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03x01 - The River

Posted: 01/10/14 10:37
by bunniefuu
Previously on Arctic Air...

Did you see who k*lled Johnny?

[Shot blasts]

Bobby Martin shot him.

It's always good to see you, Russell.

Not particularly.

Bobby Martin's a dead man.

So there's nothing here then?

Petra, I'm with Krista.

[Krista]: I'm going to Bali.

When are you coming back?

I don't know.

Look, Krista, I...

Goodbye, Bobby.


Arctic Air 03x01
The River
Originally Aired January 7, 2014

[Krista]: The sunsets are unbelievable.

The sun's this huge red ball, and it just plunges.

[Mel]: Then it comes up again like thunder.


"On the road to Mandalay where the flying fishes play and the sun comes up like thunder out of China 'cross the bay."

Where do you come up with these things?

I went to high school.

So did I.

Forget it.

Different era.

Dinosaurs roamed.

And I wasn't in Mandalay.

I was in Bali.

I know that, sweetheart.

Promise me this won't get all weird.

No going "Om" or tinkling cymbals?

Don't worry.

You were over there for three months.

People come back with notions.

Okay. Can we just...




You lived life on your own terms.

It took me a long time... my whole life, to stop resenting that.

But I get it now, I do.

[Sighs heavily]

And I love you.

Welcome back, beautiful.

I wish the circumstances...

Well, you know.

And we live in our children, don't we?

The two of us, we got lucky there.

That it?

Good night, Irene.

[Laughs and sobs]

I can't believe you just said that.

[Crying and laughing]

She'd understand.


I am so glad you're home.

So am I.


Welcome home!

You two talked yet?

What's there to say?

Come on, Dev, it's our last day, and you haven't been swimming once.

Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa, this is insane.

Okay, Dev, man up.

Be Scandinavian!

It is the north.

It is may.

One... two...

There could be heart att*cks!


And shrinkage!

[Screaming in shock]

Oh, my God!


That's my foot!

I'm just kidding.


Scandinavians are crazy people, I swear.

How did I end up with a Scandinavian in my life?



I thought you were worried about shrinkage.

Apparently, this is not such an issue.

There are bugs, though.

I defy them.

By the sun, I would say... 8:30.


Am I?



No, no, no, no...

Don't think you're a Mountain man just because you have a few bug-bites on your bum.

But we're already late at the pick-up site.

We told Blake we'd be there by 9:00...

Dev! Can you turn around?

The current is getting a little stronger.

I can see this, Astrid.

We are in the same boat.

And after a week, I am getting the hang of paddling it.


What is it?

Uh... nothing.

It's just a stitch. It's nothing.

We can stop to rest, if you want.

Dev, can you pay attention?

Astrid, there are rapids ahead.

Okay, just stay calm.

We can make it through.

You listen to me and you do what I tell you.

Astrid, they are bigger than you think.

Okay, steer to the left channel.

I'm trying!

Paddle harder, Dev, we can make it!


[Astrid]: Steer away from the rocks.

Paddle harder, Dev!




[Gasping for air]

Dev! Dev!



Three months in paradise and you came back?


The money ran out.


And it was time.

Looks like the company survived without me.

Oh, we limped along.

But enough about that, I want to hear about Bali.

Sun, sand, wild tantric sex.


Well, I have some pictures of beaches.

Close enough?

Oh, look at you.

Krista Ivarson, free spirit.

It's a different world over there.

Well, well!

The prodigal daughter returns.


She was just about to tell us about wild tantric sex.

What? No, I wasn't.

I'd love to stick around for that, but I've got an engine I'm working on.

Oh, Marie wants to have you over for dinner, though, soon as you get settled.

You bet.


Who's Mr. Puka Shells?

Uh, okay, he's a friend.

Can I have a friend who looks like that?

Oh, and Blake just radioed.

He flew over the pick-up site, no sign of Dev and Astrid.

Oh, they decided to take a week-long trip down the Deh-Cho.

Astrid and Dev?

Dev is a northern man now.

By August, he'll be wearing buckskin.

Okay, don't mock.

People are allowed to change.

Uh, I've got a scheduling mess I've got to clean up, so, um, I'm going to catch up with you later.


Sorry that we didn't get a chance to talk last night.

Well, that wasn't the right time.

Maybe we could...

I'm sorry about your mom.


But you guys had some time together?

Yeah. Yeah, in Bali.

She left a couple of months ago for Seattle, and then last week I got the news she was in the hospice.

That must have been really tough.

When I got there, she was just sitting in the garden.

Two days later, she was gone.

Just... slipped away.

I was holding her hand.

It was actually kind of beautiful.

