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01x07 - Vengeance

Posted: 05/11/11 06:39
by bunniefuu
Previously on AMC's The k*lling...

Isn't it true that one of your leading mentors in that program is the chief suspect in the Rosie Larsen m*rder?

It is ridiculous.

Stan, I know this guy who works at Rosie's school.

He says the cops have been noising around there again.

I heard about your wife.

It gets better.

We have a witness who saw the suspect with somebody else carrying the Larsen girl out of the building at midnight.

I think the accomplice was the wife.


He says it's the teacher. Bennet Ahmed.

Let me give you a ride.

I... I think you just missed the exit.

What are we doing here, Mr. Larsen?

It's a late-model blue-gray Ford F-150 extended cab.

Washington plates, "604 OKL."

Okay, let me know.

Mrs. Ahmed?!

This is Detective Linden from the Seattle Police Department!

I need to speak with you, Mrs. Ahmed!

It's about your husband! It's an emergency!

What do you want? Why do you keep hounding us?

Have you heard from your husband tonight?

No, not yet. He was supposed to call so I could pick him up from the wake.

But he didn't? Call him, right now.

Go, go. listen, my wife is pregnant, and she's waiting for me --

Get out.

Why are we here?

Mr. Larsen, what are we doing out here?

Look, I need to get home to my wife.


Is your husband answering his phone, Mrs. Larsen?

No, it's going straight to voicemail.

What kind of interaction did he have with Bennet Ahmed before they left together?

I don't know. I-I-I don't know.

Was he -- Was he angry, upset? Oh, Jesus.

How do you think that he was today?

We know about your husband's past, Mrs. Larsen.


Okay, first of all, you don't know the first thing about my husband.

And how dare you come into my home on this day and treat my family like this?!

Get out of my house!

Is dad in trouble?

No, buddy. Your dad's fine.

Why don't we go upstairs, huh?

Tom, I'll take you upstairs. Come on.


Tom, I will take you up.

You know where he's at.

If you do know and you don't tell, homey, your puffy white ass is gonna be in for a long time.


I'm coming, honey.

Come on. Let's go upstairs and get you to bed. Come on.

You know what I'm saying?


It's still going straight to voicemail.

Why is this happening?

Bennet would never hurt anyone. You don't know him.

You're right -- I don't.

Maybe if I did, I could help clear this whole thing up.

Can you help me?

Is there anything you can tell me about him --

Anything anything at all, Amber?

He, um... He loves his job and the kids, and...He's all about changing lives and helping people.

Please don't let that man hurt my husband.

A daughter is different than having sons.

They're sweeter...

More gentle.

The way she looks at you, like no woman ever will --
Seeing all the best.

I didn't hurt Rosie.

Whatever you think, this is all some terrible misunderstanding.

I'm gonna be a father.

Amber, we know that you didn't go straight to your sister's house the night of the dance.

She says that you got there sometime after 1:00 and that you were upset.

So, why don't you tell me what really happened that night?

I drove to the school...

And...I sat outside...

In my car, like an idiot.


My husband is with these little 17-year-olds at that dance, and...You know, they're all in these short skirts and perfect bodies.

Look at me.

Are you okay?

Is he gonna be okay?

Here. Drink this.

Thank you.

I had a miscarriage last year.

So now I'm --

I'm not supposed to be on my feet or carry anything.

I can't even buy groceries.

You can't lift anything at all?


Who let Rosie in that night?

Bennet did, like he said, when she returned the Qur'an.

He was at the dance.

There was somebody else here that night.

That's impossible. Bennet said that he --

Bennet lied.

We have him on video at the dance at 10:00 when Rosie came by your apartment.

Is there anybody else that you can think of who has access to your place?


The guy that Bennet studies Qur'an with, from the mosque.

He's been over here a lot lately.

You don't like having him here?

Well, it's just...

He doesn't look at me, and he doesn't talk to me ever.

Was this Muhammed here on Friday night?

I don't know. I mean, he could have been.

Bennet gave him a key.

What are you doing here?


Are you okay? Oh, my God.

How did you even get home?

I took a cab. I'm okay.

What happened?

I almost got k*lled tonight because of you.

Now, if there's anything else, you can talk to my lawyer.

In the meantime, get the hell out of my house.


Hey, Stan's back.

Yeah, Bennet, too, and he's not happy.

Listen, the wife wasn't the accomplice, but I have another possibility.

I need us to check out this mosque in rainier valley.

"We"? What the hell you talking about, Linden?

Don't you got a plane to catch?


But I already told Nash I was coming to his party tomorrow.

There will be lots of other parties, buddy.



See you at the wedding. Go on. Hurry.

