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04x34 - Knock Out Nemesis!

Posted: 08/21/23 11:39
by bunniefuu

With a tough heart I can cut out my own future

As a Voyager I can sh**t to the ends of the universe

I want to chase after wherever it may go

I'm looking for thrills that will make my heart flutter

I want to feed on tons of love & dreams

Those Dreams & Love, that make me burn up

You are not alone at all, I'm feeling this friendship

I can live on, believing in the past and future

God Knows, our fates in this Key of Life

In this Heaven and on this Earth

There's a dream that's endlessly streaming

Just look for it

With a tough heart I can cut out my own future

As a Voyager I can sh**t to the ends of the universe

And overcome everything until we shine brilliantly

It won't extinguish, it won't end, I'll see that dream someday

I want to chase after wherever it may go

To the ends of the universe Produced by Ashi Production

Due to the power of the artificial planet Nemesis, the Angolmois energy of Planet Gaia began to increasingly become more chaotic.

We've got big trouble, moon!

The evil Angolmois energy has been detected everywhere on the planet Gaia, moon!

If it keeps going on like this, the Angolmois energy will be impossible to be controlled and...!

Planet Gaia will...

...explode into pieces, moon!

I don't want that to happen!

What are you doing, Cybertrons?!

Please do something soon, moon!


Ever since the artificial planet Nemesis has entered the orbit of the fifth planet,

...the Angolmois energy has gotten even more chaotic.

The cooling strategy won't work anymore!

Lio Convoy, we don't have a moment to lose.

It's all set, Lio Convoy.

The time has come! Everyone, to the Niagara Base!

What's starting from this point?

Well, see for yourself.

It's the bottom of the ninth, and we've got a one-shot plan to make a big turnaround.

It's the Niagara Cannon!

It's had quite the cool modification!

We will fire an energy beam directly at the artificial planet Nemesis using that.

However, it will require enormous amount of energy to destroy it.

If you want energy, there's plenty of it, see.

I get it now. We're gonna use the Angolmois energy to power the Niagara Cannon's beam?

That's our commander for you!

Navi, please calculate the timing to launch the Niagara Cannon.

OK, Lio Convoy!

The best positional relationship between Gaia, the moon, and the Nemesis will be...

Ahh... it'll be in seventy-two minutes from now!

By that time, we have to set the Niagara Cannon on top of that mountain.

Obviously, those Destron guys will come and try to get in our way.

I'll go. Just leave it to me!

This will be a dangerous job.

The one who has the most experience would be better suited for it.

I'm already experienced enough!

I'll make sure it will succeed!

Calm down! You can't complete your task only with your enthusiasm!

I appreciate Lio Junior's enthusiasm.

I can feel that Lio Junior has pure intentions to try and protect the planet Gaia.

This type of job is best suited for me.


Everybody doesn't consider me to be full-fledged.

That's not true.

No failure is allowed for this task.

And that's why you can't leave it to me, right?!

I have an important job to ask of you.

Ah, I'll do it!

You bet I'll do my job!

Around that time, the Destrons' Autorollers continued to build fortresses which would send the Angolmois energy to the artificial planet Nemesis.

It seems living on Planet Gaia, which I felt it was too long, is almost over!

After da Angolmois energy's been sent to da Nemesis, our job on this planet is done!

But ya know, we can't leave this planet while we've been painted in mud by those Cybertrons!

Heave-Ho! I hate 'em so much that I can here their voices in my noggin'!

Yer' right. I feel like I can hear 'em too.

What's that there?

Cry it out, Kid!

Heave-Ho! Hang on just a minute!

I know that!

That's right!

Here we go! Go! Go! Here we go! Go! Go!

What're they up to?

Just what're they planning on doing with that a*tillery cannon?

You can't even figure that out, Gigastorm?

O-Older Brother...

Lio Convoy, I knew you wouldn't just watch and do nothing...

That guy, he's planning to punch a hole in the Nemesis using that cannon!

Lio Convoy has a serious face, but he just doesn't get it!

There's no way that thing has the energy to punch a hole in the Nemesis, which is far away in space!

It's YOU, who doesn't get it!

Perhaps, that cannon has the conversion device which changes the Angolmois energy into beam energy.

If they use the unlimited source of Angolmois energy, even the tough Nemesis would...

What?! If that happens, everything will be thrown out the window!

Don't panic, Gigastorm!

Hellscream, Max-B, smash their hopes apart!

Yes, sir!

Max Roger!



Older Brother, I'm going also!

"As unshakable as the mountain."

Analyze the w*r situation.

Lio Convoy is a better tactician than we think.


That means, he thinks far more than you do!


Their destination should be the top of that mountain.

Why are they purposely taking the most prominent route...?



Search the surrounding area!


We can just leave this to Dirgegun and Thrustor.


Don't worry! We'll be commended instead of being scolded!

What we can see isn't always the truth.

Real things are usually hidden!

Max Roger!

The Tako t*nk!

I knew it!

Let's go, Max-B!

Max Roger!


Scuba... just as I thought.

So, the a*tillery cannon above the ground is a decoy!

Max Roger!

That's Hellscream for you, he's found me.


My head almost split.

Just stay numb like that!

