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01x06 - C-TVAK

Posted: 02/17/12 04:49
by bunniefuu
Previously on Arctic Air ...

What we have is sex, that's it.

Love the honesty.

My daughter's porking him.

They think they're keeping it a secret.

How am I supposed to run maintenance, fix every friggin' plane and still screw off on some arctic tour?

His old man? Greatest northern pilot ever flew.

God rest his soul.

Never found the wreckage.

You'll wanna bring down your airspeed.

Airspeed's fine.

Be sure to adjust your trim tabs.

Why don't you fix engines and I fly?

And you're way the hell off course.

I know.

Twin Lakes Air was flying to that new diamond mine up by Great Bear, and they spotted an old wreckage not far from here.


And I want to check it out.

What for?

Could be my dad's.

Look, until they opened that mine, no one was flying up here.

That old wreck has been down there for a while.

What the hell would your dad be doing way out here?

He'd have been miles off course.

If he was on course, we would have found him right after he disappeared.

There's hundreds of wrecks out here.

I've wondered what happened to my dad for 17 years.

Why are we short pilots?

King Air had to make an emergency landing near Moose River.

A leak in the fuel bladder.

Pilots got stuck there.

Had to send Astrid to pick them up.

Well, what about the plane? How are we going to get it back?

Cece is going up to fix it.

It could take a few days.

We keep dicking around up here, we're gonna run out of fuel.

You see that?


Looked like metal.

I'm going to bring her down for a closer look.

There's something there.

I'm gonna land on that flat spot.

Are you outta your frigging mind?

There could be anything under that snow!

Rocks, holes, dead-fall!

I got this.

What you've got is absolutely nothing north of your eyebrows!

[Groaning with impact]


You okay?

Well, you've arsed this up real good, and for what?

Some old wreck, got nothing to do with nothing.

How the hell you even gonna know it's your father's plane?

Tail letters.


I'd never forget that.

Um... where's Mel?

Interviewing a new pilot.

He taking him up soon?

If the guy doesn't say anything to piss him off in the next few minutes.

[Rubbing hands excitedly]

So here's the plan...

I'm going to tell Mel I'm taking off for a couple of days.

When he takes the pilot up for a test flight, I'll fire up the other plane.

All you've got to do is jump in.

You've got 15 minutes.

Guess he did okay.

I'm not getting in a plane with that idiot.

He'll k*ll us on take-off.

Don't you two have a long weekend?

Uh, yeah...

I was gonna fly up to the lodge.

And you? What are your plans?

Plans? No plans.

I was, uh, going to...

Hang out in Yellowknife and have some beers with some friends.

Didn't know you had any.

[Chuckles awkwardly]

I've got a few minutes before I interview the next bonehead.

I'll help you prep your plane.

That's okay.

GPS was acting up. I want to make sure it's working okay.

[Tightly] Sure.

[Whispers] Dad...

Well, the landing gear's buggered beyond repair.

We're out of radio range, and no one's expecting to hear from us for at least three days.

We're hooped.

You think he suffered?

Plane's busted up pretty bad.

Yeah, but dad was pretty tough.

That he was.

It's just... I don't like to think...

He was probably dead when he hit the ground, Bobby.

I'm gonna go try the radio again.

Hurry up, come on!



One more.

Are-are you kidding?

Be right back.

[Door opens]

Why the hell are you still hanging around?

I was, uh...

Waiting for Dev!

We're going to grab a beer. Hey, Dev!

Oh, you do have a friend.

Nice to see them hanging out together after work.


GPS is bagged. Take this one.

Oh, uh, thanks.

Have a good trip.

Still nothing on the radio.

Someone will find us.

Twin Lakes flies to the mine pretty regularly.

Once a week.

And on the off chance that this is our lucky day, it would help if we had a fire for them to spot.

Why do you think he was so far off course?

Who knows?

Weather, engine trouble.


Maybe he was chasing a herd of caribou.

It was hunting season, wasn't it?

It's supposed to go to 15 below.

Be nice if we had a fire some time this century.

You know what, nobody can start this crap.

It's soaking wet.

Well, your dad taught me an old Indian trick.

Stand back.


I said, stand back.


Sacred gasoline.

Works every time.

Well, I did my part, now you do yours.

Build us a lean-to.


Might want to work the ground a bit first.

What do you know about building a lean-to?

Not a hell of a lot.

Never did care much for camping.

Your dad, on the other hand, he loved being out in the bush.

He used to take two weeks off every winter to go trapping.

Most people would head South for the holidays.

Dad went north.

I remember this one time, middle of winter, he was out on his trap line, big storm comes up.

He was two weeks late getting home.

Your poor mother was sick with worry.

Yeah, she could always get herself wound up.

