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04x22 - Megastorm's Reckoning

Posted: 08/21/23 11:27
by bunniefuu

Emotions swaying in loneliness

Swallowed up by the waves of an era for all of time

My saddened heart was wandering

Just One Nation, an ID engraved on my heart

I couldn't go anywhere by myself

It was frustrating and I couldn't take it

Even so, I was still dreaming

That far away, I could hear the sound of the distant sunset

Let's head to that place

To the ends of the Earth

I want to be stronger than anyone else, so I can be who I am

I won't give up my Passion to anyone, just so that I can live for tomorrow

To GET MY FUTURE, all I need to do is run on the path that I believe

Actions are what opens up the future, with the courage to fight

I'll hold them in my heart, To Be Free

Produced by TV Tokyo Ashi Production

The battle between the heroic Cybertrons and the evil Destrons on the beautiful planet Gaia...

...appeared to develop further, with the involvement of the newly appeared Space Pirate Seacons.



What is it ye wanted to discuss?

I want to team up with you guys and defeat the Cybertrons. They must be getting in your way also.

We can defeat them without teaming up with ye, but we might jump at the chance, depending on the reward.


Well then, we will give you 1/10 of the Angolmois energy that we have per each Cybertron.

No, give us 1/8.


Aren't ye fellas having hard time with those Cybertrons also?

That's why ye came to talk to us.

Well, you're right.

1/10 is too little.

Even 1/8 isn't really enough.

OK then, it's 1/8.

But it should be 2 times more for their chief, Lio Convoy.

Actually, it should be 3 times!

How about it?


He's the boss of the Cybertrons, a boss!

He should worth at least that much, and it shouldn't be too expensive for ye.

Can't be helped... that's fine.

Yours truly will lure the Cybertrons.

Don't forget our agreement.

Same goes with you too.

The Destrons' Prince of Destruction, Megastorm, began thinking up a plan to disperse the Cybertrons and make them face the Seacons one-on-one.

That worked well. The Seacons are a piece of cake when yours truly is left to handle them.



The negotiations with the Seacons went well, so the end of the Cybertrons is near, Older Brother.

Excellent work, Megastorm!

No surprise, you being Galvatron's younger brother after all.

You guys should learn a little from my younger brother.

That's right, you should learn from me!


Just a moment, Galvatron-sama.

What is it, Starscream?

What is it?!

You said it's 1/8 of the Angolmois energy per each individual Cybertron...

There are six Cybertrons, so...

Ah, so yer' saying those apples indicate all of da Angolmois energy we have, right?

Yes, so if Apache is eliminated, we'll give one away to the Seacons, right?

When Scuba is defeated, one more will go to the Seacons. When Bighorn is defeated, another one.

Then Diver being defeated, we give them yet another one.

Then with Tasmanian Kid being defeated, another one.

Finally, the leader, Lio Convoy is worth 3 times, so if he's gone, 3 more are given.

Our Angolmois energy... will be all gone.


I knew it... If the Seacons defeat all of the Cybertrons, we'll be giving them all of our Angolmois energy, right?

Then, we hafta side with the Cybertrons.

What da heck're ya sayin'?!

Is this true, Megastorm?

N-N-No way, I would never do that kind of a negotiation, Older Brother.

No way, come on!

Of course, you wouldn't, Megastorm-sama.

W-Well, just wait and see, Older Brother, I have a good plan.

Come along! Dirge, Thrust!

Is that calculation correct?

Damn, that guy can do math...

So we don't have to do any back-breaking digging work. We'll get the treasure if we beat the Cybertrons...

That's our boss, very clever!

Don't underestimate us, especially trying to use us at a cheap price.

Damn, that Halfshell guy, how am I going to deal with him?

Megastorm-sama, what is this?

It's a transmitter I was gonna use to lure the Cybertrons and make them fight against the Seacons.


Don't, Dirge. What'll ya do if it blows?

Transmitters don't blow!

Think well, Megastorm-sama made them.

It could!

You guys!

