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05x05 - Angelina’s Room / Angelina’s Camembert Parade

Posted: 08/23/23 08:51
by bunniefuu
- ♪ She's a dancing star

♪ She loves to twirl all day

♪ She's gonna go far

♪ That's the angelina way

♪ Follow your dreams wherever they take you ♪

♪ You can succeed

♪ Don't let anything shake you ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ The little star with big dreams ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

- Hello, I'm angelina ballerina,

And today I'm very excited.

Gracie's parents are going away for a few days,

So she's coming to stay at my house.

- So remember, whenever you do a pirouette,

You must fix your eyes on one thing, like the door.

And when you spin around,

You look at the door for as long as you can.

And then you whip your head around to look again.

And that's how you can spin around and around

And around without getting dizzy.

Now you try.

- Whoa...

Oh, this is trickier than it looks.


I'm going to have to do lots of practice.

[Bell rings]

- Okay, mouselings, well done.

See you all tomorrow.

- I couldn't wait for gracie to get here.

I wanted everything to be perfect.


[Doorbell rings] [gasps]


I'll get it!

Gracie, come in.

Let me carry your suitcase.

- Whoa.


- I'll show you where you're sleeping.

- Bonjour, mrs. Mouseling.

- Hello, gracie.

- This is our room.

And this is where you're going to sleep.

And this is your very own drawer,

Where you can keep all your things.

- Merci, angelina.

Who's that?

- That's mousey, my favorite toy.

And this is my bedtime book,

The fairy and the mousemaid.

I can't wait to find out

If the mousemaid can rescue the fairy from the dragon.

- Oh, being roommates is going to be lots of fun.

Can I show you how to make my special smoothie?

- Yeah.

- Whoa!

- Oof!


- That was fun.

- I'm so glad you came to stay.

- Good night, angelina.

- Good night, gracie.

- Good night, music box.

Good night, books.

Good night, moon.

- Gracie, who are you talking to?

- Oh, just things in the room.

I like to say good night to everything.

Good night, mousey.

- Hmm?

- Good night, window.

Good night, door.

- Gracie, I'm trying to read.

- Sorry.

[Whispering] good night, pictures.

Good night, good night lamp.

- [Sighs]

Gracie, I can still hear you.

- It's okay.

I'm done now.

- Time to turn the light off now, girls.

See you in the morning.

- But I didn't get to read the fairy and the mousemaid.

- Never mind, angelina.

You can read it tomorrow.

- All right.

- Night.

- [Thinking] I was beginning to think

That sharing a room might not be so much fun after all.

[Harmonica music]


Gracie, what do you think you're doing?

- Playing the harmonica.

And it's trickier than it looks.

- But why are you doing it so early in the morning?

- I need to get in two practices a day.

Did you know you can blow it like you can other instruments,

But you can breathe back in, and it plays different notes.

- But, gracie, I like to get up slowly.

- And look!

I can make it make a wobbly sound

If I wiggle my paws back and forth.

[Warbling harmonica music]

That's called a vibrato.

- Oh.

[Thinking] and too much noise

In the morning makes my ears curl.

- Voila!

I've got my bag ready for school.

- I'll get mine ready too.


That's strange.

I thought my english book was here.

- Here it is, angelina.

I've organized your books by color.

They'll be much easier to find now.

- Now they're all mixed up.

- I was only trying to help, angelina.

- Angelina, gracie, breakfast.

- Great!

Come on, angelina.

- I'll be down as soon as I find all my schoolbooks.

First I couldn't read my story.

Then gracie woke me up really early,

And then I couldn't find my schoolbooks,

So I was late for breakfast.

I just hope gracie doesn't move anything else about.

[Whimsical music]

- One, two...



- Mmmm.

Gracie, what are you doing?

- I'm practicing my pirate dance.

Come on, angelina.

Let's be pirates together.

- No, I need to practice my pirouettes now.



But now there's not enough room.

Why have you moved everything?

- So it's all laid out just like a pirate ship.

- Oh, okay.

Um, I guess I can practice in the corner.

Okay, I'll fix my eyes on the hat stand.

And spin.



- Did you forget to fix your eyes on something, angelina?

- No, gracie, I didn't.

I fixed my eyes on the hat stand, and you moved it.

- But I needed a mast for my pirate ship.

- Well, I can't fix my eyes on something that's moving.

- Okay, angelina grouchy mouse.

I won't move it again.

- ♪ There is not enough room

♪ To do what I need to do

♪ Whenever I spin

♪ I bump into you

- ♪ There is not enough space

♪ I can't seem to find a place

♪ To jump one, two

♪ And not run into you

Both ♪ sometimes it isn't easy ♪

♪ To find room to dance

♪ But if we work together

♪ We just might have a chance

- ♪ I move to the left

- ♪ I move to the right

- ♪ No matter where I move

- ♪ It's just too tight

Both ♪ no, there is not enough space ♪

♪ No, we can't find the right place ♪

- ♪ To jump

- ♪ Or spin

Both ♪ where do we begin?

