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01x05 - Super 8

Posted: 04/27/11 06:45
by bunniefuu
Previously on AMC's The k*lling...

Don't do I even get a chance to defend myself here?

You just did.

Screw both of you.

That's where Rosie is now. In heaven.

When is she coming back?

When you go there you don't come back!

What you need is a media blitz.

We need to remind voters that you're the anti-crime guy and that Adams never gave a damn till now.

How did you know it wasn't me?

Because if you wanted to screw me you'd have found a smarter way to do it.

We think she may have been seeing someone.

Possibly an adult.

No, my daughter is not like that.

Detective Linden, holder.

Yeah, sure. Can I help you?

Yeah, why don't you start with you and Rosie hooking up in the playground?

Excuse me?

Seattle all-stars.

She met you there outside of school.

You never mentioned it.

A lot of students volunteer there.

Rosie checked it out once or twice.

I don't remember.

That wasn't her thing? Thug life?

I guess not.

What kind of name is...Ahmed?


How's that relevant?

You're a spokesman for the Seattle all-stars.

You drive the campaign cars much, Bennet?

You think I k*lled Rosie?

Help us rule you out.

They gave alums of the program access, yes, but I never used any of his cars.

What'd you do after the dance last Friday?

I went home.

Is there anyone who can confirm that?

My wife and I --
We're refinishing the floors, and, uh, I didn't want her inhaling the fumes, so she spent the weekend at her sister's place.

So that's a "no."

What about the flooring company?

Did they see you around over the weekend?

They, uh, they canceled last minute.

I had to do it myself.

We found the letters that you wrote her.

You want to take a shot at that one, Ahmed?

Rosie didn't like to raise her hand in class, so she left me notes, and I wrote her back.

It was an intellectual discourse. That's it.

You save any of her notes?

No. I didn't.

No, you wouldn't want any of those falling into the wrong hands, would you?

Like the wife's.

Listen, man, I teach over 200 students a year.

The majority can't even stay awake in class.

Rosie was different.

She was curious. She was hungry. Oh.

I know how this looks, okay?

But I am telling you --
This girl had a gift.

I encouraged her to get out there, see the world, express herself.

You should see what she came up with.

How's it going, little man?

Why are you in your underwear?

Shut up.

You can't eat those. They're Rosie's.

I'm gonna tell mom and dad.

Go ahead. They don't care about us.

Are we at my place or yours?


Uh, the billboards made a difference.

We're no longer dropping.

We are up three.

The mayor's still beating us by five.

Oh, don't forget --

You have the needle exchange this afternoon, and we are sh**ting the new tv spots tonight.

You work fast.

Yeah. And I booked this hot new director who's usually impossible to get.

Drexler's 50k helped.

So, why do you still look worried?

Because the Larsen girl is still hurting us, even with this new ad buy, and the family's not returning my calls.

Any bright ideas?

Reach out to them personally.

Ask them to do the spots with you.

Any ideas that won't leave me feeling like I need a shower afterward?

Family just lost a child. They need time to mourn.

But we don't have that kind of time.

My ball airs are freezing.

Well, you look good.

Being fired becomes you.

Yeah? Thanks.

I got a date this afternoon --

Older gentleman, like you.

Where's he taking you?

The Peavey Club.

Oh, nice.

Mayor only takes special dates there.

Foreplay's over. He's ready to get down to business.

Get him drunk. He opens like a flower.

Well, that's too bad. I don't drink.

Got to start sometime.

Look, Darren, I'm ready to pucker my lips and grab my ankles, if you can take finding out who the mole is.

You're wrong about Gwen.

It's a simple process of elimination.

Why would she do it?

To control you, make you into a guy she can deliver.

I don't buy it.

Don't or don't want to?

You just worry about what shade lipstick to wear with the mayor.

Unless this is a snuff film, we're wasting our time.

You got somewhere to be, then go.

That's probably why Ahmed gave it to us.

He's buying time.

Is that Rosie?

If it is, who's behind the camera?

Maybe it's Ahmed.

Maybe this is how he lures them in.

He gets them to pose for an innocent video, maybe show a little leg, and then...

No, Rosie shot that.


They're migrating. They travel 500 miles a year.

It takes them four or five generations.

Sterling said she was out there all those afternoons filming this.

Maybe she saw something she shouldn't have seen.

This is wack.

I'm gonna call the flooring company, make sure Ahmed didn't lie to us again.

Run it again.



Print that one.

Pull that one.

See if you can make out a face.

I don't want to go to school.