You know, my dad said it was because she was part French.

[Laughs] Yeah, well, the French part of her sent out this big search party.

Well, they didn't find anything.

A week later, he comes waltzing back into town with a big load of moose meat on his back.

He never understood what all the fuss was about.

Last time I heard that one, it was caribou.

Oh, no, no, moose.

Definitely moose. I was there.

If he lived through the crash, he might have been able to hunt.

Could've survived a long time.

You'll make yourself crazy thinking about it.

We could use more firewood.

Got the fire started, boiled the water, now I'm gathering fire wood.

Probably have to build a lean-to when I came back.

[chuckling happily]

If you hadn't needed those extra bags, we would've gotten away hours ago.

Maybe if your dad hadn't showed up with that stupid GPS, and these... [patting cooler]

Are essential supplies.

How much do you really need for three days?

Oh, you'll see.

When we're at your dad's lodge, settled on a bear-skin rug, in front of a roaring fire...

Uh, there are bears where we're going, but they aren't sprawled out on the floor.

I don't care if there are werewolves where we're going, I'm not planning on leaving that lodge all weekend.



I mean, not only do I get you all to myself, I don't have to sneak around in the middle of the night to avoid your roommates.

Imagine, I actually get to wake up next to you.

[Laughing] When did you become such a romantic?

I always have been.

Just waiting for a chance to show you.


[Yelps in surprise]

[Branches crunch, screams in pain]


[Wincing in pain]




[Wincing in pain]

We're going to have to pull it out.

Go ahead.

Gonna have to cut off the circulation, try to control the bleeding.


Okay, on three...

Will you just pull the damn thing out!


[Moans and grumbles]

Okay, come in.


[Shivers] Oh, yeah.

[Door squeaks closed]

This is the lodge?

It's great, isn't it?

Oh, it's something.

Lot of dead things.

That was my first caribou.

Your first?

Yeah, took it down with one shot right through the heart.

Ah. I never realized you were so into...

sh**ting stuff.

Well, a girl's gotta eat.

Make yourself at home.

I'm gonna get some more wood.



What is this?

Who said that a hunting shack can't be romantic?


[Logs clatter to floor]

Get any sleep?

15 friggin' below, bleeding like a stuck pig, hungry enough to eat the arsehole out of a skunk.

Yeah, I slept like a baby.

Obviously not a morning person.

Infection's setting in.

[Sighs in frustration]

Things around here are going from worse to shit real fast, aren't they?

I should have put this on the wound right after I pulled the stick out.


Jeez, what is that stuff?

Diwe wet'ii.


Inner bark of the tamarack tree.

What's it supposed to do?

I cut my hand when I was hunting with my dad once.

He used it as a poultice.


Did it actually work?

I've still got my hand.

I just hope I got it on you in time.

Just want you to know I could start on Monday.

How about we see what you've got first?

Engine number one just failed, number two is running hot.

What do you do?

Throttle back on two.

Did you feather one?

Because if you didn't, that prop is windmilling now.

More than one way to wreck a plane.

Yes, sir.

Your oil pressure on two is dropping. Now what do you do?

Um, well, I think...

Not about thinking!

You've got to react instantly, and you've got to react right.

[Door slams]

I'm getting the hell out of this place.

That guy's a total nightmare!

Bobby and I used to come here with our dads all the time.

My dad used to take me to the golf course.

We'd have ice fishing competitions and snowshoe races.

[Out of breath]
Something to be said...

For golf carts.

Well, these claw marks look fresh.

Must be one hungry bear trying to fatten himself up before he goes to sleep.



Claws are pretty big.

We once got chased by a bear.

Bobby and I had snuck out to pick blueberries, and this mama bear came out of nowhere.

Bobby tried to scare her off with some rocks, but she just kept coming at us, so we climbed a tree...

Okay, okay.

Bobby. The bear. I get it.

Can we go back now?


Wanna race?

[Breathlessly] Not...



Nazeedo nootaa.

The great hunter returns.

We're dining on elite meat, tonight, my friend.

Beginner's luck.

My dad taught me a few things.

Probably snared more rabbits than you've fixed engines.

Not only are you a shitty fire-starter and lean-to builder, you're also...


You're sweating.

I've got to check your bandage.

It's fine. Leave it alone.


I've got to get you out of here.

on how to mend a broken heart.

Don't miss it.

Can we brace the gear with this one?

Try and bend it.

You need something with some tensile strength to wrap around it.

That landing gear is busted up pretty bad.

It's no easy fix.

Damn near impossible when you're scavenging parts from a 17-year-old wreck.

It's my dad's wreck.

[Door squeaking]


What are you doing?

I was going to go get us some trout for breakfast.

