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04x08 - Angelina's Big News / Angelina's Secret Valentine

Posted: 08/22/23 11:27
by bunniefuu
- ♪ She's a dancing star

♪ She loves to twirl all day

♪ She's gonna go far

♪ That's the angelina way

♪ Follow your dreams

Wherever they take you ♪

♪ You can succeed

♪ Don't let anything

Shake you ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ The little star

With big dreams ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

- I'm angelina ballerina.

Today I found out

Some really big news.

It started out

Just like any other day.

There was beautiful dancing.

- Wonderful jetes, mouselings.

[Bell rings]

Class is over,

But I'll see you sunday

At : sharp

In roquefort hall.

Now I have to go make

An important phone call.

- I can't believe we're coming

To school

And dancing on a sunday.

- I know.

Isn't it great?

- Yes.

You're sure we'll have

A big audience?

- Absolutely.

Sunday fun day dance show

Is a huge hit every year.

- Oh, I just thought

Of a great rhythm.


♪ Bom bom bom bom bada bom

- So catchy.

All: ♪ bom bom bom bom

Bada bom ♪

♪ Bom bom bom bom bada bom

♪ Bom bom bom bom bada bom

♪ Bom bom bom bom bada bom

♪ Bom bom bom bom bada bom

- [Muffled] yes, that's right.

I'm getting [indistinct]


- What?

- Unh.

- Angelina.

- Did ms. Mimi just say

She's getting married tomorrow?

- I think she did say that.

- Wow.

- I've been so busy.

I didn't even have time

To get a [indistinct].

- Whoa. She needs a cake.

- We heard you talking

On the phone, ms. Mimi.

That is so exciting.

- Why didn't you tell us?

- Oh, it's no big deal, really.

I've got to go.

I'm running late. Bye.

- Wait, what's his name?

- Mr. Chirpyface.

- Huh?

Mr. Chirpyface?

That's a strange name.

- But nice.

- This is so exciting.

Ms. Mimi is getting married.

- Ah, let's see.

The dishes are done.

The trash is empty.

There's nothing to knit.


I can finally sit down

And enjoy some peace and quiet.


- Ah.

- Hi, mum.

Hi, polly.

- [Giggles]

- So much for some peace

And quiet.

- I have really big,

Exciting news.

- We're having macaroni

And cheese for dinner?

- No, ms. Mimi

Is getting married.

- But I love macaroni

And cheese.

- Ms. Mimi is getting married?

Ah. To whom?

- Mr. Chirpyface.

It's a strange name,

But nice.

- Hmm, I've never heard of him.

- What does

Getting married mean?

- When two people love

Each other so much

They want to spend the rest

Of their lives together,

They get married.

- Um, like you and daddy?

- Yes, dear.

So when is ms. Mimi

Getting married?

- Tomorrow.

- Tomorrow?

Why didn't she tell us?

- She said it was no big deal.

But it is, right?

- Yes, it's a very big deal.

- I knew it.

We need to make sure ms. Mimi

Has everything she's supposed

To have on her wedding day.

- That's right.

- Yes.

- So what are you supposed

To have on your wedding day?

- Well, she needs

A lovely wedding cake.

- Could we bake one, please?

- I'm sure she has one.

- No, she said

She didn't have time.

- Then she'll

Need flowers too.

- [Gasps] I have a flower

In my pocket.

She can have that.

Oh, it broke.

I know.

I'll glue it.

- So a wedding cake,

Wedding flowers.

What else do we need?

- I know.

Lets do a special wedding dance

For ms. Mimi.

That can be our gift.

Let's see.

We can start

With a pas de chat,

Or maybe an arabesque.




- Remember, angelina,

We need something old,

Something new,

But not something broken.

- Sorry, mum.

- What kind of music

Do they play at weddings?

That might help us figure out

What kind of dance to do.

- They usually play

Wedding music on an organ.

- Then we'll do a dance

To organ music.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

What's an organ?

- It's like a piano,

But it makes a different sound.

- Here's the deal.

Organs make music when air

Whistles through their pipes.

So instead of going "plink"

Like a piano,

They go "hooo."

- [Giggles]

- Organs have foot pedals,

Like giant piano keys.

