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02x03 - Open Season

Posted: 01/25/13 22:56
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Arctic Air...

MayDay, MayDay.

This is it!

Because you're afraid of flying.

Are you shipping dr*gs on our planes?

It was Zach Ward.

When your sister got herself in trouble, you came to me.

I'm gonna fix this. They're not gonna hurt you, Caitlin.

That Nelson kid, he saw you.

I know enough to put you away!

[Shot rings out]

[Reporter]: A second m*rder victim has been found.

You can come up and visit me in Jackson River.

[Speaks in tlicho]

[Panting intensely]

[Gasping and wheezing]

[g*nsh*t echoes]


[Engine rumbling smoothly]

[Breathing raggedly]

How much longer?

Almost there.


You've gotta be a little excited.

When's the last time you've seen your brother?

Six months ago.

I don't know why he couldn't just come down for a visit.

Hunting season.

It's kind of cool that he's taken over your dad's guiding outfit.


[Wistfully]: Man... It's beautiful here.

Do you miss it?

It's not exactly the mall.

You'd rather ht for a deal on a pair of 501s than hunt caribou?


What century do you live in?

You know, you could start a new trend...

Caribou-hide skinny jeans.

So lame.

Check it out!

There's a whole herd of skinny jeans.

It's about time!

We've been stuck in this bug-infested hell-hole all day.

Our guide just up and left us without food or beer or anything.

Where'd he go?

Probably tracking down a caribou.

Kid loves to hunt, that's for sure.

No, he would've come back.

I can't wait to get out of this place and back to civilization.

[Caitlin]: Something must've happened.

What if he's hurt?

We've got a connecting flight to catch in Yellowknife, so let's get this bird in the air.

[Bobby]: Tell you what.

I'll have another plane sent out for you guys, and we'll go look for her brother.

Tell you what.

I'm not missing that flight back to Vancouver, so how about you crank up that engine and get us out of here pronto?

There's only one flight to Vancouver.

Doesn't leave until 7:00. You'll get there in time.

[Pack thuds]

Loreen? Bobby here.

Slight change of plans.

[Fuming sigh]


Just keeps getting better.

Shut it!

Plane should be here in a couple hours.

No problem.

I still have two inches of unbitten skin.

Any idea where Nelson could be?

Might be at the trapper's cabin.

It's half-way up the hunting grounds.

How far?

Couple of miles.

Lead the way.

Two more hours in this stinkin' armpit.

[Hunter rummages in pack]

What're you doing?

Can't take a chance of those two finding anything.

Arctic Air S02 Ep03 - Open Season

[Humming of machinery at work]

Helicopter bookings are out of control.

We need more pilots who can fly the thing.

Talk to Bobby.

The helicopter was his bright idea.

Bobby's been delayed.

Nelson wasn't with the hunters when he and Caitlin landed.

They've gone off to find him.

What do you mean, Nelson wasn't with them?

He just wasn't with them.

I need someone to go pick up the hunters.

All our pilots are in the air.

Any suggestions on who might be able to fly up there?

No. I don't have any damn suggestions.

I get it.

I'm a good manager, even though I'll never fly again.

You can be a good owner without flying, too.

[Cell phone ringing]


Yeah, Mel Ivarson.

Just wondering if you decided to do something about what happened to your uncle?

I don't know what happened to my uncle.

Your memory come back?


Just wanted to make sure you weren't doing anything stupid.

You still got a rat problem at Arctic Air?

I heard about some guys who are real good exterminators.


[Hangs up]


Aw, this is worse than the osoyoos gig.

At least there, we could sh**t the rattlesnakes.

Can't do anything about these bugs.

Great... Which way?

That way.

Oof! Oh, shit.


Bit of a soaker here!

[Grunting intensely]


[Alex]: Lots of moving parts, all centrally located.

Pretty sweet.

Extremely well-built.

[Kirby]: I can see that.

Why are you suddenly interested in helo engines?

Guess I'm just getting bored of the same old thing.

I gotta warn you, DC-3 engines are a piece of cake compared to working with the fling wings.

I'm up for the challenge.

Hmm. Eager and cute.

Think I can work with that.

[Kirby]: And I think I can work with you working with that.

[Alex laughs]

I don't even know what I meant by that.

Um, so, do you have an email, or...

