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03x01 - The Jungle

Posted: 06/05/13 03:37
by bunniefuu
Episode 2 is tagged onto the end of this.

Last season on AMC's The k*lling...

The kid who drew those trees, you never told me what happened to him.

Mom is dead, his dad was the doer.

Child Protective Services took him.

Can you tell me about this?

A hooker had been slashed.

Her six year old son had been inside with his mother's body for a week.

He drew that, again and again.

Do you feel guilty about that?

The Department was satisfied, and I gave up trying to convince them.

So you don't think the father did it.


I don't.

So... it's dress blues, extra starched, white gloves, spit shine, whole nine.

Knock, knock. She opens the door.

Nothing on but the radio. Talk or Kube 93?

I haven't even touched her yet, it's already Niagara Falls.

Had to break some laws.

Where is it?

Well, at least in a couple of months, that foot of glass between you won't affect your chemistry.

It's like drinking water.

Get those nutrients you need, leave the cholesterol in the cow.

Your mom breast-feed you until puberty or something?

Hey, colostrum, on the other hand, is filled with life-giving nutrients and whatnot.

Here I thought I was a pervert.

What up, Melloy? What do you got?

A Jane Doe.

Transient found her a couple hours ago.

Ripped open the garbage bag covering her, didn't notice the smell.

The coroner's en route?


"Yup." Seriously?

It's "yes, sir,"
"no, sir."

I mean, seriously. Are you an idiot? "Yup."

Got a brain? "Nope."


Never seen that before.

Almost cut her head clean off.

What the hell is wrong with you?!

You stupid, crazy bitch, what are you doing?!

I'm not doing anything. God, b*llet.

I wasn't gonna jump. Okay?

I just wanted to look at the water.

Come here. Come here. Look at it.

Before the boats and garbage and people and stuff mess it up, it's so smooth and clean, you know?

Like glass.

It's perfect.

I just wanted to look at it.

You crazy bitch.

Cops ran us out from under the bridge.

Yeah. Douchebags kicked us out of the park this morning.

Some sort of citywide sweep.

Oh, whatever. Eat me.

You know maybe we can get beds at Beacon.


I'm not sure I'm ready to accept Jesus as my lord.

Never got open beds anyways.

Yeah, well, at least they got eggs and bacon on the menu this morning.

You hungry?

I hate bacon.

Oh, dude, quit tripping. Come on, I'm starving.

Look, we'll find a place to squat.

It's still early.

Let's go. Come on.


I'd estimate her age at 16 or 17.

Cause of death is multiple sharp-force injuries across the neck region.

Cut marks are visible on the cervical vertebrae.

Vaginal bruising is present.

He r*ped her?

Leave a calling card, too?

No, he must have used a condom.


Just as we're leading the pack, this.

We're gonna be chasing down hookers and hobos, rounding up the usual suspects on pedophile mile for months.

Yeah, well, we got to, so suck it up.

What if we fob her off?

I'm serious. Who's up next?

It's Jablonski.

Even that guy's not gonna take some hooker dumped in Katmandu.




We done here, doc?

She fought back.

Defense wounds-- broke her finger.

Your Romeo used a w*apon with a serrated edge.

Held her from behind, nicked her spinal cord several times.

It takes a lot of strength to do that while the victim's fighting.

He hating on working girls?

Maybe just this girl?

'Cause she wouldn't swallow?


You speaking from experience?

We'll call you when we get a hit on the prints.

And, uh, good luck on the sergeant's exam, Holder.

Thanks, doc.

He hasn't passed it yet.

No need to blow smoke up his ass already.

I'm telling you--
Jablonski's our man.

He ain't gonna take it. No doubt.

He'll do it. He'll do it. Just let me do the talking.

Heading in.

What's that? You jack that ring, too?


Lyric was telling me about this blue ring her grandmother used to have.

She would always try to steal it, but...

I figure, it's blue.

So, are you gonna give it to her?

I don't know.

You should.

You love her. Look at you!

Shut up. Shut up!

No. Twitch will k*ll you if he thinks you're moving in on his woman.

She ain't his woman.

I heard they hooked up.

They're squatting together at the hotel.

You think them playing house means jack?

No, that low-rent punk is using her!

I'm gonna kick his shitty white ass!

Yeah. He ain't all that.

That boy ain't packing nothing down them Sean Johns!

So, tell her, dumbass.

Tell her what?

That you like her?

Don't just sit with it, walking around with it like you do.

Come here. Let me see it.


b*llet, come on.


"b*llet, I love you."

Here, let me get this.

Oh, shut up, man. Come on. Stand still.

Sure, I'll take the Jane Doe.

