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02x09 - Hell Hath No Fury

Posted: 03/23/13 11:57
by bunniefuu
Previously on Arctic Air...

Happy anniversary, babe.

I can't do this anymore.

Are we gonna talk about you coming in?


I said, we're not going to talk about it.


Connor should be dependent on me, I'm his father.

He doesn't know that.

You're in a weird place with this Connor thing, hey?

[Krista]: I just feel like I'm intruding on his family.

[Bobby]: I bet money with the Comstocks.


Bobby Martin's a dead man.



We've got a problem with the schedule.

No, we don't.

Yes, we do.

You have me on the supply run up the MacKenzie Valley.


I need to be on Lady Lou.

Loreen, a rock star, on tour.

Delilah Fury?

I am so this guy.

Delilah Fury is a headcase.

She's an artist.

She has pain.

Yeah, and the northern leg of a rock tour?

Why did we even take this contract?

Someone told Mel she was a singer from PEI.

I think he assumed she was kind of like Anne Murray.

[Mel]: Delilah Fury?

"Chainsaw Love."

I don't care if she bites the heads off bats.

That's Ozzie.

We're a northern airline.

We've dealt with frigging polar bears.

How hard can it be to fly a band to Inuvik and back?

[Engine sputtering]

[Engine sputters and stops]

Kirby, get up here!


Oh, that can't be good...

We're dead stick.

What the hell happened?

You're the mechanic. Figure it out!

We're so screwed.

Arctic Air 02x09
Hell Hath No Fury
Original Air Date March 20, 2013

Come on, buddy, let's go.

You're late for school.

I'm not feeling so great.

Not so great like how?

Kind of sick.

Or like maybe tired from playing angry birds until midnight?

There's nothing important at school today anyways.

[Sighs] Really?

All right, well, I'll go to work, and maybe you could just stay here and watch TV.


Nice try.

Come on, hurry up, let's go.

Oh, I got a text from your mom.

And she definitely is coming home tonight, so I'll have your stuff packed up and ready.

Two rooms?

We're booked solid.

It's just for a few hours.

There's a band flying in from Edmonton, and then they'll be flying out again this afternoon.

I really wish I could help you.

This woman is a star.

You understand that, right?

I can comp you two tickets for the Yellowknife show Friday night.

Four tickets.

This is Delilah Fury.

Let me guess.

Can't give the things away?

You guys are here already.

You must be Roxy.


I'm Bruce.

Diesel. Pickle. Fuzz.


What's up?

Diesel, pickle, fuzz.

Nice to meet you guys.

Where's Delilah?

Delilah Fury. I'm Bruce Ward.

I'm promoting this leg of the tour.

And... we're just trying to get your rooms figured out.

I don't mean to gush, but I'm a fan, big fan.

My jail cell was nicer than this.

Petra called last night, from Edmonton.

How's Doc?

She said that the surgery went very well.

She'll be back 7:30.

Well, why don't I take you and Connor out for dinner?

I thought Connor was kind of my life.

He's your son.

If we're together, then that makes him kind of my life, too.

[Laughing] That's great.

It's not a big deal.

Yeah, it is.

[Laughing] No, it's not.

Aw, you guys are too cute.

Get a room.

Oh, "cute"?

But before you do that, you might want to talk to Bruce Ward.

He's saying we need to renegotiate the contract for the rock tour.

Like hell we do.

[Chuckles ruefully]

Then tell him that.


Connor, what are you doing here?

We screwed up. It's a PD day... no school.

You deal with the contract.

Connor can hang with me today.

Come on, Connor.

You guys have fun.

Go play with some planes.

I'm not saying I hate the hotel.

I'm just not staying here.

You see, the thing is, this is as good as it gets, compared to the other places you'll be staying farther north.

I won't be staying in those places.

The thing is...

I'll stay outside.


On the land.

This is the north.

I'll sleep under the northern lights.


He thinks I'm being serious.

You booked Delilah Fury into 200-seat venues and now you're going to stick her in a tent?



[Video game boops and bleeps]

Do you have any interest in flying the rock tour?




You enjoying the stepmom thing?

He's just hanging out here for the day.

