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01x03 - Angelina at the Fair/The Ballet Tickets

Posted: 08/22/23 10:47
by bunniefuu
("Angelina Ballerina")




- And Alice

- Oh, crumbs!


- Oh dear.

- And Angelina

- [Miss Lilly] Excellent,

excellent darlings!

And a special thank you to

our gallant tin soldier,



- Just think Alice,

in exactly one hour,

you and I will be riding on

the fastest, scariest

roller coaster ride

in all of Mouseland!

- I bet its got a hundred loops.

- I bet its got

a thousand loops.

- (laughing) I bet its

got a million loops.


- Alice, I think you've

got a bit loopy yourself.

- [Alice] Oops!

- Here, William,

hold this will you?

- And this.

- Here, let me.


- [Angelina] Hurry up William,

or we'll be late for the fair.

(William grunting)

- Five, six, seven,

eight, nine, ten.

Oh, just enough

for a candy floss.

(coins jingling)


- Oh, hello Mum.

Hello Henry.

Goodbye Mum, goodbye Henry.

- Excuse me young lady,

but haven't you

forgotten something?

- Oh, my ticket money!

Thanks, Mum.

- Angelina, you promised

to look after cousin Henry

this afternoon, remember?

- I did?

- Yes, Angelina, you promised

to take me to Miller's Pond

and then to Mrs Tuttle's store,

and buy some really

yummy sweets.

And then after we went on

the swings we were going to--

- But I can't!

I promised to meet Alice

and William at the fair

at o'clock.

They'll be waiting for me.

- Well then, I'm sure Henry

would love to go to

the fair with you.

Wouldn't you Henry?

- Oh yes, I love fairs.

- [Angelina] But, I--

- Have a nice time.

And don't let him out

of your sight, dear.

(Angelina grumbling)

(upbeat fair music)

- [Henry] What's this for?

- [Angelina] So we can

go on all the rides.

- [Henry] You mean like

the merry-go-round?

I love merry-go-rounds.

Don't you, Angelina?

- No Henry, I don't.

Merry-go-rounds are for babies.

- Ooh balloons!

Balloons, Angelina!

Oh, can I have a blue one?

(whining) Please, Angelina?

Please can I have one?

- No Henry, I've only got

enough money for a candy floss.

There they are!

Alice, William!

(Henry whining)

Oh, come on.

- But I told you, I

don't like big wheels.

- Oh, don't worry Henry,

they're not at all scary.

- [William] Of

course they're not.

- [Alice] In fact, it's

just like riding a bicycle.

- But I can't ride a bicycle.

- Trust me Henry,

you're going to love it.

(screams of delight)

- Henry, isn't this fun?

- I want to get off!

(Angelina grumbles)

- [Small gray Mouse] Mummy,

I think that little boy

is going to be sick.

- [Gray Mouse Mother]

Oh, poor little boy.

(ominous music)

- But I told you Angelina,

I don't like haunted houses.


- Look, it's just like

taking a walk in the dark.

- But, I'm scared of the dark.

- Close your eyes, then.

- [Henry] The merry-go-round

isn't in the dark.

(Henry whimpering)


(skeleton rattles)


- William, William,

where are you?

Oh, William, is that you?


(Henry screams)

Angelina, help!

(Henry crying)

- [Henry] I'm scared of spiders!

(upbeat music)

(Alice whoops)

- Can I have a blue ballon?

Can I go on the merry-go-round?

Angelina, can I--

- Do not say a word, Henry.

Not one single word,

do you understand?

(William laughing)

- We wish you could

have come, Angelina!

- We went on the

giant swinging boat,

and the helter skelter,

it was fantastic!

- It's not fair.

- But we saved the

best one til last.

You have to come on the loop

the loop rollercoaster with us!

You just have to!

- But I don't like


- [Angelina] Why am I

not surprised, Henry?

- Oh, it just won't be the

same without you, Angelina!

- Clown show in ten minutes!

Wicky, wacky fun for all ages!

- I bet you really like clown

shows, don't you, Henry?


- Can we go again?

- Please?


- Ouch, ow!


- Oh!

