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01x08 - Stonewalled

Posted: 05/18/11 17:02
by bunniefuu
Previously on AMC's The k*lling...

Blackjack. You've got the smartest boy down there.

He's asked them to freeze all city funds going to the Seattle all stars program.

I want Adams to go to his grave; knowing he lost this thing because of me.

I'm doing the best I can.

Is there anybody else that you can think of who has access to your place?

We're actually looking for a man that Mr. Ahmed studies Qur'an with. Muhammed.

Don't move! FBI!

Keep them down!

Yo, it's called a detective's shield, Einstein.

As in, tonight's breaking news --

"Federal agents make asses of themselves, jumping two homicide cops."

Okay. Hey.

Come on, get up.

That was your lieutenant. Sorry about the wait.

Would you mind telling us what the hell is going on now?

Sure, you might have just compromised a terrorism investigation.

I'll be the one. I'll let you know, okay?

Break the news.

What the hell is this? A terrorism investigation?

They won't tell us anything else.

Now, why would they?

You were breaking through a padlocked door without a warrant.

They were looking for su1c1de bombers.

What, Al-Qaeda's recruiting 10-year-old girls now?

That could be our crime scene.

The room is set up to hold young girls.

They could have brought Rosie there after Bennet's apartment.

Yeah, we don't have a clear TOD, so they might have held her there for a few days before they k*lled her.

We've got to get in there. Have CSU heck it.

Not tonight. Area belongs to the feds now.

We'll by briefed at 7:30 AM by the joint terrorism task force.

Don't be late.

There's a t-shirt on the bed.

It's pink, with lettering on it.

What if it was hers?

Don't go near this building until then.


Hello? Hey, ray. It's Linden.

I-I'm gonna need you to e-mail me some of the files from the Larsen case.

Okay. I have some of them, but I'm gonna need the rest.

When? I'll be working on them tonight.

Which ones? All of them.

Now? Yeah. Right now.

Uh, and Oakes? No, it's all right. Oakes already okayed it.

Okay. Thanks.

You got it.



Hi, Sarah.

I didn't expect you to be there on a Sunday.

I came to help Rick finish some filing.

We've really gotten behind, with him doing all the wedding planning alone.

Can I help you?

Can I speak to him, please?

Um, he's on a call right now.

Can I take a message?

Um, please tell him that I really need to speak to him.

Sure, Sarah. I'll let him know you called.

Let me guess.

He kind of knows you don't really want to go.

Denny, don't touch it! And get your shoes on.

I'm not dressed, dad.

What was that, Belko?

Well, no.

Tell them we can't do it until Friday.

No, I'm giving out too many discounts.

Well, where the hell is Pete?

Hey! I told you to leave it!

If you guys are done eating, get dressed!

We're gonna be late!

No, don't do anything.

No, I'll deal with it. I got another call.


Hey, Terry.

No, d--
No, don't worry about it.

W-we'll figure something out.

No, you've done enough already.

We'll -- We'll --
We'll figure it out, okay?

Yeah, no --
All right, no problem.

Okay. Bye.

Where were you last night?

We needed some groceries, so I-I went to the market.

Kids are getting dressed.

And Terry called. She got hung up.

So I'm gonna bring them to school, but I got to move.

I-I'll take them.

As well as being investigated for ties to t*rror1st groups, the mosque was also attended by Bennet Ahmed, the prime suspect in the Rosie Larsen case.

This has led to speculation that there may be a connection between the cases.

Question --
Why was Cicero overthrown?

If I'd known there'd been a quiz, I would have done what I did in college -- Skip class.

He failed to foresee an alliance between mark Antony and Caesar's heir, Octavian.

Arrogance. Adams will flame out.

If we stay focused and play this right.

We're gonna use a two-pronged approach.

First, the all stars program.

Is finished. No.

Not without a fight, Jamie.

In addition to boning up on my Cicero, I did some legal research last night.

Hunt vs. Washington state apple advertising, 1977 --

"An organization has standing to challenge any government action injurious to the organization itself."

We're gonna file a temporary restraining order for an injunction against the freezing of the all star funds.

The press is gonna eat this up --

You and Adams going head-to-head in the courts over an after-school program. Exactly.