[Caitlin calls out in tlicho]

It's a welcome mat for the bears.

Forgot about those.

Where else do you think he could be?

I don't know.

What if he fell and broke something?

Or he ran into a bear?

Or maybe he just lost track of time.

Just breathe.

Do you have a map?

I think so.

[Dev]: I am not able to pick up the hunters for at least two more hours.

Too long. I'll try Blake.

Where you going?


Just the manager.

[Grumbles]: No need to let me know when you'll be back.

[Cece]: You ever been married?

Nah. I don't really see the point.

Well, it's working just fine for me and Marie.

Well, that's awesome, but it's not for everyone, eh?

Yeah, but it's not the kind of thing you'd want to break up either, is it?

It's unfortunate that, uh...

Hailey and Kirby are going through some difficult times.

I didn't know.

Well, now you know.

[Man]: Weren't we expecting that cargo plane?


There's, like, a million acres of land out there.

He could be anywhere.

There's a caribou crossing over here.

Or he might be somewhere around this rock bluff, good place for spotting them in the trees.

Do you have a g*n in the cabin?


Do you have a g*n?

Nelson must have it.

We've got to get out of here.

Bobby! What's going on?

They followed us!


Go on! Hurry. Get out!

[Cries out in agony]

[Crying out]

[Both wheezing]

What's going on?

I have a feeling they weren't here to hunt caribou.

I think they're after Nelson.


Zach Ward.

Zach's dead. That biker guy shot him.

I don't have it figured out yet...

But we have to find your brother.

Which way?

[Exhales shakily]

[Clicking on]

MayDay, MayDay, MayDay!

Possible fire in our electrical system!

Everyone buckled in back there?

This is it!

[Takes a deep breath]

[Props start whirring]

This is Arctic Air, Flight 1-7-8. Over.


I'm picking up the hunters.

Good. Over and out.

[Hangs up]



Loreen? You there?

Hurry up. We're gonna lose 'em.

Who the hell leaves a nailed-up board laying on the ground?

Now I know how Jesus felt... Times a hundred nails.

[Footsteps receding]

Wait up.

Dead fall's freshly broken.

Rocks turned up.

Gotta be Nelson's tracks, and by the looks of his boot marks, he was running.

He could've been tracking a wounded caribou.

[Bobby sighs]

Mauser .306.

It's Nelson's.

You sure?

My dad gave it to him for his 13th birthday.


Wounded caribou?

No sign of hoof prints.


Human prints.


[Gasps weakly]

He's alive.

Caitlin's here, too.



b*llet went clean through.

You're lucky.

Who shot you? Was it the hunters?

You saw them?

They were at base camp when we arrived.

Okay, we've got to get out of...

No. Hey, it's okay.

We lost them.

Yeah, for now.

Bobby, these guys are serious.

The only reason why I'm still alive is because they think I'm dead.

Why are they trying to k*ll you?

[Groans intensely]

Is it something to do with Zach Ward?

Look, I...

I did something back in Yellowknife, okay?

Something I can't take back.


He had a g*n to Mel's head and...

I didn't have any other choice.


k*lled him?

What about the biker?




[Nelson wincing and groaning]

[Quietly]: Here we go...

We've got to get back to the plane.

It's too dangerous.

It's our only way out.

They have high-powered r*fles, with military scopes.


We can't just wait around for them to find us.

Caitlin's right.

We've got to keep moving.

We can head back along Pine Ridge.

That's a pretty rugged trek.

You got a better plan?

Let's get out of here.

Hey. You okay?

Why wouldn't I be?

I just found out you k*lled two people.

[Winds gusting]


Whoa! Gave me a bit of a start there.

How's the huntin'?

Mm, saw a couple of caribou a few miles back.

Took off into the trees before we got a shot away.

Been here long?

Couple days.

Came up from Edmonton to bag myself a northern buck.

You seen a native guy and girl on your travels?

No, not a soul. Friends of yours?

Our hunting guides. Lost 'em a few miles back.

I'm sure they'll find ya.

Good trackers, those Indians.

Is that one of those...

High-end military scopes?


Mind if I take a look?

[Bugs buzzing]




Is damned sweet.

I'm gonna have to pick myself up one of these babies.

Well, gentlemen...

