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Sx01 - The Show Must Go On

Posted: 08/22/23 11:31
by bunniefuu
(elegant dance music)

(mouselings laugh)

(audience clap)

(audience cheer)

♪ Tis the season to be jolly ♪

♪ Fa-La-La-La-La-La-La ♪

- Why aren't you

singing, Angelina?

- You know I get nervous

singing in front of everyone.

- But you've got a lovely voice.

- It's not lovely when

I get nervous, Alice.

- [Alice] But we're

singing to raise money

for Miss Lilly's Christmas show.

- [Angelina] I know, but...


♪ Strike the harp

and join the chorus ♪

♪ Fa-La-La-La-La-La-La-La ♪

♪ Follow me in merry measure ♪

♪ Fa-La-La-La-La-La-La-La ♪

(mouselings laugh)

♪ While I tell of

yuletide treasure ♪

♪ Fa-La-La-La-La-La-La ♪

♪ La la la ♪

- You sing like an angel,

Priscilla Pinkpaws.

(coin clatters)

- Oh, thank you,

Mrs. Hodgepodge.

- I should stick to

dancing if I were you,

Angelina Mouseling.

(Angela gasps)

(mouselings laugh)

(door bangs)

- Maybe you should just

pretend to sing (laughs).

♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells ♪

- Oh, Alice, I'm

never going to sing

in front of anyone ever again.

- Oh, don't let Priscilla

put you off, Angelina.

- And as for sticking to

dancing, well, I will, I will.

(magical music)

I can't wait to see

Priscilla Pinkpaws' face

when I get the part

of Cinderella Mouse

in the Christmas show.

- Careful with Cinderella's

ballgown, dear,

it's only pinned.

(Angelina humming)

- This should do it.


- It's so gorgeous.

Don't you think

it suits me, Dad?

- You do have to audition

for the part first, dear.

- Oh, but Dad, I'm

the best dancer,

Miss Lilly says so,

I'm bound to get it.

- Well, don't count your

chickens before they're hatched.

Ah, perfect.

(tree creaks)


- I think you just

counted your chickens

before they'd hatched, Dad.

(all laugh)

Oh, Alice, you do think I'll

get the part, don't you?

- [Alice] Of course,

you're a star.

- [Henry] If Father Christmas

was at the audition,

he'd choose you, Angelina.

- [Angelina] Maybe, Henry,

but we have to wait

until Christmas Eve

for Father Christmas.

- He's going to put

presents in my stocking.


(magical music)

- Oh, it's just like

the Theater Royal.

- Yes, except that the

stage is the wrong shape,

and the curtains

the wrong color.

- Oh, but it's wonderful.

- Maybe Father Christmas

will bring Angelina

the toy theater.

- [Alice] No, Henry, it's

too big to fit in a stocking.

- [Henry] Not if it's

a really big stocking.

- Wait for me.

Is that all right, Henry?

- Watch out young mouselings.

(cups clatter)

- Mrs. Hodgepodge, what

are you doing here?

- I might well ask you the

same question, Sammy Watts.

Have you taken up ballet?

- No, Miss Lilly wanted me

because I'm so

good at gymnastics.

(Sammy laughs)

- Oh, careful.

Well, Miss Lilly wanted me

because I kindly

volunteered to make

cabbage jelly sandwiches

and nettle tea

for all the rehearsals.

(Sammy groans)

(mouselings laugh)

(all chattering)

- Quiet, please, my darlings.

Now, you must all be on

your very best behavior,

because this year for

the very first time

we are going to

be performing for

our dear Queen Serafina.

(all gasp)

And to help me to produce

the best Cinderella Mouse

that has ever been

seen in Mouseland,

I have the greatest

pleasure in introducing

the world famous composer

and musical director,

Mr. Ivor Operatski.

(dramatic music)

- Lilly, you are too kind.

(mouselings mutter)

- He's so my hero.

- How honored I am

that Queen Serafina

has asked for me to come to

work with you on your show.

A show full of surprises.

I was the first surprise, yes?

And here is the second one,

we will build this

for the performance

in the Theater Royal.

(all gasp)

And Cinderella Mouse will have

a coach just like this one.

- Now, my darlings,

I have some ideas

about who should dance

which parts in our show.

We must see if Mr.

Operatski agrees with me.

So first, we would like

to see Sammy and Alice.