Yeah? You sure, Jablonski?

You take my drug dealer down at York Ave.

The projects.

The Williams job? That's a slam dunk.

If you want to hang down in banger land.

Which I, for one, do not.

Done... and done.

You want a soda or something?

Yeah, diet, if they got it.

Watching the weight.

Yeah, not me. Good on you.

Let's go.

You got a case file?

Yeah, yeah, just got to sign off on some of the paperwork.

Uh, I'll get it back to you.




Ah! Don't do that!



Oh, man, you should see your face.

You're a jerk!



You want to get off the island later?

Get downtown, catch a band or something?

I would love to... but I'm working the afternoon shift.

Yeah? You weren't on the roster.

I know, but Ron approved it last minute.

But until then... I'm free and clear.

Hey. Whoa, whoa. Hold up.


L-let's just...


Come here.

Oh, my God.


Ray Seward, this death warrant orders your execution in 30 days' time for the crime of m*rder in the first degree of Trisha Ann Seward.

You will be relocated to the Intensive Management Unit and placed on death watch for the duration of your incarceration.

Your attorney has been provided with the same forms and documentation.

Do you understand everything I just told you?

Good luck, Mr. Seward.

What up, Linden?

I've been running every morning.

It's been great living out here.

Nice suit, by the way.

You know how we do.

So, what? You still-- still smoke?

No. I-I gave that up a while ago. You?

No, no, I'm nicotine free.

It's been a year.

We've been batting a thousand.

It's me, my partner, but 7 out of 7 solves.

Been climbing the PD food chain, politically speaking.

You know? Pretty good for a first year out.

It sounds like you're doing great.

You know, it's Joaquim sh**ting Rakim, whatever, but, you know, it is what it is.

Yep. It is.

I'm gonna take the sergeant exam in a month.


Been hitting the books, AM to the PM.



Oh, hey.

Uh... Cody, this is Holder. We used to work together.

And this is Cody. We work together now.

Well, how do you do?


I was just heading out.

Okay. Well, I'll call you later.

See you, Sarah.


Ain't that sweet. Linden's datin'.

I'm not dating.

Booty-calling, then.

Dial 1-900-Linden?

You want milk?

Or are you still doing that lacto-vegan thing?

Is he one of, uh, Jack's friends?

No, I-I'm not judging.

I mean, that-- that's just sexy, you know?

How did that play out?

He come knocking on the door and-- and you open up in your sexy lingerie?

You're not funny.

And he's like, "is Jack home?"

"No, no, Jack is out playing, but..."

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

"...come inside and wait."

So, how-- how's little man doing?

I heard he's got himself a sweet little piece.

Holder. He has a girlfriend.


You know, we text every now and then.

Keeps me in the loop.

Yeah, he always liked you for some reason.

What's not to like?

So, why are you here?

Uh, that case you were working on a couple of years ago-- the Picasso kid who did that drawing?

Mom was a hooker, got her head almost cut off?

Caught a body this morning.

Working girl, head hanging by a thread, too.

If you're looking for a connection, there is none.

We got the k*ller three years ago, put him away.

End of story.

And now they're gonna execute him.

I'm guessing you heard.

What do you want, Holder?

I was thinking I'd take a look at your old case file, just make sure there's no connection between your crack ho and mine.

Good idea. Go for it.

The thing is, the storage says the box is already checked out.

And they don't know who took it.

Yeah, but they're a bunch of idiots down there.

They're always misplacing boxes.

Just keep looking for it. You'll find it.

I have to go.

You tell little man I said, you know...

Mm-hmm, yep, sure.

Looking good, Linden.

Hey, Holder.

Not every victim's worth it.

You know, you start caring... you'll end up like me working minimum wage on a ferry.

Never thought the day would come I'd hear that from you.

Moving day, Seward.

You're being transported to "C" block three miles down the road.

Should we get stopped by somebody trying to remove you from state custody, we will sh**t you first right where you sit.

Better enjoy the view.

Last time you'll see it.

I head up the Intensive Management Unit, AKA "The Row."

Call me "CO" or "sir."

Now here's what's gonna happen.

We're gonna help you move in.

Don't even have to buy us a beer.

You've been issued two sets of underwear, one pair of trousers, three changes of shirt, a toothbrush, and a stick of deodorant.


Backup towards the beanhole.

You're gonna get what you got coming.

Now, you got here faster than most.

My guess is you'll leave here faster too.

I want to see the prison chaplain.

♪ don't lie.

And she said that girl had her head cut off.

Oh, quit tripping. You're so full of it.

Just ignore him.

You know Ricky's just hoppin' for attention.