Happy huntin'.

We've got to get to the pilot and girl.


[Music playing on shop radio]

Brand-new friggin' helicopter and already it's breaking down.

Yeah. Shouldn't happen.

Not with a new machine. It must be a factory glitch.

I guess there's something to be said for a 65-year-old engine, huh?

You don't find this kind of workmanship anymore, especially in those bolt-'em-together things.

Simple design, yes, but very complex engineering.

Think it was Leonardo Da Vinci who said, "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."

Hah! That guy was a grave-robber.

Nothin' sophisticated about that, just plain screwy, if ya ask me.

Glitches happen. Old or new.

Gotta keep up with the times, Cece.

Pretty soon, these DC-3s are gonna be on their way to the aviation graveyard.

[Getting heated]: This machine has been in the air since before world w*r friggin' two, and it's still going strong.

You should maybe actually fly in one before you start flapping your jaws.


Did you... Figure out your problem?

Here's the thing about helicopters, Kirby.

Sometimes, you got to dig a little deeper to find the solution.

[Confused chuckle]

Okay. Say you're on a diet, and you go to a restaurant...

It's okay for you to look at the dessert menu, but if you're having trouble with your diet, then you probably shouldn't flirt with the chocolate cake.

You kind of lost me at the end there.

Look, you have a great wife.

Go work things out with her, and leave the chocolate cake to the single guys.

I'm kinda partial to pie, myself.

The wife's pie, of course.


Figured out what the problem is.

Yeah, a malfunction in the hose assembly that originated in the factory, and it's still under warranty.


But the part has to be shipped from Texas.

Mm! Not good!

Ugh. What am I gonna tell the Oil executives?

Take them in one of the planes.

Mm. Great.


Are you okay?

Yeah, I just, uh, I need a minute.

What are you doing?

Making moccasins.

Here. Put these over your shoes.

Muffles the sound and doesn't make big prints.


Look, I'm slowing you guys down. Okay?

Just keep walking and I'll catch up later.

Why don't we find a hiding spot for you and Caitlin?

I'll head over to the plane on my own.

That doesn't make any sense.

You don't know the bush around here.

I'll go.


I can take care of myself.

I don't need your help.

I've never needed your help.

I was just trying to give you...

If you would've just stayed out of my business, we wouldn't be in this mess right now.

Okay, chill!

I'm going.

Just point me in the right direction.

Where're you gonna hide?

The old clubhouse that dad built for us.

It's just over the hill, past the two big spruce trees.

Okay. I'll meet you there as soon as I radio for help.

Okay, stay in the trees, and follow the shoreline as far as you can.

[Engine rumbling]


I'll take a bourbon.

Yeah, scotch for me, please. Single-malt.

We are out of that.

The scotch or the bourbon?


Just bring me a glass of red, please?

Times two.

Actually, um...

Let me guess.

You're out of wine, too?

Ja. Lots of thirsty customers lately, so.

Look, why don't you just tell us what you do have?


Just pour, Stockholm.

[Snapping bitterly in Swedish]

I think I caught that last word.

Do I look like a waitress?

You know, interestingly, I had the pleasure of being served by a waitress in Australia who looked very much like you.

Same complexion, same... Hair colour... Or perhaps you don't... You don't look that much like her, after all.

[Laughs]: Okay, look.

I'm sorry the "Arslets" are giving you a hard time, but we promised them a first-class ride and we've got to give 'em one.


[Fumes in Swedish]

I'm gonna believe that last one meant "no problem."

I would most definitely not bet money on that.

[Both laughing]


Haven't been in here in years.


[Door creaks and rattles shut]

Everything seemed a whole lot bigger when we were kids.


Indian aspirin.



So, uh, it's good to see you.

I was really worried about you after the crash.

I wanted to come and visit you in the hospital, but I... didn't want to put you in danger.

Look, Caitlin, they... They were going to k*ll Mel.

Get up.

I was... I was scared that...

That they wouldn't stop there.

Look, I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you.

You're all I've got left.

I need some air.

We should've just stayed and waited for that other pilot.

We have no clue where we're going.

No food. No water.

Mosquitoes the size of harleys.

Can only imagine how big the bears are.

I'll be happy if I never see another tree the rest of my life.

[Twigs snapping, bush rustling]

Some Indian you are.