Welcome home.

[Mel]: You stupid bureaucrats!

The friggin' government!

They're suspending my pilot's licence.

No, I do not want to press "six" for further options.

Press "zero," you'll get a human being.

At a government office? Good luck.

This says you jeopardized the lives of passengers by flying without a qualified crew.

That's ridiculous.

A charter flight to Inuvik.

March 16th. A bantam hockey team?

Connor's team, the hockey tournament.

I was on that flight.

Well, according to this, so was Blake.

Blake was co-pilot.

We had three highly qualified pilots on that flight.

Well, two qualified pilots, and you.

Okay, but he's right.

I mean, this doesn't make any sense.

Yes, hello, this is Mel Ivarson, Arctic Air.

I'm calling because I...

Arctic Air.

No, don't put me on hold...


We'll figure it out.

I went back over the pick-up site a second time.

No sign of Dev and Astrid.

[Loreen]: When were they due?

First thing this morning.

Any chance you went to the wrong location?

No, but there's a chance that they did.

I'll fly along the river a ways, in case they're farther up.

Maybe they got onto a tributary?

Krista, that you?

Hey, Blake.

Welcome home.

When I get back, I'll buy you a drink.

I want to hear all about your trip.

You got it.

Listen, I've got enough fuel to fly upriver another half hour or so, then I got to start my run.


The Deh-Cho's crazy high right now.

The melt came early.

Climate change.

Still, they're only a few hours overdue.

It's way too soon to panic.

He's right.

They probably just lost track of a day.

Well, Dev, maybe.

But Astrid?

She's a walking egg-timer.

So they've been up there for a week.

Now they're on Indian time.


Did you get someone on the phone?

A flight attendant.

Excuse me?

Three licensed pilots on the plane, but no licensed attendant.

A passenger flight requires a flight attendant.

And just as the waters are about to close over my head, there you are, knifing towards me like a great white shark!

Or something more Swedish.

Like a viking long-boat.

I need to work out where we are, Dev.

We're on dry land.

This is an excellent start.

We passed the pick-up point. How is that possible?

Astrid, we're fine.

Dev, we have no GPS, we have no radio, we have no r*fle, we have no canoe.

We do not know where we are!

So please do not give me cheerful!

It could be worse...

People die like this, Dev!

[Wolf howls]

[Winces softly]

They won't bother you.


The wolves.

I have been assured by many northerners...

[Wincing sharply]

The stitch in your side?

[Wincing in pain]

I feel like I'm going to throw up.


[Breathing deeply]

Maybe those berries you found.


So this is my fault, too?

Now I have poisoned you.

Okay, Dev, never mind, okay?

No, please, get it off your chest.

First, I caused this whole mess by dumping the canoe.

You might have told me you can't swim.

Of course I can swim. I can swim very adequately...

In shallower water.

Oh, super helpful.

It's not my fault my head sinks.

Dev, I don't want to fight with you, okay?


I'm sorry I snapped, okay?

And you're right, we're going to be fine.

We just have to stay calm and we have to find out where we are.


There's something out there.

Yes, wolves, okay?


[Whispering] Not wolves.

Something else.

Like what?

Something... large.

Do you hear it?


[Branch cracks distantly]

[Whispering] What is it?

There are grizzly bears.

Dev, it's coming closer.

It's a man.


Stop right there!

Don't worry.

If I wanted you dead, you'd have stopped twitching 20 minutes ago.

[Rock music blaring]

♪ I try and roll with the punches ♪
♪ but the punches keep rolling with me ♪



What was it like seeing Krista?

She's good.

Seems like she had an amazing trip.

That's not what I asked.

You guys aren't going to try and work things out?

We broke up three months ago.

I didn't like it, but it was the right decision.

Look, why are we even talking about this right now?

A flight attendant?

What kind of regulation is that?

A government regulation.

How'd they even know you didn't have one?

Seems they have their ways, Cece.

Apparently, they have eyes.

You should go down there.

Raise some hell.

Tomorrow morning.

Just make sure you don't turn a 30-day suspension into three months in jail.

Nearly 40 years I've been a pilot.

How did we get so old?

I'm sorry about Irene.

I mean, not that I could stand the woman.

Well, neither could you half the time.

Just saying.

She lived her life the way she wanted to.

So have you.

Have I?

♪ I said, "Wake up, mama
♪ shake that...

Safe home.

You know, you could stop by my place.

Connor's sleeping over at a friend's.

I'm not sure tonight really works.


I mean, I appreciate the offer, but...

It's not like I'm flinging myself.

I won't do that.

Of course not.

Especially not with you.

All I'm saying is that, um...

