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Scooby-Doo and the Goblin King (2008)

Posted: 08/25/23 16:36
by bunniefuu
Jeepers. That was seriously scary.

Come on, let's go again.

Uh... Let's not
and say we didn't.

I'm with Daphne.

The Ghost Coaster is by far the scariest ride
at the Halloween Carnival.

Are you kidding?
Like, that ride put the "easy" in "cheesy."

Yeah. Easy.

Are you sure
you weren't just a little bit scared?

- By all the bloodsucking vampires?
- Howling werewolves?

And wicked witches.

Nice try, g*ng,
but Scoob and I aren't scared...

...of any of those phony old frights.

Yeah, phony frights.

- Come on.
- Not even on Halloween night?

Ha. Are you kidding?

Like, Halloween is the one night
when you know everything is fake.

Just take a look around.

It's nothing but wannabe witches
and goofball ghosts... far as the eye can see.

Yum, yum.

But I got to admit, a holiday invented
just to eat candy can't be all bad.

Hey, check it out.

- This ought to be good.
- I'll grab tickets before they sell out.

- Like, beat that, Scoob.
- Scooby-Dooby-Doo.

- Scooby.
- Scooby.

Confounded mutt.

Look what you've done. I'm soaked.

Ugh! Wet-dog smell.

Oh, wow. We know you.
You're the Amazing Krudsky.

We were just on our way
to catch your act.

Act? The Halloween Spectacular
is no mere act.

Now, out of the way.
I must go blow-dry my cummerbund.

So I guess we'll be seeing you inside.

Three magic words:

"No dogs allowed."

Can you believe the nerve of this guy?

"Master of magic." Please.
Like, what a bunch of Halloween hooey.

Yeah, hooey.

Hey, that gives me an idea.

Like, what do you say
we get in on the act?


Once a year, on Halloween night...

... the powers of the dark
meet the powers of the light.

People of Coolsville...

...fix your slack-jawed gaze
upon my dazzling powers.

From the elegant parlors of Vienna
to this unglamorous backwater...

...I, the Amazing Krudsky...

...have come to astound you.

Abra-cam, kalabazam!



Like, check it out. That's not magic.
This table has a hole in it.


Confound it. You're ruining my...

And would you look at that?

Like, a trapdoor
built right into the floorboards.

That must be
how he magically appeared on-stage.

Ooh. Uh-huh, uh-huh.

There's no mystery here, Scoob.

Like, the Amazing Krudsky
is just a make-believe magician.

No. Please.

Come back. I can explain.

I'll get you for this.

And your big dog too.

Way to go, you two.
You got us kicked out of the carnival.

Now what are we supposed to do?

Don't sweat it, g*ng.

There's still one Halloween hoax
we do believe in.

- Trick or treat.
- Trick or treat.

Smell my feet.

And give us something groovy to eat.

Hey, Scoob.

Like, check it out.
The world's first candy hot tub.


Okay, I think that's enough
trick-or-treating for one night.

It's getting late.

One more? Please?

Okay, you guys go ahead.
We'll grab the van and meet you back here.


Blast those teenage troublemakers.

If word of this gets out, I'll be ruined.

It's not my fault I'm a big phony.

I've spent a lifetime
in search of real magic.

I've studied every spell,
spoken every incantation.

There must be something I'm missing.


The Goblin Scepter:
Fabled wand of the great Goblin King.

"Bewitched by the darkest magic...

...he who holds the Goblin Scepter
holds the magic of Halloween in his grasp."

It must be a sign.

Somehow, someway,
tonight the Goblin Scepter will be mine.

Prepare yourself, Krudsky.
You're finally going up in the world.

Whoa, whoa!

Who is responsible for this indignity?

Think this is funny, do you?
Show yourself this instant.

Pesky insect.


F... F... Fairy?

Yes. "Fairy."

"If a mortal catches a fairy
on Halloween...

...the fairy's magic can be stolen
using the following spell."

By the fearful powers of Halloween night

Give to me this fairy's light

Here we are, Scoob.
Last house on the block.

Boy, you said it. Talk about a kooky crib.

There's nothing to be afraid of, Scoob.

It's just more Halloween hogwash.

- But, like, shouldn't we have knocked first?
- Yeah, we should've knocked.

Like, check out
this creepshow convenience store.

Hey, Scoob.

Like, just call me
Merlin the mostest magician.

