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02x08 - Off The Reservation

Posted: 05/15/12 20:22
by bunniefuu
Previously on AMC's The k*lling...

I don't have much, but the money is yours if you find Rosie's k*ller.

All I want is be a part of his life.

Uncle Steve!

Hop in and I'll give you a ride.

I'm not supposed to...

Adams framed you. There's a tollbooth photo of you the night Rosie Larsen was m*rder*d.

For your cigarettes...

I hope Rosie's fine and got her backpack okay.

What? Wait!

Chief wants to see you.


Seattle Police Department. Central dispatch.

This is Detective Sarah Linden.

I've got a code 1013, officer down.

My partner is down.

The location is the Wapi Eagle Indian reservation.

Exact address unknown.

I need a search team organized immediately.

King County search and rescue, coast guard, all available tactical teams.

Order's got to come from watch commander.

Well, then, run it up the chain of command!

Yes, ma'am. And call me on this number when it's done.

Mom? What happened?

Holder's going to be fine.

That's why you have to stay here.

I'm going to find him, and he's going to be... fine.

I don't want to stay here. Why can't I go to Regi's?

Because you can't.

There's no time for that, Jack. You'll be safe here at Holder's.

Are you even listening to me?

I don't want to stay here.

We were fine here last night, remember?

I promise, nothing's gonna happen.

What about you?

I don't want you to go.

Let the other cops do their job.


Detective Linden, authorization for your search party was denied.

What do you mean? There's an officer down.

Who the hell denied it?

Lieutenant Carlson. He called it off.

Why'd you call off the search?!

The meaning of a closed door is lost on you.

Make the call. Now.

Because of the Larsen reward, I've got cops that should be in the field playing operator.

I don't give a shit. My partner's out there alone.

He needs us.

You'll do anything to get on that reservation, won't you?

You openly defy my orders and then come in here with half a story--

Carlson! He was screaming. They were beating him!

Deploy the search! Get ahold of yourself, Detective.

Your word is no good.

Get out of my office.

When internal affairs makes the rounds after this-- and they will-- how do think it's gonna look that you sat on your hands and did nothing while one of your cops was dying out in the field?

You know I'm right.

Linden, you stay away from that reservation.

You hear me?

Yo, it's me. Leave a message.

Damn it.

Where's my partner?!

He was trespassing on Indian land, and so are you Seattle police don't have jurisdiction here.

Tell me where he is.

Last I saw, your boy general custer was getting on the ferry.

Move your truck.

If Detective Holder or myself don't make it off this island, then this case will go federal and your "this is our land" bullshit goes right out the window.

The feds won't stop till they find what you're hiding.

Seattle pd and coast guard are en route.

They should be here any minute.

So I suggest you move your truck and let me be on my way.

Any minute, huh?

Come on, Jake.

Well, then, get the DOJ on the phone and have them deal with the Bureau of Indian affairs, I'm authorizing this search.

Indians said he was conducting an unlawful search.

They escorted him off the property.

What the hell were you two thinking?

They're lying. Holder's here.

Whatever we find out there... It's on you.

Teams, we'll comb the field, starting from the fire road, all routes leading from the casino.

It's a lot of ground to cover.

How much time do you think we have?

Until dawn before the lawyers show up, and that's if we're lucky.

He was outside.

It sounded like he was outside when he called.

You said that.

The search would have been a lot easier to narrow down if his phone had GPS.

We'll be covering all sectors of the island.

Johnson, you'll take the northeast division.

And, Wortsman, you'll cover the south end.

Yes, sir. Want to wait in the car?

There's nothing you can do right now.

We've got this covered.

Listen up, everybody.

I need you all to be focused and determined.

I've got an urgent request.

Repeat, ID needed on an item possibly belonging to the missing officer.


Car 9820, proceed to the intersection of Jameson Road, northeast sector of the island.

Tell them I'm coming. Tell them!

Do you recognize this, Sarah?


What about the dogs?

They lost his scent here.

He may have been in a vehicle at this time.

Let's go! Come on, let's go!

Spread further out.


Yes, sir.

Holder's in those woods.


The dogs picked up the scent here.

We continued east to this dump site. Yeah.

If we went west, through these woods, there's a stream just off the woods.

If they crossed it with Holder, the dogs would have lost his scent because of the water, right? Yeah.

