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04x30 - Gigastorm's Treachery

Posted: 08/21/23 11:35
by bunniefuu

With a tough heart I can cut out my own future

As a Voyager I can sh**t to the ends of the universe

I want to chase after wherever it may go

I'm looking for thrills that will make my heart flutter

I want to feed on tons of love & dreams

Those Dreams & Love, that make me burn up

You are not alone at all, I'm feeling this friendship

I can live on, believing in the past and future

God Knows, our fates in this Key of Life

In this Heaven and on this Earth

There's a dream that's endlessly streaming

Just look for it

With a tough heart I can cut out my own future

As a Voyager I can sh**t to the ends of the universe

And overcome everything until we shine brilliantly

It won't extinguish, it won't end, I'll see that dream someday

I want to chase after wherever it may go

To the ends of the universe Produced by Ashi Production

The eerie artificial planet Nemesis was closing in on the solar system's sixth planet.

Due to its influence, the Angolmois energy on Planet Gaia has started to become active.

Its effect was also causing various influencences on both the Cybertrons and Destrons.

When Gigastorm's body is exposed to an Elemental Particle Control Beam, becomes possible for him to become smaller, and enter their fortress spaceship.

Those Autorollers... they seem to be working diligently drawing up the Angolmois energy.


We must send this energy to Galvatron-sama.

Resurrect! Resurrect!

Yes, we must resurrect Galvatron-sama as soon as possible.

We'll be in trouble if Gigastorm's indefinite arrogance is making the decisions.

Arrogance! Arrogance!

That damn Starscream is doing things that aren't necessary!

If the Angolmois energy is supplied to my older brother like this, he'll come back to life.

Before that happens...


Megastorm has turned into that giant Gigastorm.

And the Angolmois energy has become active all of the sudden.

No matter how I think about it, it's strange.

Therefore, I wanted to ask Santon's team to explain to us,

...about the eerie planet that they had seen before they arrived on Planet Gaia.

It's not like we saw it clearly, but it was...

Yeah, it was covered with huge rocks, but I'm pretty sure it was an artificial planet.

That could be the artificial planet Nemesis which Galvatron had created?

Which means...

I've heard it can store immeasurable amounts of energy.

I also heard a rumor that it's covered with a shadow of death.

It might have something to do with these recent series of commotions.

We'd better tread carefully.

Wow! Incredible! Incredible!

It don't matter how many times I check it out, it's superb!

You can check it out as many times you want.

Say, Scuba, can you please teach me how to operate it?!

Let me go first! Me!

It's OK for me too, right?

Then, we shall do it in a wider area.

I'm gonna go first!

What's the matter?

There's some evil Angolmois energy...

...over there.

Hey! You can't just do stuff without permission!

Mm. I like him!

Let's move it!


What's wrong, Navi?

We've got trouble! There's some Angolmois energy erupting at Point 268.

Lio Junior and Bighorn's group have headed out there.

This is bad, isn't it?

We'll all head off!

Due to the influence of mysterious artificial planet Nemesis, the Angolmois energy has become active.

I'll cut 'em into pieces while he's sleeping.

What do you think you are doing to Galvatron-sama's body?!

I thought I would dismantle him and investigate the cause, since it's gonna be a while before he gets up again.

If an amateur did such a thing, he would never be able to recover!

In that case...

Should I wake him up with an electric shock!?


Ah! If that much electricity is fed to him, Galvatron-sama will be...!

Wh-What are ya doing to me?!

Hey, are you trying to damage me?!

Attempting to even send that much electricity to Galvatron-sama...?!

What is it? Autorollers, what do you want?

The maximum permissible level of Angolmois energy has been sent, you say?!

This is bad.

BB, close off the valve.


Y-You idiot! My older brother requires that Angolmois energy!

If a large amount of energy is sent to him, it will cause a large expl*si*n!

Him blowing up is exactly what I want!

It might be a good shock for him!

BB, let go!

Don't wanna!

It's not Don't wanna! Would ya talk normally?!

How could you...

How could you-!

That did it! That should be the end of my older brother!

O-Older Brother?!


Thanks to the tremendous amount of evil Angolmois energy that I just absorbed, I am fine now.

Congratulations on your resurrection, Galvatron-sama!

I'd like you to hear this, the fact is, Gigastorm-sama was...

Don't say the name here.

Yeah, so everything was done to resurrect you, Older Brother!

See, Older Brother, you're wonderfully resurrected, right?!

Gigastorm, is it now?

Did you also power-up using the evil Angolmois energy?

As expected, my younger brother would survive.

It's wonderful to see that you, Older Brother, are doing well.

Damn, I failed!

Heeey! Lio Convoy also says to wait!

Check it out over there!

There's some incredible Angolmois energy.

Yeah, and we can't leave it like that.

Let's rush on in there!


A welcoming committee?! That gets me pumped up!




Oh, man, it can't be helped, huh?!


Those blasted Cybertrons...

You'll get squished this time!


Older Brother, the Cybertrons are in our facility!

That's why I said, wait! I am the one who gives the orders.

Artificial planet Nemesis...

Say now, a light just flew now from the Destrons' fortress spaceship,

...and reached to artificial planet Nemesis, didn't it?!

