20x11 - Letters To Santa

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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20x11 - Letters To Santa

Post by bunniefuu »

[bouncy music]



♪ They're two, they're four ♪

♪ They're six, they're eight ♪

♪ Shunting trucks

and hauling freight ♪

♪ Red and green

and brown and blue ♪

♪ They're the really

useful crew ♪

♪ All with different roles

to play ♪

♪ Round Tidmouth Sheds

or far away ♪

♪ Down the hills

and round the bends ♪

♪ Thomas and his friends ♪


[whistle toots]

male narrator:

Pouty James.

[whistle toots]

[brakes screech]

- Ta-da!

Here's James!

I'm ready for my coaches!

- Hello, James.


James is always showing off.

He likes to be

the center of attention.

- [sighs]

What does an engine have to do

to get some coaches around here?

[whistle toots]

- Here you go, James.

Fresh from the wash-down.

[whistle toots]

- Oh, yes.

Very shiny.

Just the way I like them.

[whistle toots]

[upbeat music]


I am just the brightest engine

on Sodor.

♪ ♪

[indistinct voice on intercom]

[whistle toots]

[steam hissing]

- Uh-oh.

[whistle blows]

You overshot

the platform, James!

- I know.

Sometimes I'm just too fast

for my own good.


- [clears throat]

- Oh.

- [groans]

- Oh.

narrator: James is

a mixed traffic engine.

This means that

he is equally good

at pulling coaches

and pulling goods trains.

Some engines

enjoy pulling goods trains,

but not James!

[whistle toots]

He only likes

pulling coaches

and wishes that was the kind of

work he did all the time.

- Ta-da!

[all exclaiming, grunting]

- I say!

- How was that for a stop?

- Oh, not very good.

- What?

I didn't overshoot

the platform this time.

- No, James,

you've undershot it.

Look where you've pulled up!

- Oh.

- How are we supposed

to get out?

- Honestly.

- This is a terrible railway.

- Would you stop showing off

and pull forward please James?

narrator: But James

was in too much of a good mood

to let one stationmaster

bother him

and he continued showing off

for the rest of the day.

- Here's James!


[whistle toots]


- James!

I have had nothing

but complaints about you

all day and the passengers

have all been saying

what a bad railway this is!

- Hm. The passengers

are just being silly, sir.

- Ugh, honestly, James.

We are supposed to look after

our passengers.

I think it's high time

you changed your attitude!

And until you do...

I'm taking your coaches away.

- [gasps]

[whistle blows]

- What's the matter with you,


- Nothing.

[sighs] Sir Topham Hatt

says I need

to change my attitude.

- I think he's right, James.

- No, he's not!

What's wrong

with my attitude?

- Look at that pouty face.

- No engine is better

at making a pouty face

than James.


- [laughs]

How about this face?


- Oh! How about me?



- Never mind, James.

Whatever is bothering you

will probably seem better

in the morning.


But the next morning

not much had changed.

- James?

- [grumpily] What?



- [groans]

Don't you remember

what I said about

changing you attitude?

Oh, you don't expect me

to let you pull passengers

with a face like that do you?

- Hm.

- Don't you want

a job today, James?

- What does it matter

what I want?

- Ha!

Very well.

You can stay here then.

In the shed.

- [gasps]

- I don't know, engines today.

- [groans]

- Why don't you just

say you're sorry

and stop being grumpy?

It's no fun sitting

in the shed all day.

- Ohh.

- [groans]


- [groans]


narrator: It wasn't much fun

sitting in the shed

doing nothing.

- Oh that silly Sir Topham Hatt!

What's wrong with my attitude?

I was only trying to do my best

and be really useful!

narrator: But later

that morning Sir Topham Hatt

came back again

and James tried

to put things right.

- I'm sorry I was

so grumpy earlier, sir.

I really would like a job today.

- [grunts]

- I want to be useful.

- Very well, James,

but But I expect you

to be on your best behavior

and no more sulking!

- Yes, sir!

Of course not, sir!

I'll be on my best behavior.

Waste cars?!

Smelly waste cars?!

But--but why can't I take

those lovely

clean coaches again?

- Edward has taken

those coaches today.

Sir Topham Hatt's orders.

- Ohh!

narrator: Unfortunately, James

was in too much of a bad mood

to work quickly

and it took him ages

to get to the waste dump

with his cars.

And even longer to get back

to the shunting yard.

- Oh, my attitude.


narrator: And he still

didn't get any coaches to pull.

- [gasps] Hi, James!

- Yay! Hi, James!


both: Ohh.

[whistle toots]

- James! I have had almost

as many complaints

about you today

as I had yesterday!

Going around in a sulk,

being rude to other engines

and taking far too long

to get your cars from A to B!

You need to change

your attitude,

young steam engine!

Oh, dear, oh, dear.

[car starts, drives off]

- Change my attitude?

How am I supposed

to change my attitude?

- What a face, James.


You look even crankier than me!

- No engine

is better at making

a pouty face than James is!

- Stop teasing.

- [groans]

- [laughs]


- [chuckles]

- [groans]

- [chuckles harder]

- [groans]

- [laughs]


- That's it, James.

That's much better.

- What do you mean?

- He means

you're changing your attitude.

- Come on, James!

[whistle toots]

Put a smile on that face!

We've got work to do!

- Last one back

to the shunting yard

is a broken brake van!

[whistle toots]

- [laughs]

[upbeat music]

narrator: So James

tried to change his attitude

and work more quickly.


He still had to pull cars

and do the jobs

he didn't like doing...

But whenever he started

to look sulky again,

his friends

helped to remind him!

- [groans]

[both laugh]


And before long, James found

he was even enjoying himself.


[whistle toots]

- Did somebody order some milk?



- [chuckles]

- Moo!


- Oh, dear.

narrator: He didn't even mind

that he wasn't

pulling coaches...


And so that was how James

learned to change his attitude.

[whistle toots]

- See you later,

lazy boiler!

narrator: But not for long.

[both laughing]

[whistle toots]

[bouncy music]

♪ ♪

[children singing]


[whistle toots]
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