I'm not worried about that.

I got to find a place to crash. I'm done with sleeping outside.

You got money?

I got $20.

I might pull a date, but it won't be enough.

I got to get more Pall Malls, too.

Damn, girl, I'll jack you cigs. Don't worry about that.


Don't look.

It's just Joe and his rank-ass cab.

What of it?

I don't want Joe stopping. God!

Why? He do something to you?

Hey, what's up, man? Give me a pack of Victories.


What's up?

What's up, little man?

Hey, you hear about a missing girl from around here?

If you ain't arresting me, I don't got to talk to you.

Something I should be arresting you for?

Not a thing.

But unless I'm in cuffs or in the back of your ride, I don't got to talk to you.

Yeah, you already said that.

Yeah, just in case you forgot.

No, you're pretty, uh, unforgettable, there, little man.

And you're pretty slow, there, five-0.

I ain't a boy.


I can see that.

What about you, baby?

Hear about a little girl missing from around here?


Yo, po, you're not getting any donuts?

I don't eat donuts. Mm.

As a matter of fact, I don't eat anything that's processed.


'Cause you want to retain your youthful, glowing skin?

'Cause even the Taj Mahal needs upkeep.


You just get old and nasty 'cause you get old and nasty.

I mean, look at you. Forilla.

You hear about a missing girl or what?

Man, get off of my block.

You heard me-- get.

b*llet, no. Shut up.

All right, peace out...


Yeah, you get, Mr. Police!

You come back, you're gonna get a b*llet in your greasy ass-- you want to act like a man, I will treat you like a man.

Make no mistake about it, I'll swipe the floor with your little, baby, butch, bitch ass right in front of your little skank-ho girlfriend.

You feel me?

Peace out, po-po.

Hey, babe.

No, no, nothing's wrong.

You were everything she wanted.

She knew it the minute she met you.

And she just couldn't shut up about it, ever.

Regi and Ellen, you have found your best selves in each other.

And I just couldn't be happier for you two.

'Cause it's so rare, that... a person who sees who you are at your core... who sees what you're good at... what you love to do more than anything... who you really are...

I hope you're ready to spend a lot of time on the open sea.




Cheers. - Cheers.

Cheers. - Cheers.

Can I bum one, mom?


You coming back in?

Yeah. In a bit.

Have you had a nice trip?

Yeah, it's been great seeing Nash and Dillon.

You too.

You gonna be okay when I go home?

I think I can handle it.

Your dad said he would meet you at the airport.

And, uh, that I should check and make sure you finished all of your English and Algebra homework.

I did.

He said you're doing awesome in school.

You ever think about moving to Chicago?

I don't really know anybody there.

Besides you and your dad.

We can see each other a lot more.

Yeah, that's true.

So, why are you still here, then?

We should go. We don't want to miss your plane.

He hits a puddle.

He goes sliding across the pavement, skinning his knee, his back-- it was hilarious.

All out of PB and J's.

I don't eat meat, bitch.

Got you fries.

"Why, thank you, Carl.

That's so thoughtful and considerate of you."

Yeah, whatever.

Hey. Jablonski... you think he's ID'd her yet?


Jane Doe.

I mean, you think he would have by now.

I mean, you think he's on to Missing Person at least?

Damn it.

UW down by 6, less than a minute.

I thought you guys wanted to go dancing.

Yeah, we need more touchdowns.

Be a miracle, since it's basketball.

Not our case anymore, man.

Yeah, I know.

You need to be making upward moves, not lateral ones.

Homicide's either a way station or a crypt.

Look at Jablonski.

I know.

All right, then. Hit the books. Quit being a bitch.

Oh, I hate losing to Wazzu.

Yeah. Detective Holder.

Hi, Detective.

Coroner's got an ID on the Jane Doe you brought in.

When do you want to pick up the paperwork?

Uh... yeah, yeah.

Mm, about an hour or two?


All right. I'll see you there.


Wanted to know what time I'm finishing up here.

See? That's what I'm talking about.

When was the last time you saw your daughter?

Six months ago.

It started when Ashley got involved with some kids from her middle school.

She's 14.

She probably told you she's older?

Well, it's not true.

There's a treatment center in Minnesota.

They've agreed to take her as soon as she comes home.

She's here... isn't she?

I'm sorry.

Your daughter, her body was found this morning.

I'm gonna need you to come down to the coroner's office...


...identify her.



Hey, mom.

If it's money you want, I don't got it.

Why did you change the locks?

'Cause I don't like you coming up in here whenever you please like my house is some damn hotel.

Well, I called you earlier like a bunch of times.

Where were you?

