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05x06 - Angelina’s Nature Dance / Angelina’s Spring Fling

Posted: 08/23/23 08:52
by bunniefuu
- ♪ She's a dancing star

♪ She loves to twirl all day

♪ She's gonna go far

♪ That's the angelina way

♪ Follow your dreams wherever they take you ♪

♪ You can succeed

♪ Don't let anything shake you ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ The little star with big dreams ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

- I'm angelina ballerina.

And I love trying out new dance ideas,

So I was really, really excited

When ms. Mimi gave us the most stupendous project.

- Many famous composers have been inspired by nature

To write their best music.

Just listen to this.

[Classical music]

That was inspired by the changing seasons.

Now listen to this.

[Light flute music]

Together wow.

[All gasping]

- Hmm.

- That was a lovely piece about a young deer.

See how music comes from nature?

- Mm-hmm.

- Now, I want you all to go outside

And create your very own dance pieces

Set to music inspired by nature.

And next week, each group will perform their piece

In the lunchtime theater.

Together oh, wow.

[All giggling]

- I found a great piece of music.

It's called the flight of the bumblebee.


[Frenetic piano music]

Doesn't that sound like a bee?

- Bzzzz-zzzz,

Buzzing around in a real tizzy.

- And zigzagging all over the place.

- Okay, let's try dancing to it.

- I love the flight of the bumblebee.

[Both giggling]

- Whoa-oh-ohhh.

- Oof!

- Oh!

Both oof!

[Music stops]

[All giggling]

- [Grumbling]

- [Laughs]

That was fun.

- We were zigging and zagging around like bumblebees...

- All in perfect formation...

- Until a certain little you-know-who showed up.

- Where's the bumblebee?

Has he gone?

[All giggling]

- It was only pretend, polly.

We're making up a dance about bees.

- Oh, I can do bumblebees, look.


- Hmm.

Hey, polly, why don't you go and be a busy bee downstairs?

I think mum needs some help.

- Okay.

- Mm-mm.

Now it's time for us to think up our own nature dance.


[Harp and chimes flourish]

- And this term's

"Miss lilly award for creative interpretation in dance"

Goes to...

Team angelina.

[Cheers and applause]

- [Gasps]


[Crowd chanting] - angelina, angelina, angelina.

- This is absolutely, positively

The greatest day of my life.

[Harp and chimes flourish]

Hey, I've just had the most stupendous idea

Where we can go...

Lots of nature and no little sisters.

- [Sobbing] it's not fair.

I wanted to stay and be a bee with all the big girls.

- I know dear, but you'll be a big girl one day.

- Mum. - Hm?

- Can we have a snack? - To take out to the park?

- We need to get lots of ideas from nature.

- [Laughs] I don't see why not.

- Yay, can I come?

- [Gasps]

- Pretty please with cheese?

- Please, angelina, be a good big sister now...

- [Sighs]

- Wow, there's so much nature to inspire us out here.

- Bzz-bzz-bzz, bzz-bzz-bzz-bzzzzzz.

- Okay, relax, polly.

We're not being bees anymore.

- Let's find somewhere to have our snack.

- I know a really, really good place.

Follow me.

- Okay, we've got a great bumblebee dance.

[Flight of the bumblebee playing]

[Music stops]

What else shall we do?

- Let's play hide-and-seek.

- No, polly, we're practicing for our nature dance.

[Birds chirping]

- Let's do a bird dance.

- Yes, stupendous idea, and look.

There's a perfect place to land.

[Upbeat flute music]

- That was awesome.

We looked just like a flock of birds.

- Oui, all graceful and fluttery...

- But a bit flappy too.

- Where's polly?

- Quack, quack, quack, quack.

I'm being a duck now.


- We didn't mean that kind of bird, polly.

- Stop messing around, polly.

We're trying to do proper dancing.

- Mmm.

- Okay, what else should we try?

Together uhh, hmm...

- I know trees.

- Ah, yeah, trees blowing in the wind.

That's really different.

- Okay, let's try it.

[Sprightly orchestral music]

- Shhhoooo.



- What are you doing now, polly?

- I'm a tree that's been blown down,

And now I'm being a log.

Together a log?

- Yes, dad always says he sleeps like a log.



- Polly, you're so funny.

- No, she's not.

She's just showing off.

She's ruining everything.

We'll never have our nature dance ready.

I wish she'd just stayed at home.

- [Sobbing]

- I'm fed up with polly tagging along all the time.

She's always getting in the way.

- She's only little...

- And she's so much fun...

- Hmm, sometimes...

Where is she, anyway?


Oh, no, she's gone.

I upset her, and she ran away.

- I was only trying to help.

- I know.

She didn't mean to be nasty to you.

Boing! Boing! Boing!

- What's that?

- I don't know.

Sounds interesting, though.

Let's go and see what it is.

All polly, polly.

- Where are you?

- Polly.

