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04x38 - Fly Out! Planet Gaia

Posted: 08/21/23 11:44
by bunniefuu

With a tough heart I can cut out my own future

As a Voyager I can sh**t to the ends of the universe

I want to chase after wherever it may go

I'm looking for thrills that will make my heart flutter

I want to feed on tons of love & dreams

Those Dreams & Love, that make me burn up

You are not alone at all, I'm feeling this friendship

I can live on, believing in the past and future

God Knows, our fates in this Key of Life

In this Heaven and on this Earth

There's a dream that's endlessly streaming

Just look for it

With a tough heart I can cut out my own future

As a Voyager I can sh**t to the ends of the universe

And overcome everything until we shine brilliantly

It won't extinguish, it won't end, I'll see that dream someday

I want to chase after wherever it may go

To the ends of the universe Produced by Ashi Production

The eerie artificial planet Nemesis was approaching the planet Gaia.

Because of that, the Angolmois energy has become active,

...and it was giving various influences to both the Cybertrons and the Destrons.

It's almost stunning that everything is burning up.

If we leave it, the entire Planet Gaia will be burnt into ruins.

No, that won't be the end of it.

It could be possible that the planet Gaia may face extinction.


What in the world are we gonna do?!

Lio Convoy must be coming up with some kind of plan!

Calculating the trajectory and speed of the artificial planet Nemesis, shows that it will collide against Planet Gaia in 168 hours from now.

Just when thought we had prevented the moon from colliding...

...we go from one problem to another.

This is a more difficult challenge.

We tried various things, such as the freezing strategy, and targeting the artificial planet Nemesis with a cannon but...

...none of these were successful.

If an enemy is right in front of us, we can somehow come up with a countermeasure,

...but when it comes to flying into space, it's rather beyond our control...

Yeah, indeed.

The time has finally come to use our last resort!

Our last resort?



To sum it up, we'll modify the spaceship that Santon's group rode,

...then we will directly climb aboard on the artificial planet Nemesis using the spaceship and destroy it.

So you're saying we're gonna fly in and jump onto the artificial planet Nemesis, right?

I don't like waitin'! We'll make a dash right into it!

To save Planet Gaia, we have no other choice.

This will be Codename Z.

What does it mean?

It means there's nothing after it.

It's the Z of XYZ!

But Lio Convoy, don't you think it's too dangerous?

I was thinking it, too.

Aren't we gonna be sucked into it instead?

What's the chance of success?

As a result of the analysis, assuming every possible situation, a success rate is 0.1%.

It's very close to zero.

What didja say?!

Well, it does means there's still a possibility left.

But, ya know...

If anybody has any better ideas other than this, please bring them forward.

There's not much time left in order for us to get on the artificial planet Nemesis.

Navi, when do we have to depart by?

You must depart within the next 48 hours, otherwise you won't be able to be on its trajectory.

Let's hurry!

Roger that!

Good... Good!

Come to me at once, Nemesis!

All I have to do now is just wait for you to arrive.

The Cybertrons do not have any means to stop this.

So lame! I want to break the Cybertrons into pieces with my own hands!

Galvatron-sama, it appears that my Peeping Head has found something...

Galvatron-sama, what shall we do?

Those bugs are just making their underground base or something, just leave them!

Our target is those accursed Lio Convoy and his bunch!

Goodness! I'm sure they're up to something!

Max Roger.

Drillnuts, how is it going?

This catapult, we are somehow being able to put it together since we found an old one in the ruins,

...but if we had to make it from scratch, it would have been difficult.

How far are you now?

80% so far. But the most difficult part is the tip of the catapult, as it determines the direction.

You should just do it according to my calculations.

Is that so?

I even calculated including the air resistance.

We must depart before the Destrons find us.

We need to hurry, Drillnuts.

Yeah, I know.

We shall send the Peeping Head into that cave...

Hellscream, listen carefully!

Dirgegun and Thrustor have found the Cybertrons' secret base.

What did you say?

Head there immediately!

Roger that.

Those two? No way!

No mistakin' it. That's their base!

Yep! A big find!

Just who exactly are acting triumphantly, saying they achieved a feat?

It's a huge feat!

We ended up findin' da Cybertrons' base!

I wonder about that?

You guys go confirm that!

I get it now... ya feel annoyed cuz we've found it first, right? That's fine.

We'll go check it out.

See, no doubt about that!

Aww, man, how vexing this is!

I see. So that's the Cybertrons' base! Good!

You do not need to go.

Upon Nemesis's arrival, something like that will have no meaning to us.

Older Brother, leave this to me.

I'm gonna make 'em feel sorry!

Moon, what can we do? They found the Cybertrons' base!


Where are they going to live from now on?

Like, sleeping, waking up, drinking oil, etc... are the Cybertrons going to be homeless?

I told you before, this won't be a problem, moon.

Those guys are coming!


Diver, what're you doing?!

Man... I don't like the idea of using the Niagara base for this purpose.

We had no choice!

That Hellscream guy was sniffing around the Rock Mountains!

We've got no choice but to use this as a decoy!

We need to divert the Destrons attention from the Rock Mountains!


Good, good, you guys did very well.

The Cybertrons probably don't have anywhere to run to.

Attack, attack!


No matter how I think of it, it's odd.

It's impossible for Dirgegun's group to be able to find a secret base so easily.

I'm sure there's something else behind this!

Follow me, Max-B!


What're ya doing, you guys?!

You'll be severely punished for leaving the front lines!

Please distract the Destrons as much as you can, Kid!

Roger that!

Please hurry!

An expl*si*n?

Just what is that?

The old type of m*ssile catapult...


Could it be possible that the Cybertrons are planning to launch a huge m*ssile targeted at the Nemesis?