- What is it, Scooby-Doo?
- Magic mirror. Magic mirror.

A magic mirror? Come off it, Scoob.

What are you,
afraid of your own shadow?

Who dares speak of the shadows
on Halloween night?

- Huh?
- Huh?

A wizard must be careful with his words.

Our bad.

- Like, we're new here.
- Yeah, new here.

Always delighted to meet new customers.
Always, always.

Welcome to Mr. Gibbles'...

...where the magic is real
at prices that are unreal.

Sorry, but you got us all wrong.

Like, we're not customers,
we're consumers.

- Like, trick or treat.
- Trick or treat.

Trick or treat, eh?

Well, then, I choose "trick."

Witches and warlocks
Ghosts and ghouls

One night a year
They break all the rules

You never know who's at the door
On Halloween night

Spirits from the shadows
Creeping into the light

Werewolves howl
And vampires take a bite

That's scary.

Don't you know there's still hope?
Take it from me

You can have protection
For a nominal fee

Tonight the dark and light unite
A magical mystery

Spell books, potions
They fly off the shelves

We offer a discount
To trolls and elves

When danger's at the door
On Halloween night

If you master magic
You can put up a fight

Face your fears
The power's here

At Gibbles' the price is right

Mr. Gibbles. Mr. Gibbles, please.
Please open up. I need your help.

Galloping ghosts. Fairy Princess Willow.

- Fairy Princess?
- Fairy Princess?

Your Highness, what are you doing here?

Please listen. There isn't much time.

An evil magician
has stolen my fairy powers.

You must close the shop
before he finds me here.

Close my magic shop?
On Halloween night?

Oh, another one of your pixy pranks.

This is no prank.

Please, you must hurry
before it's too late.

Speaking of "late,"
like, don't bother showing us the door.

If there's one thing we know,
it's how to make an exit.

Mr. Gibbles' Genuine Magic Shoppe.

My, what an impressive emporium.

Mind if I have a quick look around?

I'm sorry,
we were just closing for the night.

Perhaps you can come back next year?

I've waited long enough.

Mirror, mirror, tall and sleek

Show me the fairy that I seek


There you are.

Fickle fairy.

Thought you could escape
while my back was turned?

Typical mortal.
Stealing my fairy magic isn't enough?

Once you have a little power,
all you want is more, more, more.

I know. Isn't it marvelous?

Now, obey your master.

Dominatum triumphus!

No. Anti-villainous desistus!

Old fool.

Ears of fuzz, tail of cotton

Powers of good
Meet the powers of rotten

Now, hop along.

I'll just pick up a few things
while I'm here.

Zoinks. Don't look now, Scoob...

...but I think the Not-So-Amazing Krudsky
just got his act together.

Don't worry, lads.

We may yet save the Fairy Princess
and Halloween.

I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve.

Like, that's not his sleeve.


Like, we'd love to stick around,
but I just remembered...

...Scoob and I are deathly allergic
to magical talking rabbits.


Crystal burning bright with fire

Future secrets I desire

Oh, Scooby-Doo, where are you?

- Huh?
- Huh?

This shall teach you
to meddle in the affairs of magicians.

- Oh, no.
- Zoinks!

Like, that magical maniac...

...just gave the g*ng
an extreme monster makeover.

No, my friends.
It is the future you have seen.


Like, the future?

As in, stuff that hasn't happened yet
and therefore might be changed...

...if we embark on a perilous quest
to alter the hand of destiny?

Like, that kind of future?

Something like that, yes.

- Like, I was afraid of that.
- Yeah. Me too.

We must act quickly.

See for yourselves.

The magic scepter
of the great Goblin King himself.

- Great Goblin King?
- Great Goblin King?

Don't you see?

Krudsky has stolen the light magic
from Princess Willow.

Now he only needs the dark magic
of the Goblin Scepter... complete his power.

Okay. Like, that doesn't sound so bad.

Not so bad?

It would destroy the very balance
of the supernatural order.

This world would fall into chaos...

...and the powers of Halloween night
would rule here forever...

...turning everyone
into horrible Halloween monsters...

...just like your friends.

Well, when you put it that way...

You must travel to the land
of the Halloween spirits.

There you will seek the hidden castle
of the great Goblin King.

Sneak into the castle undetected,
grab the Goblin Scepter...

...and make your escape
before the stroke of midnight.