Blow up?

That's it!

What is it?!

That's it, that's a great idea... to blow them up.

If I can make both of them disappear, it'll be all cleaned up!

Megastorm then put expl*sives into the transmitters, and altered his plan to destroy both the Cybertrons and the Seacons.

What're we gonna do, Moon?

We have to let the Cybertrons know about Megastorm's plan ASAP!

Here, moon!

Heeey, everybody, don't get tricked!

They can't hear me, ain't that right?

I guess it won't work, moon.

It seems the Seacons are not operating at the bottom of the sea these days.

I hope they'll stay quiet.

I don't think that's possible.

I've never heard of a quiet pirate.

Lio Convoy, there's an Angolmois energy reading at bottom of the sea in the N401 area.

Really? Provide me the exact location.

Roger that!

See? They started doing it again, those Seacons.

Let's send Scuba and Diver immediately.

What happened, Navi?

There's Angolmois energy reading in the S23 area northeast from here.

It's on land, so it must be the Destrons then?

Wait, there's a reading from the N603 area at the bottom of the sea southwest from the jungle.

Geez, so it's like a first come, first served basis for both the Destrons and the Seacons?

You can send me to that location then!

Very well, I will go to the furthest point.

Everybody break up and disperse!

Roger that!

Everyone, be careful!

This should be the area where there was an Angolmois energy reading.

Those Seacons...

You made an exhibition out of yourself by being lured here by bait, Cybertron!

You are...

Swim... Swim... Swim...

Goodness, I just wish they wouldn't dig all over the place.

Wha-? What's that?

I'll turn ya into a thinly sliced frog!

I-I don't taste that good!

Gentlemen of the Cybertrons... you sure get tricked easily.

Who's there?

What do you mean by tricked?!

Now would be a waste of time to explain it to you, don't you think?


Geez, what the heck? THIS is where the Angolmois energy reading is coming from?!

You finally showed up.

Over here.

What? I thought a squid was being hung for sun-drying.

I was looking forward to seeing who would show up... and I'm disappointed!

Who would have made you happy? I can switch with them now, if you want.

Doesn't matter, 'cause I'm going to destroy him anyway!



I told you I'm gonna switch!

Forget it, wait!

What? You're like a kappa up on dried land.

What's a kappa?


This ain't good! Goodbye!



Forget it!

The energy reading is around here, ain't it?

Are you my opponent?

Yer' one of da Seacons! I thought ya were specialized in the sea?

I have to clean things up lickety-split and go home before lunch.

Clean things up? Sounds like you've been waiting for me.

Yeaaah, I was actually waiting for you.

What didja say, YOU?!

You're gonna get hurt if you underestimate an old man.

I know, I actually came to hurt you though.

I can clean things up with you with just one push!

You're no match!

I underestimated that old man...

The damage i'th wor'th on you...

Wh-What the heck is this?!

Soon the Cybertrons and the Seacons will be approachin' those transmitters.

Then, this switch will give us a reading, right?

Got it? Dirge, don't screw it up.

I know that.

By the way, when Lio Convoy comes here, how about blowing him up right off the bat with this expl*sive device?

Yeah, let's do that. Lio Convoy's worth is 3 times more than the others anyway.

Did you call for me?

Ah, crap!

Git going!

Where did it go?

Is this the cause of the energy reading?

What da heck're ya doing? Finish him now!

I know but this is reading all of them at the same time. It's broken now, ain't it?!

It don't matter, just push any button.


It's getting to be around the time where the Cybertrons and Seacons should be finished by now.

Hey, you, hey, you!

What are those two doing, Dirge and Thrust?! Press the switch on already!

W-What in the world happened?

Curses, where did Scuba go?

Those guys... that was the WORST timing!

That's Apache!


Wrong! It's this one. Give it to me!

When it comes to this, yours truly shall finish the Cybertron!

Navi, has anyone reported anything as of yet?

Nothing at all, Lio Convoy.

Hurry up!

I dunno which is which anymore!