(cup clanks)

Miss Quaver, play please.

(upbeat piano music)

(Miss Quaver hiccups)

Nice straight legs, Sammy.

Now, nose over tails together.


- Roly poly mouselings.

- I thought it would

be most unusual

to have a pair of

gymnastic ugly mice.

- Most original.

- He has such style.

(Miss Quaver hiccups)

Oh, really!

- You next, Penelope.

(mellow piano music)

- Oh, this should do it.

(hand thuds)

- Oh, yes, Penelope,

just like a Fairy Godmouse,

lovely paws, please,

and up, and through.

- Where does Father

Christmas live, Alice?

- At the North Pole.

- Oh, doesn't your little

cousin ever stop talking?

- Does he know the

way to my house?

- Yes, now shush.

- Your turn, Henry, my darling.

I would like you to dance

the teeny tiny little beetle

who turns into a

proud coach mouse.

- A beetle, inspirational!

- Now, crouch down, Henry.

Then when I say so, leap up,

tall like a proud coach mouse.

(piano music)

Wiggle your arms,

now nod your head.

- Does Father Christmas ring

the doorbell, Miss Lilly?

- Concentrate, little mouseling.

- No, Henry, he comes

down the chimney.

Now, once more.

- You must be so

embarrassed by him.

- [Miss Lilly] And leap up,

tall and proud, my darling.

And ready to turn.

- What if he gets

stuck in my chimney?

- Stop!

Stop the music, stop everything.

Stop, stop!

This teeny tiny beetle will

need a lot of work, Lilly.

- I know, Ivor,

but with patience,

Henry will be fine.

And wait till you see

his cousin, Angelina.

She's my best dancer.

Angelina and Priscilla,

that are two parts left.

One of you will play

the Wicked Stepmouse,

and the other will

play Cinderella.

Priscilla, you first, darling.

- Yes, yes, hurry now.

Play, please, the Mousofski

Waltz, Miss Quaver,

with feeling.

(cup clatters)

(Miss Quaver coughs)

(mellow piano music)

(Priscilla coughs)

- Paw stretch, tail spin,

beautiful arabesque, and point.

- Very nice, yes, good.

(Mr Operatski claps)

- She's dancing really well.

- But you'll be better.

- [Miss Lilly] Double

pirouette, and finish.

- Oh, yes, you

have great talent.

- Oh, thank you, Mr. Operatski.

- Your turn,

Angelina, my darling.

Slide to the left and

cat step, cat step.

And one, two, three.

- Superb!

- One, two, three.

- [Operatski] Charming.

- Nose up,

nose down.

Keep your shoulders

down, darling.

Arabesque, hold, and relax.

- Bravo, you are certainly

the best mouseling to dance

the part of Cinderella Mouse.

(Priscilla huffs)

But now we must see who

is the best mouseling

to sing the part.

- Ah, sing?

- Yes, sing, my darlings.

- At the Queen's

special request.

She has always much

admired my music.

So there will be a song

for Cinderella Mouse,

and a song for the

Wicked Stepmouse,

my very own composition.

- Have a cup of nettle tea, sir.

You much be parched.

- Thank you.

(Operatski glugs)



- Ms. Lilly, I can't sing

in front of everyone.

I get too nervous.

- Of course you can, Angelina.

- Miss Lilly's never

heard her try (laughs).

- Round the piano, my darlings.

- How was the tea, sir?

- Full of surprises.

- Oh, just like your

own show then (laughs).

- Come on, my darlings,

it's time to hear

Cinderella Mouse

singing like an angel.

- [Mr. Operatski]

One, two, three.

♪ La, la, la, la ♪

- Um, not quite the

angel I had in mind.

Now you.

♪ La, la, la, la, ♪

♪ La, la, la, la ♪

Oh, yes, beautiful.

- Try again, Angelina darling.

Take a bigger breath.

♪ La, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la ♪

- Oh, sorry.

- Don't worry, darling.

♪ La la la ♪

♪ La tra-la-la-la-la ♪

- This is my angel.

This is my Cinderella Mouse.

- Oh, thank you,

thank you so much.

- And, Angelina, you will

play the Wicked Stepmouse.

- Oh!

(melancholy music)

It's all wrong, Dad,

I'm the best dancer,

but just because

of Mr. Operatski,

Priscilla has got the main part.