Maybe we went the wrong way.

He's in those woods.

Everybody on me!

Let' gather up!

Let's go! Moving out!

Let's go, guys! We're running out of time!

We've got something.

You hear that? Hey.

Let's go, guys. Come on, guys. Let's go.


Let me through. Let me through!

We got him.




Thank you for coming out this morning.

It's good to be going home.

There's still a long road ahead of us but only five days before the election.

And, uh... And that's what we're focused on right now.

A significant percentage of the voters still think you k*lled the Larsen girl, Councilman.

When the law proves you innocent, they don't tell you what office to visit to get your reputation back.

But I've--
I've taken to heart what my old friend Ted once said--

"Bad luck either breaks you or it makes you."

And I have no intention of letting this break me.

Where were you the night of Rosie Larsen's m*rder?

The Councilman is no longer a suspect.

And we're using every available resource to help the police find the real k*ller who is still out there.

Thank you for your questions.

We have a full day ahead of us.

Hi. I'm his partner. How is he?

He's got several contusions, broken ribs, suffering from exposure.

He needs time to rest.

You can talk to him if you come back later today probably.

Hi, Jack.

Yeah, he's, uh--
He's okay.

Of course I'm fine.

Well, you can tell him next time you see him that he has to update his music collection.

Are you good to stay there a little bit longer?

Yeah, I-I should be done soon.

Hey... I love you.

Okay, bye.

Yeah, the reward is real. Thanks for your help, pal.

Why do we have to go to nana and grandpa's?

'Cause I'm working today. Grandma's gonna cook.

And they're taking you to the zoo in the afternoon.

But grandma stinks. Well, she wears a lot of perfume.

You boys got your toothbrushes?

Why can't Aunt Terry just come over and take care of us?

Open the door.

Hello, boys. Stan.

Go ahead to the car. I'll be along.

I just want to have a word with your father.

I'm picking you up for school tomorrow, so be ready when I get there, okay?

Appreciate you taking 'em for the night.

I got all sorts of tips coming in from the TV thing.

I got to get down to the station now.

Look, Stan, I understand why you're doing this and I'm not in your position.

But I'm wondering if this ain't more attention than is good for the family.

You're right, you're not in my position.

I'll, uh--
We'll see you in the morning.

Yeah? Yeah, this is him. This about the reward?

Yeah, what do you got?

Are you Linden?

I'm his partner, yeah.

How is he?

How do you think?

He shouldn't be doing this job.

He could have gotten himself k*lled.

I'm sorry.

Your brother's a good cop.

He always wanted to be good at something--



If you told me then that being a cop would it...

I know it's not easy.

Nothing ever is with Stephen.

He told me to give you this.

First thing he said when he got here--

"Give this to Linden."

Thank you.

Maybe you should go.

My brother needs to rest.

You should let him.

Can we have the room, please?

Good to see you, Counselor.

Nice to see you, Counselor.

Counselor, nice to have you back. Great. Thanks.

Welcome back.

We need you to get the posters down in Pioneer Square.

Thanks, guys. We'll reconvene at 3:00.


Adams is leading by 7 points.

Larsen hurt us... a lot.

Darren... Adams is hammering away at your alibi.

The voters want answers.

They need you to set the record straight on where you were that night.

Are you talking about the voters, or just you two?

Well, if you're gonna avoid this, then we need a grand gesture.

We have less than a week to restore voters' confidence in you.

We don't have time for glad-handing.

You're right.

I need something to remind people I can lead this city.

Now you just have to figure out what that something will be.

Good to see you. Thanks for coming in.

Nice seeing you, too.

See you in a couple weeks.

See you then. Appreciate it.

I was told you were 6', blond hair... and a man.

That's my partner--
Detective Holder.

He wasn't able to make it.

Uncle, it's okay.

You're his partner, an officer?

Yeah, I'm Detective Linden. You are?

I'm the one who found Rosie's backpack.

I found her backpack in the dumpster, * when I was taking out the trash.

I thought I should give it back to her family so they could catch who k*lled her.

Is that when you saw my partner?

He showed up at the Larsens' to look at the backpack?


They're wrong about Rosie. She wasn't a prost*tute.

I mean, you should see the prostitutes that hang around the casino.

Me and her worked together. She was really cool.

