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01x09 - Undertow

Posted: 05/25/11 16:59
by bunniefuu
Previously on AMC's The k*lling...

You want dirt on Adams?

The mayor was paying for an apartment housing his alleged mistress...

Is it true you're pregnant with the mayor's child?

Leave me alone!

I need to know if this was Rosie's.

Where did you find that?

I thought it may make sense for you to stay home a few days.

This girl is just as important to us.

She's missing as well.

Why won't you let them talk to Muhammed?

You think I'm guilty too?

The passports will be arriving tomorrow.

Call me when they do, then this will be over.

"Muhammed, the police ... They don't know anything."

"But someone told the police about the room.

"They know about the girl.

What do we do, Bennet?"

This is the other guy now.

"They won't be able to find you.

We just need to stay calm, okay?"

Yeah. The other guy agrees.

The passports will be arriving tomorrow.

Call me when they do, then this will all be over.

Is that everything? Yes.

Call me if you need anything else.

Thank you very much.

Hook, line, and sinker.

No way LT's gonna call that circumstantial.

Do we have the number of the incoming call?

Phone company needs a 24-hour turnaround to get it.

But that don't matter, Linden.

We know that's Bennet on the wire.

All we got to do now is cross our I's and dot our T's.

This is detective Linden.

Send two units to 827 Hudson street.

Tell them to keep eyes on Bennet Ahmed until I get there.

Type up the warrant and have your judge friend sign it.

We'll pick up Bennet right after.

All right. I'm on it.

Call me as soon as it's done? Where you going?

To make sure we dot the I's and cross the T's.



It's Mitch Larsen.

What can I do for you, Mrs. Larsen?

I want to apologize for the other day.

I shouldn't have taken that out on ... On you.

It's not necessary.

Have you arrested him yet?

I need to know.

It'll be over tonight.

Thank you.

I'll be in touch, Mrs. Larsen.

I don't want to fight.

It's over.

They're arresting the teacher.

Thank you all for coming.

Completely false allegations have surfaced this evening that I normally wouldn't even dignify with a response.

But I believe these lies are part of a smear campaign coming from councilman Richmond's camp, making it necessary for me and my family to share some personal information.

My wife, Cindy, and I have been blessed with three wonderful children.

But in 2006, for medical reasons, I underwent a procedure that guaranteed I'd never father again.

Not only have I never had sexual relations with that young woman, it's impossible that I am the father of her child.

Did I ever tell you how smart I thought you were before you made this phone call?

That's if I was running for mayor.

The fact of the matter is, I'm not.

You don't really believe this guy?

Come on, Mike. You know us better than that.

Yeah, well, Adams is lying.

Our campaign had nothing to do with this story.

A desperate act by a desperate man.

Son of a bitch.

Thank you.

I thought our fingerprints wouldn't be on this.

We're releasing a statement tonight, highlighting our solid history of running a clean campaign.

Which we clearly did not. Now it's my word against his.

Well, I tried to tell you this would backfire.

You shouldn't have listened to him.

What is she doing here?

Yeah, well, the fact of the matter is, we didn't know...

To what do I owe the pleasure this time, detective?

I need dates for all of Bennet Ahmed's appearances at the all stars program.

You have our records ... All of them.

Actually, we don't.

I know Bennet had access to the campaign cars, regardless of how incomplete those records are.

I have done everything in my power to aid your investigation from the beginning.

And I am sick to death of your implication that my campaign had anything to do with that girl's m*rder.

I need those records.

Did he do it?

Have your staff send the files tonight.

His mudslinging tactics are what give politics and politicians a bad name.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to be with my family.

Thank you, mayor.

She'll see you home.

You handled that perfectly, mayor.

With enough conviction, the truth is whatever you say it is.

Give that girl double what I'm paying her now.

And call Dr. Armstrong ... Tell him to backdate and sign whatever medical records I'll need.

This story ends now.

And I want a sit-down first thing tomorrow morning with the ... The machinists rep, whatever his name is. Mm-hmm.

Richmond's sinking, and the rats are gonna start jumping ship.

No, they already have.

Word is Drexler pulled his financial backing.

A shame. I was looking forward to screwing them both.

I should hold you in contempt for coming here.

Make it quick.

I need an emergency wiretap on a m*rder suspect we've been tracking.

This guy's a flight risk.

We just don't have time to cut through all the red tape.

He might be high-tailing it as we speak.

