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04x19 - Space Pirate Seacons!

Posted: 08/21/23 10:16
by bunniefuu

Emotions swaying in loneliness

Swallowed up by the waves of an era for all of time

My saddened heart was wandering

Just One Nation, an ID engraved on my heart

I couldn't go anywhere by myself

It was frustrating and I couldn't take it

Even so, I was still dreaming

That far away, I could hear the sound of the distant sunset

Let's head to that place

To the ends of the Earth

I want to be stronger than anyone else, so I can be who I am

I won't give up my Passion to anyone, just so that I can live for tomorrow

To GET MY FUTURE, all I need to do is run on the path that I believe

Actions are what opens up the future, with the courage to fight

I'll hold them in my heart, To Be Free

Produced by TV Tokyo Ashi Production

Just when the planet Gaia had returned to being quiet,

...a pirate ship with an eerie skeleton flag was approaching.

This photonic sailboat, belongs to the Space Pirate Seacons.

Huh? Is that a sailboat that's flying in space?

I wonder if I'm still asleep?

It's a photonic sailboat that flies by receiving the sun's particles of light, moon.

Wow, Moon, you're quite knowledgeable.

The only ones who would use a photonic sailboat around here are...

...the Space Pirate Seacons, moon.

I've heard of the Seacons.

They're the greedy bunch who seek treasures in space, right?

There shouldn't be any treasures that those pirates want on Planet Gaia, moon.

But when you say treasures... you mean like, beautiful gems, right?

If so, then I want them to share some with me.

I'm not impressed with you, moon.


The Cybertrons' radar also quickly caught the intruders from space.

An unknown spaceship is approaching by way of the sea continent.

Lio Convoy unit, move out!

The Cybertrons' Lio Convoy unit quickly headed to the site, in order to maintain the peace on Planet Gaia.

Around that time, the Space Pirate Seacons were already arriving at the sea continent.

We've arrived at the destination!

Prepare for splashdown!


What are ya doing, Terrormander?

Ya lousy driver! Ya made me soakin' wet!

Sea Phantom, yer' are a shark, so why the heck are ya disliking water?

Doesn't a good splash wake ya from that space lag?

Mateys, gather around!

So rude! The Seacons have not only men, but a lady of the sea as well.

Scylla, why bother with all that make-up, as all yer doing is fightin' a losing battle.

What didja say?!

Don't get mad and red like that, otherwise they'll think yer' an octopus.

I'm a squid from noble bloodline of cuttlefish!

Can't breathe! I get it, so let me go!

If ya say another weird thing, I'll drain all of your energy with my Suction pads!

Knock it off already!

I will spare ya for today for the sake of our boss.

Boss Halfshell, are ya thinking about pulling up the Titanic or something?

Our elder, Coelagon will explain this mission to ye this time around.

Wake up, Coelagon!

Is it time to eat?

Explain the mission before we eat!

Oh, that's right, that's right.

Coelagon explained that the Angolmois energy of Planet Gaia, is a treasure which they'll pack it into cylinders,

...of which they will be able to sell on the space market, resulting in them becoming very wealthy.

Mateys, the Angolmois energy is near some ancient ruins at the seabed.

Boss, are ya sure about this?

Ya made us come along to look for treasures many times before, and some of those turned up with nothin'.

D-Don't say that.

Forgive me, because of my incapability, I've been making my beloved minions go through hard times...

Ya got somethin' to say, Terrormander?!

Isn't our motto, "We are of one soul?"

That's right.

If ya don't want to work for our boss, and would rather betray him, then I'm ready to take ya on anytime!

Sorry, Boss, it's not like I doubted ya.

Think nothing of it, Terrormander.

This time for sure, I'll be able to make ye live comfortably as ye please.


Hey, Coelagon, we can find the Angolmois energy for sure, right?


Huh? Is it time to eat?

A sailboat with a skeleton flag...

It's just as I suspected, it's the Space Pirate Seacons.

But the Seacons don't show up where there's no treasure.

Lio Convoy, take a look over there!

The seawater is cloudy!

The Seacons seem to be working at the seabed.

Somebody go scouting down there!

