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02x01 - Reflections

Posted: 04/04/12 04:16
by bunniefuu
Episode 2 is tagged onto the end of this.

Last season on AMC's The k*lling...

The car belongs to the Richmond's campaign.

City Councilman Richmond?

Want to do something about that Richmond?

Just say the word and we'll take care of it.

Every piece of this place hurts me...

He met Rosie six months ago at a campaign rally.

His campaign advisor gave up the tape, also his alibi.

Security cam caught Richmond making the crossing Saturday morning.

We got him, boss.

You're under arrest for the m*rder of Rosie Larsen.

You're making a big mistake.

Where is Mitch?

She left.

The photo worked, he's going down.

This is Highway Patrol, the cameras on that bridge have been out of service.


[ Breathing heavily ]

[ Breathing deeply ]

Woman on TV: The details are unclear, but information continues to pour in on this shocking story.

What we do know is that...

You ready?

[ Woman speaking indistinctly on TV ]

Look at me.

I'm sorry.

Sometimes things just don't wk out.

Are we staying for good this time?


You'll see all your friends, stay in the same school.

It'll be just like it used to be.

Is the real reason we're staying 'cause that guy's dead?

The one you arrested.

In breaking news tonight, a lone gunman opened fire outside the city jail while police were transporting Councilman Darren Richmond.

[ g*nsh*t, crowd screaming ] Eyewitnesses have described the sh**t as a while male, but other details remain unclear.

As information continues to pour in on this story, we will keep you informed.

[ Siren wailing ]

We're gonna try to take him.

Keep moving, keep moving!

What's happening?

What's happening?

Man: He's in cardiac arrest. Code blue.

Start compressions.

Come on, pick him up. Get him up, get him up.

Jamie: Somebody get the key!

Take off his cuffs!

Move, move!

Come on! Move!

All right, on 3. Up on 3. 1, 2, 3.

Stay with compressions.

Let's go. Move.

Put him inside. Get him inside.

I'm going with him!

[ Grunting ]

All right, we're clear!

Go, go, go!

[ Siren wailing ]

[ Car door closes ]


The photo...

It was faked.

I think...

I think that Rosie's k*ller is still out there.

You know what this means...

For the department...

You, me. My God.

What if Richmond's innocent?

You don't know that.

I'll talk to DA Niilson. She trusts me.

She knows I wouldn't go to her if I didn't have to.

What are you gonna say?

That a photo putting Richmond on the bridge the same night Rosie was k*lled was faked?

By a cop, no less?

If somebody wanted Richmond to take the fall that bad--

It doesn't mean he didn't do it!

I mean, really, what do you have?

A phone call in the middle of the night?

So, we let it go? Is that it?

I don't believe this!

I shouldn't have come here.

Look, sit! Just-- just sit.

You and I are the only ones who know about that photo.

Let me look into it. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong.

Holder couldn't have done this on his own.

Who assigned him to homicide?

I told you-- His former supervisor at county.

What's his name?

Gil Sloane.

He's been a narc for 20 years, Sheriff's Department.

Lou, sheriff's department oversees Bridges and tunnels--

The cameras on them.

So now this is a conspiracy?

The body in the campaign car and now the photo?

What if Richmond was set up from the very beginning?

What if Rosie was just part of something bigger?

It's just like the last time... when you got sick.


Holder lied to me.

All right.

Let Jack sleep.


You be careful.

[ Door opens ]

[ Door closes ]

You mind?

You got that Richmond photo real quick, yo.


Your connects in county paid off.

I'm impressed.

Guys like Richmond-- They never pay.

It's about time.

No doubt.

You did good.

You got a long career ahead...

And all the shiny things that come with it.

[ Cellphone rings ]



His moms, too?

[ Siren wails ]

Richmond's been shot.

[ Police radio chatter ]

Officer: We got Belko Royce's mother.

Reporter: The assailant has been identified as an employee of the Larsens.

Belko Royce allegedly shot Councilman Richmond as he was being transported from police headquarters only hours after allegedly gunning down...

[ Knock on door ] ...His own mother, Beverly Royce.

The Councilman was set to be transferred...

Stan, there's someone downstairs.

...from city holding to county jail.

The hospital has yet to issue a statement...

So, they got Belko up at police headquarters, and they'll be transporting him to county jail tomorrow night.

[ Sighs ]

Mr. Larsen, there's something about Rosie's case that you should know.

Maybe Mrs. Larsen should be here, too.

M-my wife's not feeling well.

Whatever you got to say, just say it.

Rosie met Richmond... on an online service.

An online service? What kind of service?

Beau Soleil. It's an escort service.


Sorry. I...

I wanted to let you know before the press does.

[ Breathing heavily ]

You got that wrong.

Look, I'll walk you downstairs.

We got him, Mr. Larsen.

We got him.

Dr. Madigan: He sustained a g*nsh*t wound to the abdomen, the b*llet pierced his stomach and the gastric artery.

Travers: We're gonna need to contact Mr. Richmond's next of kin.

He's got a sister in Boston, Elyse.