I already called the lawyers. They're all over it.

Which brings me to prong number two.

We go on the offensive. We attack.

A new ad buy.

Borrow money from my parents if I have to.

We hit Adams hard. The ad Mancuso ran in '02?

Yeah, the one linking Adams to the slush-fund scandal.

Let's revive that, and anything else that's still relevant.

Adams wants to play dirty?

He best like the taste of mud.

It's not gonna be enough.

You seen the news?

They're linking Bennet Ahmed to the t*rrorists at the mosque, which means they're linking you to the t*rrorists.

Well, don't get me wrong.

I love that you're ready to go negative.

But you go after the king, you got to cut off his head.


That's what PIs are for.

See what he can dig up.

So on it. But, Jamie...

No personal att*cks.

We go after policy, not character.

All right.

What are you doing? This is my office.

Your lieutenant gave us access.

Ditto your case file on the Larsen girl.

Anything else you got, it'd be great if you could hand it over.

No, it looks like you got it all.


What the hell is this?

I got a pack of feds up my ass, a mayoral candidate breathing down my neck, and this is the way you run your investigation?

Maybe the f--
The feds leaked it.

Well, why would they?

They could have jeopardized their own investigation.

I don't need to remind you that there's been, what, two, three leaks already in this case?

Oh, I know. I-I-it's unacceptable.

I will find it. I'll plug it up.

Well, who else has access to the photos?

Only the techs, me and Holder.

But the techs could have shared with anybody --

Every uni, secretary walking in and out of here.

The vultures would have paid a pretty penny for those.

I hope the son of a bitch is enjoying it.

I'm sure he is.

All right, let's go.

Hey, I've been, um --
I've been meaning to ask you.

How did Holder transfer to city homicide from county?

He was a narc.

Well, some muckety-muck from county called in a chit.


You'd want to know if you were stuck with him, right?

Lieutenant. We're ready to start.

Let the festivities begin.

What's up, Linden?

How is Seattle's chillest detective?

Are you married yet? How's your Blackjack game?

Any more payouts yet?

Just the primary on the case.

What --

Oh. My bad. It's all right.


Hi, it's principal meyers. How are you?

Yeah, I was just about to leave. What's up?

I just wanted to make sure you're okay.

Thank you.

I thought it might make sense for you to stay home for a few days, just until the police clear you as a suspect.

I can't imagine how hard this all must be.

Look, I haven't done anything.

Nobody's accusing you, Mr. Ahmed.

But for the sake of the students, I think we can both agree that it's for the best.

I'll let you know when you can return to your teaching duties.

Suspect, Muhammed h., has made multiple border crossings over the past six months.

One trip to Somalia in the same time period.

Now, we suspect he may be providing material support for known radical elements connected to the green lake mosque.

Detective, how were you tipped off about the meat-store location?

We were asking questions at the mosque relating to our investigation and got an anonymous note.

You're saying that Muhammed was connected to that room?

Appears to be.

What does it have to do with t*rror1st activity?

We found some suspicious materials in that room --

Maps of border areas, falsified passports with his photo and those of multiple young females.

The aliases linked up to some of the border crossings and a female companion he was traveling with.

These are Caucasian girls?

Not usually, no. What about the Larsen girl?

You get the sense she was being influenced in that direction?

In what direction?

Terrorism activity.

Absolutely not.

Whatever link my victim has to your investigation is purely coincidental.

We can't rule out the possibility, though.


When can I get my case files back?

Did your investigation surface any contact between Rosie Larsen and our suspect?

You have my case files.

If there was, you'll find it there.

What's his last name --
Your suspect?

Unfortunately, the information's still at a high security clearance level right now.

We can't afford any more aspects of this investigation being compromised.

Sorry for any problems I may have caused.

You said one more.

That's if I passed the level.

You've been on it for an hour!

Come on, boys. Get in. Let's go.

We're gonna be late. Come on.

Do it on the bottom. Hit the ice.

I tried that.

It's too high!

I know. You're ruining my concentration.

It's my turn. You know that, right?

No, it isn't. It's mine. Yeah, it is.

I can go as long as I want.

I haven't even got a turn yet.

