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02x13 - What I Know

Posted: 06/20/12 19:10
by bunniefuu
Previously on AMC's The k*lling...

Whoever was in that room that night Rosie died works here.

Terry told me about the house.

It could be a fresh start, Mitch.

I can't... I don't want to leave this. I don't want to leave her behind.

Nothing to hide.

Right, nothing but the footage on the broken camera.

Give us the disc.

What the hell is so important you had to talk to me tonight?

Why did you lie to me, Jamie?


Get her, get her, get her, get her, get her, get her! - No!


Tommy, Denny, come on. Stop playing with your sister.

Go finish packing.

I'm serious. Your dad wants to hit the road.

Come on. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, yo, come on. - This isn't over.

The tickle monster's keeping an eye on you guys.

You have to come camping with us.

No, guys.

Yes, you do. Yeah.

Come on, please. Please.

Come on. It'd be so fun.

We're gonna make s'mores. We could go biking.

Next time. Next time, okay?

I promise. Next time.

Go. Go. Go pack up like mom said. Go.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey.

Rosie, honey, I left the number for the campground here on the refrigerator.

We don't get any reception up there, so if there's an emergency at all, you just call that number, okay?

And I want you to promise me to go straight to Sterling's house after the dance, and I mean straight.


Rosie, are you listening to me?

Yeah, mom, whatever. I'm not an idiot.

I didn't say that you were.

Well, I appreciate the apology, but that's not getting the palettes here five hours ago.

Yeah. Yeah. Fine, yeah!

I'll talk to him.

Yeah, hey. Stan Larsen. Who am I speaking to?

Well, look, like I told your associate, I still haven't gotten my order.

You're the third person that I've had to explain this to now.

Yes, order number 52932.

Hello? Yes, I'm still here.

Look, I need somebody--
I need a juggernaut.


We're almost there, folks! Three more districts!

What are you doing here? This is a private party.

The election results are about to come in--

Where's Jamie Wright?

I don't know.

I saw him at the office before I got here.

What vehicle was he driving?

A campaign car.

What is going on?

We need APB on a black crown Vic.

It's a Richmond campaign car.

Do you have any idea where he could be?

It could be any of the plates we got on our list.

He was supposed to be here half an hour ago. So was Darren.

They aren't answering their cells.

Jamie Wright. Caucasian male in his 30s.

Richmond's not here.

What is going on?

What are you doing here?

I was just chewin' your boss's ear, telling him how my grandson's always had a rich sort of imagination.

We got to get to the rally. Everybody's waiting.

Let him finish.

That's right. We're not done here.

He doesn't owe you anything.

Your boss has been tellin' stories about me on the TV.

Lost my leg, all kinds of lies.

Wonder where he got 'em.

What the hell is wrong with you?!

That's enough. I'm done with this.

You owe me.

You think I didn't figure out where you really were that night.

Shut up.

The night that girl got herself k*lled!

Shut up.

Don't walk out on me, Jamie boy.

Jamie, stop. Jerry's waiting for me.

I got a car. I'll take you.

It doesn't make any sense. The campaign is Jamie's life.

Darren's all that matters to him. He'd never hurt him.

Yeah, one of Richmond's campaign cars.

Jerry, is he with you?


That was Darren's driver.

He left his phone in the car.

He dropped him off at some house, but now he's not there.

What's the address?

Somewhere in Pigeon Point, under a bridge.

That's Jamie's house.

23 Normandy Avenue. Get a car out there right away.

Units are en route.

Jamie, what are we doing here?

I want to show you something.

They're waiting for us at the rally.

This used to be a small logging town.

Just a no-name lumberyard.

Then the fire came, burned everything to the ground.

And from those ashes all this was built, and this place became a city, and this city--
It's yours now, Darren.

We won.

We did it. We did it.

I got a text from my guy at the polls 10 minutes ago.

Adams is gonna concede within the hour.

We did it.

It's, uh... Yeah, it's nothing.

Why did you lie?

Because you--
You were gonna give up, Darren.

You needed something to believe in.

Why did you lie to the police?

You told them you were with your grandfather the night that--

Look, my grandfather is a drunk!

He's a drunk and a liar! And whatever he said is bullshit!

Where were you the night the Larsen girl died, Jamie?

This-- This election--
This is a-- this is a stepping stone.

But first you had to win. Don't you see, Darren?

I had the perfect plan.

With the Indian bones at the waterfront, Adams was dead in the water.

You planted those bones?!

Are you crazy?

Oh, come on!

Get off your soapbox. It was for your own good. The Indians wanted to expand off the island.

Ames was looking for a way out.

I saw an opportunity, and I took it.

Promising what in exchange?

As mayor, you would approve a casino on the waterfront.

What you did with those people was fraud.

It's against everything you believe in, I know!

But, Jesus, Darren, you wanted to win.

And you never learned to make friends with the people that matter most.

But that's okay. That's why you have me.

Because when you approve this casino, our coffers will be full for the next run.

And the one after that...

What happened to the girl?

...And the next time.

What happened to the girl?