It's been good, spending time together, the three of us.

It means a lot to Connor.

Well, it means a lot to me, too.

And, obviously, he wonders where this is going.

So do I.

Friday night.

What about it?

I'll take you guys out to dinner after your shift.


And then after that, we'll see if we can figure this out.

I'll see you Friday.


Three months.


Since Johnny Mac died.

Remember him?

Good friend of mine.

You see, he walked into the woods one day, and never came back.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Yeah, I think you do.

[Door opens]

Take care of yourself.

[Astrid]: So, how long have you been up here, TJ?

I came up after the thaw to clear my head, right?

And it's good. It's good up here.

I usually do better when I'm not around people.

Came up from where?

What's that?

Where are you from?

Doesn't matter where I'm from.

It doesn't?

People always want to know...

What's your name, where do you live?

I'm T.J. I'm here.

What more do you need?


We're just really glad you found us.

Uh, wait, we've turned away from the river.


But that's where our pickup-point is.

We're not going there.

My camp's way closer.

Your camp?

I wouldn't take just anyone, but I think you're probably okay.

Uh, thank you, but we should stick with our plan.

I've got a good set up.

Food, shower, a sat phone.

You can call your friends.

Ah, that sounds great.

[Whispering] Astrid...


Come on.

[Cece]: And then after you've done that, I want you to start switching out the front plugs on the number two engine.

You think you can handle it?

Oh, I bet I can recognize a spark plug.

Well, wait till you have to do it in an open field at 50 below.


You gotta start somewhere.

So, Caitlin?

Since when?

She started apprenticing about a month ago.

Seems to have a knack for it.

Kind of reminds me of me, about 40 years ago.

After everything Caitlin's been through, it's good to see her doing so well.

Hmm, I guess she is.

Well, what, Tommy's not on the scene?

He dumped her and took off.

She doesn't even know why.

And of course, there's her brother...

No word?

No body, if that's what you mean.

Nelson's dead.

We have to assume.

But Caitlin keeps hoping.

There's nothing wrong with hope.

Yeah, it's denial that scares me.

By the way, I printed off the supply contracts you asked for.

Ah, thank you.

I'm going to go over those with Mel.

Get myself back up to speed.

Since when are you interested in the business side of things?

Well, maybe I've been doing some thinking...

Balinese death mask.

Ah, just the thing you want to hang on the wall of an airline.



Is he in all of your pictures?

Who's that?

Mr. Puka Shells.

His name is Tag.


And he's a friend I met in Bali.

Obviously. Who is he?

He... travels a lot.

And he's Tag.

And... yes, if that's what you're asking.


It was intense and amazing, and... that is all I'm going to say about that.

Shut. Up.


These only seem to go back to April.

Oh, no, you don't.


Can you get me the March contracts, please?

Does Bobby know?

About what?

Uh... she wants to look at the contracts for the last few months.


Suit yourself.

Look, Blake's on his way back.

And he flew over the pick-up site again.

Dev and Astrid?

[Whispering]: You could decapitate a moose with that thing.

Dev, he's making lunch.

He has a g*n.

So did we, until we dumped the canoe.

Okay, everyone has a r*fle up here, Dev.

It's for the bears.

We don't know anything about this man.

He's not good with people, okay?

So what? Neither am I.

Who says he even has a camp?

And if he does, who knows what we'd find there?

What are you expecting?

The heads of other hikers, stuck on stakes?

[Whispering] Astrid, look at the size of him.

He's strong, okay?

He knows what he's doing out here.

Is that what's bothering you?

Of course not.


I'll bet his head doesn't sink either.

I didn't mean that.

I think perhaps you did.

Dev... [winces in pain]

You okay?

She has food poisoning.

Maybe the flu.

No, it's more than that.

[Wincing in pain]

I flew over the river again this morning.

There's no sign of them.

We need to call search and rescue.

I just did.

There's nothing they can do right now.

They've been missing for more than a day.

There's a plane down in northern Ontario.

All available resources are already committed.

This is ridiculous.

This is the north. If you're gonna get lost, book ahead.

We can notify the airlines.

Ask them to keep an eye out.

Call in anyone who's off-duty, let's put planes in the air.

It is possible I just missed them.

I was on my own...

Dev and Astrid are my friends.

I'm flying up.

I'll come with you.

Two pairs of eyes.

I've had training.

I've taken first aid, too, but I don't stick my hands in people's underwear.

[Gasps in pain]

You are hurting her.

You still have your appendix?


It's not appendicitis. It is the berries.

I've had an attack once before.

The doctor said, that if it came back, I would have to have it removed.


You mind?

Yes, yes, yes! She minds very much!