What is it? What in the world is happening?

More importantly, if it keeps moving like this, the artificial planet Nemesis will collide with the sixth planet, moon.

What's gonna happen then?!

I can't even imagine, moon.

Right! Let's storm the place!

They took off?

All cuz of my attack!

This is it.

It seems they've already gone in.

Youngster is inside.

Lio Convoy...

Yeah, it might be a trap.

We better hurry!






Those cursed Cybertrons have gone inside.

Older Brother, is it really okay to give the Cybertrons the Angolmois energy as a present so easily?!

Well, just watch.

Lock them in!

Everyone, watch yourselves!

What's going on?

Youngster, acting based on your own judgment is dangerous!

Youngster, what's wrong?

It-It's the evil Angolmois energy.

Lio Convoy!

That energy is... it's dangerous here!


It's freakin' closed!

That's nothing for me!

The ring around the sixth planet is being sucked away by the Nemesis, moon!


The ring around the sixth planet is now completely gone, moon!

How can this be?

The artificial planet Nemesis has some incredible power, moon!

I'm worried about Planet Gaia, moon.

Talk about some serious power there!

The Angolmois energy...!

This is bad.


That's Galvatron-sama for you.

Your strategy to lock the Cybertrons in,

...and then blow them up with the artificial planet Nemesis's power was... simply incredible!

In all cases, a commander must be intelligent like him...

Subordinates end up being greatly troubled if a leader is goes recklessly head on, like you-know-who...

And just who is that you-know-who?!

Take some time to figure that out for yourself.

What did you say?!

Good, now is the time, crush them all at once!



The enemies are coming!


Being att*cked when we are like this... we're gonna be wrecked!

Youngster, this way!

Look out!

It shall be I who will destroy you.


At this rate, everything will go according to how my older brother wanted it to.

If I could only get rid of my older brother!

In terms of power, yours truly is superior.

I will annihilate him for real this time!

HEAD m*ssile!


Gigastorm, was that YOU?!



I-I didn't do anything...

I heard from Starscream what you tried to do while I was asleep!

I doubted that my younger brother would do such a thing, but it seems it was true.

You damned traitor!

Whaddya think you're doing?!

I'm stronger than you!

How dare you, Gigastorm!


I will teach you what it's like to completely fear me!

I... I won't lose!

I-I have surpassed you, Older Brother!

You're still uttering such nonsense?!

Lio Convoy, are you OK?

I'm sorry, it's my fault that I got ahead of myself...

It's fine.


No matter what, we have to get out of this pinch!

Youngster, let's combine!





SKY m*ssile!


My power is far greater!

Since it has come to this...

Huh? What?

Elemental Particle Control Beam!

With the Elemental Particle Control Beam, Gigastorm's body size was able to be changed freely.

O-O-Older Brother!

Gigastorm! Don't you think you should be aiming your power in a different direction?!

Was it your mouth that defied me?!

Or was it this, your hand?! Or this tail?!

Forgive me, Older Brother!

LIO m*ssile!



It's a good thing that the evil Angolmois energy has become active,

...but it seems its influence is making everyone more violent!

But I will surely destroy the Cybertrons using this power!

But, what was that expl*si*n of Angolmois energy all of a sudden?


Yeah, it might the work of artificial planet Nemesis.

What? What?!

It's approaching the planet Gaia faster than we expected.

No doubt.

The dreadful artificial planet Nemesis passed the sixth planet,

...and kept moving forward to the solar systems' fifth planet.

And furthermore, drawing closer to the planet Gaia.


Big trouble! The artificial planet Nemesis even sucked up the ring from the sixth planet!

Just what is that Nemesis thing?!

We know that it has a horrible power, but nothing more...

It's scary no matter how many times I look at it!

It has a tremendous power, moon!

Ever since the artificial planet Nemesis entered the solar system, many strange things have been happening, moon!

That's right, the Angolmois energy has become active,

...well, Lio Junior is our ally, so that's good at least.

Moon, moon!

Megastorm has become Gigastorm!

His size and power is totally different, moon!

Galvatron-sama has been resurrected too... but I'm a fan of his, so I'm happy!

All these things are giving me headache, moon.

Besides all that, the artificial planet Nemesis is rapidly approaching, right?

It's headed straight on course for Planet Gaia, moon!

Just what's gonna happen from this point on?!

Just imaging about it, makes me scared, moon.

I don't want to be that somebody who gives up

I want to be the one who is able hold and to test my strength

Never wanting to cast aside any of these feelings

You can't do anything if you're worried about what others think

Take a chance, let's set out toward the place where your dreams are

Take a look, at the future that is shining for you

It's so incredibly bright

Certainly, it's when you're in the darkness you want to cry

But the stars are there, shining out for you

So that you can shine brilliantly

Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs Produced by Ashi Production


Big trouble, moon!

Gigastorm is now aware that Starscream betrayed him, moon!

Gigastorm is pissed off, and has given Starscream some dangerous tasks on purpose, moon!

Starscream-sama, don't go!

I won't be able to see that stylish you anymore!

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars II.

Episode 31 is, Starscream's Demise. STARSCREAM'S DEMISE

Be sure to watch it!

I'll definitely see it, moon!