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Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School (1988)

Posted: 08/25/23 16:35
by bunniefuu
Shaggy, look. Writing!

Writing? Don't you mean lightning, Scoob?


Not while I'm driving, Scoob.

Don't forget about me!

I can't see a thing
through this windshield!

Oh, boy!
Maybe I shouldn't have taken this new job.

Don't be silly, Shaggy.

You'll make a great gym teacher
and I'll make a great assistant.

See? I've been working out.

Oh, no! Scrappy!

He's not only working
out, he's falling out!

I bet this is great for building up
my shoulder muscles.

Scrappy, let go.

Anything you say, Uncle Scooby.

Uncle Scooby,
are you ready to work out, too?

I'm ready to get to this fancy girls'
school and taste their fancy cooking.

Me, too.

In the meantime,
I'll check the grub compartment.

There's a sandwich left.

Anyone for a road map on rye?

I put it there for safekeeping.

I think I'm lost.

No, we're not. There's the school.
Not too shabby, Shaggy.

Only the best for my friends.

Military school!

We're looking for Miss Grimwood's
Finishing School for Girls.

That's right next door.

Looks like there's no one home.

We'll come back some other time.

See, Uncle Scooby?
I knew they'd be expecting us.

What a time for the wipers to conk out.
I can't see the road!

- How's that, Shaggy?
- Much better. I think I see the school.

I'm not sure I want to.

What a neat place! It even has a moat.

- Moat?
- Moat?

And no drawbridge!

That's my uncle Scooby.

He always wants to get places
ahead of everybody.


Good boy!


Uncle Scooby likes to arrive
with a big bang.

Shaggy! Scrappy!

Come on, Shaggy.

Matches? Come here.

Bad boy! I hope he didn't scare you.

Me? No.

- Scoob, is that a...
- Dragon.

Matches can get a little feisty
around strangers...

but once he gets to know you, he's fine.

Glad to know you, Matches.
I'm Scrappy-Doo.

I guess you've already met
my uncle Scooby.


Then you must be Shaggy Rogers.

I'm Miss Grimwood,
head mistress of this finishing school.

Pleased to meet you, ma'am.

I thought you might need a hand
with your luggage.

I'm not sure we'll be staying.
Right, Scoob?


Come now. We have a contract, Shaggy.

This is your signature, is it not?

I guess so.

Sure, it is. We even witnessed it.
Right, Uncle Scooby?

- Right, Scrappy.
- Good. Now that's settled.

Come. I want you to meet my girls.

Here's one of them now.

Girl? Don't be batty. That's no girl.

What's wrong with batty?

I'm Sibella, Count Dracula's daughter.

Fang-tastic to meet you.

- Dracula's...
- Daughter?

Wow! A werewolf.

Winnie the werewolf, to be exact.

Come down and meet your new teacher.



Hi, I'm Elsa Frankenteen.

And I'm outta here!

- Come on, Scrappy.
- But, Uncle Scooby!

I guess they're anxious to find their rooms.
They must be tired.

They don't run like they're tired.

Yeah, you'd think they've never met
a girl ghoul before.

- Maybe we can get out this way.
- I hope so.

But why are we leaving? Don't you want
to meet the rest of the girls?

Those weren't girls, Scrappy.
They were ghouls!

See what I mean?

Hi, I'm Phantasma.

Wanna hear me play?

Not bad, Phantasma.
But do you know any rock and roll?

No time for rocking, we gotta get rolling!

Don't worry, Miss Grimwood.
We'll find them.

Quick! In here!

This looks like a good place to hide.


Sorry we woke you!

I see you've met the youngest of my girls.

This is Tannis, the Mummy's daughter.

Are they the new gym teachers?

Yes, Tannis.
We've been waiting for them a long time.

It wasn't worth it. You don't want
to eat us. We're just skin and bone.

Yeah, skin and bone.

They're strange, Elsa.

But they're in good shape, Phanty.


Good shape for what?

To teach us how to beat
those Calloway cadets, of course.

They win every time.
I'll never get a trophy for my mummy case.

We need a coach with spirit.

Who can show us all the right moves.

That's my uncle Scooby.

He and Shaggy have more moves
than a Russian chess player.

Yeah. Checkmate!

Don't worry. We'll help you get a trophy
or my name isn't Scrappy-Doo.

I'm so happy, I could howl.

In fact, I will.

It's fang-tastic having you here, guys.

Yeah, welcome to ghoul school.

I'm glad that's all settled.

Now, let me show you to your rooms.

Here are the keys.

You guys must have been overcome
by your warm welcome.

Ready for some early morning exercises?

You bet, Miss Grimwood.

Want me to wake Shaggy
and Uncle Scooby?

No, don't bother.
I've left them a wake-up call.

Go away.

I'm sleeping.

Come back in an hour.

Okay! I'm up! I'm up!

It sounds like Uncle Scooby
is up and at 'em.

Uncle Scooby, you woke up the goldfish.

That's no goldfish, Scrappy.
That's our pet piranha.


Miss Grimwood said we'd be taking
ballet lessons this morning.

This must be a new style.

It's a real howl.

Careful, Winnie.
You're tapping on my wrapping.

How am I doing, Sibella?

Fang-tastic, Phanty.

Looks like Scooby's gotten
the ballet class started, Shaggy.

He's always been light on his feet.