♪ Sometimes it isn't easy

♪ To find room to dance

♪ But if we work together

♪ We just might have a chance

♪ No, sometimes it isn't easy

♪ To find room to dance

♪ But if we work together

♪ We just might have a chance

- Oh! - Oof!

- Gracie, angelina.

Time to get ready for bed.

- Great.

We've got to get ready for bed,

And I haven't done any practice.

- Well, neither have i.

Good night, music box. - [Gasps]

- Good night, books.

Good night, moon.

Good night--

- Not that again.

I'm trying to read.

- But, angelina, I do it every night.

- Gracie, I want to find out if the mousemaid rescues the fairy,

And you're ruining my reading time.

- Well, if that's the way you feel,

I'll go and sleep somewhere else.


She's not being very nice.

I wish I were back home right now.

- Ah.

Now I have my room to myself.

But it does seem awfully quiet.

[Harmonica music playing]

Harmonica music is kind of nice.

And I really like drawing with gracie.


Maybe I haven't been a very good friend.

Oh, mousey, I should have remembered

That gracie is my guest,

And she's probably missing her mom and dad.

I heard you playing the harmonica.

Do you mind if I come in and listen?

- Of course not, angelina.

- I'm sorry I've been such a grouchy mouse.

- I'm sorry I ruined your reading.

Maybe we could read your book together.

- I've got a better idea.

Let's do the pirate dance just once before we go to sleep.

- [Giggles]


[Whimsical music]

- Wa-hey!

Both ah.

- Argh!

Gracie, you're a really great first mate!


Now it's time to meet camembert's shining stars.

- My name is tiffany.

- I'm stefanie.

- I'm brittany.

- I'm lisa.

- We dance for the new york chinese cultural center.

- We're performing the lion dance.

This dance is over , years old,

And usually it's danced to celebrate during festivals.

- The lions are played by two people.

One is the head, and one is the tail.

- They're good lions.

- The little girls play with the lion,

And all together,

We try to scare the evil spirits away and bring in good luck.

- When you first learn how to do a cartwheel,

You just can't stop.

- The musicians,

They follow along as we go on in the dance.

During more exciting parts in the dance,

The music gets louder.

- My part in the dance is to tease the lion,

And the lion kind of scares me,

So I have to tease him back.

I get to jump on the lion's back and ride on him.

Sometimes it's a little bit hard 'cause I have to jump high.

- Chinese dance sometimes have acrobatics

To, like, make you feel, like, joyful.

- It's fun, and I love wearing the makeup.

- I'm angelina ballerina,

And today

My mum got a really interesting letter.

- Ah.

- What's that, mum?

- I've got a letter from my old school friend, brie,

And look, she's put in a photo.

- Who are all those mouselings?

- It's us when we were at school.

It's our marching band parade.

- What's a marching band pallade?

- [Laughs]

Parade, polly.

- For us, it was when we used to march down the street in lines

While playing instruments.

[Brassy marching music]

- Did you used to dance in your parades?

- No, but we used to march to the beat of the music.

- [Gasps] sounds like fun.

I'd love to march in a parade.

[Brassy marching music]

- That was the best marching band parade ever,

And it's all thanks to you, angelina.

Angelina! Angelina!

- Angelina? Angelina?


- [Gasps]

- Angelina! Angelina!

- What is it, polly?

- I want to march too.

- [Giggles]

Okay, then.

Remember, you have to do what I tell you.

[Hums marching tune]

- Turn! Turn!

- [Gasp]

- [Humming]





I'd love to be in a real parade.

Maybe I can get my friends in school to march with me.

- Angelina, time for school.

- Bye, polly.

- So who wants to be in my marching band parade?

- Yeah! - I do!

- And when we're ready,

We can invite ms. Mimi to watch.

- Absolutely, positively.

Ms. Mimi would love to see us in a parade.

Okay, the first thing we need to do is to all get in line

And march together like a band.

- What sort of marching?

- Good point, marco.

It can't just be ordinary marching.


It has to look exciting.

- Oh, I know.

We could do some high kicking moves.

- Yeah!

- Or we could skip,

Like this.

- Yeah!

- Or we could march backwards.

- March backwards?

- Yeah, like this.

- Wow.

There are so many good ideas,

It's hard to decide on one.

- [Humming]

- [Humming]


- [Humming]

- [Humming]

- This doesn't look so good.

- You're right.

It all looks a bit messy.

- Hm.

Maybe we should just march in a line.

And we definitely need music.

Music is what makes a parade special.

