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04x32 - The Lio Convoy Assassination Plot

Posted: 08/21/23 11:37
by bunniefuu

With a tough heart I can cut out my own future

As a Voyager I can sh**t to the ends of the universe

I want to chase after wherever it may go

I'm looking for thrills that will make my heart flutter

I want to feed on tons of love & dreams

Those Dreams & Love, that make me burn up

You are not alone at all, I'm feeling this friendship

I can live on, believing in the past and future

God Knows, our fates in this Key of Life

In this Heaven and on this Earth

There's a dream that's endlessly streaming

Just look for it

With a tough heart I can cut out my own future

As a Voyager I can sh**t to the ends of the universe

And overcome everything until we shine brilliantly

It won't extinguish, it won't end, I'll see that dream someday

I want to chase after wherever it may go

To the ends of the universe Produced by Ashi Production

The artificial planet Nemesis was approaching the planet Gaia by the minute.

Acting in concert with the approach of the Nemesis; the Angolmois energy also became active,

...and was giving off a variety of influences to the Destrons.

Dirge and Thrust had become frustrated by the good showing of Hellscream and Max-B, who were enhanced by the Angolmois energy.

Not good...

Really, not good...

If we leave things as is, we'll be servin' under them for the rest of our lives.

We should defeat Lio Convoy or something along those lines, otherwise we're gonna lose our ground.

Then, let's defeat Lio Convoy, Thrust!



The Angolmois energy has been getting more and more active.

I guess until we put a stop to the artificial planet Nemesis, the Angolmois energy won't stop being reckless either?

With the Nemesis' trajectory, there's a 90% chance of it making contact with Gaia.

We have to find a way to stop it somehow before that time!

It's that ruin, Youngster! The one which was emitting that mysterious light many times!

I wonder if it's hiding a secret about this planet or something?

Wh-What is that?

Wh-What is this?



I've got 'em!

We've got him as our hostage!

It was a Destron trap then?

If ya want him back, tell Lio Convoy to come to the North beach alone!

Tell him yourself!





Oh man...

Man, we have such hard heads...

Huh? What's this?

Run for it!




They won't ever think of taking Youngster as a hostage like that again.

We targeted the smallest one, but...

The hostage plan ended in failure.

Hey, Thrust, I was thinking... we haven't really fought face-to-face against our enemies in our battles yet.

Yeah, if I think back about it, yer' right.

We've always failed because of Dirge's uncool strategy.

So it's my fault?!

It's my fault that I didn't realize that sooner!

Yer' basically sayin' the same thing.

Now, now...

But!! This time's different!

We'll face the enemy head on...!

And we'll crash...! Ow!

What did ya say, Dirge?

Hey Thrust, let's show them our real power!

Ya! We'll show 'em who's boss!

That's my partner!

Yer' lucky I am your partner!

Dirge, there he is!



Lio Convoy, fight us!

Fight you?

In order for us to achieve success,

...Lio Convoy, we'll need that head of yours!

Get yerself ready!

Wait! This isn't the time to be doing such things!


Can't you guys hear it? This planet Gaia is crying out to us!

What? Crying out?

The only thing we wanna hear is Lio Convoy crying out!


With this distance apart, Lio Convoy's att*cks can't reach us!

Alrighty! Begin the attack!

I guess I can't make them understand?!

Lio Convoy has taken off into the jungle!

S-Search for him!

Grrr... come on out, YOU!


Pull yourself together, Dirge!


As expected, we ended up gettin' busted up like we said earlier!

Our plan was a failure right to the end!

Good work. You can head back now.

Dirge! Thrust!


I've witnessed your hard work. You were so close.

What's wrong?

We wanna be stronger!

Gigastorm-sama, we can't die and leave things like this!

We wanna be more... WAY MORE STRONGER!!

We wanna be stronger, and get back at Hellscream and Max-B!

Very well...


What's about to begin?

I dunno...

Now, I will make your wishes come true, Dirge and Thrust.

You will be the strongest warriors at my side, and you'll serve only me!

By acquiring the Angolmois energy bore by Gigastorm, Dirge and Thrust have gained new bodies.

Wow, y-you look quite strong, Thrust.

Di-Dirge, you too.

You both have been reborn into Dirgegun and Thrustor.

I'm... Dirgegun.

I'm... Thrustor.

It's too premature to be surprised, try transforming.



Wah! Are... Are ya really that Thrust?

I... I also can't believe that ya used to be Dirge!

What do you think?

The Angolmois energy around this area is also getting quite active.


Who is it?

Who is it?!



When Thrustor slashes at an individual using his Trash Horn, ice begins forming around them.

Wow! That's more powerful than I imagined, Dirgegun!

Yer' surprised by your own power?

Lio Convoy means nothing to us now!

I wanna try my powers out too.

Aren't there any more Cybertrons around here?!

As the Angolmois energy begins to get more active, the Destrons are becoming more active, too!

Talk about a pain.

Ya, really, isn't it?!

Who's there?!

Here, over here!

Who're ya supposed to be?!

Where's Lio Convoy?

You should be answering our questions first!

How sad I feel!

You've forgotten about us?

Did we have any acquaintances like these?

Hey, Dirgegun, how about defeating them and luring Lio Convoy to us? Ain't that a good plan?

That's a good idea, Thrustor.

Leave it to me.


I won't letcha escape this time!