Oh. You got a phone now.

It's a burner, mom. It's like 15 bucks.

Yeah, which you could be paying towards helping me with rent.

You don't even let me stay here.

You're grown.

You need to learn how to pull your own weight.

I take care of myself.

Then why are you here?

You eat today?


You want something hot?

I got frozen patties from Costco.

Can fry them up-- it'd just take a sec.

Not hungry.

What are you looking at?

I need lipstick and eye stuff.

Number 483. Pretty in pink.

It'll look good on me, don't you think?

You got my coloring. Sure it will.

Pink's a good color for us.

Yeah. It is.




You can't stay here.

Maybe tomorrow or this weekend, but tonight I got stuff going on.

He's coming over, isn't he?

When are you gonna learn to watch your mouth?

Show him some respect?

You know, he told me what you said about his truck.

I didn't say anything about his stupid beat-up truck.


You're not gonna ruin this for me, not this time.

He's good to me, and he's good for me.

Why can't you just let me have that?

Let me be happy for once.

Well, I'm sorry I screwed up your whole life by being born.

Yeah, well, you did.

May I sit with you?

Do they ever clean these windows?

I don't think so.

It makes everything out there look murky like you're looking through a shower glass.

It's gonna be this way the whole time I'm here, isn't it?

Yeah. It is.

They got two alpine larch right there.


I had a tree like that out my window when I was a boy.

Slept on the fold-out...

TV room.

The thing never had any leaves on it.

Well, it's like coming home... this place.

There's just nothing to look at except those trees.

So, I don't believe in Jesus and all that shit, so you can leave it alone.


And I'm not confessing... either... absolving my sins so that I can see my maker.

I'm not here to make you do anything you don't want to do, Ray.

God isn't listening anyway.

Maybe, maybe not.

You people just never give up, never give it a rest.

Now, why is that?

I sit with a lot of men, Ray. Men like you.

And I guess whatever relief I can bring them, in their final days, is why I don't give it a rest.

Are you gonna be there when they k*ll me?

If you want me there, yes.

If I wanted...

Oh, man.

If I was gonna ask for forgiveness... how would I do it?

What do you want forgiveness for?

Start with that.

For what I did... to my wife and... to my son.

Well, then talk about that, Ray.

Go! Go! Go!

Get in there!


Back off!

Need a medic!

The last execution was two years ago.

This is what these guys live for, and you want to give them more of a reason to make your life in here hell.

They don't need a reason. They never did.

What do you want?

I know why you passed on your appeals.

You're not gonna drag things out.

I get it.


You don't get anything, 'cause you're on the other side of this glass.

So there's very little that you get.

We have one appeal left. The Governor.

You can still save your life, or at least try to.

This is our last shot.

Think of your son. Adrian's 10, right?

There's still time to be a father to him.

All right, then. You convinced me.

Forget lethal injection.

Make them hang me, 'cause I got that right in Washington State... to be hanged, so that way, when they k*ll me, they'll hear it.


We have three beds available tonight.

Three beds. Make sure you got your tickets, kids.

Hey, Lyric.

You and Twitch flopping at the hotel tonight?

Nah, we got run out 'cause Animal Control came?

Took all of Nisey's cats.

Said the hotel was a "health hazard."

Bet the cats got worms.

Got to give them a bunch of pills to get rid of them.

The worms.

b*llet's gonna be a veterinarian.


Giraffe's got four stomachs.

That's nasty.


They have to digest their food a bunch of times, which is why they're always chewing.

They're even-toed ungulates.


It's kind of cute when you go off like that, B.

Can I get your attention?


Eyes up front.

Anybody see Ashley?

Unless someone has, I'm gonna have to give up her bunk to someone else tonight.

She's just stupid.

Forget about her.

It's gonna get stolen here.

I'll keep it until you want it back or whatever.

All right, we got three empty beds tonight.

Let's find out who are the lucky winners!

It's about time.

I got number 5...

Right here.

...number 22...

22! That's me!

...and... lucky number 13!

That's me, Pastor Mike.

Looks like you're in for the night, b*llet.

In the meantime, all those of you living off the land tonight...

Here. Take my ticket.

...our thoughts and our prayers are with you.

b*llet, no, don't be stupid.

I can stay at my mom's.

She said I could if I didn't get a bed here.

Catch you later?

Don't venture too far.

We open at 6:00 AM tomorrow-- we got hot breakfast, hot showers, dry clothes, you can have a nap.

I hope to see you all tomorrow.

God bless.
What is this?



Did she have any rings on her fingers?


Damn, Linden.

What the hell are you doing here in the middle of the night, sneaking around in the dark?

