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04x16 - A Fearsome Combination Plan?

Posted: 08/21/23 10:13
by bunniefuu

Emotions swaying in loneliness

Swallowed up by the waves of an era for all of time

My saddened heart was wandering

Just One Nation, an ID engraved on my heart

I couldn't go anywhere by myself

It was frustrating and I couldn't take it

Even so, I was still dreaming

That far away, I could hear the sound of the distant sunset

Let's head to that place

To the ends of the Earth

I want to be stronger than anyone else, so I can be who I am

I won't give up my Passion to anyone, just so that I can live for tomorrow

To GET MY FUTURE, all I need to do is run on the path that I believe

Actions are what opens up the future, with the courage to fight

I'll hold them in my heart, To Be Free

Produced by TV Tokyo Ashi Production

A strange radio transmission was being emitted, as if breaking the momentary peace on Planet Gaia.

Cha, cha, cha, cha, cha, cha...

As expected, it's those Jointrons again...


Kya---! Kya---! Kya---! Kya-----!

Those Jointrons-sama are beautiful!! Mucha, Mucha!!

HQ, HQ, can you hear us, ming?

The Jointrons are so popular on Planet Gaia!

That's right, arm!

Planet Gaia is now peaceful because of us, arm!


This is so magnificent!

There they are again making irresponsible reports to HQ so that they can be praised.

Planet Gaia ain't even at peace yet!

Anyway, the radio waves won't reach Cybertron HQ due to the geomagnetic storm that's sweeping across the universe.

They think they're so great.

I'd like to disappoint them for once!

Honestly, I don't think there's anyone out there who'd take their report seriously.


However, there is someone that surely is.

Yoiyasa, Yoiyasa...


How can you be dancing to that music?!

He says, "How can you be dancing?!"

The Cybertrons are all delighted now that they've gained allies such as the Jointrons!

Why haven't you disposed of them sooner?!

He says, "Why haven't you disposed of them?!"



Older Brother...

Sorry 'bout that, but somehow, we don't mind this type of rhythm.

We are an Osaka-Latino-style family after all.

What the heck are you talking about?

I already have a countermeasure for the Jointrons.

Soon they will be stopping their cheerful rhythm.


He says, "Yes"!

Ol... Older Brother...

Around that time, the three Jointrons were beginning their patrol in the jungle seeking their next achievement.

Too heavy, ming...

You should go on a diet, ming...

What're ya talking about? I am slim!

Muchas amigo! I'm suffering more by holding two, arm.

Cha, cha, cha! If you match the rhythm, it'll be lighter, muchas!

What are you talking about?

Yay, muchas!

Don't drop me from this height.

It's okay, arm...

What's that?

Isn't that the kind of black cloud that wells up when coming from an enemy fortress?

That must be it!

Good, I can once again smell the achievement, arm!

Let's head there, ming!

Let's beat 'em down quickly, muchas!

Wait a second, Jointrons!

What's the matter, moon?

They can't hear you from there, moon!

Look at the radar, there's no new Angolmois energy reading on the Eastern continent right now.

Well then... what's the reason for that cloud of smoke, moon?

Why the heck do we gotta do this?!

Starscream has a another sneaky plan.

That's not a real fortress.

That's a trap made by those Destron guys!

I so feel frustrated when I can't do anything in times like this.

What are you doing, Moon?

I guess it wouldn't make it in time if I wrote it on a post-card, moon.

To the good children and fan boys out there, how are you? Nice work being able to even read such a hidden area like this. Be careful of toxic radio waves! See you! June 27th 12:40 AM

We're supposed to be the guardians of Planet Gaia!

We can see all the things that happen on Gaia, but we can't do anything to help the Cybertrons!

All right then, just leave it to me, moon.

Moon, what can you possibly do?



Don't worry, just leave it to me, moon!



Now then, where are the Jointrons?

Over there, moon!


Hey, it's a Destron trap, moon!

Don't do it, moon!