Like, is that all?

Scoob, old buddy, like, next year...

...what do you say we just skip Halloween
and go right on to Thanksgiving?

I wish there was more I could do for you,
but take these.

They should serve you well
on the other side.

A deck of cards?

These are magic cards.

Hold one out like so...

...and read the inscription.

Like, "demented disguises."

Hey, check it out, Scoob.
Like, our very own monster mash-up.


You'll have no trouble blending in now, eh?

- Let's try another one, Scoob.
- Okay.

No, no, no.
You have to save them for emergencies.

Each card can be used only once.

And be careful,
each magic spell lasts but a short time.

- Huh?
- Huh?

Speaking of time,
you've got a train to catch.

Like, check out that freaky freight train.

Yeah, freaky.

Attention. After-world Express
with one-way, nonstop service to:

Sleepy Hollow, Hangman's Corner...

...and Ghost Central Station.

Scoob, old buddy,
I think we're in for the ride of our afterlives.

One last thing. Whatever happens,
you must return by sunrise...

...or be trapped
in the spirit world forever.

Back by sunrise, trapped forever. Got it.

But, like,
how are we supposed to get back?

Oh, dear, I hadn't thought about that.

- Huh?
- Huh?

Zoinks. Don't look now, Scooby-Doo...

...but I think we're riding
on the Grim Reaper railroad.

Like, stop the train.
We want off this loco locomotive.

Like, we made it, Scoob.
We're on the ground.

The sweet, sweet ground.

You there.

What do you think you're doing, eh?

Trying to sneak into my boneyard
while my back was turned?

I think our disguises
have lost their charm.

Oh, a couple of wiseacres, eh?

Believe me, laddies,
you don't want to see my bad side.

Like, this being your bad side?

Time for a late-night snack.

Like, hold on.

You wouldn't eat
a fellow werewolf, would you?



Stone me, it's one of my own brethren.

Come on, then.

Come on.

Sorry about the rough reception, mate.

Gotta keep out the riff-raff now,
don't we?

Zoinks. Like, this is one
whacked-out watering hole.

Blah, blah, blah, blah.

Ooh, ooh, ooh.

Okay, Scoob, like, just be cool.

Yeah. Be cool.

Like, great party, huh?

So, what's a nice ghoul like you
doing in a place like this?

Zoinks. Like, forget I asked.

Gather around your underground
And listen to a song

We can rock this joint till dawn
If you sing along

- Hey
- What goes bump in the night?

We go bump in the night

This time of year, the coast is clear
To cause a terrible fright

We go bump in the night

It'll be out of sight

We come out for a bite

Tonight we toast to ghouls and ghosts
Who haunt the pale moonlight

- What goes bump in the night?
- We go bump in the night

We go bump in the night

- So if you're new
- Here's what you do

Take your turn and sing

Like, anybody know the way
To the castle of the Goblin King?

Goblin King?

Like, was it something we said?

Goblin patrol.
- Hold it right there.

You've done it now, boys.

No one dares speak of the Goblin King.

- Ow. What'd you do that for?
- You said "Goblin King."

- Hey.
- Don't say "Goblin King."

You said it first.

- Did not. You started it.
- I have a right to. You said it first.

Come on, Scoob.
Right now is our chance to vamoose.

- You said it first.

I can do what I want,
because I'm the first one in.

Hang on there.

Just where do you think you're going?

It's off to the goblin dungeons for you.

Come on, the party's just getting started.

So tell me, goblin boy... this a private fight,
or can anybody join in?

Like, why not? The more the scarier.

Step aside, you.
Nobody messes with the Shadow Goblins.


What are you gonna do, breathe on me?
Ha-ha! If you wanna go a few rounds...

...with old Jack o' Lantern
right here, right now...

...let's rumble.

Come on, take it easy there, Jack.

Come on,
we're only doing our jobs. Please.

Wait till we tell the Goblin King about this.
You're gonna be in so much trouble.

- Shut it, will you?
- Hey, what'd I say?

You said "Goblin King."

You got me...
- Wanna get in trouble?

You said "Goblin King."
- You're in trouble.

You're the one that says it all the time.

Psst. Hey, come on.

This place is dead. Ha-ha!

You better watch it.

The last thing you want tonight are those
good-for-nothing goblins coming after you.

But I gotta give you props.
The Goblin King's castle?