Been following your tracks for a mile.

You get dressed in the dark this morning?

[Laughs and wheezes]

How'd you get here?

I walked on water.

What kind of a bloody stupid question is that?

I flew.

Who do you think these guys are working for?

I don't know.

Maybe bikers from down south?

Looks like the old guy's our other pilot.

We only need one to fly us to Yellowknife.

Well, pick one, so we can go already.

[Shot rings out]

Go, go, go! Go, go, go, go!

Aw, what the hell?


Aw, you gotta be kidding me.

g*n! Get that g*n!

What's wrong with you?

My scope's off.

Well, maybe you need glasses.

Just sayin'.

A lot of old people need 'em.

[Nearby twigs snapping]

[Door swings open]

Whoa! Hey!

How's the shoulder?

Mel? What are you doing here?

Damn city hunters.

They'll sh**t at anything that moves.

We got to get out of here. They're not far behind.

And go where?

They're between us and the plane.

I'm not up for a Butch-and-Sundance moment, especially when we don't have g*ns.

No, but we've got this.

The last time our people fought the enemy with bows and arrows, it didn't go too well.

One of us has to get to the plane.

We set a trap.

We'll lead 'em right to it and away from the plane.

Might buy us some time.

Make it work.

Where are you going?

The plane.

Ride 'em, cowboy.

Okay, well, sorry to ruin your fun, cowboy, but we've got no elevators.


This is not good.

Not if you want to climb or descend.

Little choppy, eh?

Looks like you're gonna get your training lesson on the DC-3 after all.

Go tell Cece we've lost elevator control.


Mechanics are weird.

Hey, you might want to tell that chick pilot that she can fly above the turbulence.

Yeah, maybe she forgot the directions.

[Men snickering]


[Nasally]: Oh, my nose is running like a tap.

My eyes feel like they've been clawed out.

I have bug bites on.

Shut up...

[Branch snaps, Pete groans]

[Cracking up]

Oh, what the hell?

Oh, it smells like someone died in there.

I think you fell in one of them caribou beds the kid warned us about.

You mind standing downwind?

[Coughs and wheezes]

One more word, and I'm gonna put a b*llet in your head.

Oh, go ahead. Fire away.

Put me out of my misery.

[Nearby branches breaking]

What was that?

Probably the damn caribou coming back to take a nap.

Why don't you stay and spoon with her?

[Plane rattling and rumbling]

Ah! There's your problem, right there.

Broken elevator cable.

Well, go ahead. Fix it.


Where's the spare cable?

Don't got any.

Okay, no worries.

Just need some cable clamps.

Don't got any.

Okay. What do we have?

"Piece of cake."

I believe that is how you described a DC-3.

We can't stay up here all day, you know?

Better move aside before we run out of gas.

Just hold that.


All ya gotta do...

Is you split the cable down...

About six or eight inches, you make a loop with one piece, and then you just...

Kind of wrap the other one...

Like that.

We'll get you home.

So, we'll be making a quick stop in Norman Wells to pick up some passengers, and then we'll be right on our way.

Seriously? A stop-over?

When the hell are we getting to Fort McPherson?

Ah. Soon.

But first...

Dinner is served.

What the hell are these?

Caribou medallions!

Loreen's auntie home-made these.

Loreen is our office manager.

I actually think that her auntie shot the caribou herself.

Talk about fresh, huh?

Why don't you bring us some real food, honey?

Yeah, any chance of getting, like, a roasted chicken breast?

Peanut-butter sandwich?

Some pretzels?

More champagne?




Oh! Aww! Geez!

Ay-yi-yi, yi-yi!

Is it so hard to pour a damn glass of 10-cent champagne?

I'm so sorry!

Maybe you should stick to waiting tables on the ground.

Well, at least you're good at something.

[Guys snickering]

And you can take these moose thingies and your crap champagne and toss them out the plane!

[Huffs]: Okay.

For your information, these medallions are a highly sought-after delicacy in the north.

And they are not moose!

They are caribou.


And another thing!

I am a pilot, I am not a waitress.

But if I was a waitress, it would be nice to learn some manners and treat people with respect!

Yeah. No, this is probably... thank you.

This'll be fine.

This... [grunts]

Is kind of like...

Lacing up the kids' skates.