This is nothing, Darren.

The girl, Jamie!

This is the beginning.

The girl!

It was an accident!

...Bullshit, big shot.

Oh, what are you--

You trying to do, scare me?

You said there wouldn't be any screw-ups.

I got the charges dropped. Just calm down.

Hey, it's a speed bump. That's all.

It's taken care of now.

It better be. The bones are buried.

I held up my end of the bargain.

And I guarantee you, Richmond will go along with it.

It's not a problem. We're back on track.

If that's it, let's go.

I want off this damn island already.

We should go out separately, like we always do.

Who are you?

What are you doing here?

Answer me.


I didn't see anything. I swear.


What the hell is that?

No, no, no. Stop. Be quiet.

Be quiet!

She wouldn't stop screaming.

She wouldn't listen.

I didn't know what to do, Darren.

I tried to reason with her.

I tried so hard to make her understand, but-- but I panicked.

I panicked.

She was gonna ruin everything.

It was an accident.

She was alive when she went into that lake.

Is that what you call an accident?

What are you doing with my g*n?

We got an ID on a Richmond campaign vehicle.

It's been located at the parking lot of city hall.

I thought she was dead.

She wasn't.

She got out of the car...

Ran into the woods.

We had come so far... Too far.

I couldn't let her get away.

Shut up!

Shut up!

I was only thinking of you.

Hey. I didn't want to do it.

But when I have to do something, I do it.

I always do it, Darren.

Everything I've always done is been for you.

I'm leaving now, Jamie.

Stop. Stop! Stop!

You want to--
You want to be an idealist, go-- go plant a tree.

But if you want to be a leader, you have to be willing to get blood on your hands.

I can't keep doing it for you, Darren!

You k*lled a young girl, you son of a bitch!

You put me in this chair!

Your weakness put you in that wheelchair!


You know the greatest thing we did on this campaign?

It was tricking the voters into believing you're something you're not.

You surround yourself with people like Gwen and ily because you want to believe that you're a good man.

You have no idea--

You cheated on Gwen with whores, you son of a bitch!

You let your wife drive that night alone so she could die because you like the limelight!

Stop pretending!

That's the man you are, Darren!

This is the beginning.

This is it. Olympia's next.

And then the senate seat. And then-- and then DC.

This is it, Darren.

You can go the whole way...

As long as you realize who you are.

You know I'm right.

Mr. Wright.

Oh, God, Jamie.

Put the g*n down, Jamie, before you do something you don't want to do.

Drop the g*n, Jamie.

Just put the g*n down, please.


Jamie, listen to them.

I know you'll do the right thing, Mr. Mayor.

We can help you. Jamie.

Mr. Wright, put down the g*n.

Drop the g*n, Jamie!

Mr. Wright, put down the g*n!

The sh**t's w*apon--
It was empty.

Jamie's employee files, cellphone records, and some stuff the unis got from his room at his grandpa's crib.

Yeah, they found that.

It's the missing film from Rosie's camera.

What's on it?

Got to send it to the lab.

Chief Jackson's about to be charged for obstruction of justice.

She's not gonna make a deal to give up Ames.

Son of a bitch is gonna walk.

His attorney's en route.

IA will be investigating.

But I read the witness statements.

It was a good sh**ting, Holder.

Hey. Jamie's cellphone records.

He made a call to Michael Ames 3:37 A.M. the night of the k*lling.

It doesn't prove collusion.

We got no way of knowing what he said.

He could have gone to the lake, helped Jamie k*ll her.

That night, the taxi that dropped him off at home had a broken taillight.

What if we go back and check--

We already checked all cab company manifests.

None of them stopped at Discovery Park or the Ames address.

About the busted taillight?

Half the cabs in the city have broken lights.

His lawyers will have a field day with us.

Sarah, it's over.

D.A. Niilson and myself will be addressing the media tonight.

We have to talk to the Larsen family first.

I want you to know both of you did good work on this case.



Holy crap.

Which window's our bedroom?

Hey, in this house, you each get your own bedroom.


Yeah. You know what else I heard?

I heard there's a swing set in the backyard.


Hey, right through that gate back there. - Come on.

Wait for me!

We're gonna have to move in a couple of weeks if we're gonna do this.

You sure?


This is the house she was gonna come back to from college.

Come on, let's go inside.

What are you doing here?

You should be resting.

Cleaners are coming in an hour.

They'll have the glass and the carpet replaced by the afternoon.

I'll handle that. You need to go home.

Darren, stop.

You don't need to issue a press release.

The press will have a field day with this unless we get out in front of it.

I-I don't want Jamie defining my legacy before it gets started.

You won this election because of you.

We don't need to spin anything.

You've got some blood on your face.

This place is still the same as it was my first year as a city councilman.

They had me all the way down at the end.

Didn't matter to me at all.

I was a boy from Pigeon Point.

I thought I could change things.

Learned the only thing this place changes are the people in it.

Things will change.

I'm sorry about Jamie.

It took me three tries to become mayor.

You learned how to do it in one.

You got the makings of a great leader, Darren.