- All part of the act!

- That was probably the

fastest ride in the world!

- In the universe!

- I bet there were

a million loops!

- It's a shame we only got

to ride on it eight times.

(ominous music)

- Henry?


Come on, we've

got to find Henry!

(suspenseful music)

- Oh!

- Oh, sorry!

Can you see a little mouseling?

- Yeah, hundreds of them!

- If you see one called

Henry, hold on to him!

(suspenseful music)

- Uh, excuse me, uh,

but I'm looking for--

- Give that one a spin for me!

- What, oh, yes!

Ah, yes, uh, I'm

looking for Henry!

- And that one over there!

- William, what are you doing?

- Well, I was, uh,

spinning these plates.


- What am I going to do?

- I'm sure nothing really

terrible has happened.

- What do you mean,

really terrible?

- Well, I mean, like, falling

off a ride or something,

I'm sure he hasn't.


- I'm sure he's all right.

Someone will find

him, eventually.

Here, have a handkerchief.

(blows nose)

(hopeful music)

- Henry?



(suspenseful music)


- [Angelina] Henry!

(Henry whimpering)

I'm so happy to see you!

(Henry sobs)

(cheerful music)

- I like merry-go-rounds.

- I promise next year we'll go

on the merry-go-round first.

- Oh, yes, please!

Angelina, I thought you

wanted to buy a candy floss.

- Well, yes, but I

didn't have enough--

- [Henry] Enough what?

- Enough time.

Anyway, I decided that

I don't like candy floss

that much anymore.

- Nor do I.

But I love merry-go-rounds,

don't you, Angelina?

- Yes, Henry, I love

merry-go-rounds too!

(busy music)

("Angelina Ballerina")

(busy music)

- Oh!

Oh, Angelina!

- Oh, where's my coat?

- I've got it here for you.

- Oh, Alice!

- Be careful, Angelina!

- What's all the

hurry, Angelina?

- If we miss the bus,

Oh, it's an hour

'til the next one.

- The tickets go on

sale this morning

for Mimi and Mikel Whiskersev.

- The most wonderful dancers

in the entire universe!


- And great friends of

Miss Lilly, apparently.

- Ah, really?

Hmm, maybe I should write

an article about them

for the Mouseland Gazette!

- Bye bye!


- Now you watch where you're

going, young mouseling!

- Ow!

(both groan)

- [Alice] The theater, at last!

- [Box Office

Clerk] Here you are.

- [Penelope] Thank you!

- [Priscilla] Thank you!


- Sorry, sold out.

- But, but,


But, oh!


- I can't believe

those horrible twins

got the very last tickets.

- Oh, poor Angelina.

- Somebody should buy

her an alarm clock.


- Those tickets

should be ours, Alice.

We have to find some

way to get them!


- You must be joking.

- We would never wear

anything like that!

- I'll swap you this, then.

- We never wear pink,

do we, Penelope?

- We have blue velvet

cloaks, matching ones.

- Maybe we can wear

them tonight! (laughs)

To the ballet!

- Forget it, Angelina!

We're not gonna swap our

tickets for anything.

- Not even this?

(music box plays)

(Penelope and Priscilla gasp)

- Oh, Angelina, you can't.

It was your birthday present!

- You're right, Alice,

it's too good to swap.

But we could dance for it!

Whoever does the most pirouettes

gets it and the tickets.

(Priscilla gasps)

- We're not interested,

are we, Priscilla?

Are we, Priscilla?

- But it's so pretty!

(music box plays)

- Two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight,

nine, , ,

- Keep going, Priscilla!

- , ,

- Come on, Angelina,

you can do it!

- , , , ,

- You can easily beat them!

- , , , , , , !

- Mine, I think!


I know just where I'm going

to put it in our bedroom!

(Angelina grumbles)

- Never mind, Angelina.

We'll go and see the Whiskersevs

next time they're in Mouseland.

- But that might

not be for years.

Alice, you're a genius!

(gentle music)

- I still don't see why

Mimi and Mikel Whiskersev

would give us tickets.

- Because we're Miss Lilly's

star pupils, of course.

