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02x07 - Keylala

Posted: 05/09/12 11:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on AMC's The k*lling...

You got a minute, Ms. Marek?

We met at a party for the service.

Get the hell out of my property.

Until you get the stink of the m*rder investigation off you, people are gonna balk in the voting booths.

I can win this for you.

Kidnapping and aggravated as*ault, Mr. Larsen.

These charges are serious.

Did you put this up here?


We need to stay here, just for the night.

Yeah, sure.

The maid probably just moved it.

Always be putting my gideons in the drawer, making me lose my place in exodus.

The drawing was packed away.

This was a message.

Whoever did this knows things about me.

That old case you were working on?

Is that what Carlson was talking about?

You need to trust me on this, Linden.

We're safe.

No one ever comes around here, not even Jehovah's Witnesses.

Only thing we got to worry about is the young 'un robbing us.

I said roll for me, not rob me.

You owe me rent.

Yeah. Rent on pioneer square ain't two G's.

I think your zen rock garden and fountain are what's really gonna help me relax.

Laugh it up, Linden. My dojo is a sanctuary of light.

All right. How much?

2 G's.

2 G's.

Now, I know this farmer, right?

It's sick what they do to them chickens.

And then he tells me it's lonely on a farm.

That's why you got to buy organic eggs.

'Cause you never know what's been inside of a chicken.

You know what I'm saying?

She rises from the dead.

Told you posturepedic is the shiznit.

What are you making?

Just an all-natural Mexican-American breakfast.

Good morning, mom.

Morning. Do you need help?

No. Take a load off.

We got you.

Oh, just a heads up.

There's a poison-control number on top of the fridge in case you go into shock since this ain't freeze-dried.

Ha ha ha.

Hey, uh, get the Habanero Jelly out of the fridge, mix it with them eggs, and boom.

We got spicy and sweet in one.

See you found my knowledge corner.

There's a bookstore down on Jones Street-- you get a crate of books for a quarter.

But can't put a price on wisdom. Ain't that right, little man?

I guess. You guess?

Ain't no guesswork for seekers.


They left about a month ago.

Should be down in cali by now, and then down in Mexico.

Come on. Let's eat.

Speaking of travel plans, you and klepto here--

You're welcome to crash here as long as you need.

Thanks. It was just for the night.

Of course.

It's just too much fun here.


It's, uh, Ray.

Look, I know Carlson told me not to dedicate any more time to the Larsen case.

What do you got, ray?

Rosie's voicemail from yesterday...

Analyst I'm tight with, local FBI task-force guy, took a listen.

That weird buzzing noise that starts three seconds in?

He said it could be the cooling fan of a portable diesel generator.

The most popular users are construction companies.

What about the other sounds, your guy confirm it was some kind of a door?

Yeah, sliding door.

Flush-fin construction probably, glass inset.

Okay, got it. No need for Carlson to get the memo.

I got to go.

Rosie's call most likely came from a construction site, probably inside the casino.

Ames was trying to hide why he was doing business there.

Go to the County Recorder's Office.

Get any business records between Ames' construction company and the casino.

Let's find out exactly what they were building there.

Jack, are you all packed up?

I haven't finished my breakfast.

Yo, you got to try some of my Habanero-Jelly eggs.

I'm not hungry.

All right, well, just so you know, there's a spare key under the green flowerpot.

Just in case all the hotels are booked or something.

Keep your head up, little man.

You're early. I still have to do my physical therapy.

I told the nurse to push it back so we could start now.

Commissioner's apology ran on page one this morning.

Yeah, below the fold and under the Seahawks preview.

You've publicly been branded a k*ller.

And we have less than seven days to change voters' minds.

And short of the cops finding the actual k*ller, nothing we say is gonna make a difference.

Which is why we're gonna get the Larsens to do it...

And publicly absolve you from any blame in their daughter's death.

They'll never agree. We tried this.

I know the prosecutor charging Stan Larsen for the kidnap and as*ault of Bennet Ahmed.

Who is it? Preston.

He owes me.

He might be willing to agree to a lighter sentence if I ask.

Should be incentive enough for the Larsens to come down to city hall and read a simple statement.

I'm all for it. Just know if you do it, you're gonna be throwing Ahmed under the bus.

Do it.

All right. We're gonna have to have the presser here, though.

Leaving the hospital is too hard for Darren.

We'll have to re-dress the waiting room.


Preston's a law-and-order d*ck. He doesn't cut deals.

I know that. Stan Larsen doesn't need to.

Mr. Larsen?

Principal meyers said they ran out of lockers, so they had to give Rosie's to a new student.