- Both hands, both feet--

Playing the organ

Is a lot of work.

- [Giggles]

- But where are we going

To get an organ?

- Your father's music store.

He has some organs there.

Go and visit him.

He'd love that.

- Thanks, mum.

See you.

- I'll start baking

The wedding cake

After a few moments

Of peace and quiet.

- Hooo.

- Ah.

- [Giggles]

- [Chuckles]

[Dissonant organ music]

- ♪ Hooo

Now let me try the pedals.

[Low organ notes]

♪ Hooo

This is not easy.

- How about if I play

And you turn the pages?

- Perfect.

- [Gasps]

- This is the song they usually

Play on the organ at weddings.

It's called the bridal march.

[Dramatic organ music]

- This is so beautiful.

- We could do

The most stupendous

Wedding dance ever to this.

[Dreamy music]

All: [chanting] angelina,

Angelina, angelina, angelina.

- Angelina?

I think you're

In daydream land again.

- I was just practicing

Our wedding dance.

Ms. Mimi is going to be

So surprised.

[Dramatic organ music]

- Okay, it looks

Like everyone's here

Except for vici, marco,

And angelina.

Why I am not surprised?

- [Panting] hi, ms. Mimi.

Sorry we're late.

- We were doing

Some extra rehearsing.

- So where is he?

- Who?

- Mr. Chirpyface.

- Oh, he's in his cage

Eating some birdseed.

[Confused muttering]

All right, everyone,

Places, please.

It's time to start.

- Remember,

We do the real show;

Then right after it,

We do the surprise.


- Welcome, everyone,

To sunday fun day.

You know it's going to be fun

Because it rhymes.

Thank you for coming today.

And now,

Without further delay,

It gives me great pleasure

To say,

Here are the camembert dancers.

Take it away.

[Jaunty piano music]


- One minute, please.

Um, the show's not over yet.

Ms. Mimi doesn't know this,

But we have

A very special dance now

Because today

Is ms. Mimi's wedding day.

[Crowd gasping]


- [Gasps]

- Hit it, guys.

- This one's for you,

Ms. Mimi.

[Dramatic organ music]


- Happy wedding day,

Ms. Mimi.

- Here's a wedding cake

For you.

- And here are

Some wedding flowers.

Some are glued together.

- We wanted to make sure your

Wedding day was extra special.

Are you surprised?

- Yes, very.

- We want to meet

Your new husband.

Where's mr. Chirpyface?

- Yeah, where is he?

- Too right.

- Yeah.

- Yeah, where is he?

- [Chuckles]

I'll go get him.


- He's inside there?

He must be really short.

- [Chuckles]

He is, but he has

A wonderful singing voice.


Meet mr. Chirpyface...

The canary.

- No way.

Ms. Mimi married a canary?

- I didn't marry

A canary, marco.

I bought a canary.

- But--but we heard you talking

On the phone.

And you said

You were getting married today.

- No, I said I was getting

A canary today.

You must have heard wrong.

- [Thinking]

Say something

Really smart and funny,


[Out loud] oops.

This is so embarrassing.

- No, it's not, angelina.

Everyone makes mistakes.

And you know what?

If I do get married,

This would be exactly

What I would want,

A lovely wedding cake--

Thank you, mrs. Mouseling--

Lovely flowers--

Thank you, polly--

Lovely wedding music

Played on a real organ--

Thank you,

Mr. Mouseling and marco...

- ♪ You are welcome

- And most importantly,

I have such lovely students

And friends,

Who care enough about me

To do all this.

Thank you so much.

- We love you, ms. Mimi.

All: mmm.

- I'm glad you're not marrying

A bird, ms. Mimi.

I don't want you

To live in a cage.

[All laughing]

- Now it's time to meet

Camembert's shining stars.

- Hi, I'm anthony.

- My name is pascal.

- My name is giovanna.

- I'm juliet.

And we are the american ballroom

Theater youth dance company.

[Jazzy swing music]

One of the dances I love to do

Is the swing.

- It's a swing; you're swinging

Around, having fun.

All: whoo!


- At first, it was like,

"Ew, I'm dancing with a boy."

- I like dancing

With a partner

Because you really have

To trust your partner,

And you can't just rely

On yourself.