- I know, dear, but

when I write the review

for the "Mouseling Gazette",

I'll be sure to

say how wonderful

the Wicked Stepmouse is.

- But I don't want to

play the Wicked Stepmouse!

- How does Father Christmas

get from the North Pole,

Aunt Matilda?

- On a sleigh, dear.

Eat up, then Uncle Morris

will take you home.

Angelina, have a sandwich.

- I don't want a sandwich,

and I don't want to watch

Priscilla being the star.

- [Mom] Angelina!

- At least Father Christmas

is coming soon with presents

for your stocking.

- I don't want a present

for my stocking, Henry.

The only present I wanted

was to play the part

of Cinderella Mouse.

- No, you wanted the toy

theater in the toy shop.

- Look, dear, just look at

the Wicked Stepmouse's

beautiful crown.

- It's not as beautiful

as Cinderella's, is it?


- Oh, who could this be?

- Ah, cheer up, Angelina.

What a tree, eh?

(tree rustles)

(Dad groans)

(bells jingle)

- Miss Lilly!

- Oh, my goodness, a

walking Christmas tree.

- Oh, hello, Miss

Lilly, do have a seat.

- Dad, you are so embarrassing.

- Nonsense, he is the

best father in Mouseland.

- Oh!

- Now, my darling, we

must have a little talk.

- Yes. Ms. Lilly.

- [Dad] Come on, Henry, time

for me to take you home.

- Come and sit, darling.

I'm so sorry.

I did not know that you are

nervous of singing in public.

- Well I am, Miss Lilly.

- Well, the fact is that

we must have singing

to please the Queen.

- But the Queen will

hate my singing.

It'll probably give her

a terrible headache,

and, well, it'll

serve her right.

- Come now, darling.

- Well, if she hadn't

wanted singing,

then I'd have been

the star of the show.

- There are many ways of

being a star, Angelina,

and you will be a

marvelous Wicked Stepmouse.

- No, I won't,

I wouldn't know how to be

wicked if I tried, Miss Lilly.

There's not a single

wicked bone in my body.

- Oh-oh, I know that, darling,

but this is about acting.

What you must do

is to think horrid.


(dramatic music)

you will be mad,

bad, and dangerous.

(Angelina laughs)

You will be a star.

I'll see you at rehearsals

tomorrow, darling.

- All right, Miss Lilly.

Miss Lilly's right,

I will be a star.

(upbeat piano music)

- And where is the teeny

tiny little beetle?

(Henry huffing)

- I've got the biggest

stocking every, Miss Lilly.

- Bah, honestly!

- Wonderful, darling.

I just put it here

for safe keeping.

- That doesn't look much like

a Wicked Stepmouse step to me.

- That's because it isn't

a Wicked Stepmouse step,

it's a Cinderella Mouse step.

- Angelina, I thought...

I mean, aren't you

the Wicked Stepmouse?

- I am, how could

I be anything other

than Cinderella Mouse?

- [Miss Lilly] Perfect, now

wave your wand, Penelope.

Now leap up, Henry, tall and

proud, like a coach mouse.


- This is never

going to work, Lilly.

- Yes, it will.

Henry, is there something

you don't understand?

- Yes, Miss Lilly,

what's a sleigh?

- It's no good, we try later.

Go, little mouseling.

- But, Ivor?

- Go and find some

concentration from somewhere.

Be careful of my coach.

♪ Oh Father Christmas is

coming on his sleigh ♪

- Shush, Henry.

- Let us see if we have

more luck with his cousin.

Angelina, come and sing.

- I don't want to stay

around to listen to this.

(mouselings laugh)

- This is a very important song.

It is the big finale,

so we need big singing.


- Remember, my darling,

think horrid.

♪ Our tale has been told ♪

♪ Our story is done ♪

- No, no, stop!

You must be bigger.

Give it more oomph!

- Don't worry, darling.

Just try again.

♪ Evil has lost, and

goodness has won ♪

- No, stop, why are you

singing like an angel, huh?

You are the Wicked

Stepmouse, not Cinderella.

If you sing the Wicked

Stepmouse with no oomph,

the audience will

yawn, like this.

(Operatski yawns loudly)

You want this to happen?

- No, Mr. Operatski.

- Then go and find some

oomph from somewhere, go!

- She just needs time, Ivor.

- But we have no time, Lilly.

Now, you and I will work

out the ballroom scene.