But I think it was really because...

You know, what the papers have been saying about her.

I thought maybe you and Mrs. Larsen might want this stuff.

Did Rosie ever talk about an old shoe box of her mom's that she had?

No. No?

No. Why?

Was she happy?


I mean, I think she was.

The last time I saw her...

She was standing there by the stairs.

I was on the phone in here.

She stood there for a while, just looking at me like she...

Like what?

Like she was... sad.

I forgot till just now how she looked standing there.

Ex Mr. Larsen?

I, uh-- I got to go.

My mom gave me a ride here. She's waiting for me.

There's cameras in every hallway, and someone's at the desk 24 hours.

I'll be home for dinner, but you should order something from room service for lunch.

And, uh... Just this once, I'll let you order a movie.

...If you would like to donate blood to help victims, you can do so by contacting your local red cross.

I'll put the "Do not disturb" sign out in case the maid comes by, but...

You should make sure that you put the chain on the door after I leave.


If there's a fire or something like that, and you're trapped, use the bathroom window to get out and call for help.

I thought we were safe here.

We are. I'm being extra cautious, that's all.

Just promise me you'll stay put?

I mean it.

Yeah, okay. Whatever.

Yeah, Holder.

Hey, I got that connect between Ames and the casino, Linden.

Okay. I-I'll meet you there.

I'm on the next ferry.

I had to pull some strings, give out some HJ's, but I found Ames' construction company--

Columbia Domain Fund.

State taxes filed in the last two quarters are on the up and up, no red flags.

But check this--

For their $50 million casino job, CDF turned zero profit.

Clerk there said no way that ever happens.

Likeliest scenario is that the project was either put on hold or abandoned.

What were they building?

That's the $6 million question 'cause it could be anything.

All it says is "Hotel/Casino renovations."

Walk around, talk to customers, employees.

You know, just, uh...

...just try to blend in.

I'm everyone and no one.

♪ Ain't no half steppin' ♪

So, what are you gonna be doing, just playing wheelman in the parking lot?

Got it.

Yo, you stole that from my dojo. It's part of a set.

Rosie filmed the butterfly migration out here at Point Yubec.

Maybe she saw something.

Yeah, inside the casino.

Nicole Jackson has this whole island under her thumb.

The tribal leaders have said publicly that she robs the reservation, she pockets all of the casino's profits.

Rosie had secrets.

She went all over the city with that camera.

Maybe she... saw something or was looking for something...

Maybe out here.

So, what, you're the ghost whisperer now?

I think Rosie felt trapped.

She covered her walls in butterflies.

She climbed out onto her roof at night to feel free.

Is that what got you in trouble on the Picasso case--

You talking mumbo jumbo to the dead person?

You can walk from here.

Next time you talk to Rosie, why don't you ask her who k*lled her?

Save me doing real detective work.

You know, Jack's been telling me you haven't been sleeping.

I mean, he's worried about you.

So don't go all looney tunes, you know, for his sake.

You're right.

I hear there's a 12-step program for shitty moms like me.

Yo, I'm just saying you might want to step back a little.

You think 'cause you made us some omelettes, you know what's best for Jack? Some breakfast burritos.

Go deal with your own problems. I've got mine covered.

Yeah, you do.

You talk to your sponsor lately?

You might want to give him a call, make sure you don't go off the rails again.

Yeah, well, at least I own my addiction.

So, why are you here? What do you want?

Mr. Larsen, first of all, we want to offer our condolences to you and your family.

We can't even imagine what you and your wife have been through--
I got a lot to do.

Get to the point.

Councilman Richmond would like to know if you'd be willing to read a statement that publicly supports him.

As you know, he was wrongfully arrested.

And right now, the councilman's top priority is bringing your daughter's k*ller to justice.

You think you're the first person to try and sell me that?

You're not here for Rosie. Why don't you guys just get--

I talked to the ADA who's handling your case.

He and the councilman are old friends.

He's open to reducing your sentence.

He might be even willing to help you avoid prison time.

I want to see a deal... on paper.

And we'll get that to you, but right now, we have a press conference scheduled for tonight.

The election's in less than seven days, and we need to move quickly.

Like I said, I still need to see it in writing.

You can reach us at this number.

The councilman is innocent.

Right now, he's in a hospital, paralyzed.

I was sorry to hear about your friend.

It's a shame how the media can mislead people.

Yo, Linden, you'll be happy to hear that while you're out chasing butterflies, I'm in here busting my ass.

Nobody's talking and nothing's renovated in this piss hole.