It's kind of like when I bugged that crank dealer, Jimmy slick, a few years back.

Oh, I remember that. Bastard had more snow than Mount Rainier.

It's the same thing.

Just needs your John hancock, rusty.

Ah, get me a pen, son.

My partner and I will take the suspect into custody.

We anticipate that he'll come quietly, but in case he runs, we need two of you to cover the alley in the back, and you two watch the front. Okay.

Also, the suspect's wife is pregnant, so radio Seattle general and have an ambulance on call.

Thanks. All right.

Patriot act?

W-we'll have it over to the ADA's office first thing in the morning.

I mean, he won't have any problem getting on board.

Oh, yes, he will.

Didn't do your homework on this one, Stephen.

Patriot act's for t*rrorists, not some cure-all for sloppy police work.

Too many times I've seen it used for booting out w*tbacks and peeking into panty drawers.

Well, not in my court, son.

T-the feds are watching him right now.

Well, then I'm sure you both can cooperate.

No. Rusty. Rusty.

If you don't sign this...

Rosie Larsen's k*ller's gonna walk.

Wait for my signal. You got it.

Holder, you got it signed?

The warrant's dead in the water.

He wouldn't do it.

My bad, Linden. I'm sorry.

The passports will be arriving tomorrow.

Call me when they do, then this will all be over.

You know, I wish I could play for you the phone call I got from ADA Bernstein this morning, asking me why one of my detectives is going directly to a judge to obtain an illegal wiretap! Sir ...

I don't give a rat's ass how you did things at county!

Now, you obviously don't like being a city homicide detective, do you?

It was my idea. I told him to set up the tap.

You were supposed to keep him from screwing up, not show him how!

We don't need the tap as evidence.

We get the phone company to unblock Muhammed's number, track its location ... We get Muhammed, we get Bennet.

With that little stunt last night, a public defender could get that thrown out.

So, is that it, then?

Look, I asked you to stay here solve this case, not ruin my career.

I didn't realize that's what I'd been doing all these years.

And he said he'd file a suit if they continue to harass us.

You want to get Chinese food tonight?

Sounds great, baby.

There's a new place over on weller.

Supposed to be good.

Who is it?

I don't know. Here.


Yeah. Uh, g-give me a sec.

It's unfortunate that councilman Richmond has chosen to viciously attack my integrity.

Oh, you lying p...

Your family has no integrity!

Mayor Adams' campaign remains hush on the issue.

Meanwhile, the alleged mistress, miss janelle Stevens, has refused to comment on the situation.

Oh. She obviously didn't refuse the check.

They're gonna try to bury this.

That's why I put Penato on retainer last night.

Your PI Is not gonna get him to renege his statement.

That doesn't mean Adams' personal physician won't.

Maybe he has a malpractice suit in the past.

Hell, maybe we make one up.

There's a lot of ways to get the story out.

And how is this affecting his numbers?

Well, his base isn't wavering. But we're under fire.

The machinists are getting cold feet.

The mayor is gonna try to leverage his waterfront and dangle new jobs in front of them.

The somalis are terrified of leaving their own homes.

Dozens of storefronts have been vandalized.

Even the green lake mosque was defaced.


Yesterday. We can deal with that later, Darren.

You should've told me.

I'm sorry. We have other things going on.

I made a big mistake listening to you, so I deserve this, but they don't.

The mudslinging's finished. Am I clear?


Your call, Darren.



I got to run. I got an early shift.

But there's some pasta in the fridge, and you can nuke it for dinner tonight.

Uh, I found these textbooks in my car.

Rosie must've accidentally forgot them.

I was gonna drop them off at the school on my way to work.

Is that okay?

No, I'll ... I'll take them.

Thanks, Ter.


Seattle police department.

Seattle police department.

Detective Sarah Linden, please.

Hold, please.

Eh, professional roofer's too expensive.

I'm gonna see what I can do.

You know, the bank appraiser is taking a look at the house next week.

Hoping I don't have to drop the price too much.

I fixed a couple leaks in my ma's attic. Yeah?

Yeah, maybe I can help you out.

Grab some beers, see what we can do?


You know...

Maybe you should keep the house.

Business will turn around, you know?

Boys would really like that backyard.

Yeah, they would.

Can I have my bike?

Well, of course you can, sweetie.

Belko, give me the bike.


Oh. Wait a second. Wait.

Got to fix it first. Why?

Well, I got to put the chain back on.