- Did you hear that, he

said I sang like an angel.

- Yes, Angelina,

but aren't you supposed to

be the Wicked Stepmouse.

- Have a cabbage jelly sandwich,

that would give you some oomph.

(Miss Hodgepodge yells)

(body thuds)

(plate clatters)

- Be careful, Ivor!

(Mr. Operatski yells)

(body thuds)

(mouselings laugh)

- Quiet, all of you!

Let me say

something very calmly.

I cannot work with

giggling mouselings,

and I cannot work on a

stage that is covered

in cabbage jelly, because little

mouselings get in the way.

Priscilla, come here, let us

do the ballroom scene now,

with you and your

Prince Charm-mouse.

- I wish I could

dance this with you.

- Sometimes wishes

come true, Willy.

- Angelina!

- Good, good, lift,

William, lift.

Right, that's lovely.

Lovely, and round.

- Alice, what's concentration?

- Thinking hard about what

you're trying to do, Henry.

Angelina could do with

thinking hard about

what she's trying

to do right now,

because she shouldn't

be doing it.

Oh, come on.

- Stop!

Angelina, did I ask

to see you dance?

- I am sorry, Mr. Operatski.

I just couldn't help myself.

- Well, learn some discipline.

- It's the Mouseofski Waltz,

it's my best dance, you see.

I got top marks for it,

didn't I, Miss Lilly?

- Yes, darling, but this is

the Cinderella Mouse rehearsal.

- Of course, yes,

of course it is.

Sorry, I just got carried away.

- Oh, really, this

makes me so tired.

(sparkly musical blast)

- And this is Father

Christmas' sleigh, Henry.

(Henry gasps)

It whooshes along the snow.

(door clicks)

- Alice, I just proved I could

dance the Mouseofski Waltz

much better than Priscilla.

- I don't think Miss Lilly

wants you to be like this,


- You don't understand.

She wants me to be

Cinderella, I know she does.

I'm going to make Mr. Operatski

change his mind, you'll see.

- No, I won't see.

- But that part was

made for me, Alice.

And if Mr. Operatski doesn't

see what a mistake he's made,

then I just hope it snows,

and everyone gets snowed in

and the whole show

gets canceled.

- But that's a

terrible thing to say.

- I want it to snow too.

- Henry, why?

- Because if it doesn't snow

then Father Christmas

can't come on his sleigh.

- Oh, Henry.

- Oh, can you please

stop going on and on

about Father Christmas, Henry!

(Henry cries)

- Angelina, you

really are horrid.

Come on, Henry.

- But it's my last

chance to be the star.

I can't throw it away.

(door bangs)

I can't!

- I need a trolley,

I've heard you're a

very good handymouse.

- I'm not certain...

- I will bake you a delicious

swede and turnip

tart as a reward.

- Oh, well, in that case.

(mellow piano music)

- Big cat step, darling.

Bend the leg.

- She is too graceful.

- Think horrid, Angelina.

Arms up.

No, no, like this.

- She is supposed to be

your best dancer, Lilly,

why can she not dance

the Wicked Stepmouse?

- Angelina, you are not trying.

- I am, Miss Lilly.

But I can't be

the Wicked Step...

- You can, you are

the Wicked Stepmouse.

- I know, but it should never

have turned out like this.

- Stop trying to be Cinderella.

- But I'm a better

Cinderella than Priscilla.

- Angelina, Priscilla

is playing Cinderella.

Nothing will change that,

the show must go on.

- Then it will have

to go on without me.

(Angelina sobs)

- Without her, yes, I

cannot put on a show

that isn't the very

best for Queen Serafina.

I have no time for mouselings

who throw fits of temperament.

I hate temperamental behavior.

- Ivor, please.

- You will play the part of

the Wicked Stepmouse, Lilly,

either Angelina

leaves or I leave.

- I see.

- So do I.

- And now I would like to

hear the real Cinderella Mouse

sing her song, please.


(enchanting music)

♪ All on my own ♪

♪ My world is a

world of darkness ♪

♪ I'm all alone ♪

♪ There's no one for company ♪

♪ And in my heart ♪

♪ The music has total silence ♪

(engine hums)

(water splashes)

♪ I've lost my chance ♪

♪ My chance to

dance is not to be ♪

♪ Far away there's a light ♪

♪ On the breeze I hear

sounds of laughter ♪

♪ And one day perhaps

I might find ♪

♪ A way to be happy ♪

♪ Happy ever after ♪

♪ But now I guess

that loneliness ♪

♪ Is how it's going to be ♪

♪ Cause I'm alone,

I'm on my own ♪

♪ There's only ♪

(door bangs)

♪ Me ♪

(Angelina sobs loudly)

♪ Only me ♪

(mouselings laughing)

- [Henry] Look at all the snow.

