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06x04 - Angelina and the Windy Children's Day / Angelina and Ms. Mimi's Dance

Posted: 08/23/23 09:03
by bunniefuu
- ♪ She's a dancing star

♪ She loves to twirl all day

♪ She's gonna go far

♪ That's the angelina way

♪ Follow your dreams wherever they take you ♪

♪ You can succeed

♪ Don't let anything shake you ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ The little star with big dreams ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

- I'm angelina ballerina.

Today is one of my favorite holidays,

Children's day.

In mouseland, we celebrate the way they do in japan,

With music, dancing, banners, and lots more.

Sure is windy today.

- Yay! It's children's day!

I'm so happy!

- Being happy is what children's day

Is all about, polly.

- Oh, look!

Daddy set up the children's day dolls.

I love this one.

[Soft music playing]

- And I love japanese music.

It's so light and delicate.

- Yes, because there are only a few instruments at one time,

Like strings and a flute.

- I absolutely love our children's day banners.

Hey, polly, did you know that in japan,

These are called koi-nobori, and they're for boys.

But here in mouseland, all the girls have one too.

Thanks, mum.

I can't wait to hang this outside

When alice and marco come over.

- Mine looks like a big fish.

- Yes, it's called a carp, a really big goldfish.

Koi-nobori remind children to be strong and brave,

Like a carp.

- I'm strong and brave.

- Oh.

Both my girls are.

[Doorbell dings]

- Marco and alice are here.

Let's get this party started.

Happy children's day.

- Happy children's day, angelina.

- You like my koi-nobori?

My mom bought me a brand-new one this year.

- It's stupendous!


Wow! That wind is really strong!

- Are the dolls out yet?

- Yeah.

[Gong sounds]

All bow to the emperor of japan and of mouseland.

- Bow to mine too.

- And I will sing a song for your royalties.

- You may sing.

- [Screeching] ♪ la la-la la-laaah


- Uh, you may stop now.

- My kintaro's a mighty warrior

With super mouse strength.

I can even lift up a royal empress.

- [Giggles] hey, put me down!


- Oh, please be careful with those dolls.

They're breakable.

- Okay, mouselings,

Who's ready to hang your koi-nobori?

- I am! - Me, me, me!

- I'm ready! - Let's go!

- Oh, my! That is a mighty strong wind.

- My doll!

[Gong sounds]

It's broken!

[Both gasp]

- Oh.

- Now children's day is ruined.

- Oh, polly, maybe I can fix the empress.

- Really?

- Really truly.

I'll get started right now.

- While your mum's fixing the doll,

Let's go outside and continue with the festivities.

- Maybe by the time we're done, the doll will be good as new.

- Okay.

- This is the windiest children's day ever.

- It's great for koi-nobori flying.

- [Gasps] look!

Our carp are swimming in the sky!

- They're so pretty!

- Yee-haw!

- [Gasps] - hey, come back!

- Come, we have to help marco!

- Oh, it's getting away!

- No!


- I'm sorry, marco.

- My koi-nobori was brand-new.

- I know.

- [Sighs] oh.

- Welcome back.

Where have you all been?

- Marco's brand-new koi-nobori flew away.

- Oh, that's a shame.

- Is my doll fixed, mummy?

- Not quite.

- Aww.

- But you will be able to fix it, won't you?

- Well, it's a bit harder than I thought.

- How about if we head upstairs and do the children's day dance?

- I don't feel like dancing.

- Me neither.

- This hasn't been the happiest children's day ever,

But dancing always makes us feel good, right?

- Yeah! Come on.

It'll be fun!

- Okay.

- I guess so.

[Japanese string music]

All ♪ children's day

♪ Is filled with fun

♪ Joy and happiness for everyone ♪

♪ Children's day

♪ Is fun

♪ Happiness

♪ For everyone

♪ The sound of music fills the air ♪

♪ Pretty decorations are everywhere ♪

♪ We celebrate

♪ With family and friends

♪ We hold our kites up high

♪ And watch them blow in the wind ♪

♪ Children's day is filled with fun ♪

♪ Joy and happiness for everyone ♪

♪ Children's day

♪ Is fun

♪ Happiness for everyone

[Heads clunk] both oh!