Well, I know it blows, but them's the breaks.

Hey, say goodbye to your mom.

Bye, mom.

You boys got your lunches?

Terry made us PB & J... Again.

Shut up. You're such a baby.

Come on, now.

Your aunt is doing the best she can.

Besides, that's what she lives on.

It's too much jelly for one kid.

Denny, you can have whatever's in the fridge.

You want some fish sticks?

We don't have any. We don't have anything.

All right, I'll go to the store and get some.

Come on, let's go. We're late. Let's go.

I'll --
I'll go to the store.

Well, you sure?

Yeah. Yeah.

Let's go. Come on.

Look, I thought we did a roof inspection when I bought the place.

Well, how much is it gonna cost to fix?

All right.

Yeah, fine.

What's up?

What happened to the port townsend move?

Uh, they canceled on us --

Last night?

That's the fifth cancellation this week.

What the hell is going on?

It's 'cause of what happened.

You know, they --
They don't know how to act, so they're just staying away.

I mean, screw them, right?

Yeah, well...

I still got two more kids to feed.

Tell them that.

Stan, I know this guy who works at...Rosie's school --

Grounds keeper.

Says the cops have been nosing around there again.

Maybe I can ask him if he knows anything, like who they're looking at?

Rosie's gone.

Finding out who k*lled her won't change that.

Thanks for the ride to the airport.

I'm glad you came.

Uh, I will be, too, once I have a nap on the plane.

So, Sunday --

Afternoon barbecue, family, friends, my parents.

Come on. We suffer together.

That's what marriage is all about.

You can count me in.

What if you haven't caught the guy?

Uh, holder should be up to speed by then.

You're not eating, sleeping?

I'm eating.

Drive-thru at the del taco doesn't count.


I'm serious.

Are you gonna put this girl's drawings on your wall?

She doesn't draw.

Yeah, but she makes movies.

Look, I appreciate your concern, but this isn't the same thing.

It's not. I'm a different person now.

Do you think it's possible to know someone?

I mean, to really know them?

Yeah. I do.

That's why I should probably cancel the barbecue on Sunday.

Mrs. Larsen?

Darren. Richmond.

I know who you are.

My wife loved, uh, blackberries.

I never noticed before how they --

They grow everywhere here --

Side of the road, under bridges, through cracks in the sidewalk.

I can't avoid them.

I know. I heard about your wife.

It gets better.

Does it?

Was she there?


Tory's been sitting out front of their house for the last 24 hours.

She said the Larsen woman came here.

Well, she was wrong.

I asked you here, Jamie, because this institution is of great historical significance to my family.

Your people build the place?

Well, clearly, you haven't heard the story.

The Peavey Club started as a shelter for loggers in the 1830s.

This room here --
This was the whole shebang...

Till the gold rush hit.

Prospectors added the dining hall, butlers' quarters, then went bust, just in time for Boeing to step in.

Added the golf course and a gym.

The story of this lodge...

Is the story of Seattle.

So your granddaddy --

He was a trapper, panner, or a pencil head?

He used to shovel coal into the furnace in the basement, so don't ever tell me my people don't know what it's like to be black.

Finally, here comes the Jesus juice.

Look, um, mayor, I appreciate the invite, but, uh, I had enough with the tickle me elmo.

What do you need me for?

Good God. Lighten up, have a drink.

You've anticipated every move that Richmond's made, meaning you've already got somebody inside his camp.

And if I did...

You'd be the last person I'd tell.

Uh, yeah, Sonoma.

Saturday night.

11:30 flight is fine.

It's for two passengers.

Sarah Linden -- l-i-n-d-e-n --

And Jack Linden.

No, he's my son.

Uh, nonrefundable.

Yeah, you ready?



So, I talked to the flooring company.

Did you win the match 4 at Circle K?

No, it was Blackjack.

Got a smorgasbord down there.

So, anyways, like I was saying, uh, the flooring company?

Ahmed said he canceled on him, right?


Other way around.

He called them Friday night, told them not to show.

That's right. He's lying.

Probably lied about that film, too.

Why isn't he drinking?

I gather you and the councilman have a long history together.

Since his first city council run.

So why'd you betray him?

Come on.

You can be honest here.

Did he go back on a promise?

Not give you the raise you deserve?

Richmond's an idealist.

Oh, ethics this, fair play that.

It's all bullshit.

You win, you win.

You lose, you go home.

Come on, let me tell you something, mayor.

Politics is w*r, all right?

You want to step in the ring?