- You take over now, Shaggy.
- You're the boss, Miss Grimwood.

- And a tutu for you, too, Scrappy.
- Me? A tutu?

Why do we have to dance around
in a dress, Shaggy?


Because ballet will make
my little ghouls limber.

Limber. Exactly what I was thinking.

We'll be in great shape
when we play those cadets in volleyball.


Ballet really makes me unwind.

I've made visual contact by scope.

It looks like those girls
are doing some sort of weird ritual.

I'm not surprised. It's Halloween
all year long at that old Grimwood place.

They've got some new students.

A couple of real dogs.

- Let me see, Miguel.
- Careful, Grunt. That new scope has a...



Tug, it's Col. Calloway.


At ease, men.

I said, "At ease," cadet.

Thanks, Grunt. I needed that.

I see you've been observing
your opponents.

Yes, sir.
Calloway cadets are always prepared.

But you haven't been practicing...

and I'm challenging Miss Grimwood's
school to our annual volleyball match.

No problem. We always beat those girls.

Hit the deck.

As you can see, sir,
Grunt here has a dynamite serve.

- So I noticed.
- It's all in the wrist, sir.

You could use some work on your control.
Keep practicing, men.

Yes, sir.

Our ball is now in Grimwood territory.
Recommend a recon patrol to retrieve it.

Good idea, Jamal.
Front and center, Grunt. Lead the way!


It's the Grimwood's weird guard dog.

He looks mucho hot under the collar.

Easy, boy. We just want our ball.

But I think he wants to keep it.

Cadets, advance to the rear and step on it!

I guess we'll be cutting
our volleyball practice short.

Follow us, girls. There's nothing
like a little run to get you in shape!

And we don't have to wear a tutu either.

Yeah, no tutu.

There's nothing like feeling the wind
running through your hair!

This is good for the heart.
Mine are both beating fast.

- How you doing, Tannis?
- Great, Winnie.

I've got built-in leg warmers.

how about burning up a few miles?

Sorry I asked.

Maybe his pilot light went out.

- I just love running through the trees.
- Me, too!

Last one's a rotten apple.

As long as we're here,
we might as well take a break.

And a bite.

Yeah, a bite!


Don't you like crab apples?
They're fang-tastic.

They're rotten.

You girls have strange tastes.

Come on, guys.

how many times do I have to tell you?

Don't dig in the pumpkin patch.

We need them all
for our Halloween open house.

And you certainly can't carve that
into a jack-o'-lantern.

Now, get rid of it.

Here's another water balloon, Grunt.

What are these for anyway, Tug?

- amm*nit*on.
- Check. amm*nit*on.

- How's that air bazooka coming, Miguel?
- Be patient, guys. It's surplus surplus.

Some assembling is required.


- Check. Bazooka.
- Is this gonna get our ball back, Jamal?

Check. Affirmative.

Maybe we should test it out first.

Good idea, Miguel. But not till I say fire.

This should put out that pup's fire.

- Fire?
- No! Not...


Cadet Roper, what is the meaning of this?

I can explain everything, sir.

Check. We're in trouble.

- Our volleyball was missing in action, sir.
- So we planned a recovery action.

I'm the one in need of recovery.
Report to the volleyball court.

- At once!
- Yes, sir!

- Your hat, Col. Calloway.
- Thank you, Cadet Williams...

for nothing.

Come and get it, my little ones.

I thought you'd never ask.

Running really revs up the appetite.
Right, Scoob?

Yeah, appetite.

Wow! This looks pretty tasty.

I certainly hope so.

Nothing's too good for my garden.

Come and get it!

Those overgrown flytraps
are grabbing all the grub.

Can I feed this one, Miss Grimwood?
Can I?

Of course, Tannis. But be careful.

They sometimes bite the hand
that feeds them.

Don't worry. I'll be careful.

How many times do I have to tell you?
Chew before you swallow.


Let's split up. There must be
something to eat in this garden!

Yeah, right!

I found some tomatoes.

Some rotten tomatoes.

Here's some squash.

Some squished squash.

And these watermelons have expired.

Everything in this garden
is totally rotten!

Thanks. We do our best.

But every so often,
something fresh sneaks in.

- Thank you, Elsa.
- Ripe corn.

Oh, boy! What I wouldn't give
for a pizza right now!

How much allowance do you have left,

A Transylvania dollar.

We should have enough. Get flapping!

Shaggy! Eyes.

Eyes! Eyes!

Rice? Where?

No! Eyes.


- Why didn't you say so!
- I did.

I don't see any eyes, Uncle Scooby.

You were hallucinating, Scoob.
Hunger makes you do that.

You won't be hungry for long, guys.

One pizza to go with everything on it.

Except garlic, of course.

- It smells wonderful. It smells great.
- Yeah!

What's on this stuff?

Spider webs, snails, and tadpole tails.


While we're snacking,
you girls get cracking.

Meet you back at the school.

Right, coach!

So, the Grimwood girls have a new coach.

He'll fit perfectly into my plan.

It was a good thing I dropped my Venus
spytraps into Grimwood's garden!

You have done well, my Grim Creeper.

Soon I will have
those good little ghouls in my grasp.

And then I, Revolta, the
witch of the web...

will be the most powerful witch
in all of monsterdom!

Nice spike, Baxter!

That's the kind of teamwork we need
for Calloway Military to stay on top!

