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04x01 - Angelina's Sleepover / Angelina's Noisy, Messy Lunchtime

Posted: 08/22/23 11:20
by bunniefuu
- ♪ She's a dancing star

♪ She loves to twirl all day

♪ She's gonna go far

♪ That's the angelina way

♪ Follow your dreams

Wherever they take you ♪

♪ You can succeed

♪ Don't let anything

Shake you ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ The little star

With big dreams ♪

♪ Angelina

♪ Ballerina

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

♪ La, la, la-la

- I am angelina ballerina.

More than anything else

In the world, I love to dance.

But I also love to make things.

It's friday, and my friends

And I are working on our hats

For the mouseland

Silly hat carnival.

- How do you like my hat,


- Love it, gracie!

- It just needs

A few more things.

Like sparkly fairy dust.


- Mine just needs

Some more dots.

How many do you think?

- A gajillion!




You both have to leave soon,

And our hats are not done.

- Maybe we can stay

For another hour.

- Or maybe

For many, many more hours!

- You mean...

Both: a sleepover?

- Uh-huh.

- That would be so amazing!

- Then we can work on our hats

Until bedtime.

[Both giggle]

Please can vici and gracie

Sleep over?

Please? Please?

- Oh, angelina, a sleepover

Is not such a good idea.

- Why not?

- Well, for one thing,

They shouldn't even

Be called sleepovers

Because nobody ever sleeps.

- But we'll sleep.

I promise.

- Also, your dad is out of town

And not here to watch you girls.

- We won't need to be watched.

I promise.

- And you have an important

Rehearsal tomorrow morning

For the big performance

At school.

- That's when I get to do

A very tricky double pirouette.

[Chimes tinkle]

[Classical piano music]


- Oh, my,

What a pirouette!

Brava, angelina.

[Crowd cheers]

- Thank you.


Thank you, everyone.


Angelina! Angelina! Angelina!

- Angelina? Angelina?

Earth to angelina.

- [Giggles]

- Don't forget there's

The carnival tomorrow,

Of course.

- That's why we must finish

Our hats.

Please, mum.

We'll be fast asleep by : ,

I promise.

- Well, if it's okay with gracie

And vici's parents...

- [Gasps] oh...


- It's just for tonight, mum.

- [Speaking indistinctly]

- Mm-hmm.

- Thanks, mum.

- All the mums said yes.

[Both giggle]

Tonight is going to be

The best sleepover

In the history of mouseland.

- Can I help you make your hat,


- Okay, polly,

You can glue.

- Okeydokey.

- Polly,

The glue goes on the hat,

Not on the table.

- Whoops.

Sorry, angelina.

- Our hat making has turned

Into a sticky situation.

So we're taking a break

To practice.


A pas de chat.

That means "a cat step."

- Ta-da!

A pas de cheval.

That means "a horse step."



A pas de polly.

That means "a polly step."




[Girls giggle]

[Polly giggles]

[Girls giggling]

- I'm sorry to spoil the fun,

Girls, but it's time for bed.

Did you all brush your teeth?

- Yes, mum.

Both: yes, mrs. Mouseling.


Good night.

- Good night, girls.

- [Whispering]

What are we going to do?

Our hats aren't done.

- Maybe we can finish

In the morning.

- But we have our rehearsal

In the morning.

We'll have to stay up

A little while longer.

Both: but we promised your mom.

- Mum says we should

Always finish what we start.

Both: mm-hmm.

- [Yawns]

- Are you tired, vici?

- [Sleepily]

Not at all.


- I bet you're just hungry.

Let's have a snack.

- Great idea.

Mum always says

Dancers need good food

To keep up their energy.

