07x16 - The Runaway Elephant

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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07x16 - The Runaway Elephant

Post by bunniefuu »

(upbeat funky music)

(upbeat funky music)

(upbeat funky music)

(upbeat funky music)

(light organ music)

- [Michael] The engines on the

Island of Sodor were excited.

A new park was being built.

Everyone was working hard to

get the job finished on time.

Duncan was feeling impatient.

- [Duncan] Get a

move on slow coach.

- [Michael] He puffed

crossly to Rusty.

- [Duncan] You're so

slow, I'll finish first.

- [Michael] Duncan

boasted to Skarloey.

Skarloey was cross.

A little later, he met Rusty

at the new park station.

- [Skarloey] Duncan

thinks he's fast.

- [Michael] Skarloey steamed.

- [Skarloey] But he's

just a bossy boiler.

- [Rusty] Better safe than fast.

- [Michael] Rusty agreed.

Duncan drew into the station.

He was all puffed up and

pleased with himself.

- [Duncan] I finished first.

- [Michael] He wheeshed proudly.

- [Sir Topham] In that case.

- [Michael] Said

Sir Topham Hatt.

- [Sir Topham] I've got

another job for you.

You're to collect the

elephant on the sidings

and take it to the park.

- [Duncan] Yes, Sir.

- [Michael] Chugged Duncan.

- [Sir Topham] This

elephant is very important.

You must be very careful.

(train whistling)

(train chugging)

- [Michael] When Duncan saw

the elephant, he was surprised.

- [Duncan] Why,

it's only a statue.

- [Michael] He said.

- [Duncan] This is an easy job.

- [Station Master] You must

wait for the brake van.

- [Michael] Said

the station master.

- [Station Master] The

statue is very heavy.

- [Duncan] Nonsense.

- [Michael] Puffed

Duncan to his driver.

- [Duncan] I've

pushed heavier loads

than this plenty of times.

- [Driver] Let's go, Duncan.

- [Michael] Said his driver.

- [Driver] But we

must be careful.

(train whistle tooting)

- [Michael] So they left,

but without the brake van.

(playful music)

But Duncan wasn't careful.

He was impatient.

- [Duncan] We'll show

them how fast I can be.

- [Michael] Duncan whistled.

- [Duncan] We'll

deliver this statue

and I'll still finish first.

(playful music)

(train wheels rattling)

- [Michael] Duncan

started to speed up.

Soon, Duncan was going as fast

as his wheels could carry him.

His driver was

starting to worry.

So he tried to brake.

But Duncan was out of control.

He was scared.

He had never gone this fast.

People waved.

And cars tooted

as Duncan sped by.

Suddenly, a tractor trundled

across Duncan's line.

- [Driver] Look out!

- [Michael] Shouted his driver.

(fast playful music)

(train chugging)

- [Rusty] Slow down, slow down!

- [Michael] Whistled Rusty.

- [Duncan] I can't!

- [Michael] Duncan

cried as he shot past.

- [Duncan] Whoa!

(fast organ music)

(train chugging)

- [Michael] Elephant

park loomed ahead.

Duncan's driver applied the

brakes, but it was too late.

The statue flew through the air.

And landed in the lake.

(water splashing)

(steam hissing)

Luckily, nobody was hurt.

In no time, Sir

Topham Hatt arrived.

He was cross.

- [Sir Topham] I told

you to be careful.

You should have waited

for the brake van.

- [Michael] He said sternly.

- [Duncan] I'm sorry, Sir.

- [Michael] Mumbled Duncan.

He felt very embarrassed.

Duncan was repaired in time

for the opening

of Elephant Park.

He was very surprised

to see the statue

was still standing in the lake.

- [Lady Hatt] Everyone loves

the elephant in the lake.

- [Michael] Said Lady Hatt.

- [Sir Topham] Even

if it was a mistake.

- [Michael] Added

Sir Topham Hatt.

- [Engines] Hurray

for Duncan's mistake!

- [Michael] Cheered the engines.

Duncan blushed and went

a deep shade of red.

(upbeat funky music)
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