- [Alice] Oh,

isn't it beautiful.

(all cheering)

- [Henry] Now Father

Christmas will be able to come

on his sleigh.

- Are you coming

to have breakfast?

- Later, Mom.

I don't have to

get to the theater

now that I'm not in

the show anymore.

(mouselings laugh)

- Thank goodness, Miss

Lilly's going to play

the Wicked Stepmouse.

- Oh, Angelina

was just hopeless.

(mouselings laugh)

(upbeat piano music)

(bodies thud)

- That is no way to finish.

You must stand straight.

- [Miss Lilly] Tummy

tucked in, Alice darling.

Tail straight, Sammy.

- Tummies and tails, you

should know this already.

You must listen to me now.

Miss Lilly must concentrate

on dancing her role, yes?

- Oh, all this

shouting is no good.

(Henry groaning)

- You!

Leave the coach alone.

- Come on, darling.

You must try very hard

with your steps today.

- Yes, we have wasted

enough time already.

Now, show me your

first position.

- Oh, this could take forever.

- No, stop, you stand

up, then you turn.

No, no, stand up.

(Henry sighs)

Now turn,

other way.

(mouselings laugh)

- Quiet!

You've stopped.

- I'm sorry, Father Christmas

won't shout at me, will he?

- No, darling, Father Christmas

loves little mouselings.

- Everyone is dismissed.

Go, all of you, except

you, little beetle.

You will stay until

we get it right.

- Ivor, please, be

gentle with him.

- Now listen, young mouseling.

One, you do not

play with my coach.

Two, you do not speak

of Father Christmas.


(Angelina groans)


(hammer bangs)

- Um, not bad.

(wheel rattles)

(wheel clatters)

- Oh, are you going to help Dad

with Mrs. Hodgepodge's trolley?

That will be fun.

- The only place that's

fun is the theater.

I'm going for a walk.

- Good idea.

- [Sammy & Angelina] Ouch!

- Sammy, what are

you doing here?

- Wanna race the Pinkpaw

twins down Cheddar Hill?

- Well, yes, I mean, no.

- Oh, go on, surely you wanna

beat Priscilla at something.

- But why aren't

you at the theater?

- Oh, that's a long story.

(engine hums)

- Please, will you

take Henry, Alice?

He can't wait to get

home, poor darling.

- And I can't wait to

get to my lodgings.

- Ivor, I have to

speak to you now.

- I am not used to working

with little mouselings, Lilly.

- That is very obvious, Ivor.

They will only learn if

you are patient with them.

- [Priscilla] Really, Angelina,

first you spoiled everything,

and then Henry did.

- On your marks...

- Your family are hopeless.

- [Sammy] Get set...

- We're not hopeless.

And I'll prove it.

- Go!

(all scream)

- [Priscilla] Hey, stop

it, what are you doing?

- [Sammy] Watch out!

Steer it, Angelina.

- You were cruel

to Angelina, Ivor.

(sleigh rushing)

She is a wonderful dancer,

and the sweetest

little mouseling in...

(Angelina yells)

(body thuds)

- [Angelina] Oh, Miss

Lilly, are you all right?

- I have hurt my ankle.

- Look what the sweetest

little mouseling

in Mouseland has done now.

- Sammy?

- Yeah.

- Go and get Dr. Tuttle.

- Right.

- Quick.

- Oh, this is a disaster.

(Miss Lilly groans)

- [Doctor] You won't

be able to dance,

I'm afraid, Miss Lilly.

Your ankle is badly sprained.

- It will be fine in no time.

The Queen is coming to

the show, I must carry on.

- You cannot carry on.

I'm sorry, but you

need complete rest.

- Oh, no.

- I'll ask Miss Quaver to

come and look after you.

You've had a terrible shock.

- We have all had

a terrible shock.

- I'm sorry, Ivor.

You will have to

manage without me.

- I cannot put on this

show without you, Lilly.

- But, Ivor, surely...