I was returning the file you forgot at my place.

That's where it was.


I've been looking all over for it.

I thought I lost it.

What are you doing here so late?

You know, clock never stops.

Digging around down in storage halfway to China, still no Seward file.

Well, it sounds like you have a long night ahead of you.

Good luck.

You miss it?


No, I mean, I didn't really look.

No? Not curious at all?

Just opened it up, closed it real quick, brought it right back?


Stepping in that bouillabaisse at the factory nearly ruined my hush puppies, too.

Why did she get out of the car?

She knows he's not bringing her there for sex-- not there.

Yet she walks right in. She doesn't fight.

She doesn't run.

No ligature marks on her arms or wrists.

No sign of a struggle outside the scene.

Know he's got a knife, so maybe he's got a g*n, too.

No one's outrunning a b*llet.

Or else he knows how to control them because he's done it before.

Maybe there's a connection between this k*lling and the Seward job.


No, their throats were cut. That's it.

Look, your girl was outside. Mine was in an apartment.

Yours is a teenager. Trisha Seward was 30.

Yours was r*ped. Mine wasn't.

And you closed your case three years ago.

Yes, we got the guy.

I'm thinking my guy took trophies.

Bunch of my girl's rings were missing.

Probably broke her finger pulling them off.

What do you mean, broke a finger?

Snapped it in two postmortem.

Seward take any trophies?


Back to square one.

Yeah, well, good luck.

Hey, Linden. Get them dogs cleaned.

Hey. It's me, so leave me a message or whatever.

Hey, Kal. It's me again.

Where the hell you at?

Call me.

Yo, Kallie, wake up!

Hey! Come on! Answer the door!

Kallie around?


She said she was staying here last night. Where's she at?

I don't know. I-I don't have time for this, all right?

You mind?


He isn't as fine as you.

Yeah. No shit.

But his look, you know--
God, it's sick.

My look will be like that, you know, but sicker.

Going to those Hollywood parties, getting to eat fish off naked girls, getting free swag.

A lot of girls would be all up on you-- models and stuff.


Come on, Lyric.

Cut it out.

I'm not doing anything. Leave me alone.






No one's like you.



You got snot and stuff everywhere.

I got to wash up first.

No, you smell good.


I don't want you working today.

Mm. Come here.

I got like 60 bucks saved.

Maybe, if you want, we could go see a movie later, get Chinese.

Yeah, all right.

But only if we see something scary, 'cause you a little scaredy-cat.

Well, you should have just given Jablonski the file, like we talked about.

This one's on me.

It's not like we had nothing to go on.

I mean, th-these girls, they got regular Johns, pimps.

Jablonski was up. We would have been up.

Even money says the wife will be booked by lunch.

Yeah, it blows, but, you know, it's the job.

Come on. Let's go.

Where are we going?

There's a place down in The Jungle--

Beacon House, Beacon Home.

They take in runaways. We might get lucky.

Jesus freaks. Great.

I was talking to Linden about this case she closed.


You talked with Linden about this?


There's a reason she's not a cop anymore.

I had a hunch-- came up empty.

Well, that's what you get when you learn from a bad first partner.

At least with Linden, you got to learn if the carpet matched the drapes, huh?

Yeah, night shift ends, out to gas works park, bend her over the hood...

Hey. the sunrise.

It wasn't like that, all right?

Hey, whatever you say, partner.

Look. I told you the name 10 times.

So, then, what's your problem, man?

Kallie Leeds--

Just look it up. Jesus.

Damn, instant karma's a bitch, ain't it, little man?

Look. Have you seen this girl in the tombs?

Is that your little lady?

It's a nice ring. You give that to her?

Where did you find it? A gum-ball machine?

Your friend's not in the system.

Didn't pick up anyone named Kallie Leeds last night.

Well, there you go.

She ain't here. Case closed. You are welcome.

Hey, Sergeant.

Official hanging procedures-- you believe this?

No longer you hold the left leg, I hold the right leg.

We got to do homework to k*ll this assh*le?

This son of a bitch wants to be hanged.

I got a rope and a lawn chair. What's the holdup?

The academy didn't teach you how to get dressed?


Billy started teething.

My wife's going crazy. We're not really sleeping.

Yeah, well, that sucks.

Still, your focus has got to be right here.

You do your eight, then you hit the gate.

Yeah, yeah.

You just keep pounding them Red Bulls.



27 years, I've never seen anybody not take the needle.

Seward's turning this whole place into a three-ring circle jerk.

How many executions you done?

Left arm twice. Brown two years ago.

Elledge in '01.

Working an execution's like being called up to the show.

Open six!

