can't see. Too much smoke.

Joe, the key, Joe, fell off.

The hole near the door.

Joe, the key.


There's something sticky on the end
of this, what is it?

Juicy fruit.

Very good, Georg.

Thank you.

Georg, l still can't find the key.

Some times, it happens to money,
it falls in your...

Look in your trousers, on the bottom...

the cuff. Cuff, understand? Cuff.


Georg, boy, you're terrific.

l'm coming out, Georg.


-Time-lock's ready.
-Yes, sir.



He says, he came by train.

The place was closed.

Do you expect me to keep $ , on deck?

He means in the bag.

-Where is it?

Then you haven't got it?

Then get it.

Tomorrow morning, : .

Black boxes in big banks.


What kind of business is this? Was he paid?

What you gave me, l gave him.

l saw him count it.

The police found nothing.

He must've been robbed.

Tomorrow morning. When the bank opens.

No, no, no, no! No!

You said tonight.
Okay. l set it up for tonight.

You said you'd have the money tonight.

You'll get it as soon as the bank opens.
First thing tomorrow. Okay?

Okay. Tomorrow you get the merchandise.

Oh, boy! That is really something.

When a Kraut junkie don't even trust
the United States frigging Army,

that is really something.

You. l trusted you. Not him.

l tell you l was there. ln time.

The bank was closed.
l swear it, l couldn't get in.

Here, it's all in the paper.

Hold it, buster.

You don't believe my partner.
l want to know why.

-But can we trust him?
-You worried?

You don't want me to get the , ?

l'm worried about
what kind of baseballs we're buying.

Spalding, stupid.

Mr. Collins. Telephone.




lt's crowded.

lt's overcrowded.

Fireworks started, yet?

That'll be any minute.

I am sorry.

Has there been a break in?
What has happened?


Has the goId been saved?

It aII went weII. They are aII good peopIe.

Do you think so? ReaIIy?

TeII me what happened.

I don't know, did everything go weII?

Do you mean that they got away?


-You the one got locked in?

-They find the b*mb?
-lt was a false alarm.

Why'd you do it?

lt really wasn't that dangerous.

l mean the gold bar.
So heavy to carry it so far.

The safest place.

Guess what. The Army's here.



Son, if there's one thing l know,
it's shit from Shinola.

Excuse me, ma'am, but what he done
takes good old American know-how.

That's why we're number one, the greatest.

'Cause we got three things going for us.
God, guts, and get-up-and-go.

Thank you.
Don't go too far, sister. l'm in a hurry.

-Call the police!
-No, no alarm.

Miss Schmidt.

Karl, witness this, will you.
Box is empty.

-Mr. CoIIins.

-Mr. CoIIins.
-ls something wrong, Karl?

Yes, sir. Come, please.

-Oh, my God.
-What's the matter?

-You all right?
-Oh, yeah.

Do you think there's any connection
between crime and sex?

Right now...

This really turns me on!

-You got a pack of cigarettes?
-Yes, sir.

German... German money. God, l love you.


England, Queen Mother.
God bless the Queen.

Just put the box in there.

Yeah, that's fine, right there. Thank you.

-lt's okay, lady.

-Today has been some day.
-Yes, lovely.

$ , .

lt ain't possible. How?

What do we tell Vegas?

Whatever we tell them,
they're not going to believe it.

What do we do?

Start running.

Oh, my God, l...

Jesus, when you can't trust a bank...

Just a moment.

-May l help you?
-Thank you. You're so sweet.

-You like fish.
-Fish? Fish? l love fish.

Money doesn't grow in safe-deposit boxes.
Money should be put to work.

lf you would let me,
the bank would take care of you personally.

l thank you. lt's a pleasure doing business
with both of you.

-The pleasure's all mine.
-Thank you. Thank you.



Yeah? Hello?


You all right, buddy?

-What you do with it?
-With what?

Sarge! For Christ's sake! You crazy?

Thieving, West Point son of a bitch!