- Tomorrow morning, I

will collect my things

from the Theater Royal, and

catch the very first train

out of Chipping Cheddar.

- This is all your fault.

- I know.

It's all my fault.

I'm the most horrible

mouseling that ever lived.

- No, you're not.

- I am, I was

selfish and horrid.

(packet rustling)

Oh, poor Miss Lilly.

Oh, Alice, she'll never

speak to me again.

- Course she will.

- Why should she?

Because of me the

show can't go on.

- Well, maybe it can.

- How, Miss Lilly

isn't allowed out,

and Mr. Operatski is leaving?

- I bet you'll have a brilliant

idea, and get him to stay.

Here, have a cheesy mint ball.

- Well, nice and sturdy,

I'll say that for it.

Here's your pie.

- Thank you, Mrs. Hodgepodge,

it looks nice and sturdy.

- Of course I shan't be

needing it for the show

since there is no show,

thanks to Angelina.

(Angelina huffs)

(trolley thuds)

Oh, really!

- Sorry, Mrs. Hodgepodge.

- Hum, I'll be on my way.

Thank you so much for your time.

- Oh, you're welcome,

Mrs. Hodgepodge.

I'm never very busy at

the "Mouseland Gazette"

at Christmas time, not

much to write about.

- Not much to write out!

(door bangs)

I've got something you

can write about, Dad.

Something that might just help

the show to go on after all.

(playful music)

- Mr. Operatski!

Mr. Operatski!

(door squeaks)

- Why are you here, mouseling?

- [Angelina] I've come

to ask you to stay.

(door thuds)

- Don't be ridiculous,

how can I stay?

Miss Lilly cannot dance.

- But I'll dance the

Wicked Stepmouse,

I promise I can

do it, I promise.

- Out of my way.

I have a train to catch.

You don't understand the

role of the Wicked Stepmouse.

- I do, I was just

so disappointed

about not being Cinderella.

(bag thuds)

- You were disappointed!

How do you think I feel,

we cannot do the show now?

- [Angelina] We can, we must.

- [Mr. Operatski] Move!

- But just think how

disappointed Queen

Serafina will be.

You are her hero.

- Perhaps, but I

won't remain a hero

when the show is a disaster.

- But it won't be disaster.

Besides, my dad is going

to write all about you

in the "Mouseling Gazette".

- Write, about me?

- Yes, and there'll be a huge

photograph on the front page

of you with the Queen.

- Ooh!

- I told you you'd have a

brilliant idea, Angelina.

- You run and find

everyone, Alice.

I'll meet you at the theater.

(door bell rings)

(all yell)

Sorry, Mrs. Pinkpaws.

- I think you've done enough

harm, Angelina Mouseling,

without breaking my

daughter's Christmas present.

- Oh, Angelina, she's

bought the theater

for Priscilla and Penelope.

- Oh, I didn't want it anyway.

The curtain was the wrong color,

and the stage was

the wrong shape.

Anyway, we've got more

important things to worry about.

Hello, Dad, can't

stop, see you later.

- Oh, no!

- [Alice] Oh, it's

okay, Mr. Mouseling,

the curtain was the wrong color,

and the stage was

the wrong shape.

(door clanks)

- Miss Lilly!

- Angelina!

- Oh, Miss Lilly, I'm so sorry.

- It's a little

late to be sorry.

- I've learnt my

lesson, Miss Lilly,

and the show must go on.

- Angelina, there is no show.

Mr. Operatski is leaving.

- He isn't, that's just it,

I've persuaded him to stay.

- Oh, that's what I love

about you, my darling.

You never give up.

(Angelina laughs)

But he needs to be

handled very carefully.

He is a difficult man.

- Very (chuckles).

Quiet, I cannot work

with giggling mouselings.

- Oh, I understand,

Mr. Operatski,

it takes so much

patience, doesn't it?

- And I cannot work on a stage

that is covered

in cabbage jelly.

- And you shouldn't have to,

you are used to

working with the stars.

You are a genius.

Oh, Mr. Operatski, what

would we do without you?

(both laugh)

(upbeat piano music)

- Oh, Mr. Operatski, what

would we do without you?

- I don't know, Angelina.

(bodies thudding)

But everything is wrong still.

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve,

we have a dress rehearsal,

and then the show.

- Da-da!

(Sammy laughs)

- The roly polies are not right.