You're kind of like the southpaw of the rotation.

More like the specialist in the pen.

Hey! I want to make a phone call!

Go shut him up.

Let's go! Open six!


Opening six.

Copy that. Closing six.

You know the drill, Seward.

Phone call's only after yard time.

I need to call my lawyer.

I thought you didn't have a lawyer anymore.

How old's your kid?


Mine did the same.

Must be, what, uh... two months, three?


You got to take off your shirt when you burp them.

I saved a few of mine that way.

My lawyer's gonna help me see my kid one last time.

I got to talk to him.

Turn around.

Put your hands through the hole.

Well, look what the rain washed in.

Come on in.

Well, there's always pressure from somewhere, you know?

But, uh, I'll leave the politics to the politicians.

You know, heading up special investigations-- it's-- it's where I belong.

You still take your coffee black, Sarah?

I do. Thanks.

So, uh, how's, uh... how's civilian life treating you?

It's good.

Yeah, I love the island.

It's really been a change for the better.

Well, you look good.

I'm happy for you.

Now, I must have been off the street too long.

I mean, I assume... this is why you're here?

Aren't that many cops who know what it's like having one of their guys ex*cuted.

I always had questions. You know that.

Well, you worked a solid case out.

The DA thought so.

The 12 members of the jury did, too.

But nothing's 100%-- not in our line of work.

You know that.

Trisha Seward's finger was broken postmortem.

I went back through the case file.

It was, uh, her ring finger, but we never found a ring on her body or at the crime scene.

Yesterday, a working girl was found in West Seattle with... her throat cut ear to ear, just like the Seward woman-- broken finger, missing jewelry.

Finger broken, jewelry missing.

It's a stretch, I know.

But what if there's a connection?

What if--

Ray Seward didn't k*ll his wife?


Seward called me here... today, at my home.

That's right.

He invited me to his execution.

He said, "Bring the wife, the kids, and a bag of Ding Dongs."

He requested hanging... which he'll have.


I should go.

Please tell Jen thanks for the coffee.

Those aren't the actions of an innocent man, Sarah.

I just want to be sure we're executing a guilty one.

Stay away from us.

I've forgiven him, but I don't ever want to see you again.

What's going on?

I mean, I thought we had a good thing, Sarah.

Last night, and then some guy shows up, and you--

You don't know me.


I break things.

I do-- I break them, and they don't ever get fixed.

But this thing, this one thing--


I can help.

Just let me help you.


What is it?

Seattle PD.

We've got some questions about this kid Ashley--

Yo! It's the police!

Open this damn door!

I'm gonna need to see some identification.

Whatever you say, Padre.

Got some questions about a girl-- one of yours.

Ashley Kwon.

Happy to have a convo after I see some ID.

All right, you want to see some ID?

Here you go.

Hey. What's with the security, Padre?

Some of the girls' pimps or ex-boyfriends come in here, claiming to be family or social workers or whatever, trying to take them back.

Yeah, okay. So, the last time you saw Ashley Kwon was five days ago?

Yeah, she had a bed here for a few nights, then she went awol.


You don't seem too surprised about how she ended up.

Well, after being here a few years, there's not a lot of surprises left.

That's Ashley?


Did she have a pimp?

Run with the street family?

I don't pry into their lives.

Beacon is a safe space. No questions asked.

They can come here, and they can be kids again, even if it's just for a few hours.

That's the most recent photo I've got.

We've been asking around all the usual places.

Do you know anywhere off the grid where Ashley might have stayed?

Uh, there's a motel off 99-- Queens.

I know she's stayed there before.

It's kind of a last resort for some of the kids if they can't get a bed here or the other shelters.

Thanks, Father.

Yeah, and to answer your question, Detective, if I don't keep track of these kids, no one will.

And it's "Pastor," by the way.

So you're just the light at the end of the tunnel.

No, the light at the end of the tunnel is the train that's speeding towards them.

I'm just trying to pull them off the tracks.

All right. All clear.

Lucky number seven.

Last time you got to piss in front of me.

I know how much you're gonna miss it.

So, you've been doing really good.

How's everything else?

Look like you lost some weight.

You been eating?

Yeah. Every day.

Probation's almost up.

We got to start thinking... about the next move.

Did you, um, check out any of those GED classes I talked to you about?

No, not really my thing.

No, as soon as I clear this, I'm heading to LA, doing some modeling and acting.

Yeah, the problem with dreams is that they stay dreams, not reality, for most.

Remember, you got to be the one to make things happen, so stay clean, focused, and, um, I'll see you next week with the results.


Yeah, when Twitch starts modeling, he said we'll have lots of money and we won't have to pull dates anymore.