So? I don't care.

I'm gonna tell mom.

He's been on it for so long. Okay. I'll be right back. Stay here.

Just be quiet.

The Florida man on trial for the robbery of 38 banks is confronted with damaging DNA evidence in court.

First up, though --
Breaking news.

Crime-scene photos from the Rosie Larsen case have been leaked on the web by an undisclosed source.

Now, we always have balance on this show.

We want to give you the most accurate information we have.

However, we also want to be respectful to the families of the victims.

In this particular case, we have decided it is in the public interest to give you a realistic picture of this particular crime.

The images you are about to see are not for younger viewers.[/i]

Was dad mad?


At breakfast.

'Cause you broke a bowl, dumbass.

No. He was mad before, when he was making lunch.

I wasn't there. So what?

Did we do something wrong?

No! Just shut up. I'm trying to concentrate.

Tough to look at these, I know.

That's the car after it was removed from the lake.

And this is the trunk, where the body was found.

What about the second shift?

Well, how about Wednesday, then?

No, you know I like working with you.


Hi, aunt Terry.

My PI is looking into Adams.

I got a research team that's working overtime, got some new stats showing an increase in poverty on Adams' watch.

This is something that we can --

We can exploit this thing for weeks.

Yeah. Research. That's exciting.

Why not take out the dictionary, film the definition of "weak," make that Richmond's ad?

Come on! Punch him!

Come on! Enough with the titty twisting!

I hate when they grapple like a bunch of b*tches in heat!

Yeah. Me too.

You mention an investigator?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

This guy. He's a --
He's a real bloodhound.

He's, um -- He's doing some vetting right now, you know, just --
Just checking resources.

But, uh, he's got something good.

It's real good.

You don't have shit.

No, but we will.

Come on. Nobody's squeaky, tom. Huh?

All we need is a little more dough to mount an offensive.

Are you game? What do you say?

Come on!

You want dirt on Adams?

I got something that'll bury that old prick once and for all.

If you have something, why haven't you used it already?


Even I have scruples.

They've got him on standby for now, don't they?

They do, but...

Yo, Linden.

Hey, where you headed? Nowhere.

What did they say?


Nothing? You were in there for like an hour.

Yo, what the hell is your problem?!

Why don't you make yourself useful and stay here and do nothing?

Mrs. Larsen, let me explain.

How could you let them do that?

It shouldn't have happened. I know. I'm sorry.

Let's just go inside.

How could you let them have those pictures of her like it was nothing --

Just something on tv, just --

Everybody could see her like that.

Everybody could see my baby girl like that?

And he's still out there.

You still haven't arrested him.

You've done nothing.

Look, it is clearly part of the case law.

All right. I see. Yeah. Thanks, Hal. Keep me informed.

Seems that the judge does not think we have standing to file the TRO, which made no sense until I heard the judge was Jack Hollander --

One of Adams' old fraternity brothers from U-dub.

Hal's filing to recuse, see if we can get a different judge.

Mm-hmm, well, I pulled the stills from the Mancuso campaign and then some from the '98 campaign.

There's, um --

There's some pretty inflammatory stuff in here.

Are you sure you still want to go this way?

Yeah. Why wouldn't I?

Because, in the beginning, you said you --

You didn't want to go negative.

In the beginning, I wasn't having my ass handed to me.

You might want to sit down because this is gonna floor you.

In fact, why don't you lie down?

We can't use this.

Are you kidding? We have no choice but to use this.

Darren, it can't be proven.

And even if it could, how is that relevant...

To winning?

To the issues?

Let me think about it.

Detective Cutter. City PD Liaison.

You have, uh, evidence here recovered from, uh, 106 "r" Renton ave. South?

Yeah. I was just about to take it to lockup. Why?

It's a good thing I caught you.

We have some duplicate bag numbers on the evidence list.

So I'm gonna have to take a look. Can't.

I've already signed off on all these, so it's my ass.

I-I don't need to touch it. Just look at it.

It'll only take a second.

No way. You said "Cutter"?

I got to go talk to my CO.

Wait here.

Hey! Hey, you can't be in there!


You just broke chain of custody!

Too bad it's your ass.

You're home early.