What a riot.
You guys are whacked. I love it.

So, like, does that mean you'll help us?

Look, you guys crack me up,
but I can't hang with you.

I got my own deadline tonight.
See my candle?

That's how long I got
to get my Halloween on.

Once it burns out, I'm burned out.
You know what I'm saying?

Like, who's the creep
with the missing cranium?

The Headless Horseman.

I am so tired of working with this guy.

Quick, you gotta help me.

"Shield of safety."

"Wall of gnome."

"Force of flowers."

"Clown calamity."

"Baby on a frog."

The magic cards.


I got him.

Head for the covered bridge.
It's our only chance. Ah!

Zoinks. Like, why did he stop?

Well, duh,
that's the Horseman's one fatal flaw:

He can't cross covered bridges.

Like, I guess it's true what they say:
"It's tough to get ahead in this town."

Shaggy, Scooby.

Guess they're not here, either.

This place is deserted.

Not quite. Look.

Mirror, mirror on the wall...

...who's the most dreadful goblin of all?

What wizard dare disturb
the great Goblin King?

Greetings, your royal awfulness.

The Amazing Krudsky, at your service.

Foolish mortal... what purpose do you summon
the ruler of the goblin hordes?

Say hello to my little fairy friend.

Fairy Princess Willow.

Jeepers, a real-life fairy.

Maybe Krudsky's magic is real after all.

But that's impossible.

Rational mind shutting down.

What loathsome trickery is this?

No tricks. Only a trade.

Meet me at the clock tower, midnight-ish.

There I shall release her to you
in return for your Goblin Scepter.

Most foul and wicked wizard.

You tempt powers beyond your grasp.

You shall regret this.

Soon, all the powers
of Halloween shall be mine...

...and then I'll show that scruffy slacker
and his mangy mutt, Scooby-Doo...

...a magic trick they'll never forget.

Shaggy and Scooby are in big trouble.

We've gotta find them
before that whacked-out warlock does.

And what about that adorable little fairy?

We can't just let that icky Goblin King
take her away.

Right, Velma?

Oh, no, Velma's fried.

All this must have
overloaded her rational brain.

Then it's up to us, Daphne.

We've gotta get over to that
clock tower before midnight...

...and set a trap for that magic maniac.

Come on.

End of the line, guys.
There's the witch's hut, just like I promised.

Look, I gotta bounce, but they can
help you find the Goblin Castle.

You know,
assuming they don't eat you first.

- Eat us?
- Eat us?

Are you sure
you won't come with us, Jack?

Sorry, guys, but those old bags take
one look at me and, splat, I'm pumpkin pie.

You know what I'm saying?

But, like, how are we
gonna get along without you?

We haven't got any magic left.

Yeah, how?

Are you kidding? You guys rescued me
from the Brainless Horseman, hello?

That took real courage.

And everybody knows courage
is the most powerful magic of all.

Like, I hate to tell you,
but that wasn't courage, that was panic.

Hey, whatever you call it,
it's working for you.

Keep it unreal, and happy Halloween!

Boil and bubble, toil and trouble

If it's too weak, then make it a double

For once in our lives, Scoob, like,
I hope we're too late for supper.

It is very rude to linger in doorways.

Eye of snake and tongue of rat

Pie of rhubarb, wing of bat

There, now. It's almost ready.

Here, taste.

No, thanks. I'd really rather...

Boy, do I feel sluggish all of a sudden.

I knew it. Not enough dragon's tooth.

Like, hang on, Scoob.
We gotta make a beeline from this feline.

No, no, no. This will never do.

Quite right. More meat on them this way.

Come, my sweets.
We'd just love to have you for dinner.

Wish we could stay...

...but you see,
we just stopped in to ask for directions.

Yes, we can guide you
to the hidden lair of the Goblin King.

But first you must help us.

There are bad omens everywhere tonight.

Some dark force
has upset the supernatural balance.

Catastrophe rides on the wind.

I'm afraid I've had to cancel
my midnight ride.

my magic broomstick is devastated.

- Magic broomstick?
- Magic broomstick?

Poor thing.
He was so looking forward to it.

It's very bad
to break a magic broom's spirit.

Once broken,
they are never the same again.

All right, Broomy, enough moping.

These nice boys
are going to take you out for a spin...

...aren't you, boys?

Scoob, old buddy..., why do I get the feeling
that we're the ones about to get spun?