He's a good kid.

Too bad he lies like a rug.


The hell it's a PD day.

Uh, Connor?

Is there something you want to tell me?

Like what?

Like why you left school.

I already said.

The truth this time?

I had to leave.

Jacob Comstock wants to k*ll me.


Cancel the tour.

I can deal with Delilah.

You're the road manager.

Just wait here and make sure that the band and the equipment get to Arctic Air.

You're the boss.

And stay the hell away from Bobby Martin.

Appreciate you coming.

One of the bookings fell through, so we're going to knock a quarter off the price.

No, we're not.

There were four dates.

Now there are only three.

We still have to fly the same distance.

Here's the deal.

You and me are local businessmen.

And I need your help.

I'm losing money.

That's show business.

Run with it.

Bobby, uh...

You might want to remember who your friends are.

Excuse me?

That stunt you pulled at the tough-guy tournament...

Betting against your own guy.

That cost the Comstock brothers big money.

Well, it was a fair fight.

No one forced them to take a bet.

They were going to k*ll you.

I'm the one who talked them down...

So far.

This has to be a two-way street.

Is that supposed to be a threat?

I'm just talking about friendship.


Oh, my God, it is you.

What are you doing in Yellowknife?

[Stammers] A long story.

You two know each other?

[Cell phone chimes]
Just two seconds.

Hey, cupcake, he's busy with a rock goddess.

You look great.

Whatever you did, it totally agrees with you.

That's my partner, hold on.


Krista, I'm so sorry.

I was...


Mr. Martin.

I'm sorry, I came as fast as I could.

How you doing, buddy?

My kid's getting railroaded.

That's what's going on right here.

Okay, the Comstock kid is bullying Connor.

He stole my hockey card.

Sidney Crosby special edition.

Given to him by his Uncle.



I didn't take it.

He's lying!

Two peas in a pod.

The old man's a cheater, the kid's a liar.

[Bobby]: What is that supposed to mean?

What do you think it's supposed to mean?

My kid's going to get punished for this, you know.

My kid is not a thief!

Isn't he?...

[Clapping silences them]



We've been down this road before, Haven't we?

What did I tell you? What did I say?

You're guilty, of being a Comstock.

[Delilah]: I'm not getting in a plane with you.

[Astrid]: But you have to understand the schedule that we have...

You don't even look like a pilot!

What's a pilot supposed to look like?

Not like you. Hey, baby.

[Grumbling]: Rock stars...

She demanded to meet the pilot, and when I show up, she said I am too Swedish.

Well, you are fairly Swedish.

In the best possible way.

Upstaged a rock star.

Way to go, Astrid.

[Mel]: Which leaves us where?

Unless Bobby flies the plane, Delilah's not going.


I met her once, and she feels we have this connection.

And is she right?

Of course not.

I'm surprised she even remembers.

So why're we even talking about this?

Because it's ridiculous.

We're an airline. You're a pilot.

Go pack your undies.


Tell Blake he's your co-pilot.

I went to one of her concerts, and there was this party afterwards, and she showed up.

And one thing led to another.

We walked around the seawall, and it turns out that she was a pretty sweet girl.

You know, lonely and kind of vulnerable.

And then one thing led to another.

I was young and stupid.

Younger and stupider.

[Chuckling] Bobby Martin, groupie.

If you don't want me to go...

Did I say that?

Well, I got all this stuff to do with Connor...

Petra will be here tonight.

He can hang with me until then.

Are you sure?

Either we trust each other, or we don't, right?

[Kirby shouts] Yes!

I am on the plane!

This is going to be awesome.

Sex and dr*gs and rock 'n' roll!

I mean, no dr*gs, obviously.

Not a lot of sex.

Probably very little.

Or even none.

But, hey, all kinds of rock 'n' roll!


Pack your undies.

Bobby Martin?

Hell, no, I'm not flying with that guy.

Yes, you are.

Boss, I swear to God...

You work for me.

I don't want to hear any more about this.



I know how you feel.

He ripped us off. Me and my brother.

What goes around, comes around.

Don't worry.

There'll be a time.

Did you ever get that message that I sent you?

A year later.