Go, go.

Ah, ah! Oh, oh! Sandwiches.

Thanks. Airplane food sucks.

Flight 163.

I'm sorry. You just missed it.

That flight's now closed.

Look, I know I'm late, but, please, I'm a cop.

I'm on my way to my wedding.

I've got my kid with me and --

And I promised that I would be there tonight, so...


Sorry. There's nothing I can do.

We do have plenty of flights to Oakland in the morning.

Our policy is to arrive at the gate at least 20 minutes prior to boarding.

Seattle-Tacoma international airport is a nonsmoking airport.

Smoking is permitted in designated areas.

Thank you for your cooperation.

You owe me $50 million.

They thought you were gonna k*ll him.

Do you think he did it?

You said you'd never raise a child with a man like me.

You said I had to change if we were gonna get married and keep the baby.

Funny thing --

Once Rosie came along...

I didn't even have to try.

I don't want to be that man again.

I can't.

But I don't know what to do.

I didn't keep her safe.

I didn't keep her safe.

Oh, Stan.

Oh, Stan.


I had a bad dream.

Come here, buddy. Come on.

Get up here.

Hi, sweetie.

Will you take me to the park tomorrow, dad, to fly my kite?

Sure thing, buddy.

You go to sleep now, okay?

Adams laid a bear trap, and you walked right into it.

I did not have a choice.

It doesn't matter. There's no going back.

Let's just figure out a way to move forward.

Well, for starters, you got to start to distance yourself from this Ahmed guy.

You realize "this Ahmed guy" may well be innocent?

Yeah, but by the time we find out, it could be too late.

Too late for him, as well.

And don't tell me there's not a racial element.

Look, here's what I'm willing to say --

If the police arrest Ahmed, I will publicly ask for his resignation from the school.

And until then, Darren?

Jamie, I can't have the guy fired.

That's up to the superintendent.

You can influence him.

You can ask the superintendent to put him on temporary leave.

For what?

He hasn't been charged with anything.

I've seen a hundred guys like Bennet Ahmed get railroaded by the cops, by the lawyers, all looking for a scapegoat.

It's wrong, and I won't have any part in it.

You know what else is wrong, Darren?

You losing this election.

You losing this election when you could do a lot of good for a lot more people than this one guy --

That's wrong.

You with Jamie on this?

I'm with you.

As mayor, I consider it my job to keep criminals away from our kids and off our streets.

My opponent?

He thinks it's okay for accused murderers to teach in our public schools.

And I quote Darren Richmond.

"Bennet Ahmed is a role model for Seattle."

Isn't it time he admitted he was wrong?

Darren Richmond --
Wrong for Seattle.

Seven days ago, after an exhaustive search by police and concerned family members, a local teenage girl's body was found in this park.


According to police reports... Where's your mother?

The victim, Rosie Larsen, was brought to these woods and assaulted...

You boys shouldn't be watching this.
...Possibly r*ped, before meeting her death in a watery grave.

Watching what?

Ugh. Where is your sister, Teresa?

She should be with the boys.

Come. Come get your clothes on.

I'm going to make for you my special French toast.

Okay. Mitch!



I know how tough this is for you.

It's -- It's awful.

But I worry about the boys.

I'm worried about the boys, too, ma, but I'm doing the best I can.

Maybe Teresa could help more --

You know, watch them when you can't.

Of course I can.

Terry helps out plenty around here, and she does have her own life, you know.

Yeah. Some life your sister has.

I heard on the radio about that black teacher, the Muslim.

The police think he did it?

It's the public schools.

You have blacks, yellows, whites.

Nothing good can come from all that mixing.

I am still glad we sent you and your sister to holy family --

Never had to worry about you and Teresa.

Where is he?

I don't know.

Oh. That's a shocker.

Thought you two were attached at the hip.

The phones have been ringing off the hook this morning --

Reporters desperate for a response to the mayor's ad.

Where have you been?

I've been getting my ass retrofitted by Drexler.

Yeah, he wants to know why we managed to take his money if we didn't actually plan to win the election.

Tell him we're developing a plan to hit back at Adams.

With what?

Well, I'm sure we'll figure that out.

No, that's on you, Gwen, see, 'cause you were so gung ho about Darren taking the moral high ground.

Go calm Drexler down. Feed him your usual line of bullshit.

That seems to work for you.

Wow. Talking dirty now? I like it.


You know, you stick around here long enough, Gwen, you might eventually learn something from somebody who knows about politics.

Why? Are we hiring someone new?

He's not returning my calls.

So? Maybe he's a little pissed off.

He'll get over it.

There's lots of other flights and plenty of time to catch 'em.