- [Gasps]

[Music clicks off]

- I thought children's day

Was supposed to be the happiest day of the year.

- Well, it hasn't been very happy for me

Since I lost my koi-nobori.

- Or since my doll broke.

- Or since we banged heads.

- This children's day isn't the happiest day at all.

It's the worst!

- There's always next year.

- I think I'm gonna go home and lie down.

- Yeah, me too.

[All gasp]

- Look!

It's my koi-nobori!

How did it get back here?

- Wow! Ooh!

The damage isn't too bad.

I think we can fix it.

- Too late, dad.

The party's over.

Or is it?

- What is it, angelina?

- Look at this!

This leaf looks just like a carp.

- Wowee!

- What are the chances of that,

Especially on children's day?

- Maybe it's a sign.

Remember what my mum said about the carp?

- That it's a symbol of being strong and brave?

- Exactly.

Maybe this means we should try to be strong today.

- Yeah.

We shouldn't give up on children's day.

- Well, I guess I could give it a try.

- Me too.

- That's the spirit.

Now, let's check on your mum

And see how the doll's coming along.

- Oh, dear.

The glue isn't holding.

- There must be something else we can try.


- No.

That'll make holes.

- Oh. Tape?

- Not strong enough.

- When I broke my arm, the doctor put it in a sling.

- A sl-ling?

What's that?

- A piece of cloth wrapped around your shoulder

To hold up your arm.

- Can we try and make a sl-ling, mummy?

- We can try.

I can use this old dish towel.

[Fabric rips]

How's that?

- [Gasps] wowee!

My doll's got a sling!

- And tape may not fix the doll,

But it will fix your koi-nobori, marco.

- Great! Thanks, mr. Mouseling!

- Now, please watch your heads this time.

- Okay. We will, dad.

Let's do it, alice.

[Japanese string music]

All ♪ children's day

♪ Is filled with fun

♪ Joy and happiness for everyone ♪

♪ Children's day

♪ Is fun

♪ Happiness

♪ For everyone

- Ooh!

Wah! Ah!

- You okay, alice?

- [Giggles] fine!

Let's do it again.

- Yeah! Let's do the bump.

- Could I do it too? Please?

Do the bump!

- I think you've got some new children's day choreography.

All ♪ konnichiwa ♪

♪ Is the word we use to say hello ♪

♪ Sayonara means good-bye ♪

♪ When it's time for us to go

♪ Children's day is filled with fun ♪

♪ Joy and happiness for everyone ♪

♪ Children's day

♪ Is fun

♪ Happiness

♪ For everyone


- Thanks for inviting us, angelina.

- Children's day turned out to be happy after all.

- Hee-hee! Especially the dancing part.

- Yeah, thank you, carp.


Now it's time to meet camembert's shining stars.

- My name is yibiao,

And I play the flute at the juilliard pre-college.

[Playful flute music]

And I started playing the flute when I was seven.

Before, I was playing the electronic keyboard,

But then my mom was tired

Of carrying the heavy electronic keyboard,

So she said that,

"You need to play an instrument much lighter,"

And that's how I started flute.

Breathing is pretty important for flute

Because if you breathe at the wrong time,

You might run out of air

And you're gonna have to stop and breathe,

And you have to be really, really careful on your fingers.

Playing the flute is very cool.

- I'm harun.

- I'm christopher.

- We study at the juilliard music advancement program.

[Marimba music]

- I play marimba,

And I like that instrument 'cause of the sound.

- The marimba is an african instrument.

You take a mallet, you hit the wooden bar,

And the pipes make the wood louder.

The shorter bars stand for the high notes,

And the bigger bars stand for the lower notes.

- I started playing percussion at the age of three

On bottles and cans.

- We are playing a duet called bourree.

A duet is two people playing a piece with different parts.

Christopher is playing the higher part,

And I am playing the lower part.

- I practice three hours a day.

I like classical music.

- I like the romance.

I like the sadness, the happiness.

- It's fun, and it makes me happy.

- I'm angelina ballerina,

And this evening, my dance teacher, ms. Mimi,

Is doing an exciting modern dance performance at school.