I put in a call.

How is he?

Well, if I can stop the internal bleeding, he may still bleed out from the incision.

I have to go.

What does that mean?

What does that mean?

That sister should be on a plane... now.

What the hell...

[ Keys clacking ]

Seattle PD.

Got a question about the cameras on Desolation Bridge.

Night October 5th.

[ Clacking continues ]

[ Man speaking indistinctly ]

Cameras on that bridge have been out of service since August.

I need to get printed confirmation.

She's here.

Wait here.

[ Indistinct conversation ]

Sorry for the inconvenience, but you were misinformed.

The cameras on Desolation Bridge are in operation.

He just said they were broken.

New guy, not familiar with the system.


I got a call from your offices earlier tonight, and that guy just said the same thing.

If you'd like me to call your lieutenant, Detective Linden, I'd be happy to.

I never gave you my name.

Why don't you take a seat?

I'll give him a call. Who were you talking to?

[ Police radio chatter ]

Jack. Jack. We got to go.

What? Shh.

Come on. Come on. Why?

Get your shoes on.

[ Telephone ringing ]

Watch your fingers, baby.

[ Engine turns over ]

There he is! There he is! Jamie! Jamie!

The Councilman is in surgery right now.

We don't know in what condition, so I certainly can't comment on--

Jamie, is Richmond withdrawing from the race?

We're talking about a man's life here, Dan.

I'm not speaking on the election.

Did he confess to murdering Rosie Larsen?

No. Because he didn't do it.

When is he gonna--

We're finished.

[ Indistinct shouting ]

You should be ashamed!

That's what I should have told the parasites.

[ Sighs ] Unbelievable.

What? What did they say?

No, nothing. No one's told me anything.

He had an alibi. He was with you.

How do the police think he did this?

Any word on Mr. Richmond's sister?

Not yet. She's on the East Coast.

How is he?

Is the Councilman a religious man?


In case he'd want a pastor, priest, or rabbi here--

For last rites.

Simply a cautionary measure.

Let me know if you hear from his sister.

Well, what the hell is going on?

We've been waiting all night. No one has told us anything.

I'm sorry. You're gonna have to wait for Dr. Madigan.

You got your talking points, Mr. Mayor?

Press are here, panties all in a twist.

Any word on Richmond?

Critical condition, still in surgery.

I didn't want to win this way.

Man on radio: The Richmond campaig has not released a statement regarding the Councilman's condition.

According to...

Are we going back to Regi's?

No, she's still in the San Juans.

Then where are we going?

The Councilman is said to be in critical condition at this time.

Are you hungry?

I just want chips.

Jack, you're eating too much junk.

You got to eat something real.

Hello? Chips are, like, potatoes.

[ Police radio chatter ]

Mom... Where are we going?

[ Church bells tolling ]

Emily? I really appreciate this.

Emily: Oh, don't mention it.

Nick is so excited Jack's joining us today.

You boys should go in.

Pastor Dan's leading Bible study this morning, and he doesn't like tardy teens.

He's welcome to spend the day.

[ Cellphone ringing ] Pick him up whenever you like.

Just no later than 8:00. It's a school night.

Thanks again. I'll call you later.


It's the best I could do. Sorry.

You'll be safe here.

Safe from what?

Have fun.

I'll pick you up in a few hours.

[ Siren wails ]

The DA's looking to fry your ass, Belko.

So if you got anything to say, now's the time to say it.

You hear?

Why you did it.

Hell, I would have, too.

A man can only take so much, right?

Bev never letting up.

And there comes Richmond...

k*lling that sweet little girl.

If that was me, whew.

I would have gone for the head shot.

Make a statement.


You ain't no k*ller, Belko.

Just trying to make it right.


The world.

Everything in it.

[ Sniffles ]

I feel you.

I do.

[ Sniffles ]

Hey, look ate.

Belko, look at me.

Look at me.

You're not the only one that knows you did right.

He's here?

He knows?

Yeah. Sure. He knows.

'Cause I-I got to tell him...

I got to tell him why, okay?

I got to tell Stan why.

Okay? Okay.

Okay. Yeah.

Okay. I got to tell him. Yeah.


[ Sniffles ]

Boys are ready.

I told them you were going down to the warehouse.

Good. I'll meet you at the diner after I go see Belko.

Don't be blaming yourself for that, Stan.

You couldn't have known.

[ Sighs ]

Denny's been asking about Mitch.

I told him that she was going to my mom's house, but I don't think that he believed me.

What are we gonna tell them, Stan?

Have you heard from her yet?

Maybe you should call her.

Well, did you at least leave a message?

Yeah, like a hundred of them.

[ Footsteps ]

Finally, you're ready.

I'm starving. Let's go.

Where's mom, dad?

Put your hat on, buddy. It's cold out there.

What are you boys gonna order? Let's go.

There they are!

[ Indistinct shouting ]

Miss, miss, did you know Belko Royce was going to sh**t roe's k*ller?!

Terry, get them inside!

Okay, go upstairs.

Go upstairs. Go upstairs. Go upstairs.