Well, I need him to call me back, and then we can make plans.


Aren't you a little bit worried about how this I affecting Jack?

He doesn't know where he's gonna be from one minute to the next.

Jack doesn't even want to go to Sonoma.

Well, maybe not.

But I'll bet he does want to know that he's got a mom who knows what she wants and where she's going, someone who's not changing her mind every other minute.

I haven't changed my mind.

I don't want to do this anymore, I'm finished with this life, but I have to wrap up this case.

That's exactly what you said about the other case...

With the kid.

And you're doing the exact same things that almost lost you custody of your son.

What are you talking about?


Just go inside. Your mom and I are in the middle of something.

What time is Nash's party?



Get dressed. We're going.


I'll wait for you in the car, okay?

Look, I know it's been hard --

All these missed flights and changed plans.


It's Evan.

Who's Evan?



I'll pick you up at 4:30. Hey, be careful!

Hey, man.



Linden. I was just thinking about you.

How's Sonoma?

Did you get that warrant on Bennet's place?

Not your problem, girlfriend.

Just tell me.

Oakes yanked the warrant.

Why? What about our witness?

LT said he got shaky or something.

You're such a douche, Jack. Ow!

You've got to be kidding me.

No. The warrant's dead, and I got nada.

Plus, Oakes is pissed about Bennet leaking as a suspect.

What? Yeah, it's all up in the airwaves around here.

You should be glad you're a thousand miles away, drinking wine, pruning your rosebushes, and playing housewife and all that.

So, why are you really calling?

You missing me? Aah!

Come on, now. Don't be shy, Linden.

Yo, you there?

Go. Go!

All right, two things --

Squeeze the trigger by tightening your fist.

Other thing -- They put the sight on the top for a reason.

It's like a little doorway.

Put the doorway over your target, fill it in with the notch on the barrel, then squeeze.


Thanks, mom.

Have fun.

Jesus, Jack!

The search warrant --
What happened?

Look who's still here.

Why'd you k*ll it?

Your witness --
The one who says he saw Ahmed and his buddy in the alley --

Is a regular at the loony ward at Harborview.

We know that Rosie was there that night.

That's nice. What else you got?

The wife wasn't the accomplice.

She has this condition where she can't lift things.

It's called "placenta previa."
I checked her records.

Okay. What else?

Friend in the alley could have been Bennet's buddy, this guy named Muhammed.

He has a key to the Ahmeds' apartment.

He probably let Rosie into the apartment that night.

Bennet confirm he was there?

Bennet has lawyered up.

But if we find this Muhammed, maybe we get him to break.

This Muhammed guy --
He's got a last name?

I'm sure that he does.


Also, Larsen was a bagman for the Polish mob back in the day.

He had a gambling problem.

That might be worth looking into, as well.

Well, it seems a little thin.

I mean, why would the mob be after Larsen's teenage daughter?

I don't know. Maybe he owes them money.

It's an angle that we need to rule out.

Hey, you got to be kidding me.

You want that search warrant, get me something better than a nut job or the mob, all right?

Fine. Come on.

Yo, lieutenant.


Oh, nothing.

Yo, Linden!

What the hell, you got a fear of flying?

I've got a lead.

You don't want to come, you don't have to.

Hey, Linden.

You got your commitment issues -- That's fine, but don't be using them to mess up my career.

I'm talking about a people who made such a mess of their own country that it's unlivable.

And then those somalis come here.

They're radicals, muslims, and yet we welcome them with open arms?

Why was a guy like Bennet "Achmed" teaching in a Seattle school?

And why won't councilman Richmond ask for this guy's resignation?

I mean, what does a guy have to do before he pissed Richmond off -- Kiddie porn?

Hi, there.

You got the letter, too.

I think about my daughter every day.

It hurts less now. There's that.

I can't believe they're just letting that woman free.

Are you planning on going to the parole hearing?

I don't know, maryanne. Are you?

She's served her time.

It's not gonna bring lily back, now, is it?

I wake up every morning...

Filled with...

I don't know how not to hate her.

Maybe it's time to forgive.

That woman doesn't deserve it.

She got drunk.

She got in that car.

Darren, I've been watching your campaign.

I know you.

I know how hard you'd fight if winning was something you thought you deserved.

Are you sure it's just that woman you can't forgive?

Those are pretty cosmos. Who are they from?

Don't know. I've lost track.

It's nice you have such good friends, Michelle, and all this food --
Casseroles, fruit.

Don't answer it.


No, it's her mother.

No, I don't know anything about him.

It's the paper. Hang up!

They're asking about the teacher.

They just want to know what --

We do not talk to them.

They call all the time.