- Oh, where is she?

- M-m-maybe she's hiding.

- Polly, are you in there?

What am I going to tell mum and dad?

I was horrible to her, and now we'll never see her again.

- [Breathing deeply]

Hang on a minute.

Vici's not here either.

She must have gone with her.

- What if she didn't?

Polly, polly, where are you?

- Hello, over here.

- Oh, polly, I thought you ran away.

I'm sorry I was mean to you.

- She's fine, and guess what.

We've found something really interesting.

- Come and have a look.

- Oh, look at them.

They're so cute.

- They certainly love to hop around.

Hey, I've got the most stupendous idea.

Can we put your grasshoppers in our nature dance, polly?

- Oh, yes.

- It'll be great.

It'll have ziggy-zaggy bees...

[Flight of the bumblebee playing]

- And flippy-flappy birds...

[Light flute music]

- And whooshy-windy trees...

- And hippity-hoppity grasshoppers.

- Oh!


- Oh, polly, I do love you.


[Gentle piano music]

♪ Sisters are special, sisters are neat ♪

♪ I've got a sister, she's so very sweet ♪

♪ I feel good when she's around, and I want you to know ♪

♪ I love my sister so

♪ She's fun to be with, she's never mean ♪

♪ When I need help, why, she's always keen ♪

♪ My sister's like a part of me ♪

♪ I just want you to know

♪ I love my sister, my little sister ♪

♪ I love my sister so

[Harp and chimes flourish]

- Our nature dance is going to be magnifique.

Together yeah.

- I definitely think the grasshopper

Should be the star of the show.

- Yes, hippity-hoppity grasshoppers.

- And maybe marco could compose a special piece of music,

Like the flight of the bumblebee,

Only it would be...

Together the hop of the grasshopper.

- Mmm.

Now it's time to meet camembert's shining stars.

- My name is lindsay,

And when I was three, I started taking ballet.

- My name is avery,

And I study at the american ballet theater school.

- When I was little,

My grandma gave me a package of three books

And a little angelina ballerina doll,

And I really like the books.

- My sister's a dancer, so I went on an audition,

And I just really liked it.

- When you tie your pointe shoes,

You have to cross the ribbons

And make sure you tie a tight knot

On the inside of your foot.

Our teacher just choreographed a piece.

We don't really know what the name is, but...

Yeah, but it's fun.

[Upbeat orchestral music]

We have pointe shoes made of plaster and glue,

And at first, it hurts a little bit,

But your feet get a lot stronger,

And it's-- you have, like, padding,

Like a toe pad underneath your pointe shoes.

It feels good.

- When I do an entrechat six, it's a challenge,

But I work hard at strengthening my legs,

And it makes it easier.

- This is the first time I've danced with a partner,

So it's challenging, but it's a great experience.

- She's a really good partner.

- It's really fun to learn and get to know

The different ways of balancing on your pointe shoe,

And it just feels amazing.

- I really like dancing.

I hope to inspire other people to dance.

- I'm angelina ballerina,

And it's almost the first day of spring,

But you'd never know it.

It's so cloudy and windy and cold outside.

It feels like winter's never going to end.

- Tell me about it.

I can't play baseball with snow on the ground.

- Maman bought me a new spring jacket,

But I cannot wear it in this weather.

- And I'm tired of looking at bare branches.

When are we gonna see some leaves and flowers?

- I wish we could make spring come faster...

- But we cannot.

- Who says we can't?

- What do you mean, angelina?

- We can't make spring come faster outside,

But maybe we can make it feel springier inside.

- How are we going to do that?

- Come, I'll show you.

We can listen to some music called spring

From the four seasons.

That's by vivaldi.

[Upbeat orchestral music]

[Harp and chimes flourish]

The first part is called allegro.

"Allegro" means "fast and bright,"

Like a march.

Don't those violins make it sound

Like spring is marching in?

Then the music starts to rush,

Almost like a river when the ice melts

Or like birds flying home after the long winter.

[Music stops]


- [Giggles]

I do feeling springier.

- I do not.

[Wind howling]

- [Sighs]

Here comes another snowstorm.

- I guess nothing can make it feel like spring.


- Wait, my friend arash once told me

That in mousandaran, iran, they celebrate the new year

On the first day of spring at the end of march.

- How do they celebrate?

- Well, one of the things they do

Is serve a bowl of nuts for good luck.

- [Gasps] that's a stupendous idea.

We could celebrate the way they do.

We have some nuts downstairs.

- Maybe these nuts are so lucky...

They'll make it stop snowing...

- And make the sun come out...

- And make the flowers grow.

- This could be our lucky day thanks to marco.

- Don't thank me.

Thank my friend arash.

- So do you think these lucky nuts are working?

[Wind howling]

- Pas du tout, not at all.

- Oh, well, it was worth a try.

- Let's face it,

Winter's here to stay no matter what we do.