[ Indistinct shouting continues ]

Go home, take a nap. I'll stay.

No, no. You go. You should go.

You should have seen him last night.

He was on fire. They loved him.

Where were you?

Something I ate... My stomach...

I'm not sure.

Don't you have a cat to feed or something?

I thought you had a pet.

I had a goldfish once.

Too much commitment.


So I guess a girlfriend's out of the picture.

Yeah. Relationships are too much work.

Better to be a garden-variety asexual, you know?

[ Laughs softly ]

I should try that.

Was he faithful to her?

It all makes sense.

He loved her.

[ Police radio chatter ]

I'm looking for Lieutenant Gil Sloane.

He worked a narc job that intersects with a drug bust I'm on for the city.

Lieutenant Sloane retired two months ago.

You got a number I could catch him at?

You'll have to talk to my lieutenant.

He's out to lunch.

What's your name?

Detective Sally Hayes.

I'll come by later. When's he back?

Who knows?

Guy does what he pleases.

Don't they all?

[ Both chuckle, cellphone rings ]

Linden here.

Greg: I just talked to Jack.

He said you were taking him to California?

Greg, it doesn't matter. Change of plans.

You can't just move my son to another state without telling me.

I didn't realize you were so interested in your son's living arrangements, a son you haven't seen for 10 years.

Sarah, if something's going on with you, I want to help, okay? I'm his fa--

[ Cellphone closes ]

Man: Who's the speaker tonight?

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Hi, I'm Nadine.

I'm the greeter for this meeting.

Sally. Hi.

I'm looking for Gil. Is he coming to the meeting?

Might show up later.

Stick around. You're in the right place.

Hey, do you have his number?

I, uh... I lost it, and, uh, I'm in a really bad place right now.

Gil got me clean, and I really need to talk to him.

It's bad, you know?

Phone list is next to the coffee.


What'd you say your name was again?

Sally. Thanks for the help.

Man: Meeting's about to start, folks.

Have a seat.

Welcome to serenity in the steps, the Sunday morning meeting of narcotics anonymous.


Yeah. Name's Gil Sloane. I'll need his home address.

It should be listed.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Hey, Jack.

Jack: [ Laughing ] Mom.

I didn't realize Bible study was such a party.

Bible study sucked. Don't get mad, but, uh...

Where are you, Jack?

He said I should call you.

Who did?

Holder. I'm with him.

What's up, Linden? Where you at?

[ Cellphone closes ]

[ Siren wails ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Door opens ]

Hey, mom. Oh, snap.

What's up, Linden? Hey.

Busted. [ Laughs ]

You're like that monster in "Friday the 13th" --

Only way to k*ll you is to chop off your head.

[ Laughs ]

I was only kidding.

You know you're my BFF.

We got to go, Jack.

I'm not hanging out with those Jesus freaks.

You know anything about the man?

I mean, JC did all kinds of righteous shit.

Get your stuff. Come on.

I got to go to the bathroom.

I'll go with you.

God, mom, quit freakin'.

You want to wipe his boo-boo, too?

[ Siren wailing in distance ]

I called you about Richmond.

Yeah, I was busy getting us another flight.

We missed ours last night.

Yeah. You left a mess.

Looks like we both did.

What Belko did ain't on us.

That's one way of looking at it.

So... Why you back? For real?

Come on. Let's go.

Take care, okay?


Later, man. Bet you're gonna get that same psycho swardess you yelled at so you could get off that plane.

Yeah, and good luck cleaning up the mess.

I hope it was worth it.

[ Scoffs ]

Don't you ever do that again.


Ray: Was that Sarah? Is she back?

She's leavin'. What's up, Ray?

Blowup she requested a week ago-- Super-8 film.

Rosie riding her bike.

Sarah thought there might have been a guy's face in the mirror, but best I could do was a tattooed arm.

It was in the mirror on Rosie's bike.

Some kind of Japanese cartoon.


Not exactly the Councilman's style, right?

Thanks, Ray.


Terry: Landlord's kicking me out of my place today, babe.

Said you stiffed him on the rent.

You must have forgot, right? To pay the rent?

[ Crying ]

Why aren't you calling me back?

You know, this is driving me crazy.

It's making me nuts.

Please call me, okay?

Please. Just call me.

[ Stan clears throat ]

Hey, Terry.

[ Sniffles ]

Hey, sta boys want a snack or something?

That detective called--

Said Belko isn't doing so good.

I should go.

Yeah, I'll hold down the fort, you know.

I'll fight 'em off with my bare hands.

Most of the reporters are gone anyway.

You sure?

I'm cool. Go. Geez, get out of here already.

I'm good.

You know, I'm gonna need some help around here, what with Mitch... You know.

Of course, Stan. Whatever you need. You know that.

If you could swing it, maybe you could stay here a while.

I mean, till she gets back if-- if you don't mind.

I don't mind.


Dr. Madigan to OR 7.

That's his surgeon.

Why's he going to the OR when he was there already?

Maybe he had to go find his Maserati keys in some patient's small bowel.