It's a perfectly reasonable question, Michelle.

What have the police told you about the teacher?


The police are doing everything they can.

Stan says we just need to let them do their jobs, so...

Mm. Stan says.

What is it, bud?

How did Rosie die?

Yeah, I want to know, too.

No more heaven stuff, okay, dad?


Well, there's a lot we don't know yet.

But what we do know is that...

A man took her --

A bad man...

And he k*lled her.

Is the bad man still out there?

Is he gonna... k*ll us, too?

Hey, come here. Come here.

No one's ever gonna hurt you.

You hear me? No one.

Come on.

You okay there, Mitch?

Want me to get you a coat or something?

Who told you?

How did you know it was the teacher?

I didn't. I didn't...


That man...

Was in my home.

He was eating my food, and he was talking to my children...

And you knew?

So help me God, you don't tell me, you will be out on your ass so fast.

I got a friend at the school.

He told me there's this room where he took Rosie, in the basement...

Might be the place where he'd have...

You know.

I told Stan --
If you want me to, maybe --

Maybe I could do something about it.

No, Jack, you can't spend the night.

You have school tomorrow.

Well, that's the plan for now.

Okay, I'll pick you up later.


Your old man make you quit smoking?

His name is Rick, and, no, he didn't.

I bet he ain't too happy with you, huh?

How many times you stand him up now?

Oh, I get it.

I get it.

He's one of them understanding types, right?

Oh, that explains why you don't want to get on that plane.

And that thing you do, where you run your mouth off without, uh, thinking --

That explains a lot, too.

You are with the police?


Salaam aleichem.

I am Imam Gelabi. What is this about?

Rosie Larsen's m*rder.

Do you know Bennet Ahmed?

By sight only.

He is relatively new to the mosque.

I was sorry to see councilman Richmond get pulled into this whole mess.

He's a good man.

We're actually looking for a man that Mr. Ahmed studies Qur'an with, somebody from the congregation.

Unfortunately, we only have a first name -- Muhammed.

And you want me to help you find this man.

That's why we're here.

We appreciate your help.

It's very important that we find him.

And this girl is just as important to us --

Aisha Ramallah. She's missing, as well.

Have you heard about this case?


It's been one week.

We've had almost no help from the police.

I'm sorry. I didn't know.

I'm not surprised, given the times we live in.

So, while I'm sympathetic about the Larsen girl's death, I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment.

And as for the man named Muhammed that you're looking for, if you remain for evening prayer, you should find about 40 of them.

Good day.

That was...Helpful.

Guy's got a point.

Yeah, the guy's right, but he was wearing a dress.

Our entire mind-set's been wrong -- Defensive.

We've forgotten that our greatest strength is not in running away from who we are, but --

I've been trying to reach you all afternoon.

Why weren't you picking up your phone?

What are they doing here?

Adams called an emergency meeting of the city council.

They meet in 20 minutes.

He's asked them to freeze all city funds going to the Seattle All Stars program.

On what grounds?

"A person associated with the program "is a suspect in the Rosie Larsen m*rder case.

Since Richmond refuses to take action, we must."

Sort of brilliant, actually.

He's trying to screw you, and he's gonna use every d*ck in the city council to do it.

He's calling in his chits, and the lemmings are lining up.

This will shut down the program.

You want to save it?

You have to ask for Bennet Ahmed's resignation.

This specially called session of the Seattle city council will come to order.

Before we vote tonight, I have something to say.

There are people who deserve punishment, who deserve to have something they value taken away, something they treasure.

Maybe me, maybe you, maybe Mayor Adams over there.

But these kids --

These 1,049 children...

Who go to Seattle All Stars every day, who have nowhere else to go --

They most certainly do not deserve the punishment you're planning on doling out tonight.

The worst part is you know what I'm saying is true...

And you will vote against them anyway.



Sounds like you got the boys down.

Hey. Hey, Mitch.

I'm sorry.

I'm doing the best I can.

What's that, your fifth call?

Man, them talibans just messing with us.

This is 106 Renton. Where the hell is 106 "R"?

Everybody be hating on the po-po.

Hi, Rick. I know that you don't --

There ain't no "106 R."

The ride's over here, Linden.

What's up, baby?


I know you must be angry.

All that I can say is I'm sorry. I'd like to talk.

I need to, so that I can figure out what plane to take, so please call me.

Linden, you done talking to the b.F. Yet?!

Come on!

The back exit to the store should be around here!


Probable cause --
As in, we have none.

S-somebody was yelling "help!"
Inside, so I got my probable cause.

Aye. Aye. Aye. Aye.



What's going on?!

Seattle PD!

Don't move! Don't move!

Keep them down!