Whichever is fine, just push anything!

You say so, but... what the heck? Should I just push them all at once?!

What are you two up to here?

Ah... no... nothing, ah....

We were just passing by.

That transmitter belongs to the Destrons, doesn't it?

Naw, naw, it doesn't.

I dunno anything about it.

Oh, no, it's a miss!

You bombed it.


Goodbye for now!


Are ya really an old man?

I'm 100,000 years old... no, maybe it was 110,000 years old?

How could ya count that far?

What the heck are they doing, Dirge and Thrust?!



What's up with that mug of yours?

Be quiet!

What did he come here for?

I didn't hear that the transmitter would explode... did I hear that wrong?

Hey, another one exploded somewhere.

Then, next is my turn. Eeny, meeny, miney, mo...

Maybe this?


Bighorn would've happily taken this!

Why am I the one to end up like this?!


It's you.

Yes... I'm the Prince of Destruction, Megastorm-sama!


The Cybertrons and the Seacons should be blown to bits all together by now!

That's our Megastorm-sama! Let's push that last button too!

I don't know what you were going to do, but your plan seems to have failed, Megastorm.

Shut it, when it comes to this, I don't care about the plan.

Yours truly will finish you all, right here!

All of you! Prepare yourselves!

Help me, Lio Convoy!

Hey, YOU!


NOOOO! Don't come here!

Don't come here---!

Megastorm-sama's plan seems to have been a complete failure.

Fail! Fail! Big fail!

We definitely need you, Galvatron-sama.


Is it meal time yet?

We didn't hear about the bombs, Boss.

Hey, maybe Galvatron's guys tried to trick us?

But, Megastorm is the one who got the most damage.

He really is a clumsy guy.

Having that kinda guy under him, Galvatron's glory won't last too long.

No doubt.

Oh man... those Seacons are tough when it's one-on-one.

Especially, that Squid-lady is troublesome.

No, Coelagon is tougher.

No, no, Terrormander, the one I fought, is the strongest.

No, naturally their boss, Halfshell, is the strongest.

You go try and fight with the Squid-lady then.

Only Lio Convoy or myself can handle Terrormander.

In any case, if those guys have joined together with Galvatron...

It gives me the chills just thinking about it.

Everybody, starting now, even tougher battles await us!

ARTEMIS & MOON'S Second Transmission

I didn't think the Seacons were this strong.

If they had fought against them for too long, I don't know what would have happened, moon.

A one-on-one fight is impressive, given that there are many of them!

Thankfully this time, Megastorm's plan didn't work out, so it was OK, moon.

I'm sure he's being scolded at the Destrons' base by now, moon.

What are you talking about?!

Nothing at all!

It was a failure because I left it to Dirge and Thrust this time!

Now that you're here, I'd like to ask you...


How do you feel about your older brother, the Emperor of Destruction, Galvatron?

Well, being the Emperor of Destruction is like having the title of being number one in the universe.

It's a title allowed for only one being.

So, it means that you look up to him?

NO! Someday yours truly will be the Emperor of Destruction...

No, nothing.

How long have you been watching that?!

Well, see you in the next Second Transmission!

I don't want to be that somebody who gives up

I want to be the one who is able hold and to test my strength

Never wanting to cast aside any of these feelings

You can't do anything if you're worried about what others think

Take a chance, let's set out toward the place where your dreams are

Take a look, at the future that is shining for you

It's so incredibly bright

Certainly, it's when you're in the darkness you want to cry

But the stars are there, shining out for you

So that you can shine brilliantly

Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs Produced by TV Tokyo Ashi Production


A love letter arrived for Bighorn from Scylla the Miss Squid-lady, moon!

Isn't that quite fishy?

The Seacons are planning to pull them into their field which is the ocean, moon.

The Cybertrons are not gonna buy that, right?

They bought it already, moon.

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars II.

Episode 23 is, Showdown in the Sea. SHOWDOWN IN THE SEA

Be sure to watch it!

I'll definitely see it, moon!