Not me! I don't wanna be in the water!

Ya wimp, why are ya hesitating for in front of our enemies?!

Can you really call yourself full-grown man like that?

Say whatever you want, but salt water doesn't seem to be good for our bodies.

Pathetic! Then I'll go!

I forgot that I can't swim.

Man, you should do something about that habit of rushing into things when you see red objects!

This is part of my born personality!

Leave it to me when it comes to water.

Scuba-han and I will go, and we'll check to see what the heck they're up to.

We'll leave it to you two.

Over there.

We're getting an incredible Angolmois energy reading.

Is that so?

What's wrong?

The treasure that they've found is the Angolmois energy.

Oh, I get it now!


Mateys, pack that Angolmois energy at breakneck speed!


Let's pillage and root it out and become filthy rich!


Look, those guys are trying to pack the Angolmois energy into those cylinders, and take them away.

The Angolmois energy is the precious force of Planet Gaia, moon.

If all of it is taken away, Gaia will die, moon.

If that happens, it'll be a huge problem!

Both of us will lose our jobs as guardians of the planet Gaia!

You're worrying about your job more than the planet Gaia, moon?

Huh, what is that? There's a nice scent of a dried squid.

This aroma, I can't hold myself together.

Scuba-han, hey, it's gonna be a problem if we don't let the guys know as soon as possible.

Yes, let's hurry back.

Oh my!

My hunches are never wrong, ya sure are a squid-stylish male squid!

N-Nice to meet you.

Yes, I squid think so that I am a squid, but I was just passing by, and now I have to be squidadling along.

Hang on. Isn't that a frog with ya?

I've never heard of a frog being in the ocean.

Is that so?

Well, to tell ya the truth, I'm an ocean frog which is rare on this planet.

Well then, goodbye.

Wait a minute!

I'm putting ya fellows into a lineup before my boss.

Come with me!

Let's go, Diver.


Halfshell, these fishy guys just got away!

Fear not, Scylla.

Hey, you lot keep working on the Angolmois energy!

I'll clean up those nuisances!

Aye, Boss!

What are you up to, Kid?

You're fishing at time like this?

Until Scuba and Diver come back from their recon, it's a drag, right?

So, I thought I would catch a fish or two.


Oh, got it, got it! Gimme a hand!

Like this?

It's a big one!

Are they fishing?

But, shouldn't we all be taking off?

A big fish like this, isn't something we'd find too often!

Is this a whale?



Let's hang in there a bit more, Bighorn!

What is that?!

We've got trouble! LIO CONVOY!



Yours truly, is the space pirate, Halfshell-sama!

Whomever has a problem with me, step forward!

What are you guys planning to do on this beautiful ocean?

Lio Convoy, they were packing the Angolmois energy into cylinders.

That's the treasure we've found, what's wrong with us claiming it?!

We're the Lio Convoy unit of the Cybertrons.

We will not allow you to take anything away from this planet called Gaia!

I heard of some meddling scoundrels who existed throughout the galaxy.

Are ye the ones uttering to protect the peace in the universe?!


There's no road before us.

We make the road wherever we go.

If you guys get in our way, I'll use my Shell Cannon to blow you to bits!

Scatter, it's dangerous!

Do you know the story of Urashima-Taro?

Ah, I'm sorry, I don't know, due to my lack of studying.

It's a story of a fisherman who saved a sea turtle which had flipped over on the beach.

Once a turtle has flipped over, it can't turn back to move properly.

I see, so if we flip him over...

Apache, Bighorn and Tasmanian Kid are with me.

Scuba and Diver have another mission.


All right, everyone, get him!

You scalawags...

I'll blow ye to bits with my Shell Cannon!

I'm over here!

Which way are you looking at? Over here, hey, hey!

Which way are you looking at? This way!

Aw, I'm so dizzy.


All right, do it now!


Take this!

A space pirate is no good in a state like that!

Wait, everyone.

That sound...

Is that attack all what ye got?!

Did ye think I would whine if ye flipped me over?!

It's coming for ya!


That is dangerous, YOU!

Hey, don't come this way!

I'll turn ye into beef sashimi!

Curses! Hey, mateys, gather 'round!