He wasn't with me... the night the Larsen girl died.

He left.

When he came back, he was soaking wet.

He said he got caught in the rain, but it didn't rain that night.


Where was he?

That doesn't mean anything.

I told the police.

[ Shower running ]

[ Shower stops ]

[ Siren wails ]

I need to go out for a while, Jack.


You can spend the night with Nick?

Nick's a d*ck.

[ Cellphone rings ]


I can't talk to you right now.

I don't care if he called you.

He's fine, we're fine, and that's all you need to know.

I got to go.

I know these last two weeks have been hard on you, and I'm really sorry.

But everything's going back to normal, how used to be.

Maybe I should hang out with my dad till everything goes back to normal.

Don't take out all your clothes.

We won't be in this place very long.

Why can't I stay with him?

Because you're my son, and you belong with me.

This is our home, not there or anywhere else-- Here.

For 11 years, we made this life together, and I won't give that up.

I won't give you up, Jack. You're my son.

Are you hungry?

You look hungry.

[ Coins jingling ]

[ Machine beeping ]

[ Machine whirs ]

Hey, do you think I can get something else?

[ Coins jingling ]

Do I have to go to school tomorrow?


I love you.

Me too, mom.

Adding to the collection?

Do I look like some lame-ass comic fanboy to you?

The Larsen case.

This is the guy she was riding bikes with.

Ain't that sweet? Let's go.

Blue plate special at Denny's runs out in 20, so come on.

Hey, Linden's back.

She lied about why.

Why would she do that?

The gal with the control issues?

Got no idea.

Heads up.

Oakes gave me the honors.

You earned it.

Big leagues, bro.

You a city homicide po-lice--

Detective first class.

Guess I am.

Guys are down at the pit, waiting for your skinny white ass. VĂ¡monos.

I knew you'd come for me, Stan.

I knew you would.

I'm gonna take care of you, buddy...

Make sure you get what you need.

When can I come home?

I-I don't know. Soon.

I did it, Stan.

I got him good, right?

Got him good.

Like when we did that teacher, remember?

Remember how we did that teacher?

Look at me, Stan.

[ Breathing heavily ]

Why are you looking at me like that, Stan?

I'm not looking at you.

Yeah, you are.

Why are you looking at me like that?

Quit looking at me like that, Stan.

Quit looking at me li that.

Quit-- quit looking at me like that.

I did it for you, Stan.

I did it for you. I did it for Rosie.

Quit looking at me like that.

Quit looking at me like that.

Quit looking at me like that!

Quit looking at me like that!

It's not fair!

[ Breathing heavily ]

[ Telephone ringing ]


Woman: Is this Gil Sloane?

Yeah, speaking.

This is Jill Jennison for "Seattle Daily Record."

Congrats on the arrest.

What arrest?

Darren Richmond.

My sources say you provided a photo, put him in the same car as Rosie Larsen's body.

We can talk off the record if you'd prefer.

[ Cellphone ringing ]


Jill: So I told him what you said. He hung up on me.

So, what's the big secret?

You get an exclusive one day.

And you owe me your firstborn.

Yeah, if only. Thank you, Jill.


Terry: Okay, chow time, let's eat.

[ Door closes ]

Stan: Go wash your hands, Tommy.

Did you hear what I said?

I already washed my hands.

Okeydokey. Looks like somebody's hungry here.

It smells like cabbage.

Hey, be grateful your aunt Terry's cooking and not me.

Get your elbows off the table.

Where's mom?

She's at your grandma's.

Aunt Terry's gonna stay here a couple days while your ma gets some rest.

Denny, you like golumpki, don't you?

When's she coming home?

Hey, enough talking already. Sit down and eat.


[ Television playing indistinctly ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Engine turns over ]

[ Engine turns over ]

[ Beep ]

[ Woman speaking indistinctly on PA system ]

[ Footsteps ]

He's lost a lot of blood and his condition is critical, but he survived the surgery.

[ Sighing ] Oh, thank God.

A b*llet pierced his small bowel and transected his spinal cord.

He's lost all nerve function below the lower thoracic level.

What does that mean?

He's paralyzed from the waist down.

Now, he's heavily sedated at the moment, so I don't expect he'll be awake for another few hours.

But it'd be nice when he wakes up that there's some family there for him.

Jamie. Get out.

[ Crying ]

Get out.

Right through here.

Hey, sir, captain wants to see you.

Right now!

[ police radio chatter ]

Ray: Hey. You working the 11:00-to-6:00 shift?

What do you want, Ray?

Me and the guys are ordering Chinese. You in?

That's all you guys eat is that Fu Manchu pupu platter MSG crap.

And your "double cheeseburgers, hold the meat" is organic?

At least it's got some vegetables in it.

[ Laughs ]

Ha ha ha. What?

It's got lettuce, tomatoes, pickles--

Pickles are not vegetables.

Pickles are vegetables.

What the hell you talking about--

Aah! g*n!

[ g*nsh*t ]

Officer: He got my g*n! Don't sh**t!