- You are absolutely right,

I think your idea was

that the roly polies

should make the Queen laugh.

- That was precisely my idea.

The roly polies

need to be funny.

- Didn't you say they

should wiggle their feet?

- Exactly, wiggle your feet.

(upbeat piano music)

(Mr. Operatski laughs)

That's it, very funny.

So do it just like I told

you, and the Queen will laugh.


- Thank you for coming

back, Priscilla.

- Oh, well, I wasn't going

to let everyone down.

- You'll be a wonderful

Cinderella Mouse.

- No, no, it needs more,

it needs more feeling.

- Feeling?

- You're right, Mr. Operatski,

I mean, Cinderella is so upset

that she can't go to the ball,

she's left at home in

the cold in her rags.

And she's dreaming of dancing

with a handsome prince.

- Just what I was saying.

Again, Priscilla, with feeling.

- Oh, yes.

- Good, like that, yes!

With feeling, with emotion.

Now, the little beetle,

show me your dance now.

Quick, quick.

- Do your best, Henry,

don't forget it's for the Queen.

And Mr. Operatski

is going to have

his photograph taken with her.

- Have a cabbage

jelly sandwich, sir.

(Mr. Operatski hums)

- Doesn't he look sweet?

- Charming, yes.

- It takes so much

patience, doesn't it?

- Yes, patience.

- I'm going to tell

Father Christmas

about the photograph when

he comes into my bedroom.

- You can't talk to him, Henry.

(Mr. Operatski coughs)

You'll have to be asleep

when Father Christmas comes.

- But I want to talk to him,

I've been looking forward

to talking to him.

- Stop, stop!

The little mouseling

cannot go on like this.

- Oh, Henry.

- Listen, little mouseling,

as a special treat,

I will speak to Father Christmas

and ask him to let

you talk to him

when he comes to your bedroom.

- You know Father Christmas?

- Oh yes, he is a great friend,

but he will only

let you talk to him

if you dance really well.

- Oh!

- Again.

(upbeat piano music)

Bravo, bravo!

It takes my magic touch, see.

- Oh, Mr. Operatski,

you are a genius.

- Yes, that is my job.

Rehearsal is over, I will

see you all tomorrow.

(all muttering)

Well, I've sorted everybody

out except for you, Angelina.

- Oh, I'll dance the Wicked

Stepmouse for you now.

- First thing tomorrow morning.

Right now, I have an

important costume to organize.

- Oh, oh, I'll be here

really early tomorrow.

And I promise I will be the

best Wicked Stepmouse ever.

(melancholy music)


The best Wicked Stepmouse ever.

(Angelina sighs)

- Oh, there we are,

what you need now, dear,

is a good night's sleep.

- I'm not sure I'm

going to get any sleep,

if Dad keeps on hammering.

- I'm sure he'll be

finished soon, dear.

Goodnight now.

(lips smack)

- The best Wicked

Stepmouse ever.


(all laughing)

- [Sammy] Missed me.

- Take that, Priscilla.

- Alice, I have no idea how

to be the Wicked Stepmouse.

I haven't even had

time to practice.

How can I be mad,

bad, and dangerous?

- Just put the crown

on, and think horrid,


- I know, Henry, I'm just

not sure how to dance

in a horrid way.

- Right, I'll get

you, Prissy Pinkpaws.

(door clanks)

(snowball thuds)

(dramatic musical blast)

- Oh, wait 'til I tell

your mother, Sammy Watts.

You wicked little mouseling.

I'll get you, ergh!

- Wow, now that's

what I call horrid.

- Alice, you're right,

I think I've got it.

(audience muttering)

- Well, Miss Quaver,

it is nearly time

for the curtain to go up.

Oh, it's no good, I

must see my mouselings.

Don't say a word.

I have to make sure that

Angelina is all right.

Please, Miss Quaver, help

me to get to the theater.

(upbeat music)

(audience gasping)

- It is wonderful,

Mr. Operatski.

- Oh, thank you, Your Majesty.

(Queen laughs)

(audience laughs)

- So amusing.

- Oh, Alice, you were so good.

- But you'll be

brilliant, Angelina.

- Well, I haven't sung yet.

(magical musical blast)

(audience gasp)

- Oh, enchanting.

(audience clap)

How did you get such

a tiny mouseling

to dance so beautifully?

- It takes a lot of

patience, Your Majesty.