Affirmative. They don't stand a chance
against my behind-the-back-pass attack!

- All the way with Calloway.
- That's the spirit, men!

Yes, sir!

No fair, Tug! That's a carry!

Keep using your head, Roper. I'm going
to Miss Grimwood's to arrange our game.

All that exercise really loosened you up,

A little too much.

Miss Grimwood, it's me! Col. Calloway!

Will you get the door for me, Sibella?

You bat I will!

Miss Grimwood? Anybody home?

Stay back! That's a direct order!

Anything you say, Col. Calloway.

Where did you come from, young lady?

Up there! Miss Grimwood
said to make yourself comfortable.

She'll be down
as soon as she wraps things up.

Affirmative. Thank you, young...

This school must have bats in its belfry.

It could stand a little spit and polish.

Col. Calloway,
how nice of you to pay us a visit.

Miss Grimwood, this chair. It's...

Yes, it's a collector's item:
Early Inquisition.

But not very comfortable, I'm afraid.

Would you prefer a softer chair?

Thank you.

Now, how about some tea and sweets?

Negative, Miss Grimwood.
I'm on a strict military diet.

Nonsense, Colonel.
You must taste my fudge.

I made it this morning.

Well, if you insist. Thank you.

Delicious, if I do say so myself.

Doesn't it taste a little moldy?

Of course, Colonel.

Fungus fudge always tastes moldy.

Fungus fudge?

Yes, it goes so well with toadstool tea.

Toadstool tea?

- More tea, Colonel?
- Negative, Miss Grimwood.

I think it's time we arranged
our annual volleyball game.

My cadets are looking forward
to winning again this year.

Isn't it getting a bit warm in here?

It's going to get a lot hotter
on the volleyball court, Colonel.

We've got a new coach
and I'd like you to meet him.

Shaggy, I'd like you to meet Col. Calloway.


Don't get up on my account, Colonel.

Bad boy, Matches.

We're ready to play your school
whenever you say, Colonel.

Affirmative. We'll rendezvous
on your field at 1400 hours.

Prepare to synchronize watches.

- Watches synchronized.
- Synchronized.

Check. Over and out.

Looks like the Colonel
has already warmed up for the game.

You'd better start getting the girls ready,

What's the rush, Miss G?
We've got 1400 hours until the match.

- That's a lot of time.
- Yeah.

A lot.

But, Shaggy, 1400 hours means 2:00 p.m.
We've only got an hour.

Why didn't you say so, Scrappy?

Don't just stand there.
It's time to warm up!

That's it, girls! Scream, two, three, four.

Howl, two, three, four.

That's keeping your cape in shape, Sibella.

Fangs a lot, Shaggy!

And I'm keeping my tape in shape!

You certainly are, Tannis!

Scare-obics are good for everyone!

That's it, Elsa. Don't bend your knees!

Phanty, exercising sure is fun.

Yes, it's really off the wall!

I'd say more into the wall.

Okay, g*ng! It's time
for some deep breathing exercises.

You mean deep shrieking, Shaggy.

Show him, girls.

In. Out. In. Out.

Sounds fang-tastic, kid.
You've got the fright stuff.

In. Out. In. Out.

Way to go, Scoob!
Now that's deep breathing.

And deep shrieking.

Come on, girls. Let's hear it!

I hate all this screaming.

Me, too. I'm flapping out.

Get a load of that racket
coming from the Grimwood place.

And I thought Calloway was tough.
That school sounds like t*rture!

You know what they say,
"No pain, no gain."

More weight, Baxter.

Aye, aye, Grunt.

More weight.

Here comes the Colonel. Attention!

At ease, men.

- I said, "At ease," Grunt.
- Thank you, sir.

I just want to say, no matter what happens
on the volleyball court this afternoon...

you've gotta win!

Yes, sir!

Do you want this trophy
to stay at Calloway Military School?

Affirmative. We won't let you down, sir.

1400 hours approaches.
Prepare to engage the enemy!

Those Grimwood girls
won't know what hit them.

That's it, girls! Rattle those chains!

Keep your chin up, kid.
Your mummy would be proud.

Oh, my. It's a tentacle to 2:00.

Those Calloway cadets
will be arriving any minute!

Just enough time to loosen up
the old neck muscles, Uncle Scooby.

Yeah, neck muscles.

Is this loose enough?

Uncle Scooby, you sure know how
to loosen these neck muscles.

This is no time to go swimming, Scoob.
We've got a volleyball game.

But everyone says
swimming is great exercise, Shaggy.

It looks like my uncle Scooby
is going to get a lot of exercise.

Shaggy, help!

Shaggy, help!

Keep dog paddling, Scooby!
I'm on my way!

Me, too!

Me first! I love swimming!

She'd be a much better diver
if she learned to keep her feet together!

Come on in! The water's fine!

you werewolves are such show-offs!

This water's as warm as a bat tub.

Come on, Shaggy.
Let's get in the swim of things.

Wait for us, coach!

My mummy taught me to swim.
I can do a Nile and a half.

Nile and a half?
Only in Egypt, right, Scrappy?

One lap around the moat, g*ng.
Then it's out of the water!

And onto the volleyball court.

Right, coach!

We're ready for those Calloway cadets.

Go, Grimwood!

I'm gonna bring a trophy home
to my mummy!