Don't sh**t!

Belko! Put the g*n down!

I want to go home!

Don't sh**t! Put the g*n down!

[ Indistinct yelling ]

Put the g*n down, Belko!

I want to go home!

Put the g*n down, Belko.

You said I could ko home.

You're gonna go home. You're gonna go home.

You lied!

Put the g*n down, Belko! Put the--

Belko! No, no, no, no, no!

[ g*nsh*t ]

[ Monitor beeping ]

[ Shower running ]

There is no room for vigilantism in our justice system.

However, I believe that our sympathies should go out to the Larsen family for losing a daughter--

[ TV clicks off ]

[ Siren wailing ]

[ Vehicle approaches ]

Sloane: Abani.

You want to tell me why a report from the "Daily Record" has my name and number?

Relax. Relax?!


Listen, are you playing me, man?

I swear to God, if you are, I'll take you both out.

Just relax. Calm down, okay?

Just get her off my back!

[ Camera shutter clicking ]

[ Music box playing softly ]

[ Snoring softly ]

[ Snorts ]

[ Music box continues playing ]

[ Music stops ]

What are you doing, bud?

Someone was outside.


I heard a noise by the front door.

I was scared.

Hey, you know...

It's probably that cat from next door getting in our garbage again.

Why don't you get back to bed?

I'll go down and take a look, okay?

Get out of here.

[ Light pat ]
[ Lock clicks, doorknob turns ]

What's Rosie's backpack doing here?

[ Bat clatters ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

Go upstairs, buddy.

Go, go, go, come on. Go, go, go, go.

[ Knock on door ]

What do you want?

We need to talk.

Gwen, please.

[ Sighs ]

Are you kidding me?

Do you know where he is right now, Detective?

He's lying in the hospital paralyzed.

You're telling me your evidence doesn't add up?

I just need us to go over everything that you remember from that night.


I spent the last 12 hours sitting in a hospital waiting room praying that he would survive, covered in his blood.

Now you're telling me you don't have a case anymore?

If he wasn't with you that night, then where was he?

Holder: Is that Rosie's camera, Mr. Larsen?

[ Sighs ] No.

I-I don't know.

Maybe it's from the school?

That's her backpack.

[ Bag rustling ]

What about the rest of it?

Yeah. It's Rosie's stuff.

[ Bag rustling ]

He's still out there, isn't he?

You got the wrong guy.

We got the right guy.

That's what you said about the teacher.

Hey, they're pressing charges today.

Then what is my daughter's stuff doing here?!

In front of my house!

That-- That's blood, isn't it?

[ Bag rustles ]

I understand you're upset, Mr. Larsen.

I'm just gonna get all this tested and get you some answers.

What am I supposed to do in the meantime?

I got two little boys upstairs.

Whoever did this knows where we live.

Am I just supposed to wait until he comes back?

Shh. Stan.

Are you gonna give us protection?!

Mr. Larsen--

Hey, guys!

Go brush your teeth.

And then I'll go take you to get doughnuts before school, okay?

I-I don't want them going to school--

Not till I know what the hell is going on.

Don't come down, boys. I'll be right there.

[ Footsteps descending steps ]

All right, let me see what I can do about... Sending a car over and keep an eye on you. Thank you.

And I'll give you a call as soon as we get some answers. Hey, wait, wait, wait.

What about Belko?

Yeah, you guys messed him up pretty good.

I saw that black eye yesterday.

Did he get a doctor yet?

I-I'd never been to that b&b with him in Tacoma before.

I wasn't even supposed to go.

I had a dinner that night. It was canceled.

I thought I would join.

And sometime after midnight, he got up and left?


Did he say anything to you?

No. I was half asleep.

When he got back, he was soaking wet.


Did you ask him where he'd been?


He didn't tell me.

He just stood there in the middle of the room in his soaking-wet clothes, dripping on the rug.

And then he took off those clothes, and we...

Somehow he was different.

Different how?

More present.

Less preoccupied.

For once I felt like I wasn't... competing with anyone else.

Or maybe I was just imagining that.

What time was it when he got back, Gwen?

I don't know.


Was it still dark outside?

[ Sighs ]

I remember thinking it was morning.

Why? Because of the light?

No, because he smelled the way he smells after he's been kayaking in the morning.

He smelled like sweat?

More briny.

Like the ocean.


When I kissed him, I could taste the salt on his neck.

What did he do with his clothes from that night?

I don't know.

Took them to the dry cleaner. I don't know.

Do you have a key to his apartment?

Holder: Hey, Lieutenant.

Yeah. It's her backpack.

Well, where'd it come from?

I don't know. That's a good question.

Larsen's kind of spooked.

He thinks the k*ller's still out there.

Yeah, well, parents, they got theories, never gonna be satisfied.

Yeah, see, I-I-I told him we'd send a car by every now and then and check up on him.

Where's the bag?

I'm-- I'm taking it in in a few.

Well, do it now.

And, uh, take it to Stu.


[ Stammers, scoffs lightly ]

D-doesn't Linden always use Gary?