- Oh, now for the

singing, Alice,

mad, bad and dangerous.

(dramatic drum roll)

- Yes, this will help.

- Oh, if only Miss

Lilly were here.

- Go!

♪ Our tale has been told ♪

♪ Our story is sung ♪

(audience boo)

♪ Evil has lost ♪

♪ And good, it has won ♪

♪ Shall I mend my ways ♪

♪ Shall I be as good as gold ♪

♪ Or shall I just stay wicked ♪

♪ Isn't wicked much more fun ♪

♪ I'm mad, bad and dangerous ♪

♪ Yes, I'm horrid

through and through ♪

♪ She's mad, bad and dangerous ♪

♪ I can't be any other way ♪

♪ I can't try something new ♪

♪ I thought of being good ♪

♪ I would be if I could ♪

♪ But wickedness is

simply what I do ♪

♪ And I do it with flare ♪

♪ Yes, I do it with style ♪

♪ It takes a lot of practice

to get to be so vile ♪

♪ I'm as wicked as a Wicked

Stepmouse could ever be ♪

♪ Yes, I'm mad,

bad and dangerous ♪

♪ That's me ♪

♪ She does it with flare ♪

♪ She does it with style ♪

♪ It takes a lot of practice

to get to be so vile ♪

♪ I've taken wickedness as

far as wickedness can go ♪

♪ I'm mad, bad and dangerous ♪

♪ To know ♪

♪ She does it with flare ♪

♪ She does it with style ♪

♪ It takes a lot of practice

to get to be so vile ♪

♪ She's taken wickedness as

far as wickedness can go ♪

♪ I'm mad, bad and dangerous ♪

♪ To know ♪

♪ Go ♪

(Angelina laughs madly)

(audience clap)

- [Mr. Operatski]

Bravo, Angelina.

(mouselings chattering)

- Mr. Operatski has

produced a miracle.

- Oh, Miss Lilly.

- Wonderful, my darling.

You were so horrid,

I am so proud.

- I'm glad you're not like

that in real life, Angelina.

- In real life, she is

the sweetest mouseling

in Mouseland.

Thank you, Angelina.

You know, I could not

have done it without you.

Oh, the Queen.

Her Majesty Queen Serafina.

- It was the very best show

(all clap)

ever in the Theater Royal.

Lilly, my dear, you

are a great artist,

so are you, Mr. Operatski.

I am so pleased that you came.

- Was I all right, Alice?

- Henry, you were magnificent.

- Then I'll get

my special treat.

I have to go home now,

and hang up my stocking.

- Say cheese, please.

- [All] Cheese!

(flash bulb pops)

- Perfect.

Your Majesty, this has been

the greatest day of my life.

- But you're not going, so soon?

- I have promised a little

mouseling a special treat,

I cannot break my promise.

So I will bid you farewell.

- Oh, he is such

a kind man, Lilly.

- Yes, Serafina.

You know, I think he is.

(owl hoots)

- [Father Christmas] You must

be the wonderful little beetle

Mr. Operatski was

telling me about.

- He said I was wonderful?

- Oh, yes.

- But he shouted

at me all the time.

- He was naughty.

But he wanted to

please the Queen.

- [Henry] He had his

picture taken with her.

- [Father Christmas] He did?

- [Henry] Huh-huh.

Father Christmas?

- [Father Christmas] Yes?

- It won't matter that I've

talked to you, will it?

- No, Henry, this

was a special treat

for a special mouseling.

So we were allowed

to break the rule.

- Oh, good.

- But I can't fill your

stocking until you're asleep.

That is a rule that

cannot be broken.

- [Henry] Oh.

- So you just settle down

now, dream beautiful dreams.

- Thank you for coming.

- My pleasure, Henry.

Good night.

- Good night, Father Christmas.

(stocking clanks)

(owl hoots)

- So now it is the turn of

the real Father Christmas.

He must be on his way.

(bells jangling)

- Go on, dear, open it.

- Oh, Dad,

(paper rustling)

it's beautiful.

It's even got the

right color curtain,

and the right shaped stage.

Oh, you are the best father

in the whole of Mouseland.

Miss Lilly was right.

Miss Lilly's always right.

Merry Christmas, Miss Lilly.

- Oh, for me?

- Thank you for making it

the best Christmas ever.

- Merry Christmas,

Angelina darling.

(Christmas music)