- ♪ The stars are out,

The moon is shining bright ♪

♪ We're gonna have ourselves

Some fun tonight ♪

♪ Got our teddy bears

♪ Some camembert

For us to share ♪

All: ♪ we're dancing

In the moonlight ♪

- ♪ Telling jokes, we're playing

With a flashlight ♪

♪ Lots of giggles,

Having pillow fights ♪

♪ And we are still awake

Although it's really very late ♪

All: ♪ oops,

It's almost midnight ♪

♪ At slumber parties,

We're so busy having fun ♪

- ♪ There's never time

To count the sheep ♪

All: ♪ when grown-ups tell us

"It's night-night, everyone" ♪

- ♪ Don't want to hear

Another peep ♪

♪ It's time to go to sleep

All: ♪ la-la, la-la, la-la,

La, la, la ♪

- ♪ It's time to go to sleep

All: ♪ la-la, la-la, la-la,

La, la, la ♪

- ♪ And we are still awake

Although it's really very late ♪

♪ Oops, it's almost midnight

All: ♪ don't want to hear

Another peep ♪

- It's time to go to sleep.

Hmm, not bad,

If I do say so myself.

Let's see yours, vici.


- [Snores softly]

- I'm not

The slightest bit tired.

Are you, gracie?

- Not really.


- Sometimes mum lets me

Play music to get to sleep.

- Good idea.

[Soft classical music]

- This music makes me

Feel like dancing.

- Oh, me too.

- Oh!




Maybe that wasn't

Such a good idea.


And all that dancing

Made me very, very sleepy.

- [Yawns]

Me too.

- Rise and shine!

Oh, my.

Girls, you must have been up

Very late.

- Mum, look,

I think we broke the lamp.

- Luckily,

The lamp isn't broken,

But you did break your promise.

- We forgot to sleep, mum.

I did break my promise,

And I'm really, truly sorry.

I'm not just sorry

But so sleepy.

Things are not looking good.

- You girls are late.


Sorry, ms. Mimi.

- I hope you've learned

Your double pirouette, angelina.

- [Yawns]

Of course.

[Soft classical music]

- [Yawns]

[All yawning]

- Gracie,

You were in my spot.

- Oh, I must have dozed off

For a minute.

- Girls,

Why are you so tired?

- Well, we had a sleepover

Last night,

But we didn't do much sleeping.


- The only dance you can do

In this state

Is sleeping beauty.

So I'm going to have to ask you

To go home

And go straight to bed.

We will have a makeup rehearsal

Later this afternoon.

- Oh.

- But that's when

The carnival starts.

- Oh, no!

- If you'd like,

You can go to the carnival

And miss the rehearsal.

- We can?

- Yes, but if you miss

The rehearsal,

You'll have to miss

The performance.

- No way!

- If you haven't rehearsed,

It's not fair to the audience

Or the other dancers

Nor to yourselves.

Think about it, girls.

It's your decision.

- What now?

- This is a tough one.

- I know; I absolutely love

The silly hat carnival.

This is terrible.

- Tell me about it.

- I've been looking forward

To it for the whole year.


But for me, dancing

Is the most important thing

In the whole wide world.

- Wahoo!

Carnival time!

- Oh...

I'll be skipping the carnival

This year, polly.

- But it's

The silly hat carnival.

- How about if you wear my hat?

- Wowie! For real?

- Sure. It's all yours.

Well, I should be getting

To rehearsals

Like I promised ms. Mimi.

- That's my little girl.

- Your big girl.

Big girls keep promises.

Now it's the night

Before the performance,

And I have big plans.

- Lookee, angelina went to bed

Really, really early.

- She will be

One well-rested little dancer.


[Sprightly classical music]


- Mummy?

- Yes, polly?

- When do I get to have

A sleepover?

- [Laughs shortly]


- Now it's time to meet

Camembert's shining stars.

- I'm daniella.

- I'm chris.

- My name is niani.

We dance at the ballet hispanico

School of dance.

- I'm going to show you

Two steps.

The first step is a latin step

Called a cha-cha.

One, two, cha-cha-cha.

Three, four, cha-cha-cha.

The next one is a hip-hop step,

And all you have to do is jump.

Jump, jump.

Together, it goes:

One, two, cha-cha-cha.

Three, four, jump, jump.

One, two, cha-cha-cha.

Three, four, jump, jump.

Now you try.

[Latin piano music]

[Girls whooping]

- I started dancing

At age two.