Meanwhile, we'll destroy that a*tillery cannon!





Nice and sharp as always!

L-Lio Convoy!



Damn... it!


LIO m*ssile!




What is the meaning of this?

This a*tillery cannon is just an ordinary papier-mâché!



Older Brother, we were totally tricked!

Where's the real one?


The real one is right here!

Youngster, the fact that Lio Convoy left you with the real thing, means you've got greater expectations!

Right! Let's merge to form Magnaboss!




Lio Convoy, we'll ensure that the plan is a success!

Oh sh**t!

There's the real one!


We're counting on you, Lio Junior!

There's one other who's carrying the a*tillery cannon.

Let's go!


I cannot allow you to go!


Where are you aiming at?!


Get off me! That's my shark fin!


Lio Junior, we'll leave the rest to you.

There's just fifteen minutes to go until the time!

Good, it seems that we'll make it there ahead of time.

Youngster, we'll need the time to set the a*tillery cannon up!

We don't have much leeway!

I-I know that!

Lower the tube into the crater!

OK, the tube then!

Bring in the Angolmois energy into the Niagara Cannon!

I know that already!

If we sh**t Nemesis with this...

We need the time for the energy charge.

I know that! And, how much time?

It'll take five minutes to fill it up full.

What?! That's cutting it too close!


So it was you after all.

Nobody is going to lay a finger on the artificial planet Nemesis!

This is a job entrusted to me!

That artificial planet Nemesis, will be absolutely blown to bits!

I'm afraid not.

We cannot allow you to do whatever you want.

Galvatron's here too...

Youngster, stay calm.

I am calm!

It'll be charged up soon!

Youngster, let's use this as an opportunity.

You'll sh**t the Niagara Cannon against Nemesis!

But how?!

Using a distraction tactic!

What is that?

Listen up, we have only one chance!

Don't worry about us, and just jump onto that a*tillery cannon!

What kind of mumbo-jumbo are you talkin' about?!

Do it now!




What do you think you're doing?

Youngster, do it now while there's time!


I won't let you!


Gigastorm, destroy that a*tillery cannon!

HEAD m*ssile!

The Angolmois energy charge isn't enough!

Move it!

It's over now!

Youngster, don't give up until it's over!

The power's within you, Youngster! Use your Angolmois energy!

This... This job was entrusted to me!

And I'll see it through!


Lio Junior compressed his Angolmois energy within him and poured it into the a*tillery cannon.

It's charged, the planet's position is perfect too!



GO! GO, moon!

What are you doing? Hurry, get to the a*tillery cannon!

I, I know that, Older Brother!

Get outta my way!

The a*tillery cannon is at its limit?

A bit more! Just a bit more!!

Youngster, the a*tillery cannon is no good anymore!

Get away from the a*tillery cannon!

Just a little bit more! It can't end like this!

The artificial planet Nemesis isn't destroyed!

The a*tillery cannon couldn't withstand the Angolmois energy from Lio Junior, moon!

Gawd! Drillnuts, it was your job to jack it up well!

The a*tillery cannon broke when it was almost there.

Drillnuts, what happened?!

No... No way...

It seems that I screwed up the calculations for the a*tillery cannon.


Why, YOU!

Wait! Look.

It's troublesome to fight against them, let's withdraw for now!

But, Older Brother...

They can no longer use that a*tillery cannon.

Let's go.

You narrowly escaped death! I'll let you off for today!

That hurt.

Youngster, get a hold of yourself!

Pull yourself together!

Lio Convoy, you are raising an excellent successor.

I envy you.

Comparing that, to my successor-to-be is...

Older Brother, help me~!

I'll get you for this!

It's true, I'm still not half the individual I should be.

I made such a big promise and... I... I couldn't complete my job...

You did a great job!

Lio Convoy!


The artificial planet Nemesis, how close is it now?

First, it grazed pass the ninth planet and entered into the solar system, moon.

Then it absorbed the ring which was part of the sixth planet, moon.

Then just recently, it absorbed the gas from the fifth planet, so...

Four, three, two, one...

Only four more planets and it will arrive at Gaia?!

Well? But Gaia is the 3rd planet, moon.

Four minus three is...

When it passes the fourth planet, it will arrive at Planet Gaia!

Very soon, moon!

Moon, what's going to happen to us?!

I think we'll find out next week, moon!

I don't want to be that somebody who gives up

I want to be the one who is able hold and to test my strength

Never wanting to cast aside any of these feelings

You can't do anything if you're worried about what others think

Take a chance, let's set out toward the place where your dreams are

Take a look, at the future that is shining for you

It's so incredibly bright

Certainly, it's when you're in the darkness you want to cry

But the stars are there, shining out for you

So that you can shine brilliantly

Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs Produced by Ashi Production


There's a rumor that Galvatron is enticing Lio Junior, moon!

I can't allow that to happen, Galvatron-sama!

You already have me!

That's not what I meant!

Lio Junior turns bad after bathing in the evil Angolmois energy, moon!

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars II.

Episode 35 is, Lio Junior’s Insurrection!? LIO JUNIOR'S INSURRECTION!?

Be sure to watch it!

I'll definitely see it, moon!