Rosie was a maid, too.

It's from the cleaning chemicals we use.

Chief Jackson gets the cheap stuff.

It really burns.

It's ammonium hydroxide?

It was on Rosie's hands, too. Is that what you mean?

Rosie's hair. The makeup. If she was just a maid...

Sometimes Rosie would work the floor as a waitress.

You almost couldn't recognize her.

Chief Jackson gets paid more money if she pays us under the table, makes us look older.

'Cause we're just kids.

She controls everything on the rez.

Who works, who doesn't.

She sounds like a real ball-buster--

Chief Jackson.

My uncle says she uses the tribe to line her own pockets.

She controls everyone.

All I know is, I wouldn't cross her.

Was Rosie working the night she was m*rder*d?

She wasn't on the schedule.

That's why I thought it was weird to see her there.

You saw her that night?

I was gonna say hi, but she got in an elevator and I had to get to work.

I mean, I don't know why she was there.

She already got paid.

Where was she going?


Maybe to the 10th floor?

Why would she go up there, Mary?

We'd take smoke breaks up there.

We were supposed to clean it up before they shut it down.

It was a construction site, right?


Don't tell my uncle I smoke, okay?

Because I don't, really. It's just only sometimes.

Your secret's safe with me.

Have you been back up there since that night?


They took away all our keys...

The day after Rosie died.

What does that key look like?
Like I said, I'm very optimistic.

Good. Keep hope alive, Tim, that's the essence of my campaign.

There's hope for the waterfront yet.

I thought I might find you in here.

Darren. Welcome back.

Feeding the piranhas, as usual.

You want to call them back in?

You can ask me where I was that night, in person.

On camera.

I've got bigger fish to fry.

The Indians are coming to the table.

They're gonna make a deal.

Chief Jackson has you over a barrel with the waterfront.

But it's not you she'll be screwing.

How much is she taking the city for?

You take care now, Darren.

I know about the photo.

It's always good seeing you, Lesley.

There's no way he could have found out.

My contact's reliable.

He'd never talk to Richmond or--
Well, someone else did.

You find out who and shut them the hell up.


I've been getting calls since last night.

There's a lot of good stuff here, I mean, some of it's kind of crazy, but it's got to help, right?

I'm meeting with some of them later today.

But here--
Look at them.

Yeah, okay, thanks, Mr. Larsen.

Aren't you even gonna look at it?

Quite frankly, this isn't going to help.

You open a door like this, people will take advantage of you.

I've seen it before.

I'm sorry. I have to go.

Hey, check her out.

Left Holder out there to get his ass kicked. Brutal.

What the hell are you doing?

Give us a minute.

You're gonna have to say it.

Your badge.

They wouldn't have done what they did to Holder if we weren't on the right track.

The right track?

Do you have any idea the political mess we're in after last night?

Every officer in this building wants payback over Holder, but that's not gonna happen.

You disobeyed orders.

And as a result, you nearly got your partner k*lled.

That alone should end your career.

And nothing personal, Detective, but I don't like you.

DA Niilsen will press charges against the casino.

And the tribe will counter-sue the department, the city, and county for jurisdictional violation.

Believe me, DA Niilsen doesn't have time for you.

Seattle Times will when I send them the Richmond photo.

It's your badge number assigned to that photo, Detective.

This isn't a conversation.

And your firearm.

I understand you were supposed to get married today.

Sonoma, right?

Nice place to raise a family.

All right, what about Yitanes?

Darren delivers a speech with a crowd of union members behind him.

It's a united front, strength in numbers.

Page four... at best.

It's like you said, we need something big, something that screams page one.


I'm meeting about the new ad tonight, hoops for hopes in the background, cheering on the one man who can really understand the pulse of Seattle's communities.

Check this out.

I'm very happy to report that I'm currently in talks with chief Nicole Jackson of the Kulamish tribe.

We are both very optimistic about a joint venture at Seattle's waterfront.

It's an exciting opportunity for the city--


What about it?

It's the cornerstone of the mayor's campaign.

And now he's going hat in hand to Chief Jackson to get it back.

If he doesn't have the waterfront--

He doesn't have a pot to piss in.

So we make sure he doesn't get it back.

And how do we do that?

We take it from him.

That's our page one.

Where's my son?

Are you Linden?