- I was four years old

When I started dancing.

- I started dancing

When I was five years old.

The dance that we're doing

Is a mixture

Of latin movement and hip-hop.

- Latin dance is flowy,

And hip-hop is sharper.

- It look us about a month

To learn the piece.

And then it took

Much, much longer than that

To make sure it was perfect

To perform.

- What I love about dancing:

I'm with my friends

All the time,

And it requires practice

Every single day,

And it's really fun.

- Me encanta bailar.

I love to dance.

- Dance is something

That everyone can do.

If you want to dance,

Then dance.

[Pastoral flute and piano music]

- I'm angelina ballerina.

Everyone knows

There are rules for dancing,

Like "point your toes."

But when you're in the audience,

There are also rules.

- Oh!

- Ta-da!

What do you think?

- I think I need to make

More pancakes.

- [Giggles]

- Angelina,

Please be more careful.

- Oops, sorry, mum.

I'll clean it up.

So did you like the dance?

- Lovely, dear.

- I'm going to be a butterfly

While vici sings

And marco plays the tambourine

In our big spring talent show


- I like the part where you made

The pancakes fall on the floor.

- That was a mistake,


- But it was really,

Really funny.

You should do that

In the talent show.

- [Chuckles]

[Mid-tempo piano music]

- Not bad, but I think

It needs some rhythm.

[Drumming on table]

[Shaking tambourine]

- Whu-oh-uh-uh...


[All giggling]

Oh, please be quiet.

This is my dress rehearsal!

[All giggling]

- Remember

The lunchtime theater rule?

Be a good audience.

What does that mean?

- That means

Don't be rude or loud

When someone else is rehearsing

Or performing onstage.

- Exactly.

So please watch gracie

Respectfully and quietly

Until it's your turn,

All right?

- All right, ms. Mimi.

[Mid-tempo piano music]




Oops, sorry.

- Oh, disgusting.

- Oh, my, what--

What happened?

- I've got food on my shoes.

- It was an accident,

But it was my fault, ms. Mimi.

I'm sorry.

I'll clean it up.

- Thanks, angelina.

I'll find you

A new dance partner:

A mop.

And I'm sorry, but we'll have

To close the theater down

Until the stage

Is completely clean and dry.

- [Gasps]

- [Sighs]

- But the spring talent show

Is tomorrow,

And I still need

To rehearse more.

- We do too.

- Now we can't rehearse at all.

- How about we rehearse

In my attic after school?

It's sort of like

A dance studio.

- Great idea, angelina.

- Uh, oh, I was actually

Just talking to marco and vici.

- I think

We should all come over.

- Well...all right.

Since I messed it up

For everybody.

- Yes!

- All right!

- Are you sure, angelina?

- Of course!

Now I get to run my own theater,

Just like ms. Mimi.

[Chimes tinkle]


We love you, miss angelina.

- Of course you do.

I have my own theater

And my very own

Adoring audience.



Angelina! Angelina! Angelina!

Angelina! Angelina!

- Angelina? Angelina!

- Hello,

Audience of my dreams.

My theater is going to be

Lots of fun.

Welcome, one and all,

To the grand opening

Of angelina's attic theater!

My theater is going to be

The most fun theater

In the world.

And we won't have any rules.

- All right!

- [Giggles]

- Yes!

- Yay, angelina!

- No rules!

- And now, vici, marco, and I

Will start with our rehearsal.

It will be just like

A real performance!

- Yeah!


- Polly, we haven't done

Anything yet.

- But I really, really love

How you did nothing.


[Upbeat pop music]

- ♪ See me dancing,

Like a butterfly ♪

♪ Open my wings and

I'm floating through the sky ♪

♪ Twirling, swirling


[Music stops]

[Laughter continues]

[Upbeat pop music]


♪ See me...



Are you all right?

- I'm fine.

You messed up our rehearsal,


You were too loud.

- Sorry.

I thought you said there were

No rules in this theater.

- Well, yes, that's true.

- I can help you clear up.

- Me too.

- That's all right.

