03x05 - Donald's Duck

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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03x05 - Donald's Duck

Post by bunniefuu »

(Light music)

(Thomas & Friends theme)

[Narrator] Duck, the

Great Western Engine

worked hard at the yard

at the big station.

(train whistles)

Sometimes, he pulled coaches.

Sometimes, he

pushed freight cars,

but whatever the work,

Duck got the job done

without fuss.

(upbeat music)

One day, Duck was

resting in the shed

when Sir Topham Hatt arrived.

- Your work in the

yard has been good.

Would you like to have a

branch line for your own?

[Narrator] "Yes, please

sir", replied duck.

So Duck took charge of

his new branch line.

The responsibility

delighted him.

(steam blowing)

The line runs along the

coast by sandy beaches,

until it meets a port,

where big ships come in.

Duck enjoyed exploring every

curve and corner of the line.

Sea breezes swirled to

smoke high in the air

and as green paint

glistened in the sunlight.

This is just like being

on holiday, he puffed.

"Well, You know what they

say", laughed his driver,

"Change is as good as a rest".

(whistle toot toot)

Soon Duck was busier than ever.

(train going over tracks)

Sir Topmham Hatt was building

a new station at the port.

Duck pulled the heavy freight

cars wherever they was needed.

Bertie looked after

Duck's passengers

and the other

engines helped too.

But the work took a long time.

(upbeat music)

Noise and dust filled the air.

"Don't worry" whistled Toby,

"the station's nearly finished".

"And on time too"

said Duck thankfully.

Duck felt his

responsibility deeply,

and talked endlessly about it.

"You don't understand Donald,

how much Sir Topham

Hatt relies on me."

"Ugh, I..." muttered

Donald sleepily.

"I'm Great Western, and I'm..."

"Quack Quack Quack"


(thick Scottish

accent) "You heard,

quack quack you go.

Sounds like you're an egg layer.

Now quiet, and let

an engine sleep".

"Quack yourself" said

Duck indignantly.

Later, he spoke to his driver.

"Donald says I quack

as if I laid an egg".

"Quack, do you"?

Pondered his fireman.

He whispered something

to Duck and his driver.

They were going to

play a joke on Donald

and pay him back

for teasing Duck.

The engines were busy

for the rest of the day

and nothing more was said.

(clarinet playing)

(whistle toot toot)

Not even a quack.

But when at last

Donald was asleep,

Duck's driver and fireman

popped something

into his water t*nk.


Next morning, when

Donald stopped for water,

he found that he had an

unexpected passenger on board.


A small white duckling

popped out of his water t*nk.

"Now, whose behind

this"? Laughed Donald.

The duckling was tame.

She shared the

fireman's sandwiches,

and rode in the tender.

The other engines enjoyed

teasing Donald about her.

Presently, she grew

tired of traveling

and hopped off at a station.

And there she stayed.

That night, Donald's driver

and fireman got busy.

And in the morning when

Duck's crew arrived

to look him over they

laughed and laughed.

"Look, Duck! Look what's

under your bunker.

It's a nest box

with an egg in it!"

Donald opened his sleepy eye.

"Well, well, well. You must

have laid it in the night, Duck,

all unbeknownst."

Then Duck laughed too.

"You win Donald. It would

take a clever engine

to get the better of you."

There's a pond near

the ducklings station.

Here, she often swims

and welcomes the

trains as they pass by.

The stationmaster

calls her Dilly,

but to everyone else, she

is always Donald's duck.

(Thomas & friends theme)
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