It's dangerous if you keep going, moon!

What's wrong, moon?

They don't realize that I'm here at all, moon!

The enemy is in that black cloud.

To make sure if it's safe to attack, I'm sending in a recon, arm!

Do you have a recon plane?

No, Tasmanian Kid and Diver will go, arm!

That's ridiculous!

Muchas, Muchas! I know it's ridiculous.


What the...!

There's no smoke when there's no fire.

Just where's the smoke then?

Surely, they're not just pest-controlling the roaches, are they?

Can ya get off my back already?

This ain't no smoke created by the misuse of the Angolmois energy.

This is just a smoke creating device.

Which means...

Oh, no! Could it be a Destron trap?

You finally figured it out then?

Unlike Tasmanian Kid, you're so cool every time I see you, Starscream-sama!

Artemis, this isn't the time for this, moon!

They don't hear Moon at all, moon!

They probably can't see you, Moon.


It was my miscalculation that the mice I've caught were not the Jointrons, but...

...we can still do a little experiment on them, right?


Commencing experiment!

Where are they aiming at?

It's totally out of range!

What the heck is this?

Something really slimy, sticky and disgusting.

Who cares!

I'm gonna change forms and knock them out!


Why? I can't change forms!

Why don't I have the strength?

What are you saying? That can't be true!


What is this stuff?!

I can't change forms either!


That is a bacteria which resolves energy.

Leave it as is, and it will drain your energy, and then you will be unable to move.

Artemis, what is bacteria, moon?

A very teeny-tiny creature.

That bacteria-san will eat the Cybertrons' energy as its food.

After that, what happens, moon?

In the end, it will eat up all of their energy, and they won't be able to move.

This is bad, moon!

The Cybertrons are in danger, moon!

This looks really bad, arm.

That's right, muchas!

We don't have to rescue them, ming?

Quick, quick, quick, better to run!

That's right, arm!


I knew it was you guys.

You won't escape.



This is bad, arm!

Cha-Cha-Cha! Speed up some more!

Yay, ming!

The experiment was a success.

Set your sights on those three Jointrons and sh**t.


It's a m*ssile!

Muchas, Jesus, Mucho!



Somehow, I'm losing strength, arm.

Me, too, ming.

Amigos, try to hang in there a bit more!

Yay! We're fine right?

No, arm.

I don't have the strength, ming.

Now, I will finish you off.

I won't let that happen, muchas!



That's no good! Mucho, amigos.

We're the cheerful Jointrons!

Let's combine together to form Tripledacus, ming.


This is good, arm?

Somehow, it's strange, ming.

Let's do it again, muchas!

Cha, Cha, Cha! This is somehow mucha so wrong, mucho!

Muchas! This is terrible, muchas!

No! How'd we end up be like this, ming?

We look like a bunch of weirdo Jointrons, ming!

Ouch, arm.

Such a mess, ming.

The yellow bacteria is coming towards me!



W-Why did you run away, arm?

Let's try combining again, ming.

I don't want that bacteria on me!

Engacho! Dirty! Engacho! Stay away! Engacho! Yucky!

That's so mean, ming.

That's right, arm.

It's so pathetic, you're usually quite cheerful together all the time, yet now your friendship is splitting.

Muchas! Muchas!

We're strong, even when we're apart! Cha, Cha, Cha!


Starscream, BB, protect you.

You guys pissed off BB.

Go ahead, BB.

Show them your true might.



BB's third mode, is his t*nk!


¿Cómo estás?

Let's run!

Wait up!

It's cruel of you to run away, leaving your comrades behind, arm.

BB, launch the Gatling Launcher.


I can't go on, arm.

You can't run away from BB when you're lacking energy.

Now the time has come to finish off these noisy guys, BB!

BB, finish!

What's wrong, moon?

Stand up, moon!

Don't give up, moon!

Stand up, moon!


It's no good at all, moon.



Wh-What is that thing?

What is that thing, moon?

What are you?