What for?

Well, look here, see.

The chain is what makes the wheel turn when you pedal.

And if it's not on, well...

You'd just be pedaling and pedaling and not going anywhere!

You got to do it this way first, see?

It's a sneaky little chain.

See? Look at that. All right.

There you go. Got it?

Oh. Let's put this on, too.


Lift your chin for me.

There we go. Okay. Now you're safe.

You ready? Yep.

There you go.

Be careful!

I will! Thank you!

Least you got Sonoma.

I mean, by the weekend, I'm gonna be working as a security guard at the space needle.

Could always get a job teaching algebra.

So, if ... If Oakes has his head 3 1/2 feet up his ass and judge Elliot has his head 18 inches up his ass, how many total feet of ass do you get?

It's like 5 feet, I think.

Rosie's handwriting.

"Adela." What's that?

Maybe a friend of hers?

Does that name ring any bells?


"Friday 11:45."

Could be a meet-up after the dance.

Yeah, but who the hell is Adela?

I don't think that I should be here.

We know that you love your husband, Mrs. Ahmed.

Helping us will help him.

Will it?


Muhammed's number.

They were on the phone last night.

I th...

I think that they did something.

You're doing the right thing ...

For you and for your daughter.

Hey, Carl, uh, can I borrow your projector 7th period if you're not using it?




He's back.

Mr. Ahmed.

Mrs. meyers, good to see you.

What are you doing here?

I thought we agreed it was best for everyone if you took some time off.

Uh, I-I didn't agree to anything.

You can't be here. You have to leave.

If you think I've done something wrong, then fire me.

Otherwise, I have a class to teach.

Excuse me.

Over the past few days, um, a lot of false rumors have been circulating about me.

If you want to ask me any questions, please feel free to do so now.

If there are no questions, then open your books to page 322.

k*ller Imam, I came as soon as I heard.

I am so sorry. This is terrible.

I, too, am sorry, councilman.

Tell me what can I do.

Can you change the way people think?

Many children are here today because their parents are afraid to send them to school.

I understand your frustration.

Do you?

Imam, I have stood by this community.

I will stand by this community whether I'm elected mayor or not.

You know me. I'm asking you to trust me.

Tabid ... He owns a store on 23rd.

While the FBI took him away to ask questions, bricks were thrown through the window, the store was looted.

The police never came.

How can I ask them to trust you?

Or your government?

It's not just my government.

It's our government.

And we will rebuild this community, I promise you.

I want to believe you, councilman.

But mayor Adams made the same promise years ago.

And you both play the same games.

Guy at the phone company says the phone is registered to Muhammed Hamid.

DMV photo is from '06. It's the only pic on file.

The phone's GPS pinpoints him at the intersection of union and 5th.

That's the downtown market.

Yeah, dude says the phone hasn't moved in like three hours, and he's gonna buzz me if anything changes.

Maybe Muhammed works there.

You promised me.

You said it was over.

It will be soon. We just need a little more time.

He's at the school like nothing ever happened.



I got nothing from these "deadliest catch" fools.

I ain't clocked anybody as our perp, either.

I got to be honest, Linden ...

I suck at this racial profiling.

TSA job ain't happening.

Keep looking.

The class that everyone was talking about the other day ...

You know, and I went online to sign up.

All the classes were full. I mean, should I call?

Watch where you're going.

Stop ... Police!

Out of my way!

You seen this guy here?

Get down on your knees. Hands behind your head. Now! Down on your knees.

Do it now! Get down on your knees!

On your knees! Sit on your knees.

I thought I'd find you here.

We lost the machinists.

Then we're both in the right place.

It's not over yet.


Talk about lily.

People want to know who you are.

They see something in you that's real.

Let them understand you.

Tell them what happened to her.

They need a reason to believe in you again.


Well, then ...

Then it really is over.

She always loved this song.

It was playing at the governor's ball that night.

There were so many people there. It was so crowded.

I don't think I said more than two or three words to her.

All the Olympia bigwigs there wanting my ear.

And I loved it. I did.

And then this song came on.

But she had left already.

I let her drive off alone.

She's the one who believed in me, knew what we did mattered.

But somewhere along the way, I stopped listening.

Then listen to her now.




They let him go.

W-what do you mean, "they let him go"?

Y-you said to trust the police.

You said that they would arrest him.

That man k*lled our child, and you let him go!

You let him go.

S-sir, w-we got his number from Bennet's wife.

