07x20 - Harold and the Flying Horse

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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07x20 - Harold and the Flying Horse

Post by bunniefuu »

(playful music)

- [Michael] Harold

the Helicopter

is glad not to be

a steam engine.

He is much happier

flying in the sky

than racing along

on road or rails.

(playful music)

One sunny morning,

the engines were busy

preparing for the vicar's

annual garden party.

"I'd like to help," called

Harold, "but I'm on patrol."

He was looking for engines

that might be in trouble.

Meanwhile the engines

puffed to and fro

with their loads for the party.

(Toby ringing bell)

(Percy whistling)

Percy was delivering deck

chairs and decorations,

tables and tea

urns, and reminders.

"Don't forget to come

to the vicar's party!"

"Thanks for the

invitation," called Harold,

"but duty calls!"

And he whirred away.

(playful music)

Harold was landing at his

airfield to get more fuel

when he saw Pegasus, the

carthorse that lives close by.

Pegasus was getting ready

to give rides to children.

He had a shiny leather harness

and a freshly painted cart.

(Pegasus nickering)

Harold was beginning to feel

left out of the celebrations.

He wished more than

ever that he could help.

Thomas puffed in

with some passengers.

"Where are you going

next," buzzed Harold.

"To the vicar's

party, of course.

"Everyone's going."

"Everyone except

me," replied Harold.

"I'm on duty."

"Yes, indeed,"

said Thomas kindly.

"Being a rescue helicopter

is important work."

(Thomas whistling)

(gentle music)

"But no one needs

rescuing," sighed Harold.

Then came the surprise.

Harold's pilot received

an urgent call from

Sir Topham Hatt.

"Pegasus is stuck in a ditch.

"If he doesn't get

to the vicar's party,

"the children will

be disappointed.

"You must rescue him at once."

(Harold whirring)

"All set and ready for

action," reported Harold.

"Pegasus," wondered Percy,

"that's a funny

name for a horse."

"It's the name of a flying

horse in a very old story,"

explained Sir Topham Hatt.

"Flying horse," exclaimed Percy.

"Horses can't fly."

(Percy whistling)

He felt very clever.

(gentle music)

(Pegasus neighing)

Harold flew to the rescue

as fast as he could.

"What happened,"

he asked Thomas.

"We were loading the cart.

"Pegasus wandered off into

the ditch, silly horse.

"Now he's stuck.

"If you can take him,

I can take the cart."

"I'll put Pegasus in my sling."

"We need to hurry,"

whistled Thomas.

"The party is about to begin."

(Thomas whistling)

And he steamed away.

(playful music)

Soon Harold's pilot had fitted

Harold's sling under Pegasus.

Then Harold gently

lifted him into the air,

and carefully carried

him across the fields.

When Percy saw Pegasus

flying through the sky,

he was amazed.

"Well, flatten my funnel, so

horses can fly after all."

The children cheered for Harold.

(children cheering)

He had saved the day.

Soon Pegasus was

hitched up to the cart.

The party was a big success,

and the children had

a wonderful time.

Harold was happy.

He'd stayed on duty and

had fun at the party too.

(playful music)
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