"Meet me on the seawall."

And I never showed.


Don't worry about it.

I never showed either.


What? You just said...

I'm Delilah Fury. Who the hell are you?

I'm the bush pilot.

You know what, it's probably better.

One night.

Never again.


Pretty good night, though.



[Gasping] Okay.

Uh, can you do me a favour?

I've got a meeting with Transport Canada.

If I'm not finished in time...

You want me to pick up Connor.

If you can.


Oh, did you get the message?

What now?

Petra called, looking for Bobby.

There's been some post-op complications with Doc.

Nothing too serious, but she's going to be another couple days.

Couple, like two nights?

Don't panic. He can stay with me.

I'm not panicking.

It's nothing to be ashamed of.

You just don't have any parenting skills.

Neither do you.

I raised you.

Yeah, that's how I know.


I promised Bobby and I will do it.

I just need somebody to pick the damn kid up.

And he's not a damn kid.

He is a good kid.

You're just pissing me off.

I'll get the damn kid.

In Thunder Bay, she was so wasted, she fell off the stage.

In Winnipeg, she tried to leave, and couldn't.

Tripped over a mic stand, and went head-first into the drums.

That sucked.

But that's, you know, that's rock 'n' roll.

It's pathetic.

She used to fill the garden.

Now she can't fill a Legion Hall.

Yeah, she used to be really good.

Yeah, that's the worst part.


What happened?

I hardly even know her.

I mean, I just signed on for the tour.

It was my manager's idea.

I need a new manager.

Hey, what's with Mr. Happy over there?

I heard that.

[Clears throat awkwardly]

You were going to make a zillion dollars in, what was it?

Venture capital.

But then you ran away to be a bush pilot.

It's more like I came home.

That's my kid.

Is that your wife?


Her name is Petra, and we're just friends.

More or less.

It's complicated.

That's Chelsea.

She's five.

Lives with her dad in Halifax.

It's complicated.

No, it's not.

It's simple.

I screwed up.


Bully problem, huh?

[Crowd cheering and screaming]

So I heard your kid was telling lies about my nephew.


You must be proud of the little weasel.

You're out of line, Kimbo.

Look, this is stupid.

Look, I know you guys are pissed off about the tournament.


What makes you say that?

But our kids are getting dragged into this.

Let's just let it go.

Yellowknife is a small town and life's too short.

You're right, Martin.

Life's short.

Hey, Fort Simpson, how you doing?

It's great to be with you tonight, and I know why you're here, so let's give it up for Delilah Fury!

[Cheering and screaming]

[Chuckles awkwardly] Hey, now, come on out here, Delilah!

[Crowd murmuring in concern as band keeps going]

Come on, bring it on!

[Crowd shouting]

Oh, for God's sakes...

[Crowd chanting]
Delilah! Delilah!

[Shouting angrily]

We finally found her at a bar on the other side of town.

What happened to her?

Well, she wouldn't talk about it, but I did convince her to finish the last couple of songs.

But by the time we got there, half of the crowd was gone, and the other half was chanting "Delilah sucks!

Delilah sucks!"

Are all your old girlfriends like that?

She was never...

I know, I know.

So how are you guys doing?

We're good.

No, you know, actually, we're great.

Connor hung out with Mel after school, and then I brought him back to your place.

Wait, you're at my place?

Well, I mean, I figured, Connor's already kind of settled in here, so...

So you're in my bed.



No, iron maiden's with me.

They're on tour, too.

[Knock on door]

Uh, just a sec.

Someone's at the door.

Oh, let me guess...

A half-naked rock star, carrying a bottle of Jack.

Am I close?

Yeah, you got me.

Listen, Krista...

I know, I know, it's late.

And I've got to wake Connor up at 7:00, so...

Thanks. You're the best.

I know.

I miss you.

I miss you, too.

Look, Delilah, this isn't a great time.

I phoned my kid before the show.

It's her birthday.

She wouldn't come to the phone.

Aw, man.


Two songs. They both sucked.

Total disaster.

So what did you do about it?

Well, I mean, I found her.



She's a whack-job.

What am I supposed to do?

Make sure the star gets what she needs so she shows up and does her job.