That's enough! That's enough!

I'm just trying to help!

Stop it, both of you!


What did I tell you? He's a lunatic.

Dev, you pushed him.

Because he att*cked me!


If we stay here, he's going to k*ll us.

I don't deny it, I just don't see the point.

Of safety regulation?

Of this one.

I've been flying for 40 years.

So you keep saying.

And I have never had a passenger die because no one handed out muffins.

Mr. Ivarson...

It's Mel.

Gordon, I've known you since you were eight.

I watched you play hockey against my daughter.

Not your game, nothing to be ashamed of.

I knew your dad.

Mr. Ivarson, are you actually saying you see no reason for flight attendants?

I'm saying I've been a pilot since before you were born.

I'm still here.

You know why that is?

I'm sure I can guess.

Because I know what I'm doing.

Yes, you're a legend.

I've landed single-engine planes in 50-knot crosswinds.

I've flown snowblind in blizzards.

Yes, that's really not the type of flying we're talking about right now.


The world changes.

[Krista]: We're over the pick-up site, heading north.

[Loreen]: No sign of them?


I'll keep you posted.

Copy that.

It is so beautiful.

[Chuckles] And so huge.

I wasn't sure you were coming back.

This is my home.

Well, you're full of surprises.

Starting with the way you left.

And then when it got to be one month, and then two months?

Well, it's a whole new world.

New experiences.

New people?

Yeah, sure.

I made new friends.

And I had a bunch of stuff to work out.

I missed you.

I wasn't going to say that, but it's the truth.

Down there.

Against the riverbank.

That's a canoe!

But where are Dev and Astrid?

[Wincing in pain]

Why did you never tell me about your appendix?

[Groaning] Why would I tell you about my organs, Dev?

Dev, stop, stop, stop.

[Groaning in pain]

Astrid. Astrid...

I can't do this.

We can't stay. He may be following.

You have to go for help.

Go where?

Astrid, there's no one out here but T.J.

You have to find his camp.

He said he has a sat phone.

We don't even know if it exists.

He said it's north of here, okay?

There has to be a trail.

I'm not leaving you alone.

Then my appendix will rupture and I will die, Dev!


So, deep breaths.

Deep breaths, Dev, okay?

Look around.

Look around, you have to be able to find me again.

What are you suggesting, a trail of breadcrumbs?

Just go.

You have to find his camp, you have use his sat phone.

Okay? Please.

I can't...

Go. Go!

I can't.

Dev, go.

It looks like they went over in a stretch of rapids just downstream.

Are you sure it's their canoe?

Yeah, it was stored in my backyard.

I saw it every day for six months.

Okay, give me your coordinates.

I'll get the other planes out to you.

It's beginning to look like...

I heard.

We're sending our entire staff on a search and rescue?

Problem with that?

Just one.

Are we planning to send anyone who knows what they're doing?

Blake did some search and rescue flying a few years back, in Manitoba.

And who else?

Some more first-aid stuff.

We're going to need blankets.

You're planning a sleep-over?

If someone's hurt, you gotta keep 'em warm.

Well, little Jimmy McAllister.

So, uh, Mel just called.

Dev's a good friend, and, uh...

You got room for one more?

You ever done this before?

Yeah, some.

I fought fires in Alberta.

Welcome aboard, buddy.

Thanks, man.

Well, what's the plan here?

Get this eggbeater in the air, or give 'em time to walk home?

[Panting wearily]

Oh... oh, thank you.

Oh, thank you, thank you.

[Gasping and panting]

Oh, my God.



I was just trying to help.

I was att*cked.

I know, I know, Dev was...

People turn on you, every time.

Where is he?


He'll be back any minute.

He left you here, didn't he?

He left you alone.

[Plane drones overhead]

Those are my friends, they're looking for me.

They're going the wrong way.

They're looking along the river.

No one's ever going to find you here.

I'll get you there. Come on.

I notified search and rescue about the canoe.

They'll try to divert some resources, but it won't be until tomorrow, at the earliest.

Roger that.

We're 10 minutes north of the pickup site, heading southeast.

But it's rough terrain down there.

Blake's headed your way in the chopper.

I'll let him know where you are.

I should be flying a damned plane, instead of poking pins in a map.

We need to keep track of the ground we've searched.

I flew over that stretch of river last week.

It's as high as I've ever seen it, and as fast.


Dev's on the line.

Dev, are you guys okay?

No, we are not!

I am alive, at least until T.J. Gets back.


I found his camp.

But Astrid's appendix is about to explode!

Dev, can you tell me where you are?

He's about 10 minutes northwest of you.

He wasn't making complete sense, but he says Astrid is not on the river.