Once, just once. The money.

-Where's the g*dd*mn money?
-He hasn't got it.

You bastard, you stole the money yourself.

My box got hit, too.

-All them boxes?
-Not all.

Only us?

People like us.

What the hell have l got to do with you?
You're up shit creek without a paddle.

-You're in the same boat.
-Not me.

Can you go to the police?

-He's right.
-You shut up.

Whoever it was,

if we can't holler cop,

neither can they.


You got all the answers.


When we know how,

we'll know who.


So, she's got a safe deposit box, too.
So what?

Well, look at here.

What are you building?

She's a dumb little broad from Baltimore.

Not so dumb.

w*r is terrific business.

''Service clubs. Kickbacks from popcorn,
pot, sex, $ , a month.

''Slot machines, pinballs, jukeboxes,
$ , a month.

''Black market money, $ , profit.''


Pay dirt!

Names and numbers.

$ , , .



Because l don't believe in coincidence,
that's why.

Once, maybe. Twice, no.

Three times, impossible.

She knows you.

lt was fixed for her to know me.

We've both got a box in the bank.

So has she. ln the same bank.

Coincidence? l don't believe it.

And this, l don't believe in heroes, either.

lt's an inside job. Has to be.

Anyway, l go to get my baggage, see,
and it ain't here.

Yeah, the stupid mothers
never put it on the plane in Munich.

Listen, and get this,

my address book
is inside the missing suitcase.

So, here we are, stuck...

without no way to find our oId army buddy.

His number's not listed.
l don't like to give out

a private number.

No, no, no, you see, l can't phone him, see,
'cause then we can't surprise him.

Yeah, it's a surprise party.

...surprise you.


Yeah, that's right. lt's a going away party.
Now, how did you know?

I onIy know tomorrow is his Iast day
with the bank.


Got it.

Yeah, well, thanks a million, pal.

Okay, yeah, bye.

Let's go to a surprise party.


Mr. Kessel.

An oId friend of yours phoned,
and he wanted your number

to surprise you.

Did he mention his name?

No, no, no. You did the right thing.

-You got your passport?

You've got to leave town from here, now!

Bring this one. Lock it.

l'll have the car downstairs
in a couple of minutes.

Carry the suitcase yourself.

Don't open it, and don't go to sleep
till you get there. l'll meet you there.


l'll see you there.

First, the money.


Got it.

Put the keys in the car

and stay with her.



Attention, pIease.
Passengers for the express train

to BaseI, SwitzerIand by way of Hanover...

Frankfurt, and HeideIberg.

The train is now Ieaving on Track .

PIease board immediateIy.

l'm sorry.

What is wrong with you?

You bastard.

It is aII right. Nothing happened.

How do you know he's got the money?


Up! Up! Real slow.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Jesus, boy. You work for the bank.

You're supposed to protect their money.

All right. The key.

The key!

-You're not gonna believe this.
-That's right.

-Count it.
-l know exactly how much of this is yours.

You've got...

You've got...

What can l...

-Sergeant, we've been had. Both of us.
-Shut up.

-$ , worth.
-Shut up.

What do you think l did, lug this g*dd*mn
thing across Germany for the exercise?

Shut up! Let me put this together.

You're heavyweight enough
to pull off a million-dollar caper,

and stupid enough to be taken
by a lightweight hustler?

$ . million, $ . million, Sergeant.

Where is she?

-Right now.

Looks like she's where the money is,
you know?

l got a proposition for you.

Equal partners.

You take us to the broad, we divide the loot.


-There's no bubbles in this.
-All right, fifty-fifty, okay?

-Sarge, you know...
-No con.

You know exactly where she is.

You know, l knew where
she was supposed to be,

but if she's smart enough
to take the money...

-Yeah, yeah.
-You think?

Why would she go
where you could find her?

Oh, boy. On the other hand,
she's the kind of broad...

Shut up. We go there anyway.

l figured they'd never k*ll you.

At least not till after
they'd found the money.
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