Wh-What is this? I can't move my body!

Feels like my head's about to split!

Wow, this ultrasonic wave works well, Thrustor!

Huh? Thrustor?

Dirgegun, s-stop it! It feels like my head's about to split, too!

Huh? Oh, sorry, sorry!

N-Now! Run for it!

It's way more powerful than I thought.

W-What was that ultrasonic wave just now?

It stuns the opponent, and kinda like prevents them from moving!

They sure took off in a panic!

Al... Alright!

With us working together, we can defeat Lio Convoy, too!



I can't believe they've become that strong with Gigastorm's energy!

Moon, can't you do something?

It's all because the artificial planet Nemesis is approaching here, moon!

I guess the Destrons power will keep on increasing unless somebody stops that thing?

I'm sure Lio Convoy has been working a plan to deal with it, moon!

We must complete this before Nemesis closes in on us!

Lio Convoy!

What is it, Apache?

Lio Convoy, please be careful.

Tasmanian Kid and Bighorn were att*cked by someone!

We're not sure yet if they're Destrons...

But it seems they're targeting you, Lio Convoy.

Understood. I'll be careful.

Who're you?

Allow me to take care of the introductions, I'm Dirgegun.

I'm Thrustor.

Dirgegun and Thrustor?

I don't blame ya for not knowin' who we are.

We were reborn to defeat you, Lio Convoy!


We'll have your head this time!

Lio Convoy, we'll need that head of yours!

You guys are Dirge and Thrust!

That name brings back memories...

This is where Lio Convoy will be buried!

Prepare yerself!


Ah! It's Scuba's Tako t*nk!

Youngster, Scuba's been...!

Why is he frozen?

Youngster, what's the matter?

L... Lio Convoy is in danger!



Santon, Skywarp, please take care of Scuba.


Let's do this!


Thrustor, I leave this to you!



Certainly, you've gotten stronger.

What'll ya do next, Lio Convoy?


Dirgegun, he's all yours!


LIO m*ssile!


We've done simulations of all of your att*cks, Lio Convoy.

No matter what the attack, it won't work on us!

How about this?!


DINO m*ssile!

At long last, Lio Convoy is done for!

Gigastorm-sama will be pleased, and Hellscream and Max-B won't make fun of us after this!

Let's finish this.

You're dead.

Prepare yourself!

What's that?


I thought we took care of Scuba?!

Lio Junior?!

Isn't that...?

Lio Convoy!

Wah! He's gonna crash right into us!

Lio Convoy, are you all right?

Yeah... that was a close one though...

How about this?!


How ya like that?

We'll finish you both off together!

It's effecting me too, Dirgegun!

Deal with it!

No way, no way! Cut the sound out now!

Agh, it can't be helped!

Thrustor, ya leave this to me and go somewhere else for now!


LIO m*ssile!


Hey, they're gone!

That's alright, cuz now we know we can destroy them anytime we want.

Ya got that right.

If Lio Junior hadn't come, I might have been destroyed.

I... felt Lio Convoy's pain.


I'm pretty sure that Lio Convoy's pain, is my pain.

Anyhow, I can't believe that Dirge and Thrust pair drove Lio Convoy into a corner!

I wonder if all these events have something to do with that artificial planet Nemesis?

If that's so, then we need to put a stop to that Nemesis!

And just how are we going to stop such a giant thing?!

I'm sure there's a way, right, Lio Convoy?!

Yes, we Cybertrons must never give up, no matter what the situation is!


Th-That Dirge and Thrust pair have become that strong?!

It's because Gigastorm shared his Angolmois fusion energy with them, moon.

I'll analyze the abilities of Dirgegun and Thrustor, and hopefully it might help Cybertrons even a little bit, moon! NEEDLE LAUNCHER

A sharp needle-like m*ssile, the Needle Launcher!

It's scary!

DINO m*ssile This is Thrustor's Dino m*ssile!

BLAST LEADER And this is Dirgegun's Blast Leader!

It's a special ultrasonic wave that gives you a pounding headache, moon.

Their weapons seem to be all weird things!

I miss the comedy duo of Dirge and Thrust!

There's more, moon!

The Raptor Shield, Casting sh**t, Gash Sword, Trash Horn... Stop it!

If the Cybertrons are listening in, they're going to become scared to fight against them!

But it seems that they haven't become accustomed to their powerful bodies yet, moon!

Then, now is the good time to take them down!

Hang in there, Cybertrons!

But please don't bully that handsome Hellscream-sama!

I don't want to be that somebody who gives up

I want to be the one who is able hold and to test my strength

Never wanting to cast aside any of these feelings

You can't do anything if you're worried about what others think

Take a chance, let's set out toward the place where your dreams are

Take a look, at the future that is shining for you

It's so incredibly bright

Certainly, it's when you're in the darkness you want to cry

But the stars are there, shining out for you

So that you can shine brilliantly

Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs Produced by Ashi Production


The planet Gaia is in big trouble, moon!

The Angolmois energy is becoming even more active!

It's all because of the artificial planet Nemesis, moon.

If it continues like this, the jungle with all the animals in it will be in danger, moon!

What in the world are the Cybertrons doing?

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars II.

Episode 33 is, The Great Angolmois Freezing Project. THE GREAT ANGOLMOIS FREEZING PROJECT

Be sure to watch it!

I'll definitely see it, moon!