[Suspenseful instrumental music]


- Ooh la la!

Ms. Mimi's dancing is fantastique!

- Yeah, she even makes the hard steps look easy.


- Bravo, ms. Mimi!

- Way to go!

[Bird chirping]

- Sounds like mr. Chirpyface liked the performance too.

- Has he been at school all day?

- Yes, I bring him for good luck when I have a performance.

[Bird chirping]

He makes me happy

And gives me a lot of cheerful support.

- He's lucky he gets to watch you perform.

- Oui, your modern dance was magnifique.

- I hope one day dancing's as easy for me

As it is for you.

- Thank you, mouselings.

But the truth is,

There was nothing easy at all about my performance.

It took a lot of work preparing for this dance,

And I mean a lot.

It all started this morning before school.

[Swirly chimes]

I was about to practice my modern dance.

It was inspired by twirling, drifting autumn leaves.

See, modern dance is very free,

And its movements express feelings.

I was about to rehearse when...



[Swirly chimes]

Let's just say

I felt just like a leaf in the wind at that moment.

- So that's what you meant

When you said it wasn't easy to prepare?

- That's not all I meant,

Because things didn't get any easier at lunch.

[Swirly chimes]

Just when I was about to dig into a healthy meal

With lots of protein...

[Bird chirping]

What's wrong, mr. Chirpyface?

[Bird chirping]

Would you like to come out of your cage?

[Bird chirping]


Come back here with my lunch!

[Swirly chimes]

- That's when we saw you in the lunchtime theater.

And you didn't look very happy.

- I had planned the perfectly healthy meal

To prepare me for my performance,

And mr. Chirpyface was flying away with it.

- Hey, I thought he was gonna get away.

- Well, I knew he would come back to his cage

Because he always does.

[Swirly chimes]

But I wasn't so sure about my lunch.

[Bird chirping]

- Oh! Petit oiseau!

Oh, little birdie!

- Give us ms. Mimi's lunch back.

[Bird chirping]

- Good, you came back.

But where's my lunch?

[Bird chirping]

- Look, ms. Mimi.

It's over there...

On the ground.

- Thanks for your help, mouselings.

- Quelle dommage.

You lost your lunch.

[Bell ringing]

- Sorry, ms. Mimi.

But we'd better get to class.

- Oh, no!

Now what am I going to do?

[Stomach growling]

[Swirly chimes]

Luckily, I remembered that I always carry around

An apple and a couple of protein bars,

Which could help give me energy to dance.

- So then I'm sure it was easy to prepare for your performance.

- I only wish that were true.

Next, it was time to go to the dance studio

To try to rehearse once again.

- Wait a minute.

Are you sure you needed to rehearse, ms. Mimi?

- All dancers,

No matter how long they've been dancing,

Have to rehearse.

[Swirly chimes]

There was only a half hour during the day

When the dance studio wasn't being used.

So imagine my surprise to find

That when I got to the dance studio...

Ooh-ooh-ooh! Oh-oh!

The floor had just been waxed and was very slippery.

[Bird chirping]

And getting out of the dance studio

Wasn't as easy.

Ooh, ooh... Ah!

So I tried...


And tried...



Ooh! Ooh!



- We remember that waxy floor.

- Oui. We felt like ice skaters too.

[Swirly chimes]

Bonjour, ms. Mimi.


- Mouselings, watch out!

- Ah-ah!

- Wa-whoa-ah-oh!

That floor was a fun slide fest.

- And dangerous too.

- And it wasn't so funny for you, ms. Mimi.

- I must admit,

I was having a hard time finding the humor.

I really needed that time to rehearse.

- C'est dommage.

And you didn't have anywhere to practice.

- And your performance was only a few hours away.

- That's right.

But I couldn't stop to think about that,

Because it was time for math class.

[Swirly chimes]

So...if we had two plates,

Each holding three pieces of cheese,

How many pieces of cheese would we have?

- Two plates times three pieces of cheese


- Correct.

You mouselings are just so good at multiplication.

[Bell ringing]

Please leave your homework on my desk.

[Bird chirping]

I hope to see you all at this evening's performance.

- Wouldn't miss it.

- Bye. - See you later.