I'll get some instruments.

- Ah, angelina.

Sounds like you're all having fun out there.

What are you up to?

- It's a surprise,

And you're invited to see it when it's ready.

- How divine.

I love surprises.

Is there anything I can do to help?

- Well, actually, there is, ms. Mimi.

Have you got any musical instruments we could use?

- Of course, angelina.

There's a whistle.

- Mm-hm.

- And oh--

Where are those?

Aha, here they are.

Some kazoos.

- Mm.

- And a drum.

- Thanks, ms. Mimi.

[Upbeat kazoo music]

[Blowing through kazoo]

- How do you get it to make that sound?

- You kind of hum as you blow into it,

Like this.

[Humming on kazoo]

[Humming on kazoo]

- That's right.


[Loud kazoo music]

[Snare drum tapping]

[Slow kazoo music]

[Rapid snare drum taps]


- We need to decide which song we're going to play.

[All playing different tunes]


Hello, everybody.

Are you listening?



All uh...

- Okay, so we're all ready?

- But what song are we going to play?

- What about this one?

Both [playing kazoo]

- Yes, perfect.

[All playing upbeat melody]


Now, let's march.

One, two, three, four.

One, two, three four.

One, two, three, four.

One, two, three, four.

Okay, follow me,

And turn left.



It's not funny.

I wanted to do a parade, not a circus.

All uh...

- I think it's time to go and see

How they're all coming along.

Is everything okay with your surprise, angelina?

- No, not at all.

Everyone's doing something different,

And no one's listening.

- Hm.

Sounds like what they need is a strong leader

To show them how to work together

And act like a team.

- Maybe.

- And it always helps to solve a problem

By breaking it down

And figuring out exactly what went wrong.

- You're right, ms. Mimi.

Thank you.


I've got to work out what's going wrong.

- I'm glad to get away from those kazoos,


They're making so much noise.

- That's right


- Huh?

- Everybody is so busy doing their own thing,

They can't hear what I'm saying.

[Shrill whistling]

- What are you doing, angelina?

- I've worked out what was going wrong with the parade.

You couldn't hear what I was saying,

And we need to act like a team.

So this time I'm going to use the whistle.

I've worked out a different whistle for each signal.

All we have to do is learn the signals.

Then we'll be ready for our marching band parade.

All yeah!

- Right, when I blow the whistle one long time,

Like this

[Long whistle blast]

That means start or stop.

All okay.

- Two blows, like this

[Two sharp whistle blasts]

Means turn left.

All got it.

- And three blows means march in place.

[Three sharp whistle blasts]

[Blows whistle]

We just need to practice a few more times

And we'll be ready!

- Is everything ready, angelina?

- We're ready, ms. Mimi.

- Then let the fun begin.

- One, two, three, four.

[Long whistle blast]

[Kazoos playing]

[Two sharp whistle blasts]

♪ Camembert's the place to be

- ♪ Camembert's the place to be ♪

- ♪ Camembert's the place for me ♪

- ♪ Camembert's the place for me ♪

[Two sharp whistle blasts]

All ♪ when we go marching

♪ All lined up in a row

♪ Working together

[Long whistle blast]

♪ Is the only way to go

♪ Follow the leader

♪ We will know just what to do

♪ When we hear the whistle blow ♪

[Two sharp whistle blasts]

- ♪ Parading in our marching band ♪

- ♪ Parading in our marching band ♪

- ♪ The greatest band in all the land ♪

- ♪ The greatest band in all the land ♪

- ♪ Team work

- ♪ Team work

- ♪ Team work

- ♪ Team work

- ♪ Together we're a

♪ T-e-a-m team! ♪

[Long whistle blast]

- Bravo, children.

That was a wonderful marching parade.

You followed your leader and marched together beautifully.

I loved it.

- The parade was so much fun,

And it was all because we worked as a team.

- Well done.

Way to go.

- Great job.

You did it.

- All right, angelina.

Thanks a lot.

- Three cheers for the parade team.

All hooray!



- Hello.

I'm angelina ballerina.

My friends are performing the chinese lion dance.

Two performers are needed for each costume

One for the head and one for the tail.

I wonder how the dancers know

How to jump and roll at the same time.

They told me the lions' heads are made of paper mache,

And a boy lion wears a red bow,

While a girl lion wears a green one.

But I think she should wear a pink bow like mine.


- Hola, marco here.

I know what that is.

It's a marimba.

Marimbas were first made in africa and latin america.

They hit the wood blocks with the mallets,

And those tubes underneath help make that cool sound.

Marimba is a percussion instrument.

A drum is another kind of percussion instrument,

Like the one I have here.

You hit it.

That's how it makes sound.


I wonder if they'd let me play my steel drum with them.

We'd make a great trio.