Are you keeping a close eye
on those girl ghouls, Creeper?

Yes, Revolta. As you commanded,
I won't let them out of my sight.


Here, Uncle Scooby.
Let me help you dry off.

Thanks, Scrappy. I needed that.

Fool! Next time,
don't plant your spytraps by the moat.

Sorry, Revolta.

Look, guys. Those Grimwood girls are
all washed up before we even play them.

Matches, I think the girls
could use a quick blow-dry.

I hope this isn't a permanent wave.

Those cadets make my hair stand on end.

Next time, your mummy should dress you
in non-shrink wrapping.

Thanks, Shaggy.

If you girls are through playing around,
we've got a game to win.

Then let the game begin.

Negative, Miss Grimwood.
This volleyball court is a disaster area.

- You don't even have a net!
- Not yet.


You were saying, Colonel?

I was saying this court
doesn't have any boundary lines.

Coming right up!

Any other complaints, Colonel?

We need a referee.

You're looking at him.

Scrappy-Doo. I call them as I see them!

Let's flip to see who serves first.

No problem!

That girl's flipped!
We're supposed to flip a coin!


Why didn't you say so?
Anybody got a quarter?


- Heads.
- Looks more like hands.

Heads! Like to see for yourself, Colonel?

Affirmative. Grimwood serves first.

Rah-rah, Grimwood!

Give it all you got, Elsa!

All right, coach.

Net ball!

I'd say it's a net loss!


Legs, on the double.

Try to hit the ball a little higher.

Right, coach.

Nice hit!

I've got it! I mean, I've had it.

Point goes to Grimwood.

Go, go, Grimwood!

Good serve, cadet!
Keep pressing the attack!

Yes, sir.

- I got it.
- She hit the net!

- Hit it? She went through it!
- That's a foul! Calloway's point.

All the way with Calloway!

We're never gonna win that trophy, Sibella.

You bat we are!

Nice spike, Sibella.

Thanks, Scrappy.

Our serve, cadet.

I must be going batty.

Here, Tannis. Let's see
a fang-tastic serve.

I've got it!

I've got it!

I've got it!

You hit the net, cadets! We're all tied up!

I'd say they're all tied up.

That's a howl, Winnie!


I'll give you six extra flies for supper!

All right, all right. A dozen flies!

Let's go, Grimwood! Let's go!

Red hot!

- One, please!
- Make that two!

Thanks, Matches.
All this winning works up an appetite.

They won't be winning for long. I planted
a remote control device in the volleyball.

Affirmative. Good-bye, Grimwood.

Looks good, Tannis.

I'll make it look bad.

That serve is loco!

Out of bounds.

Way out of bounds!

Then it's Calloway's ball!

Don't worry, Tannis. We'll get it back.

Not unless this battery runs out.

It's all mine!

I'll save it, Winnie.

What a backspin.

All the way with Calloway!

This doesn't look good.

- Tastes good!
- We gotta catch up.



Prepare for another salvo, Jamal,
with our secret w*apon.


I've been sneak att*cked.

Nice work, Jamal.
Now our remote control is...


Not only do we lose the ball,
but I lose my hat.

Excuse me.

Thanks, Colonel.
It is our serve. Right, Scoob?

Right, Shaggy.

All the way with Calloway!

Two more points, men.
The victory is ours!

We can beat these girls
without military assistance.

What a spike!

That ball is out of bounds!

But it hit in first. Grimwood's ball.

Rah-rah, Grimwood!

Those girls are strong, Revolta.

Just like their parents, Creeper. Soon
I'll be more powerful than all of them.

This is it, girls.
Serve up a good one, Sibella.

You bat I will.

This jetpack will set you up
to spike that serve, Grunt.

My pleasure. I'll pulverize them!

Take that, you bat!

- I can't reach it!
- I can't look!

That's out, Colonel, and so are you.
Grimwood wins!

You were fang-tastic, coach.

It was nothing, really.

I believe we get the trophy this year,
Col. Calloway.

There must be some mistake.
I won't hand it over.

Thank you, Colonel.

Here, Tannis. For your mummy case.

Thanks, Miss Grimwood.

- I don't get it. We had the tactics.
- We had the strategy.

- We had the equipment.
- But we still lost.


No moping, men.

The Calloway code says,
"Retreat with dignity."

It looks like the Calloway code
just got broken.

Double affirmative.

This is gonna be
our happiest Halloween ever!

Because we have a trophy
to show off at our open house.

Open house? Is that like a party?

It's only the biggest event
of the Grimwood school year.

Will there be food?

Lots of goodies, Shaggy.
Miss Grimwood is in the kitchen right now.

- What are we waiting for? Come on.
- Excuse us!

I just love making brownies.

- Brownies? Oh, boy!
- Can we give you a hand, Miss Grimwood?

Thanks, Shaggy. I've already got one.

But you can lick the bowl.

- Thanks.
- Yeah, thanks.

All right, Matches.
Ready to bake a batch of brownies?

Something smells rotten.

You said it, Sibella.

Really rotten.

Deliciously rotten.
Swamp brownies fresh from the oven.

Made with slimy swamp water,
chock-full of mosquitoes.

- There's itchin' in the kitchen, Scoob.
- Yeah.

Phantasma, are those caterpillar cookies
ready to bake yet?

They will be, as soon as I catch them.

- This kitchen's crawling with snacks.
- Yeah.