He said you could come with him to California?

Hell, yeah, he did, like he was begging me.

"Please, baby. Please, please, please."

And I was like, "Okay. Maybe."

Hey, Lyric, you looking fine, girl.

Don't run away from me, b*tches. I got a limp.

Okay, be like that.

You're all-- you're all-- you're all teeth, anyways.

That's why you only suck dime slots and high-schoolers.

Yo, what's up, guys?

What's up, b*llet?

Any of you guys seen Kallie around?

Hey, shorty. I seen Kallie.



7-Eleven. Candy aisle.

Chicken-head slut got her throat cut.

Now she a PEZ dispenser.

Do you want me to kick your ass, huh?

Is that what you want?

You better get up out of my face, bitch.

You gonna sh**t me?

Is that what you're gonna do?

All right, Goldie. Come on.

sh**t me. Pull the trigger.

That's what I thought.

You're nothing but a punk-ass p*ssy bitch.

I got more balls than you.

Okay. Y'all know we're just joking, right?

You better watch your bitch ass.

Yeah? You better watch yours.

You get one.

Look, I take full responsibility.

Shut your mouth. You get one.

You get one screw-up. The first one-- that's on me.

But the next time you break protocol, that is me on you.

Do you understand?

Seward said he was gonna call his lawyer.

He didn't call his lawyer. He called a cop.

A cop, Henderson!

What did he say to you?

He said that, uh, he wanted to see his son.

He asked me about Billy.

Aw, that's sweet.

So, just the two of you swapping baby tips like two daddies in a playground.

Open it.

Go get the other guy.

Tell him I want to order a Meat Lover's pizza.

"Chapter one.

Essentially, execution by hanging is strangulation effected by restricting the executee's air supply at the neck, unconsciousness occurring between two and four minutes, and death within 10, resulting in death by asphyxiation."

That's not needed.

You're a-a better man than that, Francis.

Sit your ass down, Dale.

Unless you want to be jacking off to memories of your girlfriend, go sit down.



I knew a Jimmy Becker.

He's a guard at Cedar Creek.

Is there any relation?


Of course there is.

It's a family business-- prison guards and racecar drivers.

Well, get on with it, Francis.

It was just getting good.

"Depending upon the equipment used, there will be some physical trauma to the executee's body.

A mathematical miscalculation can result in..."

Last exit to nowhere.

Why can't these kids ever find a place with a bar?

If we crap out here, I'll buy the first round, all right?

That make you happy?

Just knock. They'll probably let you watch.

Hey, mamacita.

Seen this girl around?

I'm a cop investigating a homicide.

That jog your old-ass memory?

Honey, I don't care if you're six cops.

I watch shows.

You need a warrant if you want to bother me.

Put the damn specs on and look at the picture.

On second thought, um, you know, me and my partner here-- we need a room.

You know, we work together, but we...

You got an ice machine?

'Cause we're gonna settle in real tight and spend a few days making sweet, sweet love.

You know, when my big old bear over here, when he-- when he gets started on that vibrating bed, he never wants to leave.

That's what I'm talking about.

Give me a smile, mama-san.

Yeah, that's it. I like it.

Never seen her.

Yeah? 'Cause we got a witness says our dead girl was here two nights ago.

Kallie said that?

Kallie was cussing up a storm in the parking lot a couple nights ago, and I had to boot her out, and now she's trying to say I know some dead girl, which is a damn lie.

I try and help these kids, and this is how they repay me.

Need to check my balls for lice after going in there.

That girl at the station this morning-- she was looking for Kallie, thought she was missing.

5 Point or Sloop's? Your dime, your choice.

Kallie got thrown out of here, she'd have to walk this road back.

It's the only way back to The Jungle.

I mean, t-those kids might have seen her.

Clock stopped 45 minutes ago.

Come on. We're here. W-we got to talk to them.

Thought you were gunning for your stripes, being smart, putting cases in the black.

Now we're looking for a missing girl that's not even missing?

We're here, all right? It'll take a couple of minutes.

Go, go. Just go. Have a talk.

Get in, or I'm leaving you.

I knocked a couple times, but...

I brought some leftover cake.

Ellen wanted it off the boat.

She said she lacks self-control.

I say live a little, but--

Just say it.

Say what?

I have about a million times.

I mean, you're gonna do whatever it is that you need to do, and nobody's gonna convince you otherwise.

Adrian drew that over and over after I found him in the apartment.

He'd been trapped there for six days with his mom's decomposing body.

I never told you that part.

So, now you're gonna drag him back into this, make him relive it all over again?

It's almost four years.