Okay now...

And that is what we call...

Aircraft liposuction.

You just suck the slack right there...

That was bloody amazing, eh?

[Laughs]: Wow! Talk about pressure.

Ah, this isn't pressure.

Christmas shopping for seven kids...

That's pressure.

[Laughs]: How long have you been married?

25 years.


It's a lot of hard work.

Yeah, I might not ever want to get married, Cece, but I wouldn't do anything to break one up. Ever.


We've picked up their trail!

Why don't you yell a little louder?

Let the whole northern hemisphere know where we are.


[Snap, whoosh, thud]

[Cries out]

Get it off me!

[Groaning]: Oh! Don't leave me here!

The bears'll eat my eyes out.


[Cries out]


City-girl's still got it.

Hey there. How's it going?


Think I threw my back out on that last dance.

Slipped right off the damn pole.

Here, let me rub it.

Oh, thanks.

Yeah. Oh...


Little lower. Yeah, right there.

You've got hands of gold, girl.

Thanks, babe.

Ah... oh...

You guys, relax here.

I'm going to hike up a little higher, get a better vantage point.

I never get tired of this place.

[Speaks in tlicho]

You remembered.

I'd never forget the secret password.

I got straight- "A" s.

Yeah? That's great.

Made captain of the volleyball team, too.

Mom and dad would be happy.

We, uh, we had some good times with them out here, didn't we?

Hunting, trapping, fishing.

[Tearing up]: I miss them.

Me too.

But we have each other.

You know?

You can't go to jail!

Look, I'm not... I'm not gonna go to jail.

It's caribou season.


Come on. Still got lots of hunting to do.

I'm gonna get you some more willow.

And, no, I don't need you to come with me.

I'll be fine.

Oh... careful.


I'll have what they're having.

Uh, champagne is for our first-class passengers only.

Nothing first-class about riding in this beast, honey.

You got that right!

[Passengers laughing]

Come on, pour some bubbly for our new friends here.

Where're you fellows heading?

Fort McPherson.

So are we.


Here's to the colourful north.

[Women giggling]


My little sister's growing up.

It happens.

See any sign of the hunters?


Where is Caitlin?

She went to get some willow.

She's... been gone a long time, actually.

[Pete, shouting]: Hey, pilot!

I've got the girl! I want a pilot, now!

Wait! They see you alive, they'll k*ll you and Caitlin.

It's me they want.

If anything happens to her...

I'll take care of her. I promise.

By the time we get to the plane, Mel will have radioed for help.

Just lie low, and don't do anything stupid.

Where's the other pilot?

He sprained his ankle a few miles back.

We left him there.

You better not be lying.

Any surprises, the girl eats a b*llet.

No surprises.

Start walking.

[Men groaning]

Hands behind your back!

Get your hands behind your back!

[Relieved chuckle]

So, we'll see you at the club?

Yeah! Front row.

Hope you recognize us with our clothes off.

We'll do our best.

[Paper rustling]

For your services.


May... may I ask what kind of services you provided?

It's all in how you pop the cork, Dev.


[Mel]: Yeah, I'd really appreciate it if you'd figure out what these guys were up to.

We flew 'em up here and look what we end up with.


Thought you were going kamikaze when the plane was barrelling down on us.

Still got a few tricks up my sleeve.

I'm sure you do!

Hey, get going before this storm gets worse.

You okay?

Do you think he's going to be okay, living out here all by himself?

Nelson's got the land, the animals...

[Speaks in tlicho]

♪ Oh, Lord I lost you ♪
♪ I held you tight ♪
♪ oh, I will hold on to your love in the night ♪
♪ and the black sky will come before our eyes ♪
♪ oh, I... ♪
♪ let's lie down in the basement tonight... ♪

See you guys later.

Heading over to the jail to visit your friends?

I don't have any friends in jail.

Ran into a couple of hunters up north.

Said they somehow lost their guide.

Didn't have a clue where he went.

Not the first time an Indian got lost in the bush.

Didn't say anything about him being an Indian.

Well, who else would be guiding up there?

One of my pilots found a busted-up r*fle and a trail of blood that led to the edge a cliff.

Hundred feet straight down to the river.

What do you think's at the bottom of it?

I don't know.

I'm guessing some pretty big trout.