Nothing's too good for our guests.

Who's coming to this open house anyway?

Everyone, Scrappy. My daddy, Dracula.

That's your daddy?

It's a bat picture of him,
but he'll show up after sundown.

It's almost sundown, Scoob!

That's when the vampires start biting.

Oh, no!

Wait for me, Scooby!


You've gotta meet Frankenteen Senior.

And my mummy daddy!

Don't forget Papa Werewolf.

My phantom father.

We're gonna be trapped
in a house full of...


Here they come, Revoltal

The mightiest monsters in the world.

Let me cape you out of the rain,
Mr. Mummy.

Thank you, Count.
This wrap isn't waterproof.

They were the mightiest,
but now they've grown soft.

Soon Revolta will be the most feared name
in the monster world.

When I get those girl ghouls
in my clutches.


My papa's calling me.

Everyone's running off, Scoob.
So, why don't we?


Quick, into this dumbwaiter.

Uncle Scooby,
are we going up to meet the folks?

Not exactly, Scrappy.

- We should be safe now, Scoob.
- I hope so.

We've got company, Uncle Scooby.

There you are, Father.

Meet my new teachers.

Phanty's told me so much about you.

See, Father? They just love to exercise.

This way out, Scoob.

No way.

This is bat news!

It's so nice to see new blood at Grimwood.

You don't want mine. It's chicken blood.

Yeah, chicken.

Sibella, these two are battier than we are.

They are a little strange, Daddy.
But they're fang-tastic teachers.

We were clucky that time, Scoob,
but it's time to fly this coop.


But then we won't meet the other parents.

I hope you're right, Scrappy.

There they are, Dada.

Come to Frankenteen.

Yes, let's get a closer
look at these three.

Who are you?


And Scrappy-Doo, too.

Don't hurt them, Mr. Mummy.
It's all my fault we're here.

Hurt you? I want to hug you.

For making my daughter feel like a winner.

I'll howl to that.
Let's give them three cheers.

Now that everyone's acquainted,
let's go downstairs for refreshments.

Have some Halloween punch, everybody.

That's the spirit, boys.

Not bad. Right, Scoob?


It's an old Grimwood recipe.

Poison ivy punch made from scratch.

Winnie, what's that?

Something for my papa, Scrappy.
I made it in arts and crafts class.

It's a juicer.

Now you can have bitter lemonade
whenever you want, Papa.

That's wonderful, Winnie.

Nice and sour.
It makes my whiskers pucker.

I made this for you, Daddy.
It's a bat robe.

Wonderful! Just what I need
after a rainy flight. Let me try it on.

Fang-tastic. It fits.

See for yourself.

That's wonderful.

Nice robe, Count.
But that's no reflection on you.

Get it, Scoob?


I think.

What a wonderful gift.

All the girls have worked
very hard on their presents.

Don't feel left out, Matches.

I made a robe for you, too,
and it's fireproof.

I made my present in science class.
It's a portable shockman.

With a rechargeable battery pack
that lasts for weeks.

For you, Dada.

This puts volts in my bolts.

- Thank you, Elsa.
- Welcome, Dada.

I thought you'd get a charge out of it.

Show your mummy daddy what you made,

It's a fright light,
to brighten the darkest mummy case.

What a thoughtful gift, Tannis.

Last but not least, your daughter would like
to play her latest composition for you.

It's called Duet for Three Hands...

and Six Tentacles!

They're having fun, Revolta.

Yes, but soon the party will be over.

Fantastic, Phantasma.


It made my blood run cold.

Let's give that hand a hand, Scoob.

Thank you, thank you.

It will soon be dawn.
I must be on my way, Sibella.

I know, Daddy.

The moon is going down, Winnie.
I'd better run, too.

See you next Halloween.

In the meantime, I want you
to take good care of my little Sibella.

You can count on us, Count.

Good, because if anything happens to her...

it will be a bat day for you.

That goes for Winnie, too.

Elsa's my pride and joy.

Don't let me down.

Take care of Tannis and her friends...

or you'll meet a very mad mummy.

Not to mention a foul-tempered phantom.

Bye-bye, guys.

What a friendly bunch of folks.
Right, Uncle Scooby?

Yeah, really.

There's nothing to be afraid of, Scoob.


That's what they think.

Get ready to fly, little spider bat.
You're about to earn your keep.

There's no time to waste, Grim Creeper.
Get cranking.

Yes, Revolta.

This is your target.

Now heed these words,
and heed them well.

Find those fools and weave them well.

Fly, spider bat, fly.

Soon that teacher
will be learning from me.

Don't just stand there, close that skylight.
There's a draft in here.

Yes, Revolta.

Shaggy, help! Rat! It's a rat!

Rat? Take two of these
and call me in the morning, Scoob.

No, Shaggy. Rat!

Calm down, Scooby. I'll take a look.

See? See for yourself, Scoob. Nothing.

Let's get some sleep.

Okay, Shaggy.

Shaggy! Rat's back! Rat's back!

I'm coming! I'm coming!

Oh, boy! Get a hold of yourself, old buddy.

See? There's nothing shady
about the shade.

Get a hold of yourself, Scoob.

You will do exactly as I say.

I will do exactly as you say.

In the morning, you will take the girls
on a little field trip to the Barren Bog.

Little girls, field trip to the Barren Bog.