You know, sit by the fire, eat some fish...

Maybe have a little champagne with it.


I hate fish.

I didn't know that.


Maybe it's because we never eat together.

Okay, well, I'll be back soon.

Hey, wait, look, I thought the whole purpose of going away for the weekend was so we could relax, you know?

[Pats bed]

Sleep late?

I can't really sleep in.

Never could.


I didn't know that.

I guess that's because we never wake up together.

You could come with me.

Ice fishing?

Wait here, I've got some paperwork for you.


Finally found one who wasn't totally clueless.

Hey, hon', want to grab me a coffee?

Pot's in the next room.


You might want to stay on my good side.

Cream, two sugars.

My friends call me Loreen.

You can call me Ms. Cassaway, and get off my desk.

No one likes a secretary with attitude, Loreen.

Kiss my ass, flyboy.

Did you hear what she just said to me?


Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Have a nice day... Hon'.

Put some muscle into it.

[Screwdriver slips]

Piece has got to be tight enough to brace the landing gear, keep it from wobbling.

[Straining with effort]

Tight as it's going to get.


Just grab onto that strut and pull it towards you.

See if it moves.

Aw, jeez...

You've got to hit 40, 45 miles an hour to get this thing in the air.


Never gonna happen with that landing gear wobbling all over the place.

We should try something else.

I don't know how much time I got here, Bobby.

[Shouts in pain]


Look, all you need is to get a little bit of a rest for a while.

[Groaning with effort]

I got you.

Bad news?

The infection is spreading up your leg.

We've got to re-open the wound.

Make the channel wider so it can drain.

I don't see a doctor anywhere around here.

I can do it.

You think you got the stomach for it?

There's not much I can do about the pain.

Do you want to bite on a stick or something?

I already got a messed-up leg, I don't need to break half my teeth on top of it.

[Sighs nervously]

Just don't move, okay?

You do your part, I'll do mine.

[Stifling screams]

We haven't heard from them yet, Marie.

Cece thought it would take at least three days to fix the King Air, and they're out of radio range.

I'll call as soon as I hear something.

Okay, bye.

Marie wants Cece back, too, so don't even start with "where's my bloody plane?"

Besides, we don't have enough pilots around here anyway.

Maybe we should just hire a few more rampies and train 'em quick.

We need someone to fly planes now, Mel.

No way I'm hiring any of these losers.

Maybe you're being a little too hard on them.

I rest my case.

I've gotta get some more wood.


It was birds.

A flock of snow geese came up underneath him.


All those years of flying, and it's a bunch of friggin' birds that get him.

He broke both legs in the crash.

Must have been in a lot of pain.

He had to crawl to a sheltered spot to build his lean-to.

Is there any sign of him?

No, there wouldn't be after all this time.


Two broken legs...

I bet he built a better lean-to than you did.


There's over 14 entries.

One for each day that he survived.

"Fire not possible.

"Wet wood, no dry tinder.

Matches lost in crash."

"k*lled a ptarmigan with a rock.

"Ate it raw.

Prefer cooked."

"Clear night.

"Northern lights putting on a show.

"Remembering that Christmas at Mel's Lodge.

All four of us out on the dog sled."

"Feeling a little sick.

"Thinking about you all the time, Yvonne.

Bobby, Deanna, you're growing up strong..."

"I love all of you."

That's the first time he ever said he loved me.

When you fell out of that tree and broke your ribs?

He slept in a chair beside your bad for a week.

Hockey season?

Gettin' up all those mornings to take you to practice?

He even bought a suit for your grade seven graduation.

Sat there proud as a peacock.


Sounds like he gave up at the end, though.

That's not like him.

There's more.

"Gonna rest a bit, "then figure out how to get out of here.

"Make some crutches.

Going to spend more time with you guys when I get home."

Now, that's Silas.

I thought the idea was to catch fish.

The idea is to get here early in the morning when the fish are biting.

It's barely light out, they're in freezing cold water under a foot of ice.

How do they know it's not early morning?

Why does this feel so strange?



It's like we barely know each other.

I don't know.

Maybe it's because we've never really talked.

We talk.

Yeah, sure.

"What's the manifold pressure in number two?"

It's not exactly what I'd call deep conversation.

No, we talk about more than just that.


Okay, well, you know me so well, what's my favourite movie?

Top g*n?

Not even close.

Apollo Thirteen.

[Sighs] Okay, what is it?

I think I made my point.

I mean...

What are you so afraid of?

Is it because of Bobby?

Oh, no, don't go all jealous male on me.

I... Bobby and I have known each other forever, and that's all.

Then what is it?

Why the big wall?


This isn't easy for me, and...

I don't know why.

I'm... I'm trying.