It's not Linden's case anymore. Just take it to Stu.

What was that about?

Larsen case.

[ Scoffs ]

All of a sudden, Oakes interested in who I give the evidence to?

I need caffeine. You buying?

I got a choice?

[ Air hissing, monitor beeping ]

[ Coughs ]

[ Gagging ]

No, no, no. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

No, no, no, Darren. Hey!

Hey, nurse? Nurse, he's-- he's pulling out his--

He's trying to pull out his breathing thing.

Pulse-ox is okay.

Let's put him on 8 liters of oxygen.

Mr. Richmond, can you hear me?

[ Weakly ] Yeah.


We got him.

Hey. Doc.

Dr. Madigan?


So, h-he's awake?

Yep. Breathing on his own. That's a good sign.


So, when are you gonna tell him?

Tell him what?

That he can't w-walk.

How are you gonna tell him?

Patients usually notice pretty quickly.

But you are the one that actually tells him, right?

Yes. Of course.

You should be there, too.

You are a close family member.

It's not an easy thing to process.

He's gonna need as much support as he can get.


[ Beep ]

Hey. Elyse, it's, uh, Jamie Wright.


I left you two messages yesterday about ur brother.

Look, the surgeon said--

He's gonna have a lot to deal with, Elyse.

So, just please call me.

Or... just call me.

[ Beep ]

[ Indistinct talking ]

[ Light knock on door ]

Looking for Stu.


That the Larsen backpack?

Yeah, I need, uh, prints, blood types.

You know the drill.

Okay, I'll let you know.

[ Breathing heavily ]

[ Banging ]


What's going on?

[ Panting ]


Last night, he...

[ Breathing heavily ]

Belko k*lled himself.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

[ Stammers ]

I don't even un--

How did--

This is so messed up, the cops--

The cops don't know what the hell they're doing.

Stop! You know what?

You can't even go there right now, Stan.

You're out on bail.

You're facing prison time as it is.

You're all the boys have right now.

And you need to watch out for them.

[ Breathing heavily ]

What do I tell them about Belko?


[ Scoffs ]

But what about Mitch?

We've got to tell them something, Stan.

She's their mom.

[ Locker rattles ]


[ Breathing deeply ]

Less we talk about this, the better.


What the hell am I supposed to do?

[ Moans ]

Nothing is supposed to be like this.

[ Breathing heavily ]

No matter what they tell you, you just say you don't know what the condition is.

Okay. Got it. All right?

Jamie: Hi.

[ Air hissing, monitor beeping ]

How long's he have to have that?

Rest of his life...


[ Weakly ] Have what?



You're awake.

[ Breathes shallowly ]

Are we up...

Or down?

[ Chuckles ]

Darren, do you know where you are?

In a hospital?


Yeah, Darren, you had surgery.

You just-- You just need to rest.

Where's Gwen?

She was here last night.

She... had to go home.

Why don't you get some sleep?



My leg.

How's your pain?


Here's some good news.

There's, um...

There's a, um... This guy.

Here, you just, um, you push it, and it will give you morphine.
[ Chuckles ]

How cool is that?


I'm gonna go get the doctor.

I'll be--
I'll be right back.

Hey. He's awake.

Call the doctor.

Dr. Madigan's in surgery.

He'll be by later this afternoon.

But can't you call him or something?

Let him know?

He's asking questions.

Please, the doctor needs to talk to him right now.

I'll try to get a message to him, but I can't promise.

[ Sighs ]

[ Elevator bell dings ]

This here's a saltwater inlet.

Everything else around here is freshwater.

How far is that inlet from here?

About half a mile.

Are there kayak rentals down there?

No. Just a few houses.

Locals working the traps.

Thank you.

[ Paper rustles ]

Do you... honestly believe he did it?

k*lled that girl?

I don't know.

They came here a lot.

Boy, he was head over heels for her.

The woman he was here with two weeks ago?

No. No, no, no.

His wife.


[ Indistinct talking ]

[ Talking continues ]

[ Talking continues ]

Yeah, I been crabbing here the best part of 25 years.

Every day?

Well, that depends.

Nights sometimes.

See, some folks say the best time to go crabbing is during a full moon.

Some say low tide.

Daytime, night-time.

Me, I just say throw the damn ring in and see what comes up.

I bet you've seen a lot.

No, I'm not coming down there to fill out a report!

Don't you people keep records?

[ Sighs ]

Detective Holder said he would send someone.

You like grilled cheese with tomatoes or ham?

This is the second time you've put me on hold.

Uh... No, wait a minute!


Just plain.

Well, I have this very special fancy pan, if I can find it.

It makes the best grilled-cheese sandwiches ever.

What is all this stuff?

Just crap from my apartment.


Denny, what are you looking at?

We should get a dog.

Tommy: We can't get a dog. Mom's allergic.

Stan: Detective Holder was here.

He saw what was on the doorstep.

I really need to speak with Detective Holder.

If you could try and reach him one more time...

Whoa, there, partner. That's fragile.

I would-- Yeah, I'll hold. It's just a glass.