And then those girl ghouls will be mine.

Don't just stand there.

Get to the Barren Bog and set my traps.

Yes, Revolta.

Miguel, sometimes I'm sorry you ever
invented that rolling, reveille robot.

But it was your idea to give it
to the Colonel for a birthday present.

Next year, we give him a pocket watch.

Glad to see you up and at 'em, cadets.

Fantastic invention.

As I was saying, you're up early
for morning maneuvers in tough terrain.

I'll say. That's Barren Bog.

Rise and shine, Scoob.
It's a beautiful day for a field trip.

It is?

Yeah, just smell that fresh air.

You knocked, Uncle Scooby?

Glad you're up, Scrappy.
We're just on our way out.

Cold, raw, windy, good chance of rain.

A perfectly rotten day to be outside.
So have a great time, girls.

We will, Miss Grimwood.

We're all ready to go.

Sorry, Matches.
You're staying home with me.

Here we go, g*ng.

'Bye, Miss Grimwood.

'Bye, Matches.

See you later, girls.

where are we going for our field trip?

Someplace scenic. Right here.

That's Barren Bog.

Barren Bog?

Sounds fang-tastic. I'll bet it's crawling
with alligators and snakes.

Alligators? Snakes? Oh, no!

Not to mention quicksand.

I love quicksand.

Today's hike will take us
through swampy terrain.

Stay close, men, as we use
our survival skills to cross this bog.

Yes, sir.

The first skill is in ditching the Colonel,
and finding a dry way out of this swamp.


- These field trips are a real drag.
- And dumb, too.

What do we do now, coach?

Now? How about a jog through the bog?

Great. I've got plenty of energy.

Wait for me, Elsa.

And the Doos, too.

Race you across the bog, Sibella.

Then I think I'll stretch my wings
instead of my legs.

No fair, Sibella.
We're supposed to be jogging, not jetting.

Got you.

Boy, have you got the wrong girl.

You can't escape the Grim Creeper.

Then I guess you've never chased
a werewolf before, Creepy.

This looks like a great place to hide.

I gave him the slip.

- You will now obey only Revolta.
- I will obey only Revolta.

Only Revolta.

One down, four to go.

Is my cauldron bubbling yet, Matches?

My scorpion stew is ice-cold.

Matches. Here, boy. Light the fire.

Where has that dragon gotten to?

Shaggy, bog jogging is fun.

- How'd you think of this place?
- I don't know. In my dreams, I think.

This dream just turned into a nightmare.

Yeah, alligator nightmare.


Don't worry, Uncle Scooby.
Scrappy-Doo to the rescue!

Nice try, Scrappy, but too late.


I never thought
we'd end up alligator appetizers.

This pup is going down swinging.

Try swinging with me.

- Not too bad an escape. Right, Scoob?
- Yeah.

Yeah. Thanks for the help.

I need some help, myself.

Winnie must be playing hide-and-shriek.
I can't find her anywhere.

This bog is a little boggling.

- Don't worry. We'll all go look for her.
- Yeah.

And I'll search by air.

What's that up there?

This bog's got bats.

Better look down here.
We're back in the mud again.

Negative. I think this is...


What do we do now, Tug?

We use our basic survival skills,
like yelling for help.

Affirmative. Help!


Sounds like
those smart aleck Calloway cadets.

Maybe they're playing in the bog, too.

- Someone's coming.
- Affirmative!

It's those Grimwood girls.

Quick. Help us out!

But why? Swimming in quicksand is fun.

Fun? That's a negative!

- On the double!
- If not sooner.

Well, Tannis, if they insist.

What a bunch of spoilsports!

- Thanks for getting us out, girls.
- Affirmative.

Now we'd better find our way out
of this bog. Forward, cadets.

- Retreat!
- Affirmative! Advance to the rear.

Bogs never bother me!
Of course, my phantom feet never get wet.

Oh, Phanty!

- What are you doing in there, Winnie?
- Hiding. Come see.

I just love hide-and-shriek.

Yes, Revolta. I will obey.

No sign of the girls, Uncle Scooby.

I'm beginning to get a bad feeling
about this bog.

Wait, Shaggy.
Maybe Sibella has good news.

Does that mean you found Winnie?

I think she wants us to follow.

There goes Uncle Scooby
wanting to be first again.

I wish your uncle would learn
to stop playing with Matches.

Yes, Sibella, we're here.

- Come down.
- We want to show you something.

Get her!

Don't let her escape!

Wow! Look up there.

- What a dogfight.
- Looks more like a bat fight to me.

Affirmative. That's what I call a battle.

Hello, Winnie.

Revolta doesn't want you. Get out!

The Grim Creeper will take care of him.

Got you.


Revolta does not like meddlers.

Not me.

You two will pay for this!

No one escapes the Grim Creeper!

Well, it's about time.

Where have you Grimwood girls been?

Waiting for you.

Come inside.

- It's Sibella.
- Something's wrong.

But it's too late for you.

Much too late.

Come to me, my little Grimwood girls.

Stop struggling.
You must obey only me, Revolta.

Your will is strong,
just like your father's.

But my web is stronger. Obey!

Shaggy, Sibella is getting batnapped.

This is terrible. If we don't get her back,
the Count will hold me accountable.

Don't worry, Shaggy. We'll get
the other girls to help us rescue her.

They're gone.