How hard can it be?

Hey, hey, I'm not a babysitter.

I need her onstage, on time, halfway sober.

Do I have go up there myself?

No, no.

I'll handle it.

[Snowmobiles drone outside]

[Excited knocking on door]

Hey. Me, Tommy and Blake are going to get some breakfast, so I thought...

[Laughs] Dude.

It's not what you think, all right?

She just came over, and she fell asleep.


[Mumbles knowingly]

[Books crash to the floor]

You'd better learn to keep your head up.

You should learn to keep your mouth shut.

What did you say?

After school.

You are unbelievable.


Delilah Fury?

Nothing happened.

Is that what you're going to tell Krista?

Yeah, 'cause it's the truth.

Well, I guess she knew what she was getting herself into.

And Connor punched him out.

Are you serious?

The principal just called me.

They got into a fight and little Connor smoked him.

[Laughs] Hah-hah! Atta boy, Connor!

Bet he doesn't get bullied anymore.

What exactly did you say to him yesterday?

The same thing I said to you when you were getting bullied by the Nordgren kid, remember?

"Everything works off the left jab."

You taught him to fight?

Kid's a natural.

Mel, you can't do that.

Why not?

Because it's the 21st century, and it's neanderthal.

If the neanderthals knew how to defend themselves, they'd still be alive today.

Tell the kid I'm proud of him.
[Musicians warming up]

Test one, two.


She is seriously hot.

I guess, if you like the type.

Hey, can you talk to her?

About you?

Yeah. In a subtle way.

I mean, don't come right out and say it...

Kirby, we're here to do a job, man.

Oh, for sure, absolutely, Blake, but maybe you could just kind of let her know that I'm single.

You know?

[Laughing] Like, really single.

All of a sudden.

A lonely guy, suffered some heartbreak...


All right, all right, just be cool, be cool.

Here she comes.

[Awkwardly] Hey.

Hey, lover.


Let's get you a drink.


I'm sorry, dude.

I just don't think she's that into you.

[Chatting quietly]

[Door bangs open]

Hey, where's... the star?


Last I saw her, she was in her room.


Not freaking good enough.

[Pounding angrily]

Ms. Fury, you in there?


Hey! Hey, can you hear me?


Come on, I know you're in there.

I know you can hear me.

Then why are you asking stupid questions?

Hey, you don't get this, do you?

This is Kimbo Comstock and I'm in charge!

So open the damn door! Now!


Hey, I'm talking to you!

Go away!

Okay, that's it.

You're off the tour.


I run the damn tour!

You're a redneck jacked up on steroids.

Bad shit, steroids, screw the head and shrink the balls.

Probably half your problem.

Now, get out of my room!

[Grunting with struggle]


Hey! Hey! Let go of me!

No, you're going to show me some respect!

Get away from me!

Get away from me!

[Kimbo roaring]

[Bobby]: Get out of here!

Back off, Martin! Now!

You heard the man.

Oh, okay, huh?

Two of you? Bring it on!

It's the four of us, actually.

This guy is seriously deranged.

You're out of line, Kimbo.

And find your own way back to Yellowknife.

No, I'm the client! I call the sh*ts!

And I'm the pilot and I fly the plane.

You screwed me.

All of you.

You'll see.

[Slams door]

You okay?


I tried to reason with her and what happened?

I got aggravated assaulted.

What the hell were you thinking?

She came at me like a wolverine, and then Martin jumps me from behind.

I'm not going to make a dime on this.

Unless the plane crashes and I can cash in on the insurance.

Bruce, that can happen.

I'm a mechanic.

I know how things like that work.

Don't be an idiot.

You wanna know something? You're starting to piss me off!

You work for me.

In maintenance, where I should've left you.

Now, get your ass back to Yellowknife.

[Slams phone down]

[Heavy footsteps, chain jingles]

Okay, sounds good.

No, it's no problem.

Tell Doc we're glad everything went okay.


Hey, Connor?


Your mom said she'll pick you up here after school.

Sure, whatever.

Yeah, but we kind of... We've got to get going.


What's this?

I don't know, what does it look like?

Why don't you tell me?

I've spent the last two days defending you.