This-- The most expensive crystal that you can buy.

There's some people that have entire sets of these.

How much does it cost?

A lot.

Mine was a gift.

[ Stammers ]

Denny: We need a dog, dad.

Dogs can protect you.

[ Knock on door ]


Hear back from the lab on that backpack?

Yeah, uh, some latents, mostly Rosie's.

A few partials, no hits.

Speedy G, that Stu, huh?

Well, you'd be surprised what can get done when you have friends around here.

So, the victim's backpack turns up out of nowhere, and it's no big deal, huh?

I'm just saying we might want to look into it.

Is that right?

Well, when you're lieutenant, feel free to allocate your resources any way you like.

But you're not. I am.

And you're on the Bagby case with Dillman.


All right.

[ Papers thud lightly ]

[ Exhales sharply ]

I need DA Niilson.

When's she back?

No, no message. I've got her cell.

[ Sniffles ]

Christina, it's Linden.

I need to talk to you about Darren Richmond.

I've got something you're gonna want to hear.

Call me right away.

[ Cellphone closes ]

[ Cellphone vibrates ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Exhales sharply ]

I was sorry to hear about Richmond.

It's a nightmare.

You know, no matter what happens with this race, you put up a good fight.

I respect that.

Hey, hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Get off! Get off me!

Screw you, you little bitch!

You and that child k*ller deserve each other!

Move it outside. Move it!

Hold it.

I'm here with the permission of Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Christina Niilson.

If you have a problem with that, call her.

[ Monitor beeping ]

Mr. Richmond.

Get out.

I know where you were October 5th--

The night Rosie Larsen was k*lled.

[ Inhales deeply ]


Told you I left that night.

Why didn't you tell me?

Help me to understand.

Why should I?

[ Sighs ]

[ Beeping continues ]

When I first met you, you were wearing a wedding band.

A lot of men don't.

But you did.

Five years after your wife's death.

You must have loved her very much.

October 5th.

You were standing on the bridge in Tacoma because it was your anniversary.

You had proposed to lily there.

The innkeeper remembers ordering champagne.

And maybe... standing on that bridge... again that night, it all came back to you... what it had been...

What you had...

What you lost.

You have no idea... how I felt.

The fisherman... saw you in the water.

Says that you fought him at first.

But I think you wanted to live.

And that's why you were soaking wet I let her go.

I stuck around for the applause.

And she died on the side of the road, alone, two minutes from our home.

I failed her.

[ Gulps ]

I'm sorry for what happened to you.

I wish that I had known the truth.

Do you have any idea... what a su1c1de attempt does to a political campaign?

If one word of this goes public because of you, I will have my lawyers on your ass so fast, you won't know what hit you.

Now get out.


Next time you use my name to talk to a suspect, I need to know.

Richmond didn't do it.

I have a witness who was with him the night of the k*lling.

He was in Tacoma like he said.

What about the tollbooth photo?

The cameras weren't working on the bridge that night.

The photo was faked.

[ Exhales sharply ]

That's why I thought it might be best for us to talk in private.

[ Scoffs ] If I had known you were coming as deep throat, I would have worn my trench coat.

Damn it, Linden.

You just opened up a Pandora's box of shit.

You do realize this?

You have to drop charges and reopen the Rosie Larsen case.

[ Scoffs ] No problem.

Good thing I'm not running for re-election.

The k*ller's still out there, Chris.

[ Car door closes ]

I can't just take your word.

Not on this one. No way.

No, no. Talk to my witness.

Corroborate Richmond's alibi yourself.

But I need you to keep him under wraps a couple of days.

[ Sighs ] The photo, too.

That's gonna really help my already-challenged relations with the chief.

Look, I wouldn't ask you if I didn't have to.

The photo could be linked directly to Rosie Larsen's m*rder.

You got a few days.

Hey, I'm going out on a limb for you.

Don't I even get a thanks?

[ Chuckles softly ]

[ Door opens ]

Nice. Right in the middle of the city hall gym.

We just about got this thing nailed, and now you and your little impulse-control--

The little worm coldcocked me.

I defended myself.

This is just the kind of press we don't need right now, you obsequious piece of shit!

I should fire your ass.

Yeah, well, you could...

But I wouldn't recommend it.

Put some ice on that thing.

Hello. This is Jayne Daly calling from Channel 3 News.

We need someone to comment on Councilman Richmond's condition.

Please call me as soon as possible here at the station.

I can be reached at 206-555-010--

Denny: I'll take the sword. You take the scissors.

Tommy: That's dumb.

That stupid sword's not gonna keep the bad guy out.

Shut up!
You shut up.

Dad's gonna be home soon, and I'm gonna tell him that you said he can't protect us.

The k*ller was right outside our house.

He can't.

Shut up.

It's true, and you know it.

No! It's mine!

Just give me the sword. No! It's mine!

No, it's not. Yeah, it is! I made it!

Can I help you, sir?

Yeah, you can help me. My name's Stan Larsen.

Detective Holder promised to send a car by to watch my house, so where is it?