I asked you to come away with me.

Doesn't that mean anything?


Princess bride.


[Sighs heavily] The Princess bride that's my favourite movie.

That's your favourite movie?


It is. Why? What's yours, The Deer hunter?



My favourite movie is The Princess bride.




Oh, God...

[Reel unwinding]


What do I do?

Stay calm, stay calm...

Oh, God, it's gonna be so small...

It's gotta be tight enough to stabilize the gear, otherwise, we'll never get the speed for takeoff.

[Wrench slips] Ow!


[Chuckling] No use.

You'll never get that strong enough to hold up on its own.

Well... If we're not back tonight, they're gonna come looking for us.

Can't we just get warm and wait for help?

You know what that means.

It means you don't have to k*ll yourself.

This plane can't be fixed.

It means giving up.

Please just take me to the fire.


Anything from Bobby and Cece?

How long does it take to fix a damn fuel leak?

According to Cece, at least three days.

You know we're not expected to hear from them till this afternoon.

I can hope, can't I?

You got another pilot to see.

I'm done.

Tell him to come back when Krista and Blake are here.

See how they like dealing with idiots.

This idiot works for Twin Lakes Air.

Maybe it wouldn't hurt to say hello.

Oh, you really want to poach someone from them, don't you?

Would kinda make my day.

Right outside.

Did you forget to close the door?

I thought I shut it.

[Shell cracks]

[Sighs in disgust]

Oh, God... A bear.


Oh, don't worry.

Long gone.

With all our food.


Oh! [Chuckles]

Drunk on champagne.

I give up.

Let's get out of here.

I don't know, this place is starting to grow on me.

Blake... no food.

We got trout.

You hate fish.

Well, I caught those fish, and I'm going to eat 'em.

[Chuckles] What's happened to you?

Oh, I don't know, fresh air, nature, that sexy plaid blancket you're wearing.

Do you wanna talk about it?


Stay warm, Cece.


Tell Marie and the kids...

I love them.

Tell them yourself.

You'll have to do.


Cece, wake up.

We're getting out of here.


Just hang on.

I'm getting you home.

[Engine rumbling]

Hang in there a little longer, Cece.

Come on...

Come on!

Come on, fly!

Your number one engine just shut down.

Whoa, what the hell are you doing?

Shutting down number one.

It's an exercise.

Kind of risky to turn the engine off.

That's nothing compared to the stuff I did in Iraq.

You were in Iraq?

Didn't you read my resume?

Guess I skimmed it.

U.S. Air Force?

Yup. Two tours.

Flew F-16s.

Why aren't you flying for one of the big airlines?

I've got a thing for DC-3s.

My grandfather took me up in one when I was just a kid.

He was a pilot?

Yeah, Tuskegee airman.

World w*r II.

He flew DC-3s after.

Loved them.

Taught me to love them, too.

I kind of value loyalty in my pilots.

You want to know why I'm leaving Twin Lakes?

They're scrapping their last DC-3.

Heartless bastards.


Go ahead, switch her off.

See if you can impress me.

Can I get up now?

Not yet.

Okay, I'll get out first.

When the coast is clear, I'll wave.

Wait, what...

How am I supposed to see anything? I'm looking at a wall.


Ah, to hell with this.

You're both back at the same time.

Now, that's a coincidence.

[Bobby, over radio]: This is Arctic Air Flight 2-1-5!

We've got a medical emergency onboard.

What's the problem?

Cece is hurt real bad.

He's unconscious.

We'll have help waiting.

This is Arctic Air, we've got an emergency.

We need an ambulance on the field right away.

Marie, it's Loreen.

Cece is hurt.

How are you doing?

I found his plane.


I found my dad's plane.


Oh, my God, Cece!

What have you done to yourself now?

I'm here. I'm right here.

Everything's all right. We're going to take good care of you.

What the hell happened?

He was alive...

My dad.

14 days.

Don't worry, Loreen, Cece is going to be fine.

We just came from the hospital.

Whole damn Cooper Circus is there.

Flowers? What the hell would Cece do with flowers?

Just send a case of beer to his house or something.

All right, I'll get it myself.


I gotta go buy some damn beer.

How is your sister doing?

She took it hard.

You know, I thought finding his plane would help me feel better about losing him.

Just made me wish I had more time with him.

They were had a lot of good times.



[both]: The bear! [Laughs]

Oh, man, he gave us shit for being out there alone.

Yeah, but I could tell that he was proud that we handled ourselves.

[Laughing fondly]

I keep thinking about those 14 days.

We could have saved him.

You looked for him for months.

Going out every day, exhausted.

I was scared you were going to crash, and I'd lose you, too.

You did everything you could.

I miss him.

All the time.

Me too.