Look, Lieutenant Carlson said you can't be here.

Jack? Jack? Ma'am--

Don't touch me! Okay! All right.

Calm down.

What did you do with my son?

Listen, I don't know anything about your son.

All right, we've been here about an hour.

There was no one here when we got here.


Jack. Ma'am.

Let go of me! Let go of me!

Let go of me! Calm down! Miss Linden!

Listen to me.

You can't be here, Miss Linden.

Well, thanks, pal.

I'll let you know if the tip goes anywhere.


Mr. Larsen?

I'm Naomi.

Yeah. Uh, yeah, please. Please have a seat.

You said you, uh--

You might have something to help the case?

I imagine people like the last gentleman come out of the woodwork at a time like this.

It seems that way, doesn't it?

They don't know what to say, so they say "sorry" when it'd be better that they said nothing at all.

They don't understand that we'd rather just forget about the social niceties.

I lost a daughter, too.

How old was she?


Beautiful, sweet... Like Rosie.

Thank you.

On-- on the phone, you said that you knew my daughter.

Do you work at the school or...

You raised a good girl, Mr. Larsen.

You should be proud.

Rosie told me all about you.

She told me she loved you, despite everything that happened between you, the past.

She told me that you were such a special daddy to her.

She said that?

Yes, and there's more.

That's why I'm here, Mr. Larsen.

I know it may seem strange at first, but for a small fee, I can contact your daughter.

You'd like that, wouldn't you?

To speak to Rosie again?

I know she misses you... so much.

I saw the cops pull up outside.

I thought they were coming to get me.

I thought Regi would be here...

But she's not.

Nobody's here.

Mayor Adams is meeting with Chief Jackson of the Kulamish tribe.

He told me.

He'll lose the election without them.

You wanted a grand gesture.

Chief Jackson makes Drexler look like an altar boy.

The waterfront is the key to this election.

We scheduled a sit-down between you and chief Jackson first thing tomorrow morning.

Without consulting me?

Well, we don't have time to check with you on everything.

You make the time.

I pay for your bad decisions, not you.

You never let me in.

And that's some sort of excuse?

Why couldn't you tell me where you were that night?

Because you would not have understood.

What was I supposed to think?

So you went to the police.

Because you lied to me.

You lied about everything, about us, about all those women.

So I deserve this?

Is that what you're saying? I deserve this?!

I'm late for a meeting at the ad agency.

We're-- we're creating new spots.

Yo, half pint.

Does it hurt?

Nah, just looks worse than it is.

Just got to roll with the flow.

Like my man Bruce Lee.

Come here.

Gimme some.


Where's your moms at?

She's outside smoking.

Bad habit.

Better not take that up, now.

You hear?

Are you gonna come over again more now?

Get me my jacket over there.

Got something for you.

Been carrying it around with me.

Waiting for the right moment, I guess.

Looks like the one I used to have.



I just want you to know...

...your mom's really great.

She's the best.

She's there for you.

And I'm gonna be there for you, too, now.


You feel me?

Now show me some of them Bruce Lee moves I taught you, D.



There you go. What more you got?

You got it.

Good afternoon.

We will now begin boarding flight 749 to Chicago, starting with our first-class and frequent-flyer customers.

Your row's not boarding yet.

We have a little more time.

I'll see you again before you know it.

It's just temporary.

Your dad will be at the airport to meet you, but call me when you get in, okay?


Why can't you come with me?

We'll see each other soon, I promise.

We will now continue boarding rows 25 through 36 on flight 749 to Chicago.

My row's boarding now.


Jack, wait. Hey!

Hang on. Mom, get off.

Listen to me. Listen to me.

You're strong.

You can do this.

You are.

You are so much stronger than I was when I was your age.

And no matter what happens, you will get through it because...

Because you are my boy, Jack.

You are my baby.



Little man called to say goodbye.

Darren has and always will be a fighter.

I'm told by his surgeon, Dr. Madigan, another dear friend of mine, that Darren will require a great deal of physical therapy.

It'll help clear things up if he did.

Any more questions?

Uh, yes, over there.

This is the whole problem.

He says he's not guilty, and yet when he's questioned about his whereabouts on that particular night, he refuses to answer.

Rosie's key.

It'll get us into the construction site.

10th floor.

It's where she was abducted.

We need to get that key.