Oh, no.

Now, hold on tight.

Lean forward for faster,
back to slow down, and watch out:

He's got a wild streak in him.

Just loves to take off on you.
But don't let him.

- Like, got all that, Scoob?
- No.

Here, you'll need this
to get inside the castle.

It's magic potion.

My own secret recipe,
made from Scratch.

Poor old Scratch.

Take them to the old oak Grove.

From there, the fairies will guide you
to the Goblin Castle.

But beware.

It's a hideous place filled
with the most horrible monsters imaginable.

And do write.

Hey, Scoob, I think
we're getting the hang of this thing.


Hey, look. Let's sh**t them down.

Bring out the goblin blaster.

Get them, get them.


Mayday, mayday. We're going down.

Like, are we dead?

Of course you're not dead.

You big sillies.

Name's Sparkplug.

I'm Honeybee.

And I'm Tiddlywink.

Welcome to the City of the Fairies.

Look over here. Your broomstick.

Oh, no. Poor Broomy.


Don't worry.

A little fairy magic
will have him fixed up in no time.


Like, who knew fairies
could be so friendly?

Of course.

We fairies use only good magic...

...balancing out all the bad magic
used by the Shadow Goblins.

- But tonight the balance is shifting.
- I fear something terrible is happening.

We know all about it.

If we can catch a lift to the Goblin Castle,
we may be able to stop it.

We can show you the way,
but you'll never get inside.

The castle will be crawling with guards
for the Goblins' Rave.

- Goblins' Rave?
- Goblins' Rave?

Yeah, she's right. You'll never get in.

It's totally the biggest party of the year.

You don't say?

If there's one thing we know how to do,
it's crash a party.


The Goblin Graveyard
hides the secret entrance...

...but it's only a one-way trip.

Express elevator going down.

Like, on second thought,
maybe we should just take the stairs.

In you go.


Zoinks. Like, first floor,
creepy Goblin Castle.

Come on, back up.
Knock it off, knock it off.

You, get a shower. You stink.
You ain't on the list, you ain't getting in.


Okay, Scoob.

Here goes.

Over the lips and past the gums.

Look out, stomach,
you're not gonna like this.

Oh, boy.

Hello, boys.


Hello, pretty ladies.

Hello, gals.

We... We don't see your kind
around here too often.

I bet you say that
to all your goblin girlfriends.

We just love goblin parties.

Like, tell me, gruesome...

...any chance you could use sneak us in?

Well, I don't know.

All right, all right.

I'm gonna get in trouble for this,
but in you go.

Like, thanks, you big horrible thing, you.

She had it all going on.

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
but did you see her friend?

What a dog.

Rock 'n' roll, baby. Rock 'n' roll.

It's midnight tonight.

It's Halloween.

Shaggy, look.

That must be
His Royal Rottenness himself.

And look, there's the Goblin Scepter.

Zoinks! Only five minutes till midnight.

We gotta grab the scepter
and hightail it out of here.

Like, on the count of three. Ready?

One, two, three.

Well, hello, my lovelies.

Don't be shy, now. Let's have a dance.

Dance? Now?

Hit it.

Swing it, boys.



Like, only one minute to midnight, Scoob.

What's this?

Way to go, Scoob, old buddy.


Impostors. Seize them.

Left turn, Scoob.

Right turn, Scoob.

Like, dead end.

Who dares disrupt the Goblins' Rave?

Like, don't mind us.
We were just leaving.

The goblin hour has arrived.

You are free, my minions.

Go forth this night...

...and let goblin mischief reign.

O great one,
what you want we should do with them?

Yeah, what do we do? What do we do?

Take them to the tower dungeon.

Tower dungeon?

Like, any chance we could put in
for an upgrade?

Enough talk.

Be thankful that I have more urgent matters
to deal with.

Take them away.

Show yourself, wicked warlock.

Greetings, Your Majestic Malignancy.

Thank you for coming.
I do so admire your punctuality.

Show me the princess or be destroyed.

You wouldn't dare use magic
against me... long as I have her under my spell.

Why, here she is now, unharmed,
as promised.

And now, if you please,
the Goblin Scepter.

Beware, mortal.

You know not
the powers you are dealing with.

- Jeepers.
- Shh!

Blahbiddy, blah, blah, blah.
Cough it up already.

So be it.

Now, Daphne.