You better like the taste of blood, and if you don't, you better step aside for somebody who does.

Oh, I think you're selling the man a little short.

In no time at all, Darren's come here and built himself a real rainbow coalition --

Blacks, fruits, whores, and drug addicts.

You feeling all right?

Frankly, you look like a dead person.

I'll be right back.

Time to rerack.

It's all about the waterfront.

Ahh. Waterfront?

That's what gets the developers, the construction companies, the trade unions.

Now that we've broken ground, I'm bulletproof.

Look, I, uh I got -- I got to get out of here.

Funny thing you mentioning plants in campaigns.

Yitanes tried to pull that move on me.


Paranoid old bitch.

Miss "has to know everything."

H-how'd --
How'd you catch her?

Oh, I got a nose for that sort of thing, James.

I can sniff them out.

Can't trust a one of them, can you?

Welcome aboard.

Oh, God.

We have, like, no time to eat lunch at school.

Well, that's why you should take your lunch and not forget it this time.

Okay? You want something to eat?

I'm just making up your bed, Tommy.

I wet my bed until I was like, uh, 17.

You did not.

Yeah, I did.

Are you gonna tell my mom?


Is that the dress you picked for your daughter?

Yes, it is.

It's lovely.

She'll look beautiful in it.

May I?

Thank you, Mr. Larsen.

Thank you.

Would you like to see her in the dress?

It'll only take a few moments.

Brother, you need a shower.

Three days out of work, you look worse than these guys.

Yeah, well...I feel awesome.

Why? You and Adams tie the knot?

No. No, it turns out he's not the one.

It's Yitanes.

She set me up?


Made sure her husband got his deal.

And for the record, I never trusted that battle ax.

Who's she using?

I don't know. I haven't gotten that far yet.

Didn't Gwen used to work for Yitanes?

Check the employee records of my campaign, of my office staff.

Look for any links to Yitanes.




She looked pretty.

Our Rosie, didn't she?

Got to get oil. It's running low.

Where's the oil?

They were out.

Thanks, Nathan.

You got it.


On Richmond's anti-crime programs.

He's been doing a lot with after-school, too.

We want to remind voters that he's the real deal, that he's the people's mayor.


And, of course, appeal to young voters at the same time, maybe showcase his athletic side.

His athletic side?


Look, I'm a director, not a special-effects monkey.

Could you just take a look at the package?


To be honest, I'm having a hard time focusing, 'cause I keep thinking about 5:00 A.M. On a Tuesday morning, last time I saw you wearing anything.

And I'm wondering if that's why I'm here.

Just my thoughts.

Take your time.


So, Friday night, Ahmed gets the wife out of the house, brings Rosie over to get it on.

Then -- Bam --
Something goes wrong, and the brother's taking a moonlight drive to discovery park.

Cancels the flooring company so he can, uh, clean up before the wife gets home.

I'd bet on it if I was the gambling type.

You're not?

That's a pretty nice score you made back there.

What is this, "20 questions"?

It's like a first date.

Are you checking me out, Linden?

There's plenty of women with poor judgment out there.

I'm sure you'll get lucky.

Not now. I'm, uh, celibate.

Celibate as in no sex?

That's what it means, don't it?

Six months now.

Personal reasons.

That's nice.

It's not the usual convo on a first date, but there's just something about you, Linden, that just makes me want to open up.

We moving on to my diet and exercise next?

If I knew anything else, I would have mentioned it the last time we spoke.

What was the extent of Mr. Ahmed's relationship with Rosie Larsen?

I told you -- It was strictly teacher-student.

I would have fired him otherwise.

Yeah, like you fired that peeking perv janitor?

Students gossip. So do teachers.

Maybe there's something you heard you didn't think was relevant before.

There was an incident at another school.

Nothing came of it.

The girl was mentally unstable.

We'll need her name. Anything else?

I do hope councilman Richmond doesn't get dragged into this again.

He's always been an advocate for the schools.

Thanks for your time. We'll be in touch.

And I've always wondered about Mr. Ahmed's wife.

What about her?

Oh, you don't know?

She was one of his former students.

We need to talk to you, Mrs. Ahmed.


Why don't we talk inside, okay?


Rosie Larsen was a student of your husband's?

Bennet will be home in a little bit, so if you guys want to just come back, you can.

Nah, no. We'll --
We'll wait.

You were, too, right?

Excuse me?

Student of his?

Greenville High?


Uh, I was a senior, and Bennet was really young.

He was like 23.

We didn't start dating until after I graduated.