In that time, he's been in and out of foster homes.

He's not you, Sarah. He doesn't need you to save him.

But he deserves to know the truth.

Will that make it better for him or just you?

Open seven!

Where's Skinner?

He's not coming.

Yeah, then you're wasting my time.

But he couldn't care less about you.

Yeah, I remember you from the trial.

You're his partner.

I was.

Why do you want to see him?

'Cause he lied in court.

He called me a coward.

He said I was weak.

There's nothing weak about holding down a woman and sawing through the muscles, the tendons, in her neck, all while she's looking up at you with her windpipe cut, trying to breathe.

So... you tell Skinner that I want him to be here.

I want him standing right there when they put the noose around my neck.

And tell him that I want him to look me in the eye, 'cause then we'll find out who the real coward is.

What did you do with your wife's ring?


Your wife.

Her finger was broken postmortem.

You took her ring.

What did you do with it?

I pawned it.


At a pawn shop.

Which one?

Your son, Adrian, just kept drawing this over and over.




I don't have a son.

And my lawyer's gonna hear about this, too!

It's cruel and unusual!

No right moving me around!

Man, you two woods just like the judge!

I was railroaded! B&O and short line!

Turn around.

Didn't want you to get lonely, Ray.

Hey, and I want my books, too. I want my books.

You know them dumbass boys down there in "D" can't read anyhow.

Aw, damn.

Is that Ray Seward?

Is that Mr. Big Noise?

Ray. Ray.

Hey, man, everybody up in here got your name in their mouth.

Man, I don't know who's trending more, you or Jesus.

Look, I just need some advice. Know what I'm saying?

I'm just trying to figure out how I can work these fools, you know?

I got my Pardon Board coming up.

I wrote my own motion of appeal.

You want to hear it, man? I got it right here in my head.

Let me give it to you.

Hey, crime fighter.




Sounds like a stripper's name.

Yeah, actually. I should get that removed.

Uh, yeah. That, okay.

Um, we need to talk.

Toothbrush is the first step.

And next, it'll be your clothes.

And then your friends, and then I'm gonna make you get me a ring.

And a dog, because what I really want is a kid, but-- but I don't want to scare you off, so I have to take baby steps.

Seriously, it was an-- an old white-elephant gift.

Did you just, like-- what, y-your old one? It's right here.

It's right here in the drawer.

You know, Marty The Molar...


...gave that to me in third grade 'cause I had proper flossing technique.

Ah, yeah.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

So sweet to me.

I got a new "Untamed & Uncut" on the DVR.


Oh, double white shark attack.

Oh, snap.

No joke.

I'll get the microwave popcorn ready.

And keep the tat.

It's hot.

"After chemicals are applied to one side, repeat steps three to six."

All right.

Check it out.

What are you doing?

Oh, damn, this stuff's itchy as hell.

You spent all our money on this?


I thought you said we were gonna lay low.

I didn't spend it.

I invested it.

No, this is an investment.

Well, the sooner I get my head sh*ts, the sooner I start modeling, the sooner the money comes rolling in.

Huh? I know what I'm doing.




Well, look, um, you know, we're still gonna need some walking-around scratch, you know, just for now.

I was gonna pull a date tonight, but I got to let this stuff settle.

You know, it's what the pros use.

I got to leave it in all night.

It's okay, baby.

I can go out.

Oh, Lyric, girl.

You're the best.

Now you want to help me do the other side?

Yo, Lyric!

You seen Kallie up in here?

Ever heard of knocking, b*llet?

Oh, shut up.

No, didn't see her. Why?

'Cause no one has.

She ain't picking up her phone.

She ain't at Beacon or the bridge.

She's gone.

She'll show up. Don't worry.

Oh, Goldie's been turning out a new girl at his pad.

Yeah. Didn't know?

What are you talking about?

I-- that's what I heard.

You know he's always wanted to stick it to Kallie, so one plus one...

That is one crazy bitch.



You punk-ass bitch.

What do you think you're doing?



Get off me! Aah!

Just-- think you're hard, huh? You think you're a man?

You're just a little bitch that needs to be broke like the rest.


Please, no.

No. Please.

Please. Please.

No. No.

It's nice of you to come and check in on Adrian, after all these years.

I just wanted to see how he's doing with everything that's going on with his father.

He's been doing really great lately.

We're still trying to figure out the right way to talk to him about all this-- his dad, the execution.

Adrian, honey?

There's someone here to see you.


He's in the backyard.

Adrian's very lucky.

Let's go out so you can talk to him.

No, I just wanted to see him. Thank you.

He's been drawing again lately.

Since he heard the news about his father.