- [Sighs]

[Swirly chimes]

What a day.

First that blast of wind.

Then mr. Chirpyface dropped my lunch.

The protein bars didn't fill me up.

I couldn't rehearse in the dance studio

Because of the waxed floor.

And now I'm not only hungry but also really thirsty.

Luckily, I remembered to pack my water bottle.

[Water splashes]

Oh, dear.

My problems are multiplying.

I dried off the math homework...

When I was met with a happy surprise.

- Bonjour, ms. Mimi.

- We brought you some yummy tofu and vegetables.

- We made this in our after-school cooking class.

- Oh, ms. Mimi,

Why is there water all over the desk?

- I had a little mishap.

- I can take care of that.

- Why, this looks delicious!

- We just learned that tofu has protein,

Which helps us grow.

- Yes, and vegetables have carbohydrates.

Protein and carbohydrates help build muscle

And give me energy to dance.

- Voila, ms. Mimi.

- I appreciate you filling up my water bottle, gracie.

Dancers also need lots of water

To help them perform at their best.


Thank you.

- So we helped with your performance?

- Yes!

And now that I'd eaten,

There was only one thing to do.

- What was that, ms. Mimi?

- Practice.

- But I thought the dance studio

Wasn't free for the rest of the day.

- And the floors were tres slippery.

- So how did you manage?

- A performer must always find a way to practice,

Even if it takes a little creativity.

[Swirly chimes]

The dance studio wasn't available,

But the classroom was.

- And the floors weren't slippery there.

[Bird chirping]

- I found out that hallways are nice to rehearse in too.

So I got to practice my falling leaf modern dance

In very unusual locations,

Until roquefort hall was finally available.

I always like to go through the steps one last time

Before I'm in front of an audience.

[Swirly chimes]

- And we already know the end of the story.

- Oui, you gave a wonderful performance.

- Stupendous!

[Bird chirping]

- He looks happy.

- It looks like mr. Chirpyface

Thinks you had a wonderful performance too.


- ♪ Making it look easy

♪ Is not as easy as it looks ♪

[Upbeat music]

♪ Making it look easy

♪ Is not as easy as it looks ♪

♪ It takes time and patience and care ♪

♪ You can't do pirouettes in your chair ♪

♪ You go day by day by day by day ♪

♪ It takes will to find a way ♪

♪ 'Cause making it look easy

♪ Is not as easy as it looks ♪

♪ So you try - ♪ and try

- ♪ And try - ♪ and try

- ♪ And the time goes by

- ♪ And by - ♪ and by

All ♪ through thick and thin

♪ It takes discipline

- ♪ And you'll never give in

♪ Making it look easy

♪ Is not as easy as it looks ♪

All ♪ making it look easy

♪ Is not as easy as it looks ♪

- ♪ Making it look easy

♪ Is not as easy as it looks ♪

Thank you, mouselings.

But now you can see that it wasn't so easy.

- Yes.

- I think I'm ready for a nap after a day like today.


- We better leave you to rest, ms. Mimi.

- Thank you, mouselings.

- You know, if ms. Mimi has to work so hard

Before a performance...

- We have to work tres, tres hard.

- You're right.

We should practice right now.

- Uh, angelina...

[Chirping softly]

- Let's practice somewhere else.

- After the hard day ms. Mimi's had,

We wouldn't want to wake her up now.

- Hola, marco here.

I know what that is.

It's a marimba.

Marimbas were first made in africa and latin america.

They hit the wood blocks with the mallets,

And those tubes underneath help make that cool sound.

Marimba is a percussion instrument.

A drum is another kind of percussion instrument,

Like the one I have here.

You hit it. That's how it makes sound.


I wonder if they'd let me play my steel drum with them.

We'd make a great trio.

Hola, marco here.

I'm listening to my friend yibiao play the flute.

Did you know that flutes have been around

Since the time of the cavemen?

Flutes are wind instruments, just like recorders.

That means air makes the sound.

Do you see how yibiao puckers his lips

To push air through the flute

And his fingers cover the holes to make the different pitches?

I want to play flute at the next camembert parade.

It's easier to carry than a tuba.

Gracias, yibiao!