Ladies and gentlemen...

...the Amazing Krudsky, version 2.0.

Well, well.
Look at the big, bad Goblin King.

Release me at once.

I'll take over from here, junior.


Now, who's next?

Okay. That was not part of the plan.

Run for it.

Shadow Goblins, have your fun.

Halloween has just begun.

Boy, Scoob, did we screw up this time.

Like, game over.

Yeah, game over.

Now we'll never make it back
before sunrise...

...and be trapped
in the spirit world forever.

Still, we gave it one heck of a try,
didn't we, Scoob?

We did?

I mean, think about how far we came.

That took courage, stamina, brains.

And, like, those are things we don't have.

Yeah. Uh-uh.

I just wish we had one more chance
to save the day.

Did somebody say "wish"?

Lucky for you,
granting wishes is what we do best.

Hey, our fairy friends.

Like, we're saved.


Hey, good for you guys.

Well, come on. Your ride is here.

Shaggy, look.

Broomy, you're back in action.

Come on, Scoob.
Like, we're going for the sweep.

What's up, dog?

Jack, you came back.

Hey, there's still a little fire left
in this old pumpkin.

Come on. Let's carve.


Tonight, Halloween
is under new management.

All hail the Goblin King.

What is your command, o great one?

How about a little target practice?

What's happening? Where am I?

Not so fast.


Ladies and gentlemen, I present
the Monstrous Machine.

Look out. The van's coming apart.

Now, that is something you just do not do
to a guy's van.


Head for the carnival.


Jeepers, we're stuck.

This shall teach you to meddle
in the affairs of magicians.

- Do something, Freddie.
- I am doing something.

I'm panicking.

Oh, Scooby-Doo. Where are you?

At last. My magic powers are complete.

Who could dare stop me now?


Take that.

Hang on. We're coming around.

Here we go, Jack.


Like, nice catch, Scoob.


I've had it up to here
with you meddling meddlers.

The Goblin Scepter is mine.
Let me have it.

You heard the man, Scoob.
Like, let him have it.

I hate you.

Like, who says you can't
teach an old dog new tricks?

Oh, thank heavens.

Look, g*ng.

The spell is broken.

I'm free.

Uh-oh. But not for long.

I got you, Scoob.

You ham-fisted hecklers.

Just wait until I...

Trick or treat.


Princess Willow...

...the trouble you have caused this night
is inexcusable.

I know, and I'm sorry, Daddy.


I shouldn't have snuck out early,
and I'll never do it again, I promise.

As of now, you are officially
grounded for one year...

...but I'm awfully glad to have you back,
my little princess.

So all's forgiven, then?

You know, Krudsky,
you really are my kind of guy.


You mean you'll help me with my career?

Let's just say where you're going...'ll have lots of time
to practice your act.

No, I don't wanna go back yet.

Do we have to?

- Come on.
- Come on.

Poor old Jack.

He's all burnt out for another year.

Looks like our time is up.

We'd best say our goodbyes now.

- Goodbyes?
- Goodbyes?

Come along, Broomy.
It's time we got you home.

Great job, my young wizards.

Be sure to stop by the magic shop
next year.

Your Majesty, if you please.

Hey, hey! What do you say?
Jack lives to see another day.


Hey, take it easy, Scoob.

You're gonna slobber
my new candle out. Hey.

Come on, Jack. Time to fly.

Gotta buzz, coz.

Jack o'Lantern out!

Thank you all so much.

May the magic of the fairies be with you.

Like, I'll never, ever forget this.

Me neither.

Bravest of mortals,
you shall indeed remember...

...but all others must forget.

By the shining rays of dawn

All memory of this night be gone

I want my mommy!

- What just happened?
- Hey, g*ng!

Like, where you been?

We've been looking all over for you.

Shaggy. Scooby.

What happened to you guys last night?

Like, you wouldn't believe us
if we told you.

Well, g*ng, another Halloween carnival
come and gone.

I hate to say it...

...but don't you think we're getting
a little old for this stuff, Freddie?

It does seem a little bit silly
to go around...

...pretending to believe in monsters
and magic.

Even if it is just one night a year.

Real or unreal?
Like, what's the difference?

Like, the truth is... never know where your next scare
is gonna come from.

You've just gotta find the courage
to deal with it face to face.


Like, it's that headless horror
from the Halloween world.


Hit it!