I'm thinking it's in the hotel somewhere, but security's gonna grab my ass if I keep walking around like this.

Look who it is.

My man...


Got a feeling you're gonna help your brother out..


Hit me again, brother.

Boom. That's what I'm talking about.

Damn, brother.

I thought you were gonna hook a brother up.

Blackjack ain't the action I'm looking for anyways.

I'm more looking for a "room service, "bury the hatchet" kind of action.

You know what I'm saying?


That's what I'm talking about.

Give that to the bartender. He'll hook you up.

You know if they're doing any renovations in the hotel?

Last time I was here, I got the crabs in one of them skanky-ass rooms.

The girls will know about them rooms.

Ask them.

Thanks, brother.
Stan Larsen won't do it.

Even with the offer we've made?

Preston backed off. He wasn't--

The deal was a bluff. It was my call. It didn't work.

You needed this, Darren.

The parents of the dead girl could have turned it around for you.

So you lied to them.

I told you I'd win this race. I didn't tell you how.

Look, even if Larsen said yes, it's probably not the best idea for us to put him in front of the camera.

He's a grieving wreck.

Real Debbie Downer. But we can't cancel the presser.

Otherwise, there'll be endless speculation that it's about your health, so...

We're gonna lead with your health, we're gonna get out there and talk about it.

Talk about how quickly you're recovering.

How you're more dedicated than ever.

How running is more important than walking.

Voters will be inspired by your commitment to them.

Okay. Great. We'll draft it.

They're still gonna ask you where you were the night the Larsen girl was k*lled.

And I'll tell them the truth. I was in Tacoma with you.

Sacred burial grounds.

We believe our bodies are a gift to Mother Earth, a final tribute for the land she provided.

The casino also a gift to her?

To our people.

So we may continue to be self-supporting, not rely on your government.

Looks to be supporting you more than your people.

I know Rosie Larsen was here... and inside your casino.

Used to be a beautiful view.

When I was a girl, I remember fishing out here and hearing the story of Keylela, who always canoed out past our shores, exploring, looking for adventure.

The elders warned her not to go so far, but she didn't listen.

Then one day, she didn't come back.

The water swallowed her for her disobedience.

When the wind blows through the totems, it's Keylela begging the elders for forgiveness, so she can come back home.

When I was older, I found out the story was a lie.

Keylela was just a 9-year-old girl who got lost and wandered off our land.

A week later, she was found, beaten and tied to a tree.

A warning from the white man.

I'm a cop.

Anything can happen on this land, Detective.

You've been warned.

I already said all I have to say.

I only came here because I wanted you to hear it from me.

I absolutely had nothing to do with your daughter's m*rder.

My heart goes out to your family...

Neither you or your family ever have to do a thing for me.

I know you think you're helping me with those charges, too, but--
No, no.

The ADA won't do anything about that.

My people promised something they couldn't deliver, and that was wrong.

You deserve the truth.

I'm sorry about what happened to you.

I've lost more...

As have you.

The papers--
They, uh...

They was printing lies about Rosie.

The school gave her locker away to another kid.

Nobody cares about my daughter anymore.

Then make them.

Make them care about her.

Here you go.

I hear you're looking for a good time.

I'm always looking for a good time, baby, especially with a pretty young thing like you.

So, lead the way to your room, sexy.

You got a room, right?

Did they ever finish renovating any of those new rooms?

Still under construction.

Look, you don't got a room, we can do it in your car.

Head's $20, tail's $50.

I'll give you $100 if we do it at the construction site.

I like that thing, you know.

No one's supposed to go up there.

No dice, baby.

Mm. You sure?


I'm out.

Aw, come on, mami, you making me all hot.

You want...

Like it dirty, white boy? I got dirty.

Yeah, see, I-I-I'm in, but-- but not here.

You know, like I said, I want to do it at the site.

You want to wear a hard hat or ride me bare back, macho man?

I'm not riding you neither way until we're up there.

Give me the cash.

Uh, not until you tell me where we're going.

10th floor.

Don't you worry. Best money you'll ever spend.

Yeah. I just blew my wad, Freddy.

All right, Benny boy.

My badge and my g*n.

Have a safe trip back, Detective.

You and me both, baby.

Hold the door, please.

For your cigarettes.

Nah, I got a lighter. Thanks.

I hope Rosie's finally got her backpack okay.

What? Wait!

Heard you were looking for a party.

Holder, where are you?

Nicole Jackson and her g*ons are chasing me off the island, so if you're still in the casino, you've got to get out of there.


Come on, now. It's not that bad.

Hey, dad, mine's gonna be a spider, like the one on spider-man.