[Wind howling]

- Hey, you know what always makes me feel like spring?


Why don't we all play?

Together huh?

- But you said we can't play outside

With snow on the ground.

- We could play inside.

- Oh, no, my mum has very strict rules

About not playing ball in the house.

- I'm not talking about playing real baseball.

We can play pretend baseball.


This is my imaginary baseball,

And we can swing imaginary bats.

- Like this one.

- And we can run around imaginary bases.

- Exactly.

- Fantastique.

- This can be our imaginary baseball field.

The couch will be first base.

The chair is second base.

This is third,

And this is home plate.

- I'll be the pitcher.

- I'll bat first.

Angelina, you're on my team.

- Gracie, you take the outfield.

- Better move out of the way, 'cause I'm gonna hit a home run.

- Oh, you think so?

[Whimsical organ music]


- Run, marco, run.


- Looks like you only made it to first base.

- My turn.

Slugger angelina is up at bat.

- Uh-oh.

It's heading out of the park.

- [Breathing deeply]

- [Sighs]

- Ta-da.

- Oh, oh, I got it.

I got it.

Oh, voila.

I caught it.

- [Panting]


- But I made it home.

- Still snowing...

But I don't care, because I'm having fun.

- Me too.

- Moi aussi.

- Hmm, what other springy things can we do?

- We can decorate eggs.

We do that every spring in france, where I come from.

- We do it here too for easter.

- My friend pavel says that in mousecow, russia,

♪They have decorated eggs before there was easter.

- Really, truly?

- Yes, it's to celebrate how the world comes back to life

In the spring.

- Wow, you know a lot of different mouselings

From a lot of different places.

- And in mousico city, mexico, they hollow out eggs,

Fill them with confetti,

And crack them over someone's head to surprise them.

- I don't want anyone cracking an egg over my head.

- Well, how about if we dye hard-boiled eggs?

I think we have some in the kitchen.

Look at mine.

- Two-tone.

- Aww, tres jolie.

Doesn't mine look pretty too?

- Stripes, brilliant.

- I'm double-dipping.

- Careful, marco.

- I couldn't decide which color to make mine,

So I used them all.

[Dishes clanging and water splashing]

- Uh-oh.

- Oh, no.

I'll get a paper towel.

- Whoa-oh-ohhh.

- Angelina, are you okay?

- Oh, what a mess.

We'd better clean up before mum comes downstairs.

- Angelina.

- [Gasps]

- What on earth is going on here?


- I'm so sorry, mum.

It was a terrible accident.

We were trying to make it feel like spring

By doing springy things.

- Aha, that explains the eggs.

- And we pretended to play baseball...

- And ate lucky nuts like they do in iran...

- And listened to spring by vivaldi,

But I guess all we did was make a mess.


[Upbeat sprightly music]

♪ The sun shines bright in a watercolored sky ♪

♪ The birds begin to sing

♪ The flowers bloom, the grass turns green ♪

♪ Our favorite time of year is spring ♪

♪ Sometimes it seems the snow may never go ♪

♪ And the clouds will always hide the sun ♪

♪ Where are the leaves to decorate the trees? ♪

♪ We want to play and run

♪ This time each year, it starts to feel ♪

♪ We'll never hear the bluebirds sing ♪

♪ We just can't wait, it's going to be so great ♪

♪ Our favorite time of year is spring ♪

- It's hard being cooped up in this weather.

Spring still seems a long way off.

- [Sigh] it sure is.

- You said it.

- Certainment.

- We've got spring fever.

- I know how we can clean up this mess

And make it feel like spring at the same time.

- You do?

What is it?

- Spring cleaning.

- Let's play vivaldi.

Then our spring cleaning will be even springier.

[Upbeat orchestral music]

[Bird chirping]

- Well, I must say,

This kitchen feels as fresh and clean

As a spring day.

- [Laughs]

That bluebird thinks so too.

[Bird chirping]

- A bluebird.

That's a sign of spring, isn't it?

- Absolutely, positively.

- It doesn't matter that it's gray and cloudy outside.

We had fun doing springy things.

- And spring is in the air.

I can just feel it.

[Bird chirping]

Hello, I'm angelina ballerina.

Did you know dance is a wonderful way to exercise?

Just as you warm up before exercise,

You should warm up before dance.

You have to warm your muscles so you won't get hurt.

It's best to warm up by stretching.

You can reach for your toes.

You can reach back.

Stretch that arm now.

You can even bend backward like a noodle.

And once you're all warmed up, ta-da, you're ready to dance.

- Hola, marco here,

And this is kenichi ebina from japan.

He's a great hip-hop dancer.

In this dance, kenichi tells a story

About a mannequin that comes to life.

That move is called "popping."


And here's an arm wave,

Like an ocean wave moving through him,

And that's locking.

See how fast his arms move?

You can learn hip-hop by watching other dancers

And even music videos,

And then you can make your very own dance style.