Boss is calling us!

Oh, let's go, mateys!

Like I said before, there's a lady here too!

Let's get going, Coelagon!

Is... Is it time to eat?

Are ye lads prepared?

When my mateys arrive here, I'll show you something extraordinary!

We're gonna make sure all of you are served up as live sashimi on a boat dish!

Mateys, let's unite!

I told you, I'm a lady!


I take back what I just said!

I'll show you the power of the Neptune Sword's lethal att*cks!

We're in trouble, Lio Convoy!

I will start with ye, since ye were the one who said something cocky earlier.

But that's why I said I took it back!

I'll stop you!

I'll take you on!

Then, I'll be startin' with you.


Hey, I picked myself up a sailboat in this area...

It's mine now, what a nice find!

'Tis certainly a nice ship.


You scoundrels, how dare ye operate our pirate ship, which is our very soul!

Dammit, I'm going to finish all of ye off later.

It's up to you guys now, Scuba, Diver!

Wait, give it back! Return it!


Stop messing around!

You scalawags, don't think ya can run away forever!

Scuba-han, they're catching up with us.

Ain't it better to take off soon?

Negative. We have to lure them a bit further offshore, otherwise we will put everybody in danger.

Is that so?

Catch me if you can, and try to spank my rear end!

You scum, don't think ye can be fooling around like that for long!


Scuba-han, that's cutting it a bit too close now.

You're right, so let's make our departure now.

There. Retreat.

We did it, our ship is back in our hands again!


I felt an enormous amount of energy just explode.

Something is going to happen to this planet now.

Just what was the cause of that expl*si*n?

I asked Scuba to simultaneously release the Angolmois energy from within the cylinders.

Then, Scuba and Diver are...

He was a weird squid, and he an awkward frog, but they were still good guys...

I wish I listened to them more while they were alive...

Are you really telling the truth?

We're back!

I just heard that, Kid-han.

Well then, I'll make sure you that ya listen to me more carefully from now on.

Good work, you two!

That should teach those guys...

I wanted them to cool their hot-heads off with the cold sea water, as well as reflect on themselves.

It hurts.

It hurts!

I won't forget this, you Cybertron scum!

For this insult, we'll get ya back for this!


Artemis & Moon's Second Transmission

Everyone from the Seacons, they sure aren't reflecting on themselves, moon.

Could you teach me a few more details about these space pirates?

The Seacons, as their name suggests, are space pirates!

Since they'll pillage any treasures away, they're terrible guys, moon.

But it seems their teamwork is excellent, centering around their boss.

HALFSHELL I, Halfshell here, am actually kindhearted individual.

I am kind to my mates, but have no mercy on anybody who's against me!

SCYLLA I'm a lady of sea, Scylla-chan.

I'm usually ladylike, but if I get pissed off, I'll freak you out with my Suction Squeeze!

COELAGON I'm known as Coelagon...


I'm the Seacons' b*llet guy, Sea Phantom, is what they call me!

I'll chop you to pieces with my back fin!

TERRORMANDER Everybody is just spouting whatever they like, but the decent one among us, is just me, Terrormander-sama.

And yet again, more troublesome guys have showed up, moon.

See you at next week's Second Transmission!

I don't want to be that somebody who gives up

I want to be the one who is able hold and to test my strength

Never wanting to cast aside any of these feelings

You can't do anything if you're worried about what others think

Take a chance, let's set out toward the place where your dreams are

Take a look, at the future that is shining for you

It's so incredibly bright

Certainly, it's when you're in the darkness you want to cry

But the stars are there, shining out for you

So that you can shine brilliantly

Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs Produced by TV Tokyo Ashi Production


Between the Cybertrons and the Destrons, who do you think is the strongest if they fought one-on-one?

It's definitely Lio Convoy, moon!

But Galvatron-sama is strong too!

Moreover, Starscream-sama and also Scuba-sama are so cool!

Artemis, you mean they're your types, moon.

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars II.

Episode 20 is, Who is the Strongest Warrior!? WHO IS THE STRONGEST WARRIOR!?

Be sure to watch it!

You betcha I'll watch it, moon!