[Rhythmic clapping]

- When anthony dances,

He's very crazy.

- When pascal dances,

It's, like, so clean,

And it's just like,

Wow, who's that guy?

- When I'm dancing,

It's just like

I could float on water,

I could fly.

[Upbeat latin music]

The merengue

Is a really fun dance.

- I'm dominican, so merengue,

It just--

That defines dominican.

- I feel like a star

When I'm dancing

And performing onstage.

- The choreography

Just comes naturally.

I just practice it

A couple of times,

And then afterwards,

You just do it.

- It's not only, like,

Brain memory.

It's, like, muscle memory,

'Cause you have to not think

About the steps

So you don't get nervous.

- Dancing's just

The best thing in the world.

- I'm angelina ballerina,

And I love solving mysteries.

[Alarm rings]



Ah, the kitchen timer.

Good morning.

- Good morning, angelina.

Happy valentine's day.

- Valentine's day?

Really, truly?

- Really, really, truly.

And mum made us

Cheesy scone valentines.

- Ah.

- Ooh, careful, girls.

They're still hot.

- [Blows air]

Mmm, and delicious.

- [Blows air]

Really, really delicious.

- Come on, polly.

Let's make valentine cards.

- Good idea.

You can make them

With all sorts of things,

Paper, ribbons--

- Macaroni.

- [Chuckles]

Even macaroni.

- Okeydokey.

- ♪ Let's make valentines

♪ Pretty valentines

♪ There's no better thing

To do ♪

♪ Than to make some cards

For friends ♪

♪ And really do

♪ Them up in style

♪ Take your paper,

Scissors, glue ♪

♪ And when you're finished

♪ You can share them

With a smile ♪

- ♪ Let's make valentines

- ♪ One of our favorite things

To do ♪

- ♪ Let's make valentines

- ♪ Just watch

And you can do it too ♪

- ♪ Let's make valentines

Both: ♪ pretty valentines

- ♪ Let's make valentines

- ♪ Giving them

Is so much fun ♪

- ♪ Let's make valentines

- ♪ There's a card

For everyone ♪

- ♪ Let's make valentines

Both: ♪ pretty valentines

Let's make valentines.

- Happy valentine's day, polly.

- Oh, thanks, angelina.

I love making valentines.

And I really, really love

Getting them.


[Doorbell rings]

- I'll get it.



- Oh, look.

One, two, three,

Four, five pink hearts.

- What does it say, angelina?

- "Your laughter

Is like music.

"Your plies are divine.

"Let's dance until we're dizzy.

Won't you say

That you'll be mine?"


Your secret admirer."

- Secret what?

- Secret admirer.

That's a secret someone

Who likes and respects you.

- Did you hear that,


I, angelina,

Have a secret admirer.


- Who is it, angelina?

- I don't know.

There's no name

On it anywhere.


It's a mystery.

Lucky for me,

I love solving mysteries.

My secret valentine

Has no name.

Maybe there's something else

On the card

That will give me

A hint who it came from.

Anybody see anything special?

- It's got lots of pretty green

Ribbons all around it.

- Hmm. It certainly does.

Now who do you know

With lots of green ribbon?

- My best friend, alice.

Alice always uses lots

And lots of ribbons

In her gymnastics routines.

- Do you think she's

Your secret valentine sender?

- Let's go find out.

Hi, alice.

Happy valentine's day.

- A valentine for me?

Gee, thanks.

- Angelina made it herself.

But I helped.

- [Chuckles]

It's really nice.

And I've got valentines

For both of you.

- Oh.

- Oh, thank you.

- Thanks, alice, but didn't you

Send me one already?

- No, that's not from me.

- It isn't?

But aren't those

Your gymnastics ribbons?

- Those ribbons

Are green and teeny-tiny.

My ribbons are big and long

And tied to a wand

So I can twirl them

In circles like this.

[Jaunty piano music]

- You're right.

These don't look alike.

- Does that mean someone else

Is your secret valentine?

- [Gasps] that's so exciting.

I wonder who it is.

- Come on.

Help us look for clues.

- Lots of valentines

Are shaped like a heart,

But this one has five hearts

All linked together

Like a paper doll chain.

[Both gasp]

[Together] vici.