That's great, buddy.

I moved all the crap off the table.

I didn't know if this was important.

Nah, just a couple people come by, wanting something.

Them and everybody else, right?

Were they policemen, too?


The police talked to aunt Terry at school yesterday.

Those two cops just bugging me with their questions.

A waste of time.

You got to put your hand in there.

Wait. Questions about what?

Nothing. Just...

You know.

Thinking they got their--
I don't know. Nothing.

Boys, go to your room.

But, dad, I'm not even--

What did they ask you about?

Michael. My boyfriend.

The one who kicked me out.

What does your boyfriend have to do with Rosie?

Hmm? Look at me.

He's... Jasper's father.

What... does your boyfriend have to do with Rosie?

Me and him... met...

...through Beau Soleil.

I'm sorry.

I should have told you, but I was scared.

I didn't know that Rosie had anything to do with that.

I never told her about Beau Soleil, I swear. You need to leave.

You know, I-I don't know.

You need to leave.

I'm s-- it doesn't make sense to me.

Because Rosie would never do anything like that.

She just went on the website once, that's it.

Get out of my house!!

Yeah, that's fine, Ray.

But right now, I need you to find out everything you can about the burial grounds near Point Yubec on the Wapi Reservation.

Will you just do it?!

Hey, get away from my son!

Easy, Detective Linden, easy.

Who are you? How do you know my name?

I'm officer Miller. This is Officer Flynn.

We're with Child Protective Services.

We need to inspect your place of residence.

This is your current place of residence, isn't it?

Why? Why are you here?

Our offices received a call alleging neglect of your minor son.

We're here to investigate those charges and speak to Jack.

Get inside, Jack.

You don't want to do that, Ms. Linden.


No, easy there, thunderheart.

We don't got a safety word yet.

Yo, you got this all wrong. Man, I'm a cop.

Not here you ain't.

Just call your boss, and we'll straighten this out.

Chief wants to see you.

See, that's what I've been telling y'all.

We're just gonna fire up the peace pipe and figure this out.


I need you to stay on this side of the room and not talk to your son.

You left your minor son here unsupervised for how many hours?

Three or four.

He's 13 years old. He's not a child.

How long has your room been in this state?

I told him not to let the maid in.

Why didn't you want your son to let the maid in?

You'll need to come downtown for a formal interview.

A judge will then make an initial ruling taking into account Jack's statement, your statement, my report on health, safety, living conditions.

A ruling?

On whether your son will remain in your care, Ms. Linden.

Mom, I got to go to the bathroom.


But I really got to go.

Go on.

Oh. I need to take this call. I'll be... back in a second.

This is Detective Linden. What is it?

You shouldn't have done that, Jack.

This isn't a good idea. This is crazy.


Get off of me!

I'm sorry, Jack. I'm sorry.

Leave me alone! Just leave me alone!

Okay. I'm sorry.

Leave me alone!

I'm sorry, Jack.

I'd first like to say my doctors have cleared me to continue my campaign.

I'll be leaving the hospital tomorrow, and my health will not be an issue going forward, a bit more slowly.

I know you have a lot of questions, all of which I will, uh... I will answer.

But right now, my main concern is the unsolved m*rder of Rosie Larsen.

He's agreed to read a statement.

And I would like to thank Stan Larsen for coming here tonight.

This isn't about what happened to me.

This is about... Justice for a young girl and for a family who still need answers.

Mr. Larsen would like to say a few words.

Nearly three weeks ago, my daughter, Rosie, was taken from us.

Our loss has made us realize how...

How-- how important every day is together.

This could have happened to anybody...

Rosie was my little girl.

She was everything to me.

But she means nothing to you people.

Rosie would be gone and forgotten if you weren't using her to sell papers or get people to turn on the TV.

She's not entertainment. She's my daughter.

None of you-- none of you give a rat's ass about doing what's right for her.

I'm just like you, all of you out there who are watching.

I don't have much-- about $12,000.

But the money's yours if you find Rosie's k*ller or help the cops find who k*lled my daughter.

'Cause somebody's gonna pay for this.

Somebody's gonna pay for taking my daughter away.

That's all I got to say.

Yo, Cochise, you missed it.


Hey, Holder.

I don't know where you are, but you need to call me.

There's something going on.

I don't know what, but just-- just call me.

Damn, now I know what that guy meant was business in the front when he said the casino and party in the back.

You're very curious, Detective.

You and your partner both like to go where you're not supposed to.

Too bad for you, she already got the warning.

Yeah, that's more than Rosie did.


[ Groans Holder, where the hell have you--