So? Who even asked you?



She's not in her room?


Did you check Bobby's?

She pulled the same stunt in Regina.

Missed the flight to Winnipeg...

Finally showed up halfway through the gig.

All right, you guys get to the airport.

I'll stick around and try to find her.

We gotta go, man.

We have to get the equipment to Yellowknife in time to set up.

All right, well, give me an hour.

Whoa, whoa, and if she doesn't turn up?

Fly the band and the equipment home.

I'll keep looking.

What do I do for a co-pilot?

Dev's flying up this morning with a hunting charter.

I think they're using the beaver.

Okay, so I'll take Dev, and you fly back this afternoon, with Delilah.

If you find her.

So I just got off the phone with Connor's school, and he never showed up.

Oh, you never cut classes?

Krista, Mel's on the line for you.

Okay, so tell me something.

You're a 12-year-old boy with no parents and you've stolen another kid's Sidney Crosby card.

Where do you go?

My place.


But now we're at Bullocks.

You might want to join us.

Lose your friends?

No, they're at the plane, except for Delilah.

Well, you better find her, then.

You haven't seen her?




How are you getting back to Yellowknife?

Don't worry about me.

Well, you can fly with us if you want.

We can avoid k*lling each other for at least a couple of hours.

You better hurry up, Martin.

You don't want to miss your own flight.

I told you she was pissed.

Nah, she's just naturally crabby.

Excuse me?

I was telling Connor what you were like at his age.

Hell on wheels.

Okay, well, this isn't about me.

And don't...

You shouldn't say "pissed."

[Mel]: She hated the whole world for a couple of years there.

Of course, she had a pretty good reason.

Her mom took off.

Left her feeling like there was something wrong with her.

Can we just...

Just sit down.

My mom's just in Edmonton.

She's coming back.

Yeah, but your dad isn't.


The guy you always thought was your dad.

Then Bobby suddenly comes along into your life, and says, "guess what?"

Seems to me like that would screw up a guy's head pretty good.

I should get to work.

No, you can pay.

For being such a puke when you were 12.

See ya, kid.


"Puke" is a strong word.

I was... challenging.

Mel said you hit Bobby over the head with a hockey stick.

Well, Mel has a big mouth.

And it was Bobby's fault.

You want to go to school?


Good. [Chuckles]

I don't want to go to work.


Then it turned up again?

In the hat?


Yeah, me too.

Yeah, baby, I wish I would have been there, too.

Oh, listen, I have to go.

My friend's here.

I'll see you soon, sweetheart.

I love you, too.

[Beeps phone off]

I left my phone here last night.

When I got back, there was a message from my kid.

How was the birthday?

Pretty great, apparently.

There was a magician.

His rabbit disappeared.

You know, this is the first time I've seen you smile.

Tell me something, Bobby.

What am I doing here?

Looking for your phone?

No, this.

All of this.

Being Delilah.

[Sniffles and sighs]

You know, I'm not exactly qualified to be handing out advice, especially when it comes to other people's kids.


Well, if I were you, I'd finish the tour, and then I would go home.

Just quit?

No, no.

Just take a break.

Hang out with your daughter.

Then after that, you can make a decision.


Yeah, I could do that.

You know, there's another thing that you could do, too.

What's that?

Well, when you're performing tonight, you can do it sober.

Just tonight?


Who knows? You might start a trend.

Yeah, imagine that.

My stuff's back at the hotel.

By the way, I lied.

That night we were supposed to meet?

You showed up?

Standing on the seawall in the pouring rain.

[Sighs] Loser.


Wish I'd been there.

Probably would have been a bad idea.

There's nothing wrong with bad ideas.

Do I have time to take a shower?

Yeah, if you hurry.

You want to come?

[Sighs] Oh, man...


If I was single....


But I'm not.

What's her name?


Lucky girl.


Rock and roll, huh?

You don't even want to know.

Oh, but I do.

I want to know everything.

And then I will tweet it.


[Engine sputtering]

[Engine banging and struggling]

It was doing that last week.

Cece took out his finely-toothed comb.

He says not to worry.

[Right engine sputtering]

[Engine quits]

Of course, even Cece can be wrong.