I know where everything goes.

- So can I rehearse now?

- And can I rehearse after her?

- Okay.

- You were great, angelina.

My favorite part was when

You crashed into the coatrack.

Kaboom! That was even better

Than the pancakes.

- [Sighs]

Okay, let's rehearse.

Okay, everyone,

Please move up close

Because we're about to...



Grab your tambourine, marco,

And let's hit it!

[Upbeat pop music]

- ♪ See me dancing,

Like a butterfly ♪

♪ Open my wings and

I'm floating through the sky ♪

♪ Twirling, swirling

- Ohhh...ohhh...

[All grunt]


I slipped on something.

Someone dropped a muffin

On the floor.

- Make that two muffins.

- Attention, please.

No one is being a good audience.

Please be quiet

While others perform

And sit still,

And you should definitely

Not drop muffins on the floor.

- But you said there were

No rules in your theater.

Both: yeah.

- Oops.

- We have to get going anyway.

Thanks, angelina.


- Bye! Thanks.

- Good,

Now that they're gone,

We can finally rehearse

In peace.

- No, first

We have to clean up.

- We're not going to have time

To rehearse, are we?



- [Sighs]

- The lunchtime theater

Is open again.

All: yay!

- Kicking off

The spring talent show

With some kicks

And some other dance moves too,

It's gracie!

[Mid-tempo piano music]


Very nice, gracie.

A lovely start

To the spring talent show.

- Thank you, ms. Mimi.

- Angelina, vici, marco,

Why don't you go next?

[All gulp]

- Oh, uh, okay.

- And now,

A singing, dancing,

And tambourine-playing


From angelina, vici, and marco.

[Upbeat pop music]

- One, two, three.

- ♪ See me dancing,

Like a butterfly ♪

♪ Open my wings and

I'm floating through the sky ♪

♪ Twirling, swirling

- Oh!

- ♪ That's me,

I'm never shy ♪

- Oh!

[All gasp]

Oh, no! We messed up...

During the real performance!

We're sorry, ms. Mimi.

We haven't had much time

To rehearse.

Everyone came to rehearse

In my attic yesterday and...

- Because we had nowhere

To rehearse

After we made

That disgusting mess.

- I thought I didn't need rules

In my attic theater, but I did.

It's important to be

A good audience member.

- You got it, angelina.

Now, start your act over,

And take all the time you need

To get it right.

We'll be a good audience

And wait.


- Thank you, ms. Mimi.

[Upbeat pop music]

- ♪ See me dancing,

Like a butterfly ♪

♪ Open my wings and

I'm floating through the sky ♪

♪ Twirling, swirling

♪ That's me,

I'm never shy, oh, no ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm your

Dancing butterfly ♪

♪ I'll be dancing

Like a butterfly ♪

♪ With each flutter,

I try to catch your eye ♪

♪ When I'm swooping,

I'm really saying hi ♪

♪ That's me,

I am your dancing butterfly ♪

♪ I am your dancing butterfly

[Cheers and applause]

- A dancing butterfly.

Tambourine rain.

A lovely poem.

That was wonderful!

Well done.

- Thank you, ms. Mimi.

It helped to have

A good audience.


- And no muffins on our feet.

[All giggle]

- Hello,

I'm angelina ballerina.

My friends are going

To take something old,

Add it to something new,

And make something fantastic!

They're mixing a little latin--

That's the old--

With a bit of hip-hop,

Which is new.

They do a latin cha-cha:

One, two, cha-cha-cha.

And now hip-hop:

Jump, jump.

The cha-cha

Is smooth and flowing,

While hip-hop's rather fast

And sharp.

I love that the different steps

Make something

Simply stupendous!

Hello, I'm angelina ballerina.

Today we're going to see

Some ballroom dancing.

That's where people

Dance together as partners.

This is called swing dancing.

It started back in the s

With a kind of jazz music

Called swing.

It takes a lot of practice

To work well with your partner

So you know what to do next.

See how they move in time

To the music?

Every step matches the tempo

And each other.

They're simply stupendous!