I had a crush on my bio teacher senior year --

Mr. Briggs.

But I didn't get so lucky. He was already married.

I used to write him these notes after class, and he would write me back.

It was innocent but...


Bennet would do that.



He would write me these really long letters, telling me to... Pursue my dreams, wherever they took me.

It was stupid, I guess.

No, it's sweet.

Were you home last weekend, Amber?

I was at my sister's. Why?

Probably don't get out too much these days, huh?

I get by.

My sister lives in Renton, so I took our car.

Bennet didn't want me to ride the bus.

Did your husband take any movies of you, senior year?



Mind if I use your bathroom?


It's just down the hall to the left.

So, when are you, uh, you know...

Due? Yeah.

Uh, next week.

I wanted a boy, but Bennet really wanted a girl.

You ever worry about your husband not coming home at night?


Why would I?

All those young things in miniskirts throwing themselves at the popular teacher.

I mean...


I don't worry.

But you don't know what time your husband came home Friday night after the dance, do you?

Yeah, I do.

He called me when he got home. It was like 10:00.

Oh, he called you from here?

No, he called me from his cellphone.


We're wasting our time. We should be picking up Ahmed.

What's our PC? He's got chemicals.

He's got plastic all over the place.

I mean, you got to admit, it looks like he's cleaning up a crime scene.

That is not enough.

We have to put Rosie in his apartment that night.

Every minute we're wasting, he's out there destroying evidence.

Hi, Will.

Yeah, I need you to check Larsen's tissue samples for ammonium hydroxide.

You ever hear of it?

Okay. Let me know.

You got somewhere to be?

Don't you?

Starts with an "S," ends with an "A" -- Sonoma.

This just came by messenger.

It says it's for you only, councilman.


Did you get my little present?

Looks that way.

Just don't sh**t the messenger.

I want back in, Darren.

It's lonely out here in the cold.

I'll be in touch.

Gwen, we need to talk.

We're sh**ting the tv spots in an hour.

You should change.

I didn't have a choice. I had to be discreet.

I couldn't tell anyone.

Darren, I get it.

Councilwoman Yitanes is here.

Boy, this better be good. You pulled me out of a meeting.

Oh, it's good.

Turns out Nathan...

Also works for your husband at $80,000 a year.

That's quite a salary for a guy working full time as my campaign's glorified coffee boy.

I assume that you are working up to a point.

Well, you recommended Nathan to my campaign.

So what?

So he could be your eyes and ears, leak damaging info to the press.

Oh, give me a break, Darren. Come on. I endorsed you.

Why would I want to hurt your campaign?

Because the more I needed you, the more concessions I had to make.

Well, when I'm mayor, Ruth, your husband won't be getting any more city contracts.

Without me, you won't be the mayor.

You better put a smile on that face before you hit the door, Ruth.

You're still supporting me.

You accessed my campaign's network without my consent.

I looked at a couple of e-mails.

So what? I even wrote one.

What is the big deal?
3 to 10...

Maybe less with time off for good behavior.

It's a felony, Ruth.

So, like I said, smile.

At least I trust my husband.

Can't say the same about you two lovebirds.

Oh, maybe he didn't tell you.

He had Nathan check your e-mails at the same time.

Spreading your legs just doesn't buy a girl anything these days.

You thought I was the leak?

Don't do it! Don't look!

All right!

It's not like I'm dying to see you in your birthday suit, kid.

Come on, tom! You're next.

No! Not yet! Stop!


They're almost clean. I'll start dinner.

What do you want to eat?

Get out of the tub, Denny.

Get out of the tub, Denny! Right now. I mean it.

Get out. Get out!

Mitch. Mitch.

What's wrong with you?

They need you in hair and makeup, but first you should meet the director.

What happened to Mr. hard-to-get?

He had the wrong idea.

Hello. Darren Richmond.

Do you have that tox on the Larsen girl?

Yep. Negative for heroin, oxy, "e," even alcohol.

She was clean.

What about ammonium hydroxide?

Oh. Just finished it. Here.

It was on her hands, under her nails, even in her lungs.

What's it used for?

Cleaning, flooring, making bombs.

It's very powerful stuff.

Why would a person use it on a body?

It does the job.

Might explain why we didn't find anything under her nails and, uh, inconclusive for sexual as*ault.

Sounds like he's a pro, like he knows what he's doing.

Wouldn't be surprised if he's done it before.

Talk to your guy at the school.

I want to know who the cops are looking at.

It is a good night for this.

These are my all-stars.