Meyers told me not to come in.

Then, where were you?

Just, uh, had to get away for a bit, think.

Well, maybe it's for the best.

You know, just stay home for a little while.

How can you say that?

The police called here again.

So what?

They were asking about Muhammed.

Why can't you talk to them?

Why won't you let them talk to Muhammed?

You think I'm guilty, too?

Of course I don't.

Why would you even think that? I didn't even --

Mrs. Larsen.

I don't want to hear any more of your apologies.

Would you please just go away?

I need to know if this was Rosie's.

I understand your anger right now, but you need to look at this photo.

Where did you find that?

She was in ninth grade.

And earth science was her favorite class.

And the textbook had all these pictures in it, and...

And she said she'd never seen anything so beautiful.

"All those swirls of color," she said.

So we took her the following year.

I thought she had lost it.

You're sure that this was hers, Mrs. Larsen?

It was that teacher, wasn't it?

You'll be the first to know, I promise you.

He's still living his life.

He's happy.

It's --
It's not right.

They got to at least give us the shirt.

We need it processed by the lab --

Hair, fluids, everything.

Then we bring in Bennet.

Sit down.

What? Just sit down.

It's over, Sarah.

Let it go.

I did what I could, but, uh...

Federal case takes priority.

Didn't help, that little stunt you pulled at the staging area.

So...That's it.

The mother ID'd the shirt. It's Rosie's.

So what?

The ID is useless in court.

You could have jeopardized your whole case.

Rosie Larsen has nothing to do with their investigation, and you know it.

Do I?

Now, why are you so sure that this doesn't involve terrorism?

Now, if you got a crystal ball hidden somewhere, I suggest you employ it and use it to find evidence we can actually use.

You need to talk to the feds, help us get access.

And that's not all.

Now, you were supposed to train Holder, but you treat him like a lapdog.

What's going on?

I have some concerns about his ability to be an effective investigator.

Maybe it's time to think about wrapping up here, Sarah, heading to California.

You've reached Rick. I'm not --

I didn't like that movie very much, but it was, like, the best.

Really? Yeah.

When I was your age, Star Wars was my favorite movie --

The second one, Empire Strikes Back.

No. Attack Of The Clones.

Okay. That is not the second movie.

Empire Strikes Back is the second movie.

Yeah, I remember when Darth Vader said...

I am your father.

Okay? I was there.

So no more of this second-movie crap.

Can I have another cheese sandwich?

No. It'll ruin your appetite for dinner.

Why don't you guys go play?

Go. Both of you.

Come on.

Hey, Stan.

Is everything all right?



For everything.

It's just dishes.

Where's Mitch?


I shouldn't say anything.

Tell me.

I just don't want you to be mad at her, Stan.

She just hasn't been herself these days.

I found the kids in the car.

Mitch left them there.

In the garage. With the engine running.

Feels like the oscars.

No, there -- There is one person I-I really want to thank.

And, uh...

That's Gil, my sponsor.

Kept me coming to my meetings.

Kept me working my steps.

Kept my paycheck, too.

See, Gil's been doling out what I need from week to week, and the rest is in his safekeeping.

Yo, it better be, man, or I'm coming for you.

Six months clean.

The one person who should be here tonight isn't.

It's Liz, my sister.

She, uh...

She raised me.

Sacrificed her youth...

For me.

So, what did this rock-bottom junkie do to pay her back?

I lied to her...

Cheated her...

Stole from her.

This one night, I, uh, I-I was tweaked out of my head.

Uh, I broke into her house.

And, uh...

My nephew, Davie --
He's 7 years old --

He's, um...

H-he's got this gold coin.

He was --
He was real proud of it.

I-I know that, 'cause h-he showed it to me.

He was saving up all summer to get this thing.

And, uh...

I go into his room...


I go into his room...

And I take it.

I'm walking out, and I look down, and...

And he's awake.

Looking at me. He was just staring at me.

And then I walk out.

See, I-I don't expect forgiveness.

I know that I-I-if it comes or not, it's...

It's none of my business.

All I know is that...

The only thing that matters is what I do to earn it.

That's all I got.

Yeah. Linden.

Is this Jack Linden's mother?