I don't know, sir.

If you want to talk to a detective, have a seat.

Hey. Hey, Holder!

Holder, I'm talking to you!

Call you back.

Mr. Larsen, I got to go.

You said you'd send a car by.

My kids are terrified.

What-- what the hell are you people doing about it?

We're working on it.

We're a little bit shorthanded right now.

If you see anything suspicious, give us a call.

The man who k*lled my daughter came to my house!

He put her bag-- Her bag with her blood on it-- On my doorstep, and you want me to call if I see anything suspicious?!

Mr. Larsen, I'm sorry.

[ Scoffs ]

You son of a bitch.

[ Holder exhales sharply ]

So, what's the emergency you couldn't tell me over the phone?

[ Sighs ]

I-it's the Larsen case.

The bag that dropped.

Remember Oakes was riding me on that?

So I swapped the bags, and I gave him my bag.


And then he lied about the test results.

[ Sighs ]

Why would he do that...

Unless we got the wrong guy?

We didn't get the wrong guy.

Richmond is the doer. He was on that bridge.

It's over. Move on.

Oh, uh...

We got to tell IA about Oakes.

No, we don't.

In fact, what you should do, Holder, is shut the hell up.


You think you got this job because you're a good cop?

No, son.

It's 'cause you're dirty.

And everybody knows it.


Low-life tweaker.

You think anybody's gonna believe you?

Why do you think you still have a paycheck every week?

Because of me.

Don't you ever forget that.

The photo.

You gave it to me.

That's right.

Then you took it.

You knew you were taking a shortcut, but you didn't care, 'cause you wanted the badge more.

That photo was requisitioned with your partner's badge number, in case you forgot.

So if you start getting a hair up your ass, just remember it's on her...

Not me.

Get the hell out of my car.

[ Engine turns over ]

[ Vehicle departs ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Man: In a surprising turn of events, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Christina Niilson announced today that Councilman Darren Richmond will not be charged in the m*rder of Seattle teen Rosie Larsen.

There was no comment from police or response from Richmond, who is recovering from a near-fatal g*nsh*t wound.

[ Knock on door ]

Who are you? Where's Oakes?

I'm his replacement-- Lieutenant Carlson.

Oakes took an early retirement and a slap on the wrist for overseeing your sloppy police work, Detective Linden.

Except that we both know that Richmond wasn't arrested because of sloppy police work.


Now I have work to do, Detective if you don't mind.

I know about the photo.

The photo?

Yeah. That the photo was a fake?

Seattle times would love to have that on the front page.

[ Sighs, chuckles ]

Why are you still here, Detective Linden?

I thought you retired.


But I want back on the case.

I'm not going out like this. I'm gonna solve this m*rder.

While I appreciate your commitment, I haven't been so impressed with your ability so far.

However, DA Niilson strongly encouraged me to give you another chance.

So, you're in luck.

One more thing.

I work my case alone.

I don't need a partner on this.

You're in no position to make any demands.

Holder's on with you until I say otherwise.

I think you're gonna find things will be quite different around here from now on.

[ Exhales sharply ]

Darren, I...

Dr. Madigan already told me.

[ Exhales sharply ]

Damnedest thing.


They dropped the charges against you about an hour ago.

My lucky day.

Your dad's gonna love these.

[ Oven door closes ]

Damn. I left my cigs in the car.

I'll get 'em. No, I'll get 'em.

Man: Hey.

You're Tommy, right?

[ Tires screech ]

Whoa, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey!

Eugene Braxton, Seattle times!

[ Breathing heavily ]

You get the hell off my property, you blood-sucking son of a bitch!

Okay, all right! Just back off!

Just trying to do my job.

You leave us the hell alone!

Oh, hey, Mr. Larsen.

How does it feel that the police dropped the charges against Richmond?

Guess all bets are off, huh?

Look, you think about it.

You want to talk, give me a call.

Your kid's got my card.

[ Car door closes ]

[ Engine turns over ]

Get upstairs.

[ Sighs ]

I thought we weren't gonna be staying here long.

We're not, but we can't leave our stuff in the car.

It'll get stolen.

Could you put those on the bed?

Sarah: How was school?



Just give it time. It'll work out.

[ Pounding on door ]

Holder: Linden.

Open the door, Linden. I-I know you're in there.

I need to talk to you.

[ Pounding continues ]

Linden, open the door! I know-- I know you're in there!

I-I saw your car parked out--

[ Pounding continues ]

Linden, open the door!

Linden, I [Sighs]

Open the door, Linden! I-I got-- I got to talk to you.

[ Stammers ]

I-I can explain...

Linden, just open this-- Open the door, Linden!

Man: Earlier today, Assistant DA Christina Niilson issued this statement.

He's no longer a suspect in the case of the m*rder of Rosie Larsen.

The charges have been dropped, but we're still investigating the case.

And that's all I can say for now.

So, any questions?

[ Badge thuds ]


[ Bell jingles ]

Rosie's k*ller... came to my house.

He's still out there.

Janek, I want you to find him... and k*ll him.