- Vici makes

The best paper dolls.

- Happy valentine's day, vici.

- Oh, thanks.

This is so amazing.

- Almost as amazing as this.

- Cool. Who gave it to you?

- Didn't you?

- No, this is my valentine

To you.

I made one giant valentine

For all my friends to share.

- Can I share too?

It's very, very pretty.

- Of course.

- But if you didn't send this

To me

And alice didn't send it,

Who is my secret admirer?

- Hmm, it says here:

"Your laughter is like music."

Do you think it's...

[Door closes]

All: marco.

- Hi, everybody.

Want hear me play

My new bongo drums?

- Maybe later, marco.

Right now we're trying

To solve a mystery.

- Are you angelina's

Secret admirer?

- Sure, I admire you,


But it isn't a secret.

And I admire you and you

And you and you too.

- [Giggles]

- Happy valentine's day,


- Happy valentine's day too.

- Thanks, marco.

- Yes, thank you.

- But if this valentine

Isn't from you,

I wonder who it could be from.

All: ms. Mimi.

- Hello, girls.

Hello, marco.

Is everyone having

A happy valentine's day?

- Mostly we're having a super

Mysterious valentine's day.

I found this on my doorstep,

But I don't know who it's from.

- Oh my giddy goodness.

Look at all the green ribbons

And hearts.

That's quite a valentine,


- Did you read the poem?

I don't need to, angelina.

I already know it by heart.

[Clears throat]

"Your laughter is like music.

"Your plies are divine.

"Let's dance until we're dizzy.

Won't you say

That you'll be mine?"

- [Gasps]

That's absolutely, positively,

Exactly what it says.

How did you know?

- How?

Why, I wrote it, of course.

- You?

You're my secret admirer?

- That's right.

And I'm also marco, vici,

And alice's secret admirer too.

I was just on my way

To deliver

The rest of the valentines.

- Thank you, ms. Mimi.

This is the prettiest mystery

I ever solved.

- Me too.

- That's for sure.

- Yes, thanks.

- It's so amazing.

- You're very welcome, kids.

And now if you'll excuse me,

I've got a few more valentines

To deliver.

Happy valentine's day,


All: happy valentine's day,

Ms. Mimi.

- Oh, no.

We forgot to give ms. Mimi

A valentine.

- And our basket is all empty.

What are we gonna do?

- Oh, I really, truly

Don't have a clue.

- This is terrible.

We have to give ms. Mimi

A valentine.

- Especially when she gave

Five amazing valentines to us.

- We could make her one.

- That would be nice, polly.

But I'm afraid we used up

All of our paper

And sparkles and macaroni.

- No, not with those things.

Let's make a valentine

With our feet, like this.

- [Gasps]

Polly, that's a wonderful idea.

We'll make her

A dancing valentine.

Ms. Mimi, wait.

We've got a surprise for you.

- It's a surprise valentine.

- Oh, how lovely.

I can't wait to see it.


- Oh, this isn't the kind

Of valentine that you see.

- This is the kind of valentine

That you do.

- Do? I don't think

I understand.

- Just follow me.

[Upbeat rhythmic music]

- First we plie.

- That's the way, ms. Mimi.

- Next, releve.

- Whoops.

- And for our finale,

A grand jete.

- Plie.

All: we...

- Releve.

All: love...

- Jete.

- You.

- Yay!

- [Giggles]



- Thank you.

That was the most danciful

Valentine I ever received.


- I love valentine's day.

Don't you, angelina?

- Absolutely, positively,


And that's no secret.


I'm angelina ballerina.

Today we're going to see

Some ballroom dancing.

That's where people dance

Together as partners.

This is called swing dancing.

It started back in the s

With a kind of jazz music

Called swing.

It takes a lot of practice

To work well with your partner

So you know what to do next.

See how they move in time

To the music?

Every step matches

The tempo and each other.

They're simply stupendous.


I'm angelina ballerina.

Today we're going to see

Some ballroom dancing.

Now, this is called merengue.

It's a latin dance

From the dominican republic.

It has a two-step beat,

Like a march.

Right, left, right, left.

My, what a fancy dance.

Sometimes ballroom dancing

Is called social dancing.

But whatever you call it,

Ballroom is simply a ball.