07x03 - Bill, Ben and Fergus

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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07x03 - Bill, Ben and Fergus

Post by bunniefuu »

(lively music)

- [Narrator] Fergus is a

small railway traction engine

who works on the

Island of Sodor.

One day, he was on

his way to the quarry.

He had a special job to

do for Sir Topham Hatt.

"Hello," whistled Thomas.

Where are you going?

"To the quarry,"

Fergus chuffed happily.

"Watch out for Bill and Ben,

the twins," said Thomas.

"They love to make mischief."

"I won't let young

rascals rattle me."

"You don't know the twins

like I do," warned Thomas.

Fergus arrived at the quarry.

He went to work with

Mavis and the twins.

"I'm afraid the freight cars

are in a mess," said Mavis.

"Not to worry.

"We'll soon sort them out."

Bill and Ben were delighted.

"Now we'll have some

fun," whistled Ben.

"Yeah, we'll have the old

boiler in a spin," steamed Bill.

(horn whistles)

Fergus liked helping Mavis.

But he didn't like the way the

twins were behaving one bit.

Bill banged his

freight cars hard.

Some rocks fell onto the track.

"Do it right," Fergus ordered.

Bill didn't like being ordered

about by a traction engine.

"Don't interfere,"

he snapped back.

Then, Ben pushed his freight

cars to block the line.

Fergus was stuck.

"Out of my way," steamed Fergus.

(horn whistles)

But Ben just grinned.

(alarm wails)

The next day, the men

were blasting rock.

(rocks rumbling)

"Wait for the all clear signal,"

Fergus called to Bill and Ben.

"Do it right."

"There he goes

again," puffed Bill.

"'Do it right,' from

morning till night!"

"Keep your funnel out of

our quarry," huffed Ben.

(horn whistles)

The quarry master

sent Bill and Ben

to collect a rock

crusher from the harbor.

(horn wails)

(horn wails)

Fergus was left in

peace with Mavis.

The twins were still

thinking about Fergus.

"He's just an old

fusspot," said Bill.

"He's always saying,

'Do it right.'"

"Well, the next thing he tells

us to do," wheeshed Bill.

"We'll do it wrong!"


They laughed.

(horns whistling)

Bill and Ben steamed

back to the quarry.

(gentle music)

The rock crusher was heavy.

It shook the rails as they went.

"The blasting has made

that rock face unsafe,"

warned Fergus.

"Don't go near it.

"Do it right."

But the twins took

no notice of Fergus,

and were very naughty.

As roughly as they could,

they rattled the load

towards the cliff.

(rocks rumbling)

"Look out," cried Fergus

and he rushed forward

and he bumped Bill and

Ben out of the way.

His driver jumped to safety

as the rocks began to fall.

But Fergus was covered in

rocks right up to his funnel.

It took a long time

to dig him out.

And no one worked harder

to help than Bill and Ben.

At last, Fergus was free.

Bill and Ben were ashamed.

"We shouldn't have been

so naughty," said Bill.

"We're very sorry," added Ben.

"Good," smiled Fergus.

"From now on, we can all

do it right together!"

(gentle music)

(lively music)
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