You don't mean Elsa?

And Phanty?

Not Tannis and Winnie, too?

- What do I do now?
- Follow that snack.

I think Uncle Scooby
must mean follow that shack.

That's what I said. Follow that shack!

Say no more. We'll track that shack
and get the girls back...

before their scary folks
ever know they're not back.


We're stuck in the mud.

Looks like the Grimwood transport vehicle
is in deep trouble.

Serves them right for taking our trophy.

However, the Calloway code says
we help vehicles in distress.


We do not aid and abet the enemy.

Yeah, let them spin their wheels.

As I was saying, men,
that van needs some manpower!

- I thought you might need a push.
- Affirmative.

Look, Uncle Scooby.
Those cadets volunteered to help us out.

Keep pushing.
I'm putting the metal to the pedal.

We're out of here.

Come on. Get up, guys!
The Grimwood girls are in trouble!

Come on, Scrappy!

You can help us rescue them
from a bunch of meanies.

- That's a negative.
- Yeah, get lost.

What a bunch of sticks in the mud.

Col. Calloway, sir.

Cadet Baxter has finished his hike
in much better shape than the rest of you.

Next time, follow me more closely,
Cadet Roper.

Yes, sir! Sorry, sir.

- Back to the barracks. On the double!
- Yes, sir!

The bats have come back to roost.
That's the gruesomest roost I've ever seen.

Yeah, gruesome roost.

We'd need wings to get up there.

Leave it to us, Shaggy.

Puppy power!

Make that a Scrappy and Matches power!

- Are you sure this'll work, Scrappy?
- I'm puppy positive.

Come on, guys. Hop aboard.

Fire away, Matches!

We'll be there in nothing flat!

You were right about the flat part,

Sorry about that, guys.

Okay, Scrappy.

It's been too long since we had company,

I knew you'd be pleased, Revolta.


Because these five
will remain here permanently.

But, Revolta,
what happens when your spell wears off?

Don't upset yourself, Creeper.

I'm preparing a spell
to make them evil forever.

At the stroke of midnight,
I'm going to revoltize them.

Revoltize them? Oh, how revolting.

Yes. Isn't it, though?

Now stop cringing
and put those girls to work.

Yes, Revolta.

This pad is really locked, guys.

Matches will take care of it.
Won't you, Matches?

This lock must be flameproof.

Allow me, Shaggy.


That's one talented tail, Scoob.


This place is humongous.

If we're ever going to find the girls,
we'll have to split up.

Oh, boy.

- I was afraid he was going to say that.
- Me, too.


What's the big idea, Scooby?

- Mirror monster.
- Relax, Scoob. It's only a mirror.

See? It's just a silly reflection
like they have at the carnival.

Sorry, Shaggy.

It makes you look weird,
but it can't hurt you.

Scooby, come back!

Let me out of here!

That's it. Revolta likes a clean lair.

You missed a spot!

I obey only Revolta.

Never mind!
It'll soon be midnight anyway!

Elsa. Thank goodness.

You've got to warn Scoob
that the me who's following him isn't me.

I only obey Revolta!

- Revolta? Who's she?
- The witch of the web.

At midnight,
she makes us part of her evil team forever.

Come back, Elsa. Don't listen to Revolta.
Listen to your gym teacher!

Cut it out, Shaggy.


- Yes, Shaggy?
- I'm after you.

You're not Shaggy.

You can't escape!


He can't help you now.
No one can help you now.



Tannis, help!

I obey only Revolta.

Oh, boy.

Now, I've got you.

I've got...

Hey, did a big, ugly dog
go by here a minute ago?


- I mean, yeah. That way.
- Thanks.

It worked.

You can't fool the mirror monster.

Sounds like Uncle Scooby's in trouble.

Scrappy! Matches!

I've spent a lot of time in front of a
mirror, but never this long behind it.

I'll help you get that off, Shaggy.

Thank you.

Hey! You're not Shaggy,
and you look better with this on.

Let me go, you Shaggy imposter.

I'm warning you.
Let me go, or prepare to splat!

You don't scare me.

I think he got the message, Matches,
but just in case...

I'm going! I'm going!

Nice work! Now we'd better find
the real Shaggy and my uncle Scoob.

It's too dangerous out here.

It's about time.

I thought I heard something.

What are you doing in here?

- Are you through mopping the corridors?
- Yeah.

Then start over there.

Right away, Revolta.

There's something funny
about that mummy.

Stop dawdling, Creeper.

Midnight approaches,
and this potion must be ready.

- Deadly nightshade.
- Deadly nightshade.

- Powdered newt.
- Powdered newt.

Oil of wolf bane.

Oil of wolf bane.

Slimy salamander tails.

Slimy salamander tails.

I knew this was no dummy.

I knew this was no mummy.

It's that meddling dog of the Grimwood's.

He's too stupid to have come alone.


Dispose of him,
and any of his foolish friends.

Yes, Revolta.

Winnie! Sibella!
Thank goodness I found you.

It's almost midnight. We've got to get out
of here before you get revoltized.

Whatever that is, it's got to be bad news.

We obey only Revolta.

What a revolting development this is.


Sounds like Scooby needs me
more than I do.


That's Uncle Scooby, and he's in trouble.

Hang on, Uncle Scooby! We're coming!

I'm coming, Scooby!

We're right behind you, Shaggy.