[Engine sputters and quits]

Try engine one.

Nothing. What's happening?

Fuel pressure?

Fuel pressure, oil pressure, green.

Kirby, get up here!

[Gliding silently]

And they just, like, went.

Both engines?


Then it's not mechanical.

It has to be the electrical system.

Get Cece.

Blake, what's your altitude?

3800 feet and dropping.

Are you following me?

So what if I did?

Maybe you shouldn't fly home tonight.


All I'm saying is, your plane is a piece of crap.

What, the DC-3?

It's already in the air.


Blake took off about a half-hour ago.


Look, I gotta go.

What's your problem?

This is your fault.

You started this, all of this.

Delilah's right, you're crazy.

I can keep us up here for another... four minutes, maybe.

That gives you a flight radius of 10, 12 Miles.

Is there anything within range?


All I can do is play for time, keep it straight and level.

Must be the mag switch.


What else could it be?

There's no power from the magnetos.

There's replacement switches in the box.

He's on it.

Where the hell is Cece?

Everybody, stay calm!

How can I help?

Hold this.

There should be spare mags in here!

[Blows thud]

You're a tough guy now, huh?

2,000 feet.

Is there anywhere to land?

Rock or lake, those are the choices.

No replacement switches.

Mel said...

They're not there!

1,900 feet.

Well, think of something, quick.

I need ten minutes. Maybe five.

You've got two.

500 feet.

[Quietly] The lake?


Doing my best.

Do better!

Blake, we have your coordinates.

Just get it down however you can, and hold tight.

We'll get someone there fast.

400 feet.


I'm going as fast as I can.

We're out of time!

350 feet.

[Cece]: Kirby, cut the wires.


That's the only way to get power out of the magnetos.

Just cut the wires, you go live mags. Do it!

What did I say?

What did I say?

It's your fault!

[Bottle smashes]

You northern guys are all crazy.

Hit the starter!

Starting engine one.

[Power whining slowly]

[Engine chugging sluggishly]

200 feet.

Come on.

190 feet.

Oh, God...

[Engine chugging]

Engine alive!

Full power!

[Dev yelps in terror]

[Gasping in relief]


[Cheering and applause]




I'm going to tweet that for sure.


[Talking quietly]


What do you want?

I've got something for you.

[Cheering and screaming]

[Crowd screaming]

Thank you, Yellowknife!

It's good to be here tonight, but I've got to say, even better to be going home tomorrow.

This one goes out to my very special friend...

My main man, Bobby Martin!

♪ 400 leagues ♪
♪ down deep below ♪
♪ this horror breeds ♪
♪ moving slow ♪
♪ six secrets safe ♪
♪ skulk near my fate ♪
♪ yeah, right... ♪

♪ Ooh! Ooh! ♪
♪ Ooh! Ooh! ♪
♪ Ooh! Ooh! ♪
♪ Ooh! Ooh! ♪

♪ My cool apathy ♪
♪ for monstrosity ♪
♪ will keep me whole ♪
♪ a muscle ♪
♪ the water's depths ♪
♪ can't k*ll me yet ♪
♪ yeah, right ♪

♪ Ooh! Ooh! ♪
♪ Ooh! Ooh! ♪
♪ Ooh! Ooh! ♪

I know there were spare mag switches in that box.

Not today.

Then someone sabotaged that switch, and took the spares.

Come on.

I know it sounds crazy, but...

It's the only explanation I can think of.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Yeah, Connor and I talked things out, and I ended up thinking... yeah, I can kind of see why people might decide to have kids.

I thought you never wanted...

Well, I mean, down the road.


Way down the road.

And I'm speaking theoretically.




"Special Friend," huh?

The question is how special?

Look, before you hear it from someone else...

She spent the night in my motel room.

Not like that.

She was just upset about her kid, and she was drinking, and she fell asleep.


[Chuckles ruefully]

Well, she's kind of hot, in a screwed-up kind of way.

Look, I told you...

And I believe you.



Were you tempted?


Like I told you, nothing happened.

It's just, I just want to let you know that I will always tell you the truth.

Good to know.

Honesty's great.