Don't put away your clothes and stuff 'cause you're still gonna need 'em for school.

Tom! Take this up to your mom.


Why do I got to do it?

She's doing the best she can, buddy.


And, you... Stop feeding that dog potato chips.

I'm gonna put you in one of these boxes with him for a week.

Hey, last one upstairs is a rotten turd.

Shut up. You are.

You need help?

I figured you-- You weren't gonna move all this crap by yourself, right?

Thanks, Ter.

She kept looking at me that last time.

You know, I was so busy packing for that camping trip that I didn't look at her. I...

I didn't see her, Ter. I didn't see her.

Yeah, you did, Mitch.

You always did.

Gwen, hi.

We're getting flooded with calls from the press.

Where are you?

I'm visiting Lily.

I see.

Well, I can-- I can hold them off for a few hours, but that's it.

I'm just...

I think it's time to move on.

I'll be in soon.

Okay. I'll see you then.

Jamie never said it.

No one said what happened to her here.

I wanted to get him.

We got him.

We should let the Larsens know.

Ms. Marek?

If you're looking for my sister or Stan, they're out.

When are they coming back?

Don't you people knock before you just walk in?

We need to speak to them. It's about the case.

Well, that's the last thing they need right now.

We got him.

You did?

Who was it?

We should wait for the Larsens.

Well your timing sucks.

They're moving, you know. Got a new house.

I got stuff to do.

I'll be back in a few minutes. You can just wait here.

You might want to step out with that before she bites your head off.

It's a garage.

You were there at the lake...

Weren't you?

You picked him up from the ferry that night.

Both of you were going to the airport for that flight to Vegas and... that's when he got a call... about a girl in the woods.

Rosie was 9 when I read her the story of the monarch butterfly.

She loved it.

It was like... she believed the world could be hers.

Everything in it.

And you did, too.

He was going to leave his wife for you, wasn't he?

And you both had plans, hopes.

You were gonna have everything.

Michael did it.

You should arrest him.

He would have never left you.

He couldn't have.

You would have had that over him forever.

He didn't do it, Terry.

What's going on?

Mr. Larsen...

Mrs. Larsen, you need to leave now, please.

You need to go downstairs.



You wouldn't understand.

I'm sorry.

Don't do this. Not here.

Don't be mad at me.

Mr. Larsen, you don't need to be here.

I didn't know.

I didn't know what to do.

I didn't know.


I didn't know.

Forget it! The deal is over!

Listen to me. You got to help me.

She heard everything! We can't--

We can't let her go. You know we can't let her go.

No, no, no. I am not gonna be part of this. We can't!

The deal is off.

This is your ticket, okay?

To be free of your wife, to have your own company, your own money.

No! I don't-- I don't care!

This is it!

I don't care!

I'm not gonna leave my wife. It's over.

Call your guy.

Do you understand me?

It is not happening. Not happening!

Just call your guy.

You listen to me! You listen to me!

Just call your guy Janek!

No. No, no, no. This is too far.

Call him!

She's a nobody. Don't you see that?

Listen to me! Listen to me!

You listen to me! Janek can do it!

You're crazy!

I'm crazy?!

I'm going back to my wife and I'm starting all over.

Janek can do it. He'll k*ll her!

Why did you call me?

'Cause I can't do it. I can't.

I didn't know.

I didn't know it was Rosie.

Mr. Larsen!

Mr. Larsen, Mr. Larsen.

Your two sons are downstairs.

They need you now, Mr. Larsen.

They need you now.


Mitch, please.

I didn't know!




Mitch, I didn't know.

I didn't know.

I didn't know.


Got a smoke?

I'm out.

You should quit. Save me some bank.

Transporting her to county in a couple of hours.

She didn't want a lawyer.

Just the wrong place at the wrong time.

Sometimes it just comes down to that, I guess.

Just the randomness.

Carlson told me to give you this.

Hey, what's going on?

What do you want, Ron?

Oh. Yeah, I got the Rosie Larsen film from the lab.

Some kind of student film.

Turn the light off, close the door. Thanks.

Do we have a meeting scheduled?

I wanted to get a jump start.

On what? The staff won't be here for a while.

We don't have anything on the books.

Mayor, congratulations.

And thank you for your help with those charges.

They were ridiculous.

Police have a habit of arresting the wrong man.

Or should I say woman?

You got that right.

Take those seats.

Mr. Mayor.

Mr. Ames.

Michael, I hear the DA's speaking to your attorney.

Yeah, it's not gonna be a problem.

They're working out a deal.

We're all here. Let's start.

It's a lovely sunny morning in Seattle, as usual.

Let's turn to page 3, shall we?

Mom! Dad! Get out of bed!

Mom! Dad! You've got to get up! Hurry!

Someone left it in the mailbox.

Yeah. Holder.

What? You got to be kidding me.

Yeah. Yeah, whatever, we'll be there.

They found a body down near Sea-Tac.

Lieu says we're first up.

Linden... we got the bad guy.


Who's that?

Hey, keep in touch.

You're my ride, you know?