Give me the coordinates. We're on our way.

[Panting with effort]

Oh, they've seen us!

They're coming back!

I have to get out in the open.

We have to get closer to the river!

We have to be more visible!

What are you doing?

It's too steep!




Hey, can you hear me?


Who the hell?

Astrid, oh, my God.

She's on a ledge, maybe five metres below the cliff top.

How does she look?

Is she moving?

We could land on the river, but there'd be no way to get to her.

You guys need the helicopter.

Blake's got to be close enough.

Blake, this is Arctic Air.


Can you hear this?

Yeah, loud and clear, Bobby. Go ahead.

[Bobby]: We hear it's appendicitis, but first, we've got to find a way to reach her.

Can I land the chopper on top of the cliff?

Not a chance.

Then we lower someone.


Are you out of your friggin' minds?

It's gonna take all of us.

Bobby, we're gonna need you guys to land on the river.

We'll put down on the bank, and then everyone goes up together in the chopper.

Wait, why everyone?

Enough people hauling on the rope.

[Blake]: Just picked up Bobby and Krista.

We have a visual on Astrid.

[Loreen]: Copy that.

You can't just tie someone to the end of a rope like a fishing lure.

You got a better idea?

We need winches.

Proper hoisting gear.

Well, this is all we got.

Hold it steady!

Doing what I can.

We've got winds coming down the valley.

Good to go!

[Krista]: I should be doing this.


If she keeps this up, I want you to sit on her.

I'm just the mechanic, man.


We got you, buddy.

He's down!

Got it!

Cece, go back and help.

Krista, you're my eyes.

On it!

Come on, come on.

Whoa, there, big fella!

Hold it steady!

Doing my best!

Okay, bring 'er up! Bring 'er up!

Go! Go!

Steady. Steady...

[Astrid screaming]

Go, go, go!

Don't you worry. My friends don't die.

[Jim]: Come on, Bobby!

Wind's getting worse.

We've got to get Bobby off that ledge.

He's not clipped on!

[Clip snaps]

Yeah! Yeah! Get us to a drop point!

Yes! Yes!

He has done it!

He is the man!

And Bobby's hanging onto the rope with one hand, like he's a kid flying a kite.

I totally thought we'd lost him.


Dev just called from the hospital.

Astrid came through surgery just fine.

[Cheering and clapping]

You look all right, too, Cece.


Well, I won't be flying for a month anyway.

What? They suspended you?

Don't ask.


You did okay, kid.

Most half-baked rescue I ever heard of, but it worked.

I want to set up a search and rescue.

Here at Arctic Air.

When did you get this bright idea?


I want to start making a difference, dad, and this is one way to do that.

It's a way to bankrupt the company.

Have any idea what that would involve?


Equipment, training, modifications to aircraft?

Try seven figures, just for start-up.

Well, I will figure out a way to fund it.

Not your call. It's my company.

Well, that's something else we need to talk about.

If I'm going to stick around, full partners.

I had a lot of time to think about my life while I was in Bali...

What's important to me, and where I'm going.

What exactly are you asking for?

Half your authority.

Dream on.

I'm serious.

So am I.

You want to take this on?

That's what I'm saying.

Then you don't get half my authority.

You get all of it.

Excuse me?

I started this company because I wanted to fly planes.

And what have I been doing instead?

Sitting behind a desk, mud-wrestling with bureaucrats.

The two of you.


Figure out a way to run it between you.

And good friggin' luck.

You and me?


Holy smokes.

Hey, you.

Jumping out of helicopters?

I was improvising a solution.

You were being a jerk.

And you were really great.

Look, I still don't understand about what happened.

You know, at the airport before you left.


And I was thinking...

I met somebody while I was in Bali.


Yeah, we'd broken up, and things happen when you're travelling...

He's coming here.

I just wanted you to hear it from me.


[Stammers in shock]


Oh, my God.

It's Mr. Puka Shells.


I thought you were going to visit your family.

I've been to Portland a zillion times.

I wanted to see you.

Uh... everybody, this is Tag.

He's... A friend of mine.

[Murmurs of greeting]

This a bad time?


No, it isn't.

I can leave and come back.

No, I'm...

I'm really glad to see you.

[Kimbo]: The guy m*rder*d Johnny Mac.

You don't know that.

The Tommy kid saw it!

He told Bruce Ward.

Yeah, and neither one of them ever told a lie.

And what about you, huh?

My own brother wit a frickin' baseball bat?

You were about to sh**t the guy, in public.

Look, maybe he did it.

And maybe the opportunity will come.

But if it does, we're going to do it smart.

[Tires squealing]