We are the gloomy Jointron II.

We can't foresee the future of the economy, since the world looks so gloomy.

Are you happy?

Yet another one who makes no sense at all.

But, if I drop bacteria on him, he won't be able to move anymore.

BB, do it!


You're finished once you get hit by BB's bacteria b*mb.


See, when you get the bacteria on you, that's it, arm.


No, look over there, ming!

How can this be?

He got bacteria on him which should have drained his energy, but he recovered?

Isn't that why we said we are the gloomy Jointron II.

Jointrons, to combine together means...

Cannot understand!

...that even if one's energy has been depleted from their body, can still share and give energy from another body.

Teamwork is stronger when it's united!

The way that he's preaching reminds me of...

What is this?

The Cybertrons are fighting against the bacteria by sharing the energy among the teammates by scrummaging together.

LIO m*ssile!

Amigos, my apologies to you comrades for doing an engacho towards you.

I'm gonna give you my energy, mucha!

My strength is returning!

All right! Let's combine, arm!









BB, I'm leaving you for today considering your lack of teamwork.

We lost.

Be quiet already.

Go forward while staying in the rear, BB.

Poor loser.

B-Be quiet!

Starscream and BB were so confident but they completely lost today.

Should we clean things up now?

Don't joke like that!

Today's Cybertrons are like in tip-top shape!

Besides, I don't wanna clean up after Starscream!

I don't wanna, either.

Well then...

Good bye for today!


Moon, since when could you change forms like that?

Before we get to that, why is it that no one could hear what Moon was saying, moon?

Let's investigate that after in our corner!

Amigos! Lio Convoy, your words woke me up.

If it wasn't for you, we would have been destroyed, all three of us, in separate states, arm.

You really saved us, ming!

If you understand, that's fine with me.

There's no enemy to fear so long as you have your teamwork.

You guys seem to be contemplating about your actions.

I'm not so sure about that.

Reporting to Cybertron HQ, ming!

Tripledacus has once again beaten the Destrons again today, ming!

Our team of three is in our best condition yet, ming.

Here on the planet Gaia, we Jointrons are so popular!

That's right, arm!

Planet Gaia is at peace now thanks to us, arm!

They sure are a bunch of cheerful and jive guys no matter what happens to them...

How beautiful it is to have good friends like that.

Artemis & Moon's Second Transmission


Hey, Moon, since when were you able to do that?

I was able to do it, when I realized that I could do it, moon.

By the way, why can't everybody see me, moon?

OK, OK, let's check it out.

There's a barrier around Moon.

Like this, they can't hear you nor see you.

Then that means, I can't even help the Cybertrons, moon.

I wonder why that is, moon?

I assume it's because we are surveillance robots who keep watch over the planet Gaia.

That means we can't take sides, moon?

I think so!

Then what happens if the Destrons win, and use the Angolmois energy to conquer the universe, moon?

It means...

It means...

The planet Gaia will get angry and something extraordinary will happen.

What kind of things, moon?

Well then, please look forward to next week's Second Transmission!

Now hang on, moon!

Artemis, you don't know either, moon!

I don't want to be that somebody who gives up

I want to be the one who is able hold and to test my strength

Never wanting to cast aside any of these feelings

You can't do anything if you're worried about what others think

Take a chance, let's set out toward the place where your dreams are

Take a look, at the future that is shining for you

It's so incredibly bright

Certainly, it's when you're in the darkness you want to cry

But the stars are there, shining out for you

So that you can shine brilliantly

Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs Produced by TV Tokyo Ashi Production


The Jointrons are once again making a big ruckus, moon!

Motorarm-san, DJ-san and Gimlet-san began fighting, and arguing about who's the leader among them.

Then they stormed the Destrons' base, deciding that the one who gets credited for the victory, will be the leader.

What a troublesome trio they are.

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars II.

Episode 17 is Who is the Leader!? WHO IS THE LEADER!?

Be sure to watch it!

You betcha I'll watch it, moon!