I don't care if Allah gave you the number.

Now, I can only keep the FBI out of the loop for so long.

So get a confession and close this. Now.

This guy has got no outstandings, no priors, no record.

He's got no reason to talk.

Let's go.

Drexler's got the ball, down by 1.

He's had a monster game.

Clock winding down.
3, 2, 1.

And he was foul.

But he'll go to the line to win the game.

Ref bailed you out on that one.

Ohh. Look who it is.

Seattle's great white hype!

You come for a game or another handout?

I need $5 million.

I thought you trying to win the election was funny, but that's hilarious.

The money will rebuild the Somali communities and storefronts, repair the mosque, create jobs in the process...

Blah, blah, blah.
...And win me the election.

I don't care about the Hajis in Rainier Valley.

I want my stadium.

Easier to get your stadium if the people see "philanthropist" next to your name in the news, instead of "cocaine,"
"DUI," or "hooker."


But I know...

It'll never say "loser"...

Next to my name.

At least I have the balls to play a real opponent.

I got a better idea.

One shot...

And you get your $5 mil.

Now, you miss it...

You resign from the race.

What do you say?

"Yes, we can"?

I think you know why you're here, Mr. Hamid.

The DA will go a lot easier on you if you tell us what happened the night of October 5th.

Maybe this will translate ...

You're in some deep shit, brother.

We know about Bennet.

We know you were at his place that night.

And we heard your phone conversation with him last night.

You just couldn't wait for your 72 virgins, huh?

Or do you just got a thing for little girls?

You know, I don't do free checking.

You want my money, you got to earn it.

And here I was thinking all your bullying was just to get even for always being the kid picked last on the playground.

How'd that feel, by the way?

You're stalling, aren't you?

You scared? Can feel me in your head jumpin' rope?

I make this shot...

I get the money.

But I also want this ball.

After this, I won't be needing you anymore.

Guys like you always need guys like me, Richmond.

We're offering here the chance to help yourself and end this right now.

If you don't talk, we will have to hand you over to the FBI.

Yeah, and those Virginia farm boys, they're gonna pull some crazy Guantanamo rendition shit on your ass.

Send your family back to the motherland.

Or probably just your wife.

Your two children, they're citizens, so they'll have to stay here, be put in a foster home.

Last chance, Mr. Hamid.

Let's go.


What? He said you should ...

"Screw you."

Heh heh. Okay, bro.

We're out of here.

I'm guessing Bennet's gonna drop a dime on you in like two seconds, considering he's got a baby on his way.

He might want to see her grow up.

She come to Bennet's place that night.

I let her in.

Bennet, he did not want to at first, but I told him we must.

"Must"? Must what?

Take her.

She was so scared.

Why did you take her to the butcher shop?

Because she cry.

She keep crying.

You sick son of a bitch.

Then what happened?

Did she try to escape?


But people from our mosque, they find out where she is.

We move her again before you people come.

Now she is safe.


We're waiting for her passport so we can take her to Canada ...

So the family cannot find her.

Canada? What the ... What the hell you talking about?

You left her in the bottom of a lake.

Is this the girl that you're talking about?


That's the girl from the paper.

She, uh, she came to Bennet's that night, give me books, but she left.

Then who are you talking about?

Aisha, from our mosque.

The girl that went missing.

Her parents ... They plan to marry her the old way.

So first, they must cut her ...

Circumcise her, like other women.

She beg me and Bennet to hide her.

She 12 years old.

What are we supposed to do?

What the ... What the hell you talkin' about?

Female circumcision. And it's true.

It's a tradition in the Somali community for all girls ... Even little girls ...

Where they take a knife, and they cut.

I've known women who have experienced it.

It's horribly painful.

Some have died, and some wish they did.

Where is this girl ... Aisha?

Take us to her right now.

If you take her, her parents will send her home.

We need to see the girl.


S-she's just a child.

Yeah, whatever. Let's go.

It's Muhammed. Open the door, Aisha.

Seattle police department. Open the door.



Amber called the station. Bennet never came home today.


Mr. Larsen, please! You have to believe me! Get out.

I had nothing to do with your daughter! Get out!

I've been helping another girl!

Her name's Aisha! I couldn't tell you.

I couldn't tell the police!

Stan. Call me. Now!

I didn't hurt your daughter!

Shut up!

I need to put an apb out on a black male, age 29, name of Bennet Ahmed.

No! No!