Could those guys be planning to take the Nemesis and...?!

Wh-What was that?

A section of it exploded.

Repair it immediately!

More importantly, it seems we've been discovered by Hellscream.

Destroy the facility at once!


Max Roger!




We'll protect things from here!



LIO m*ssile!

Keep on working!

All right!


SKY m*ssile!

LIO m*ssile!

That's Galvatron-sama for you...

Autorollers, destroy this facility!


Lio Convoy, I'll take care of them!




The Jointrons?

Sorry for makin' ya wait, ming!

Let Me and the others join you, too, ming!

We Jointrons, are the heroes!



TAIL g*n!

No doubt about it, this is a catapult for a large m*ssile.

This is a m*ssile base!


Max-B, obliterate it!

Max Roger!


Lio Convoy, we don't have time, you must depart very soon...


Sooner or later, this area will be destroyed.

If that happens, then this plan will fail.

Moreover, the planet Gaia will be faced with extinction.

More importantly, according to Navi's calculation, you must depart within thirty minutes from now,

...otherwise you won't be on course with the artificial planet Nemesis' trajectory.

Lio Convoy, hurry!

The Jointrons are fighting for us outside.

Come on, the time is now!


Tasmanian Kid, can you hear me?

We've got no time, we're launching the spaceship now.

Abandon the Niagara Base and join us immediately!

Roger that!

Okay, we're abandoning the base now!

Don't make it sound so easy like that!

Let's move!

Good! Now! Move in!


Where are they?

My Niagara Base...

If the planet Gaia is saved, then you can build it again as many times as you like!

The Kegon Falls Base, or the Shiraito Falls Base, or whatever!

The Niagara Base has served its role honorably!

Let's move it!

You'll be late for the ride!

I already know what you guys are thinking.

I will not allow you to board that spaceship.

We don't have any spare time to deal with you.

Sorry about that!

Let go of him, YOU!

Lio Convoy, hurry!


Kid and the others haven't arrived yet.

I can't abandon them here!

You might say that, but you'll end up missing your launch time.

I'll go and look!

Lio Junior!

Kid and others have to be here to make the Cybertrons as a whole, right?!


We're coming with you!

This ain't good!

We don't have the time to be wasting here!

So they were confined here!

Lio Junior!


Let's combine to form Magnaboss!









I can't guard it anymore, ming!

Impossible, muchas!!

Hang in there, arm!

Lio Convoy, you must depart now!

If this plan fails, it'll be the end for Planet Gaia.

You've only got thirty seconds until launch!


They got the area powered-up!

Understood, Apache, we will go just by ourselves!

Us two will destroy the artificial planet Nemesis.

The possibility of the safe return is low... but would you still come?

I will go with you anywhere!





What? A spaceship from the catapult...?

Don't tell me they're planning to jump onto the Nemesis using that spaceship?!

Won't let you go! Max-B, attack!

Max Roger!

sh**t it, sh**t it!

I hope it will launch successfully.

Max-B, the tip!

Not good!

Those guys...!

This is the end!

Oh no you don't!



Get on board!

I'll stop you!



We made it.

Max-B, aim at the tip!

Max Roger!

That did it! Now they can't launch!

This isn't good, that's the most important spot.

If it's left like that, the spaceship will be launched in a completely different direction.

And just when it was going so well!

If it keeps going like that, they'll be in danger, moon!

This ain't good, arm!

Muchas, seƱor!

No matter what, we're gonna make sure they go, ming!

That did it, ming!

All right!

Jointrons, good work!

And the direction is perfect!

We're counting on you. You guys are our only hope.

All right!

For a moment there, I had no idea what was going to happen, moon.

That's the Cybertrons for you!

Let's retreat for now!

R... Roger!



Now we're implementing the Codename Z!

Everybody, we're going to get on the artificial planet Nemesis!

Roger that!

Right, to save Planet Gaia!

Let's do it then!

Galvatron-sama, let's pursue them now!

There's no need to panic.

I've already taken the next measures.


Galvatron-sama sure is filled with confidence!

It just proves that the artificial planet Nemesis' power is tremendous, moon!

By the way, what is this Nemesis thing? It's so creepy!

It's an artificial planet that Galvatron called as his last trump card, moon.

Just who built it?

Naturally, Galvatron did, moon.

What I don't understand is, the Nemesis' power!

That's the problem, moon.

Even the Space Pirate Seacons got sucked in also, moon.

Serves them right!

Don't say things like that, moon!

You know, it consumed the sixth planet...

That's right, moon.

...right up to its ring, right out of nowhere!

That's scary, moon.

It's not only that.

It also consumed an entire gas planet, the fifth planet, moon!

Chugging an entire drink without stopping to take a breath, is not good for its body.

That's not it, moon!

Do you know what its stomach is made from?!

Anyhow, the Cybertrons are headed to the artificial planet Nemesis, moon.

Hey! Don't you think the Cybertrons will be consumed, too?!


I don't want to be that somebody who gives up

I want to be the one who is able hold and to test my strength

Never wanting to cast aside any of these feelings

You can't do anything if you're worried about what others think

Take a chance, let's set out toward the place where your dreams are

Take a look, at the future that is shining for you

It's so incredibly bright

Certainly, it's when you're in the darkness you want to cry

But the stars are there, shining out for you

So that you can shine brilliantly

Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs Produced by Ashi Production

Everybody has flown off to the artificial planet Nemesis, moon!

It feels lonely on the planet Gaia.

Hey, I wanna see the all the warriors one more time, moon.

You mean to show everyone who has been actively involved so far?

That's awesome!

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars II.

Episode 39 is, Assemble, Thirty Nine Warriors. ASSEMBLE, THIRTY-NINE WARRIORS

Be sure to watch it!

I'll definitely see it, moon!