- I'm not a star pupil.

- [Angelina] Shh!

- [Box Office Clerk] And where

do you think you're going?

- Oh!


- [Angelina] Shh!

- [Alice] Shh!

(Box Office Clerk clears throat)

- I am Miss Lilly.

I have come to see my friends,

Mimi and Mikel Whiskersev.

- I see.

- Oh!

(cloak tears)

- [Box Office Clerk] Well!

(suspenseful music)

- Think taller, Alice!

(Box Office Clerk clears throat)

Just looking for my purse.

- [Box Office Clerk] Hmm.

(Angelina sobbing)

- Oh, dear.

Hello, dear, we seem

to have a problem.

Yes, I'm afraid so.


It's such a shame.


Okay, I'll see you later.

Oh, come here.

You tried your best.

- Next time,

I'm going to camp outside

the theater all night.

- Yes, darling,

of course you are.

- All week if I have to!

- I know.

Come and eat your

supper, sweetheart.

(Angelina sighs)

Come on, Angelina, I thought

you liked cheese pie.

- Sorry, Mum.


- Hello!

- [Angelina] Hello, Dad.

- What's this sad face for?

- The ballet's on tonight

and I'm not going.

There are no tickets left.

- Are you sure?

Not even one?

- But, but, but,


- Best clothes tonight, I think.

I've got a job for

you to do later.

- Oh, but my velvet

cloak's torn.

- [Mrs. Mouseling] Not any more.

- Oh, thanks, Mum!

- I'll phone Alice's mother

and tell them

you're on your way.

(busy orchestral music)

(audience applauds)

- Give it to me!

I can't see anything!

- [Angelina] Bravo!

- Bravo, bravo, bravo!


- That was fantastic!

- Brilliant!


- The evening isn't over yet,

you've still got that

job to do for me.

- Ah, there you are!

Come in.

(Angelina and Alice gasp)

- I'd like to introduce you

to my ballet-mad daughter,

and this is her

best friend, Alice.

- Oh, my pleasure.

(Angelina gasps)

- Angelina is going

to interview you

for the Mouseland Gazette.


- Here you are, dear.

- I'm never going to

wash this paw again.


- But I thought he

kissed the other one.

- Well, I won't wash

either just to make sure.


- Thanks so much

for everything, Dad.

- Well, your mother

played an important part,

and Miss Lilly, of course.

Well done, darling, you wrote

up an interview very nicely.

- Of course I'm going

to be a great ballerina

when I grow up.

But who knows?

Perhaps I'll be a

great reporter as well!


("Angelina Ballerina")

(gentle music)

- [Angelina]

Caitlyn's pirouetting,

just like me and Priscilla!

It's really fun to do,

but it takes a while

to learn how to do it properly,

because you have to

spin round and round

without getting dizzy.

That was really good!

Oh, I think Paloma wants to try!

Caitlyn's showing Paloma how

to use her arms to balance,

and which leg she

should turn on.

(giggling) Nearly, Paloma!

Miss Lilly taught me that

you have to look at one spot

when you're turning,

and then flick your

head at the last minute.

That way, you don't

lose your balance.

It's called "spotting".

That's much better, Paloma!

What's Charlotte doing?

I see, that's just like

the mask Miss Lilly uses

to teach us how to spot!

It's nice and big so you

can see it really easily!

Well done, Paloma,

that's terrific!

Boys can do different kinds

of pirouettes from girls.

They can even turn in the air,

just like Toby, Callum,

and Hamish are doing now.

(giggles) Well, almost!

Now Vanessa's showing

Caitlyn and Scarlet

how to do fouettes.

Fouettes are a

kind of pirouette,

and quite hard to do.

You have to stretch your leg out

and bring it in again

to help you spin.

Miss Lilly taught us that

pirouettes and fouettes

are really important

in classical ballet,

because they make dancing

exciting to look at.

When I'm bigger, like Caitlyn,

I want to play the role

of Odile in "Swan Lake".

You have to do

fouettes in a row!

I'm going to have to

practice a bit, though,

the most I've done

so far is three!

Well, two.

("Angelina Ballerina")