I'm so glad you came to help your friend.

Put my uncle Scooby down,
you big meanie.

I've just begun to be mean.

I'm beginning to get the idea.

Like I said, the fun is just beginning.

You can't do that to my uncle Scooby!

Don't worry, you'll be joining him.


Nice try, buster.
But we know how to swim.

So does the giant well-dweller.


Shaggy, look!

I don't think this well-dweller means well,


This second-rate sea serpent
can't scare me.

Turn up the heat, Matches.

What a time for his pilot light to go out.

- Tug, I can't sleep.
- Me, neither.

I guess we should've helped look for
those Grimwood girls.

Affirmative. It's the Calloway code
to help ladies in distress.

And they did get us out of that quicksand.

Don't just stand there, cadets.
We're on a rescue mission.


Did you take care
of that dog and his friends?

The well-dweller
will make quick work of them.

Good. Now gather the girls.
My potion is ready.

And the midnight hour draws near.

This is no time for games, Scrappy.

I'm hoping he'll play ball with me, Shaggy.

Your turn, Matches.

That's it, Uncle Scooby.

Nice shot, Mr. Well-Dweller.

I hope you'll let him win.
This guy looks like a sore loser.

Come on, Uncle Scooby. Throw it high!

Now's our chance, guys! Going up.

It's a well-dweller-vator. Right, Scoob?


Thanks for the lift. You can keep the ball.

We've got to hurry. It's almost midnight.

Prepare the girls, Creeper.
The potion is ready.

Yes, Revolta.

When the clock strikes midnight,
those girls will be revoltized.

How wretchedly revolting for them.

I'm picking up bats.

- Any visual sighting?
- Negative.

Hold it! Sound emanating from that castle.

Coordinates 30, 18, 52.

- Castle Revolta.
- Hang on, cadets.

We'll check it out.

Are you sure this is how
you got into Revolta's lair, Scoob?

I think so.

There must be another way in.

There's no time. It's midnight.

Where'd everybody go?

The time has come.

The chance has begun.

As anyone can plainly see...

they're turning evil, just like me.

I'd know that howl anywhere.

It's those Grimwood girls for sure.

We're going in.

Yes, no more nice girls.
Just think, Creeper...

I'll have an evil SWAT team
to do my bidding.

The world will be in the palm
of your hands, Revolta.

I thought you got rid of them.

I won't fail this time, Revolta.

Got you!

Winnie, where are we?

I don't know,
but our teachers are in trouble.


Revolta, give me a hand, or two, or three.

Don't worry. My spider bats
will put those girls back under my spell.

Don't panic, girls. We'll rescue you!

- Direct hit.
- Affirmative, Grunt. You're batting 1,000.

- You're going to rescue us?
- That's a laugh.

See, Matches? I knew my uncle Scooby
would come and get us.


I've got all of you.

Looks like he's still out of steam, Scoob.


You Calloway cadets are such show-offs.

I'll teach you to mess with Revolta.

Take that!

Institute evasive action, pronto!

Roger, and out of here!

That's the last we'll see of them.

You've been under the hair dryer so long,
you were getting cranky.

Get back under there, or else.

You can't tell Elsa Frankenteen what to do.

Then watch what I can do to your friends!

Wart in the world has she done to you,

I'll change the others into something worse
than toads unless you girls obey me.

You win, Revolta.

In a few moments, you will be revoltized!

Something's gone wrong with my formula.

But something's going right with Matches.

Stop, you stupid spider bat!

I want that wand, Revolta!

- Creeper, stop her.
- Yes, Revolta.

I mean, no, Revolta!

I want our Scooby-Doo back.

Thanks, Tannis.

- I'll take that, Tannis.
- My wand!

Bring it here. Obey me.

I'm putting it where it
belongs, in the fire.

My wand!

You fool! It's over-generizing the potion.

It will explode!


We're gonna be gone with the wand.

I'll fly us out,
but I can only take one at a time.

- I think we're all out of time.
- Yeah.

Negative! Calloway will save the day.
Hop aboard!


They haven't seen the last of Revolta.

I still have my broomsticks.

Looks like Revolta's
gonna need a redecorator.

Yeah, really.

Hang on, girls.
We'll have you back to school in no time.

Back to school?
How about dropping us back in the bog?

Yeah, we never got to take a dip
in the quicksand.

- I'll never understand girls.
- Especially Grimwood girls.

"So with the cadets, it was a snap
To escape Revolta's trap

"Now let's get loose, and dance and clap
While I lay on my Scrappy rap

"Over there is Daddy Drac
Who's glad to have his daughter back

"And all the guys from Calloway
Are here to dance the night away

"And there's Miss G with Colonel C
Grooving to my melody"

Your boys were very gallant
to go after my girls.

"And Grunt's with Elsa Frankenteen
Who wants to be a slam dance queen

"And Phanty really does her thing
A dance for two, the Phanty fling

"Shaggy and my uncle Scoob
Are always in a junky groove"

- Great party, Miss G.
- Yeah.

- I hope the new arrivals think so, too.
- New arrivals?

Over there.

Meet your new students and their parents.

New students?

- Meet us in St. Louis.
- Yeah, Illinois.

I'd better do like Scooby-Doo and skidoo.

Look guys. The girls are waving good-bye.


Let's give them a real Grimwood good-bye.
Right, Scoob?