Yes. What is it? Is he okay?

He sent my son those horrible photographs, like it was some kind of joke to him.

What photographs are you talking about?

Of that dead girl, the one who's in the news.

Your son e-mailed them to all his friends, miss Linden.

I'm trying really hard to be understanding here.

But how could you let this thing happen?

I didn't know.

Well, you need to keep an eye on him. Goodbye.

I think about it every day.

About the life I took away...

Because of my selfishness.

I wonder if I can ever be forgiven.

I believe it is in fact against our nature to forgive...

To let go of our anger.

It is a conscious choice.

One that seems almost impossible to ask...

Of you...

Those who loved...

Lily Richmond most.

Maybe it is impossible.

But if you can...


Forgive me.

The string of race-related incidents is believed to have been triggered by a recent FBI raid on a rainier valley mosque.

Sources also say the lead suspect in the Rosie Larsen case may have ties to that mosque, as well.

These events, along with incidents of vandalism, have made many residents of the rainier valley afraid to leave their homes.

Keep it here for the very latest on this breaking --


Now we're gonna have to hold the somalis' hands to get them to the polls. Mm.

That's if they go at all.

Where the hell is he?

We've got to get this Adams story out now.

Darren's not gonna go for it.

Right, 'cause you know him so well?

Yes. I do.

Then you know he's weak, Gwen.

And you know he's gonna lose this thing because of it.

Of course...

If he says no...

Lots of other ways a story could get to the press.

You do that...

I'll make sure everyone knows.

No campaign will have you, except maybe in the secretarial pool.

Darren. Where have you been?

I don't know if you've been watching the news, but it's --
It's not good.

Release it to the press.

What? Release the story on Adams. Now.

Why did you do it?

I don't know.

You don't know?

Come on! You got to do better than that!

W-what's the big deal?

You left them right on the computer!

You know that you're not supposed to touch my files!

Do you have any idea what you put that girl's family through? Figures.

You only care about other people's families.

I've had about enough of your smartass remarks.

Yeah, well, why don't you just send me to live with dad?

Your dad left 10 years ago, so...

That's probably not gonna happen.

I'm all you got.



They found one of Rosie's shirts.

They're gonna arrest the teacher soon.

Where have you been?

The park.


This is good, Stan.


We got to focus on the future, Mitch.

The future?

It's been a week!

I know what happened this morning.

The boys could have been...

We have responsibilities, Mitch.

I'm not the one taking responsibility?

You let her stay home that weekend.

And if you weren't so strict, maybe she wouldn't have hid things from us.

Breaking news about mayor Adams today.

Here we go. A source has disclosed documents to channel 3 which indicate that the mayor was paying upwards of $1,500 a month for an apartment housing his alleged mistress --

A Janelle Stevens, a former intern in the Adams administration.

Is it true you're pregnant with the mayor's child? You have no right to be here, okay?!

I have no comment! No comment!

Thi-- This is private property, okay?! Go away!

Has the mayor been paying you to keep quiet?

Leave me alone! Please, stop it!

You have no right to be here! Go away!

Go away, okay?

Go away.

Hey, Linden.

What's with little man?

Uh, nothing. W-what are you doing here?

Sweet view.

What, you --
Yu living here now?

For a little while, yeah.

I put a tap on Bennet's phone.

Got the inspiration from the feds.

Set up an emergency wiretap with the phone company.

We get something...

We get a judge to sign it off and make it admissible.

Had to do something while you were shutting me out.

And that's all arranged, I'm guessing?

Yeah. Judge Elliot.

I know him back from my narco days.

Me and him are like...

It's not gonna be a problem.


Until then, we don't need to tell oakes.

I know.

So, um...

Is there something, uh...

Is there something you want to ask me?

Not anymore, no.


'Cause what you see is what you get.


I should have known.

Subtlety isn't exactly your strong suit.

No, maybe not.

So, what do you say? You --

You want to be my date tonight? Sit on a wire?

Hey, why not?

He'd rather be with Regi, anyways.

I'll drive.

The passports will be arriving tomorrow.

Call me when they do, then this will all be over.

Don't worry about the police. They don't know anything.


Okay. On our way.

Got something on the wire.